#junmyeon calling chanyeol oppa is the best thing ever
writingstuffandmore · 5 years
EXO's Reaction to you being younger than them
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A/N :- So, like the age gap I took is about 10 to 12 years max. Plus, I feel that all (not all exactly ) the members might be a bit hesitant but then things will go smoothly. Thank You so much @fallen-for-sehun​ for requesting it. I hope that I did justice dear. 
GIFs aren't mine.
Kim Minseok
For Minseok age gap didn't matter as such because He believes compatibility works only if people are understanding, in support of each other, trust, love etc. He wouldn't mind dating a girl younger than him unless it appears 'an old and a baby' dating. He would treat his s/o as a small baby girl. You Guys would look the 'Cutest Couple of the world'.
Minseok:- Princess, open your mouth. See a plane of strawberry is coming.
Y/N:- Oppa, I am filled. Lets go to the park for a walk. Please....
Minseok:- Stop making that pouting face. Lets go! *Aish, this girl. Always making my heart melt*
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Kim Junmyeon
He would have another baby on his list. Okay, just joking. He would absolutely adore his s/o and spoil her like anything. He will show off you to the world and will the most proud person with the proudest smile ever.
Whenever he isn't there maybe went to tour or something, he will hand his credit card to you. Not because he is rich or something but the very fact that He loves you so much and thinks that you deserve everything the world possibly offers (He is seriously though is $uho)
*You Guys at Jewellery store*
Y/N:- Jun Oppa, what do you think about this? *Pointing towards a tear drop diamond earrings*
Junmyeon:- *Already taking out his card from the wallet* Pack those earrings the lady is saying.
Y/N:- Hey, wait! We are not here for our or mine shopping specifically. We are to buy a gift for your mom. Now, tell me what do you think about it?
Junmyeon:- Oops. Sorry (but He isn't a bit sorry)
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Zhang Yixing
He will be the cutest, best and loving boyfriend ever. He will make sure that you are fine, have done your work, fed well and what not. He might sometime scold you for not taking care of yourself.
He will hold hands and always keep you beside him especially in the crowd. He doesn't want you to get lost. Whenever, he can he will bring a small bouquet of roses or any flower to remind you that you are a special person and holds a special place in his heart.
Yixing:- Jagi, why didn't you eat? You know that eating and sleeping are important for ones good health.
Y/N:- Says, that person who slept like for 2 hours in 4 Days. I didn't eat because I ate the fruit salad. Its you who should be taking care of yourself Oppa. Now, sit here and let me feed you up.
(Sometimes, Yixing becomes the baby. But, its fine the love and adoration he sees in your eyes, makes his heart swells up. He might want to do this stuff more but then gets scared when you get angry with him for not listening)
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Byun Baekhyun
This sweetheart will tease you to no end but will always love you, shower you with all the affections and support. He will sometimes, get over protective and jealous too when you bring your *school guy friends* to home. Whenever you are feeling sad, low or want to cry, he will hug you, rock you back and forth till you are calm down and say sweet nothings in your ear.
He will make you food and feed you himself. You Guys will go to Amusement parks, small picnic and all as for dates and to spend some quality time.
He might even help you with the college work too and to an extent that he will call the members late at Night for help.
Y/N:- Baek, are you sure?
Baekhyun:- *He knows when you call him Baek* Yes, I am sure sweetheart. Now go and rest because tomorrow is your presentation right? Good Night love.
Y/N:- Good Night Oppa.
*after making sure you fell a sleep he called someone*
*While Chanyeol is munching on the Cookies*
Baekhyun:- So, like someone stole my baby's projects. She was crying like anything. I promised her that I do something. IF YOU GUYS PROMISE TO HELP ME. I SWEAR TO GOD, I DO ANYTHING YOU WOULD SAY FOR THE NEXT ONE WEEK.
Kyungsoo:- Anything you said. Okay! *He smacked Chanyeol on the Head.* Yah, we are here to help and stop munching on the Cookies. What now...
Baekhyun knew what Kyungsoo will ask him to do but He couldn't care less. All that mattered was your happiness.
(i am crying)
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Kim Jongdae
Just like Baekhyun, he too will tease his gf but will always love her, show affections and support her.
But He will whine like a small child when you don't pay attention to him. Sometimes you wondered that who is younger.
He would always sing songs to make you sleep or calm you down whenever you were stressed. He would play silly and his harmless pranks on you and on his members as well which sometimes make you upset. He would always help you in any way he could.
He would take you for movies, a cozy restaurant and maybe call you to dorm to hangout.
Jongdae:- *Laughs uncontrollably. Tears flowing in his eyes.* You should have just look at your face.
Y/N:- Shut up! This is your prank? I just should have gone to the store myself.
*With that you went to your room*
Jongdae:- *thinking that, Is she going to begin her infamous Silent treatment?!* Shit. Jagi!!!
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Park Chanyeol
Both of you act like small kids, so it doesn't matter at all. Lol
He loves you a lot, texts and calls you up whenever he gets time. Otherwise, he will send messages in the morning before he leaves for work.
He takes you to his studio or you guys go to park along with Toben for a hangout along with some dinner-movie dates at home other than going out.
He always supports you, makes some weird faces and cracks jokes only to see you smile. He also gives you Big teddy bear hugs and sometimes, teases you because of your small height. He finds it really adorable when you try to kiss him or his cheek while stepping on your tip toes. He makes sure that even if you two have fun together still you study well, helps you to make notes and all.
Chanyeol:- Jagi, enough of fun for now. Lets study, okay ? You have your assignment due tomorrow.
Y/N:- *pouts* Oppa,I completed my assignment and prepared for tomorrow's internal test too. You can ask me.
Chanyeol:- *while ruffling your hair* Okay princess. If you answer all the questions. I will treat you with a chocochip ice cream and with your favourite song. (He always gives positive reinforcements)
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Do Kyungsoo
He is strict when it comes to your studies and work but that doesn't mean he can't be fun.
He will always wake you up, prepare you food and feed you. He will make sure that you are always fed well, hydrated and you aren't tensed at all.
He will give brilliant ideas for projects and tips to stay positive and calm. He will be awake with you during your exams and prepare a cup of hot chocolate or coffee. You Guys will have your own study or coffee dates. He will give you cuddles and a warm hug.
Y/N:- Oppa, I don't think that I will be able to it. *A frustrated sigh left*
Kyungsoo:- Why Jagi? You have already done so much and now at the last moment..
Y/N:- I don't know Oppa.
Kyungsoo:- Hey, look here. Lets make your favourite cupcake and then will see how to solve this problem. Right?
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Kim Jongin
Jongin will be a great boyfriend. He will be excited to meet your friends. He will support you in all matters. He won't wait a minute if he comes to know that you are tensed or something.
He will sometimes, break his rules and bring Fried Chicken Wings for you and him. You will go for a walk in the park or by the bridge. Sometimes, he will take you for stargazing. He would love to go to trips if he is allowed along with you.
He will always ask about your day and give his opinions of what he thinks or feels. He prepares you for your all events especially for Prom Night and is ready to be your date for that Night.
Jongin:- This is how we will Do. What do you think about it? Uh?
Y/N:- Its really beautiful Oppa. People, will be jealous of us.
Jongin:- I am glad that you liked it. I specially prepared it for our Prom Night sweetheart.
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Ooh Sehun
He is the guy which loves to show off. He would come to pick you up in style ,ie, he will come in his expensive car. Hair all gelled up or in a cute messy style. He would hug you and may be give a peck on your cheek infront of all the students.
He doesn't care about what others think, it only matters when things come up to you.
He is such a kid. He would tease you unnecessarily and pouts when you don't pay attention to him. He is picky about your friends and sometimes complain about them to Vivi. He doesn't let anyone except for you to touch his love of his life Vivi.
You generally don't let him cook knowing the whole kitchen will be messy but still you like the food he makes. He is really very protective of you and a hand of his will always be either on your shoulder or waist. He will try his best to help you out. You Guys have your own little dates thing.
Sehun:- Yah, Jagi... How much time will you take? See, even Vivi is ready. Whose good boy are you!
Y/N:- Go and take Vivi along with you then. I WON'T come at all.
Sehun:- I am kidding okay? I am waiting for you in the car. Then, we will leave for the Wildlife Sanctuary.
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summerbreezeyy · 4 years
Love, Huh? - Chapter 2
"You done?" Sehun said knocking on the bathroom door.
