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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Misaki walks the streets of downtown Tokyo for about an hour until he comes across a shop that has the perfect gift for their anniversary. He grins, rushing into the shop to pick out the gift; as he exits, his phone rings, it's Usagi.
Usagi: Hey Hon, where are you?
Misaki: I'm on my way home, heading to the train station. Should be there in about fifteen minutes.
Usagi: Okay, well hurry, our reservations are in an hour.
Misaki: An hour?!
Usagi: I'm sorry! That's the best I could do.
Misaki: *checks watch* I'll be there as soon as I can.
Usagi: Okay, I'll see you soon.
Misaki: Okay. I love you.
Usagi: I love you too, baby.
Usagi hangs up, straightening his tie, grinning once satisfied. He wore a black suit and a blue tie. He thought he looked perfect but was always nervous going on dates with Misaki. This one was different, though. This was their fifth anniversary, and he felt like he was going to puke. Misaki walks in the door grinning, placing his bag on the couch.
Misaki: *Calling out* Hey Usagi! You upstairs?
Usagi: *Walking down the stairs with a grin* Hey!
Misaki: *Smirks, meeting Usagi at the bottom of the steps* Hey.
*Misaki quickly kisses the older man, taking him in. He grins, wrapping his arms around him. Misaki hugs him tighter, taking in the older man's scent. He loved him so much.*
Usagi: *Chuckles* Hi Baby, you okay?
Misaki: *Nodding against Usagi*, Yeah, you smell good.
Usagi: I showered, might be why.
Misaki: Heh. *Pulls away*, Alright, we'll I need to shower then, I won't be that long.
Usagi: *Places hand on Misaki's face, softy rubbing his cheek with his thumb* Okay. *Stares intensely at the younger man*
Misaki: *Blushing* W-what, what is it?
Usagi: Nothing, it's just, I love you.
Misaki: *Looks down* I love you too. I- um, I'm going to go shower. *Brushes past Usagi, heading up the stairs*
Usagi: Hey, M-Misaki?
Misaki: *Stops, turns to face Usagi* Yeah?
Usagi: I wasn't sure what suit you wanted to wear, so I laid out the one from your graduation, and that grey one you wore to the wedding we went to a few months ago.
Misaki: *Grins* Thank you, but I have a novel idea in mind.
Usagi: *smirks* Novel?
Misaki: *Shut up* I'm going to shower. I'll be back in twenty minutes.
*Misaki paused, rummaging through the closet he now shared with Usagi. Where was that suit? It's been so many years since he wore it, but he knew he brought it in here at one point. Nothing was in his old room now except his bed and a computer that he used sometimes; it mostly served as a guest room now. Misaki walked to the closet, searching through all the suits that were hanging. He grinned, shaking his head; they had way too many. The young man smiled when he found the Grey suit with the pink collared shirt. Finally, he found it; now only if he could find the purple tie.*
*Usagi sat on the couch, nervously flipping through channels. He didn't want to be late, but more than that, he wanted to enjoy a nice proper dinner for their fifth anniversary. They enjoyed their trip, but since it rained so much, the two of them felt like they needed a proper date to celebrate*
Misaki: Usagi?
*The younger man strolled down the stairs, walking over to Usagi. Standing, he grinned at Misaki, looking at him, gasping.*
Usagi: Wait, Misaki, this is the suit I bought you when we had our first date.
Misaki: Um, *rubs neck* Yeah, you know, I just thought it would be perfect. I think we should go, though. I don't want to be late.
Usagi: Yeah, you ready?
Misaki: I am. I just need to grab something from my bag.
Usagi: Okay.
*Usagi Smiled staring at the menu, the two made it just in time, their table overlooked the lights of the city it was pure beauty. Misaki Grinned grabbing Usagi's hand causing him to blush slightly*
Usagi: Misaki, You're cute.
Misaki: *Chuckles* Thanks, babe. Is there anything sticking out to you?
Usagi: I was thinking we could share the roasted duck unless you want something else?
Misaki: I was thinking the duck too, the manganji hotpepper sounds amazing.
Usagi: Okay, do you want white or red wine?
Misaki: You pick, you know what's the best.
Usagi: Okay, well the 2018 Alsimy Sauvignon Blanc is fantastic, we can get that.
Misaki: Perfect.
*The two order Enjoying an amazing meal, under the ambiance of the lights, the food, and each other's company. Misaki Smirks Wiping sauce off Usagi's face, then licking it from his thumb*
Usagi: *Chuckles* That brings back memories.
Misaki: I can't believe that was five years ago.
Usagi: Still as cute as ever.
Misaki: *blushes* Stop it. Oh, before I forget. *Pulls Box out of Jacket pocket* I got you something, Happy Anniversary Usagi.
*Misaki sets the box on the table Usagi grins, wiping his face off. He runs his hand over the box, grinning at Misaki. He opens the box, inside sit two dragon claw marble necklaces. One has a green marble, the other is purple. Usagi gives Misaki a look of confusion*
Usagi: I don't get it.
Misaki: Ah, well we, when we went on my birthday trip I got the jar of marbles, and we both made three wishes. I always thought the last one was most important.
Usagi: Yeah, Mine was "I hope I can be with Misaki Forever"
Misaki: Yeah, I remember. I never told you what mine was, but it was the same as yours " I hope I can be with Usagi-san forever"
Usagi: *Blushes* Really?
Misaki: Yeah, it always embarrassed me to tell you. Uh, anyway, a little while ago, after we told Nii-chan about us, I found them again. I made the wish to be with you forever and ever, with all my heart. So when I was trying to find the best gift, I thought of Marbles, or rather, these necklaces, so we can hold on to the wishes we made. *Shakes head* I know it's dumb.
Usagi: *Grabs Misaki's hand* Misaki, I love it. *Picks hand up, kisses knuckles* It's perfect.
Misaki: Oh, um, the greens yours, it matches my eyes, and the purples mine.
Usagi: I figured.
Misaki: I uh, know we rarely wear jewelry except for our engagement rings, but-
Usagi: Misaki, stop. I love it.
Misaki: Okay. Um, can I put yours on?
Usagi: Yeah. *grins*
*Misaki stands, walks around to Usagi, he gently takes out the necklace, then places it on Usagi's neck. Misaki grins, he softy kisses Usagi's neck then touches the marble, it shines in the light*
Misaki: It's perfect.
Usagi: I need to put on yours.
Misaki: Of course.
*Misaki leans against the table as Usagi places the necklace on his neck, Usagi leans forward softly kissing his lips, the taste spicy from the duck sauce, but sweet from the wine*
Usagi: let's get out of here. *He smiles, rubbing Misaki's legs*
Misaki: We need to pay.
Usagi: You know what I mean.
Misaki: *Rolls eyes* Where are we staying tonight?
Usagi: The prince park, I choose a room with the view of the tower, access to the bar, a nice tub, HUGE bed an-
Misaki: You spent a lot of money on the room deduct?
Usagi: Not a lot of money...
Misaki: You're crazy.
Usagi: *taps Misakis nose* You love me.
Misaki: I need you to save money. What are we going to do for our wedding? And then when we start the process for surrogacy? That's not cheap.
Usagi: It'll be okay, I have savings for that stuff. Misaki, I- I have an extra account for this stuff, the fun stuff. Our house expenses, the house we're building, the wedding, the future... all of that, I have another account for that. I promise you don't need to worry.
Misaki: Really?
Usagi: Really. *Kisses Misaki's cheek* Do you want anything else before we leave?
Misaki: No.
Usagi: Alright, let's see about getting out of here.
Misaki: *Smiles* Alright
*Misaki walked into the room, stunned. It was beautiful; the tower looked amazing at night. They had such a close view of it; the bathroom was enormous, so was the bed. The room had a small minibar and a small lounge area. There was a tv perfectly placed so they could watch tv in the lounge area or relaxing in bed. Misaki walked to the window taking in the view, Usagi smiled walking up behind him wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist; he gently kissed his neck, resting his chin on his shoulder. Miksik smiled at him through the window, placing his arms on the older man, their rings, and necklaces reflecting off the city lights*
Usagi: Do you want to go to the Executive lounge for a drink*?
Misaki: *Grins* Executive lounge? sounds fancy.
Usagi: Oh, it is. *Raises an eyebrow*
Misaki: *Turns to look at Usagi, grins at him, wrapping his arms around his neck* Why is it so fancy? Wait, let me guess because only people who have these rooms have access to it?
Usagi: Yeah, wanna go?
Misaki: Yes, but only for one drink. *Smirks* I want to enjoy this room while we have it.
Usagi: Well, I can book an extra night.
Misaki: NO! that's not at all what I meant.
Usagi: I-
Misaki: Let's go.
*Misaki grabs Usagi's hand, they head down to the bar where Misaki orders a Saketini and Usagi orders a whiskey sour; he insists they get cocktails*
Misaki: Um, Usagi? *He sits across from the older man, sipping on his cocktail, he's nervous, but Usagi can't read him this time*
Usagi: What's wrong? *He places his drink on the table, giving Misaki a loving look*
Misaki: Um, when we first met, do you remember how we like hated each other?
Usagi: *nods sadly* Yeah, I do.
Misaki: Well, a few months into that, the more we started to, uh, hang out and spend time with each other, the more I started to kinda have feelings for you.
Usagi: *Smirks* Really? Why didn't you tell me?
Misaki: Well, first, you were in love with my brother? But more than that, I-I didn't think it was okay for me to be in love with you or have feelings for any man. I mean, when we first starting dating and having sex; I was kinda, how do I say it? Not opposed, obviously, but I didn't know how to react or deal with all the feelings I had for you. I called you a lot of mean, rude names that I didn't mean; I'm sorry Usagi. Also, you need to know how much I've always loved you, even if I could never express it clearly. It was hard for me sometimes, but I've always felt a great deal of love for you, even more now, I just wanted you to know.
*Usagi is smiling. He's clearly holding back tears. Picking up his drink, he stands, walks, and sits beside Misaki, takes his hand, strokes the back with his thumb. The older man smiles, kissing the younger man gently on his cheek.*
Usagi: Misaki, I um, I knew how much you loved me, I've always known. *Clears throat* As for names that you called me? That's in the past, and I understand why. I know that it's hard to come to terms with who you are. I also need you to know, that night when you cried for me, I fell in love with you, but not just because I allowed myself to be vulnerable, but because you somehow understood? But I guess it's because you had those feelings for me?
Misaki: *Wipes tears* Um, yeah I guess, when we first were dating, I was upset because I didn't understand how you could fall for me so fast?
Usagi: I knew that at some point, I had to let go of the feelings I had for Takahiro, so when I realized I could show verbality in front of you, something I've never done in my life, I knew I found what being in love meant, you've shown me that night that I could be open and honest with my emotions. *Smiles* I couldn't do that with anyone but you, so thank you for showing me what true love is.
Misaki: I, you've shown me what true love is. Usagi, you're my first love, you know? I don't think I've ever felt for anyone; I haven't had like crushes. I know you get jealous sometimes, but thank you for always being so protective of me, even if I complain, I appreciate it.
Usagi: I know that.
*Usagi picks up Misaki's hands, locking their fingers together. He smiles at the younger man. The two finish their drink, then head back to the room. They decide to a bath in the hot tub. Misaki wants to wash Usagi for a change since he doesn't get too often*
Misaki: Stay still, let me wash your hair.
Usagi: *Grinning, trying to snuggle against Misaki* I want to do this.
Misaki: You have suds in your hair. Can I finish? *Misaki places Usagi's head under the water, rinsing his hair off, he lifts Usagi's head inspecting to make sure all the suds are gone, smiles; then wraps his arms around Usagi.* Now I'm done. Are you happy?
Usagi: What about you?
Misaki: I showed before we went to eat.
*Usagi turns to bring Misaki into him. The older man rubs his thumb over Misaki's lips, then brings his chin up to his lips, softly kissing him. He pulls back, smiling at the younger man, who gives him a loving but seductive look.*
Usagi: What?
Misaki: Nothing, it's just, Happy anniversary.
Usagi: You know, it's not technically our anniversary anymore?
Misaki: *Shoves Usagi* Shut up, way to ruin a moment. *Gets out of the tub*
Usagi: Hey, come on, where are you going?
Misaki: To bed.
Usagi: Fun bed or?
Misaki: *Rolls eyes*
*Misaki lies on Usagi's chest, the two are in bed talking about moments they've shared in the past five years; Usagi is caressing Misakis' hair; the city lights are shining in the bedroom, giving off a warm glow.*
Misaki: I think when I went to visit my brother in Osaka was when I was felt nervous about our relationship; leaving that week hurt.
Usagi: I know, I felt the same. I couldn't think of anything but you.
Misaki: When you came to get me, I was happy but embarrassed. *Grins* You came three hours for me, and we spent the night in the sleeping car. I loved it.
Usagi: *Chuckles* Your first birthday we spent together.
Misaki: It was also your first real trip.
Usagi: *Smiles, squeezes Misaki* it thrilled me to be with you.
Misaki: I was happy too. I still have all the pictures saved on my laptop. You held my hand in public for the first time. I remember how it felt when I tried to tell you I loved you, I couldn't say it, and then when I could, I was so happy when I could tell you. I know there have been and will be people who like me or you but, the difference is, you're the love of my life Usagi, and you always will be.
Usagi: You're the love of my life Misaki, I love you so much.
*Misaki Grins; slowly traces kisses down Usagi's chest, causing the older man to moan slightly. He glances up at Usagi, then makes his way back up to his neck, placing gentle kisses on his collarbone. Misaki Smiles Climbing on Usagi, wrapping his legs around his hips, the younger man grins at the older man below him. He pushes Usagi's soft hair back, the smell of shampoo filling the air.*
Usagi: I love you so much, baby.
Misaki: I love you too.
*Usagi grins, taking Misaki's head, pulling it towards him. Softly he bites Misakis's lip, using his tongue to find a way in. The kisses are sweet from the cocktails they had earlier, their tongues softly dancing with each other. The two pull away, searching for air. Usagi smiles at the younger man, rubbing his back, gently kissing his nipples.*
Misaki: Usa- Usagi?
