#just a taste of what I'm bringing to my page in 2023
th3-0bjectivist · 2 years
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“Sunspot City” - Animated painting
Original acrylic painting currently on sale at Poshmark at https://poshmark.com/closet/galleryofluke
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13eyond13 · 1 year
In honour of recently completing my 2023 challenge of reading 50+ books this year, here are 10 books that I enjoyed in 2023 in no particular ranked order. (My reading taste leans towards the atmospheric, dark, satirical, suspenseful, strange and horror-tinged, btw):
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1 A Lush and Seething Hell by John Hornor Jacobs
I'm currently in the process of reading this one (it's two small novels in one book), but I can already recommend it based just on the style and the quality of the first story. Somehow feels similar to me to catching an odd old foreign film on TV late at night when I'm the only person awake and then getting unexpectedly invested in it.
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2 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
I'd read the first few chapters of this over a decade ago and they were so instantly memorable and vividly told that they remained burned into my mind ever since. Love the attention to detail in bringing this grotesque version of 1700s France to life, and how much the story made me think about my sense of smell and other familiar things in new ways
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3 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Funnier than I expected! Almost more a comedy than a romance in my opinion. Just very pleasant to read in general. I laughed out loud several times
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4 The Midwife's Apprentice by Karen Cushman
This was a childhood favourite of mine that I decided to revisit, and it actually held up very well. I found the dark and cruel and gossipy little village that Beetle has to try to survive in fascinating, and same with learning about all the weird (historically accurate!) shit that was involved in medieval midwifery
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5 Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval
I've mentioned this one on this blog already, but it feels like a surreal and melancholy bad dream in the best kind of way. More going on here to think about than just being the "lesbian piss book" (though you will find a generous helping of both things in the pages haha). Sticky and unsettling to read, like living in a compost pile, and probably not for everyone. But also poetic and lush and tense and and yeah, kinda gay
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6 Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
As fun and compulsively readable as a modern thrillers while also being complex and atmospheric and literary all at once. Somehow I still didn't have all the twists and turns spoiled for me beforehand! A definite 5/5 from me
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7 Come Closer by Sara Gran
A strange, unsettling and brisk little book about demonic possession that was very easy to fly through in less than a day. Might have benefitted from being left a little more ambiguous overall (imo), but still entertaining to read, and grabs you right from the first page
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8 The Fisherman by John Langan
An extremely imaginative and detailed little universe is fleshed out here that includes some fascinating true-to-life history (did you know sometimes entire towns were vacated and stripped bare so giant water reservoirs could be built on top of them? And that the buildings are still just sitting down there under all that water sometimes? Well, you'll learn all about it here). Some very haunting imagery and characters and scenes that will easily burn themselves into your brain
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9 Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
Creepy science fiction that feels a bit like embarking on a D&D campaign with some companions you don't actually trust or know very well. This one grew on me more over time as one that continued to stick with me a while after I had finished it. The mysteriousness and ambiguity of what's actually going on can either spur you to finish the whole series or simply give you a ton of food for thought to mull over and dissect
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10 Contact by Carl Sagan
ALIENS! A very timely topic considering the types of news stories we've been getting in 2023. I was already familiar with Carl Sagan because of his Cosmos TV series, and only recently found out he wrote some fiction as well. Very pleasantly surprised at how well-written it is and that he put a female protagonist at the helm, and how he can share his expertise and knowledge and theories in the books in an easily accessible and entertaining way
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clown-reads-homestuck · 10 months
First real post of my readthrough of homestuck! Just getting right into it.
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It's so funny that some random user just named his ass John Egbert.
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I really miss the style of just importing really crusty jpegs of real objects into your artwork. It speaks to the mid 2000s newgrounds user that still dwells in my decrepit soul. We should bring this back.
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This seems like a nightmare of a narrative device to write around. Though I guess I understand it because it kinda deters just picking up everything.
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Do it John. Shit on your desk. This animation is super cute though.
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What the hell is the background image supposed to be on this. Also GODS I would kill for a computer screen like this.
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Having war flashbacks to when my IRL WoW friends would use the term loot in public like it was nothing. This is the real relic of this era. Also what the fuck kind of username is turntechGodhead. It's probably a reference I'm not getting but I've never seen the term godhead used outside of elder scrolls lore.
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This is so quaint in 2023, I mean who doesn't know what piss tastes like. Also this whole exchange makes absolutely no sense if you haven't seen Little Monster starring Howie Mandel and Fred Savage. does Howie pee in a kids mouth in that movie???
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I have vague memories of people talking about monocles so much more often when I was a growing up. I feel like the internet had more of a fascination for them back then because fake rich people made us less pants shittingly angry. Also this is such an early 2010s level humor joke jeez.
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I thought this motherfucker was TOM from Toonami. Also COOL CLICKABLE pages, I didn't even know this had that. Least not this early on.
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This hideous book is a joy to look at. It reminds me of the weird intermission screens in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
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I misread this as making me so hard all the time. I almost blacked out.
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This is a lot more word salady than I expected. That's not really a negative though
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Not gonna lie a magazine like this would do numbers nowadays. It's kind of weird that a little bit of bro culture kinda just became normal culture for dudes generally. I wonder Andrew Hussie had something specifically against GamePro at the time or if it was just for the pun. Also John why do you own this magazine.
