Robert marched past the other Sniper, wearing nothing but his boots and hat and looking annoyed. "Have you seen a Scout carrying my shorts and vest?" he asked, barely pausing for the answer. "I'm supposed to be working."
Sprawled out in his fabric lawn chair Gene heard the others snipers boot steps before he even said again. Giving the hat that covered his face a tilt up to see who it was before his muddy eyes did double take over him. Not for a second hiding the way he looked him over as a smirk started to crack across his face. "Nah. Can't say that I have. But dunno why ya can't work like that. Bettah sight ta look at than what we get all day."
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wxthin-wxthout · 4 years
The New Normal
Spring was finally in bloom, casting off the chill of a long, painful winter to let the sun in. Seedlings began their journey for the season towards that light, sprouting through the earth, growing in a flourish of healthy colours and delicate scents. Birds built nests and filled the air with music. People started to hang their wet laundry outside on the line. All felt fresh, awake, and energized.
So why did Nick feel so tired?
He’d always been a good sleeper, quick to rest and quick to rise, guided by his natural body’s schedule; and with Robert wrapped around him, he slept better than ever. It wasn’t like he’d been working himself too hard either, that he’d been working period. In fact, he’d been planning to do some gardening, to get out on the town and take a look at the job postings, but he felt oddly lethargic and his thoughts, foggy. The kitchen he was standing in felt strangely dry and heated as well, even though the sun had only risen two hours ago. Standing by the counter, Nick watched the kettle start to boil apathetically. Hopefully Robert would get up soon and share a pot of tea with him.
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vyrulent · 4 years
semi plotted thing || @jurassicsniper​
While Robert Muldoon hadn’t been the most present parent in the world, he had been a damned sight better than some of the dads of her friends that she’d known growing up. In fact, Jessica had idolized her father and had envied him for his work with big predators. While she may not have enjoyed hunting, she did enjoy the animal’s behavior. She’d listened to those stories of big predators with wide eyes and it was little wonder that she had spent her life covered in mud, getting on the Nile Crocodile’s level for the past decade of her life. 
But now she had been given the opportunity to work somewhere big, where she didn’t have to worry about funding and the expectations of donors. At Jurassic World, she was creating every facet of the new exhibit. The Deinosuchus exhibit would be finished within the month, all to her specifications of what a crocodile’s environment should resemble. 
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“I don’t understand how you’ve never said a word about me working with crocodiles until now. I’m careful around them,” Jessica reasoned to her father, hoping not to escalate the argument. She was going regardless of what he said. “What’s the difference in being around a group of hungry Niles and around an extinct one?”
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harharhrrnhawrhrrn · 3 years
"How's the world's most..." He consulted his notes with an uncertain frown. "The world's most handsome mathematician?"
"Awww, you wrote it down? That is adorable! Can I see?" He reaches for the notes the other man was holding. "Oh, sorry...I'm very well, thank you. How is the world's only charming big game hunter? That's something I'd never thought I'd say, and yet, it is true." He smiled warmly to soften his fond teasing.
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grimmmedic · 4 years
"Fuck that bloody place. I'm never going back. Not for all the money on earth."
“I imagine no amount of money can fix something so inherently broken.”
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Alex looked over to the man she remembered from before. She definitely remembered the story of Goose the Compy. "Hello, Mr. Muldoon," she greeted, the scars on her face very visible. "Welcome back to Jurassic World. I hope you're alright. Is there anything I can do for you?" She tilted her head and watched him for a moment.
"We've just added some new exhibits and I hear there's talk of a brand new species being added," she said happily. "But what brings you back?"
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"Any chance of a second date?"
That certainly took Pascal by surprise.
“I--you--you really want to go on another date with me? Why? I mean, yes, of course we can do a second date, you were so kind to me the first time, I’m just... shocked, honestly!”
Pascal managed to shut themself up after that, their eyes still wide as they brushed their hair out of their face and cleared their throat. “Yes. I meant to just say... yes.”
It just wasn’t often anymore that they got a second date.
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spybleu · 5 years
{xoxo} @jurassicsniper
Optimistic - that certainly wasn’t a term that Charles would have ever used on himself in his short life; though in comparison to where he was ten years ago to now, enough had changed in himself and his life that perhaps he could possibly begin to fit into that category. There certainly was a glimpse of optimism in the espion at the touch to his shoulder and the gentle squeeze that came with the offer to see the sniper again, stirring a faintly flirtatious quirk of his brow as he found himself only able to watch as the man leaned in once more. The brush of the snipers lips to his was too short for his liking; putting in his years of restraint to keep himself from trailing after as his starved flesh ached for a little more. Putting on a face of mild amusement that even surprised himself until the last of the bowsmen had slipped out the kitchen door, feeling the instant burn of heat finally starting to creep up his collar the moment he was free to relax with no one to witness his shameful inability to be no longer effected.