Usagi: *Pulls away from Misaki's hard nipples, smiling gently at the young man* What's wrong? Are you okay?
Misaki: *Nods* I want to be in you.
Usagi: Okay.
*Misaki sat up while Usagi turned. He still got nervous when entering Usagi. The younger man gently kissed Usagi's lower back, then slowly made his way inside. He heard Usagi gasped as Misaki thrust himself inside the older man, until they both came together, clasping on the bed out of breath. Usagi took Misaki, wrapping himself around the smaller man. Misaki smiled, as Usagi's scent wrapped around them like a warm blanket.*
Usagi: *Running his fingers through Misaki's hair* Misaki?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Are you okay?
Misaki: Perfect, are you okay?
Usagi: I am. I can't believe we've been together for five years.
Misaki: We've been through a lot, huh?
Usagi: We have.
Misaki: I remember when I didn't read any of your books.
Usagi: *Laughs* Where did that come from?
Misaki: *Looks up at Usagi* It's just now I've read all of them, and I'm going to be your assistant starting next week.
Usagi: Ugh, is next week already the begging of May?
Misaki: Well, we went on a trip for like three weeks. We left on the day of my graduation.
Usagi: We came home early though.
Misaki: It's the twenty-fourth of April. May is next Sunday.
Usagi: So we still have a few days to do this?
Misaki: *Reaches up, gently rubs Usagi's Chin* We have the rest of our lives to do this.
Usagi: I'll take it.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 21
Takahiro: We need to talk. (His speech was still slightly slurred). 
Usagi: Ar- are you drunk?
Takahiro: Only a little bit. Is my family there?
Usagi: (Sighs, leans against the wall, crossing his arms), That depends, what family are you talking about?
Takahiro: My wife and Kid.
Usagi: So not the baby brother you claim to care so much about, only to get drunk because you hate the fact that he’s gay?  
Takahiro: You don’t Understand. 
Usagi: What I understand is, that the you’re going to lose the brother you say you care about so much if you  don’t come to terms with who he is and his happiness. I think you should probably figure your shit out before his graduation, or you might lose him  forever.
Takahiro: B-
Usagi: I have to go, I think it’s  better if you give everyone space. (Hangs up, Misaki Runs into his arms, tears are in his eyes). Did you hear all that?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: I’m sorry.
Misaki:  It’s not you’re fault. Um, can we just go to bed.
Usagi: Sure, yeah. It’s been a long day. (He picked the younger boy up cradling him in his arms, heading up the stairs to their room).
Misaki: (Wraps his arms around his neck), I didn’t ask you to do this.
Usagi: (Laughs softly), Yeah, but you aren’t really complaining. 
(Usagi walked into  their room, closing the door behind him, sitting Misaki on the bed, he grinned staring down at him causing Misaki to blush.)
Misaki: What?
Usagi: (Leans down, pushing hair behind Misaki's ear. He smiles warmly kissing him on the lips.) You’re so fucking sexy. I- miss you. 
Misaki: (He sighed, rubbing his hands up and down Usagi’s arms), I miss you too. 
Usagi: Can’t we, (He gave a naughty smile, sliding his hands under Misaki’s shirt, playing with his nipples). 
Misaki: (Moans slightly), No baby, you know we can’t.
Usagi: You aren’t making any effort to move my hands.
Misaki: It feels good, I miss it, but no. (He took Usagi’s hands out of his shirt), stop babe. 
Usagi: (Sits on the bed beside  him), Look, I just think we can have sex, what's the worst that can happen? 
Misaki: Your stiches that are barely healed could come undone, then you have to get them fixed, and we’ll have to wait longer. You just got home from the hospital a few  days ago and for some reason I just let you lift me. 
Usagi: We’ll the Doc said, no heavy lifting so...
Misaki: Hey... (He knocked against Usagi), I just want you to be carful. 
Usagi: We’ll can we sleep with our shirts off?
Misaki: You have to promises no nipple play.
Usagi: Okay. (He grinned, ripping Misaki’s shirt off pushing him on the bed hungrily kissing him). 
Misaki: (He looks up at the older man, running his fingers through his hair, moving his arms down to the bottom of his shirt, slowly taking it off. Misaki ran his hands over the older mans back.)
Usagi: I thought we weren’t doing this. (He grins placing kisses all over Misaki’s face.)
Misaki: We aren’t, but, that doesn’t mean I can’t feel your back right? I miss the feel of it. 
Usagi: You’re cute.
Misaki: (Blushes), you know how I feel about that word.
Usagi: Yeah, you love it.
Misaki: I actually have grown to love it.
Usagi: Because you know it’s true.
Misaki: Maybe, (The younger boy shivers) 
Usagi: Are you cold?
Misaki: Yeah, it’s freezing. 
Usagi: (He smiles, pulling the covers around them, turning now the two were on their sides). Better?
Misaki: Not quite. (He grinned, turning to Usagi, so his head was on his chest), perfect.
Usagi: (Grins, Wrapping his arms around Misaki). Absolutely. 
(The two fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms, their hearts syncing, beating as one).  
(Usagi was the first to wake, it was around seven thirty am, Misaki was sound asleep, his head resting against Usagi’s chest, the older man smiled gently pressing a kiss against his head. He loved Misaki so much, he wished Takahiro would accept Misaki, he knew Usagi was Gay and didn’t mind, Misaki was probably right, his brother had this whole life planned out for him, and his plans didn’t include him being gay, let alone falling in love with his brother best friend. Takahiro would have to get over it, Misaki was who he was, and he couldn’t change that, and it’s not like they planned to fall in love, Usagi clearly remembers that they hated each other at first. Usagi laughed to himself, he couldn’t believe almost five years ago they met, and a few months after that they started dating, although, he still feels awful about the way he treated him when he first came to his place, Misaki forgives him but Usagi still feels sick when you thinks about it. He closed his eyes trying to push the memory away again. Misaki stirred, he stretched looking up at the older man.)
Misaki: Hi, (He grinned, blushing).
Usagi: Morning. Did you sleep well?
Misaki: Yeah, I guess. (He ran his hand over Usagi's muscular chest). Did you?
Usagi: Mmmmm.
Misaki: Good. (He sat up pulling the covers around him, he looked down at Usagi who propped himself up on his elbow, grinning at him).
Usagi: What is it baby? (he ran his hand up Misaki’s thigh).
Misaki: Um, (Misaki twisted his engagement ring around on his finger), Never mind its nothing. I- I’m going to take a shower. (Misaki started to get out of bed, but Usagi  reached for him).
Usagi: Tell me what’s wrong.
Misaki: Todays Saturday. 
Usagi: Ah, (He sat up, giving him a confused look), and Saturdays make you sad?
Misaki: I graduate next week.
Usagi: So you’re nervous? 
Misaki: No, I- (He looked down at the floor), I guess I don’t know how to feel, and with everything going on right now, Maybe I don’t want to Graduate.
Usagi: I know. (He sat on the edge of the bed) Come here, (He pulled Misaki on his lap), What do you want to do?
Misaki: Well, I want to take a shower. (He giggled), Um then I want to go get breakfast. 
Usagi: Okay, where do you want to go?
Misaki: Lets go to the place we went yesterday? I know it’s out of the way, but can it be our place?
Usagi: Might as well be, It’s going to be close to our house.
Misaki: Okay. Also, I know you told my brother he should give us space but what i-
Usagi: No baby, you can’t go to him. it’s his job to figure this out. If you make up with him, he’ll think he’s off the hook, he’s not.
Misaki: Yeah, I guess. I just want to do something. 
Usagi: (Caressing Misaki's face), I know, because your a fixer, this is different though. 
Misaki: I know, (Kiss Usagi’s cheek), I’m going to take a shower. (Stands up).
Usagi: Can I come?
Misaki: (Rolls eyes), Fine, but no funny business. 
Usagi: (Laughs, standing up), I KNOW! I KNOW! (Wraps arms around Misaki placing kisses on his neck).
Misaki: (Giggles); Hey, quite it. 
Usagi: You said no funny business, you didn’t say no kissing.
Misaki: (Runs into bathroom), Sneaky.
Usagi: (Grins, chases after him).
Mahiro: Mommy, I’m hungry! (lying on his stomach, legs in the air, reading a book).
Manami: (On the couch flipping through channels), I know honey, but it sounds like your Uncles are up, so maybe when they come downstairs we can figure out breakfast. I can get you some juice and crackers for now?
Mahiro: Okay!
Manami: Alight, (she grins, standing up, ruffling Mahiro’s hair as she passes him walking into the kitchen). 
Mahiro: Mom, when will Mitaki and Uangi get married?
Manami: I don’t know sweetie: (Brings snacks to him).
Mahiro: Are they going to have kids?
Manami: Maybe, why? you want cousins? 
Mahiro: Yeah! Plus, I think they would make good parents, they deserve kids...( Puts, a finger to his chis), How do they have kids?
Manami: Um...
Mahiro: They can’t have kids like you and daddy.
Manami: And how did daddy and I have kids?
Mahiro: I don’t know, but I know that they can’t do it like you guys did.
Manami: Well, if they want to, they have a few options, but that  would be up to them.
Mahiro: Oh. (Takes a sip of juice), is this one of the conversations for when I’m older?
Manami: Or when they decied to have kids, and we can explain it to you better.
Mahiro: Okay. 
Manami: (Sighs), Okay. (Sits down, leans against couch).
(Misaki wrapped a towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower, Usagi has gotten out before him and was getting dressed in the bedroom. The older man still preferred wearing sweats instead of his dress shirts and ties, Misaki walked into the bedroom where Usagi wore black sweat pants, he was digging through the draws looking through a shirt to wear when he turned around to face the younger boy).
Usagi: Hey,(He pulled him towards him kissing his cheek). 
Misaki: Hi. (He look down at his stomach, looking down at his scar, carefully running his fingers over it).
Usagi: Misaki, it’s okay.
Misaki: It’s not.
Usagi: I’m okay though. I’m here. Plus, I never would've discovered my love for sweats without it.
Misaki: (Laughs sadly), Yeah I guess. 
Usagi: Don’t worry. (He grinned putting on a black shirt and a black hoodie). I love you. 
Misaki: I love you too. 
Usagi: Okay, I’m going to take this downstairs. (He picked up the laundry basket sitting on the), I’ll see you in a minute, then we can go eat.
Misaki: Sounds good.
 (He stood up kissing Usagi softly on the lips, he exited the bedroom, Misaki went to the dresser searching for something to wear, landing on gray sweatpants, a white shirt, and a red hoodie, quickly towel drying his hair, then he made his way downstairs. Misaki paused at the top of  the stairs, watching Usagi interact with Mahiro, the two were growing closer, it made his heart swell.)
Usagi: Go fish.
Mahiro: You promise you don’t have any fives?
Usagi: I don’t have any fives, I’d let you have a five if I did.
Mahiro: Fine. (He grumbled pulling a card from the deck, a huge smile forming across his face.) I GOT THE FIVE!! I DIDN’T NEED YOUR STINKY CARDS ANYWAY!
Usagi: (Laughs), Good game. (He stacked the cards together shuffling them).
Misaki: (Walking up behind him, kissing him on his cheek), Hey.
Usagi: Hey, you ready? 
Misaki: Yeah, (He glanced at Manami and Mahiro), You guys want to come eat breakfast with us?
Mahiro: Yes!! (He jumped up running over to Misaki almost knocking him over, running into the mudroom, Manami racing after him).
Usagi: Aright, lets go. (He stood up stretching, as his phone started to ring), Hold on. Hello?
Eri: Usami; it’s me.
Usagi: (he slid his hand in his pocket, glancing at Misaki, raising an eyebrow.) What's up Eri?
Eri: What are y’all up too today?
Usagi: About to go eat,  why? what's up? 
Eri: Rose has the day off, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out.
Usagi: Well, you can join us for breakfast if you want, I can text you the address?
Eri: Sure! See you soon!
Usagi: (Hangs up, putting phone in his pocket, Misaki is staring at him in disbelief). What?
Misaki: It’s just, not even a few months ago, you wanted me all to yourself, and now...
Usagi: (He sighed, pulling Misaki towards him wrapping his arms around his neck). These people are our family, and I always want you to myself. (He chuckled), But we haven’t seen Eri and Rose in a while, I thought it would be nice to invite them out.
Misaki: Remember when you hated people? What happened to that guy? That’s the guy I fell in love with.
Usagi: (Laughs), You’re so full of shit. The guy you fell in love with is the clingy overprotective guy. 
Misaki: Yeah, (He scoffed), That guy shows himself to others a lot these days. A lot of people didn’t think you had another side to you.
Usagi: You’re the one who helped  bring out the softer side of me. 
Misaki: Ah, I can’t take all the credit. 
Usagi: You can, I’d be dead if I hadn’t met you.
Misaki: (He grinned softly kissing Usagi on the lips). Maybe, I know I wouldn’t be graduating if I hadn’t met you. I’d also be really sad.  
Usagi: You make me really happy too baby. (He grinned, the two leaning in for a kiss when Mahiro ran in pulling their hands).
Usagi: He’s hungry.
Misaki: Yeah. We’re coming, don’t worry. 
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 23
(After breakfast, everyone went there separate ways, the girls went to the park, Manami took Mahiro took Mahiro to the beach, and Misaki and Usagi went home, it would be the first time they’d have the place to themselves since last night, although it felt like ages. When the two entered the house Misaki sighed, flopping on the couch closing his eyes, he’d felt so tired. Usagi Smiled walking over to his boyfriend, placing his head his on his lap, softly stroking his hair.)
Usagi: Are you okay?
Misaki: I’m just tired, I don’t know why.
Usagi: I think you’re mentally exhausted, you finally finished school, and now this thing with your brother; you just want everything to work out. 
Misaki: I hope it does. (he’s voice was quite, like he was about to fall asleep. Usagi smiled at him, pulling the blanket that cover the back off the couch off of it, wrapping it around the small boy).