For the last 2 weeks you've been in this hospital, woke up after almost 3 days since you passed out. Sehun cried -which something you haven't seen in a long time and made you cry too realizing how much you actually hurt him by being hurt- when you opened your eyes. And since then you have never been alone even though the boys were currently preparing for their new album. Some days it would be Kyungsoo who would make sure not even a piece of rice was left on your plates and also would sneak in some snacks for you to eat, the rest of the days would be Chanyeol who would show you funny videos or make you listen to songs they've made but yet released. And then Sehun, who would with one of the guys and never came alone. He would only sit silently on the sofa, looking at you somehow with worried, angry, and guilty looks at the same time while his friends would talk with you. He would only say something when talked to. Truth was, he felt guilty for not sensing anything wrong. He was also very mad at himself for not being able to protect you, something he always promised you since you became friends.
They would work on their album in your hospital room while telling you to eat, rest, and sleep. When the day you finally could go home, well to the guys' apartment since you don't really have other place to stay at -and they were very adamant they wouldn’t have it any other way-, Sehun picked you up alone, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had to record their parts he informed.
You looked at the mirror to see fading marks on your neck, arms, and face. The stitches were also fading, you almost looked normal. Maybe your body was becoming normal, but you haven’t dare to explore your emotions of what happened 2 weeks ago. You could only hope time would help you heal your heart. The guys surprisingly didn’t bombard you with questions right as you woke up. You knew you owe them some explanations and that their heads were full of questions.
You straightened your clothes -well Kyungsoo’s since all of yours were still at your place and his fits the best since the other two are basically giants- and again looked at the mirror. Somehow, looking at your almost healed wounds made your heart wrenched. You questioned yourself, how could you let him do what he did to you? Better one, why would you do things that pushed him to do what he did?
“Hey, you okay in there?” Sehun’s voice outside grew worried when you didn’t respond.
When you opened the door and saw his face, you couldn’t hold yourself to throw yourself into his arms. You hugged him tight putting your ear on heart to hear the sound of it beating, something you realized was something very calming and pleasant. He was stunned at first, before embracing your body, sharing his body and heart’s warmth.
Both of you stayed still in this position with him stroking your hair giving you more comfort before he pulled back and held your face in his palms with you still hugging his waist, needing his presence more than ever before. “You okay?” he said softly, looking deep into you.
You nodded before continuing “I just ... Thank you. For everything.”
“Anything for you, shorty” he smiled kissing the top of your head.
“Hey I was taller than you in middle school. Not my fault you grew up to be a pole.”
After some convincing and promises you would leave if he was home and Sehun muttering something like “I hope he’s home so I could show him what broken ribs feel like”, he drove you to your shared apartment with your boyfriend -well ex to be exact- to get your essential items, like your IDs, passport, etc.
Judging by the police line that was still sealed at your door, it did’t look like someone has returned to this house. After getting rid of the tape, you punched in your code with shaking hands, can’t help but to have flashbacks about the nights of your pain. Sehun noticed this and held your other hand in his. And when the door finally opened he took the first step and entered with you behind him. When his eyes spotted the broken glass and trace of dried blood his jaw clenched and his grip tightened.
Concluding no one was really home with the lack of sound and light, he asked where’s your bedroom and lead you both there.
“Um.. Sehun, you probably need to let go of my hand for me so I can work faster.”
He reluctantly did and you took the bag you didn’t finish pack that night. You put in your wallets, laptop, notes, clothes and some stuff you just wanted to bring along. Like hell you were gonna leave your SK-II essence or Anastasia Beverly Hills palette. “You forced me to drive you here just for your skincare and makeup?” Sehun teased with his arms crossed leaning his form to the doorframe.
“These are very expensive alright. Why don’t you make yourself useful and help me find my phone. It should be in the living room somewhere,” you replied while grabbing your huge ass suitcase to fit in more stuff. 
“Just buy a new one.”
“All of my contacts are there. And also tons of pictures I’m not willing to let go of.”
He rolled his eyes and started to move towards the living room. “Like what? Nudes?” 
“I think we both know who likes to take racy pictures out of the two of us.”
“Hey that wasn’t meant for you alright.”
Sehun came back after a few minutes, “Your screen’s broken.”
“Ah dang. Are you busy today? Could we like stop by the mall to fix it or get a new one or something?” You asked looking up while crouching next to the bed, trying to reach whatever was under the bed.
“Free as a bird. You need help?”
“Nope. I.... got it,” you said pulling out a black box.
“Let me guess, your sex toys.”
“Oh honey, if I were into sex toys I wouldn’t just have one box, I’d make a room dedicated to them, Fifty Shades style.”
He snickered and got to his knee, watching you opening up the box. When you did though, he was shocked to see that it was completely filled with money. “Never heard of the bank missy?”
You shrugged, “Just feel safer to have cash than cards.” You put the box in your luggage. Deciding you’ve taken everything you bought with your own money and leaving all he gave you, you closed it. 
“All done?” Sehun grabbed your luggage and your other bag. 
“Yes.” And with that you got up. You were almost out of the door before you remembered something, “Wait!” Sehun looked behind only to see you taking some shoes with you. You grinned at him, showing him a worn out pair of shoes “This is the shoes you bought me with your first paycheck!”
He broke into a huge smile before turning on his heels, telling you to come out fast. Before you close the door to your past, you looked once into what caused you pain and happiness for the last year. 
“Have you called the guys about we’re eating out?” you asked Sehun as you finished ordering your food. He nodded at your question. “By the way, this is very private. Is this where celebrities go on dates?”
“Well the owner is also an idol, so he knows how hard it is for us to even just hangout with friends, let alone dating. Well for those who don’t want scandals yes, this is the safest place with private rooms and all.” You nodded at his explanation.
Both of you stayed quiet after that. Sehun looked like he wanted to ask you about everything but always stopped himself before he did. When you finished your food, you took a deep breath and called his name, making him look away from his leftover food he was playing with and looked into your eyes.
“Ask.” you commanded.
Sehun paused before asking “When did you quit Junmyeon hyung’s company?” Okay he’s starting light
“Almost a year ago I think.”
“Why? Was it.. him?” Sehun whispered the last word, clearly trying to avoid the sensitive topic.
“He did ask me to quit. But that wasn’t the main reason.”
“And what was it? I thought working at his company was your dream?”
“Well yes. Kinda irrelevant, but before we move on, the company is not his, it’s Mr. Kim Minseok’s.”
“But they’re brothers, the company is their family’s.”
“Yeah but technically Mr. Kim’s the one who ran the whole company, and on the other hand Mr. Kim deals with the magazine, not their....” you stopped talking as you caught Sehun’s unfazed face, clearly not caring about which Kim brothers was the owner. You sighed and continued, “I just felt uncomfortable with both of them that’s all.”
“What? What did they do?”
“Good things. Too good things. They would bring me food, offer me to lunch and dinner, giving souvenirs whenever they’re back from trips, giving me rides home, and all.”
Sehun’s brow furrowed deeper. “And what’s wrong with that?”
“What would you feel if you CEO sent you a flower bouquet and medicines because you were sick the day before or your supervisor’s boss chatting up to you at lunch like your best friends?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Normal people would feel uncomfortable. Cause other employees would talk, okay.”
“Did they? Talk? About you?”
“Oh yes they did.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I slept with both of them to get my job, which we both know isn’t true since you force-introduced me to them 2 months after I got hired. And it’s not like they weren’t professional on working time tho. I get scolded when my job wasn’t satisfactory, but gossip’s definitely more fun than fact so, I decided to quit and to start writing again. And it’s not like I needed more money. As you saw earlier I got enough and my boy.. ex-boyfriend is very rich like I told you.”
“Right, your ex.”
“Ask away, blondie.”
“Was it.. the first time?” he asked carefully.
“No.” You saw him blinked and clenched his jaw. 
“Did he do it.... often?”
“No,” you contemplated on how to tell him, and the only way for it to make sense is to tell from the beginning. “Okay, this is gonna be long. Questions after I’m done kay?” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before starting your story. “Okay, so did you realized after the initial meeting between you, me, him, Chan and Soo oppa we don’t meet that often?” He nodded “And even when we did meet I asked you not to bring your bandmates cause I ‘wanted to spend more time with you’?” Again he nodded. “And did you notice how he got very touchy and would always keep his hands on me when we hung out?” At this he just looked at you confused. “Guess why.” 
You let him think and analyze the whole thing. It took him a couple of second before he got it. “He was jealous.”
