#junmyon fluff
omyeol · 5 years
chances - 02 | kjm
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word count: 3,500+
genre: angst, fluff, but mostly angst tho. 
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If there was one decision that Minhyo regretted, it was the measly decision to move back into her apartment that hadn’t been lived in for two years. She couldn’t help but admit that at first, the thought of having the freedom of living alone was so appealing. The memory of watching TV only in her undergarments and having cooking experiments in her kitchen solidified her decision to move back into her old apartment. Intending to have her freedom of living alone back, she packed her things and called her brother to help her with the move.
What she didn’t expect, though, was to be hit by so many memories once she stepped into the quiet, dark apartment.
The empty shoe rack by the front door reminded her of how full it used to be with her shoes, and occasionally with her friends’ shoes when they came over for dinner and having drinks. Sometimes, the shoe rack would be so full that she didn’t even realize her friend borrowed one of her shoes until she got the text. Sometimes, the shoe rack wouldn’t only full of her shoes, but Junmyeon sometimes would leave one of his shoes and his precious slippers in there, and tell her to keep it when he’s away.
The kitchen reminded her of countless cooking experiments she had done by herself and full of laughter breakfast she used to have with Junmyeon. If she closed her eyes, she still could see her past-self sitting on the counter and watching him tried to man the stove. He would sprout out stories of him and the cast of whatever drama or movie he’s working on and she would smile and laugh when he got to the funny part.
Surrounded by so many memories about her past, she took off the white sheet of the armchair in the living room and sat there. Her gaze darted around the room, scanning every nook and cranny of her living room, trying to renew the picture she had inside her head. The vibrating phone in her grip turned her gaze away from the space on her bookshelf. Furrowing her eyebrows at the name flashed on her phone screen, she sighed and answered the call anyway.
“Have you finished unpacking your stuff yet?” She wasn’t surprised by the voice on the other side of the line, but it was his question that caught her by surprise. The crease on her forehead deepened as the clogs inside her brain worked hard trying to figure out how he knew about her decision to move back to her old apartment.
“Yah, you didn’t even properly greet me. Where are your manners, Kyungsoo?” The teasing tone she used was noticed by Kyungsoo, causing the man to let out a string of chuckles. “How did you even know about me moving back to my old apartment? Who told you?”
“I didn’t give my number to your sister for nothing, you know.” She let out a scoff at his short explanation. Of course, her little sister would be the one who outed her to him. “She texted me about it last night, telling me that you finally have the guts to move back after- how many months is it since you got back here in July? Three months?”
Shutting her eyes, she let out an agitated huff over the fact that her little sister may or may not be the spy all this time. She should’ve known that Kyungsoo was not that perceptive and it was In-hye who let him know when she lost her grip.
“What’s in it for her? To be your spy for how long is it, three years?” she pondered out loud, leaning back on her seat and staring far out the window.
Kyungsoo laughed from the other line like it was such an amusing thing to hear. “Well, I bought her chicken occasionally, and once I gave her a concert ticket.” Minhyo rolled her eyes and shook her head in pure disbelief. With bribes like that, of course, In-hye would be willing to be his spy. “You know, she just wants to look out for you. We all do.”
“Yeah, I know,” she breathed out and darted her gaze away from the window that overlooked the Han river to her lap, where her finger was busy twiddling a loose thread of her jeans. Kyungsoo didn’t say anything for a moment, giving her time to process the news and to make sense of it. Knowing her since the time where they both would stay up all night running their lines to each other and pig out on junk food, he knew that when dumped by something new that had anything to do with her, it was best to give her a moment or so to make sense of it, instead of talking about it immediately.
“So, how is it? Is it weird to be there after such a long time?” Kyungsoo finally asked after a moment. Minhyo chuckled softly and looked up, darting her gaze around the room to get a feel of it again after a long time. The last time she was in that room, sitting on that exact chair, she was crying her eyes out and pressing her hand to her chest as if the ache in her heart would stop. Looking back to that moment, this time she was in a different place.
“It’s weird, yeah,” she agreed. “But it’s a good weird, I guess. I’ll probably need some getting used to living here again after a while. By the way, how are you, though? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Well, just the usual. You know how it is this time of the month with Christmas approaching and all.” It sounded vague as hell, but she thought that was how Kyungsoo always had been with his work. “Look, I’d love to talk some more, but I need to go now. Would it be fine if I swing by your place sometime this week?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, it’d be fine. Don’t worry,” she rushed, not wanting to keep him too long. “Talk to you later, Soo-yah.”
Minhyo was, once again, wrapped up in the silence as she hung up the phone. Glancing in her wristwatch, she made up her mind to start taking all the white sheets off of the furniture. With her mask on and a random playlist playing from the Bluetooth speaker connected to her phone, she got to work.
Cleaning and tidying up the place until it looked homey and comfy enough to her liking kept her mind busy and off of the sense of weirdness that kept nudging inside herself. She forced herself to push the negative thoughts away from her brain as she moved to her bedroom, her eyes darting around her desk—where there used to be scripts and notebooks sprawled carelessly on it. Now the desk was empty, except an empty pencil holder and a stand-up 2017 calendar on it. With a sigh, she turned around and decided to check her dresser, where she still left a few pieces of her clothing in it—the clothes that had too many memories she couldn’t bring it with herself.
Sitting inside her dresser was a jeans jacket and a few other old clothes that looked oddly familiar. They weren’t her clothes, though, she knew that much. She could perfectly remember that she brought everything that she needed from her dresser—she even made In-hye helped her to do that.
With curiosity brewing inside her brain, she closed her dresser and walked out of her room to grab her phone from the kitchen counter. Ignoring the familiar ballad blasting softly from the speaker, she clicked on the messaging app and tapped on Kyungsoo’s name.
Minhyo [17: 46]: Do you know if In-hye still likes to visit my old apartment?
For someone who claimed that he had things to do and place to go, he replied rather fast, but too fast for her liking.
Kyungsoo [17: 48]: I don’t think so. I thought she doesn’t know your passcode?
Minhyo [17: 49]: Well then who left all these clothes inside my dresser?