Usagi: Try to get some sleep. 
Misaki: What about you? (He mumbled). 
Usagi: I still have some Greys anatomy to watch
Misaki: (Scoffs) Of course you do. You love that show. (He leaned up slightly, giving Usagi a kiss on his chin) I- I couldn’t reach your lips, (He fell back on Usagi’s lap, (and I’m to tired to sit up all the  way).
Usagi: That’s okay, (Picks up Misaki’s hand, kissing it softly), This will do, I love you. 
Misaki: I love you too.
Usagi: (He smiled at the younger boy, the turned the tv on, keeping the volume down. Watching a show he liked, and his favorite person sleeping on his lap, he couldn’t ask for anything better after a good meal with friends).
Takahiro: I’m going to apologize today! Just come home!
Manami: Not until I hear from them that everything is fine! (She leaned back in the sand watching Mahiro build a castle, he glanced up waving at her, she smiled waving back. Takahiro had called a few moments ago telling her his big plan on how he was going to apologize to Misaki, but he wanted them to come home first). 
Takahiro: I just don’t understand why you can’t come home first.
Manami: That’s part of the problem. (Sighs), We aren’t coming home yet.
Takahiro: I’m on my way to apologize, I promise. 
Manami: I Believe that you want to, but I need to know that you did.
Takahiro: I feel really bad for how I  acted, I never knew that  he was so happy, I’m not homophobic.
Manami: I’m not the person you should be saying this to, stop telling me, go tell them, goodbye Takahiro. (She sighed hanging up, smiling at Mahiro, he was working on an expressive sad castle. She stood walking over to him). Wow, bud, that’s a cool sand castle.
Mahiro: Yeah, you could live in it. (He bit his lip) I mean if we were tiny people. I think I’m done, can you take a picture? 
Manami: Sure!   
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Mahiro: It could be better but-
Manami: It’s amazing, dude you’re four and you built this!?
Mahiro: I guess. 
Manami: It’s a big deal. Okay, fine what should we do with your talent?
Mahiro: I don’t want to make a big deal about it. I want to be a kid.
Manami: Okay, but if you change your mind, let me know.
Mahiro: Moooooooommmm, I know. Can I go swimming. 
Manami: Okay, but be careful.
Mahiro: You and daddy made me take lessons when I was a baby, I know how to swim.
Manami: Still. I’m going to stay here and guard your castle.
Mahiro: Okay.  
Manami: ( Takahiro: I'm here, what do I do?, She rolled her eyes quickly texting back, Go, in and talk to them, and stop staling. She sighed Sending him good vibes). I really hope everything goes well. 
(Takahiro nervously stood at the door that lead to their house, he wasn’t sure if he should knock or not, sighing he finally decied to just knock. Misaki stirred on the couch at the sound, Usagi on the other hand was upset, he wanted his Love to rest).
Usagi: Maybe if we don’t answer they’ll leave.
Misaki: I think they’ll know we’re here.
Usagi: Fine, I’ll get it. (He stood walking to the door, gasping when he opened it.). What are you doing here?
Takahiro: We need to talk, (He looked behind Usagi, at the younger boy who was staring at the door frowning), all of us?, Please Usami?
Usagi: I don’t know Takahiro.
Misaki: (Walking up beside him, stroking his arm), It’s okay Hon, let him in.
Usagi: Are you sure?
Misaki: Yeah, I am.
Usagi: Okay. Come on in Takahiro.
Usagi: So, why are you here?
Takahiro: I’m here to apologize. 
(The three of them were sitting on the couches, Takahiro sitting across from the two boys, it was awkward. Usagi and Misaki wanted to hold hands to comfort each other, but thought it wasn’t a good idea, not now).
Usagi: Apologize?
Takahiro: Yeah.
Usagi: I’m surprised, I didn’t think you’d come around so quickly. 
Takahiro: Well um, (He rubbed the back of his neck laughing nervously), I was looking through these pictures and noticed something. (He slid the pictures he was looking through earlier on the table) Do you notice something in these photos?
Usagi: (Picks up the first photo of Misaki as a kid, he’s around three), Yeah, Look how happy Misaki is, and so cute.
Misaki: (Blushes), I don’t think that’s the point he’s trying to make babe. Look at the next picture. 
Usagi: (Flips to the next picture of Misaki, Takahiro and their parents), How long ago was this?
Misaki: Um, fourteen years ago. That was a week before my parents died. That’s the last happy memory I have of them.  
Takahiro: What do you notice about his smiles?
Usagi: (Gives look of confusion), I don’t understand? He smiles Like this everyday. 
Takahiro: (Points to another photo, Misaki is in the park, at the playground where he used to go as a kid, it’s a few months after his parents died). Look here, he’s smiling right.
Usagi: (Scoffs), Yeah but it’s clearly fake, (Looks through all the pictures), All of these are. He still uses this smile sometimes. (Usagi gently hits his knee with Misaki’s, especially when he’s hiding something). 
Misaki: Blushes, picks up the picture of the three of them an Manami at Takahiro’s birthday a few months after he met Usagi), This smile is better. 
Usagi: It’s not the same as the one you have now, not like when you were a kid. (Looks at the finally photo, Misaki was in Osaka in that one, He was happy here, but his eyes were sad). See this is a real smile, but you still look sad.
Misaki: I missed you, (He was quiet). 
Usagi: Here’s a picture of him really happy. (He passed his phone to Takahiro, the picture was taken a few months ago, on Christmas eve, they had just eaten dinner and had their picture taken under the twinkling lights of the Tokyo sky tree. Usagi’s arms where tightly wrapped around Misaki’s waist, his hands gently rested on Usagi’s, they shared wide matching grins and flushed faces due to the cold air from that amazing night, both boys had it set has their lock screen).
Takahiro: Misaki, (He sighed passing the phone back to Usagi), I’m so sorry, I had no idea. I always wanted you to get married and have children like me, I always wanted you to be like me.
Misaki: I know, part of me always knew. That’s why I went to the university and got the degree you always wanted. Because you never could, but marrying a girl, that’s not me. I mean, I never intend to fall in love with Usagi, but I do think we would’ve no matter what.
Usagi: It was fate.
Misaki: (Nods), Yeah, I’m so sorry it had to be your best friend, and-
Usagi: I know you wanted me to always look out for him but- (Picks up Misaki’s hand), This way I always will, I will always protect him. I love him so much.
Misaki: Yeah, and I love him, I really do. 
Takahiro: I just want you to be happy, I’m not here to stop you, and to make you feel bad, you don’t have to accept my apology, but I am sorry.
Misaki: Okay, thanks.
Usagi: Yeah. You can bring your family home now, we love them and all but-
Takahiro: Akihiko, you like your space I know. (Stands), Which is crazy that you let Misaki in.
Usagi: He’s the one, he had to come in. (Stands up, Shakes Takahiro’s hand), Thanks for coming.
Takahiro: Yeah, you can keep the pictures.
Usagi: Thanks.
Misaki: (Stands up hugging his brother), This is the third time you’ve done something like this, next time  we won’t be so forgiving. 
Takahiro: There won’t be a next time, I promise. 
Misaki: Okay, goodnight.
Takahiro: It’s only noon.
Misaki: Well, goodday.
Takahiro: But-
Misaki: Go get your families stuff, and go home.
Usagi: (Nods), Please go home, we’ll see you.
Takahiro: Okay. (Runs upstairs to pack for his wife and kid).
(Misaki and Usagi sit back on the couch cuddling). 
Usagi: How do you feel?
Misaki: Okay I guess. You?
Usagi: I just want you to be happy.
Misaki: Do you think he means it?
Usagi: I hope so baby, I really do.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 17
(Misaki tilted his head back, while the older boy deepen the kiss. The two cuddled on the couch, Greys Anatomy played in the background, somehow during their binge watch things became heated. Misaki wrapped his arm around Usagi’s neck.)
Usagi:  (While kissing the younger boy) Is that comfortable? 
Misaki: (Nodding) Yeah. (He softy answered, pressing harder into Usagi. He didn’t bother turning around to face the older boy, their legs were intertwined, he loved the feeling, and didn’t want to mess it up). 
(Suddenly, their front door burst opened, the two quickly pulled apart. Eri staggered in dropping papers and her bag at the door). 
Eri: I need a break, Akihiko I just finished one book out of four. (she grinned sitting on the couch across from them). Oh, was I interrupting?  
Misaki: Kinda!
Usagi: I'm going to need my key back!  (he reached his hand out).
Eri: Wait! seriously?!
Usagi: Seriously!, you can’t just come over like this anymore! we’re engaged now. we want our privacy! 
Eri: But what  about  your promise? 
Usagi: (rolling eyes), you can get  the key back when I sell you the house, but that won’t be for a while. 
Eri: Fine. (places key in Usagi’s hand), When are you going to look at the place where you want your house to be anyway?
Misaki: (Scratches his head), Um tomorrow I think, why? 
Eri: Can I go?
Usagi: I guess, but don’t you have other stuff you need to do?
Eri: I need to turn in one of your books to the company, but I can do that over email. I still have the other three I need to work on  but I can do that later. 
Usagi: Eri, (Usagi steepled his fingers together against his face), why are you here?
Misaki: Usagi, that was rude. 
Usagi: It’s my house!
Misaki: She could be in trouble!
Eri: I’m not in trouble, Rose is working a double, she  won’t be home until tomorrow night, and I’m lonely, so can I hang out here until she’s done with work? I won’t be in the way.
(Usagi sighed he glanced at Misaki, the younger boy gave a small smile, he already knew what Misaki’s answer would be). 
Usagi: Sure Eri. You can take Misak’s old room. 
Eri: Thanks. (stands up, walks to front door to collect her stuff, starts up the stairs to Misaki’s old room, Usagi following).
Usagi: Don’t make this a habit.
Eri: What makes you think I will?
Usagi: Because I know you. 
Eri: (Opens the bedroom door, setting things down at the desk). What do you think I should do?
Usagi: Ask to move in?
Eri: It’s too soon!
Usagi: Misaki and I were living together before we were really dating.
Eri: Misaki didn’t have a choice did he?
Usagi:(Grins, wiggles ring finger) It all worked out though!
Eri: I know, and I am so happy for you guys, but I don’t think I’m ready to live with her yet. 
Usagi: That’s okay. We should probably head back downstairs though.
Eri: right.
Misaki: Guys, I was thinking... You know how Eri’s been trying to  set up interviews so  Usagi can come out and we can talk about our engagement? 
(Eri and Usagi were walking down the stairs, Usagi sat on the couch beside Misaki, he threw is arm around him, pulling him towards his chest, Eri sat across from them on the other couch).
Eri: Yeah, I’m still trying  to work on the by the way. 
Misaki: I don’t think you should worry about that.
Usagi: what do you mean?
Misaki: Well it’s 2020, most people come out over social media, and you set up and Instagram account when you were in the hospital, why don’t you come out over a  live?
Usagi: You mean now?
Misaki: It doesn’t have to be now.
Usagi: I think it should be, I don’t want to tell anyone about us yet though, that should wait until after graduation. 
Misaki: Why?
Usagi: Your graduation needs to be about you, not our relationship. 
Misaki: Right. 
Eri: Okay, you should probably look better before you do the live though. 
Usagi: What’s wrong with how I look?
Eri: You’re in sweats. 
Usagi: They’re comfortable. it’s not like anything else is easy to get into right now anyway. 
Eri: At least brush your hair.
Misaki: He doesn’t have too. (Runs his hands through Usagi’s hair), He’s perfect. 
Usagi: (Grins placing a kiss on Misaki’s face). Love you.
Misaki: I love you too. I’m going to go start dinner, so i’ll be  out of the way. (gets up, heads into the kitchen).
Eri: Okay, give me your phone so I can do the live.
Usagi: I can do it myself. (opens phone, starts the live). How many people should be on here before I do it? 
Eri: How many people are on there now?
Usagi: like a thousand
Eri: That’s probably enough.  
Usagi: okay, (clears throat). Hello everyone, thank you for joining my live. I wasn’t planning on doing this today, but I was planning on doing it at some point, first I would just like to thank you all for your support over the years, having such a huge fan base all over the world means a lot to me. I’m working on a lot of  books, so keep an eye out for that. ( He cracked his knuckles, looking back at Misaki who gave him a small grin and a nod).The next thing I would like to talk about it myself, I am someone who is extremally personally and keeps my private life to myself, most of my interviews involve someone asking me if I’m in a relationship. (Takes deep breath). For the past for years, almost Five, I have been in a relationship with the most amazing man in the whole world, he’s my everything, my soulmate, bestfriend, the love of life, and now my fiancé. Just recently we got engaged. Now, I am not ready to introduce him to the world yet because there is  something he needs to take care of but, he will be ready to meet the world soon. I will answer a few questions if anyone has any. “Have you always know you were gay” I have, for as long as I can remember. “can you do a Q&A with your Fiancé?”  Only if you wants to. “Do you live with him?” I do, and I think I’m going to end the live on that note, because it seems dinner is ready. He’s an amazing cook. Thank you for coming to my live and I hope you continue reading my books, but if you don’t support me for who I am then that’s your problem, but I mean by books are BL, so it was kinda obvious. 
Eri: Hey, you can’t say that stuff to your fans.
Usagi: Why?
Eri: It’s rude.
Usagi: (Shrugs).
Eri: end the live.
Usagi: That’s my editor, she’s the reason my books get out on time. Goodbye. (ends live) 
Eri: I really thought you were  going to say, “she’s a pain in my ass”
Usagi: I thought about it. (Places phone on table, Misaki walks into living room, passing the two to put dinner on the dinning room table). What did you make?
Misaki: Just different types of  tempura. I need to get some plates, and glasses. Want to get some wine?
Usagi: Sure. 
(the two walk into the kitchen, Misaki grabs  glasses and plates Usagi pulls out a bottle of wine, he places his hand on Misaki’s chest).
Usagi: How was the live? 
Misaki: Fine.
Usagi: (Blushes): Fine as in bad, or fine as in good. 