This time you nodded. “When we got home after the first meeting, he was saying things like how all three of you have crushes on me and like me more than just friends, and how we’re too close as friends and stuff. So I argued back and we had a big fight that night which ended up giving me a broken rib and nose. I was ready to leave him. But he begged and apologized. And me being the stupid girl that I am, stayed. His jealousy didn’t get better tho, but he never hit me like that again. But in turn, when he got jealous he would be.. um.. really rough in bed. Like choking, spanking, and not the good kind. If he’s jealous I won’t be able to walk the next day because of the pain and forming bruises. And he got jealous of everything. Our calls, facetime, me talking about any of you, or even just admiring celebrities. But I thought, at least he didn’t hurt me outside of bed you know.”
You looked at Sehun’s red ears and his clenched fists on the table. You reached over and took his left one in your right, squeezing it lightly as if saying ‘But I’m okay now, don’t worry’
"He kinda tolerated you, since he knows how much you mean to me, and also because I told him you're gay, which he didn't believe somehow. So he just forced himself not to be jealous when we hang out or talk. But for Chanyeol and Kyungsoo oppa, honestly I did avoid them. I think I was afraid of what he would do to me if I didn’t. But then the night before it happened, we ran into each other. And I’m pretty sure you all noticed how he got very protective of me since you jokingly said ‘chill dude, we’re not gonna take her’ which, he didn’t find funny by the way, he thought you were mocking him. When we were home, again we fought. And when he got angrier I threatened him I'd leave if he ever laid his hands on me again. So he left. At first I thought I was safe, we were okay. But then the club owner called and informed me that my ex spent the night at the club and was drinking a lot. The owner is a friend, so he called just to make sure everything’s okay. But when he told me my ex has been drinking more than he should, I had a feeling it would go bad. And that’s why I called you. But before you could pick up, he came home. We fought again, but I kept my space. I warned him again and again and again about leaving him. And he seemed to calm down, before my phone rings, and he saw the caller and he snapped.” You stopped, knowing it’s gonna be the hardest part to tell.
Sehun’s eyes doubled in size. Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It was him who called.
You took both his hands, “And it’s not your fault. Never yours. Don’t you dare blaming yourself okay.”
His lips trembled, but he told himself he had to be strong for you. No matter how terrible this was for him, you still had it the hardest. So he let go of your hands and moved beside you. He looked to your eyes deeply and ask, “Were you scared?”
“Very.” And with that he took you in his arms.
You didn’t realize it, but you found yourself crying and sobbing on his chest. Finally you crumbled down. You felt broken and worthless. Maybe you did deserve all the hitting. Maybe you weren’t good enough for him or anybody.
You cried for few minutes before calming down. You pulled away and he wiped your tears. “You also can’t blame yourself for what happened. This is all him. You are amazing, beautiful, and deserve someone who treats you like the queen you are,” he stated, knowing fully well you were putting yourself down. “Don’t discredit yourself. You’re perfect just like how you are.”
Then he hugged you again, you let yourself be embraced into his grasp, letting him mend your broken heart.
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oohfluffy · 6 years
Best | KJM
Group: EXO
Member: Kim Junmyeon 
Theme: Fluff | Band!AU | Boyfriend!AU
Word Count: 1,659
Having a bad temper does not go well with bitches who do not appreciate real talent. You just have to prove he’s the best unlike what they say. 
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"All he's got is his face really."
Your eyebrows twitched, fingers itching to grab something sharp.
"I don't even listen to his songs, just staring at his face. I bet he has the least listeners in our school music site."
You struggled not to open your eyes to search for the bitches talking behind you. Calm down. Breathe in, breathe out.
"I'm still not certain why the band let him to be the main vocal when they've still got a better choice!"
This time, you managed to grab your pencil and started swiftly rolling it over your fingers to calm yourself. They were really testing your nerves. It has been almost an hour since they started talking shit about him, you’re surprised you even got this far.
"Yeah! Like Chen or Kyungsoo, they are so much better—"
You abruptly stood up from your chair, the metallic legs screeching against the concrete. The annoying chattering halted at the sound, clearly interrupted by your unnecessary noise. Even though you were facing in front, you could feel their glares and hear their irritated mumbles.
"Do you have any problem with Ttoki having Junmyeon oppa as the main vocalist?" You asked with your voice low and threatening. No one messes with your favorite band member ever. "What"s so fucking bad about that?" You let your clenched hands on your sides, keeping your cool down.
With your reputation as Ttoki, the band, leader's most supportive fan, you thought no one would dare talk trash about him in front of you. Everyone knew not to speak ill of Junmyeon within your presence. Or they'd end up dead.
Not literally, but the same thing.
"W-We just think he's not suited for it." The meanest-looking girl stuttered before looking around the room. She straightened her back as if suddenly gaining more confidence, not wanting to cower in front of the audience. "It's obvious Kyungsoo has a better v—"
You have never turned around so fast in your whole life. You must have surprised them as well as their eyes widened with pursed lips. You knew some of your classmates were still in the classroom for lunch, but it wasn't new to them though.
You have a bad temper after all.
"What?" You scoffed, fingers tightening their hold at the pencil. Your eyes squinting at the girl, you swear you can feel fire residing them. "Did I just hear a frog croak?"
Her nose flared at your word as she stood up, fear was slightly clouded with rage. You smirked.
"Oh no. She got angry—"
Your world stopped as you heard his voice call your name. Your smirk was quickly wiped out of your face. You glared at the three gossip girls once last time before turning to him, eyes instantly softening at his figure.
His brown hair as fluffy as ever, almost clouding his sight. White skin that glows as it contrasts the dark colors of his uniform. His eyes clear and sparkling as he gazed at you.
Your eyes drifted to his lips, making you frown.
He's not happy, okay.
You cleared your throat before walking towards him. You were like a tigress turning into a kitten in front of him.
He sighed, leading the way as he walked back in the hallway. You followed, ignoring the stares of the people passing by you. You're used to it.
He suddenly halted at a certain room, away from the noisy corridors and faculty areas. You knew where you were. Who would not?
"Behave." He said, staring into your eyes with a glint of warning. You smiled, heart throbbing hard as usual. He's truly the only one who could tame you.
He opened the door, letting you walk inside. You were expecting to see the other four members of the band, but it was empty. You slowly trudged towards the couch on the side, eyes flickering to every corner of the room in wonder.
"Suho, where are they? Did you transfer to another room for practicing?" You asked out loud, sitting on the bouncy seat with an awkward smile. "Why bring me here—"
"Stop acting innocent, love. You were about to get in trouble for the third time this week, and you know it." He cut you off, walking towards the small refrigerator on the corner. “I’m keeping you away from trouble, you troublemaker.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms as you watched him open a coke in can. 
“They were badmouthing you, what should I do.” You mumbled, making him turn to you with an unreadable expression. “You know I can’t accept that, especially they’re within my hearing range.”
Junmyeon sighed before closing the refrigerator and walked back to you. You shifted on your seat, moving to the side to give him space as you see him nearing you. You thought he would sit beside you but he didn’t.
You bit your lower lip and kept your eyes down on your lap as he knelt in front of you. He smiled as he noticed the faint tint of red on your cheeks. Placing the can on the table behind him, he faced you again, hands landing on both sides of your hips.
“Babe, haven’t we talked about this?” Junmyeon softly started, fingers slowly rubbing circles on your hips. “What did I say before?”
You huffed, jutting out your lower lip in a pout. “Can’t remember.”
“Look at me, baby.” 
You feel your stubborn walls crumbling down, hearing his gentle voice. You sighed, your eyes softening as they met with his. 
“Whatever they say, I might be not enough—Shh." He stopped you before you can cut him off and argue before continuing. “I might sound the worst in the band, or I might have the least listeners in the site,” He smiled, one of his hands reaching to your cheek. “I believe that my star would always think I’m the best.”
“Well, you are.” You pouted, arms instantly wrapping around his neck. You pulled him closer to you, feeling him chuckle at your action. “You’re the best vocalist, the most handsome, and the most kind-hearted person I’ve ever known! That’s why I can’t just stay put whenever people say bad things about you.” 
Junmyeon closed his eyes as he slowly swayed your body with his, nuzzling his nose to your ear. “Who cares about what they think? As long as you believe in me, I’ll be the best.” 
"You always say that." You mumbled on his hair, his vanilla shampoo relaxing your senses. "You'll always be the best for me because I know you and your abilities."
"I love you, baby." He whispered, placing butterfly kisses on the side of your neck. "I love you."
"You're straying away from the topic!" You whined, wanting to prove a point. You wanted to tell him that you cannot stop not being affected by the horrible things people say about him. You wanted to show him that he's truly not what they say.
"I don't have anything more to say." He whined back, slightly pulling away from you to stare into your eyes. "I don't want you causing troubles because of me. Let them talk, if you can't, move away from them. Move away from negative people. You know me the best, right? You know that I'm not like the one they talk about. That's what matters, okay?" You let his hand caress your cheek, savoring the warmth of his palm.