Minhyo walked back to her room and opened her dresser again only to take a few pictures of the clothes to send it all to Kyungsoo. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but his answer was something that she would never expect ever coming out of anyone’s mouth—or in this case via message.
Kyungsoo [17: 51]: It seems like Junmyeon-hyung’s clothes?
Kyungsoo [17: 52]: He’s the only one who knows the passcode to your apartment, and you never bothered to change the passcode.
That was why those clothes looked familiar.
Racking through her mind, she remembered that there was the jacket he wore the last time she saw him. A bittersweet smile spread out on her face, reminiscing to the memories of her trying to trick him into leaving his jacket with her. It led to many playful fights, though—from him telling her that it was his favorite jacket and he’d like it to wear when he’s overseas for vacation and her telling him that she looked better in it than he was (just to rile him up and see him pout).
Shaking her head slightly to steer clear from the memories, she put the jacket back into its previous place and continued with the unpacking. Thinking about Junmyeon and how she would deal with him when the time ever came was not the right thing to do at the moment.
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“You’re unbelievable.” Minhyo looked up from the script she was reading in her desk and spun her chair around to face her boyfriend who was still lazily lounging around in bed.
“What did I do?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in pure confusion because she didn’t know what she did this time. It had only been two hours since she woke up and she hadn’t done anything other than making a cup of coffee and skimming through her drama script.
Junmyeon, being the dramatic man he could be sometimes, rolled out of the bed and approached her with bare feet, his slippers lying haphazardly on the floor. With a huff, he easily tugged her to her feet, causing her to let out a surprised yelp and hugged her close to his chest. Minhyo casually hugged him back and nuzzled her face to the side of his neck.
“What is it?” she prompted once again.
“You’re wearing my t-shirt,” he mumbled, nuzzling his nose to the side of her head. “It’s too early to see you wearing my shirt.” She let out a chuckle at his reason. She didn’t even realize that she was wearing his shirt. Their clothes must be mixed when she did laundry the other day.
“I didn’t even know. I just grabbed the first thing I saw in the dresser last night.” Junmyeon let out a hum at her answer. “Do you want me to change it, then?” There was a hint of tease in her words. She already knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear it herself.
“Don’t. I like it when you wear my shirt.” Junmyeon squeezed her in his hold.
They stayed hugging in the middle of the room like that for a while. The room was pretty dark since the curtains were still shielding them from the sunlight and the light from the lamp desk wasn’t even enough to light up the whole room. It felt nice to stay together like that before they faced the day waiting for them; before they went back to being ‘only friends’ in front of the public.
At some point, Junmyeon pulled back from the hug slightly to press a few kisses on Minhyo’s forehead and nuzzle his nose on hers, the action eliciting a string of giggles from her.
“It tickles,” she whined, turning her head away and leaning it on his shoulder. Junmyeon only chuckled, the sound prompting her heart to beat faster.
“Good morning, babe,” he whispered, pressing another kiss on her cheek.
“Morning,” she whispered back. “What’s your schedule today?”
“Practice for the musical,” he answered without missing a beat. “We’ll start early so I won’t be home too late, I guess.” Minhyo only nodded, brain already working to come up with food to make for dinner with him later.
“Okay. I think I’ll be home all day or I’ll go to get the groceries later.” They both finally pulled away from each other, but not without Minhyo leaning to press a kiss on his cheek. “Should we have breakfast?”
“Sure, let me wash up first.” Minhyo didn’t even bother pushing back the curtains to let the sunlight in. Instead, she left the bedroom right away and turned on the lights in the living room and the kitchen as she walked.
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In the morning, she woke up with aching muscles and dull throbbing in her head. It was expected, though, from how long she kept tossing and turning in her too-large bed for hours until she fell asleep to the soft melody of sleeping playlist she put on from her phone. It seemed like her body was still trying to get used to the bed and the room after not being on it for so long. Also, the fact that she was sleeping alone and couldn’t run off to her sister’s room couldn’t help her situation, too.
Two things that kept herself from sleeping were the jacket in the dresser, and how entirely different it was the last time she slept there.
Every time she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, the images of her last night on this bed crossed her mind. Of her wrapped up in Junmyeon’s arms with tears streaked cheeks and puffy eyes from crying nonstop for a while. Of her snuggling deeper into his chest with his arms wrapped around protectively as if he was trying to protect her from anything bad in this world even though he knew he was too late for that. Of them trying to savor as much time as they could with each other before they went their separate ways.
She couldn’t stop thinking of the last memories she had of this bed, it took her quite a while to fall asleep. She didn’t remember when the memories stopped clouding her brain and when she fell asleep, but she guessed she didn’t even get more than five hours of sleep. The headache was enough proof of that.
Heaving a sigh, she rolled out of the bed and walked out of her bedroom to the kitchen, not before snatching her phone from the bedside table, though. For the first time in so long, she pulled back the curtains in the living room, letting the sunlight bathe her place in bright light. Goosebumps raked through her body at the view and at how naked she felt as if people could see her from the outside. The rational part of her brain reminded her, though, that no one could see her from the outside, not with those glasses and not when her place was high up on the 10th floor.
Shaking her head before she could change her mind again, she decided to focus on making herself breakfast with few ingredients she brought the day before. It was nothing more than a simple bread with cream cheese filling, some yogurt, and a cup of tea, but that should be enough. After all, she had already planned to do some grocery shopping later.
The loud ping coming from her phone tempted her to check her phone. In the chatting app, there were almost fifty notifications that came from her friends’ group chat. Scrolling through Sehun and Chanyeol’s game-related squabble, she only started reading from when her name was brought into the conversation.
Sehun [23:44] : Minhyo-noona, welcome back~ o(^▽^)o
Chanyeol [23:46]: ?????
Sehun [23:46]: Did you not know? She’s back in Seoul tonight (✿╹◡╹)
Chanyeol [23:47]: Waahhh, welcome back, noona!! ♡♡♡
Bomi [23:52]: Enough with the emoticons, Sehun-ah. You’re going to scare Minhyo-unnie away
Bomi [23:52]: But anyway, welcome back, unnie! Now I don’t have to drive 2 hours to see you~
Sehun [23:55]: (つ﹏<。)
Kyungsoo [00:07]: Welcome back, noona!