Misaki: Right, you did good babe. (Leans up to kiss him). Don’t worry about it. (starts towards the dining room). 
Usagi: (gently grabs Misaki’s), that last comment I made, you know the one, was  it-)
Misaki: No, it was okay. Don’t worry about what Eri said. I don’t think it was rude. 
Usagi: Okay but-
Misaki: You know me well enough to know that I would tell you if I thought it was rude.
Usagi: Right. 
Misaki: So don’t worry about it. 
(they go to sit down with Eri, talk about the plans for the morning and have a nice meal. After dinner Eri takes a bath, Misaki cleans the kitchen Usagi watching him). 
Usagi: (leaning against the counter), I could do that once in a while you know. 
Misaki: So do it. (Cleans off a dish, setting it on the rack to dry).
Usagi: Yeah, but like not now. 
Misaki:  (rolls eyes), Don’t bring it up then.
Usagi: Okay, how about, I put the dishes up.
Misaki: I’m shocked you actually know where they go. (Smirks)
Usagi: (Grabs a pile of plates, stacks them in the cabinet). I’m not completely  helpless you know, I’ve lived here since I was sixteen, and did buy most of this stuff by myself. 
Misaki: Most of the dishes were gathering dust by the time I got to it though. 
Usagi: I still know where they go. 
Misaki: (empties the water out, turns to face Usagi as he puts the last of the sliver wear up). I’m glad you do.
Usagi: (Walks over to Misaki wrapping his arms around his waist), What would you do if I didn’t?
Misaki: (Places hands on Usagi’s forearms), Honestly? I’d be really worried for you, given the fact that you’ve watched me put them away so many times, and like you said; it’s your house, you should know where things go. 
Usagi: I do... Most of the time.
Misaki: Great! So you can start cleaning up after yourself? I mean especially when we get our new place, that won’t only be my job anymore. 
Usagi: Seriously?! 
Misaki: Yeah babe. (he shrugged, walking into the living room handing him the basket that was on the floor), you can start now, do the laundry. 
Usagi: I just had surgery you know!
Misaki: (reaches up, rubbing Usagi’s chin), awe, you can’t keep milking that baby. 
Usagi: No heavy lifting!
Misaki: (scoffs), it’s no, you can do this, I believe in you. 
Usagi: B-B-B
Misaki: What?
Usagi: I-I... I can’t think of any more excuses. 
 Misaki: It’s a small load of our sweat pants and some hoodies, it’s easy. 
Usagi: If I mess up, I never have to do it again right? 
Misaki: Cute. 
Usagi: (groans), Fine!  I’ll do it!!. (walks out of living room).
(Eri walks downstairs in a oversized shirt and leggings, a towel is still wrapped around her head, she’s wearing a clay face mask).
Eri: What’s his problem? 
Misaki: I’m making him do laundry, what’s all this? (he waves his finger around her face). 
Eri: It’s  my face mask, keeps me young.
Misaki: huh, and aren’t you supposed to stay quiet, so it hardens? 
Eri: (nods), I just wanted to know why he was upset, plus you guys were fighting, I was wondering why.
Misaki: It’s not fighting! its called bantering! 
Eri: Right, because there’s a difference? 
Misaki: Bantering is teasing, fighting is yelling. Usagi and I don’t fight. 
(Usagi, walks into the room brushing his hands together).
Usagi: Well, I did it, and if I messed up we can always by new clothes! (walks over to Misaki throwing an arm around him), What’s on her face?
Misaki: Facemask.
Usagi: Oh, to keep her young?
Misaki: Yeah.
Eri: I need to wash it off,  I don’t think  it  worked.
Misaki: Because you were talking the whole time!
Eri: Oh well. (Rushes upstairs to the bathroom).
Misaki: So, what time are we supposed to look at the property? 
Usagi: Around 11.
Misaki: (lets out a nervous sigh), Okay.
Usagi: You’re not Nervous are you?
Misaki: (Faces Usagi), It’s just, (picks up his hands), A week from Saturday a graduate. We look at this property Tomorrow, I mean everything is real. 
Usagi: Once, I pay for this, it’s a done deal. Are you sure you want to build a house together? 
Misaki: yeah, and don’t do it alone, let me pay for half. 
Usagi: Mi-
Misaki: The whole reason I’m doing this, is so we can have it together, it’ll feel like my house if I help pay for it. 
Usagi: Okay, but I’m going to pay the full amount tomorrow. I have the money already. 
Misaki: I have the money to pay half, in cash. 
Usagi: You do? 
Misaki: (laughs), yeah, I do. 
Usagi: Okay, but I know I can get the price lower, so let me do the talking I trust my realtor. 
Misaki: Got it. (Kisses Usagi gently on the lips).
Usagi: So when did you get all this money?
Misaki: Because Unlike you, I save my money. 
Usagi: But I always have money. 
Misaki: You never had to worry about saving, and that’s fine, I did, but I was able to buy our engagement rings, and i’m going to help buy our house. 
Usagi: Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?
Misaki: (sighs), your family was rich, you were born into wealth, and because of your talents your lucky enough to keep making a good sum of money. 
Usagi: I could save money.
Misaki: I know you probably could, I’m just saying you never had to worry about having too. (sits on couch arm, pulling Usagi towards him), that’s why I don’t always want you taking me on expensive trips or buying out entire restaurants for us to have a good time, I don’t  always need that. 
Usagi: So what do you need?
Misaki: I just need you.
Usagi: (smiles) I just need you too. (lifts up Misaki’s chin,softly kisses him on the lips, running his hand through his tangled brown hair, Misaki  moans softly, pulling back to look at the  older man).
Misaki: I need you, us to start saving for our house, and our wedding. 
Usagi: I’ll put aside money each month for that stuff then okay?
Misaki: (Nods), Thank you. I love you. 
Usagi: I love you too, (wraps arms around the younger boy. He wanted to keep his word, he made a lot of money, but setting aside money for their home and wedding was important, he could easily afford all of it now, but this meant a lot to Misaki, and he was not going to go back on his word). 
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 19
(Usagi and Misaki pulled up to a diner that sat on a  road off a beaten path, the diner looked virtually deserted but there were a few cars in the lot, Misaki figured it was probably the staff).  
Misaki: Why do you think he wanted to meet us here? You don’t think he want’s to kill us, do you?
Usagi: (Laughs), No, of course no.  Although, this place is in the middle of nowhere. 
(Usagi shut the car off, the two boys got out of the car,  holding hands they walked towards the diner until Takahiro, Shoved Usagi, causing him to fall to the ground).  
Misaki: WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU! (He walked over to Usagi pulling him up), you okay?
Usagi: Yeah, I’m fine. Takahiro, first of all I came out, Misaki’s name wasn’t even mentioned! 
Takahiro: Oh, really! Thank god!
Misaki: But, it will be after graduation! we WILL tell that, I’m the person he’s  getting married too!
Takahiro: WHAT, (He started to go after Usagi again but Misaki blocked him shoving him back instead). Misaki, don’t you see what’s happening here?! Usagi-san is manipulating you!  
Misaki: (Laughs) Okay, first of all, I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, Don’t call him that anymore, call him Akihiko or Usami, but I don’t want you to call him the same name I scream out it bed. 
Takahiro: I started that pet name.
Misaki: It’s even weirder when you say it like that, so stop. Second, I knew it, I knew you didn’t approve of us, so you’re convincing yourself that he’s manipulating me? I asked him to get married, I asked him if we could tell everyone about us, but he said he wanted to come out himself first. (Misaki took Usagi’s hand, the two started to walk towards the diner). Do me a favor bro, if you care about me at all, figure your shit out or leave us alone.
(Misaki sat across from Usagi in the diner sipping on his third cup of coffee, sharing a plate of fries).
Misaki: I think I finally understand why he hates us together.
Usagi: Yeah, the “Thank God” Comment”, did not help.
Misaki: I don’t want to talk about this right now. Can  I show you how I want our house to look? I know Ren wanted blueprints, but if we show him the outside of the house, and like an idea of how we want a layout of inside, d-do you think he could make blueprints that way?
Usagi: (Nods), Yeah, of course.
Misaki: Look, I just want you to know, (He reaches out taking Usagi’s hand), I want this to be our house so while I have ideas for the way the outside looks, and the inside, you have to contribute to stuff. 
Usagi: (Reaches across the table, caressing Misaki’s face), I’m fine with whatever you want. 
Misaki: I know, but the whole point, is for this to feel like out house okay?
Usagi: Yeah, Okay. So show me the house. 
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Misaki: What do you think?
Usagi: I love it! (Usagi had moved to the other side of the table, he was leaning against Misaki, his chin resting on his shoulder). 
Misaki: (Turned his head slightly), Are you sure? because of you h-
Usagi: I love it, I mean it’s not a Japanese style house at all, so it’s definitely not traditional, but that’s what I like about it.  
Misaki: (Chuckles), I guess we aren’t the most traditional couple huh? 
Usagi: I mean, I fell in love with my best friends brother, my family hates you but also some of them are kinda in love with you, so yeah, i’d say so. 
Misaki: (Softy kisses Usagi’s check), You’re the only one for me.
Usagi: (Smiles), I love you.
Misaki: I love you too.
Usagi: So what other ideas do you have?
Misaki: So many! I kinda want four floors, that way we we have plenty of space. So we have the basement floor  and I was thinking could have like a ,oive theater there?
Usagi: I don’t think we need that, how often do you think we would use it? 
Misaki: I don’t know, I just always thought it would be cool. 
Usagi: I just don’t think we would use it.
Misaki: Okay, I was also thinking, we could have a room for the bears, but not all of them. But in the basement
Usagi: Yeah, I was thinking of getting rid of a lot of my toys and bears anyway.
Misaki: Really? 
Usagi: I don’t think I need them as much anymore. The snow globe you got me is amazing. Suzuki-san, and Jr for sure, but I think we can get rid of  all the other stuff, I’ll have  to look through it all, but yeah, I think I’m done with it, unless it’s something you gave me, I don’t want it. but if you want a basement, maybe a proper laundry room. You could have a door that says “Laundry room” and its a barn style door”. We can get drying racks, a table for folding clothes, nice laundry baskets.
Misaki: Awe! I love that, but the basement will be  kinda big, I mean what else would go there?
Usagi: We don’t have to decide now, and maybe in the future we could come back to the home theater, I’m just saying, with the two of us living there, we don’t need it.
Misaki: Yeah, you’re right. Okay so when we go to the first floor I was thinking an open living room, leading into the kitchen, a big on with seating in the kitchen. Oh, and an island is that okay? Like this... 
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Usagi: I love that, It’s enough room for you to cook, and we can actually it in the kitchen. 
Misaki: Okay, and then the living room will meet with the kitchen, but I also think we can have sliding barn doors in case we want to close it off, and we can also have a half bathroom off the living room?
Usagi: I like it. Second floor?
Misaki: Okay, the  second floor, would be two guest bedrooms, each with a bathroom.
Usagi: Okay, that works. 
Misaki: The third floor is our space, I have a great idea...
Usagi: Can our bedroom have a balcony? 
Misaki: YES! I was thinking the same thing!
Usagi: Really?
Misaki: Yeah! Look, here’s an idea I found, it has a balcony so what do you think? 
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Usagi: I think that’s amazing, and Pinterest has everything!
Misaki: (Giggles), I know.
Usagi: Can I design the outdoor space for the balcony?
Misaki: (Hands him the phone), DO IT BABY! 
Usagi: Okay, here I have three different ideas, which one is your favorite? 
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Misaki: I think we could use the first and second, and then maybe the third for our backyard.
Usagi: Okay, cool.
Misaki: And I think a big walk in closet for us, do you want to see a picture? 
Usagi: No, if I say huge walk in closet, Ren will know what I mean.
Misaki: Okay, This part is my favorite, the bathroom, so this is part of it, and Instead of that tub I want this one. your going to love it.  
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Usagi: I do LOVE it. I can  picture it now. (He smiled, wrapped his arms around Misaki and gently placed kisses on his neck, Misaki giggled then moaned slightly). 
Misaki: Hey, stop people are here.
Usagi: (Lips pressed to his neck), It’s only us and  the workers.
Misaki: Still. (He pulled away from Usagi), Save it.
Usagi: I’m tired of wating. 
Misaki: I know, me too.
Usagi: So, (clears throat), um seeming like our space is going to be pretty big, but there’s probably enough space for us to put an office right? Because I made one. 
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Misaki: Top one would be your desk, bottom mine? We could add a couch? 
Usagi: Yeah, and I was thinking, It could just be across from our bedroom.
Misaki: Yeah, that’s perfect. So last thing, backyard.
Usagi: Hot tub, this one. 
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Misaki: (Laughs), okay. I also want this for outside, we have lots of land, so we can always add more, one day.
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Usagi: Well, what about the fourth floor? 
Misaki: What about it?
Usagi: What do you want up there?
Misaki: Oh, its dumb.
Usagi: Tell me. (He knocked against Misaki with his shoulder). 
Misaki: It’s just another little hang out space for us, like in case we have company, and we just want to get away, just a place the two of us can get too, and no one else. 
Usagi: (Grins), Can I see it?
Misaki: I guess. 
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Misaki:  I know it looks dumb, and not our style really but it’s cozy and makes me feel warm... Do you hate it? You hate it don’t you I can look for something else. (He scrolled fiercely on his phone, until Usagi took it from his placing it on the table).
Usagi: (Takes Misaki’s face staring into his eyes), I love that little attic space, I love that we’re designing a house together, and I love you, so fucking much. (He softly pressed his lips to Misaki’s giving him a soft but deep kiss. (He pulled away, pressing his forehead to Misaki’s). I’ll send an email to Ren with our ideas.
Misaki: (Nods, he leans into Usagi, locking his hand with the big cold one), We’ve been here for almost two hours.
Usagi: Do you wanna go?
Misaki: No, I like being in a place where no one knows where we are, lets stay a while.
Usagi: (Grins, places a kiss a Misaki’s head, pulling the younger boy closer to him. It was nice to escape realty for a while).