You pouted but nodded, defeated once again. You understand that he's worrying about you being a troublemaker for the past 10 months they have started the band, along with the bad comments about him. You would probably the president of his fans' club if ever they have one.
You frowned as you see his expectant expression. He wants you to say more. You sighed.
"I won't cause trouble anymore and make you worry. I'll let them talk and just refrain punishing them." You muttered under your breath, making your boyfriend grin proudly. "Can I tell them to stop though? You know, giving a life lesson or something. I can at least do that." You fluttered your eyes at him, smiling innocently.
Junmyeon nodded, tucking a stray hair from your face behind your ear. He looked at you as if you’re the most precious gem he has found, his eyes twinkling in joy and contentment. He could stare at you all day.
"You're the best though." He giggled, playfully pinching your blushing cheek. "I can argue with your statement."
"No! You are! Do you want me to list out your perfection?" You exclaimed, hands flailing around as if to point out something. "HEY!"
Junmyeon laughed as he picked you up, your legs snaking around his waist and arms back around his neck in instinct. He sat back on the couch with you straddling him, his hands possessively caging your waist. You quickly hid your red face on his neck, whining at the position he has put you in. He swiftly kissed your cheek, chuckling at your groan.  
"Should we start our debate, love?" He whispered on your ear, tickling your insides with seduction.
Damn it, why does he need to be a lowkey tease?!
"SUHO HYUNG! I HEARD YOUR GIRL—" Baekhyun halted on his loud blabbering as he saw the couple cuddling on their couch. "—was here." You were about to move away from Junmyeon when he tugged you back, mumbling to ignore the boys.
"What's the matter—OOH." Chen smirked as he followed inside the room. Kyungsoo silently followed, saying a formal greeting as he smiled at the two of you before going the refrigerator.
"You should have locked the door if you were going to do something naughty, hyung." Chanyeol chuckled as he placed down his guitar case beside the drum set.
"Shut up."
Well, the debate haven't started but maybe later.
Later when no one's around.
You swear you'll win proving that he is indeed the best for you.
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shininjjongg · 6 years
EXO Reacting to female member
Kim Junmyeon
Ah Junmyeon my angel. Literally becames your mom. He’s the mom that embarrasses you everywhere. Does everything to keep you safe. If anyone dares to say something nasty about you damn he will snap. One time you came home late and he was sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for you “Where were you young lady?”
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Kris Wu
Oh look, you have dad too. Yayy. He doesn’t talk to you much in the beginning but as time passes he opens up more and more. If other guys cough baekhyun cough decide to tease you he’ll definitely body slam them.
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Kim Minseok
Ah a fluff ball. You’ll have to fight him for the title of the maknae. Helps you with everything. He’s the one that you go to for advices. And he always gives the best ones. Calls you his sister and will fight anyone who looks at you in the wrong way.
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Always tries to show you just how manly he is. Is really caring. As you’re the youngest he tries to make you as comfortable as he can. When you do something cute he’ll yell and jump and then hug you and squish your cheeks.
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Zhang Yixing
Okay lil sheep, He will avoid you at first. Just because he doesn’t know how to start a friendship with you. But then you asked him to help you with the new choreography and that’s when you two got closer. It was only you two in the practice room so you had to talk to each other which lead to you guys staying there until 2am.
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Byun Baekhyun
He was the first one to talk to you. If you ask him for a favor he WILL NOT do it until you call him Oppa. Is an absolute tease. If you had a crush on someone God forbid it reaches his ears. If anyone else other then the members decide to tease you they better catch those beautiful hands of his. Make sure you lock the door when you take a shower
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Kim Jongdae
Undoubtedly sceams into your ear to wake you up. Takes you to Karaoke. If you two are out shopping or something he will embarrass you for sure. One time he lost you in the mall and the whole building could hear him yelling your name.
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Park Chanyeol
Let’s face it, No matter if you want it or not Chanyeol still finds a way to be your bestie. You tell him absolutely everything. He’s your number one hype man. If you cry he’ll cry too. Your mood really affects him.
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Huang Zitao
Ah another teaser. He and Baekhyun have united to tease the shit out of you. Constantly makes fun of you and if he ever crosses the line he won’t stop following you around like a lost puppy until you forgive him.
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Do Kyungsoo
If not Chanyeol you and Kyungsoo wouldn’t have been closer even now. Once Chanyeol pulled a prank on both of you and you two decided to take your sweet revenge. “We should plan Chanyeols funeral as well don’t you thing so Y/N?”
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Kim Jongin
Now Jonging is really chill. You two aren’t super close but close enough to go to each other if some shot happens. He’s like the older brother that cares for you deeply but never shows it.
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Oh Sehun
Sehun is your personal dance teacher because apparently he thinks your dancing sucks and you need to be educated by the best dancer on the market. Tells you a lot of weird shit during those dance lessons. Also introduces you to friends so you can get laid
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On this blog we only stan OT12 and if you don’t get the fuck out of my blog.💞
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alabastertouch · 7 years
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Park Chanyeol x Reader x Oh Sehun
Warning/s: None
Summary: Okay, so you are hopelessly in love with your best friend... Guess it’s not a bad thing that there’s an enormously handsome guy quietly waiting?
A/N: This is to compensate for months of not posting... and because my friend told me to post this (I d k if she’d like it if I tag her tho!) Anyway enjoy some Chanyeol and Sehun time!
And that title was thought of last minute okay
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“Yeah!” Chanyeol has called you again, drunk, and basically coerced you into staying with him throughout the party Baekhyun has so conveniently thrown in a school night.
You do love parties… you really do, but when you’re busy studying for your upcoming exams and finishing papers that won’t finish themselves, you don’t appreciate a rowdy distraction.
“Chanyeol, it’s time to go. Jongdae oppa said you have a big presentation tomorrow!” You mutter through your teeth, trying to be reprimanding yet at the same time not wanting to be a killjoy. Chanyeol himself has had a fair share of saving your intoxicated ass in the middle of the night as well, but not when you have responsibilities to take over.
“Come on, Y/N! No worries! Miss Gong is nice~” You don’t appreciate the goofy smile at the end of his sentence, either. You’ve heard enough from Baekhyun about the new teacher… that she looks younger than her actual age and that she has captivated most, if not all, of her students in all genders.
“Miss Go’s hot!” Baekhyun remarks, finishing his vodka tonic off. “I thought you like Chaeyoung, Yeol?” Baekhyun’s tipsy self almost falls, but successfully holds on to you before he can fall. You can feel his smirk, which means that he knows exactly what he is doing and he is doing it to prove something.
Byun Baekhyun is provoking you.
“Ha,” you airily laugh. “Tell me more about this Chaeyoung. Tell me why Chanyeol here likes her so much, that he’s redder than his usual drunken self.”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes at your subtle bluffing. He knows how you’ve been liking Chanyeol for such a long time, and like another bystander, he is itching to find out the ending of your love story with Chanyeol.
“She’s Australian,” Junmyeon comments from the side, contributing to the conversation as minimal as possible. When it comes to the matters of the heart, Junmyeon is the last one to be asked. That’s a story for another day, though.
“Oh, I didn’t know Chanyeol is interested in international affairs,” you snap at Junmyeon, who then raises both of his hands in surrender. “Why does it matter if she’s an Aussie?”
The tips of Chanyeol’s ears are now crimson, face buried on one of Baekhyun’s throw pillows. You harshly pull it out, revealing his giggling form. He topples on to your lap, a gushing fit that resembles you whenever he does something unconventional directed to you.
“Ah, Yeol, you must really like this Chaeyoung girl,” you speak, not realizing how monotonous you sounded. Baekhyun chortles in laughter, masking his making fun of your misery. Your eyes successfully shut him up and he turns to his drink in order to avoid your blazing gaze.
“She’s pretty,” Chanyeol neither confirms nor denies the accusation you made, but judging by his compliment (which he rarely ever does, because only his mom and his older sister are pretty to him), she is hella lucky.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” you mess his hair, taking out your frustration on the brown locks.
“Y/N! Stop!” He laughs once again, uncontrollable this time. After a few minutes of cackling, even after you have ended making him your outlet, he falls asleep in exhaustion.
You are, undeniably, in love with your best friend, and for whatever it’s worth, you’re willing to make him happy even if it costs you your happiness.
“Hello, my dear,” you can hear the girls’ exasperated sighs behind you as Oh Sehun once again hands you a chilled banana milk.
Cliché, but Oh Sehun is the resident tsundere. He almost resembles Naoki Irie from that Japanese manga… only that Sehun doesn’t have an IQ of 200, but rather has a personality of a six-year-old.