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Yooo CLOWN TIME. I guess Harlequins in this case but still I didn't expect clown stuff to start showing up this early. I know Hussie is a clown eboy or something nowadays so I knew they had to be in this.
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I would be bing chilling in this living room dude, this is so cozy. Also wtf does John's dad do to afford this happening pad.
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Final page! This is pretty fun so far. Stare into the flames John, let your hate go stronger.
Till next time anyone who actually reads this blog!
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mediaevalmusereads · 9 months
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Cursed Cocktails. By S.L. Rowland. Aethervale Publishing, 2023.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: fantasy
Series: Tales of Aedrea #1
Summary: After twenty years defending the frozen north against some of the most dangerous threats in the nine kingdoms, Rhoren “Bloodbane” has finally earned his retirement. While the blood mage's service to the realm may have ended, burning veins and aching joints remain, and Rhoren soon learns that a warmer climate offers relief from his chronic pain.
And a chance at a fresh start.
In the warm and relaxing atmosphere of Eastborne, the umbral elf finds a new purpose and a sense of belonging. He may have left the frozen north behind, but he brings with him the skills and strength gained from a lifetime of defending the realm. Along with his most prized possession—a book of drink recipes inherited from his father.
Spilled cocktails may not carry the same weight as spilled blood, but opening a tavern brings a unique brand of challenges. With the right friends and a little bit of luck, he might just have a recipe for success.
***Full review below.***
OVERVIEW: This was my book club's pick for January, and to be honest, I probably wouldn't have picked it up on my own. I'm not a cozy fantasy reader, so I'm grateful that my book club has me read things outside my usual go-to genres. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I expected my mi d to wander since I don't usually do well with low-stakes stories, but the stakes were just high enough and character-driven that I was able to devour this novel in a single day. While there were some minor things that didn't gel with my personal taste, this was an enjoyable read, so it gets 4 stars from me.
WRITING: Rowland's prose reminds me a lot of romance prose in that it's quick, direct, and fairly unadorned. Though it's not lyrical and doesn't use a lot of heightened metaphor or imagery, it gets the job done, and I had no problem picturing the scenery or the mood. I can see how this prose style can both appeal to a lot of readers or poor some readers off; whether or not you like it will depend on how straightforward you like your prose. Personally, I thought it was appropriate for the genre, so it worked for me.
What I liked most, however, was the cocktail recipes that popped up here and there. Because cocktails are central to the book, Rowland was smart to include a few recipes, which not only made me as a reader thirsty, but was a nice way of creating sections within the narrative. If I had any complaint, I would say that I think the descriptions of these cocktails could have been more sensuous; any time food plays an important role in a story, I want the flavors to leap off the page, so to speak, so I can vividly imagine the taste. In this case, I think Rowland could have pushed the language a bit more, relying less on generic terms like "refreshing" or "sweet."
PLOT: The plot of this book follows Rhoren, an elven blood mage who is seeking to start a new life after retiring from the North Guard. Rhoren ventures south to a warm climate to ease the pain his magic has wreaked upon his body, and he has with him his father's journal, which is full of cocktail recipes. When he arrives in a city called Eastborne, Rhoren quickly makes a number of friends who help him find a new purpose: opening his very own bar. The only problem is the location is said to be cursed!
This story was incredibly low-stakes in that there were no arch villains, no big fights, and no politics that threatened anyone's livelihood. Instead, the stakes were all character-driven: Rhoren wanting to find purpose, Rhoren wanting to leave his past behind, Rhoren wanting his business to succeed, etc. While I usually have a hard time getting through low stakes books, this book did a good job making me care just enough to keep reading, and the more I learned about Rhoren, the more I wanted him to succeed.
What also made this story satisfying was the fact that Rowland brings secondary characters back around to have some role to play in the plot. Rhoren meets a lot of seemingly random people when he first arrives in Eastborne, and it would have been easy to write a couple of feel-good scenes and call it a day. Rowland ensures, however, that these characters don't just have their 5 minutes to shine, but makes them active participants in Rhoren's journey. It made each scene feel purposeful, and for that, I appreciated the secondary characters more.
CHARACTERS: Rhoren, our protagonist, was fairly compelling in that he had a goal to pursue and a past to escape. I liked that his arc was all about finding a purpose that was less grandiose than the army but no less important, and that his dreams were small but honest. I also liked that Rowland didn't shy away from talking about chronic pain and the costs of using blood magic. Rhoran's attitude towards his powers is extremely balanced, and if this wasn't a cozy fantasy novel, I suspect Rowland might have inserted some angst in there. But as it stands, Rowland seems just annoyed enough to want to start a new life, and I think a lot of people can relate to that.
If I had any criticisms, I would say that I think there were scenes that were a little drawn out. This is just personal taste, however, since I'm not a cozy book reader and don't put a lot of value on scenes such as going shopping or sitting around by the fire. There's nothing inherently wrong with them, but I did find myself skimming here and there when I felt like I needed to move on.
I also kind of wish more was done with the "cursed bar" part of the plot. I won't spoil what happens, so I'll just say: when we find out what was causing the curse, I thought it would have more bearing on the plot than it did. I thought it was some kind of omen or would reveal something narratively significant, but it didn't, and I was a tad disappointed.
