#just a dmp student talking about dmp things
mayimkjs · 4 months
Here are some random (non-lore) things I've noticed about MeMe
I ended up running MeMe and Double through Media Encoder to get PNGs for all of the frames for FOOL's MATE. So here's some cool or interesting things I've noticed about MeMe from doing that.
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The video make it look like Mikoto jumps in when he actually walks in and grabs the camera.
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Here's a continuity error. The wall in the front of the first picture shouldn't be there. It should be the TV stand instead. Also, sometimes the chair in the corner is at an angle when it should be like it is in the second picture.
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In this scene, you can see the movement from him taking his legs off of the couch in his upper body. 
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The sign in this scene says that it’s illegal to dump trash here.
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He's not actually holding something here.
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This is only visible for 21 frames.
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These 2 frames use the same EXACT moon asset.
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coraniaid · 1 year
School Hard is, in retrospect, one of the pivotal episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  
In this episode, Buffy is trapped in Sunnydale High School, forced to confront one of the most significant villains the show has yet introduced; one of the most iconic and memorable of the show’s seven seasons.  Somebody who, the first time he speaks to Buffy this episode, casually threatens to kill her and walks away without so much as a scratch.  Somebody who we’re meant to see as an altogether different proposition than his Season 1 predecessors.  Somebody whose attempts to destroy Buffy this time around are only foiled thanks to unexpected support from her mother, leaving him free to try again and again for the rest of the season. 
A villain who, unlike Luke and the Annointed One and all the other Season 1 monsters of the week, actually seems to be having fun while he does his best to ruin Buffy’s life and inflict misery and torture on the population of Sunnydale. Somebody who relishes in inflicting pretty cruelty.  Somebody who was originally intended to be killed off after only a few appearances, but who – thanks in no small part to his performance in episodes like this one – will instead continue to appear on the show for years to come.  A character it is impossible to imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer without.
I am, of course, talking about Principal Snyder.
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(Also there are some new vampires in town this episode I guess but whatever.  This post isn’t about them.)
I didn’t talk about him much during my Season 1 rewatch, but I really enjoy Principal Snyder as an antagonist.  I think he might actually be one of my favorite minor characters.  He’s incredibly well realized from his first appearance in The Puppet Show: instantly this note perfect pastiche of a self-important petty little bully with just barely enough power to be really dangerous.  The show uses him as a contrast to the other adults in Buffy’s life (Giles, Joyce) to such good effect (especially at the beginning of Season 3).  And Armin Shimerman is fantastic in the role: you can see why the writers gave up on their initial idea of Sunnydale High having a whole string of different principals who got killed off every few episodes.
He’s such a well done comic character too: funny, but never slipping up and giving the impression of being in on the joke.  We’re only seven episodes in, and we’ve already gotten gems like “I can smell trouble – it’s like a sixth sense.” and  “What are you, ghouls?  There are no dead students here.  This week.”.  All delivered with this perfect growling sneer and no acknowledgement at all that what he’s saying is ridiculous.
He’s just fun, in a way that I really don’t think any of Buffy’s other non-supernatural antagonists are.  Yes, Buffy will continue to find the non-supernatural parts of her life hard after high school, but it’s all so impersonal after this.  Other than Maggie Walsh (who is really part of the supernatural world anyway, as head of the Initiative, so barely counts), none of the bad professors she has to deal with in college are recurring characters.  Neither is her bank manager, or her boss at the Doublemeat Palace, or Dawn’s security worker. (Okay, very technically her second manager at the DMP is recurring, but you know what I mean.) 
Of course, being a Slayer still causes Buffy problems in her day to day life, but for whatever reason – I don’t know if it was a deliberate choice or just a result of the later seasons becoming increasingly serialized and story-arc focused - the show becomes less and less concerned with showing us that everyday life.  (Is Parker the last recurring character of any importance who never finds out that Buffy is the Slayer?) And when Buffy goes back to work at the high school in Season 7, everything’s so tied up with her being the Slayer that we just don’t get the same juggling-two-lives thing anymore.
And ... well, I guess Buffy doesn't miss Snyder. I can hardly blame her. But I do.
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gdmli · 5 years
A Little Bit About a Lot of Things
This blog will break convention by straying back to observations and reflections from throughout our time together as well as those from today’s class at Camp Dodge.
Also, much of the commentary in this and future posts will be through the lenses provided by my unique position (At Risk Coordinator) in one of Iowa’s neediest schools. ************************************************************************************************
At class orientation, some of us were given the question, What is one thing you enjoy about Des Moines? A few additional things have come to mind which deserve a shout out such as...
...our system of public libraries. Not only do we have a fabulous Central Library, but the East Side, Forest Avenue, Franklin Avenue, North Side, and South Side libraries give every neighborhood convenient accessibility. There is also programming available for every age. My favorites include the AVID series of lectures by prominent authors as well as the many events and activities for children which we frequent with our grandkids.
...the Downtown Farmers Market. Recently City View asked readers which was their favorite-the State Fair or Farmers Market. For me, it’s not even close! The Farmers Market provides small, often organic producers a venue to present and sell their wares to thousands of consumers each week. I make a point of visiting the large number of the small businesses which are operated by recent arrivals to our country. The food is always fresh and competitively priced. Recently I purchased a bounty of carrots, cucumbers, garlic, kale, Swiss chard, tomatoes for $15. Incredible!
...my favorite non-profit agency. 8th and College Connections utilizes space inside the Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church and provides radical hospitality as well as language and civics instruction to newly arrived people to this country. As a volunteer teacher beginning my third year I come home after every class session with my heart warmed. These adult learners are grateful and ultra-motivated to learn the essentials for successful living in the US. If you are intrigued, let me know and I can tell you more. ************************************************************************************************
May I also begin a dialogue on the one thing we would like to see improved?
I think we need to clean up our act.
Let me first point out that living in the neat as a pin town of Pella for 22 years has left me just a tad psychotic about cleanliness. Despite this, it does bother me seeing trash lying around our city which could otherwise have been disposed of more appropriately. Both the areas where I live (just off SW 23rd) and work (East Side) seem to suffer from this malady.
My remedy has been to become a one-man clean up crew. Every day at work and once a week around my neighborhood I’m out picking up trash. My goals are to help beautify these areas as well as lead by example to motivate others to pick up after themselves and others.
Please join me in this crusade. **********************************************************************************************
The gentleman who led our cemetery tour, Archie Cook, is a real gem you all need to know a bit better. Rather than kicking back in retirement, he takes on the very challenging assignment of substitute teacher for the DMPS. He gets around to a lot of schools, but is very frequently at East High. In fact, he graces our building so frequently he is almost part of the staff. Teachers and students all know him which goes a long ways towards establishing a positive learning environment. Our building can be pretty rough some times, but I’ve never seen Archie get his feathers ruffled. He’s always positive, always leads the classroom with compassion, and students always have a good day when Mr. Cook is subbing. This is a rare skill and our students are the beneficiaries.
One of the speakers at the Opening Retreat made mention of Des Moines’ talent shortage. This phenomenon is frequently sited by business leaders as an impediment to future growth (see here: 
https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2019/09/06/ grassley-ernst-immigration-employment-visas-iowa-business-leaders/2217840001/ ).
While I have no doubt as to the efficacy of liberalizing the H-1B process, it is also true we are neglecting a very large and potentially powerful pool of talented workers. The best part is these future stars are already right here under our noses. This untapped reservoir of talent are the thousands of young people who attend East, Hoover, Lincoln, North, and Roosevelt.
If you need further convincing, let me know and you can spend a day walking the halls of East High and you will see this too. If you prefer metrics, check this out as it paints a bleak picture of the situation in the city schools. https://www.iaschoolperformance.gov/ ECP/Home/Index. Either way you will see we are not doing our best for these youngsters.