Junmyeon [02:33]: Welcome back, Minhyo! Sleep well…
Looking at the last message sent by Junmyeon, she let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. There was a small part inside her brain that told her how things would be so different if it wasn’t over between her and Junmyeon, how the others would easily tease you both, and how relentless Sehun’s teasing would be. Her stomach churned at the realization that she did it, that it was her fault for ruining the group’s dynamic.
Minhyo [08:58]: Thank you everyone~~ ♡♡♡
That was all she could send to the group chat. A part of her heart told her to ask if everyone was available to get together and have some dinner together, but another part of her heart was quick to shoot down the idea and was more aware that her heart wasn’t ready yet. She knew that it was impossible to invite everyone to have dinner and expect Junmyeon to not come. It would be cruel if she excluded Junmyeon out of this. Besides, they had promised each other that whatever happened between them wouldn’t change things with their group of friends.
Heaving a sigh, she locked her phone and decided to just finish her breakfast in silence. Although the silence made her cringe and more aware of her loud thoughts, she held through it. She bore it until she couldn’t anymore and drowned those thoughts by connecting her phone to the speaker set up in her room and playing a playlist set up specifically to clear her mind. It was bad to lay down after having a meal, she knew that, but it wasn’t like she had anything else to do.
Rolling around on her bed until she was so bored of it that she kept changing the songs, she decided to face the things in her closet that troubled her the previous day. Her steps were surprisingly light as if it reassured her that it would be fine. When in fact, the moment she opened her closet and her eyes zeroed on his clothes, her heart clenched painfully.
As if she was moving on instinct, she reached out to the first clothing she could reach. It was a two-tone green and brown sweater that she liked so much. The first time she saw Junmyeon wearing that sweater was during the first month of them dating and she remembered how it was the first time she hugged him so long because she couldn’t get over how warm he felt and how comfortable it was to be in his arms.
The sweater still felt as soft as it was that night in her hands. It felt like it hadn’t been worn again after she left like it was meant to be only in her closet and not worn again.
“It’s unfair how my clothes always look ten times better when you wear it.”
Still holding the sweater in her hand, she went to grab her phone from when she left it on her bed. She paused the song that was playing and opened the camera app, walking back to the closet where Junmyeon’s other clothes were stored in its little corner.
It was impulsive; the picture of the clothes she took and the message she sent. She didn’t even have time to think about it because the next thing she knew, the message was already delivered and not even five minutes later, she could see the bubble of little dots on the bottom left of the screen.
Minhyo [09:56]: [picture attached]
Minhyo [09:56]: I didn’t know you left these…
Junmyeon [10:00]: Do you want me to take them back?
Did she want him to take them back with him and leave that little corner in her closet empty like the one in her heart? Was she ready for that?
Minhyo [10:02]: It’s fine… you don’t have to do that.
Hurriedly, she closed the messaging app, along with her closet too, and decided to lay around on her bed once more. Only this time, she didn’t only keep herself occupied with the music playing from the speaker, but also the pictures in her phone gallery that she scrolled through. She kept scrolling through all those pictures and only stopped when it was noon already and the pictures she saw were mostly of her and Junmyeon or Junmyeon alone—it was the pictures she took candidly when she felt like it.
It was the sound of her stomach rumbling that what made her get out of the bed and the apartment wearing the first clothing she saw—which was Junmyeon’s sweater she was holding before. She didn’t even think much of it until she saw her reflection on her car’s window, thinking that Junmyeon was right. Maybe his clothes really looked ten times better on her.
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treasure-exo · 7 years
Versace on the floor(M)
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Junmyeon x reader
Word count: 3330
Description: A simple party leading you up to make sins with a man you just met.
A/N: So as the title says, this piece of oneshot was inspired by Bruno mars’ Versace on the floor and thanks @oh-beyond for suggesting me him, this one is dedicated to you. LOL. Have some guilty pleasure girl. And at last sorry, I was supposed to post this yesterday but my parents came all the way from California to surprise me on my birthday so it got late. Thank you for reading!!
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It was the last day of your business trip.
Even though you didn’t like business trips in general but if you joined this business trip, it would really be beneficial for you. It was because there was a party on the last day of the trip in which many Board of Directors, Corporate Officers and Shareholders of million-dollar companies would join and for a lowly secretary of some general manager like you, you have to make it more productive.
You were sitting on a chair next to your bed with two dresses laid on top of it. Neither of the dresses your’s instead they were given for you to choose by your boss, especially for the night’s party.
The satiny fabric of the silk dress slipped onto your shoulder, tingling it’s way down, peppering your skin with soft abuts. The dress looked elegant on you, shaping you and hugging you to emphasize your curves. A little bit of sequins added on top of the shimmery golden cloth near the sleeves to give a touch of grandeur, poise and charm to the dress. A deep cut neck exposing your cleavage and a length just enough to cover your hips.
A perfect dress, for a party so different and lavish for you. Not so flashy, not so dry, just an equal amount of class you need for an authority to be held. You picked up a random bag and a pair of stilettos to be matched up with your dress and left your hotel room for the party.
Sun sank lower in the sky, giving away a velvety dark of night. Dusky, beautiful colors subdued in the fading light, street lights overlooking your tinted windows of the hired car, as you stare outside at the translucent haze of the busy city you were in. Twilight had fallen and the first star in the night sky shone when you arrived at your destination.
You let out a deep breath as you stepped out of the car. There was a slight rush of people to enter into the building. You could see them wearing as finesse as possible. You felt edgy at the thought of entering the building alone, let alone entering the grand hotel with a huge amount of people inside.
Your steps were slow and wavy as you entered the arena on the topmost floor. The hallway was full of people talking and laughing on top of their voices due to the faint music going on. Neon lights flashing and a huge roar of music erupted as you opened the door. Taking step by step into the arena and feeling a bit more anxious than before. You tried to search for your boss in the crowd of people dancing like crazy on the floor, but failed to obtain his or any of your teammate’s figure in the crowd.
It looked rather like a teenage party then an elegant banquet you’d thought. Leaving all the worries, you proceeded to the bar you’d saw at the end of the hall dominating a view of the night starry sky and an event to relax despite the loud music in the background.