Kallum, Rhoran's friend turned business parter, was endearing because he was so soft with Rhoran. Kallum is kind and understanding, and it seems like very little ruffles his feathers. He's also free with compliments and adorably enthusiastic about alcoholic drinks. Part of me does wish that his goals were a little more informed by his past; as it stands, we don't know a while lot about his background, and though he dreams of owning his own bar, there's very little complexity other than pure love and joy. Personally, I wanted a little more than that, but again, this might be my personal taste.
Side characters were also endearing and everyone was so kind-hearted and respectful that the world of Eastborne felt non-threstening. I never felt like anyone had ulterior motives and despite referencing poverty, I never felt like our characters were in any danger. This might be just the thing some readers are looking for, but it also might grate on others, so go in knowing you're reading a cozy fantasy, not a gritty one.
TL;DR: Cursed Cocktails was a surprise delight; with a compelling protagonist and quick, direct prose, this book was easy to get through and easy to be invested in. While I do wish Rowland had leaned into the sensory experience of the cocktails more and had done a few things different here and there, this was, overall, true to its cover promise: a cozy read.
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guerrerocreative · 2 years
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Spot #1
Album: Midnights
Song:You’re on your own kid
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
You're on your own, kid Yeah, you can face this You're on your own, kid You always have been
The people that know me, know why this is album is number 1. I thought I'd be able to pick another one but even in the years Taylor doesn't put out albums, her work is still number one for me.
Although I relate to plenty of songs in the album (shout out to sweet nothing), this bridge just comes for my wig. It brings me back into always feeling lonely when everything goes dark and then pulling myself out of it by spite.
After having the first peaceful Christmas in many years where there was no shouting, no fighting, just food, warmth and love. I realized that as much as I can live for other people out of love for them. My relationship with myself is always going to above it all, because I'm kinda forced to be there for myself if I want to make those dreams come true, and because who is buying my cat expensive toys he doesn't like if I don't work hard?
My biggest revelations happened that night, and I did cry but out of relief that it was all okay after whatever 2022 was trying to do with all of us.
And instead of writing resolutions I decided to be kind with 2023 and just ask for it to do it's thing while I do mine.
These last 3 spots felt too personal to post on a whim like I have done with the others, they've been ready for weeks but I just wanted to release a bit of what has been running through my mind for a long time now. I'd say I'll be back to posting constantly on here, but I don't know where to go from here so for now just take a listen to these albums for me. (Only if you're reading this tho)
Love, Chris ♥️
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j-digital-archives · 11 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧ The Elegance of Adulthood: A Stylish Journey from 9 to 5 to Cloud 9 𓆩♡𓆪✨🤍
Hello once more, darlings! It seems I'll be gracing these digital pages more often now, given that yesterday marked my departure from the corporate realm. I must confess, I felt rather content and elated. But, as I sauntered out of that imposing edifice, Mother Nature had quite the mood swing. Instead of a sun-soaked day, she served up a blustery, cloudy ensemble. I mean, seriously? Today was supposed to be all about sunshine and rainbows, not a storm and torrential downpour. But fear not, my spirits remain uncrushed. I decided to get my groove back with a little Spotify action, only to realize that I was stuck on the free version. The shuffle and those pesky ads were absolute party poopers. And don't even get me started on Spotify's decision to serve up some melancholic, soul-searching tunes. I mean, come on! Were they trying to match the weather with their playlist? It ruffled my feathers, but alas, I had to bear with it as I needed some melodic company for my train journey homeward.
The very moment I inked my name on that exit document, it felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Suddenly, the world felt a little lighter, as if I'd shed a burden. Oh, the sweet taste of freedom! And let's not forget, on my last day, I stumbled upon a secret shortcut from the office building to the nearby mall. I couldn't help but think, "I've been on this grind for a whole year, and yet, I had no clue this secret passage existed?" It was a humbling reminder to keep an eagle eye on my surroundings.
Now, here I am, in the land of joblessness, pondering my next move. I've been on the job hunt since early 2023, before the contract's final chapter, and to my surprise, only a handful of companies have graced my inbox with those dreaded rejection emails. The question of what my heart truly desires, how I shall support myself and my family in the financial realm, remains an enigmatic puzzle. If you were to inquire about my willingness to jump back into the corporate or government machinery, my answer would be a resounding "No." Why, you ask? Because I'm simply not cut out for working under the thumb of authority. Is it just me, or do you share this sentiment?
In the realm of creative expression, I find myself at a loss, all the while the neighbor downstairs hosts a rather raucous gathering. What on earth is transpiring down there, I wonder? With that, I shall bid adieu for today. Wishing all of you a splendid day, my dears!
And now, a little query for those perusing this digital diary: Does your occupation bring you genuine joy? Hold on, let me rephrase that. Are you genuinely vibing with your job?