Here are some additional thoughts on the topic of developing our homegrown talent. This is a blog post courtesy from Mr. Knox of Urban Dreams who spoke to us at Principal Financial Group: https://www.makedmgreater.com/grow-a-diverse-future/ 
The day devoted to social capital was and continues to be very thought-provoking for me. One source of inequity which has been on my mind recently is the lack of effective support for our English Language Learners (ELL). A critical piece to the educational process are the services provided by a cadre known as the Bilingual Family Liaisons (BFL). These people provide for open communications between school and home as well as support at school for students who arrive speaking little or no English.
The BFL with whom I work at East is one of the most effective educators I’ve ever met. She is extremely humble and would be very upset at me if I used her name, but she is an interpreter, teacher, coach, counselor, nurse, social worker and mom to countless students.
Therein lies the problem. Her workload is ridiculous. She not only supports hundreds of students and families at East, but serves additional clients at our feeder schools (that is to say elementary and middle schools whose students end up going to East for High School). I recently asked her how large her caseload was and she couldn’t even begin to provide a ballpark estimate.
Yes, resources are tight. That however is because of misplaced values by society and the policy-makers who represent us. In order to effectively influence the future of our nation we need to invest in our neediest students. ***************************************************************************************************
Over the weekend of September 13, I had a couple of “ah ha” moments related to the topic of social capital which I wrote about in my other blog. You can read it here: https://leadershipstars.blogspot.com/2019/09/friday-night-football-and-saturday.html 
We are surrounded by military history, frequently without even being aware.
 For instance, in order to get to class today I drove on two roads authorized by the National Interstate and Defense and Highway Acts, signed into law by (President) General Dwight Eisenhower on June 29, 1956. It is the largest public works project in the history of the world. My favorite stretch of this highway is the ten or so miles just east of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. If you’ve ever driven this stretch of road you know what I’m talking about. **************************************************************************************************
The vision for our “interstate highway system” came in part from the mind of a junior officer (Dwight Eisenhower) taking a troop transport across dusty back road for deployment in World War I, in contrast to what the Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Allied Forces (SCAEF) saw from the Autobahn which the Germans had engineered prior to World War II. No doubt one of Ike’s ah-ha moments! ************************************************************************************************
The part of my drive from the East Mixmaster to Merle Hay Road was along I-80/35, built ostensibly for military purposes, is a portion of road which connects the George Washington Bridge in NY/NJ to the Bay Bridge which spans the Bay from Oakland to San Francisco. Have we ever thought about what a miracle that is? ***********************************************************************************************
And speaking of Merle Hay Road...Private Merle Hay of Carroll County was the first Iowan to die in the “War to End All Wars.” He lies in the West Lawn Cemetery in Glidden, Iowa. 
Camp Dodge derives its name from Grenville Dodge who was one of the chief members of General Grant’s staff in the Western Theater of Operations of the War Between the States. Mr. Dodge was born in Massachusetts and is buried in Council Bluffs. He became an executive with the Union Pacific Railroad and no doubt was a close associate of many of those Archie talked to us about during our Opening Retreat. ************************************************************************************************
The prominent signage in Camp Dodge made it clear that using one’s cell phone while driving is frowned upon. Wish the same could be said on all of out public roadways. **************************************************************************************************
As a certified history nerd, I wish a full hour or so or our class would have been set aside for the Gold Star Museum. My goal is to go back in the very near future. I have ancestors who died at the Battles of  Pea Ridge and Shiloh (like nearly all native Iowans). I want to go back and do further research. ************************************************************************************************ 
I am too old and fat to have fully benefited from today’s exercises. I am in awe of those who have made this a way of life and those classmate who fully participated today. ************************************************************************************************
Those classmate who overcame fear and kicked ass on the Wall and in the other tests of courage, my hat is off to you. Also, the closing exercise in which everyone shared out from their experiences was the most inspirational part of the day for me. Bragging on each other with meaningful feedback is a great motivator.
I’m a big believer in Servant Leadership. On that note, I was really impressed to see the Lt. Col. making coffee at lunch today. *****************************************************************************************************
Thank you to him, his staff, and the GDMLI Institute for making today possible.
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And I rebblog it anyway...
Hi, Hello, this is your daily reminder that
Buffy did not “use Spike for sex,” Spike preyed on Buffy’s depression and PTSD to coerce her into starting a sexual relationship with him.
Their relationship is not “mutually abusive.” Spike stalked, manipulated, gaslit, and assaulted Buffy throughout the entirety of their “relationship.”
Spike is Buffy’s abuser. Buffy is not Spike’s abuser, she is his victim.
Have a nice day :)  
In Life Serial, he tells her she’s not a school girl even though she was a great university student, sometimes with marks higher than Willow. He basically says human society isn’t her world and she’s a creature of darkness. Fans acted as though he was speaking truth. He takes an inebriated Slayer to a demon bar and then encourages her to fight while she’s so drunk so can barely get her jacket on.
In All the Way, Spike purposely uses double entendres and then acts as though she’s the one with sex on the brain for assuming he was talking about anything sexual. He calls her on barging into his crypt when he has broken into her house multiple times to sniff her clothes, steal her clothes and photos of her probably from family albums her mom organized, and tell her something while she’s naked in bed.
In OMWF, he sings that she shouldn’t come by to talk about her suicidal depression unless she’s also going to have sex with him. That’s an ultimatum and the epitome of Nice Guy thinking being a decent person without a sexual reward is being friendzoned. She has to stop him from murdering a priest. He acts offended when she reminds him he told her to stay away. He tells her he hopes she and Dawn burn to death (Buffy died 6 months earlier via her internal organs & nervous system frying/liquefying). He sings she’s probably laughing about his feelings for her even though he knows she’s depressed and can barely muster a fake smile. He sings “I hope she fries, I’m free if that bitch dies!” And then plots doing it himself, “First I’ll kill her” “Then I’ll kill her”. And yet fans saw it as romantic when they kiss in the alley he twice threatened to murder her in after she nearly incinerated from lack of resolution over her depression, pleading with another immoral demon (Sweet) to give her something anything to sing about.
In Tabula Rasa he said to Buffy, “Don’t get all prim & proper on me. I know what kind of girl you really are.”
In Smashed, he called her a tease for kissing him on two occasions despite her explaining why she did it (depression, vulnerability). He shouts that he’s the only one there for her and that she has no one else. He followed her even though she wanted him to leave her alone and then roughly grabbed her, saying, “Stop walking away.” She hits him and says “Don’t touch me!” Instead of listening he hits her back. When he realizes he can once again physically harm her, he plots raping her (stun gun, chains, rose petals on bed, vinyl record playing, sinister phone call), taunts she came back “wrong” & “a little less human” and repeatedly hits her when she’s too in shock at first to fight back. He mocks her for being a “poor little lost girl” and not having anyone.
In Wrecked, he grabbed her to the ground, forced his fingers in her while she fought him and said “No” “Ow” and “Stop”. He tried to physically prevent her from leaving. She had to order, “Let me go.” He threatened to kill her if she didn’t stop acting “like a bitch”.
In Gone, he came to her house. He thought because he had her one night he can now touch her whenever he wants. He once again put his hand down south. She told him “Stop that”. He does it again but angrily when she says “Why won’t you leave? Get out of here!” He sexualized her hair so she got a pair of scissors and chopped it off.
In DMP, he came to her work multiple times. He taunted her again about being a demon. He didn’t question Buffy having sex against a fast food joint in an alley next to a dumpster. That is the spot the phallic demon paralyzed its victims before eating them. The episode is a metaphor for how she suffers emotional paralysis and despite not actively stopping Spike, it’s not fully consensual. “I’ve tasted it” She is physically paralyzed by phallic venom and literally was being eaten alive.
Excellent examples! This ship is just so abusive. It’s an example of what to avoid at all costs; it’s never been something to be venerated.
@rahirah @gite63 @feliciacraft @gwendolenau @zeeotheraxe
Anyone want to take this one on? I’m too bored with it.