(Takahiro was angry, he could not believe his brother was shutting him out of his life, after everything he’d done for him! and He was dating his best friend who the fuck did that, he took another shot of whisky slamming the glass on the table, no one was home yet, and he needed to vent to his wife, she always knew what to say. The door opened to the apartment and Mahiro ran inside hugging his fathers leg almost knocking him to the ground, he was really drunk so he’s balance was off.)
Mahiro: Hi daddy!
Takahiro: (slurring words): Hi buddy, where’s mommy?
Manami: (walking in with groceries, placing them on counter) I’m here, Mahiro, go to your room, and play, I need to talk to your dad.
Mahiro: Okay, (Runs into rum).
Manami: (Crosses arms), Are you Drunk?!
Takahiro: (Slurring) NO, I’ve only had like five shots and two beers.
Manami: (Rolls eyes), what happened? 
Takahiro: (walks over to sit on the couch, he couldn’t stand anymore), Usagi and Misaki. 
Manami: Oh, really?
Takahiro: I kinda attacked Usagi. 
Manami: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Takahiro: He came out on a Live, said he was engaged, and that they were living together.
Manami: SO? you know that already!
Takahiro: But now, he want’s Misaki to come out after graduation.
Manami: (takes a seat on the couch), I have a feeling that was Misaki’s idea.
Takahiro: So! I don’t want anyone to know!
Manami: Know, what?
Takahiro: Hon-
Manami: For someone who say’s he loves he’s brother as much as you, everything you just said disproved that. Grow up Takahiro. (Walks in Mahiro’s room)
Takahiro: (stands up, drowns the last bit of whiskey, then slams the bottle against the wall, Mahiro runs out of his room with a  backpack on).
Mahiro: What happen?
Manami: (Walks out of her bedroom with a small bag on), Mahiro, how would you like to go stay with Uncle Misaki for a few days?
Mahiro: MATKI!! Is daddy coming?
Manami: No, he’s not. (Sharply looks up at Takahiro), Your dad isn’t happy that Misaki is. (The two exit the apartment leaving Takahiro standing in the shattered pieces of the mess he made. 
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 18
(Misaki, Usagi, and Eri, stood on the property waiting for Ren, Usagi’s realtor. The property was huge, there where a lot of trees that could be knocked down, but it sat on a private road. Misaki sighed scrolling through Pinterest and adding more ideas to the dream house board he had saved).
Misaki: It’s 11:30, where is he?
Usagi: what’s the rush?
Misaki: I just want to know that is ours.
Usagi: (He smiled pulling Misaki against him, it will be).
(A black  car pulled up quickly onto the property, parking it quickly a tall man with brown eyes got out followed by tow kids around 8 and 10, they ran across the property laughing chasing after each other. The man sighed, he walked up to the trio shaking his head).
Ren: Akihiko, I apologize for being late, the kids didn’t want to go to school today, what can you do?
Usagi: Make them go?
Ren: (shrugs), Yeah probably, but the school years almost over right? So, Have you had a chance to look around?
Usagi: Not, really. We just saw the trees. But that’s all there is right?
Misaki: (laughs), Plus, that Mountain up there. it’ll make a good backdrop for where we put our pool. 
Ren: So you must be the fiancé? 
Misaki: Yeah.
Ren: What’s your secret? 
Misaki: What?
Usagi: He want’s to know how you got me to fall in love with you?
Misaki: it just kinda happened. Why does it matter, can you just show us the property??
Ren: Feisty one huh? 
Usagi: Okay, I don’t think we need to see much of the Property if this is basically it. 
Ren: Well, (He rubbed the back of his neck, watching the kids chase each other), yeah this is it, I mean it is a bit bigger but, there’s not much else. 
Usagi: So let’s talk price, (Usagi, took his arm that was around Misaki’s and placed it on the back of Ren’s, the two walked further down the property towards Ren’s kids. Misaki turned to face Eri, he smiled gently at her). 
Eri: I think it’s nice.
Misaki: I’m glad you like it. When does Rose get off?
Eri: Around five, (Gently shoves him with her shoulder), you want me to go home?
Misaki: It’s not that, (chuckles), it’s just...
Eri: Akihiko wants to spend time with you, I know he doesn’t like having other people over. What will he do if ya’ll have kids?
Misaki: I don’t know. He says he wants to but, (sighs), I don’t know if he does.
Eri: you know, some people might not be good with other kids, but end up making great parents.  
Misaki: How would I know though? 
Eri: I think, he would be an amazing dad, but maybe he needs to spend more time with Mahiro. 
Misaki: (nods), yeah. We have a lot of other stuff we need to get through before we even talk about having a family, like building a house, getting married.
Eri: Graduation?
Misaki: Right, a week from tomorrow.  
Eri: How do  you feel about that?
Misaki: (Shrugs, kicks some dirt around with the toe of his shoe), I’m not as nervous as I’d though I’d be.
Eri:  Akihiko still needs to write is speech.
Misaki: I think he could just wing it.
Eri: WHAT! you can’t be serious?!
Misaki: (He, looked up at her grinning, He was only half joking, but honestly who cares? It’s a dumb speech, the whole ceremony is drawn out anyway and most people just want their diploma, so  who cared if the speech was good or not?) I’m not, no one cares about the speech. 
Eri: Y-
Misaki: He doesn’t need to write it, he’ll do  great!. (he smiled as the two men and kids walked back towards the car, they shook hands, but looked serious). 
Ren: Misaki, Your man here, he  drives a hard bargain. 
Misaki: (Nods), He does.
Ren: He talked the owners down to 80,000 yen!
Misaki: (Smiles), Of course he did! (Walks over to Usagi, patting him on the back) That’s amazing!
Usagi: I’m just that good.
Ren: So, email be so blueprints and we can break ground tomorrow. I’d say with my team we could probably have your dream house built in about six to nine months? 
Usagi: (Laughs), Well you haven’t seen the house he wants. (Ruffles Misaki’s hair).
Misaki: (Blushes), DON’T DO THAT! IT’S EMBARSING! 
Ren: Okay, well anyway, try to get the blueprints to be ASAP.
Usagi: Will do. Thanks again Ren. (He reached out to shake his hand, then the man walked over to his car hurrying to get his gets in, the sped off the property. Usagi pulled Misaki into a hug, he pressed his lips to his forehead). We’re getting our house. 
Misaki: (Nodding, his arms are wrapped tightly around Usagi’s waist). We are. 
(They  stood in this magical moment on a cool fall day, a week before, Misaki’s Graduation, they we’re so happy and excited for that they were going to be building their dream house together. It was perfect, until Usagi’s phone started to ring).
Misaki: Ugh, Ignore it.
Usagi: (Sighing, he pulled his phone out of his pocket), It’s your brother.
Misaki: Ignore it.
Usagi: Yeah??
Takahiro: I need to talk to the two of you, can we meet?
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Misaki: Usagi, can you put me in your shoulders?
Usagi: no, why.
Miskai: it’s part of my plan to become tall.
Usagi: is the other part for you to fall and get a concussion?
Misaki: you wouldn’t drop me!
Usagi: (places hand on Misaki’s shoulder), I would never hurt you on purpose, but what if i accidentally drop you?
Misaki: please? Really fast? Like quick enough for a picture?
Usagi: (sighs) okay, anything for my love, but only for a second, I don’t want you getting hurt. (Usagi quickly picks up Misaki, placing him on his shoulders, they both grin broadly, Misaki blushing a little, Usagi reaches his arm out snapping a few pictures).
Misaki: (places hands on Usagi’s head for balance), okay put me down, I don’t like this, I prefer my height. Usagi, grins slowly placing Misaki on the ground). Thanks, I think we got some good pictures. (He reaches up, pulling Usagi’s head towards him, planting a soft kiss on his lips). I love you Usagi, thank you for letting me do that, even if it was dumb.
Usagi: it wasn’t dumb. It was cute, and I love you too.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Chapter 22
(Eri sat with Rose at the small diner, the corner booth the took was the largest in the diner). 
Rose: (placing the menu on the table), Everything looks amazing, feels like a southern dining. Eri: (Smirks), Southern?
Rose: A lot of my family lives in the southern part of the states, this is exactly the kind of food that’s made when I go to visit. (Shrugs), feels like home. 
Eri: That’s nice. So what are you going to get?
Rose: Biscuits and gravy. 
Eri: I’m going to get pancakes and bacon. (She  sighed), I wonder what’s taking them so long?
Rose: Please, It’s them They spend twenty minutes being sappy with each other before they go anywhere right?
Eri: I-
Usagi: Sorry we’re in love
(Rose and Eri stood up grinning,  the hugged the boys, then Manami).
Rose: Ah,  we didn’t mean it like that. 
Manami: It was more like thirty minutes. The two should have cavities.
Eri: We all should, Misaki is sweeter with Usagi than I ever thought he would be. 
Misaki: (He rolled his eyes sliding into the booth), Give me a break, I was never really confidante. 
Usagi: (He grinned sliding in beside the younger boy taking his hand), You had more than you thought. 
Misaki: (Grins, blushing), Thanks hon.
(Rose, Eri, Mahiro, and Manami all sat down in the both, beginning to catch up with each other).
Eri: So, tell me what happened with your brother?
Misaki: (Sighs glancing at Usagi, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore). 
Usagi: I’ll quickly explain it...
Rose: Wow, I’m so sorry Misaki. 
Misaki: (Shrugs), What are you going to do?
Eri: Hope he comes to his senses...
Misaki: Yeah, I guess, I hope he does, because I love him you know. I just always thought he would be  supportive.
Rose: I think he’ll come around. 
Misaki: You do?
Rose: Yeah. I think he Loves you enough to support you.
Misaki: (Smiles), Thanks Rose.
(The group orders, staying at the diner for the next two hours making conversation and talking about the upcoming week, and Misaki’s graduation, he was still nervous, but excited to go on the trip with Usagi and get away from everything for a month, he just hoped his brother would talk to him by then). 
(Takahiro sat on his couch, his head was throbbing, it felt like weeks since he’d spoken to anyone in his family, he was surrounded by photo albums, picking up a picture he smiled to himself, Misaki was so cute as a kid always smiling, the photo he was holding was a few months before their parents died, Misaki was on the swing, being pushed by his dad, he was so happy. Takahiro picked up another photo, this one was of the family on a trip, a couple of weeks before his parents died,  the last time they were all together, something was different in this photo... Misaki’s smile, It was real, Takahiro looked at all the photos taken after his parents died, his smile wasn’t real, he was putting on a fake smile, he wasn’t happy, until, Takahiro picked up a picture that was taken about four years ago, at his birthday party, Misaki seemed happier, and then the photo that was taken when he came to visit when he lived in Osaka. Misaki’s Real Smile was back, if not bigger, had he really been so blind? Usagi really did make Misaki happy.)
Takahiro: God I’m an idiot, all I want it Misaki to be happy, Why did I think him being “normal” would do that, He is ‘Normal” Him being gay doesn’t mean he isn’t, Him being happy is all that matters, I just  wanted him to follow my footsteps, marry a woman and have family, but he can do that  with Usagi. I have to fix this, before it’s too late.
A/N: sorry for the short chapter, it’s been a while since  I posted and I really wanted to have something up for yall! The next one will be longer! I promise! 💜💜
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Part 20
(Eri got off the train walking the ten blocks to Rose’s house, after she parted with the boys she went back to their house got her stuff, (she had an extra extra  she wasn’t dumb, but she would give it back to Usagi, he didn’t want her to have it, but she was glad she did today), she then made her way to the train that led Rose’s house. She just gotten a text from her saying she was getting off work in an hour, so Eri was going to surprise her with a simple meal of shrimp fried rice, it wouldn't be much, but it was something. Eri smiled to herself as she unlocked the door, placed her things down and started the meal. She decided to video call the boys to see how their day went. 
Misaki: Hey Eri.
Eri: (Squints), Where are ya’ll
Usagi: HI, we’re at a diner
Eri: Why?
Usagi: This is where we were meeting Takahiro, we got into a fight and-
Misaki: Things didn’t end well and we ended up staying here talking about what we want our new house to look like. (he smiled kissing Usagi on the cheek). So what are you up too? 
Eri: Cooking shrimp fried rice for Rose and I, she should be home soon. 
Usagi: Cool, speaking off home, Misaki and I should get going, we’ve been here for almost two hours, you two have fun.
Misaki: Bye Eri!, say hi to Rose for us!.
(The two hung up and Eri went back to cooking, she was just finishing plating when Rose walked in the door)
Rose: Wow, it smells amazing in here. (She walked over to Eri giving her a small kiss or her cheek). Hi
Eri: Hi, I missed you, how has work been? (She turned around wrapping her arms around Rose’s neck).
Rose: Good, what have you been up too? (she pressed her lips to Eri’s, smiling against her lips).
Eri: Hanging with the boys.
Rose: how are they?
Eri: Okay, there’s some stuff going on, but they can handle it. (smiles), so are you hungry?
Rose: Yeah!, 
(the two walk over to the high-top counter, digging into the amazing meal Eri made, talking about the time they spent apart, they missed each other a lot, and were glad to be back in each others presence).
(Manami stood with her finger hovering above the intercom button, Mahiro was running around the lobby, he was excited, he wanted to see his uncle).
Mahiro: Mommy, hurry!
Manami: Mahiro, give me a second honey. (She sighed pressing the button on the intercom, Usagi answered, his laugh dying down).
Usagi: Manami?, what are you doing here? 
Manami: Takahiro said some really offensive stuff, can we stay here awhile? 
Usagi: Sure, come on up. 
(Usagi unlocked the door, Manami stepped back, taking Mahiro’s hand, they were up they elevator and in the penthouse mudroom  in no time, Mahiro ran into the house, without taking off his shoes).
Manami: Mahiro! shoes! (she slid her shoes off taking of after him), She smiled when she saw her son in sitting in Usagi’s lap, Misaki holding the young boys hand. He squirmed while Usagi struggled to take off Mahiro’s shoes). 
Usagi: Mahiro, stay still, I need to take your shoes off.
Mahiro: I wanna play Unagi!