A drink could calm you down from all the work you had done in the last one week, that did wear you out from any further interactions with humanity. Grabbing any drink on the counter you let yourself out in the balcony, free from the noise and flashy lights that were blinding you.
Out on the balcony, you stood still with your elbows resting on the railing and enjoying the cool breeze that washed your face from the stress. Your lips kissed the glass as you took a sip of your drink. You trailed your eyes from the city lights to the starlight that brightened your face and casts a soft shadow behind.
You were lost in admiring the new city when a shadow came and leaned on the railing beside you, eyes wandering in the infinite of the skyline. There was a noise which made you come out of your trance and into the reality, background music hitting your ears like a sudden jolt and you turned your head in the direction. Someone cleared their throat.
You blinked at the man leaning on the railing beside you. You kept staring at his face more than you should.
“I suppose you are not enjoying the party inside.” He alleged, still looking up at the stars.
You took a step forward to get a closer look at this intruder but if the reason was to get a clear look then you already was close enough to have a satisfying look. But you wanted to praise his beauty for all he was. A young, handsome man. The young man was looking surreal for your eyes to believe he was standing next to you. He had that wonderful pair of beautiful dark brown eyes, you wanted to keep looking at. His skin shine under the moonlight and his outfit so impeccable that can draw any type of attention from the girls inside. He flipped his hair, a combination of dark and wavy strands which looked so soft on him that you had the urge to touch them and caress them.
You were flustered seeing him that you forgot you were staring. You looked straight to hide the embarrassment and faked a cough.
“...Uhm...It’s not like that,” you mumbled, unsure if you will like the insides or not, because you never really paid attention to the group of people and the surroundings.
“But it says otherwise.” He asserted, looking towards you. He smiled. It was this smile that radiated and made your heart flutter. It made you felt the irresistible impulse to smile, too.
You checked your emotions and looked away, scraping the back of your neck. Thinking of a way to hide your emotions.
“Then why are you here too? It looks you are not enjoying, too. Also, why I am talking to you when I don’t even know your name?” you boasted, swaying your champagne glass in your hand.
“What!” You exclaimed, furrowing at him and crossing your hands over your chest.
“Junmyeon. Kim Junmyeon. My name, you asked. Now that you know my name, would you like to have a dance with me?” He asked, taking a step closer and extending his hand for you.
“Wow, that was clean,” you snickered, telling him your name. Placing your hand onto his and nodding.
His legs started taking steps, leading you inside the hall and holding your hand with him. He stopped in his tracks and turned. “And, ah.. That was my drink. I came here to get it back but thought it isn’t worth after seeing your beauty.”
“Oh!” An only word which left your mouth and making you blush.
When you entered, you couldn’t see the dance floor, it's wall to wall packed with people dancing to the loud music. There’s no room for any more yet somehow when you both hit the floor, the space naturally came. The music was all rock but you were dancing like it’s jive, twisting, turning, holding hands as his other hand found your small of the back. You were all grins dancing with him, happy and more alive than the last week of hectic schedules. A part of you felt the playfulness in the atmosphere around you and in him, felt the vibe of the music and the urge to let your body go free.
He gestured something using his fingers to the disc jockey behind a large platform and you saw a nod was returned as a reply. The music changed from rock to soft lyrical mix, a kind of ballad. Sweet and romantic in it’s own way.
“And by dance, I meant this,” He smiled, demanding your one hand into his. Your celestial eyes shone as you placed your delicate hand in his; he placed his other hand on your waist and whisked you onto the floor which instantaneously became similar to a ballroom floor with a large chandelier hanging above. He turned and twirled you, keeping an eye contact with you. His gaze changed from mushy to having a dark one, wild desire behind them and a smirk formed on his lips.
You understood his desire, want and need. You couldn’t directly tell him that what he needs is the same for you, too. But you wanted to so, you bit your lower lip and pulling it out in a dramatic way. His smirk widened into a wicked grin and he pulled you further into him, holding your waist tighter.
“Then, shall we get going?” He asked, rather like a statement than a question.
You nodded once and let him pull you out of the crowd down the hall to the hallway. Many eyes were on you when you left the hall with this man. Some girls getting jealous and gossiping among themselves which you couldn’t listen due to the still high volume of the music.
He turned his head back and looked at you, eyes trailing from your eyes to observe every curve of your body. You became self-conscious as his eyes slowly roamed over your curves, biting down his lip in the middle of the hallway.
“Why was everyone staring at you when we left?” You asked, curiosity getting the best out of you and you stopped walking.
“Because I’m so handsome, no one can get their eyes off of me,” he chuckled, pulling your hand again to make you walk. You rolled your eyes at his narcissist answer and scoffed, watching him make his way to the elevator before pressing the down button.
You stepped in the elevator after the doors opened and Junmyeon entered and pressed a button for some floor in the same building. The doors closed and you were left alone in the elevator with a man you just got to know a few hours ago. He pushed you to the corner and your back hit the steel wall of the elevator. He immediately obstructed your way with both of his hands on either side of the walls.
“I can’t hold back myself, you and your that tiny dress make it impossible for me to,” he urged, taking a step closer nearing you. His lips were almost touching yours and you could feel his breath on your lips, intoxicating you with his smell and your mind telling you to give up and do whatever the hell he wants you to.
He pressed his lips onto yours and wrapped his arms around your waist making you press into him. You gasped at the sudden attachment, hands gradually making their way up from his stomach, to his chest, to be wrapped around his neck. You could feel his ripped muscles under his dress shirt and the way they flexed when your hands touched.
His kiss getting more hungrier, needier than before. His mouth enveloping yours that made you moan and he took the chance to click his tongue inside. His hands were making their up to lock them in your hair while his tongue played with yours inside your mouth.
Suddenly, a ting of sound heard.
Elevator doors opened and you pushed him back to make sure no one caught you. He was breathing heavily with his chest rising and falling with every deep breath he took. Your heart was racing and your hands still resting on his shoulders.
He pulled you out of the elevator to a hallway full of doors on either side. He ran taking your hand to the end of the hallway where a big door was. Taking out a card from his pant pocket which seemed like a key and pressed it at the door-knob which opened the door.
