diaryofadiybbm · 1 year
Shux. Sa title palang, feeling ko mababato na ako. But I am. And this is my BBM diary.
To me BBM means a lot of things; the BB will vary from day to day, but the ending will always be "M" for "Mommy". On days where I am confident, BB will stand for Big, Beautiful (naks!). On other days it will be Bold, Brilliant. But of course on some days it will be Bored, Bad, Baffled, Bratty, Booby, Boing boing, Busted, Believer, Blessed, or even Batgirl. I dunno. Because who knows what each day would bring, right? Who knows what challenges are coming the moment you choose to do this instead of that? All I know is that I am only human, but I am also a mom. Human, meaning bound to be imperfect. But a mom, trying to get it all right. So I am not a BBW, 'cause "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman..." Those labels are designed for people who have to worry for themselves first. When I gave birth, the W turned upside down, just like my world. I realized my little one comes 2nd place na (G-d being the first.), and my self on the last part of my short list of important persons in this life.
Now I've been wanting to start a blog for a very long time. It is on page 100 of my thousand-page, tickbox-filled lists of to-do's. For a while I even thought of trying to do like an audio diary instead, you know, like those scientists in the movies who are documenting their journeys and findings and what-nots. Yeah... but I never got to it. Obviously. It's April 4, 2023 na. Uy. Single number sale. Free-shipping! How exciting! Kaso di naman free yung item. So never mind. Huhu. Hirap maging broke, you guys. Napapa blog ka ng di oras.
Today is also Tagalog Tuesdays for my daughter and I. She was born and raised in the Philippines but her Tagalog is just slightly worse than mine. Not so bad naman. She doesn't speak Filipino with a twang. But her choice of words are really funny.
Anyway. Lord, help me to do this consistently. Para hindi na ako mabaliw. Help me get all these thoughts out so that I can stop talking to the steering wheel and traffic lights. Help me have that Bugs Bunny theme when it's like the peace and serenity start of the show. The one before he comes out to ruin it all. Haha. Him and his carrot.
Btw, I love my coffee today, Lord. It has butter, cinnamon powder, and 2 sachets of brown sugar. Please show me how to baon honey tomorrow. I miss it already. Sugar tastes so different. Thank You. Amen.
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