Usagi: Okay, okay. (He finally got the shoes off), but can you put your shoes in the mudroom first?
Mahiro: ‘kay, (He smiled jumping off Usagi’s lap with his shoes, running into the mudroom, coming back into the living room with his backpack full of toys, dumping them onto the floor, they fell everywhere.) Don’t worry.  (He looked at Usagi’s shocked face), I’ll clean up.
Usagi: Okay, thank you.
Mahiro: Welcome. (He picks up a dinosaur, studies it, and begins to draw it). 
Manami: (She finally walks over to the boys), Wow Usami, you look like a real dad.
Misaki: (He smiles, rubbing his leg), Yeah, I think he would be a good dad some day.
Usagi: I just want to prove it to you. 
Misaki: You have time you know, when we have kids, it’ll be after we get married.
Usagi: WHEN 
Misaki: Yeah, (he had tears in his eyes), I think I want to have kids with you.
Usagi: (Grins, He throws his arms around the smaller boy hugging him tightly), I love you.
Misaki: I love you too. (He pulls away, pushing hair out of Usagi’s eyes). You really are amazing. 
Usagi: So are you.
Manami: So, I hate interrupt this moment, but I think I should talk about why I’m here, and you aren’t going to like it so much. 
(They all looked down  at Mahiro, who was still focusing on his drawing of the Dinosaur it looked pretty good for a three and half year old.)  
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Usagi: Wow Mahiro, you’re a great artist bud. 
 Mahiro: Thanks. 
Manami: Can we go to the kitchen table to talk? 
(The boys nodded, and they all made their way to the table, leaving Mahiro focused on his work).
Manami: (She folded her hands together, sitting across from the boys), I do I put this gently?  Um, Takahiro doesn’t like you guys together because, He doesn’t like the fact that Misaki is gay.
Usagi: He actually said that?
Manami: Mhmm
Misaki: Okay, (He took Usagi’s hand), We, uh kinda had a feeling, but we weren’t sure. 
Usagi: What else did he say? 
Manami: That Misaki should be normal. 
Misaki: (Clears his throat), Um, I’m going to-uh (he stands up knocking the chair over, making his way over to the balcony, struggling to open the door).
Usagi: (Stands up), Misaki? 
Misaki: (opens door), No, I’m fine, I just need air. (steps out onto the balcony, leaning against the brick wall),
Usagi: (Walks out, standing behind him), Misaki. 
Misaki: I already knew, (turns around, eyes filled with tears), so why does it hurt so much? 
Usagi: Oh, sweetie, (He pulls Misaki to him, running his fingers through his hair),  I’m so sorry, (they sunk to ground against the brick wall, Usagi held him in his arms tightly, while the younger boy sobbed in his chest.) 
Misaki: What, (sobs), are, (sobs), we, (sobs), we, (sobs), gonna, (sobs), do?
Usagi: We’ll figure it out we always do, I know it’s different this time but. (sighs), it’ll be okay.
Misaki: He (Shudders), hurt me. (sobs), hurt us. (leans back, looks at Usagi), Sorry, um- heh.
Usagi: (Wipes Misaki’s eyes), Why are YOU apologizing, it should be your brother. 
Misaki: For crying. 
Usagi: You cry all the time. Like when we make love.
Misaki: (Blushes), It’s beautiful, I can’t help it.
Usagi: (Kisses forehead) I know.
Misaki: But, mostly I’m sorry for acting the same way my brother did in the beginning of our relationship. I was experiencing a lot of  internalized homophobia, I took  it out and you and myself, it took me a while to come to terms with who I really was, and longer to say that I loved you, when I knew I did.  I would  always used the “oh, we’re both Japanese men” as that was an excuse, because it’s not like that would make my feelings for you go away, and even I said I was raised normal. (He shook his head chuckling),  I became fully aware of what I was doing, and admitting to you, and myself that I only want to be with you for the rest of my life, I said that to friends, people we know, your family, my family. I knew my brother would have problem because I was dating you, his best friend, or eh, that you were dating me. His problem his that I’m gay, he needs to deal with that. (He looks up at Usagi), What if he can’t? 
Usagi: (sighs, pulls Misaki closer into his lap), We will deal with that, would you cut him out? 
Misaki: I think we might have to, if he can’t come to terms with me being gay, uh, m- my own happiness. I really hope he comes around. D-d you think that. he just doesn’t like that I’m gay?
Usagi: I don’t know baby. 
Misaki: He had all these ideas for me you know? He wanted me to have a wife, and raise a family, I think that might be what upsets him the most, that I-
Usagi: That you won’t be doing it normally? 
Misaki: Ugh, I hate that word, Normal, what does that even mean now? everyone has their own idea of it. We live in a world, we’re everyone should be accepted for who they are. 
Usagi: Unfortunately, people aren’t so accepting. But our normal is the two of  us getting married, being in love, raising a family. That’s what our idea of being a family is, everyone as their own idea of it, even if people don’t always accept it. I don’t care what someone thinks about us, do you?
Misaki: I used to, but I don’t now, I  just want to be happy, and I truly am. 
Usagi: (Smiles, kisses Misaki on his head hugging him tightly), I love you so much sweetheart). 
Misaki: I love you too.
(Manami put the last of the dishes away, while the boys sat on floor playing with Mahiro, Misaki turned to look at Manami, smiling at her).
Misaki: You didn’t have to do that.
Manami: I know, but I made dinner so I felt like I should do the dishes too.
Misaki: You’re our guest, we should be making diner for you.
Manami: I really  don’t mind. (she grinned, making her way over to the living room floor), Mahiro, It’s time to clean up and take a bath. 
Mahiro: Okay, (he stuffed his toys into his bag, leaving out his stuffed elephant, then stood up taking his moms hand, as the walked into the bathroom).
Usagi: He’s a good kid.
Misaki: I know. (He stood up stretching, picking up the elephant), I’m going to put this in the guest room. 
Usagi: Misaki, (He stood up, taking Misaki’s hand, staring into his eyes, placing his other hand on Misaki’s face he titled his head back softly pressing his lips to his. He pulled away giving a tiny smile), I just love you so much. 
Misaki: I love you babe. 
Usagi: Hey um, (He ran his hands trough Misaki’s hair).
Misaki: (Laughs), Yeah?
Usagi: I just wanted to run my hands through your hair, it’s really soft.
Misaki: I love when you do it, It relaxes me.
Usagi: (He grinned), I know. Um, you can go take that up now.
Misaki: (Giggles), okay. (he sprints up the room as the phone rings).
Usagi: (Walks over to the landline, picking up the phone), Hello... What do you want? 
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
Okay do y’all like 1st POV fanfics better or 3rd POV fanfics better?
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 4 years ago
My new fanfic idea you guys!! It’s definitely a troupe Oop.
So like I’m going to do the fanfic where their parents never die and misaki meets Usagi as Takahiros cool friend and takahiro gets to go to universities. Usagi still goes to law school (that timeline doesn’t change, obviously Usagi being a writer and stuff won’t change, but I digress), of course Misaki’s still needs touting and because his parents work a lot. And takahiro works and after school job Usagi offers, and Usagi also becomes like super close to the whole family. Also takahiro meets Manami during high school!! Im also going to make Usagi and Misaki 7 years apart just to speed up the process.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 5 years ago
Part 16
(Misaki sat against the gate with his final exam in his hands, not only did he pass, but he got extra credit questions right as well. He smiled, he was so excited he was finally graduating, going on a trip with Usagi, building a home with him, and marrying him, his life finally beginning, he was insanely happy, the sound of a horn honking snapped him out of his thoughts he jumped a little and looked up, Usagi rolled down his window and looked at Usagi over the rim over his glasses).
Usagi: Hey hot stuff, need a ride?
Misaki: (laughs and stands up), shut up, (walks to Usagi's car and quickly kisses him on lips before getting in).
Usagi: So how'd the test go?
Misaki: (hands Usagi his test), see for yourself.
Usagi: (looks over paper then grins), Misaki! this is awesome! i'm so proud of you. (leans over, kisses Misaki on his cheek).
Misaki: I know, told you I was great at psychology.
Usagi: I know, I never doubted you. So what's next?
Misaki: Now I graduate. Oh and Monday I have to pick up my graduation packet. I really just need my robe and cap.
Usagi: Why didn't you get it today? Did they not have it in extra extra small.
Misaki: SHUT UP!! they aren't coming in until monday, so no one has them smartass.
Usagi: (Rolls eyes), whatever helps you sleep at night.
Misaki: (turns in seat to face Usagi), The only thing that helps me sleep at night is being wrapped in your arms.
Usagi: (Grins, places his hand on Misaki's warm face, rubs his thumb against his cheek). That's sweet, (whispers), you have no idea how much I want touch you right now.
Misaki: (softly), I think I do.
Usagi: (leans in for a kiss).
Misaki: (pulls away), Usagi, that'll lead to something more and, we can't.
Usagi: (Leans back in seat closes eyes sighing), I know.
Misaki: Let's just go get lunch.
Usagi: Okay,where do you want to go?
Misaki: Pizzakaya.
Usagi: Alright, (pulls car out of lot, heads down the street).
(Rose sat in the hospital cafeteria in her scrubs, she was biting on a fry wating for Eri, they decided to meet at the hospital for lunch because it would be easier for Rose, she also got called in early so she didn't have long, Eri rushed to Rose's table sliding into a chair almost knocking it over).
Eri: Sorry i'm late, and I know we don't have much time. (leans over and kisses Roses), I lost track of time.
Rose: That's okay, want some fries? we don't have much time for anything else.
Eri: Sure. (grabs a handful of fries)
Rose: How was your morning?
Eri: Good, busy. I'm almost done editing one of four books that Akihiko wrote.
Rose: That's good.
Eri: Yeah, how was your morning?
Rose: Pretty good, I did a lot of chores around the house, since I work a double and won't be home until tomorrow night.
Eri: Okay, good.
Rose: (grabs a handful of fries), Yeah. (pager beeps, she glances at it), Oh hey i gotta go, shift is starting. (stands up, kisses Eri on the lips softly), i'll call you later.
Eri: Okay, I better go too, Akihiko is working his ass off, if he keeps this up, i'll never get a break.
Rose: (laugs), Why is he working so hard anyway?
Eri: (stands up, grabs Rose's hand, they walk towards the elevators), It's for Misaki.
Rose: He really loves that little dude doesn't he? (presses the call button).
Eri: (Smiles), more than anything.
Rose: (they step onto the elevator, she presses the button for the fifth floor). That's really sweet.
Eri: Yeah, i've known him for a long time, he's never felt this way about anyone.
Rose: what do you think makes Misaki different?
Eri: Well he's never been in a relationship, ever. But I don't know there's something about Misaki, Akihiko's never let anyone in or close before, everyone was surprised when we found out he had a roommate or a boyfriend.
Rose: When he was in the hospital, did you mean it?
Eri: (confused look), what are you talking about?
Rose: When you offered to be their surrogate, did you mean it?
Eri: Of course, I mean if they want kids, I would be happy to do that for them.
Rose: (nods), well if they do Ren, his doctor can help with that, he has a ton of specialty's.
Eri: good to know.
(Rose steps off the elevator heading towards the nurses station while Eri heads to the first floor, she exits the building heading back to work).
(Usagi and Misaki sat down at a table at Pizzakaya, Usagi cleared his throat as he opened a menu, shut it, placed it on the table and grinned at Misaki).
Misaki: (Tilts head and smirks), Can I help you.
Usagi: You're so cute did you know that?
Misaki: I do, you tell me at least fifty times a day.
Usagi: I love this place, especially the garlic fry pizza.
Misaki: I know, you love that pizza, it's so gross.
Usagi: Yeah, but I get to pick this time because you picked last time.
Misaki: I remember. But I want garlic balls. And we have to get beer.
Usagi: I wish they had wine here.
Misaki: yeah, well they have beer, we have wine at the house.
Usagi: I know, but I still want wine.
Misaki: Okay.
Usagi: Fine, i'm going to the counter to order, what beer do you want?
Misaki: (Shakes his head to get hair out of his eyes before looking up at Usagi), whatever you get is fine.
Usagi: (clicks tongue, giving Misaki a thumbs up, heads to the the counter).
Misaki: That was weird. (His phone rings, it's Eri) Hey Eri.
Eri: Misaki? I didn't tell you could call me Eri.
Misaki: Hey, you're like one of my closest friends, i'm going to start calling you Eri now.
Eri: Okay, so I called because you did take the roll of being Usagi's assistant right?
Misaki: (Glances at counter were Usagi is wating for beers to be poured), yeah I did.
Eri: Okay, well I need to you to help him write the speech for your graduation, I know they typically want it long but you know Usagi.
Misaki: People also don't want to sit through long speeches, i'll make sure it's at least two minutes.
Eri: Give me a sec, let me check the email... Yeah that should be fine
Misaki: Okay, I'll have him write it by Wednesday.
Eri: That should work. Has he said anything about-
Misaki: I gotta go. (hangs up,places phone on the table as Usagi hands him his beer). Thanks baby.
Usagi: (sits down in front of Misaki), yeah of course. (sips his beer), so who was on the phone?
Misaki: Oh, Eri you have to write your speech for my graduation ceremony, you should have it done by Wednesday.
Usagi: Okay.
Misaki: It doesn't have to be long, I know you hate public appearances, just like two minutes.
Usagi: Okay. I don't know what to talk about.
Misaki: weren't you at the top of your class, didn't you have to make a speech for that? (Sips his beer, gently sets it down, takes Usagi's hand).
Usagi: I choose not to make the speech.
Misaki: Well talk about that, talk about being at the top of your class, and discovering your passion at a young age, talk about stuff like that, it's a two many speech, you're a local famous young author, they want you there, all the girls are really excited, and the guys are upset that their girlfriends are blushing over you.
Usagi: How do you feel?
Misaki: I just want to graduate.
Usagi: I mean about my giving a speech.
Misaki: (Reaches over to touch Usagi's face), I already told you, I want you speak, if I didn't want you there you would know, (pulls hand back), I want to get a new suit, I know I have a lot but this is a big deal.