He pulled you inside and shut the door. As soon as the door got shut, his lips were on yours again. Pressing you into him and your back on the door. He let his hands roam up your thighs, waist, to your back where he found the zipper.
You pulled him with you further into the room before he could pull down the zipper. His tongue claimed yours, making you gasp and letting you have a taste of him. You could feel his body heat radiating, warming you up and cooling you down at the same time.
You pulled away feeling breathless, trying to get some oxygen but it seemed like he wasn’t going to stop soon. His lips left yours just to nibble at your earlobe, planting kisses following the trail from your jaw to the neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut, mouth slightly open and head tilted to give him access to your neck. His hands moved from your back down to your hips, squeezing them lightly earning a gentle moan from you.
“Would you like to take that dress off for me, hm?”
He asked teasingly, pushing you back onto the bed and climbed up to hover over you. He settled in between your thighs parting them and leaning down to suck at your neck. You gaped, getting lost in the feeling of how his lips felt on your neck, on your lips. His every kiss getting more rough and wild than before which leaves you a moaning mess and wetter by the second.
“Junmyeonnn,” you moaned, pulling him further down and guiding his hands to your back to let you free from the dress already.
“I loved that, you’re not knowing what you’re doing to me,” he jabbered, his hands unzipping your dress. He doesn’t need to be guided, his hands were already pulling down your dress while his feets tucked your heels off of your feet to some corner of the room.
He momentarily left your neck to tug your dress down from your shoulders. Your dress was thrown somewhere behind which landed on the edge of the bed.
You weren’t wearing any bra and his animalistic eyes took your body in. A moment passed before he smirked at you as his hands making their way up to tease your breasts.
“You’re so beautiful and perfect,” he panted, staring at your body especially your bust.
You were not liking how naked you were and how he was still dressed. You sat up, kissing his neck and biting down hard. He groaned. Your hands sliding down his chest to unbutton his dress shirt while your teeth dig deeper into his skin. His shirt was gone before your hands reached for his pants and eventually touched his crotch.
He bit his lip and squeezed shut his eyes making his head throw back. You rubbed his groin giving in some more pressure to tease him before removing his pants making him hiss in the process. You felt him there. Felt his dick hard and needy.
“That’s enough,” he panted, throwing you back on the bed and fidgeting with the hem of your panties before pulling them down. He gazed, pupils dilated and his chest rising and falling as his one finger rubbed against your entrance.
You gasped, shutting your eyes. Your need for some release escalated just by his finger rubbing your slit. He pushed inside his finger without any warning making you moan loud. His finger working against your walls giving you your want and need. He pulled out his finger to push it back up with more force this time. You shuddered as his hand hit your core and giving your core the friction.
“You are so wet already, huh,” He added with a smirk.
He added another finger and sped up his thrusting, sending a chill up your spine. He curled his fingers inside deep you as you wrapped your legs around him giving him more space and making your head hit the pillows below. You squirmed underneath him and whimpering his name out loud. Your orgasm was building and your walls began to clench around his fingers before he pulled them out completely, making you open your eyes.
You whined for him teasing you like this and not giving you an orgasm. He laughed at your expression and forming a frown on your face. He put his wet fingers into his mouth, making your eyes widened at his gesture before sucking them off and pulling them out.
“Fuck, I can’t.... Control…” He mumbled, moaning.
You could see him biting down his lip with a dark gaze fixed upon his eyes. He removed his boxers along with his socks and sprung his cock free. You swallowed hard seeing his hardened member, red and needy.
He stroked it a few times groaning and stretching your legs further apart. You could feel him at your entrance. You gaped when he started rubbing your slit up and down.
“J-Junmyeon, please…” You moaned.
“So impatient, say that name again it can do wonders you know,”
“Junmyeon, I need you… please..” You mewled.
“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, giving you what you need, slowly pushing him inside you. He entered you in a single thrust.
You moaned out at the amazing stretch, cursing as rested his length inside and filling you up. You were adjusting to his length when he yanked back his cock and pressed it again with a force. He growled as his eyes shut and mouth agape.
His hands held your arms tight while he sucked along the length of your neck marking you up and his hips started thrusting slowly.
He started rocking, his breath becoming labored and heavy as his hands moved down to grab your hips tight. You raised your hips to meet his thrusting, squeezing his shoulders digging your nails into his skin which would definitely leave marks later. His lips left your neck to claim your lips. He kissed you, bit your lip to make you squirm beneath him and you moaned into his mouth.
“Junmyeon…” Your lips never left his name as he gave you pleasure. His thrusts becoming more rash and rough as you moaned his name louder and more frequent. You saw him losing his sanity at every thrust he made, making him groan. Each breath of his turning into low grunts as he fucked you faster.
“Stop, making me lose my sanity,” he ramped, breathing heavily.
You could feel yourself building, and you scraped the back of the man as he roared even louder. His yanks becoming more uneven as he struggled to stay composed and keep his eyes open but it wasn’t working.
You gasped as he hit your bundle of nerves and you came. Your walls clenching around him as he moaned out loud, thrusting up faster to chase his own release. You felt him twitch inside you as he filled you up with his load and groaned.
He pulled his length out, making you whine and rolling off of you still kissing. He landed next to you with a thud panting and gaining his composure back. His arm wrapped around you as he pulled you into his chest, kissing your shoulders while you tried to regain your breath.
“Please, stay with me for this night,” he pleaded, looking into your eyes.
You nodded into him. Letting his smell take over your senses and making you overwhelmed at the fullest. With him kissing you on your temple, you never wanted to leave in the first place.
His eyes started to get heavy and lull to sleep while you were admiring his features under the moonlight that came from the window above and you smiled.
“Also, it was because I organized that party. The staring thing.” He confessed, suddenly opening his eyes and winking at you as you realized he is that Mr Kim the CEO of the multimillionaire company you were working under. You became still realizing you just got fucked up by your CEO.