Even if Sehun acts like a cold-hearted male all the time, he is your moronic buddy when you’re downcast. You barely spend time with each other out of class, since he is busy with his freelance job as a model in different companies, and you are teaching English in a tutorial center nearby.
Still, that does not stop Sehun from always accompanying your Chanyeol-moping ass.
“How are you and hyung?” Sehun innocently asks, genuinely unaware of your situation. He was absent last night during Chanyeol’s drinking episode, thus not being updated with the events that occurred.
“How’s your math grade?” You purr at him, and his eyes widen as he turns to you.
“Hey, that’s a foul!” He points at you accusingly, and you just shrug him off. Anyway, you gave him an answer without directly telling him.
“Your question to me was a foul as well!” You sputter as you try to look for a reason not to hurt Sehun’s feelings.
“Whatever,” he sips on his strawberry milk. “Help me with the English exam, please?”
“What do I get in return?” You try to make a negotiation with him.
“The pleasure of my company,” Sehun motions to his body, earning himself a jaunt on the stomach coming from you and your powerful elbow. “Y/N, stop being violent!”
“So, stop making stupid remarks!” You return to your book, ignoring Sehun’s attempts at being cute. You hear the girl from the other table jeer at you as she eats a large chunk of her mac and cheese, which only makes you chortle while drinking.
That night, Sehun heads to your apartment, bringing his notebook, pen, and “glorious self” along.
“What do you mean I is a pronoun?” He looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads. “I am a pronoun.”
And you give him the equally unabashed look.
“Sehun, listen to me for a while, okay?” You heave out, once again beginning to teach him when the knock on the door interrupts your tutorial.
“I’ll open it,” Sehun volunteers and lifts himself off the floor, complaining his numbing butt and his lack of learning for the night. When he opens the door, he gets silent.
“Sehun? Who is it?”
“Hyung? Why are you here?” Sehun sounds puzzled, and when you see the visitor’s identity, you almost want to push Sehun out of your apartment.
“Sehun? Where’s Y/N?”
“Ah, Chanyeol! What’s up?” You stand up, managing to not trip along the way. Sehun looks at you disapprovingly, which takes you aback. “What?”
“You promised to teach me this language, and you’re not gonna ditch me for hyung!” Sehun mutters, thinking his voice is inaudible to Chanyeol.
“Ah, Sehun! No worries, I’m just here to ask if Y/N can lend me her car,” Chanyeol sheepishly asks. “I’ve a date tonight.”
And you want to crash your car on his perfect stature. Sehun cautiously looks at you, seeing the rise and fall of your chest as you think of a response that will not show you’re hurting.
“Yo, Y/N! Don’t worry, I’ll gas it up!” Chanyeol thinks it’s the issue, but it actually is far from that. You are thinking of ways to tell him to shut up and try to listen, but maybe you really are the girl that guys befriend.
You are friends with the undeniably good-looking ones, yet not one has ever fallen in love with you. Not to mention, your best friend is blind to your own feelings.
“Yeah, sure. You know where to get the keys,” you allow him, and his silly smile brings you down instead of what it usually did to your heart.
“Ah, you’re the best!” He kisses your cheek and heads to your room, leaving you wondering why you are stupidly nice to the guy who’s breaking your heart.
You look at Sehun, seeing his pained expression. You’d expect that he’ll mock your heartbreak, as he is the most mischievous among every one of your friends, but his empathetic smile wavers you.
“I’ll bring it tonight safe and sound!” Chanyeol promises.
“Ah, hyung, just bring it to uni tomorrow,” Sehun speaks. “I’m taking Y/N tomorrow. Just take care of her car.”
And you stare Sehun down. Did he just give Chanyeol permission to stay the entire night with his date?
“Oh, okay,” you aren’t sure if your ears are deceiving you, but it seems to you that Chanyeol is a bit disappointed. “I’ll go off now.”
And when Chanyeol leaves, you and Sehun are still left in that silence.
“Way to go, Sehun,” you huff. “That totally gives him all the privilege to sleep with his date tonight! Not to mention, he might even do it in my car!” You lash out at the poor guy who is only trying to be nice and to ease your hoping heart.
“He won’t!” Even Sehun himself is panicking. You can see.
“Let’s just finish this whole thing, okay?” You sigh as you reopen your binder, showing him the notes you’ve been religiously taking. Sehun watches you carefully, studying your every movement as you explain things to him one by one.
And it bugs you.
“Oh Sehun, you’re not listening!” You reprimand him, but his stare holds you back from yelling at him further. “What?”
“Will you promise not to hate me after doing what I’ve been wanting to do?” He whispers lowly.
“Just as long as it isn’t illegal, then fine.”
And he caresses your face, planting a kiss on your lips softly. He doesn’t move, but pulls away minutes later once he sees the shock written all over you.
“I’ll go now,” Sehun stands up and fixes his stuff, leaving you frozen with your internal battle. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
And with those words, he’s gone.
It only leaves you tossing in your bed all night. Oh Sehun likes me? It’s the question that has been running on your mind all night long. He never showed it, though. You try to recall everything that he has done for you and trace when all of it had begun.
The night you told him about liking Chanyeol? Had he been feeling this way since then?
In haste, you take your phone from the bedside table and press on your messaging thread with Sehun.
You | 2:05 AM You awake?
Sebooty | 2:06 AM Yeah. Why are you still awake?
“The audacity to ask!” You sit up as you begin typing aggressively.
You | 2:07 AM Because of what you did, dumbass!
You | 2:07 AM Since when? Or are you just messing with my head?
Sebooty | 2:08 AM I would never do that to you
Sebooty | 2:08 AM And to answer your question, way before you told me you liked hyung
Now that you have one of your questions answered, you have a lot more that needs immediate response.
You | 2:09 AM You shocked me
“Wow, very witty,” you murmur to yourself after hitting send.
Sebooty | 2:09 AM Well, I shock most people
You | 2:10 AM HAHA, funny. Don’t go kissing other girls okay? Wouldn’t want to shock them
Sebooty | 2:10 AM Why, jealous? ;)
You feel your face getting warm by his remark.
You | 2:12 AM Are you flirting with me?
Sebooty | 2:12 AM It took you two minutes to reply?!
Sebooty | 2:13 AM And yes, I’ve been doing that for the past year. Thanks for noticing.
“Oh, this little shit,” and you find yourself enjoying this… texting Sehun and laughing at his flirtatious words that come every once in a while. It seems like he is feeling the same, because he continues replying just as quick as you are doing.
You | 4:01 AM Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?
Sebooty | 4:01 AM As should you, princess
You smile at the cheesy term of endearment.
You | 4:02 AM We still have four hours before our class, Sehun. Go to sleep.
Sebooty | 4:02 AM Rest now, Y/N. Good morning!
You | 4:03 AM Sweet dreams, Sehun
Finally, you tuck yourself under your blankets, feeling warm with both your body and your heart with the thought of a friend you are now seeing in a brand-new light.
Instead of waking up with your usual alarm tone, a clinking ring tone gets you up and has you grabbing your phone quite violently.
“Hello?” You groggily answer.
“Yo, it’s 7:30,” your eyes widen after hearing the time from the caller. “I was pretty sure you were still asleep.”
“Shit!” You run to the bathroom, phone still held close on your ear. “Look, Seul, I have to hurry up because Sehun is picking me up soon.”
“Sehun? Oh Sehun?” She asks, a little laugh in her tone. “Ooh, what’s going on between you two?”
“Nothing!” You defensively respond. “I’ll text you later, okay? Bye! Love you!” And you hang up and throw your phone on the bed.
After a five-minute shower and throwing a quick makeup look (you choose a reddish lip tint today, surprisingly), you finish with dressing up in a comfortable sweatshirt and black leggings.
The knock on your door stops you from checking yourself out longer in the mirror.
Once you open it, it reveals Sehun wearing his usual clothing, but you had failed to notice how he undeniably looks like he just came out of a Balmain photoshoot.
“Ready to go?” He asks, a little bit shy.
“Yeah, let me just put on some shoes.”
You ride on the shotgun seat of his car right after.
You spend the way to school in comfortable silence, singing to the songs playing on the radio and stealing glances at Sehun once in a while.
“Stop looking at me all weird,” Sehun speaks, not taking his eyes off the road. “That’s the last thing I wanted to happen.”
“Well, that’s the consequence of kissing me,” you roll your eyes at me.