He really was out of practice.
It had been years since the spy had even entertained the thought of having something more with anyone beyond the select few he had trusted with his friendship; all of which were usually women that he had grown particularly fond of, and knew that nothing more would ever come from it. This, however, was a far cry different and it showed in the nervous way the espion’s leather clad fingers brushed back the long dark strands of the pompadour that continuously threatened to slip into his eyes, as he came before the snipers camper the next evening. It having taken a great deal of inner discussions to conclude that showing up at the man’s door the same evening he had been invited, would perhaps appear a bit too desperate; the fear of anyone knowing just how truly he needed companionship controlling the way he approached this curious marksmen. His hands shifting the bottle of wine he opted to bring as alternative to the beer he had no real taste for, freeing his dominate hand to knock gently at his campers door. 
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running-in-blind · 5 years
Robert casually crept up behind Scott and dropped a mouse toy on his head. Suddenly, there were owls flapping around him, trying to find the toy.
The Scout cried out as he was suddenly swarmed by owls, he stumbled backwards as he flailed his arms about to try and keep them away from him.
“AH! HOLY CRAP GET EM OFFA ME!” he bellowed out
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harknesstm · 5 years
@jurassicsniper (x)
"Love to, but this isn't a social call." Maybe Owen was right, when he had said him turning up was always like a horseman knocking at the door; a pale horse and his name was death. A little dramatic but times like this it felt true.
"Need your help." Both elbows leaned on the counter, fingers lacing together as he smiled brightly; as if merely asking for something mundane, and not for someone to walk back into something they'd already suffered. "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope~."
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thebluincubus · 5 years
"Have you seen a couple of small owls around? They didn't come back from hunting and I'm worried someone took them."
Claude didn’t particularly like the heat that came with the season but he was tired of hearing his fellow espion complain about him smoking in the kitchen. It gave him a chance to get as close to fresh air as he got while having a smoke in peace. His crisp suit jacket folded and laid out on the table top of a near by picnic table near the front doors to the base. The shade from the building and the tree’s giving him some relief as he tugged on his tie to let in a little more air against his skin. His rolled up sleeves not doing as much as he hoped but for the few minutes he was here it would be enough. Hearing the unfamiliar voice question him his dark senna eyes slipped over to the sniper with half interest and a single assess glance. Owls? Did he look like the person to ask? “Non. I’m afraid not. But zhen again I don’t pay much attention to zhe wild life roaming around, so who knows.” 
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endw1gast · 6 years
"You look like some cocky beggar I met at a park once. He doesn't strike me as the type to wear makeup though..."
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“Really?” En Dwi was stunned by the nerve of humans lately… Come tell him, The Grandmaster, that he looked like some beggar. “Heh well it’s a shame. If he looked uh anything like me, he would look good with makeup." 
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wxthin-wxthout · 4 years
At his lover’s half-asleep response, Nick had to suppress his snickering, lips curling into a wobbly smile. He carefully set the tray farther down the bed, then eased onto the mattress and crawled beside Robert, chest against his back. He wrapped his arms around him and hummed by his ear. “Roooobert,” he softly sang, “I’ve got something for you.”
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vyrulent · 5 years
starter call || @jurassicsniper
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“I did a perimeter check,” Hadley told him as she drew a large square around the area she had looked through in search of food, survivors, or the dead on her rumpled map. With only a small handful of dead in the area, it had seemed an ideal location to bunker down for the night; they could possibly stay longer if need be. 
“I didn’t see a lot. I killed about four deadlies,” ex military training and a lifetime in politics taught her how to delegate duties to those around her, “It’s Jason’s turn to be on night watch, but last time I caught him sleeping. I trust you to stay awake, but if you don’t want to do it, I’ll understand. I can do it.”
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uberforyourcat-blog · 6 years
“Quit saying you’re bored, or I’ll find a way to entertain you.”
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“That a threat you plan to make good on, owl boy?” It seems like Reagan is definitely in a mood today somewhere between angry and horny.
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klein-klaus · 6 years
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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