@luscious2 - see. Spike hate is still the biggest hate. The very bigly bestest hate.. Enough so that the haters feel the need to lecture people who see events differently. It’s like evangelical hate - if you don’t agree you must be subhuman. It’s classic, frothing at the mouth, self righteous detailed anal hate. Spike is not a simple nice guy - he is an evil genius tormenting an innocent little girl.
No wait - that was Angelus.
Brilliant tactician trying to beat her down and destroy…
Crap - Angelus.
Haters gonna hate...
BUFFY doesn't think Spike abused her. She NEVER said that. She had many horrifying things happening in her life, and Spike wasn't even a blip in her trauma-scale.
That’s the story that was told. Some people should stop projecting their traumas into the character. 
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byulharang · 7 years
Tagged by @aranea-hxghwind
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: my bae SABREEBREE 3. text message: muh b oliver 4. song you listened to: Colorful by SHINee 5. time you cried: Maybe a month ago?
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: what’s dating 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: not really? 10. been depressed: any typical college student stressed has at some point, i’m sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: black, gold, purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: Yes 16. fallen out of love: No 17. laughed until you cried: Yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes 19. met someone who changed you: Yes 20. found out who your friends are: Yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: A big majority, but not all are close friendships 23. do you have any pets: yes, I have three cat boys! Dorian, Lucy and Morningstar. (My mother named the last two. She’s odd.) 24.do you want to change your name: Never! 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went out to eat like four times tbh, it was amazing. LOL 26. what time did you wake up: 9:52 AM. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Playing Overwatch
28. name something you can’t wait for: CL’S BLOODY ALBUM WHENEVER IT’LL COME OUT. And I’m going to go to Houston in December!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Four days ago maybe? 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My family’s wealth status? I want them to have everything they ever wanted! 31. what are you listening right now: Make Me Proud by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: No 33. something that is getting on your nerves: One specific guy. 34. most visited website: YouTube, AIM, Tumblr
36. mark/s: Birthmarks? Yes, on my upper left thigh.
37. childhood dream: Be a vet 38. haircolor: Weird jumble of black, reddish brown, highlights... 39. long or short hair: Long 40. do you have a crush on someone: Yes 41. what do you like about you: Emotional intelligence, artsy side, and my food love. 43. bloodtype: I don’t know. 44. nickname: Zee 45. relationship status: Single 46. zodiac: Aries 47. pronouns: She 48. favorite TV Show: Empire 49. tattoos: None 50. right or left hand: Right 51. surgery: Thankfully none 52. hair dyed in different color: Yes 53. sport: Basketball and dodgeball 55. vacation: New York, Japan or Korea. 56. pair of trainers: 2 pairs
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: Ramen and chicken 58. drinking: Iced hazelnut coffee, water and agua de limon 59. i’m about to: drink more water 61. waiting for: CL to update 62. want: Money money money and good food 63. get married: Hopefully? 64. career: Either something with DMP or animation
65. hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. lips or eyes: Eyes 67. shorter or taller: No preference 68. older or younger: No preference 70. nice arms or nice stomach: Doesn’t matter 71. sensitive or loud: A mix 72. hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: Both
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: No 75. drank hard liquor: Yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: No 77. turned someone down: Yes 78. had sex on the first date: No 79. broken someone’s heart: Probably? 80. had your heart broken: No 81. been arrested: No 82. cried when someone died: Yes 83. fallen for a friend: Yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Most of the time 85. miracles: Yes 86. love at first sight: No 87. santa claus: ALWAYS 88. kiss on the first date: No
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: Sabrina, Michelle, Caitlyn, Taylor 91. eye color: Dark brown 92. favorite movie: Too many to name
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jesuisjournaling · 8 years
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Hey everyone! We are pleased to announce that we are officially SECOND SEMESTER SENIORS!! We both just got accepted into our top choice colleges (and super cool programs) so we wanted to give back to the studyblr community and give some advice and counsel! Feel free to message us with any questions you have about apps, senior year, classes, essays, our schools, and anything else; we’re excited to help!
Alanna: Brown University PLME Direct Admit Medical School Program!!!
Ananya: Johns Hopkins University Global Studies DMP Direct Admit to Bloomberg School of Public Health!!!
Understand that even if everyone around you seems super calm, they’re all going through the same process that you are. Find out what other people’s coping mechanisms are with the college application stress and realize you always have someone else to talk to about your worries and stresses.
College applications bring out the best and worst in people at times, so be supportive towards your friends and don’t put up with people who don’t support your endeavors.
Try to stay as calm as possible and know that everything will work out, even if you don’t get into your top choice. Worrying about a decision will do nothing to change it, and stress can make you do crazy things. Relax and know that all the work you have done up until this point has gotten you far, you just need to finish this last bit.
How to Find Your Dream School
Absorb all the information possible!
Be open minded. Both of us came onto our dream schools by researching all the options and doing a lot of comparisons, and when we started the college process, we weren’t even sure we’d apply here, let alone have them as our first choices. Don’t go about the search thinking that you have decided what you want and won’t change your mind.
Don’t fall under the syndrome of name recognition! There are so many good schools out there, just because it’s not well known to your neighbor or uncle doesn’t mean it’s not incredible. Focus more on what schools you feel good at than the name and reputation of them.
It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to do! It’s a great thing to check when looking at schools, if they’ll give you the flexibility to explore things that you’re interested in before declaring a major.
Resources we used:
College Websites! Especially when there are student quotes on there, it’s the best place to get verified info on your schools
Collegeboard.com’s Big Future section
If your school uses Naviance or any other data center to keep stuff from your school’s previous admission years
Fiske’s Guide to College & Insider’s Guide (Yale Daily News) were my (Ananya’s) two favorites, they both give very different information but a super thorough impression of the colleges
Tips on the Actual Application
Stay on top of deadlines! And make sure your parents do, too. Look on the college websites and schedule when you need to send scores, write essays, send financial aid forms, etc. It is easy to forget especially if all of your schools have different dates, and you do not want to miss these!
Recommendation Letters
ASK EARLY! Sometime’s it’s also helpful to mention why you’re asking them because it can give some insight into what you want out of the rec
Be cautious about sending an additional rec, it’s honestly more helpful if you have someone very directly related to something you’ve been heavily involved in.
Most colleges will want one from science/math and one from history/english/languages so keep that in mind.
Be yourself! The college process is all about you. If you are not genuine in your application, it will show. Don’t compare your experience to others because it is a total waste of time. Think about what makes you unique, and use that to your advantage. You can learn a lot about yourself in the college process, so take the opportunity to grow and use the information you get!
Common App Essay
Be creative with the essays! College admissions staff spend the whole year reading applications from thousands of well-qualified people. Make yourself stand out!
Ask your counselor for help if you don’t understand a question on the application if you don’t know, and always ask others to read over your essays for grammar mistakes!
School Supplements
These are your place to juxtapose yourself onto the college campus so make it really seem like you’re interested and excited to go there!
If you’re gonna reuse supplements make sure you change the name!!!
Do your research! These should mostly be school specific and they should relate well to your personal interests and passions
How to get through 1st Semester Senior Year
Your teachers understand how busy of a time period the first few months of senior year are so they’ll be more flexible if you talk to them in advance about any conflicts you may have for travelling or other commitments
While it is a good time to learn how to prioritize, don’t slack off on your schoolwork! If anything, this is one of the most important semesters you have on your transcript that gets sent to colleges.
Also, prioritize sleep and self-care. No schoolwork is more important than your well-being!
Commit to what you’re most passionate about! As you’ll learn fast, you don’t have as much time to spend on extracurricular activities you’re not interested in, so devote the little time you have to activities you’re really passionate about and interested in! It’ll make the work more manageable and enjoyable.
Be confident that you will survive, because you will.