“Look, you don’t have to feel obligated to spend time with me if you feel too awkward, Y/N. I understand that you like someone else and I’ll give you your time if you want it. But after that, I’m hoping we’ll still be as close as we were.” Sehun explains, pleading you in a way. You find his sincerity endearing, and you find yourself hiding a smile.
“Sehun, no. I’m not going to stay away from you,” you clear up, surprising him. Once he has parked, he looks at you in surprise.
“We’ll talk about this later, okay? We have class,” You climb down his car. “Let’s go.”
As you enter the classroom, Mrs. Go has not luckily arrived yet, but unfortunately, Seulgi is there, wiggling her eyebrows at the scene of you and Sehun entering at the same time.
“What’s with the eyebrows, Kang?” Sehun sasses.
“What’s with you and my bestie arriving together, Oh?” Seulgi spats back with a teasing tone.
“Just me being a nice guy,” Sehun shrugs.
“You? Nice?” Seulgi snorts as she looks at him. “You’ve finally found your balls, huh?”
“Yah!” Sehun exclaims. “Stop!”
“What? It’s about time you quit bitching about seeing Y/N and Chanyeol oppa together,” Seulgi cackles and leans closer to you. “Did you know he threw a sissy fit when he found out you picked Chanyeol oppa up from that party? He was complaining to me and Jongin about it!”
“What’s the problem with me picking him up? He was drunk!” You ask Sehun, who ignores your question by looking out of the window.
“Because he’s jelly,” Seulgi winks. “And there’s nothing wrong with Sehun, right? Apart from the fact that he whines a lot, he’s an okay guy.”
“He’s a great guy,” you impulsively say, pursing your lips afterward.
“Aha!” Seulgi points. “I’m totally shipping!”
“Shut up, Seulgi, or I’ll tell Jongin that you’ve been liking him since you were fifteen!” Sehun blackmails the orange-haired girl.
“You wouldn’t!” Seulgi gasps.
“I will if you don’t stop bugging me and Y/N!”
After three hours of Mrs. Go explaining complicated Calculus equations and Seulgi’s unexpected silence, lunch time has arrived.
Since Seulgi has something to look for in the library, you and Sehun are the first ones to grab your lunch. You head to the cafeteria together, where you see Chanyeol with Jongdae and Baekhyun, poking fun at Kyungsoo’s newly shaved head for the school’s play.
“Hey, guys,” Sehun greets first. You wave at them, to which they reply with a chorus of hellos.
“Hey, here’s your key,” Chanyeol throws, and you successfully catch them in your hands. “No scratch at all. It’s safe and sound.”
“Wow, what a miracle,” you sarcastically smile. “I’m getting food. Let’s go, Sehun!”
Once you return to the table with your trays, Jongdae starts bombarding you with questions.
“Are you finally going out?” Jongdae gushes, and Sehun is all ready to deny it before you speak up.
“Not yet,” you take a sip from your bottle of water. “He hasn’t asked me out properly yet.”
Sehun almost chokes on his ramen, and Chanyeol looks at you with wide questioning eyes.
“Yah, I thought I taught you better!” Baekhyun hits Sehun’s head. “Ask girls properly and with respect!”
“Wha—You said we’ll talk about it later!” Sehun sputters.
“Later is now!” You reason out. “Let’s talk about it now!”
“With them?” He motions to the four older guys around you.
“Hey, we’re your hyungs!” Kyungsoo scolds him.
“Yeah, hyungs who’ve been making fun of me for not confessing!” Sehun cries out.
“Are you going to ask me out or am I going to be the one to do it?” You ask him, seemingly bored. He stands up all of a sudden, taking you aback.
“Let’s get out of here.” Sehun takes your hand and leads you outside of the cafeteria. Once you are in a secluded area, he faces you with an unsure look.
“Are you messing with me?” He asks you with a raised brow.
“I wouldn’t do that to you.” You return his words with a smile.
“Movies at 8?” He slyly proposes.
“I’d love that,” and you climb on his tall figure and kiss his cheek, leaving him a giggling mess in the school garden.
Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Kyungsoo watch Chanyeol as he eats his tonkatsu silently, which is quite a contrast from how he was before you and Sehun came and left.
“You okay, man?” Baekhyun queries, earning an absentminded gaze from Chanyeol. He finally snaps out of it and realizes that he is being questioned.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Chanyeol tries to convince his friends.
“Chaeyoung’s right, huh?” Kyungsoo says. “About Y/N?”
Chanyeol’s date last night went awry after Chaeyoung made it clear to him how he really felt, because she had noticed that all Chanyeol had talked about was you.
But now, he knows that it’s just a thing that will never happen, because as he watches yours and Sehun’s intertwined hands upon returning, he knows he has missed an amazing opportunity.
“She’s right.” Chanyeol coughs.
He’s too late.
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baekpercenteu · 7 years
When We Were Young
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Characters: Jongdae x You
Genre: Angst / Fluff 
Type: Oneshot 
Word Count: 1.5k 
Summary: You reminisce your relationship with Jongdae after you guys break up.
For @praisekinkchenanon, with all love. 
- Your Satan #2
When we were young, we thought anything was possible.
When we were young, I thought you and I would be forever.
When you were young, you loved me like there was no tomorrow. 
When I was young, I thought I would be enough. 
Enough for you to stay with me. 
Enough for you to smile and laugh with me. 
You thought I was enough for you
But I didn’t think so
And now that I’ve changed. 
“We” ended. 
“It’s complicated. I don’t know how they made that up.” You would say, whenever I would ask you why you were caught in this rumor. But you’ve never explained why it was complicated or how it became complicated. It all just seemed confusing for me. Untrusting, insecure, crazy; me. But I could never imagine how it was like for you. 
I guess that’s my fault. Scratch that, I know it’s my fault. For never considering how you felt when I asked those hurtful questions. For just ignoring your feelings. Everyone said that I was annoying and a moron behind my back, everyone except you. Towards the end of us, I was always annoying. And I knew that. I still can’t understand how you put up with me.  
But everything wasn’t always like this. Everything was surprisingly okay and exciting in the beginning. Everything seemed actually interesting and lively. 
Jongdae and I met while I was a trainee for SM and well, he obviously succeeded and I had to just give up and get a stable job. 
He was always the sweetest person out of EXO and also, the whiniest.
 Despite me leaving SM, EXO and I still remained as close as ever. He asked me out on New Year’s Eve, when I was over at their dorm to celebrate with them.
January 1st, 2015
“Happy New Year!” Everyone shouted as we watched the clock strike 12 AM. And the tradition was to kiss someone on New Year’s so I turned to my left and locked lips with Kim Jongdae. 
I knew it was him. That’s why I turned left. He seemed to respond well to my sudden action. 
When we parted, the rest of the boys looked at us in shock.
 “You two… are a thing?” Baekhyun’s eyes danced between Dae and I.
 “I never saw that coming.” Sehun remarked with an annoying amount of sass in his tone.
 “They are now. Finally, I’ve been watching Jongdae flirt with you since our trainee days, Y/N.” Kyungsoo addressed.
Kyungsoo’s dry humor made everyone burst into laughter and a seemingly endless string of high fives and happy wishes came towards us that night or should I say morning? 
Well in the end, we drank some champagne and fell asleep to a stupid rom com on their sofa. 
The next morning was the best. 
I woke up to Jongdae spooning me in his bed. His steady breathing fanned my neck as I felt his legs tangled with mine and his arm slightly draped over my waist. I tried really hard to move a little because it was honestly getting sweaty but that failed and I woke him up.
 “Morning.” Jongdae rubbed his eyes as he sat up.
 “Sorry I woke you. Did you carry me here last night?” 
“Yeah, you seemed very uncomfortable on that sofa with the rest of the boys so I carried you to my room. And boy, was that work.” Jongdae joked.
“Shut up.” I felt a smile creeping onto my face. 
“I know we are kinda official but I just want to make sure. So, will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?” 
“Of course.” I displayed a smug smile on my face. 
Everything was okay from then on. Yeah, we would have fights here and there but that was to be expected from couples. We would fight about stupid things such as what to get for dinner or what movie we should watch. 
But there were also the cute moments. I remember going to their fan sign during the “Call Me Baby” era and pretending to be a Junmyeon fan. Dae had this jealous yet impressed look on his face I can’t help but recall every time I think of the event.
“Hello.” Chanyeol greeted me at the beginning of the table. I was the last fan so they seemed a little tired. 
“What is your name?” Chanyeol asked, even though he was already addressing the signature to me. 
“How have you been, Y/N?” Chanyeol smiled. 
“I’ve been great. How about you?”
“We’ve been promoting so everything is very exciting. Who are a fan of?” 
“Junmyeonie oppa.”