He tugged your waist pulling you closer and out of your thoughts, kicking your dress at the edge as it fell on the floor.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
Right Hand Man~Kim Seokjin x fem! mafia boss! reader{1}
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 
Pairing: Seokjin x reader
Summary: Kim Seokjin has always been by your side since you were teenagers, helping you out whenever you needed with whatever you needed. Whether that be defending you from school bullies, or the unsavory men who would dare try and touch you. Of course you could have taken them on, but Seokjin being the graceful gentleman always gets his hands dirty for you. It started out as the both of you against the world, until you both found six other vagabonds on the street, all looking for something to call a family. They all looked to you as a leader, someone to protect, love and fight for in more ways than one. No matter how illegal your activities were you had seven reasons to keep it going, however according to your close source, one of them began to speak to one of your enemies.
  Genre: Mafia AU, Action, Mature themes: violence, blood, etc, Fluff, Romance, Smut (in later parts)
Word Count: 2, 807 
Author’s Note: I’ve been wanting to do a mafia au for awhile now and Jin just happened to be the one I thought of. Let me know if you enjoy this, I also promise that I’m working on my other BTS series, school has been a bit much but I’m getting there. 
The sunlight that rushes through the thin blinds of my study is a welcomed warmth. There’s something about the light this afternoon that forces me out of my armchair and up, taking a quick break from counting the shipment of guns Hoseok was able to bring in. my bones creak as a groan escapes my lips. Everything looks well so far. A tiny break won’t hurt. I step around my desk, careful not to knock down the stacks of paper Jin expertly stacked up for me. 
I can’t help but giggle at him and his scolding, if that’s what he calls it. He tries to be stern, yet it just comes across as him trying to baby me. After all these years he still tries to protect me, even though my hands are just as dirty as his. “No they aren’t,” he would say, “that’s why you have seven men to take care of this stuff for you, the Empress doesn’t lift a finger when she has her soldiers.” He had the audacity to call me Empress in front of the other boys and it stuck for them, Jimin and Hoseok especially. Hoseok does it to be funny, most of the time and Jimin, well. Jimin always flirts, dotting eyes, light touches and everything. It gets on Jin’s last nerve as he often tries to bat Jimin away, making me have to be the one to stop him. It’s harmless I’m sure. 
A few soft knocks at my door breaks me from thoughts. 
“Y/N,” Jin’s voice comes through, “it’s me.” 
“Me too!” Jungkook says. 
A smiles graces my lips as I open the door, revealing Jin with his poised posture as always. He wears a grey button down and black slacks with his hair pushed back as usual. Jungkook sports a white button up, a red blazer and white slacks. His eyes light up once he sees me, smiling that familiar bunny like smile. I notice he’s holding a tray of blueberry muffins. Jin’s holding a steaming cup on a saucer. 
“Noona!” Jungkook greets, “I made you muffins!”
His enthusiasm is something I’ve never seen. Even after the things I’ve seen him do he’s still so cheery and cute. Jin grits his teeth. 
“I made the muffins,” Jin says, “all he did was put them in the oven and lick the spoon.”
Jungkook flushes a bit. 
“I helped hyung, that should matter, right noona?”
I nod as Jin rolls his eyes. 
“As long as you helped Kook, that’s what matters,” I say, “how was your ride with Namjoon?”
Jungkook places the muffins on my desk and shrugs. 
“It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary, we haven’t seen any more of Jeannie’s gang on our turf.”
Jin nods sharply. 
“Ever since you suggested Yoongi and Taehyung to sneak in and burn most of their supplies, they’ve been popping up less frequently,” Jin says as he blows on the steaming cup. 
“What have you made me today?” I ask, “chocolate or tea?”
Jin grins proudly. 
“Tea, your favorite with a hint of honey lemon,” he says, “you’ve been in here for hours I-I just you might need the pick me up.”
I don’t deserve this man. I don’t deserve any of them and yet here they are being so sweet even outside of our gang endeavors. Jin places the cup on my desk near the muffins with a slight bow. He’s so dramatic at times. 
“You’re such a drama queen you know,” I say, “bowing is not required.”
“It isn’t but we still treat you like an Empress,” he quips, “is there anything else you need?” 
I shake my head. 
“No, but I do need my hug, Junkookie.”
Jungkook doesn’t think twice as he rushes over, taking me into a firm hug. I sigh against his chest and squeeze tightly, only to pull away by Jin clearing his throat. 
“Jin Hyung needs a hug too noona,” Jungkook teases. 
I turn to Jin with a bemused grin. 
“I-I don’t need one,” he stammers, “b-but one would be nice.”
He’s so cute too. I open my arms for Jin only to have my ringtone cease his movements. He points to it and I nod, giving him the authority to check who it is. His face pales a bit before handing my cell of to me. He doesn’t even have to say anything, I check the caller i.d, Junmyeon’s name written across. 
Jungkook swallows. 
“Junmyeon?” he asks. 
I nod and slump back down into my armchair, Jin shadowing my movements. He kneels to my level, taking my right, ring clad hand and kisses it. 
“Let me know how it goes,” he whispers, “we’ll be down stairs waiting for you.”
I nod as he and Jungkook bow before leaving me to deal with the call. 
It’s not like Junmyeon is bad or anything, well he can be if you get on his bad side. He’s a partner of mine, we share stock and on certain days gang members if one of us needs the special help. Kim Junmyeon was the man who taught me everything: discipline, how to use a gun and how to keep seven grown men in line without the use of force(well sometimes).  
I answer the phone swiftly, pressing it to my ear. 
“Hello, Junmyeon?”
“Y/N, hi,” he greets softly, “what have you been up to?”
I lean forward to grab my tea prior to answering. 
“Counting the supplies my weapons dealer was able to get me,” I say, “supply has doubled since we were able to run the BlackPink ladies from town.”
Junmyon chuckles. 
“Excellent,” he purrs, “and you didn’t even need my help, you’re adjusting well.”
“Don’t give me too much credit,” I say, “it’s all because of what you taught us.”
“Us?” he asks, “the only ones I taught were you and Seokjin, the other six got in line because of you ma’am. You need to give yourself more credit, well five of them.”
I sit up, almost knocking over my scalding tea. 
“Who’s giving you trouble, Junmyeon?” I ask. 
Junmyeon sighs. There’s a flick of a lighter and a drag before he continues. 
“Well, us, he’s giving us trouble, “ he says, “Chanyeol says he saw one of them speaking with Jaebeom.”