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9/22/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Zechariah 8-14
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill and today's the 22nd day of September. It's my joy to be here with you and read the Bible for us in chronological order. So there's this thing that happens in Nashville with with the weather, we get this little taste of the temperatures that drop and I just get giddy inside because I live for the fall. I love all things fall, the colors, the temperatures. But Nashville has fall for like, a second. Like you blink or you sneeze, you're going to miss fall, so we'll we'll get this thing where the temps will drop and you get all excited. You start pulling out your sweaters and your layers and your little hats and cute coats and you start thinking all things pumpkin spice and then Nashville goes, oh, just kidding it's not fall. We just we wanted to tempt you and torture your your fall soul and then it spikes back up to 115 degrees. Not really that hot, but it just got blazing like back into the 90s and I'm like, no can't wear a cute sweater in 90 degree weather. So this is where we're at and it just made me think that isn't this true of life? We are ready for a different season. We are ready to move on. We are ready to get past this. We're done. We're sick. We're tired. We we need something new and there is unfinished business. And that season it has something more to say to us, something more to teach us or something more to do in us. So whatever these hot temperatures are trying to say, you know, I'm here to listen. But I'm also ready to build a bridge and get over it. I'm ready for the fall. I don't know about you all, but I am ready for fall. Bring on the chili cook off and the pumpkins and just all the apple, orchardy things that fall can muster, I am ready, but I'm going to have to wait. So there's the lesson in that. I'm waiting and waiting with great hope and great anticipation for fall to come. Yesterday we started the book of Zechariah. Today we're going to finish the book of Zechariah. We're reading chapters 8 through 14 today, and this week we're reading the Christian Standard Bible. Zechariah chapter 8.
Father, we thank you for your word today and as we read this context of Scripture we hear how you restored your people. And we know that that was always and is always your desire to restore us, to redeem us, to restore everything that was lost and broken. Rebirth. Renewal. Restoration. Restore. Redeemed. Do again.We are so grateful that that is still true of the nature of who you are, that is who you are. That is what you do. You still restore and not just including us, but especially us, to be with you again. To redeem that which was lost to make new again and again. And again. And we thank you for it. We pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
That's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer Line:
Good afternoon, Daily Audio Bible Community. This is Diane Olive and Jeff Brown and we're responding to the September 12th, 2023 Tuesday reading for Chronological with China. And we're- we want to pray for the girl. It seemed like a young girl and if I'm right, she has an a baby and her husband is just very, very discouraged, suicidal and she he just wants to talk all the time about suicide. And this girl is just a young girl with a with a baby beside herself. So my husband Jeff and I are going to pray. Honey, we surround you with faith and love. And the Lord showed me for you to pray, Psalm 23. The Shepherd song. Let it be for you and your husband. And this suicidal thing is not of God, it is of the devil himself. And so we just surround you with faith and love and your husband, too. And Psalm 23. And I'm going to pray that as many verses as I can get in make it into a personal prayer for you. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me down to lie in pastures green. He leadeth me the quiet waters. My soul He doth restore again.
Hey my dazzling DABC fam, this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Tiffany from New York. I heard your heart and I wanted to share something with you. Psalms 121 verse one and two says. I lift up my eyes to the hills. And then he asked a question. From where does my help come?Then he answers the question. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. You said you need help praying for your husband. Well that's your help, just lift your eyes to the Lord. I remember hearing Joyce Myers say years ago one of the most powerful prayers we can pray is Lord help. Simple. So I want you to just ask him to help. Just as you called in and asked for help, you ask your father to help and he'll do it. Father Your daughter Tiffany's husband is trouble. He's dealing with darkness. He's feeling pressed beyond measure to the point of wanting to end his life. You see what has taken place in his life over the many years. God, I pray that you would bind up the strongman that has been lying to this man and telling him that there is no need to keep going. Father, will you breakthrough? Will you help this man to lift his eyes, to lift his faith, to trust you? And encourage Tiffany along the way to know that you are the help that is on the way. In Jesus name. 
Salutations, DABC family. This is His little songbird from Alberta, Canada. And.I want to intercede right now for Tiffany from New York and her husband as well. Right now, I want to address the spirit of suicide. Spirit of suicide, we come up against you, we do not partner with you, and we cast you back from whence you came. You are no longer allowed to bother this man. He is sanctified through the faith of his wife Tiffany. So you need to pack your bags and you are being commanded to leave in the name of Jesus. Father God, we come before you right now, Lord, and we lift up Tiffany and her husband. I want to thank you so much for their precious lives and their child as well. Lord, I ask that you please put a hedge of protection around Tiffany and her husband and around their child. Lord, I ask. I plead the blood of Jesus to be poured out upon this man and upon their home. Lord, and I thank you so much that you have not allowed him to take his life because it is so precious. There is a testimony in all this, and Lord, I truly believe that it is going to be a big one. So I thank you, Father. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
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diaryofadiybbm · 1 year
Shux. Sa title palang, feeling ko mababato na ako. But I am. And this is my BBM diary.
To me BBM means a lot of things; the BB will vary from day to day, but the ending will always be "M" for "Mommy". On days where I am confident, BB will stand for Big, Beautiful (naks!). On other days it will be Bold, Brilliant. But of course on some days it will be Bored, Bad, Baffled, Bratty, Booby, Boing boing, Busted, Believer, Blessed, or even Batgirl. I dunno. Because who knows what each day would bring, right? Who knows what challenges are coming the moment you choose to do this instead of that? All I know is that I am only human, but I am also a mom. Human, meaning bound to be imperfect. But a mom, trying to get it all right. So I am not a BBW, 'cause "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman..." Those labels are designed for people who have to worry for themselves first. When I gave birth, the W turned upside down, just like my world. I realized my little one comes 2nd place na (G-d being the first.), and my self on the last part of my short list of important persons in this life.
Now I've been wanting to start a blog for a very long time. It is on page 100 of my thousand-page, tickbox-filled lists of to-do's. For a while I even thought of trying to do like an audio diary instead, you know, like those scientists in the movies who are documenting their journeys and findings and what-nots. Yeah... but I never got to it. Obviously. It's April 4, 2023 na. Uy. Single number sale. Free-shipping! How exciting! Kaso di naman free yung item. So never mind. Huhu. Hirap maging broke, you guys. Napapa blog ka ng di oras.