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sslp-dmp-blog · 5 years
DMP - Week 2
My idea for the “Roommate” app was actually pretty solid but it was still early days so I didn’t want to commit to it just yet, I took this last week to think up some other ideas and then see which one sticks. OTHER IDEAS:
- 80s-fy: camera filter app that puts an 80s aesthetic to anything - 8-bit Beats: pretty self explanatory - HIV awareness campaign      - Work alongside National Aids Trust      - Aids amongst young people in the UK is increasing due to unsafe sex                 practices - Job hunter: a graduate’s climb to the top      - Endless runner      - Satirical take on the employment anxieties of graduates      - Create a campaign alongside it           - make a short video talking to students about their worries and plans                  after uni           - make a website linking to resources and things where it can host the                  game
These are just other initial ideas I’m not really set on anything yet. I think I will take one more week to come up with other things and finalise it by then.
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adplatforms · 6 years
John McNerney Talks about Programmatic in IAB Australia Podcast
Listen to John McNerney, Director of Ad Platforms APAC from Oath, talking about programmatic talent, Oath DSP strengths, and video marketplace in IAB Australia Podcast hosted by Gai Le Roy. https://player.whooshkaa.com/player/episode/id/267536
Analytical skill, mathematical sound and business acumen are the keys for digital marketers to survive in this fast-changing market.
The host: What is Oath?
John: Oath comes from a house of brands, acquired by Verizon with AOL and Yahoo, things like HuffPost, Engage, TechCrunch, and all the Yahoo brands, News, Lifestyles, Finance and Sports. We have a huge reach of users, and what Oath does is to build brands people love. So, bringing that culture of the brands and that code together because we’ve also got technology with that.
The host: What’s your role in Oath?
John: It’s an APAC regional role, I focus on the code aspect so bringing that cultural brand and code together managing the add platforms, I manage the solution side of the demand and supply, working with agencies and advertisers directly, and also publishers as well. The team are focusing on helping and servicing our clients but also managing the product feedback the roadmap making sure that we’re offering what the clients need from a from a technology standpoint.
The host: Your explanation of what your team to do sounds like to get anyone that would meet those requirements would be incredibly difficult.
John: That is a good segue to talent and it’s always been one of those challenging aspects of the role where you know we’ve heard an industry about the unicorn of water a digital marketer really needs these days and that’s someone that’s very analytical mathematically sound but also has some top level of business acumen. Being able to the C level, and being able to the advertisers, and being able to the consumers, with a consultative approach as well. So, it is tough, but we are really focusing on the education pace and upscaling on young talents. So, we like to make sure that if someone’s analytical than we would hone and really develop their skills in communication and that consultative approach thinking more from the business perspective as well.
The host:So you build up from inside as much as you can?
John:Yeah, it is really tough, we work closely with grade level students to global internal transfers. We were pretty much look for talent wherever we can find it.
The host: Is that a volume thing? or a university educational issue? what’s the difference?
John:A lot of Australians are you know they travel a lot and they go overseas and pick up the media experience and come back. But yeah it is really also that we’ve got a big role to play as a media industry to really get into those you know those schools are those universities or whatever type of programs there are around digital and media to really you know it’s something that is actually really sexy it’s not a boring technical world out there the market has to you know really understand that digital side of things that you know that’s where everything is going so it’s up to us as an institute of digital to really focus on that education pace.
The host: And I guess particularly for the younger kids it gives them longevity particularly upskilling in the business side of things not just the technology side of things.
John:  we often see DSP in the markets, like the stock traders and equity guys because you know they have that analytical mindset but they’re still have to learn that media a way it’s actually a lot more complex. We’re working with people in habits and across different channels and it’s not black and white so yeah and it’s always changing.
Data is the main pillar in programmatic and Oath is taking a conservative approach on data to make sure 100% compliant with GDPR
The host: Let’s talk a little bit about you your products and how you are saying the industry data is obviously hugely important to Oath locally but particularly globally, likely with a lot of your assets. How are you seeing the data playing a role in programmatic is that changing? Is getting more sophisticated more accurate. Where are we heading?
John: For Oath, that is the main pillar it is all about data. We have the content side of things with all the supply that we have globally. So, we’re collecting a lot of audience data from that. We have a lot of logged in users from people using Yahoo Mail or using the search we have and own a lot of app, in-app analytical programs. So, we get to understand user insights from engaging with apps and location data and things like that. So being owned by Verizon as well the carrier part of that is huge particularly in the U.S. and we’re going to be that’s an evolving realm for APAC as well. So, it is basic data underpins everything to do with Oath and what we’re doing with the advertising industry.
The hots: And are you finding clients with the agencies or direct understanding that role in a real life rather than just going I want to target other than using the outcomes and the
information that you can give them to combine with their own data?
John:  It has been an interesting one the four years I’ve been in Australasia a lot of the digital trading didn’t use too much data that we’re using a lot of advertiser first party data or second party data but not necessarily really the publisher and content data or data that the first party data that we have. It is more prevalent now. We’re starting to see the understanding really come through. We’ve got people like MasterCard and Quantum who we work very closely with you know working with us to really harness and use that data for advertisers looking for that really targeted approach to finding those audiences.
The hots: I guess the hot topic for Europe GDPR bringing those two those three different types of data set together we had to change practice as a whole?
John: Yeah, now, this was a huge piece for us because we are both on the supply and the demand side. So, we had as a global company with a huge media focus that we had to be 100 percent compliant. So, one of our chief technical officers actually helped co-write the GDPR framework, all of our different platforms had to be fully compliant and Oath takes a very conservative approach to any type of data transfer within the platforms. If the partners aren’t compliant we don’t pass any data.
So less of an issue outside of EMEA but really, we’re all aware of us and we know that it’s going to come to Australia very soon, some type of GDPR framework. So yeah, we are ready and we actually embrace it. It’s only good for the industry.
The host: You’re involved with an executive council summit, and that’s a hot topic for a lot of the players to think that what’s coming locally.
John: Exactly! Look there’s a lot of tech in this industry and the good thing is that Australia adopts the technology that is very prevalent globally so a lot of the there is a lot of DSPs, SSPs and DMPs are global and everyone is very aware about that.
Oath pre-bid proprietary technology provides a Brand-Safety environment for advertisers
The host:  Another area that’s obviously very hot in the market over the last few years really is brand safety. Recently IAB launched some new advertising practice mostly Australian digital advertising practices which touch on brand safety as well as the data just talked about. Brand safety from I guess when you’re dealing clients from Oath’s point of view, what’s your take on where we’re at the moment?
John: Well, we Oath is that brand safety is right up there. I mean we have our own proprietary technology which has always pre-bid. So, for those of you that don’t know it’s we try and we use our own technology to detect that fraudulent activity out there. We filter it out so that it’s not seen by the users and it’s not passed through the platforms as well. We offer our clients and our advertisers third party integrations with the vendors like Double Verify, IAS, Grapeshot and the Moat, the big players that are fully integrated into the platform, so if they have a mandate to use those vendors, they can execute using those with no platforms as well. So, trust and safety are huge. We only really work with the premium demand out there in the industry and we definitely don’t work with any of the less premium publishers and supply out there as well. You know pre-old days we used to have the right media exchange which most people have either worked for or used in the day we went through that lifecycle of building out of the trust and safety technology on that and detecting that and then removing that that kind of demand and supply. We’re very well versed with what’s capable and that role. I managed to come to Australia and help set up the programmatic exchange half of the APAC region. Now we’ve got the other display exchange and the AOL video exchange for our supply side platforms.
OTT brings a huge increase of video supply, and advertisers are shifting their budgets as consumers’ behavior changing and there are more hyper targeting capabilities in DSP
The host:  Video is obviously the hottest thing at the moment. Most of the growth that we’re seeing in digital display is coming from video. So, as they talked about that you know supply short good video. How are you finding supply and demand? I guess now the market grows.
