#just a silly little snippet i felt okay posting..okay to reblog but be niceys
copiawife · 2 days
surprise visit
summary: blair stops by copia's office during the day, and he can't get enough of them.
word count: 666 (hell yeah)
warnings: none! just some silly fluff with early relationship copiablair ^^
Blair walked with much more pep in their step than they had before on their walk to the Cardinal’s office, the folder tucked under their arms practically forgotten. It was meant to be the main reason they were even going there in the first place, but there were much more pressing matters. They were practically skipping, and humming a lighthearted tune. Stopping at his door, they knocked, and cleared their throat before putting on a more professional tone.
“Cardinal?” They asked, and not but a few seconds later the door swung open, and a familiar leather-clad glove grabbed them and pulled them into the office, shutting the door quickly and making them squeak with surprise. They immediately found themself pressed up against the door, with their boyfriend Copia hungrily kissing them, first on their lips before trailing down what was exposed of their neck.
“H-hi, honey bun!” They let out a giggle at his eagerness, their hands instinctively draping over his shoulders and pulling him closer to them.
“Mm, I missed you,” He murmured in between kisses, as he left lipstick marks they were sure they'd have to fret over hiding before they left.
“Didn't you just see me this morning?” 
“I know, I know, but I just can't get enough of you…Did you miss me?” His eyes sparkled as he looked up at them, almost pouting.
“Of course I did, my love,” They brushed their nose affectionately against his before returning his kisses with the same affection. “And I’ll see you again tonight, I assume?” Copia was backing Blair up against his desk now, and they hopped up without much effort, wrapping their legs around his to pull him close.
“If you'd like to,” He bobbed his eyebrows up and down suggestively, earning a giggle from his partner. As they went to stabilize themself by resting on their hands, they were reminded of what they came here for.
“Oh! Right! I have…this!” They awkwardly put the folder down on the desk behind them. “Expenses. For the tailor. Sorry, didn't mean to kill the mood,” They muttered sheepishly. “Where were we?”
“We were discussing whether or not you'd be joining me again tonight for a midnight snack, I believe.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Copia snickered at their response, now back to kissing them. Ever since they got together, he was insatiable, always needing his hands or his lips on them every moment they were alone. This…thing, whatever it may be, was still very new and so they had decided to not tell anyone for the moment, relishing the stolen moments like this they could have together. This hadn't stopped Blair from coming over almost every night lately though, staying up late enough that no one would be out to see them making their way to their Cardinal's quarters, and leaving in the early hours of the morning, before anyone was up and about to see them leaving with tousled hair and before they covered up the love bites with a high-collar blouse and some concealer. It was disastrous for their sleep schedule, but to say it was worth it is an understatement.
“Mayyyybe, but also I was hoping you could bring some of those cookies you said you were going to make, they sounded quite tasty,” Blair snorted out a laugh.
“You've really got quite the sweet tooth, hm?” Blair played with his hair absentmindedly before seeing the clock on the back wall. “Oh shit, I've got to get back!” as they tried to get up, Copia resumed his affections, this time his moustache ticking their neck making them giggle as they playfully pushed him away. “I have to go! My boss will wonder where I am,” They said with a snort of a laugh as he held tighter to them.
“Tell him your Cardinal needed your assistance with something, and stay just a little while longer,” His breath was soft against the shell of their ear.
Well, they weren't going to say no to that.
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