Today is also Tagalog Tuesdays for my daughter and I. She was born and raised in the Philippines but her Tagalog is just slightly worse than mine. Not so bad naman. She doesn't speak Filipino with a twang. But her choice of words are really funny.
Anyway. Lord, help me to do this consistently. Para hindi na ako mabaliw. Help me get all these thoughts out so that I can stop talking to the steering wheel and traffic lights. Help me have that Bugs Bunny theme when it's like the peace and serenity start of the show. The one before he comes out to ruin it all. Haha. Him and his carrot.
Btw, I love my coffee today, Lord. It has butter, cinnamon powder, and 2 sachets of brown sugar. Please show me how to baon honey tomorrow. I miss it already. Sugar tastes so different. Thank You. Amen.
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thedelicatedimsum · 2 years
#DimsumCinema A Man Called Otto (2023): Moving On with Grief for There Are Moments to Cherish...
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January 24, 2023.
I just watched A Man Called Otto with my friends. Long story short, I was pretty much skeptical yet curious about this movie.
The first time I saw the movie poster, I have to admit that I'm not really sure this can be a good one since the other casts were not on my radar. So I thought, yeah maybe it will be a flop.
Then it keeps popping up on my social media, and everyone said it was a good movie. It's this and that will make you ugly cry. This is what actually challenge me — okay, I need to watch this movie. I love Tom Hanks as an actor anyway!
I was seated for 2 hours and ended up overwhelmed with lots of feelings. This movie is beyond words for me to describe. It got a slow-paced moment but there's always laughter in some bits that you can't hide from. It's familiar.
Oh, since a couple of years back I never watched the trailer or synopsis of the movie — well, maybe just a slight when it was advertised. This also brings me a new level of excitement to watching new movies in the cinema. You either will be surprised or disappointed.
Just like life.
Otto's story was really an eye-opening moment, just like my friend said as we walked down the escalator to the parking lot.
The moment we walked, I saw these people coming out of their office at 9:15 PM. Meanwhile, I finished work at 05.00 PM. This is a blessing until you finally realize it.
Adapted from the best-seller book written by Fredrik Backman, Otto or Ove is a lonely grumpy, and strict old man. Yet there's a thing we probably don't see. He's actually very attentive and affectionate somehow. And I just knew that there was a Swedish version before this one. I might watch it soon and get ugly crying again. Haha!
Otto seemed like he only got angry. He despises saying thank you for a tasty meal from his neighbor. As a token of gratitude, he said it strangely too formal like notes for your lecturer on a meal box instead. He seemed awkward with children when it was actually the moment he longed for together with Sonya.
What people need are ears to listen, a shoulder to lean on, and a friend who understands and accepts them for who they are. Some people just lost somewhere, and actually would love to have you around while doing their things.
His relationship with Sonya is one of true love. It reminds me of Ricky Gervais' After Life series too. Otto and Tony were pictured as people who has normal boring life long before they met their partner; their color.
Then what if we lose one? That is only one person. It is really heartbreaking indeed to finally face the moment you lost someone who really understands you and loves you for who you are.
You can be angry, you can be sad, and know everything would never be the same anymore. But life goes on.
Death is something that we can't escape. Maybe one day, on your bed? Or perhaps after you sip the best coffee you've tasted? We'll never know.
It is written for the last page of our life. Until it's time when the bell to ring for you...
Enjoy the moment, enjoy the present. Let the past become your strength to overcome life surprises. Cherish every little thing at the moment.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 8/8
The long awaited end! Will they finally overcome all the obstacles?
Here we go! Enjoy the journey!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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The months and seasons have passed for Mobius and Loki.
Mobius moved out of the house on the cliff and into an apartment above the store. After Ravonna's death, Casey saw no reason to stay in TK and joined Mobius at Miss Minutes.
With his client base expanding, Mobius needed someone to help him and thought of Casey, who had been more than enthusiastic at the idea.
They had formed a curious friendship with Sylvie and life was flowing smoothly.
Casey could see that at times Mobius' eyes seemed lost. His face wore a melancholic expression. But Mobius said nothing, smiled and Casey pretended he hadn't seen anything.
On New Year's Eve 2022, Mobius, Casey and Sylvie were celebrating together and as the fireworks started, Mobius couldn't help but think of other fireworks with nostalgia and wondered what Loki was doing, where and with whom.
January 2021 - Miss Minutes
It was already late and Mobius was hunched over his drawing table, looking focused as Casey poked his head through the door.
"Mobius, I'm going in. I've got it all locked up, you'll just have to close the main door and the blind."
Mobius focused, simply replied, "Hm..."
Casey, seeing that he hadn't been listening, approached and looked over Mobius' shoulder at what he was working on.
"A new project?"
Mobius looked up, a little embarrassed, "Oh. No. It's just... a personal thing."
Casey shifted to get a better look at Mobius' work.
Mobius tried to hide it.
"Mobius, let me see."
"No, it's nothing."
"Come on."
Mobius gave in and Casey's eyes widened at the drawing.
It was the house on the cliff but re-imagined. There was a terrace that ran along the back, and stairs that went down to the water - the stairs that Mobius had described to Loki. There were trees planted along the way, and lights shining in the trees. The house was just as extraordinary as before, but much less austere, much warmer, almost romantic.