John: We used to think that there wasn’t enough supply out there. But actually, we are finding that we need more demand for the supply. The type of supply that’s coming through now we’ve seen a huge increase in OTT and CTV supply and really not enough demand out there. That’s there’s a lot of topics around advertisers and agencies being educated or educating the Advertiser about these new channels, connected TVs and agencies still having mandates for viewability and things like that that with the technology so catching up for measuring these things. There’s a lot of supply that still needs to be monetized.  But you know it’s all it’s all moving very fast and the technology’s literally catching up on a daily basis and yeah, I think it’s an exciting time for the video industry particularly with linear TV declining quite quickly and these OTT devices enabling us as consumers to actually engage with the content when we want to, part of our day habits.  I actually read something the other day about the Netflix era with you know what it takes a normal person in today’s age to choose a movie, you’d log into Netflix you look through movies you can find one and you go to a TV show you what something that you’ve watched before while spending 45 minutes on your mobile device and doing your daily habit. So, it’s that kind of daily habit that we do what we want when we want. So yeah, it’s definitely changing very quickly.
The host: It’s changing it does some to make sure we’re involved enough in content at some point. I find myself you know doing the dual-screening and maybe wondering if I do watch the TV shows because I didn’t watch them properly in the first time so I go back and re-watch.
John: Yeah exactly and you know it poses lots of challenges for us as technology providers but for the advertisers as well with the cross-screen approach and what’s measurable and everything else. But for example, within our buying platform BrightRoll DSP we have the ability to understand someone that’s watching a connected TV device matching that with a household on someone using the same Wi-Fi that’s on their phone and we can target you know accurately towards that type of audience that the advertiser is looking for. So, you know that wasn’t possible you know 12 to 18 months ago, so things are changing quickly there.
The host:  Are you finding particular advertising categories or embracing that sort of screen targeting behavior?
John: They are embracing. I think predominantly it is very brand focused with those type screen TV budgets. But now it’s becoming not that siloed. You’re finding performance coming through there and it is being embraced a lot more than what it was practically with mobile. We’ve got a hell of a lot of location-based data now. The buying platform BrightRoll, we’ve got a lot of mobile data from our Flurry Analytics which tracked through SDKs, and we can do things like purchase receipts so we know what people are buying and interested in so we can target people that are using stock and investment programs. Advertisers can tailor knowing that someone is really interested in finance and things like that, they can target point of interest so they can look at types of restaurants or McDonald’s franchises and certain locations and target people that have been to those locations. So, it is across the mobile that can be, you can target them when they’re in their household or on their on the computer as well. So, it is becoming very hyper targeted.
The host: people starting to use that sort of frequency and journey a little bit more into sending individual consumers.
John: I guess look it’s not down to the actual individual it’s more the audience that we’re looking for because in a small market like Australia you can’t go that granular on this and what a lot of traders know is as soon as you start layering on very granular targeting, it gets nice scale, and you just don’t get that reach so you use the technology to be more efficient with finding those audiences that you know have intent that have interest. It predicts a likelihood of conversion across whatever screen it might be that is the goal of the advertising campaign. So, look using data in that hyper targeting is becoming far more refined but it’s very much in the audience aspect.
Programmatic in AR/VR device makes contextual advertising in virtual world  
The host: Yeah, still need to get the reach in the end of the day. What’s coming down the line is there anything you can talk about or tease the audience even not from another point of view that that’s getting you excited what’s coming the next 12 months.
John: It is lots to look forward to I think, particularly with what Oath is doing with all the types of data and really using that to the benefit of the consumer and the advertiser. You know we’re going into an age of AR and VR, we’ve got the buying platform now able to transact on anyone using an AR/VR device. You can think of someone you know going through the IKEA type room in their house and us being able to advertise on particular items and that type of shopfront in that virtual world. We’ve got the digital out of home happening very much so in the US and we’re waiting for how that evolves and really coming to a smaller market like Australia and APAC, looking forward to those top two emerging channels there.
One-stop shopping for display, video and native on BrightRoll DSP makes it easier for budget allocation and forecasts.
John: I think another big piece is native, is a big channel that agencies are very keen to really leverage it. One of these ones in the program APAC aspect that hasn’t really hit the ground and scaled yet and it’s because it’s been hard for them to find what native really is. It is instream? It is out stream? What does it mean to their advertiser? How do you compare Facebook’s social versus? What we have Gemini which is CPC performance driven marketplace? What will be exciting about this is that we are making this the Gemini marketplace programmatic via our buying platforms, so BrightRoll DSP we’ll be getting access to how owned and operated native content, so it performs very well and you know no longer do the agencies and trading desks need to have multiple UI to log in and they’ll be able to access the video the mobile the display digital out of home the native or for one interface. There’s a frustration in the industry that you know we offered many walled gardens and different UIs and it’s hard for anyone to really budgets and forecasts and frequency cap and all the basics of advertising but it is coming together, and we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for some of those key things.
The host: I’m excited. John, thank you for joining us today to seeing what comes out of it in the future.
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John McNerney, Director of Ad Platforms APAC, Oath
0 notes
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"shop car insurance
shop car insurance
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Will my parents car insurance premiums go up?
So to make this easy, I'll give a basic idea of what happened. I was driving a friends car that I got into an accident with. My friend has liability insurance and everything to cover the damage of the other vehicle. Now, the thing is I personally do not buy car insurance. The car that I drive is insured by my parents, but I am not named in their insurance policy. So my first question is, when filling out a motorist report, what do I fill in for the section under MY insurance, since I don't buy nor am I under anyones insurance policy. Second is there any way my parents premiums will go up?""
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yo first time car?
i asked my uncle, he said it could be around $300 for 6 months, idk if it is true or not. but are there any cheap insurance? idk, please help. if i want to buy a new tundra, how much it does it cost?. i work full time. $3k/month.""
Can taking drivers ed save my parents money on car insurance?
i need to know how much, if any, people save on average""
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
Insurance pricing?
i bought a car and need to put plpd insurance on it but i do not have much money and have a lot of points on my lisence i am over the aloud amount in my state. how much would it cost for plpd insurance? i need the cheapest possible and my car is 17 years old and is only worth $200.
Which is cheaper to insure a car?
I'm going to get a car for college, but I just need some information. My parents have AAA. Would it be cheaper to add the car onto their insurance (and pay them), or start my own insurance account with a different company?""
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
How much does insurance cost a month?
Okay, I'm 21 years old and I'm a full time college student I work part time and I live with my mother and step-father. I'm on my fathers insurance. My father is a Department of Transportation worker he has worked for the state for about 33 years. He has PEIA insurance. He called me today and was complaining cause he got a doctors bill for me for $35...he wanted to know why and I said idk maybe it was a mistake can you pay it since it's not that much...and then he goes into this whole thing how he pays my insurance every month...blah blah blah...but he doesnt realize that my mom and my step dad do everything else I mean they pay my other bills. He hasn't paid anything since I turned 18 except for insurance (he won't even take out a loan for my education...my mom and I do that). I pay my car insurance,gas, and cell phone bill out of my part time job check cause I commute to school. He has the nerve to call me and gripe over $35!!! WTF?!?! Does anyone know how much he pays a month or about how much he pays?""
Temporary Car insurance fuddles? Re: excess on the owners policy?
Hi, I was looking to either rent a car for a day or borrow my sisters, now ive found a site on tempcover willing to insure me for something like 30 - 40 odd quid but the trouble is it said something about excess being in & around the 400 - 500 mark.... It also said this is the excess the car's owner has to pay.... I'm pretty certain i'll not be borrowing anyones car if its going to cost them that much - even if I offer to pay it (which I wouldnt by the way, im not an idiot lol) But does anyone know if this is like a one-off or if they mean that this is what my sisters excess will amount to once ive been put on one day insurance on her vehicle? Just im not 100% if they mean that by being insured for 1 day im gonna just basically destroy her policy for the next year lol? Sorry I know this is a bit confusing but thats why im asking ya see,, it confuses me too..... I suppose im hoping an insurance expert is out there somewhere reading this and just dying to lend their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) Ps: Shes agreed to lend me the car as long as im insured & dont crash it lol....""
How can I lower my car insurance if it is high because of bad credit?