Usagi: Okay.
(A bell dings in the restaurant and their pizza comes out to them, Usagi grins grabbing three slices of pizza and plopping it on his plate, Misaki rolls his eyes and picks at the garlic rolls).
Usagi: How do you feel about people fanning over me?
Misaki: Please, i'm used to it. Usagi I realize how you look, i mean you're hot, you're sexy. I am aware of your looks I get it, and i'm-
Usagi: (grabs Misaki's hands), You are so fucking cute, and sexy in your own way.
Misaki: Not like you.
Usagi: (snorts), i'm not with you because of your looks, you know I love you and I love your personality. But you are so cute Misaki, and you really are sexy. I mean your not with me because of my looks right?
Misaki: Nah, i'm in it for the money.
Usagi: Funny.
Misaki: (Smirks), I'm with you because as annoying as it is I am really happy that you're always here for me, and you make me feel brave, and I love you, and yeah maybe we aren't the best idea, and people might look at us weird because of the age difference, but I think even without my brother, no matter how we met, you and I would be sitting right here today engaged enjoying a pizza.
Usagi: Wait, say all that again, i'm going to use it for my vows.
Misaki: Shut up, that was supposed to be a meaningful moment.
Usagi: I know, it was really sweet, but I had to say something funny because I didn't want to cry.
Misaki: I love you so fucking much.
Usagi: I love you too. (sniffs) Let's finish up and go find a suit.
Misaki: (smiles) Okay.
Usagi: What about this one?
(Misaki turned to face Usagi, he was holding a red suit, Misaki laughed and shook his head, they were at the store that Usagi loved getting all his Suits from, and all the ones he special ordered suits from, they had good quality suits and did good business).
Usagi: Why? (he held it up), what's wrong with it?
Misaki: (scuffs), It's red Usagi, and it's not even a good red, it's a bright red, I am so not wearing that. I need like a light blue, or a dark blue, but not navy blue a little lighter than that. (Misaki turned around looking through the racks of blue suits, he found a suit the color of the ocean.) Like this, but it's not in my size.
Usagi: (walks over to Misaki, takes the suit from his hand) We can get it sized for you.
Misaki: yeah, by the twenty-second?
Usagi: That's next sunday sweetheart, I think we can do it by then.
Misaki: Okay, because I think it's perfect.
Usagi: Speaking of perfect, should we start planning our wedding?
Misaki: Uh, no.
Usagi: Why?
Misaki: (Twists engagement ring) well we just got engaged and what's the rush?
Usagi: (takes his hand as they walk to the front of the store). Well I mean, I healed, almost and your graduating soon, and we are going to look at the place where we will be building our dream house. (they stop at the front and Usagi places the suit on the counter, Usagi leans against it as they wait for someone to come up to take the suit).
Misaki: Right, I know but I want to wait.
Usagi: Until we tell the public?
Misaki: (laughs nervously), Exactly.
Usagi: okay well, I think we can just leave this here with your size, i've done it before. (He writes down Misaki's sizes and his number on a piece of paper, then takes Misaki's hand and they walk out of the store).
Misaki: Thank's Usagi.
Usagi: Anytime.
Misaki: (Smiles at Usagi, looks at his car then pulls him into the ally beside the store).
Usagi: What are you doing?
Misaki: (pushes Usagi against the wall, stands on his toes, wraps his arms around his neck passionately kisses Usagi, he runs his fingers through his hair, he can feel himself blushing and getting hard, and pulls away, places his hand on Usagi's face softly caresses his cheek).
Usagi: M-Misaki, what was that for?
Misaki: Because I love you, and I really wanted to kiss you.
Usagi: (short laugh) In an ally?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Do you want to go home?
Misaki: Yeah, can we cuddle on the couch? Maybe take a nap? Watch Grey's Anatomy?
Usagi: (Smiles) That sounds like a perfect afternoon.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 5 years ago
Part 15
(Rose and Eri sat on the beach, their hands laced with each other, they watched the waves crash onto the sand. Eri pushed up the sleeves of her light white hoodie she was wearing, and dug her toes into the sand, her black leggings were rolled up to her knees, Rose wore a similar outfit, a light red hoodie and blue leggings).
Eri: (Picks up a clump of sand and throws it towards the water). This is nice.
Rose: Yeah, its feels good outside too.
Eri: Hey, I had fun last night.
Rose: Yeah, so did I. Want to come spend the night again?
Eri: I can't, I have to work tomorrow, Isaka only let me have a few days off and I promised I'd come back tomorrow to get some stuff organized.
Rose: Okay, I understand. I go back to night shifts this weekend.
Eri: Maybe we can do Lunch friday?
Rose: Yeah, sure!
Eri: But, hey it's only noon, still early, we have the rest of today!
Rose: That's true! What do you want to do? you hungry?
Eri: Sure, lets go get a burger.
Rose: Yeah, I know a great Place, it's called "Blacows" it's about twenty minutes from here.
Eri: Sounds great! (Stands up, pulling Rose up with her, they grab their sandals and wipe their butts off, then they head up the beach to Rose's car).
(Misaki walked out of the bathroom towel drying his hair, he peeked on the couch, good, Usagi was still fast asleep, he quietly walked up to the the his bedroom, he loved that he moved into Usagi's bedroom, at some point they wanted to knock the wall down and expand into the extra bedroom so they'd have more space. Misaki, threw his towel on the floor, slipped on blue boxers, Black sweatpants, and a white tank top, and white pullover, he walked down out of the room down stairs and looked through the pile of take out menus, he really wasn't in the mood to cook, and they were running low on food that isn't junk. Misaki found a menu for Priya Japan, they hadn't had indian in a while, it sounded really good in fact, Misaki picked up the food, walked outside to the balcony, and leaned over the brick wall).
Priya: Priya's how can I help you?
Misaki: Yeah, I'd like to place an order for delivery?
Priya: Sure, what can I get for you?
Misaki: Can I get an order of chicken Tikka Masala, two orders of Palak Paneer, four orders of garlic nan, two orders of cheese nan, and two orders of basmati rice.
Priya: Is that all?
Misaki: That's it.
Priya: Okay, your total comes to nine thousand eight hundred yen.
Misaki: Okay thank you.
Priya: And can I have the address?
(Misaki gives the restaurant the address, hangs up, and puts his phone in the pocket of his hoodie, it's twelve-thirty, he hopes Usagi will be up in time to eat, but he also wants Usagi to get his rest, Usagi also need his nutrients. Misaki sighed he looked out into the city, it was a beautiful sunny day, tomorrow would be cloudy an awfully bad day to take a test, but at least it was a his last test on a thursday, and he was definitely prepared for this test, he loved psychology sometimes he regretted not going into that field. After this test he had friday and the rest of next week to relax before his graduation March twenty second, the only thing that would suck his figuring out what he and Usagi would do, it's not like they only had sex, but a lot of their relationship consisted of it, and until the day of his graduation, they needed to find something else to do. Maybe they could play cards, he recently learned a card game called "kings in the corner" It's like solitaire but multiplayer. Misaki heard the the door to the balcony open, he didn't turn but he waited for Usagi to come beside him).
Usagi: (Groggy voice). Hey, what are you doing out here?
Misaki: I was ordering lunch, You were still sleeping, I didn't want to wake you.
Usagi: (Pulls Misaki into a hug, gives him a kiss on his head), thank you Misaki, but you could've made the in the house.
Misaki: I know. (Turns to face Usagi, he puts his arms around Usagi's neck, smiling at him). Look, I just want you you to get your rest, speaking of which, tomorrow is my final test, are you going to be okay alone for a few hours?
Usagi: (Usagi put his arms around Misaki, pulling him closer to him). Misaki, I think I'll be okay on my own for a few hours, plus it's your last test, you have to take it and pass so you can graduate and we can go on a trip.
Misaki: What kind of trip?
Usagi: Well are you sure you don't want to go on your graduation trip with your friend?
Misaki: (He shook his head and looked up at Usagi), No I want to stay with you Usagi. So if you want to plan a trip for us after my graduation you can, just keep it in tokyo. I don't want to go far, maybe for our honeymoon.
Usagi: (Takes a hand off of Misaki's waist and holds up a finger) Wait a minute, you're saying that when we go on our honeymoon, I can pick the place and you won't yell at me about the expense?
Misaki: Yes Usagi.
Usagi: I'm going to need to get that in writing.
Misaki: Ugh, whatever.
Usagi: Um, but you can get mad at for our trip after you graduate because I already got the tickets, but I did keep it in Tokyo.
Misaki: Fine, but we need to go inside because i'm sure the food will be here any minute.
(Misaki grabbed Usagi's hand and the second they closed the back door, the bell rang, the food had arrived, they spread the food on the table.
Usagi: Oh, Indian smells amazing, we haven't had that in a while.
Misaki: Yeah, I was looking through the take out menus and had the same thought. (Looks up at Usagi) Why do we even have take out menus when everything is on our phone?
Usagi: Because, the ones we have here are from our favorites.
Misaki: (Laughs as he walks into the kitchen), Usagi there's like twenty, we don't have that many favorites. do we?
Usagi: Well of we have that many menus we have that many favorites.
Misaki: Okay Usagi, do you want something to drink.
Usagi: Wine.
Misaki: What kind?
Usagi: Red.
Misaki: Okay, (He grabbed some plates, a bottle of wine and two glasses).
Usagi: ( Takes plates from Misaki, distributes food on the plates while Misaki pours the wine, they sit down in their normal spots). This looks good Misaki.
Misaki: (Mouth full), It taste good.
Usagi: So, what's bugging you?
Misaki: (Shit, Usagi always knew when something was on his mind) How'd you know?
Usagi: Misaki, no matter how much you try you try to hide it, I can always tell when you're upset about something.
Misaki: Well, it's kinda a few things.
Usagi: Okay, (Takes a sip of wine) what are they?
Misaki: Well at some point we need to, um-
Usagi: Tell the public about us? Aikawa is working on setting up an interview unless you want to, it will be part of your job?
Misaki: No, she can do that. When is she planning on doing it?
Usagi: After graduation, before our trip. Is that okay?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Is that what the problem is?
Misaki: My problem is what will happen if we tell the public? What if people don't accept you, I mean you know how the ladies love you, Usagi you could lose a lot of fans, this could end your career.
Usagi:(Rolls his eyes) See this? (Holds his hand out with his engagement ring).
Miskai: Your engagement ring?
Usagi: Yeah, this bonds us Misaki, you knew that when you proposed. So that means when we come out to the public, whatever happens, happens. I've always told you, I don't care what happens as long as I have you.
Misaki: I know. I love you so much Usagi, everything will work itself out. (Places left hand on top of Usagi's left hand).
Usagi: Yes it will. So what's your other problem?
Misaki: Oh, it's really dumb.
Usagi: What is it?
Misaki: Well, tomorrow is my last test and after that i'm going to be around for a week and a few days, which usually isn't a problem, but since we can't have sex for a while we have to find something to occupy ourselves, like playing cards or something, so while i'm gone tomorrow, you need to figure that out. Make a list of stuff okay?
Usagi: Yeah, I was actually thinking about that too, but I was really hoping you would bring it up first so I wouldn't have to.
Misaki: Well thanks. Anything you want to talk about?
Usagi: Nope, I just think we should eat before this food gets cold.
Misaki: Agreed.
(Rose stood at Eri's apartment door, their hands laced together)>
Rose: Are you sure you can't stay at my house again tonight?
Eri: (Grins), I wish I could, but I have to work tomorrow.
Rose: I thought Akihiko had like four months off.
Eri: (Laughs) Yeah, well Akihiko isn't the only person I edit for, but he is the main one, plus I have four months of transcripts from him that I have to edit, if I get them out now, well that will be huge for the company and him and Misaki.
Rose: Oh, yeah well that's awesome, when can I see you again?
Eri: We can meet for lunch tomorrow?
Rose: Sure, yeah I start back at work again tomorrow, but I should be able to make lunch before my night shift.
Eri: Okay cool, i'll see you around noon?
Rose: Sure.( Smiles and softly kisses Eri on the lips) i'll see you tomorrow.
Eri: Okay.
(Rose kisses Eri one last time before walking off, Eri sighs and walks into her apartment, sit her turns on her hall light, slips her shoes off, she walks to her couch flipping on the telvelstions before flopping on her couch. It was two pm, the time of day when nothing good was on. Eri sighed and flipped on her side, she decied she needed a nap).
(Misaki sat on the opposite couch while Usagi laid stretched out on the other one, he typed away on his computer looking for property).
Misaki: (Sighs, glances at Usagi whose focused "Greys Anatomy, which he was currently binging again. He sighed louder hoping he would get Usagi's attention, but he still didn't. He loudly cleared his throat).
Usagi: Misaki, what's wrong?
Misaki: What if I was dying, and you just now noticed that I needed you?
Usagi: Well you aren't dying, you're on the computer, what are you doing anyway?
Misaki: That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I was thinking, have you ever thought about selling this place?
Usagi: It's crossed my mind a few times why?
Misaki: Well I was thinking (He gets up and sits on the edge of the coffee table taking Usagi's hand). I Want us to buy a house, a-a-and not just buy a house, I want us to buy some property and build a house, or at least design it and have people build it for us.
Usagi: (His blue purple eyes lit up, he gave Misaki a half smirk). You wanna buy land a build a house together?
Misaki: Well yeah. Why, is it dumb? it's dumb right? Look, nevermind, it's just I found this amazing property in Kanagawa and its sixty two acres, the going rate is one hundred twenty-eight thousand three hundred eighty-nine yen. It's huge Usagi, and it could be perfect for us.
Usagi: Really? (He sits up grinning at Misaki), what makes you think that?
Misaki: Us getting married, and I had a dream about us buying land and building a house, and I want us to have a family, plus I love this house, but it's not mine it's yours, I want us to have a house together, one that we can grow old together in.
Usagi: You've really given this a lot of thought haven't you?
Misaki: I have, Look we have until June before we really start work again, and Maybe we can look at the property on friday?