I suck in my breath at the mention of Jaebeom. Him and his gang have been trying to competie with Junmyeon and I for a few years now, even caught them trying to steal our drug product. It’s something Yoongi was able to nip in the bud, yet they’re threat still lingers. This piece of information makes my chest tighten, so much so that I have to stand to inhale and exhale. 
“Y/N, calm down,” Junmyeon says, “are any of them with you at  this moment.”
I shake my head. 
“No,” I say, “was he stupid enough to meet on Jaebeom’s turf?”
Junmyeon chuckles. 
“No, again you’ve taught your boys well,” he says, “a little too well, they met on neutral ground. A quaint little diner.”
“Who is it?” I question. 
Junmyeon hums. 
“There she is,” he notes, “the firmness is there and I almost dropped my cigarette.”
I don’t have time for this.
“I wasn’t kidding, mostly,” he says, “Chanyeol didn’t get his description exactly, all he told me was that it was a well dressed man, handsome, pretty even, one of the younger ones.”
I put a hand on my forehead. That could be Taehyung, Jimin or Jungkook. God I can’t even fathom this, after all we’re been through. A fucking mole?
“Y/N, what are you thinking? talk to me,” Junmyeon says, “do you have one of them in mind?”
“Three of them,” I whisper, “are you sure it was one of mine?”
“You attracted a lot of handsome men Y/N,” Junmyeon teases, “pretty and deadly for you. I just wanted to warn you first, give you a heads up before it gets out of hand. I could send Yixing and Kai down to assist if you-”
“No,” I declare, “I’ll handle this right now.” 
“Good,” he says, “I’m here if you need me. Oh, and don’t ruin their faces too much.”
I grin sheepishly as he chuckles. He mumbles a good luck prior to hanging up, leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions. It couldn’t be Jungkook, could it? His bright, bunny like grin comes to mind and the muffins he handed my way. I stare down at them, stomach churning. Jin made them, there’s nothing to worry about. Then there’s Jimin with his bedroom smile and tender touches. Taehyung and his protective, yet goofy presence, God this can’t be real. My fingers fly back to my phone, finding Jin’s number and texting him to return to my study. Alone. It doesn’t take long for those familiar soft knocks to return. 
“Y/N, is everything ok?” Jin asks.
“Shut the door,” I command. 
He does so as I down some of the tea. It’s slight burn giving me the edge I need before I roll up the sleeves of my blouse. 
“Y/N, you look ill,” Jin notes, “maybe you should sit down.”
“I’m fine,” I say, “Junmyeon called, said that one of the guys met up with Jaebeom, leader of the 45th district Gots, ring any bells?”
Jin nods, moving over to my side to rub the small of my back. 
“Did you figure out who it was?”
I shake my head and move away from his touch.
“All Junmyeon said was that it was one of the young ones, that leaves Taehyung, Jimin or Jungkook,”  I say. 
Jin swallows hard. 
“Is Junmyeon sure?” Jin asks. 
“Why would he lie about that?” I ponder, “all he’s done since he gave us this power, a roof over our heads was treat us with dignity, given us something to work for, a family.”
“Y/N, sit down for a sec, please?”
I look up to meet Jin’s saddening face, his brows furrowed in concern. I take his suggestion and slump down in the armchair again, he follows and kneels down in front of me.
“I can fix this, just give me the word,” he says, “Namjoon, Yoongi and I can handle it just give me the word, please.”
His hands find mine and my eyes are on him. 
“I need to do this, myself,” I say, “I do need you by my side.”
Jin purses his lips, ready to protest, yet he doesn’t as he rises. I notice the gun bulging from the pocket of his slacks and smirk.
“I don’t think the gun is necessary.”
Jin shrugs.
“I need to have one when you don’t,” he notes, “just in case things get hairy.”
Everyone’s downstairs in the living room. Namjoon and Yoongi sit across each other with faces fixed in concentration. Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok lounge across the couch; Jimin along with Jungkook are fixated on the game of Overwatch in front of them while Hoseok’s invested on his phone. I find Taehyung sprawled below them in the carpet, sketching out something. 
“Y/N?” Namjoon asks, “is everything all right?”
Yoongi’s attention goes to me, rising with Namjoon. 
Taehyung scrammbles to his feet as well, along with Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok tosses his phone onto the couch, standing straight as he can. 
“Can we do anything to make you feel better, Empress?” Hoseok teases. 
I see Jin scowl in the corner of his eye and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“I just want to talk, is that ok?” I ask, “let’s go to the kitchen, yeah?”
They all follow, Jin and Namjoon flanking me as the others fall behind. I take my place at the head of the prolonged wooden pressed table. My hands tremble just a bit that I wound them both together and press my arms together. Jin sits to my right as always, Yoongi to my left giving me a soft look. Namjoon sits beisde Hoseok while Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung sit in the remaining three chairs on the opposite side of the table. It’s a little too fitting, given the circumstances. 
“What is it that you wanted to talk about, Y/N?” Yoongi asks as he crosses his legs. 
I keep my eyes between Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung before turning my attention to Yoongi. 
“I was wondering if you guys wanted to go out to eat sometime,” I say, “Jin works so hard to prepare us food that I thought he’d need the break.”
“Aw, we could always help more hyung,” Jungkook suggests. 
Jin falls in line easily. 
“I wouldn’t mind the break,” he says, “where did you have in mind Y/N?”
I lean back into my chair, the anger that I once had now completely gone, replaced with a cool exterior, one that Junmyeon said took years for me to master. 
“I was thinking a diner, a little quaint one,” I say, “any suggestions, Jimin, Tae, Kook?”
Jungkook scratches his head. 
“Umm, the only diner around our turf is the Denny’s down the street, noona,” he says, “do you have a taste for breakfast or dinner?”
I take Jungkook’s confused state. It can’t be him, I’m not sure of it but I know he’s not capable of that. Not with Namjoon being with him so much. 
Jimin grins and pushes a hand through his orange hair. 
“I found this cute mom and pop one from BlackPink’s old turf,” he says, “all of the supporters are out-I made sure of that, Empress.”
He winks and crosses his legs prior to looking towards Taehyung, who stares blankly at me. 
“Taehyung? What about you?”