I have been told that my car insurance is high because of a bad credit rating. I am currently enrolled in a DMP to pay down some credit cards and I'm sure this is why it is so bad. Will any insurance company work with me to lower my rate? I currently have GEICO insurance bc it was the lowest I could find. I lease my car and always make my car and insurance payments on time.
How much do you pay for your car insurance ?
I have a mini van about 10 years old. I pay $250 every six month I believe ... premium. Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K property damage, and 10K injury.""
Does Car insurance in Canada discriminate on the basis of sex?
Does Canadian car insurance discriminate based on gender like they do in most U.S. States?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
""Are you prepared to pay 10-11-13% of your income for $1100-1300 deductible health insurance, not copay?""
Will you go to the doctor more if another large percentage of your income is taken from your check and you still have to pay for office visits until you have paid $1100 to $1300 deductible before your insurance kicks in each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf Skip to page 16 to see the summary. This is a report by Blue Cross Blue Shield, a nonprofit health insurance provider. Government interventions causes health care costs to rise, not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why doesn't the government talk about the price each American will pay for government run health care plans?""
How much does the insurance cost on a 50cc 50km/h moped for a 16 year old?
I will probably get a CBT whatever that is - and could someone please tell me the usual pricing for provisional cat P motorcycle licence and the full one... thanks
""Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?""
I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?""
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
First car recommendations and insurance help?
I'm 17 and I'm about 3 or 4 months away from passing my driving test. I've been looking at cars and really like the look of a peugeot 206 or 207 or a new model renault clio. however, the insurance is at the cheapest 2,220 - that's with out any pass plus or other drivers on it. I was just wondering if there are any other cars you people would recommend for me (my budget is 1000 for a car) and any insurance tips. no-one be stupid please, I'm a good driver and yes i do need a car :-)""
Who's Car Insurance Would Handle the Accident?
My sister has been driving my mother's car (Loan, registration, insurance in my mother's name) Occasionally she allows her boyfriend to drive the car, although my mother has stated on numerous occasions that she does not want him driving that car. He was in an accident on Friday and claims the car is totaled. He claims that he called the police and filed a report, it can be picked up on Tuesday. He also claims that his insurance is covering the accident. My problem is, the car is insured in my mother's name, so he is not allowed to do this, correct? Also, even though my mother was not involved in the accident, can she still call the police and get a copy of the report? After all, the car is in her name. Please enlighten me, I'm trying to figure this all out.""
Buying a new car..insurance help?
So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few weeks.so i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then.
Hastings direct car insurance.?
We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?""
Has anyone heard of this car insurance company?
I'm trying to find this insurance company but it has a really vague name. It's called Ca. Auto Liab. It's on a California Highway Patrol accident report and they said it was a real company. I need to find their phone number and/or website. Has anyone came across this company?
Forced place insurance?
Does forced place insurance cover slip and falls, should someone file a claim that they fell on your property?""
Car insurance help about fully comprehensive ?
Ok so next month I have to renew my car insurance as it will be my 2nd year driving, I'm third party fire and theft at the minute and I'm planning on going fully comp. Now if I go fully comp and it includes windscreen cover and I use it (as I have a chip and a crack in my windscreen) will that mean I'm claiming on my insurance and will I loose my no claims bonus? If that makes sense.. The plan is to renew my insurance and if I can get my windscreen fixed on the insurance then hopefully it will be ok in the mot which is straight after""
shop car insurance
shop car insurance
Will i need cash deposit or visa to get rental car after accident in which other party is at fault?
i did not have insurance at time of accident. i live in california.
My own car insurance..?
im buying a car and going on my own insurance. is it true i cant still be under my parents insurance with out it being registered in their name???
""Car insurance help, for new driver!?""
I passed my driving test 3 months ago and am looking for insurance to drive my parents car, however every company i have tried is way too expensive (one quoted 11000?!?!) anyway, does anyone know of any UK insurance companies that do good deals for new drivers?? please help, i am so desperate to drive! thanks :)""
I'm 16 and Looking at a 2003 Mach 1 Mustang how much would Insurance be?
I have a job and plan on paying for it myself, I just want an idea of the cost.""
Roughly how much will my car insurance cost?
Im nearly 19 and Im looking to do my test and get a car as soon as I have the money. I would probably be getting a 2nd hand car within the 750 - 1,500 range, probably something simple what most get for their first car such as a corsa, punto, focus, clio etc. I can afford the car and the lessons, one thing I dont really know about is the insurance. I know it will be different whoever you go with but can you give me just a rough idea of how much Im looking at? I was hoping that it would be as cheap as 20/week (1,000/year). Thanks.""
Cheapest Bike insurance in ontario for sport bike?
I'm looking into selling my cr250 for a street bike something along the lines of a 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My only problem as I'm sure you can all relate is insurance. I simply cannot afford to be paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. So does anyone know of a insurance company that will do business on a month to month bases insted of anually.
A question about car insurnace?
Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6 months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you.......""
Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?
Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?
What can i do person has no insurance?
had accident person had no insurance
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?""
Where can I get some cheap health/maternity insurance?
My husband and I have been talking about wanting to have a baby. He missed his enrollment period (again) at work and isn't eligible until September 2008. I looked into individual, but it is SO expensive.""
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
What would be a good first car thats cheap?
oh and btw while i'm at it whats cheap insurance for a 16 year old male,liability pretty much""
Car Insurance Companies + Excluding Drivers?
My brother and I are trying to get insurance for our two cars but are having a problem with one of the cars. My uncle gave me my car but we never dealt with switching over the title of the car. Most of the major insurance companies require that the cars be under the name of one of us. We have found some smaller companies that do an exclusion to deal with the problem but the rates are higher. Does any body know of any major company that allows this to happen? Thanks for the help.
Where can I find public actuary data for car insurance?
where can I find public actuary data for car insurance. i need that to develop models
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
""Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?""
hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!""
Car loan & insurance?
My husband & I applied for a car loan. We are both still under our parents insurance because it is cheaper like that for now. Neither one of us are listed on their insurance as policy holders. We are only listed as covered. If we plan on buying a car with our approved loan, does his dad need to be on the loan as well because the insurance is under him? If so, does that mean that I need to come off the loan and that he needs to reapply for a loan but with his dad? We live in California, I know some states have different laws about insurance. Hope that makes sense & someone can help. Thanks!""
Car insurance for adult first time driver?
Hi there! I am 29 and still don't have a car and car insurance of almost 4 yrs of living in states. I think my husband is scared of the cost since I have never driven before even in my country of origin since we don't really need cars there. I just want to ask how much does it cost for an insurance for first time adult driver, i mean any idea? thanks! I just want to take my child to the park or somewhere since we just stay almost all our time in our house.""
Open driver car insurance?
I have recently got a job which involves me driving a disabled mans car. I have recently passed my driving test (october 2010) and I am only 19 years old. Does this mean the company I am working for needs to pay more for me to drive the car as I am not a experienced driver?
Backdates homeowners insurance?r=1268786067?
Can an insurance company back date homeowners insurance?
Does a subcontractor need insurance?
typically, when you try to bid on jobs you will be asked for general/professional liability insurance. however when you subcontract do you still need insurance? also, what are riders and endorsements? thank you""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK?
I'm a 19 year old male with 2 years no claims. I have just come back from the USA where everyone there drives huge engined trucks and cars, including even the 16-year-olds. Fed up with driving a tiny hatchback, I enquire about insuring my Dad's dormant K reg BMW 735 auto LPG which is a really nice cruising car ideal for long journeys. However the insurance companies reject me almost immediately. Why is this the case in the UK? Why am I not allowed to drive a nice car albeit old just because I am young? I'm a keen car restorer and take the utmost care whilst driving, and living on a farm have driven most vehicles, so would not say I was inexperienced. Does anyone know of any bespoke insurers or do I really have to stick to driving a tiny hatchback until I'm 25? It seems as though the whole system is unfairly against me :(""
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I'm about to get my first car at 25, and thought I'd look at insurance quotes for a cheap little run-around to get me started. I have only just passed my test so expected quotes to be quite high, but so far haven't seen anything below 4000 for a year! I tried looking for a quote on a Renault 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. Thought that would be pretty cheap. From what I've heard, I should be looking around the 1k mark for a year. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?""
shop car insurance
shop car insurance
When getting an insurance quote do you have tell them what your tickets have been reduced to or....?