 “Really?” Chanyeol started to laugh as I just smiled. “Yeah. He’s really handsome and a great leader.” 
By the time I reached Dae, I’ve already told the rest of the boys I liked Junmyeon and he didn’t seem impressed at all. His lips were in a flattened into a straight line. All the boys have been sneaking glances at our interaction and by the way I saw it, they were planning on teasing him in the van when we were done.
 “Hello.” I smiled brightly. 
“Hi! What is your name?” 
“That’s a really pretty name, Y/N-shi.”
I blushed and thanked him. 
“So, I hear that you like Junmyeon hyung.” 
“Yeah, he’s really handsome and sings really good. And he’s such a excellent leader.” I went on and on about how perfect Junmyeon was until he finally stopped me. 
“Are you sure your bias isn’t me?” 
“No. Why would it be you?” I questioned. The boys almost died at my remark.
 “I could sing better, I’m actually funny, I’m more handsome, and I’m extra perfect.”
 I ended up giving up and smiling really big as he made all his arguments going against Junmyeon. I put my hand on his and squeezed it a little. I whispered “I love you.” to him and he did the same to me.
But in the end, I had to leave. He seemed really sad to see me leave the venue.
 On the bus ride home, I read the message he wrote to me. 
“To my dearest, I’m so happy you made it to this fan meeting. I was really excited to see you in the bunch of fans today. But I waited very long because I was at the end of the table :(. And who’s this Junmyeon guy you like? I don’t know him at all. You must stop liking him and love me. Well, I know you love me. I missed you so much. I’ll call you tonight though. I love you.
- Jongdae <3
I smiled so much that day my cheeks started to hurt.
But as EXO became more popular, there was less time for us to spend together. Less time for us to even have a 5 minute phone call. 
We started to fight a lot more. It was to the point where every time we met, we would fight. And not about the stupid stuff. But just about simple loneliness and jealousy.
 It all stemmed from the fact that there was this rumor about Jongdae was dating an idol. It was already 2016 and around the time they started to promote “Lotto”. I was of course, furious. And my jealousy got the best of me.
The idol was rumored to be Girls Generation’s Yoona. How could I not be jealous? She was a complete goddess. All of the boys fawned over her. She was funny and even knew how to cook. She was the perfect package. And here I was, being me. Not even half as beautiful as she was. I was insecure. 
I questioned him. I didn’t trust him. I asked him questions that hurt him so deeply I don’t even want to picture the expression he had plastered on his face anymore. He looks so hurt, so upset, and like someone had just murdered his family.
I would question why he showed up late to my apartment. I would ask him where he was all the time. I became crazy and obsessed over something that was complete fiction. Even after the him denying my accusations multiple times.
I blamed him for things that weren’t even the least bit related to him. I blamed him for stuff he had no control over. So of course,over time, his beautiful smile faded. His eyes began to look tired all the time. The calls stopped. The cute texts stopped. “We” stopped. 
I had made him leave me. I understood why he broke up with me. By 2017, I was this controlling bitch who was insecure about herself. He and I were both suffering. When he dumped me, I hated him the first few days but I came to the realization that it was my fault. That I made us drift apart. I made us end the way we did. 
But what if I say I still love him? What if I say my heart shatters into millions of pieces whenever I see him on billboards or on TV? It shatters because I feel bad for the way we ended. For the way I tortured him for months to the point where he had had enough. For the way I was being.
Those eyes are still in my dreams. That smile still haunts my nights. That beautiful voice still replays in my head. Those pictures still remain on my walls. That bottle of cologne he left me is still on my vanity.
I still love him. 
I still need him. 
But I ruined it. 
I ruined his love and destroyed him. 
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joninibear · 7 years
I WANT RECS!!!!!!!!!!! Pls pls pls
Haha I’d be happy to anon ^o^ (I’ll rec other fics than kd then?)
• Not Intended (Arranged marriage!au, maid!au, ceo!au. Romance, fluff, smut. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are put in an arranged marriage together, but Baek has no idea that it’s Yeol he’s supposed to marry, cuz Baek runs away. Baek then starts working as a maid for Yeol, still not knowing that it’s his husband to be.. xD)
• You Were Always The One For Me (Best friends to lovers!au + friends with benefits!au. Baek and Yeol are best friends who kisses each other a lot, and sometimes do a little bit more. But every time Yeol gets a gf it gets hella complicated)
•We Are Tonight (Frenemies with benefits!au, smut, fluff. Baek hasn’t had sex in a long time so he asks Yeol, his enemy of sorts, to sleep with him.) 
• Call Me Oppa (Comedy, lil smut. Baekhyun accidentally calls Kris oppa xD it’s really funny.)
• Come Morning Light (Wolf!au, arranged “marriage”!au, smut, mpreg. Luhan gets promised to an alpha, Sehun, in order to save his tribe.)
• A Prince And His Guard (Royalty!au, romance. Soo is a prince that is about to be put into an arranged marriage, and Kris is his new guard, who falls in love with Soo..) 
• Never Me And You (Smut, romance, angst, age-gap. Junmyeon thinks he’s too young for relationships, and Kris doesn’t want to settle down. So they come up with a solution.)
• All It Ever Was (Arranged marriage!au, lil angst, fluff. Junmyeon and Kris are put into an arranged marriage, and they strangely don’t mind it.)
• It’s Not A Bad Thing (+ Sequel: Make It Whole) (Romance, fluff, age-gap, mpreg. So Chanyeol might be a little immature for Kris, but he still wants him)
• Animal Magnetism (Wolf!au, smut, romance, fluff. Human!nini meets wolf!yeol at a club, and they fall for each other.)
• The Weight Of The World (I’ll Lift It For You) (Roommate!au, fluff, romance, smut. Chanyeol struggles with finding a better job, and nini is his supportive roommate, who he’s also in love with.)
•Where Souls Brimful Of Love Abide And Meet (Friends to lovers!au, romance, lil angst. It’s a prequel to another fic, the main fic is too angsty for me ;;; so I only read the prequel xD It’s just about how Chanyeol and Soo became a couple in the og fic)
• Coming Up From Behind (Bodyguard!au, fluff. After a failed assassination attempt, Minseok has become temporarily blind, and Kris is his new bodyguard.) 
• Four Seasons (Roommate!au, fluff. Kris and Nini are new roommates who starts to fall for each other through the course of a year.)
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oh-beyond · 7 years
Stronger AU - Part 8
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Your mother was a very successful photographer for a very well known magazine, she is sent to Korea where she met Kim Jongin the beautiful 4 year old in an orphanage. She fell in love the moment she laid eyes on him, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to live if Kai wasn’t with her, but your father had other plans. Your mother’s heart broke, she had no other choice but to send him back, but the relationship between them never ended. Kim Jongin was present always… in her life… in your life…
Kai × Reader
< Part 7
Summary: How many things did he hide about him and your mom? Was he simply lying to you or was he protecting you form getting hurt? Was it wise to love you? Will this have a happy ending?
The more you paid attention to Kyungsoo the more you regretted asking him anything, he had his eyes fixated in the road, he looked scary, you regretted now even getting into his car, he almost looked as if he was going to kill you to make Kai’s life easier, so many mixed feelings.
“We are here, I hope Jongin doesn’t hate me after this”
“Hate you? Why? Are you going to hurt me?” it came out so naively that after verbalising it you felt dumb, where was the rewind button?
“Do I look that menacing to you? I remind you that asked me to take you to my place”
“Sorry, that came out wrong, it’s just, Jongin and I... we... fought...”
“Well that bit is obvious, I’m sure everything will be alright”
“No it won’t, he screwed up everything, please... you don’t know”
“I just said that I do know, everything I must add”
His voice still sent chills to your body, even goosebumps formed in your arms.
You arrived to a small nice house, it was clear that he didn’t live with his parents, or a girlfriend for that matter, the shoes in the front door belonged to young men, assorted in all sizes and colours.
“They’re not all mine” he said in less intimidating tone when he saw how impressed you were with the variety “we all live together, not that we cannot afford our own places but we like to live like a family”
“Aha... and...?”
“He rented that place when he knew you were coming, like he wouldn’t let his precious noona around us, he’s too protective”
“Yeah, guys don’t like sisters around their friends”
“No that’s no it, although also true, not all of us know about you two, but certainly I’m one of the ones that know”
“Know what Kyungsoo? What the actual fuck? Like so what if you know that he fucks me from time to time? That doesn’t make it special”
“You’re being too harsh, he loves you, you of all people you are the most especial to him”
“Whatever, now this” you said pulling your mother’s medical file “what is this? Why does he even have something like this? You know about my mom?”