Casey said softly, "I like it."
Mobius asked casually, "Do you like it?"
Casey nodded enthusiastically, "Before, it looked like a place you would go to be alone. In this one, I can imagine taking someone there."
Mobius nodded. Casey looked at him with his piercing eyes, and asked softly, "Who is he?"
Mobius answered without hesitation, "Loki. His name was Loki."
"When you lived there?"
Mobius nodded and Casey continued, "I knew it, that there was something or rather someone. What happened?"
Mobius replied simply, "I lost him."
Mobius replied with a hesitant voice, "It's hard to explain. It's mostly... it was... bad timing."
"You miss him?"
Mobius couldn't deny it and Casey insisted, "Make him come back."
Mobius ran a hand over his face, "It's too late. Or too soon..."
Mobius shook his head, "Nothing. I don't even know where he is. And even if I did, I couldn't walk up to him and say, ``Hey, I'm here, let's pick up where we left off."
Casey defiantly asked him, "What would you have to lose?"
Mobius didn't answer.
Loki was still living in the same place and the tree had continued to grow in front of the building.
He spent a lot of time with Thor, who had apparently decided to take him under his wing.
He was alone, but he had a friend, friends even, that he could count on, and if sometimes one or the other tried to encourage him to date someone, they never insisted.
He devoted his life to his classes, the students liked him a lot, and Kamala who kept coming to see him after class had brought other members of the gang with her, and the discussions around Norse mythology had turned into a reading club.
Early February 2023 - Loki's apartment
Loki had decided to clean up, because in two years, he was starting to pile up things, and it was time to sort out.
He was organizing his clothes when he came across the outfit he had never put back on since the missed date. His throat tightened as he was about to put it in the pile of clothes to be thrown away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and put it in the back of the closet.
Later, as he was vacuuming, he noticed a creaky floorboard. He bent down to examine it and found that it could be lifted quite easily.
Loki pulled the floorboard and to his surprise, there was an empty space underneath. He bent further to examine it. He saw that there was something there, put his hand to grab it and pulled out a package wrapped in dusty plastic. He opened it. His heart leapt out of his chest, it was his copy of PERSUASION.
One page was marked with a rose, now dried and withered by time. He opened it to the marked page and saw that a sentence had been underlined.
There could have been no two hearts so open,
no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.
He stared at the words, breathless.
February 14, 2023 - September Academy
Thor and Loki, along with the other teachers, were sitting in the school's conference room waiting for the presentation to begin.
Thor leaned over to Loki, "Hey, since Jane won't be able to spend this Valentine's Day with me, how about a hallmark movie night with some popcorn and good beer?"
Loki smiled softly, "Sounds good to me, but in the meantime we've gotta get through this presentation."
Just after his words, a short dark-haired man entered the room and took his place on the stage, greeted by Natasha who spoke up, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming. We are pleased to welcome Casey Fish, from Miss Minutes."
Loki startled slightly, the name ringing a bell.
"Casey is here today to introduce us to a new line of electronic organizers for students and teachers, allowing for better communication between the various parties. Thank you for giving him your attention."
Casey cleared his throat and began to speak, "Hello everyone! Thank you for your welcome Ms. Romanov, Miss Minutes is basically a small watch store, but over the years we wanted to expand its business to include time management in all its forms, and its founder had the idea a little over two years ago to create this."
He pointed to the screen that just displayed a small rectangular device, much like a flip phone.
"Let me introduce you to The Tempad. The Tempad, thanks to its small holographic avatar, allows you to be connected at any time with your colleagues, with your students."
He clicked on the remote control to bring up the next image.
"This is Miss Minutes for you."
Loki gasped, of course he knew Miss Minutes, it was exactly like the little picture Mobius had drawn when he had written to him about his store.
Thor, sensing his friend's confusion, leaned toward him and whispered, "Loki? Are you okay?"
Loki nodded.
He listened to the rest of the presentation in a daze, and as Casey was packing up his things on the stage, Loki rushed in without further ado, almost shoving some of his colleagues in his way.
February 14, 2021 - In front of Miss Minutes
Casey and Mobius came out in their winter coats, but they realized it was surprisingly warm.
Mobius growled, "Honestly, what the hell?"
Casey shrugged as he replied, "Global warming."
Mobius asked Casey, "Do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight?"
Casey replied with a small air of pride, "I can't. I have a date tonight, it's Valentine's Day."
Mobius continued forward for a few steps, then stopped.
"What, is it so weird that I have a date on Valentine's Day night?"
Mobius looked around. The day was really hot. People everywhere were enjoying the sun. He turned to Casey, a strange look on his face.
"What's the date?"
"Valentine's Day I told you, so it's February 14."
Mobius repeated, "February 14, 2021."
Casey looked at him, curious, "Yeah. What's up with you?"
Mobius with pensive eyes replied, "He told me about today."
"Who? You mean the guy?"
"Yes!" replied Mobius excitedly, "There's a letter that says where he's going to be!"
Casey understood less and less, "He wrote you?"
Mobius nodded quickly, "Yes. I could see him today. You said it the other day...what have I got to lose?"
Casey replied matter-of-factly, "What are you waiting for?"
"I just need to find the letter!"