Usagi: And where does that leave us the rest of the week?
Misaki: Making design plans, on pintrest.
Usagi: Pinterest? Like that dreamboard app thing?
Misaki: Yeah.
Usagi: Okay, I'll call my realtor tomorrow and see if he can help us.
Misaki: Really?
Usagi: (He smiled running his hands up and down Misaki's thighs) I think us buying land and designing a house together is amazing, I mean we need people to help us clearly because we don't know how to do that.
Misaki: I know, I said that earlier.
Usagi: Let's start by looking at the house.
(Misaki grinned, and leaned forward kissing Usagi softly).
Misaki: I'm going to start making pinterest boards.
Usagi: Have fun with that, I'm going back to watching Greys.
Misaki: have fun that.
(In the early hours of the morning, before Misaki raced to get ready for school, Usagi pulled him close, kissing his head, running his fingers through his soft hair, this always relaxed him, and even though Misaki was extremely confident about this final test, he wanted to stay in Usagi's arms for as long as he could, especially since they couldn't have sex, it felt nice just to cuddle, their body heat filling each up).
Usagi: Misaki, are you sure you'll pass this test?
Misaki: Why are you doubting me, you know psychology is my favorite.
Usagi: Still, I just want to make sure you're prepared.
Misaki: (flips on his side to face Usagi), I am, why don't you believe me?
Usagi: I do, but sometimes overconfidence doesn't mean anything you could still fail.
Misaki: Why are you being mean to me?
Usagi: I just need you to pass so you can graduate and we can-
Misaki: Can what?
Usagi: Begin our lives together.
Misaki: Beautiful save, but I already know about the trip you're planning for us after I graduate because you told me.
Usagi: Oh yeah.
Misaki: What time is it?
Usagi: (Reaches behind him and raises his phone to check the time), six.
Misaki: (He groaned burying his head into Usagi's chest) I gotta get up. I have to shower, my test is a eight.
Usagi: So why aren't you moving?
Misaki: You're comfortable.
Usagi: Go shower Misaki, go to school, kill the test.
Misaki: What are you doing?
Usagi: Going back to bed. I Love you.
Misaki: I love you too.
(Usagi sits up up giving Misaki a small kiss before he walks into the bathroom).
(Usagi leaned back in his chair, his phone ringing, wating for the person on the other end to pick up).
Ren: Akihiko Usami, it's been awhile.
Usagi: Yeah, what thirty two years?
Ren: Yes sir, are you moving out?
Usagi: You didn't think I was just calling to check on your kids did you?
Ren: (Laughs) No sir, so what's making you move, you've lived in that space since you were sixteen.
Usagi: My fiance and I want a space, well he wants to build a space or a lot to build our dream house.
Ren: Wow, Akihiko getting married, that's something I never thought I'd hear.
Usagi: Yeah, well he found a place, can I send you the address, we want to look at it tomorrow.
Ren: I think I can work that out.
Usagi: Well thank you, and we might need some carpenters.
Ren: I have people to help build your house, and interior designers, anything you need to help you build your dream house, my company and I can help you.
Usagi: Thank you Ren I appreciate it.
Ren: Of course.
(As Usagi hung up, another call came through, it was Misaki, Usagi grinned, even though they've been together forever, his heart still raced and he got butterflies whenever Misaki's name came across his phone).
Usagi: Hey you.
Misaki: Hey Babe.
Usagi: How'd your test go?
Misaki: Great, it's being graded now.
Usagi: Ah, and how long will that take?
Misaki: Not sure, it's a small class so maybe twenty minutes at most? Enough about me, how was your morning?
Usagi: Well slow, I had enough time to talk with my realtor, we might be able to have a look at the property in the morning.
Misaki: Oh that's awesome!
Usagi: (Chuckles) I'm glad you're excited about it.
Misaki: I am, I'm really happy.
Usagi: Okay, well i'm on my way to come get you, we can grab lunch.
Misaki: Okay, i'll see you soon.
Usagi: Alright, I love you.
Misaki: Love you too.
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 5 years ago
Bound together: Part one
April 1st, what an ironic day to hold a funeral, but there wasn't much time to plan it, everything happened so fast, the crash, the planning, and then arguing over what to do with ten year old Misaki. In the end Takahiro had to get a full time job and turn down an acceptance to M university. Thank god the two had Usagi, what would they do without him.
Usagi stood in the rain by the entrance of the church, he lit a cigarette, and sighed. He was waiting for his friend Takahiro and Misaki, his ten year old brother. Usagi had only recently met Takahiro during their last year of high school, but they had become fast friends, Usagi had even developed feelings for him, he would never let Takahiro know that. Usagi wanted to be here for the support, and he was kinda excited to meet Misaki, he was all Takahiro ever talked about. Usagi looked up when he heard a slight commotion in the distance, he saw Takahiro pulling a little kid who he assumed was Misaki.
Takahiro: Misaki, don't pull we have to go!
Misaki: (Sobbing), No this is all my fault.
Takahiro: (Picks up Misaki, who puts his head in Takahiro's shoulder). Come on! (He hurries to the church doors stopping in front of Usagi). Usagi-san, thank you for being here, (holds hand out, Usagi takes his hand shaking it).
Usagi: Anytime man. How are you holding up?
Takahiro: You know, I'm okay. Trying to stay strong for Misaki.
Misaki: (Lifts head up, smiles shyly at Usagi) H-hi.
Usagi: Hi Misaki, i'm Usagi.
Misaki: Hi, Usagi, you're my brothers best friend right?
Usagi: Well, I-
Takahiro: Yeah Misaki, he is.
Misaki: (Jumps out of Takahiro's arms) I want to stand with Usagi.
Misaki: But, i'm fine, God, you're so overprotective. (Looks up at Usagi, motions for him to come down to his level, Usagi, was a full three feet taller than Usagi, he was basically a giant compared to Misaki). Usagi, I have to tell you a secret.
Usagi: (Bends down) What is it?
Misaki: You shouldn't get to close to me, you might die like me parents.
Usagi: Misaki, what do you mean?
Misaki: My parents died because of me, I told them to hurry home and then they crashed, it's my fault.
Usagi: Mi-
Takahiro: Guys, we need to go in. Misaki take my hand (Reaches hand out for Misaki).
Misaki: No, I don't want to.
Takahiro: Fine, lets go. (Walks in, heading towards the front of the church).
Usagi: Misaki, what do you mean it's your fault, you told them to hurry, but that doesn't mean they did, they got into an accident, and that happens all the time, do you know the real cause?
Misaki: Um, a driver raced through the light and it wasn't their turn it was a head- hea-he-
Usagi: Head on collision?
Misaki: Yeah, that's it. But If I didn't tell th-
Usagi: (Places hands on Misaki's shoulders), Misaki listen to me. It was NOT YOUR FAULT, your parents hand every right to go, the other person didn't they were the ones rushing.
Misaki: It's really not my fault?
Usagi: (Pulls Misaki into a hug), Misaki no, it's not. Come on, we should go in.
Misaki: can I hold your hand?
Usagi: Yeah. (Takes Misaki's hand, the walk into the Church five minutes into the service).
Takahiro: (Angrily whispering), finally, where were you guys, this is important.
Usagi: I know, he was upset, I was calming him down.
Takahiro: (Looks over at Misaki) Are you okay?
Misaki: I'm okay, are funerals always this boring?
Usagi: (Chuckles softly).
Takahiro: (Snaps) Misaki!, and Usagi-san stop laughing, you should know better, don't encourage him.
Usagi: I'm sorry, but he's funny. Misaki, funerals can be boring, even when you love the person.
Misaki: Oh, I still feel sad.
Usagi: I know.
Misaki: (Punches Usagi's arm) soft, can I rest my heads here?
Usagi: Sure kid.
Misaki: (Smirks, lays head against Usagi's head).
Takahiro: Don't let him do that!
Usagi: He's fine, plus shouldn't you be up there speaking?
Takahiro: In a minute, don't let him fall asleep, (stands up, walks over to podium, Clears throat) Thank you all for coming- (His voice fades out).
Usagi: Hey kid, so are you okay?
Misaki: I guess, I don't know why I thought their death was my fault.
Usagi: You told them to hurry home, they got into an accident, then this happened so automatically you assumed.
Misaki: My brother tried to tell me it wasn't my fault, but hearing it from someone who isn't him made it make more sense.
Usagi: So you feel better?
Misaki: I'll get there. Thank you.
Usagi: (Ruffles Misaki's hair), You're Welcome.
Misaki: (Smiles), You're a cool guy, I wish we could hang out more.
Usagi: Yeah, well you're a cool little dude Misaki, we can hang out if you want, I heard you might need help with school at some point.
Misaki: Yeah, I'm not great at school. What about you?
Usagi: Not to brag, but I'm really smart, I got accepted into the top law school, not that I need it, I'm also a writer, but I'm not big enough yet, so in case that doesn't work out, being a lawyer is kinda a backup.
Misaki: WOW! (his eyes grew big, he was extremely impressed by this guy, Misaki wanted to get to know him a lot more, truth be told, he kinda had a little crush on him, not that it mattered he was eight years older and he was sure it wouldn't last).
Takahiro: Usagi, (He sits down blowing out angry air). How could the two of you talk the entire time, it's extremely disrespectful.
Misaki: Takahiro, Usagi was being nice. (Smiles)
Takahiro: (Grins, he had never seen Misaki smile like that ever).
Usagi stands against the back wall of the church, watching Misaki and Takahiro talk to relatives, Misaki looked back at Usagi giving him a bored expression causing Usagi to return a small grin. A smaller group of relatives form around Misaki and Takahiro, Misaki ducks under the group and walks to the back towards Usagi.
Usagi: Misaki, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your relatives?
Misaki: (Leans against the wall Beside Usagi), Why? I don't know them. I don't even want to be here, I just wanted to say goodbye to my parents, and I got to do that. And now Takahiro says we have to go to some relatives house for food or whatever? why do we have to do that? We already had the wake.
Usagi: Maybe your brother wants you to get to know your family?
Misaki: (Chuckles, kicks the floor), They all live two hours away at least, I never see them, I don't want to get to know them.
Usagi: So are you excited for school?
Misaki: Nope, I hate school, I'm no good at it. Do you like school?
Usagi: I guess? I mean I like learning, but I get lazy when it comes to putting in the work. I don't always turn it my work on time, but I always get really good grades.
Misaki: DO YOUR WORK!!
Usagi: (Chuckles), I do, but I lazy.
Misaki: I just don't understand it.
Usagi: Doesn't Your brother help?
Misaki: He's smart, but he doesn't understand what I'm always doing, he wants to get me a tutor.
Usagi: Um. you know I can help you.
Misaki: Wait really? I mean don't you already have a lot on your plate, with school and being a writer?
Usagi: Yeah, but I can carve time out to help you.
Misaki: (Throws arms around Usagi) THANK YOU!
Usagi: (hugs him back) Sure kid. So what do you like to do?
Misaki: (Pulls away, grins): Cook, I love to cook, I've been cooking since i was like three.
Usagi: Wow, three! that's impressive, I can't cook.
Misaki: At all?
Usagi: I burnt water...
Misaki: No, you didn't
Usagi: (Pulls out Phone, shows Misaki a picture of water on fire).
Misaki: How does that happen?
Usagi: I didn't think it could, so I order a lot of takeout.
Misaki: Huh. I need to cook you some food, How have you been alive this long, I guess your family?
Usagi: No, I am not close with my family, I moved out and got a penthouse at sixteen, I've been living on my own since then.
Misaki: How are you alive?
Usagi: Takeout mostly.
Misaki: I want to laugh, but I feel like you aren't joking.
Takahiro: Misaki, there you are I was looking all over, I was scared.
Misaki: You clearly weren't looking hard enough, I was here the whole time.
Takahiro: (Pulls Misaki's arm) Come on we have to go to Aunt Yua's, she's making dinner for the whole family.
Misaki: (Pulls away) The whole family, the family that you know and I don't, the family that will leave our lives again after today? Aunt Yua lives three hours away? I don't want to go there.
Takahiro: We'll be there for a week, you'll get to know them.
Misaki: And then what? Will we see them again?
Takahiro: Well, probably not.
Misaki: So what's the point?
Takahiro: Because they are My- Our family and I miss them.
Misaki: Yeah, YOUR family and YOU miss them, I don't know them.
Takahiro: (Runs hands over face), Misaki, what do you want me to do, you can't stay here alone.
Usagi: I can watch him.
Takahiro: Usagi, I can't ask you to do that, you just met the kid, and Misaki can be a handful.
Usagi: No, it's fine, Misaki is cool.
Takahiro: Are you sure about this? Misaki is this okay with you?
Misaki: YES!
Takahiro: Okay well, I'll give you Misaki's bag, and then we'll see each other in a week.
Usagi: Sounds good.
(The three of them walk to Takahiro's car, he opens the back door, reaches in a pulls out Misaki's bag handing it to Usagi).
Takahiro: Misaki, be good for Usagi, he's a busy man.
Misaki: I know.
Takahiro: Call me if he causes any trouble and I'll come and get him right away.
Usagi: (Puts his arm around Misaki), Ah I'm sure we'll be fine.
Takahiro: Okay, I'll miss you Misaki. (Gives Misaki a kiss on the cheek).
Misaki: Ew not in front of Usagi, don't embarrass me. But I'll miss you too, be safe.
Takahiro: I'll call when we get there.
Misaki: Okay bye. (To Usagi) Can I have a piggy back ride?
Usagi: Sure kid hop on.
Misaki: (Climbs on Usagi's back, the two wave goodbye, heading to Usagi's car).
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girlwithshipsshitshow · 5 years ago
So like Instead of Usagi meeting Misaki when he’s 18 I want him to meet him when he’s 10 like after his parents die, and Usagi has to watch Misaki a lot because Takahiro has to work a lot and they develop their friendship from their but Usagi’s feelings for Takahiro go away a grow for Misaki the older he gets and they start dating when Misaki’s 15.
I had this before, but im restarting it.
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