“Yes I do”
Ten years ago
“Mr. Brown, she does suffer from depression, Borderline personality disorder kind of an attachment disorder, it’s not severe like Erotomania where the patient beleives that someone is in love with them b-”
“Wait, what? He is 12, he is not in love with her or vice versa, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I’m going to kill that fucker!”
“Mr. Brown please calm down this is not what I meant, the disorders are associated with each other, but they are not the same, she doesn’t love your adoptive son, neither does he, he is a child, she is attached to him very much, I’ll explain myself, Mrs. Brown thinks that she is only a good mother when she’s with him, a good human, a good person all and all, when believes Jongin is dependant on her which in a way it was true when he was a young child, rescuing him from the orphanage and the way he responded loving her unconditionally, your daughter had both parents and Mrs. Brown thinks she doesn’t need her as a mother as much as Jongin does”
“Sound all crazy to me, he got her sick, he is the reason”
“Mr. Brown... I am sorry to be speaking this bluntly, but I believe the complete opposite, Jongin is the one who can help her, and only him, she always needs to feel that she is worth to someone”
“We all love her doctor, I love her, she just loves that damn child”
Kyungsoo kept talking as you read through the file, the words depression, disorder, the medications she took, all the crap Kai must have been dealing with, your dad, your dad also, he never made you aware of this, you suddenly thought that if you knew you could of had helped, somehow in any way, maybe stop being that bratty, appreciate her more, appreciate Kai more.
“Why does he get to know this and I don’t? And why do you know? I’m her daughter!”
“He never wanted to put burden on your shoulders, and I guess I know because I’m his best friend”
“That’s still unfair, she is my family”
“Alright I’ll tell you something about us that no one else but us really knows, to make it up to you” 
“I don’t want to, I’m so mad right now”
“Jongin and I are close because of our powers” he said coming closer to you, his gaze dark making you forget about everything you were thinking about and your mom and...
“So that is why I know, I think you are not being considerate, Jongin has been alone in this, while you were just putting pressure on him, you can say you didn’t suffer like he did”
“How dare you? You have no clue what I had been through, I lost my parents and I had to raise Joon alone” you said getting up but you regretted it, he just told you he had powers, would he used them against you?
“Sit down and don’t be su-”
“Kyungsoo-yah don’t scare her” you heard a nice sweet voice coming from the door thanking the heavens you no longer were alone.
“We haven’t been introduced properly, I’m Junmyeon and this Yixing”
“Welcome to Korea, I hope your first impression about us is not too intimidating, you are our family”
“Gathering! Yehet!” Sehun and Jongdae were at the entrance taking off their shoes.
“Jongin is just parking the car” announced this other tall dumb looking guy pushing this other dorky looking guy next to him.
“Guys please behave, we have visitors”
“Whoa is this Jongin’s noona? I’m Baekhyun... oppa that is”
“Move idiot, I’m Chanyeol also oppa”
“Wow you are really hungry for any female to call you that aren’t you? Well I’m really not in the mood, I see they don’t know who I am really”
“No no please wait, I apologise in their behalf” said Junmyeon gazing at them frown obvious “of course we know”
“I am leaving I don’t want to see him” you said slipping on your heels.
“Who you don’t want to see? Why are you here?” said Kai coldly, he saw your mother’s file in your hands.
“Ah noona, go home, this is a place for guys only” added Joon, you were ready to bite his neck, this kid was way too annoying to handle right now.
“I’m leaving you brat” you said before slamming the door behind you.
You walked out of the house but of course Kai was already in the street waiting for you “why did you come here?”
“Leave me alone” you walked away.
“I’m talking to you” he pulled your wrist.
“This is over Kai, I don’t want to see you ever again, I’m going home and I am going to forget you and everything that concerns you”
“You can’t forget me, you love me”
“Bastard! You won’t do to me what you did to mom, goodbye Jongin”
You run fast but it was impossible, he kept appearing in front of you, you pushed him away but he was desperate to make you listen to him.
“I love you, I can’t live without you”
“Well you did pretty good these last years, you have also the superpowers to hide it very well”
“No I didn’t, I swear I didn’t, I had to... Joon”
“What’s with Joon? You hypocrite, selfish asshole, you want everything without sacrificing anything, fulfil mom’s wishes, get the girl and your brother’s admiration, you can’t have it all Jongin”
“You are right, you are... but it was hard, it is still hard”
“You have to chose, it’s either them or me”
“You are making me chose between mom’s wishes and Joon or your love?”
“I always knew you were clever, and I already have an answer, you won’t sacrifice Joon looking at you in a bad way, and you won’t dishonour ‘my’ mother, always remember that she is mine”
Jongin didn’t move, he tensed and the thought of Heather suddenly knowing about your relationship hit him, or the image of Joon knowing that his sister and his adoptive brother had a thing...
He watched you walk hearing the click of your heels in the pavement, watching how your silhouette got smaller.
“She’s hot” a voice sounded next to him.
“Huh?” Kai turned around at the direction on the voice meeting Sehun looking at your back as you walked away.
“Yeah your noona, she’s hot! Would she consider younger guys?”
“Yah! She’s my-”
“Your... noona right? Or...?”
“Or Sehun... she is my everything”
“More than her mother right?”
“It might be that I am thankful she had her, and that she took me and raised me with her, that must be the principal reason” 
“And you are now doing what exactly? Letting the love of your life just simply go away? Slip from your hands because? Ah yeah Joon, it would be too unfortunate to have his older sister be with the man he admires the most, poor little child”
“Open your eyes bro, come on I’ll blow some wind her way, go get her cuz if you don’t...”
Sehun smiled looking right and left before a little tornado formed in front of you that made you stop walking eventually lifting you from the ground feeling a pair of arms wrap around you, you closed your eyes and buried your face on his chest, you immediately felt at ease when you felt his familiar warmth.
Suddenly it was too bright, you were scared to open your eyelids.
“Pistaches macarons s'il vous plaît - pistachio macarons please”
You opened your eyes when you heard Kai speak in French, where were you? In a bakery shop, a very old one, very elegantly decorated, and people around you were not Korean, none of them.
You detached yourself in panic watching how Kai acted as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
“Ici vous allez monsieur, autre chose? - here you go sir, anything else?” said the baker.
“Non, merci - no thank you” replied Kai taking the plate with pistachio macaroons.
He took your hand in his and sat down in the table overlooking the busy street of Paris, Eiffel Tower right in front of your nose.
“And you speak French?”
“No I don’t, I just know how to properly ask for pistachio macaroons, your favourite” he answered biting on one looking at the window were a little girl with golden curls was waiving at him Kai simply returning the waves.
“We are in France?”
“Well that bit is obvious no?”
“Kai we have broken up, take me home, and get Joon home after”
“I can’t”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
Kai filled his mouth with 2 macaroons taking the other 2 left in his pocket, he stood up holding onto your waist suddenly feeling cold and humid, you open your eyes and you were at the tip of the Eiffel Tower, at the sudden realisation you pulled him closer to you.
“Yes baby”
“What do you want?” you spoke on his chest.
“You just asked me something before that, why can’t I bring Joon right?”
“You don’t want him to find out” you whispered.
“No I don’t care if he finds out that I can teleport, he should know, I will be with him forever, so no secrets in a family”
“Then why?”
“Because I simply can’t, haven’t you asked yourself why I never took your mom anywhere?”
“It’s the first time you address her as ‘my mom’ not yours”
“That’s because she is your mother, she brought you, she had you for me to keep”
You blushed as you lifted up your head meeting his mischievous eyes.
“So I will answer that... I can’t, I can’t teleport with anyone, it doesn’t work, I can’t teleport when I’m tied up or teleport anyone with me”
“But you just did... twice”
“That is because you are part of me, you are not just anyone, you are my other half, you are my woman, my power is with you”
“Heather meeting me and taking me next to you was my fate, she gave birth to my love, and that is why I loved her so much”
You hid our face on his chest again, he felt the dampness of your tears seeping through his shirt.
“Shhh why are you crying?”
“Because I do love macaroons, but I hate the cold, I like the beach and the sun...”
Kai held onto your waist again and suddenly you felt wet from your waist down you opened your eyes when Kai detached himself from you, you were under a waterfall inside a cave, and Kai was... stripping?
“What are you doing?”
“It’s a deserted island and clothes here are not needed, I meet you outside, naked preferably...” 
He took out from his pocket the macroons and stuffed them in your mouth, pecking your lips, he winked at you swimming out of the cave as you looked at your soaked outfit.
A/N: Long due, the angst in this story was killing me didn’t want to post it, so I had to turn it around, thanks for reading
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