Mobius ran to his apartment above the store, rummaged through his old boxes, until he remembered that Loki's letters were still in the house on the cliff, in the attic. He looked for the spare keys to the housel, ran to his old pickup and drove off at full speed.
February 14, 2023 - September High-school
" Mister, uh... Casey, can I ask you something. Miss Minutes' founder, who is it?"
Casey, with a surprised look, answered him, clearing his throat, "He's a friend, Mo... Mobius M. Mobius."
Loki repeated, his heart pounding, "Mobius..."
Casey replied, "Yes. Do you... do you know him?"
Loki nodded, "Yes. He... where is he? Could you tell me how I could contact him?"
Casey suddenly looked very sad, "I'm sorry. You don't know?"
Casey replied with a tight throat, "He died. Two years ago." He swallowed before resuming, "Two years ago today, in fact, there was an accident..."
Loki, shocked, gasped, then whispered, "Where?"
A few seconds later, Loki ran out of the school and headed for his car under the rain that had started to fall. Thor was behind him, bewildered, and called him, "Loki! Wait! What's going on?"
As he continued to run, Loki told him, 'It's an emergency! I don't have time!"
Thor asked, "Is that him?"
Loki, while running, replied, "Yes!" and heard Thor shout back at him as he climbed into his car, "Go Loki! Get him!"
Loki drove out of the city toward the house, rain pouring down on his windshield. He weaved between lanes, passing cars, driving recklessly, as fast as he could.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius stopped in front of the lake house. It was closed, empty. He ran across the path and unlocked the front door.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki arrived at the house and stopped skidding in the rain in front of the mailbox. He pulled out a notepad and began to write, desperately.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius ran to the attic. Inside was the only box he had stored there when he moved out. He opened the box and searched frantically. He found the bundle of letters from Loki. After a few moments, he found the one he was looking for and read it.
Last February, I remember it was Valentine's Day, but it was really hot for a day in February.
I was at the fountain in Valhalheim Square.
He said aloud, "The Valhalheim Square Fountain."
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki finished writing the note and jumped out of the car. He put it in the mailbox and raised the flag.
He stayed there, and fell to his knees in front of the box, soaked by the rain.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2021
Mobius jumped into his pick-up , and quickly drove away from the house. He passed the mailbox.
Valhalheim Square - February 14, 2021
Loki closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight warm him. Just aware of the surrounding sounds, the water in the fountain, the splashing and laughter of children playing in it, an old man grumbling about global warming, pigeons landing nearby.
Mobius could see the fountain from inside his pickup. He looked for a parking spot, finally found one and jumped out. He started running towards the square.
In his hand he clutched a piece of paper, the words of which echoed in his head.
Dear Mobius.
I know it now... it was you at the fountain that day.
It was you on the square. Please, don't go there.
Something terrible will happen if you go there.
Mobius continued to run toward the fountain.
He stopped at the curb, separated from the fountain by a dense road full of traffic. He looked away, searching for Loki beyond the noisy traffic, among the crowd in the park.
Please don't look for me.
He finally saw him, a distant figure, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun. He smiled.
Don't try to find me.
They are now only separated by distance.
Don't run to me.
The traffic became less dense and Mobius had a clear view of Loki, straight ahead.
Do you understand? Please. You must wait.
Mobius stepped off the curb, wanting to get closer to Loki.
Forget everything I said before.
We both have to wait.
If you love me and if I love you.
I love you, it's taken me this long to say it but I really love you, so wait for me.
Mobius saw Loki open his eyes, as if drawn in his direction. He looks alarmed.
Wait with me. Wait until time catches up with both of us and we can be together. Please. Just... wait.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki soaked, was in tears at the foot of the mailbox and only whispered, "Wait, wait..." and continued to cry.
The rain continues to fall.
Loki, finally, having lost all hope, tried to pull himself together and began, very slowly, to get to his feet.
He looked at the box and gasped, the flag was down.
With trembling hands, he did not dare to open the door and when he did, he saw that his letter was gone.
Valhalheim Square - February 14, 2021
Mobius was standing on the road, straining to see Loki and at the last second, he backed up to the sidewalk, safe. He continued to watch Loki, he desperately wanted to run to him, but he didn't, he folded the letter, put it in his pocket and reluctantly turned and walked away.
House on the cliff - February 14, 2023
Loki looked at the empty mailbox, his face soaked with tears and rain.
A hand came up from behind him and gently closed the box. He slowly turned around.
Mobius stood silently and looked at him, holding the worn letter Loki had just posted. Loki stared at him for a moment, trying to convince himself that this was real.Then Mobius took a step toward Loki and smiled, shyly.
"Have we waited long enough?"
Loki, still shocked, his eyes filled with tears, whispered, "Yes."
Mobius approached again, and smiling more openly this time, brought his hand to Loki's face and wiped a tear with his thumb.Loki rested his head in his palm and then finally they fell into each other's arms, squeezing each other, inhaling each other's scent, prolonging the embrace again and again, making sure it was real. Making sure that each of them was real.
Then Mobius finally pulled back and captured Loki's lips in an endless kiss. For long minutes they separated only to catch their breath before kissing again, over and over again, indifferent to the rain that fell around them.
Much later, they separated to catch their breath and Mobius took Loki's hand to lead him home.
Loki gasped. The house on the cliff had changed.
In the two years of Mobius' life, the life Loki had saved, Mobius had transformed it.