I am going to get an insurance quote and need to know if I can tell them what my tickets were reduced to or if I have to tell them what I was actually pulled over for.
Young drivers (17-18) - What is your insurance?
Hey! Im starting driving and shocked at the cost of insurance! Can't get lower than 3000 on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must be doing something wrong. So yeah , 3 questions : 1) What is your age? 2) How much is your insurance? 3) What insurance company are you with and what car? Thanks!""
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
We're TTC and having a bit of trouble so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good health plan that covers maternity and possibly specialists.
""If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
What is the safest cheapest car to buy and also for cheapest insurance as a first car?
What is the safest cheapest car to buy and also for cheapest insurance as a first car?
USAA insurance rates from traffic ticket?
I received a traffic ticket for following too closely and was clocked at 17mph going through town. The car in front of me had pulled away from the stoplight and was clearly not interested in speeding up, so I had to speed up some to signal into the adjoining lane to pass him. This was during rush hour, so traffic was pretty heavy. The cop pulled me over and cited me for following too closely which carries a $115 fine. He asked me why I thought he pulled me over, and I honestly had no idea what I did wrong. Unfortunately, he would not concede to a simple warning and cited me anyway. I also received a ticket about 11 months ago for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign before turning. USAA did not increase my rates from this ticket, but I am concerned that they might increase my rates if they find out about the latest ticket. Should I plead not guilty and have a trial date set to fight this, or just pay the fine and pray that USAA doesn't pick it up? Does anyone else have experience with two minor traffic violations within one year and USAA auto rates?""
Auto Insurance cost of 2012 infiniti Fx35?
I'm wondering how much is average auto Insurance cost of 2012 infiniti Fx35? Specially in Dallas, TX (zip 75038) - I have good driving history & credit; I'm considering that suv but before making move just want to make sure total cost factor!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
Does getting a quote mean that I now automatically have Insurance?
I just recently bought a car, I am 18 and I am pretty unfamiliar with how owning a car works (this is my first car). Now since I am so young I would just like to see what prices each insurance company will get me. Now my question is as soon as you accept to get a quote does that mean that they will automatically insure you. Because I want to get as many quotes as I can but just so I can make a decision between different Insurance companies, not so they can automatically insure me just because I requested a quote.""
Good cars with cheap insurance?
Does anyone know any good cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old ??
Can two insurance agents get different quotes?
Two local agents both from State Farm, different agencies though...Can they get different quotes or will it all be the same since it's all State Farm? Thanks!""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old on a volkswagen golf 1.9 GTI?
like the min price?
How can you get auto insurance after 2 DWI's?
How can you get auto insurance after 2 DWI's?
How much is car insurance for a 21 year old female?
I'll be a first time driver as of next month and I was curious how much I'll be looking at as a ball park estimate on my insurance rates. I know I'm a late bloomer for driving but I have never needed it as I live in a city. But as I want to do and go more places, I need a car now. Especially since I'm moving out of state, on my own, in 6 months. I was wondering how much I'm going to be looking at. I'll be driving a small sedan, maybe a 04-05 Honda Accord or Civic. I live in Texas now but I'll be moving to Ohio, in February, and if anyone could give me rates for both places I'd be much obliged! Thank you so much for even answering my question :)""
Car insurance? Insurethebox?
Can someone help me please? Im trying to get insurance quotes on a couple of cars, I tried with a Fiat Punto, and coudnt get any AT ALL. I then tried a Citroen C2, that came back at 4grand - 5 grand Fully comp. I then tried to get insured on a Peugeot 206 This also came back at 4-5 grand, fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt even give me a quote? Someone explain this to me? No years bonus, and 18, but still the insurance shoudnt be 4 grand? I would get a corsa, but to many of my friends have them, and i dont want one. I do want a peugeot 206, but i cant get insured.. am i doing something wrong? help!""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in San Antonio?
I'm just looking for a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!!
Insuring a scion tc with collision for a 17 year old?
Im just wondering if anyone out there is around 17 with a scion tc and how much their insurance cost every month if they have collision. An older man totaled my 2000 Mitsubishi mirage and i got a lot of money for it and a lot saved up so im in the market for a new car. I currently pay 1900 a year.
Estimate wrx sti insurance?
20 year old male, perfect driving record, state of florida and for either a 2006 or 07 if that even matters""
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
I need to get car insurance im 17 year old male see more info below.?
Im 17 will be 18 in January. I need my license because I have a good opportunity to be a baby sitter but it involves driving the kids kids to soccer practice and school. I have already gotten hired I just need to get my license. I think my mom and dad have alstate and the car I would be driving is a 2001 mini van. How much would it cost ? Would the rates be cheaper if they said I would be driving on rare occasions ? The job pays 200 weekly so its a good opportunity and plus i love the kids.
Any cheap car insurance in uk?
i have full uk licence and 2 years no claim bonus age 30 to 40 how can i buy the cheap car insurance.please
How many point is taking off on my license when I get point on driving without insurance?
I was wondering on how many point do i get off from my driver license when I driving without insurance on my car
Title insurance on grant deed in California?
For California, if a Grant Deed was signed and notarized more than 1 year ago, and it was not recorded until today, will the Title Company provide title insurance for it when the house is sold later on? Is the rule on this the same for all title companies or is it up to each title company, in terms of the gap for when it was signed and when it was recorded?""
Cheap car insurance for me?
Right I'm 22 and at college doing painting and decorating and have A LOT of people wanting things done to there houses but they are too far away and I can't carry a paste tae plus tools on a bus and hawl it everywhere with me all the time so I need to get my *** in gear and get a car. I'm going to be taking lessons in the near future but insurance is obv essential. What would be my best option on cheap... Or cheaper option anyway for my current situation. Keeping in mind would only need a cheap small banger of a car and I'm a student. Any heads up would be great on where to go or best car for me Thanks
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shop car insurance
Till what age can we get health insurance?
I want to know the upper age limit for purchasing health insurance.
Insurance help please?
hi, does anyone recommend an insurance company for 18 year olds? the quotes i keep getting are around 2000 quid. my mate has a 1.4 corsa and his is 1400 - am i missing something? thanks in advance. additional: i have a 1.4 golf, it has the same bhp as a corsa.""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
Do I have to have car insurance in wis?
I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
Cheap car insurance for 18 year olds?
What type of cars have low insurance costs for young drivers and also which insurance providers have the best deals for new drivers? Thanks in advance!
Mazda Miata insurance is wacked?
I got a quote from Geico, which is the best I could find, on a car that I'm thinking about purchasing and financing. The car is a 1996 Mazda Miata with 80,000 miles on it. Geico gave me a quote for $882 for six months, thats $147 a month and $1764 a year. What the heck?! I'm 18 and don't understand why insurance is that expensive. I've never had a ticket or an accident. It also says that I need to get a deductible when the car is selling for $3995. Any advice?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
Are annuities good for young people?
Does anyone know if annuiites are good for young people, like in their late 20's. Starting a family and reading about many investment options. It seems like we've only heard about annuities for older or almost retired people, but with new prods that guarantee 7% yearly if your investments don't make that much...seems it's not a bad thing to add to a portfolio.""
Health insurance?
I was involved in a boat accident, that caused my ligaments to be torn. Now, on crutches and some pain.. i wonder, I don't have health insurance... can you guys give me any suggestions as to what i can do to pay for this? i live in california... if that matters.... thanks""
""Looking in to new Auto Insurance, with country insurnace and financial services?""
