#just a little celebration/analysis of tamarin's character since I am not throwing him a birthday party this year
femboi-rayne ยท 10 months
Part of why Tamarin is very interesting and fun to me is how unique he is from my other characters; I have a really hard time wrapping my head around any thinking that differs from my own, so I make a lot of my characters have the same or a very similar thought process and logic system to me. Tamarin's logic is almost completely different, yet it still works for me because of his simplistic and straightforward way of thinking.
He's creative, he's capable of strategy, though it never comes from deep knowledge - he doesn't even know water is super effective on ground - it comes mostly from visualization, some guesswork on the unknowns of the situation, and dumbass luck (he looks at his surroundings and he goes "yeah, I could probably pull that off >:P"). He can picture his plan playing out in his head pretty well, minus the gross lack of understanding of how anything works, which often means a different outcome than what he was expecting, but he doesn't plan very far ahead in the first place, so this provides minimal setbacks and he will simply follow it up with another dumb idea.
Anyways: Happy birthday, cupcake man!! ๐ŸŽ‰
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