I watch him swallow, Adam’s apple bobbing up, down then up again. Jin taps my hand lightly, giving me a signal of what I had feared the most. I shouldn’t act yet, not until Taehyung gives me some type of answer.
“Is ok if you didn’t Taehyung,” I say as I rise from my seat, “but you could have at least told me what you were doing in neutral territory, you were in neutral territory near the 45th district road, right?”
Taehyung nods sharply. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says, “I-I know some old friends in the area.”
“Really now?” I ask, “do one of them happen to be Jaebeom?”
At the drop of my question, Taehyung’s face grows white as a sheet, eyes grow larger than bowls. Yoongi and Namjoon rise along with Jin, their attention all on Taehyung as he jumps from his chair. He scrambles for the front door, however Hoseok tackles him to the ground, keeping him there with a knee against his back. The groan Taehyung makes forces my heart to sink. It’s so difficult to do this. He’s the mole. This isn’t some test Junmyeon set up, this is the real thing. 
“Y-Y/N, please-I-I can explain myself if you let me!” Taehyung shouts. 
His voice is muffled by the carpet below as I circle around him and signal Hoseok to get him up. 
“You will explain everything,” I declare, “I’ll make sure of it.”
Yoongi and Jin flank my side for a reason. Jin hands me something cold, making me jerk. I think it’s the gun, but isn’t, it’s a gold pair of brass knuckles. He’s actually giving me the go ahead, allowing me to take care of it instead of him. He’s putting so much more trust in me, trust that I don’t want, not for punishment, not for hurting someone. Yet, why the hell am I doing this? My orders have indirectly gotten people killed. This is different though, this is my family. Taehyung has been with us for years, why would he even fathom doing this?
“Y/N, please!” Taehyung groans, “don’t!”
I don’t look at Taehyung, only to Yoongi. 
“I won’t be doing much,” I say, “I’ll leave most of the hurting to you Yoongi.”
Yoongi’s face his cold, hardened as his brows furrow down at Taehyung. 
“Yes ma’am,” he says. 
“Where do you want him?” Hoseok asks. 
I nod towards the back door the leads out of the kitchen. 
“Tie him to a chair in the garage, we’ll deal with him there.”
Hoseok pushes Taehyung through, he’s still begging, the sounds try to ingrain themselves in my brain. Jimin and Jungkook are at my side: Jimin wraps his arms around my middle while Jungkook buries his face into my shoulder. 
“Empress,” Jimin starts. 
“Follow me,” I say,  cutting him off. 
Jin’s close as always, however the stone cold expression he held at Taehyung was gone. His face is full of concern again and aimed directly at me. 
“Is something wrong, Seokjin?” I ask. 
Jin leans in a little close to whisper.
���Are you sure you can handle this?” he asks, “I know you’re capable of discipline but are you in the right head-space?”
I nod sharply. Of course I’m not. I don’t think I ever will be. 
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fanficsofmine · 8 years
Characters: Suho (Junmyeon) x Reader
Content: Some smutty stuffs. Angst. Fluff.
“YOU ARE SO FUCKING TOXIC,” I screamed at Junmyeon. My entire being was trembling. I was practically vibrating with anger. There was heat residing in my cheeks and my eyes betrayed me and embarrassingly welled up with tears.
Junmyeon paused on his way out of the door. He clutched the door frame and I watched his neck muscles tense up. His head dropped a tiny bit before he pivoted and we shared strained eye contact.
“Toxic?” He repeated the word softly. Shaking his head, he retraced the steps that he took away from me back around.
“You constantly blame me for your problems, Junmyeon. It isn’t my fault that you are so insecure that you believe that I am out cheating on you every night, while you are the one traveling across the world. I have to be the one sat by the phone, hoping that you don’t decide to go out and get drunk after a show and forget to call me. Junmyeon, you accused me of flirting with your roommate because I asked him where the goddamn milk is! Milk, Junmyeon! FUCKING MILK!”
I watched the word “insecure”‘slap him across the face. He seated himself on the bed that, just this morning, our bodies were intertwined as we slept. There was a silence that screamed between the two of us. We sat, unmoving.
He scanned the room, making eye contact with everything except for me. I ached to reach out to him; to hold his hand and kiss his lips. I did not want to fight with him, especially after he had just returned from being gone for months. But I needed him to be aware of just how much things between us needed to change. There was a severe need to build the trust between us.
So, I didn’t move. Even though every fiber of my being was pulling toward him, I stayed planted in the middle of the room.
Finally, he stood up again. Junmyeon closed the gap between us in two strides, and, entangling his long fingers through my hair, kissed me with a passion I had never felt before.
My heart and my mind roared at me to pull away, but they both lost intensely to my body. I melted into him. My hands ran up the back of his shirt and clawed their way back down. He let out a throaty growl and pressed me against the door.
He used his hands in my hair to pull my head to the side. My neck exposed, he pressed his mouth to it and began sucking love bites into it.
My breath was becoming ragged as desire spread through me. I felt his hands grab my butt and I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips explored across my face, down my jawline, to my neck again.
Between moans, I gasped out a single word, “bed.”
Junmyon wasted no time. Without hesitation, he removed me from where I was pressed against the door, and tossed me on our bed. The time that our bodies were separated was brief as he swiftly climbed on top of me and reconnected our lips.
I felt his hands pulling at his shirt that I had worn to bed the night before. I raised my arms and allowed him to discard of it. He sat up and looked down at me. His fingertips grazed my skin. He traced my hip tattoos, up my side, all the way up my chest.
“You are so beautiful,” he sincerely said softly. Chills rose through my body. When Junmyon told me that I was beautiful, I felt it. I had never been one to consider myself pretty, until I met him. He sat and stared at me, taking in the sight of my body.
I put my hand behind my back to unclasp my bra, but Junmyeon stopped me.
“Jagi,” he grabbed my hands in his and kissed each one, “I worry about things because of this. Of how much you mean to me. I will work on myself, if you promise to be patient with me. I love you.”
I felt a warmth flow through me as Junmyeon said the words for the first time.
“I love you, too,” I leaned forward and placed a sweet, soft kiss on his lips. He broke free and grinned a seductive grin at me.
“Now, where were we?”
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