My boyfriend and I live togeather and have three vehicles, a Mazda Car, Dodge Truck and Yahama Street Bike we both have insurance policys with State Farm and we both are very happy all our insurance policys are seperate The car in my name with my agent the truck in his name with his agent and the st. bike also in his name and then i have a renters insurance policy just in my name. when his work started a 401K with Country Insurance they met with us and went over alot of services they offer and they did up a quote for our auto insurances and renters insurance which put the Mazda and Dodge togeather and both our names on the street bike and renters insurance it was much cheaper then what we pay state farm and we were both very happy with the agent and felt we'd have a good relationship with her... I'm just curiose if anyone has had or has Country insurance for the auto insurance and if they are happy with them?""
Got an insurance check for hail damage on my car do i have to repair my car?
I have had the check for the insurance company sitting for two months due to the fact I havent had the money to pay the deductible. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and this week my phone, water, car insurance, will all be shut off or canceled this week and my car payment was due three weeks ago. So This is my last and final option but my car is not paid of I still owe on it and the check is for 2,000 due to hail damage and it is made out to me and the bank so it says pay to the order of (name) AND (bank) only! Can I put the check into my bank account wait for it to clear and then pay my bills? I know this sounds very wrong but sometimes you have to do what you can with you've got.""
Where do you get your insurance or financial information from?
(e.g. friends, family, websites..) Be specific. What are some ways to make it more convenient for people to get their information? Thanks!""
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
How much does hydrocodone generally cost without insurance?
I'm curious to see how much it costs without insurance due to a toothache. my dentist prescribed me an antibiotic but it hasn't helped with the pain. i don't have any benefits. i really don't like how hydrocodone makes me feel nauseated but it helps with the pain.
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
Can I stay on my parents auto insurance policy if I move out?
I am covered under my parents' insurance policy (Ontario), but am planning to move out on my own. I do not own a car but I want to maintain coverage so that I have a good rating when I do decide to get one, and for the rare time I borrow their car. Can I stay on their policy even though I live elsewhere?""
Which is the best childrens' insurance plans?
Please detail about both unit linked & regular insurance plans.
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
Price for motorcycle insurance?
So my parents just bought my brother a brand new car and just told me that I wont be getting it til 3-4 years from now . and I'll be 20 something by then! I'm 16 turning 17 this year by the way. and it sucks even more because my other brother had received his car when he was 18, which is totally unfair because I have achieved more things than him, academic and community wise. So anyways, I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little girl and since I will be working this summer and winter, I was hoping on buying a used motorcycle, specifically any Kawasaki Ninja, at the beginning of 2010. Insurance price please? I know it ranges from age, experience, accidents, and etc. I'm a 16 year old female that will be getting her regular permit in June and after 6 months, I will be getting my motorcycle license. Won't be driving a car anytime soon, obviously. Oh and I'm in the bay area of California if that changes anything? Thanks for the help, just need to know how much to save. Oh and if your wondering why I wont just buy a car, because I only wanna save 5 grand max and that will only get me a wack car.""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Looking For Cheaper Car Insurance Quotes?
I am trying to beat my best quote so far and I wanted to ask if anyone knew of anyone I could try or some brokers who could get the price down a bit for me. Here are my circumstances. 18 years old Full licence for 9 months 0 NCB Live in east sussex no claims or convictions car is kept in a locked garage looking for upto 4000 annual mileage will be using car for pleasure and commuting My car is an Renault megane coupe 1.6e sport My best quote so far I got from moneysupermarket which is 1560 and that was from swinton. I just wanted to ask If their was anyone I could try, like good brokers who might be able to get that quote down a bit. I am really looking at no more than 1400 . It doesn't matter how big or small they are I will give anyone a try. I have tried most of the major companies but none of them come close to my best quote so far. Also is it worth putting my best quote down when filling in online forms. Does it make any difference?""
Switching car insurance from old to new car?
Forgive me if this is a stupid question.. I currently have insurance coverage on a 2004 car and just purchased a 2013 car. I am going today to switch over my insurance (if possible) and would like to know what to expect before I go. I automatically assumed my insurance would go up because of the year difference, but a friend of mine recently switched her policy over from a 2000 to a 2007 and her policy did not go up, so now i'm questioning if mine would go up and what would cause it to vary. Thanks!""
Is being an adult really that hard? Owning a house? Having a job? Owning a car? INSURANCE??!?
I'm only 15 but I've been looking around and now I'm just not eager or happy to be an adult. The amount of stuff that I will have to do will essentially cause flippin' hair loss! When I'm older why do I actually have to have TV license to buy a TV? Do I have to have insurance on EVRYTHING? House, car, health..like seriously why do I have to pay for something hazardous that might not even happen in my life? Is it vital to have car insurance? What if I don't have one and my car is perfectly fine? Please don't even get me started on bills! It freaks me out to know that companies just want money, money, money and wont stop at anything to get it. I heard that there's this thing where gas companies and all those other stuff essential in a house can directly take money off your credit/debit card instead of going to the post office and paying. For people who do this, is it better? It's quite scary to know that I'll be doing all this in the future.""
Is it possible to be added to my parents insurance for a month?
I want to drive to friends house in another city, but I'm not currently insured on any car. Is it possible to become included in my parents car on a one month deal? I'm over 21 in case age is an issue. Also if it is possible can I do it with another insurer or does it have to be one my parents currently use. Finally how much will it probably cost? Thanks""
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shop car insurance
0 notes
mayimkjs · 4 months
Here are some random (non-lore) things I've noticed about Double
I ended up running MeMe and Double through Media Encoder to get PNGs for all of the frames for FOOL's MATE. So here's some cool or interesting things I've noticed about Double from doing that. Double is definitely more interesting from a production standpoint.
Here's the MeMe post
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This scene also mimics one from the start of MeMe. The composition is practically identical apart from the movement.
Solid gradient background.
Scattered objects in the foreground.
Smaller, less noticeable objects behind the ones in the foreground.
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You can see the layer underneath the train here. If this was done on After Effects, this is caused by a combination of motion blur and a new layer starting.
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This is probably how this scene was set up. The red layer would be what's showing through the train, and the yellow layers are the train. There's not enough frames in the train layers, so AE can't render the motion blur properly. There are multiple solutions for this.
Remove the bottom most layer.
Comp the train layers.
Parent the Position to the Position of a Null, then animate the Null.
Make the train layer a really long picture.
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The bat disappears for a single frame when it should be on screen.
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The eyes in this scene flash 5 times.
21 notes · View notes
mayimkjs · 3 months
Small interesting details I've noticed about MeMe and Double
I ended up running MeMe and Double through Media Encoder to get PNGs for all of the frames for FOOL's MATE. So here's some small, misable details from MeMe and Double.
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Dopy ahh dood
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The layout of the inner world resembles Mikoto’s living room and bathroom.
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These 2 scenes mimic each other.
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mayimkjs · 2 months
Some more random (non-lore) things I've noticed about Double
I ended up running MeMe and Double through Media Encoder to get PNGs for all of the frames for FOOL's MATE. So here's some cool or interesting things I've noticed about Double that I either didn't include in my last posts or have found since then.
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His head moves back and forth here.
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These 2 scenes are pulling your attention towards their eye shines and how they are in different locations. The second is also only a still where's Mikoto is opening his eyes. John is also leaning his head forward.
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This isn’t clear when your just watching the video, but the mannequin is pushed against the door. 
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Double has bookends. These 2 scenes mimic how each other plays out.
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mayimkjs · 4 months
A few production details about MeMe that people seem to misinterpret.
I keep seeing some things in MeMe (and to an extent, Double) come up that people misinterpret. So I would like to explain 2 small details that were done for some non-lore related reasons.
The Card Deck
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I keep seeing people say that the deck was halfed at some point. To me, it just looks like a perspective illusion of sorts.
Mikoto Being Suddenly Left Handed
This is something that happens in almost all of the MVs. Characters suddenly being ambidextrous occurs in a lot of animation. Animators do this for clarity. This happens in multiple other MILGRAM MVs too.
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