He had brought to life the design he had shown Casey two years ago, with the deck, and the stairway to the water they had talked about, and the trees planted along the path, lit and glowing in the rain.
Loki laughed, astonished, and turning to Mobius he took his face in his hands and kissed him again.
Then they walked together along the path, stopping often to touch and kiss.
As they passed the door, Loki held Mobius by the sleeve, "Wait."
Mobius turned around and couldn't help but touch Loki's face with his fingertips once more.
Loki grabbed his hand and interlaced his fingers with Mobius' as he said softly, "I don't want to wait to tell you for real this time." He paused and with a trembling smile and bright eyes, he told him, "I love you."
Mobius didn't want to wait to tell him in turn either, "I love you."
They hugged each other tightly again, tasting the happiness of hearing those words spoken by the beloved voice.
Then much later, they entered their home, ready to start a new life where everything was still to be discovered. Together.
The house on the cliff - Summer 2024
"Cwoki! Cwoki!"
"Lila! Go slowly honey and wait for your little brother!"
"Wait my love, I'll help you." Clint came to support Laura who was struggling up on the small path leading to the house on the hill. She huffed a little, laying her hand on her belly rounded by her 6 months of pregnancy.
They watched, fondly, as their two children gave gentle pats to a Croki who seemed to enjoy it.
"Lila, Cooper, stop spoiling Croki, he'll keep coming to us for petting afterwards."
Both children stood up and grabbed onto the legs of the man who had just spoken.
"Uncle Mobius!"
He picked them both up, carrying them each in one arm.
"What about me, don't I get a hello kiss?"
Each of the two children placed a sounding kiss on Mobius' cheeks at the same time.
"Should I be jealous?" a voice behind Mobius spoke up.
"Uncle Loki!"
Cooper was already reaching out to Loki, who didn't hesitate. The little boy gave him a big kiss on the cheek and wiggled to be put back on the ground.
Loki and Mobius, side by side, welcomed Laura and Clint.
"Clint, Laura, Welcome!"
They all embraced and then headed to the terrace.
Loki guided Laura to a comfortable chair, stuffed with cushions for her. She sat down with a sigh, "Thank you." then looking around, she continued, "I may have been here many times before, but I'll never tire of this view."
Mobius motioned for Clint to sit next to Laura, before taking a seat as well.
Loki was about to sit down when he heard the unmistakable sound of a car pulling up in front of the house, Mobius started to get up, but Loki motioned for him to stay seated. "Stay seated, love, I'll welcome them."
He walked down the path toward the cars that had just arrived.
Thor was the first to walk over to him, "Loki! My friend!" before hugging him. Loki was now used to Thor's overflowing affection and allowed himself to be patted on the back.
Soon Heimdall, Bruce, Carol and Natasha joined them and followed his lead into the house. When they arrived on the terrace, everyone greeted each other, and sat around the table chatting happily. Lila was in awe of Natasha's red curls, and Cooper laughed out loud as Thor spun him around at arm's length.
"Is this the direction for the little party?"
Heads turned to the source of the voice as Mobius exclaimed, "Casey, we weren't expecting you anymore!"
Casey laughed lightly and added, "Where do I put this?" he pointed to the cake in his hands.
"I'll take it." replied Loki. He took the cake into the kitchen and there he felt suddenly overwhelmed by emotion. He waited for a while before returning to the terrace.
"Hey handsome, what are you doing here alone?"
Loki looked up and smiled, "Mobius."
Mobius, who after more than a year had learned to decipher Loki's expressions, noticed that something was wrong.
"Loki, sweetheart, what's going on with you."
Loki wanted to start talking, but the emotion was too strong,
"Hey, come here." Mobius took him in his arms and gently stroked his back, waiting for the worst of the crisis to pass.
After a few moments, Loki straightened up, a trembling smile beneath the tears, "I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm not sad, not at all, on the contrary, but I suddenly had this irrepressible urge to cry."
Mobius nodded, pushed a strand of Loki's hair back behind his ear.
"Just too much emotion maybe? What were you thinking?"
"I... I was putting the cake on the table and I thought, if you hadn't read my letter, none of this would be real. I wouldn't be here. There wouldn't be all these people on our deck. And it freaked me out for just a short moment, to realize that I almost lost everything."
Mobius, also visibly moved, pressed a tender kiss on Loki's mouth and said softly, "But on the contrary, you have, we have gained everything. You saved me, gave me a new life, and in doing so you gave us all a different and more beautiful life."
Loki nodded his head, then shook it as if to collect himself.
He kissed Mobius tenderly in turn, then stepped aside and grabbed Mobius' hand and pulled him toward the terrace, a confident smile on his lips.
"Come on, let's go celebrate!"
As Mobius let himself be pulled along and they walked through the living room, his gaze fell on Ravonna's book. His first family. His sister. Then his gaze slid to Loki in front of him and by extension everyone else on the terrace. Their new family. Not by blood, but by heart. All because one day, Loki had posted a little letter.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You have made an excellent choice, New Asgard is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have already noticed.
I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I do.
Loki had not known that these words would be so prescient, even though they came from the future and were addressed to someone from the past.
Oh yes, Mobius loved living here, but not because of the house, because of the love that filled it. Because of Loki.
Together. For All time. Always.
That's it, everyone is happy, including me. I hope you enjoyed it to the end. 1000 thanks to all the comments left, it's the fuel for each chapter. I love you all!
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