melonmork · 7 years
college jungwoo pt 2
hope it's been enjoyable so far!! part 2 will be a lot more fluffy :~) 🐻💞
college jungwoo part one
from: jungwoo🐻
Wear something you'll be comfy walking around downtown in 😊
~so you stay up later than usual on thursday night, tossing and turning in your bed, thinking about spending tomorrow evening walking around downtown with sweetheart angel boy jungwoo
~and it's all u think about throughout friday, too, during classes and while u eat lunch with friends
~and by the time 6 rolls around, you're already dressed and ready to go, laying on ur bed and trying to get ur mind off of the quick pace of ur heart and the butterflies having a full on rave in ur tummy by scrolling through social media on your phone and texting some friends
~meanwhile jungwoo is kinda freaking out because it's 6:30 and thanks to doyoung, yuta, winwin, yukhei, and kun, jungwoo isnt even dressed yet and his hair is a total mess and he cant even hear himself think over the shrek soundtrack that yukhei is belting the lyrics to while winwin records the whole thing and yuta does interpretive dancing
~kun and doyoung are helpful though, doyoung fusses with jungwoo's hair while he brushes his teeth and kun finds the shirt that jungwoo couldnt find and they manage to get him out of the door looking clean and handsome by 6:50
~it takes about five minues to get to where you two are going to meet up, so he has plenty of time, but he's worried he'll be late so he's speedwalking and he checks the time on his phone five times a minute
~jungwoo makes it to the stairwell with seven minutes to spare and at the same time that he arrives there, u start to leave your room and head there too
~when you get to the top of the stairs, you stop there before going down to meet him and your heart does somersaults again at just the sight of his back
~he's leaning against the railing, hands in his jean pockets and humming along to a distant melody probably coming from the window of someone's nearby dorm, frequently pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking the time, only to return to his humming and gazing out at the campus
~he's waiting for me the thought suddenly occurs to you, making your heart beat faster and ur breath hitch in your throat
~after a minute of watching him, you snap out of ur lil trance and try to act composed and not super nervous and u start walking down the steps to meet him; he hears you and turns around, his face changing from a little surprised to.... fond... the corners of his lips turn up into a gentle smile and his gaze softens as he watches you approach
~and u have no idea but his heart beats so fast watching u because you're smiling and your hair is being rustled slightly by the breeze and the sunlight is illuminating your skin and wow you look like an angel and kim jungwoo is in awe of your beauty
~when u stand beside him and look up at him and say hello, he grins and says hello back and then u two head out, making light conversation and enjoying the lovely evening weather
~the walk to downtown is about 15 minutes, so you have plenty of time to talk about your days and yourselves and you two do a pure lil question game
~and whenever you talk he looks over at you more than he looks ahead of himself and one time he even almost walks into a fire hydrants nad your like juNGWOO u clumsy boy be careful fksjdjjsjxjs
~but it's cause you're so cute n your hair is so pretty being blown around your cute face by the breeze :"-(
~also one time u Swear he intentionally brushes the back of his hand against urs and steals a quick glance at u to see your reaction (he's pleased with it)
~n e ways jungwoo leads u to an italian restaurant and u guys order n jungwoo insists on letting u try his food buT he wont let you feed urself he has to feed it to you 🤧 he even tries to wipe some sauce from the corner of ur mouth but ure like nO i can do it jsjdksjdj but then he just smiles and asks if it tastes good and hes smiling at u with those cute bunny teeth and pretty sparkling eyes and youre like yes youre-I MEAN IT's delicious
~he takes you to street food stalls afterwards and buys u two ice cream (he gets chocolate ice cream. he just seems like a chocolate ice cream kinda boy???) and he Definitely takes a lick of your ice cream and he offers his to u too :"-) this boy would have pretty much no shame hes just too happy thats hes with u to care abt being super polite or anything
~soon it's dark and jungwoo offers you his arm and when you take it he leans close to your ear and says "stay close to me, i'll protect you" and it's SO cheesy and like ... you're surrounded by sweet old couples in food stalls and a few other young couples and theres no one u need protecting from but it still makes ur heart burst and ur face heat up because his breath tickled your neck and it was hot on your ear and u felt urself flush down to ur toes
~u two start walking back to campus, having finished ur ice cream already
~but you're both walking so slow because you want to spend as much time together as possible even though neither of you says anything about that
~your arm is still in his and you're walking so close together and when there's a lull in the conversation, u realize that u dont even know if this is a date or not
~and maybe it's something in the clear night air or maybe it's the way you can feel his eyes lingering on you after you've long looked away but you have a surge of confidence so you ask him
~"jungwoo... are we on a date?" you look down at your feet after asking, a little embarrassed by the question after it manifests into words
~but he doesnt miss a beat, he looks at you, smiling, his eyes soft and his cheeks flushed although you can't tell because it's too dark and he says "if you're okay with it, then yes, i think we are"
~you return his gaze, your heart beating fast and the smile on your face uncontrollable and you nod at him and after that you two walk in a happy, shy silence all the way back to the stairs where you met earlier that evening
~finally, you let go of his arm, but his hand finds yours before your arm is back by your side
~and he takes his time, holding your one hand in both of his, running his thumb on the back of your hand as if he's holding something invaluably precious (he is)
~he smiles down at his hands holding your own hand and as one hand intertwines with yours, his gaze raises and now he's smiling softly at you, seeming to take in your beauty, admiring the shadows of the tree in front of the streetlamp cast upon your cheek, admiring the way your eyes look up at him, expectant and shy and earnest and oh my god you make him weak at the knees
~and he wants to kiss you so bad but he doesnt want to rush it so he sighs and thansk you and tells you he'll see you tomorrow and you two say good night and he walks backwards away from you until your fingertips are all that are still touching, and then he finally turns and goes on his way
~and you're standing at the bottom of those steps, looking up at the moon
~was the moon always so breathtaking? you've always loved her, but tonight she just looks so... divine...
~the next day u and jungwoo go get lunch together and he holds your hand again every time you two are walking :~)
~u run into doyoung on campus again when u guys are just walking around killing time after lunch and doyoung looks at jungwoo like ;^) i see you and jungwoo scrunches his face up at doyoung and then continues to tell you about his two hamsters he had in elementary school
~u and jungwoo see each other almost every day after that and jungwoo's friends are honestly shocked that he's investing so much time into something other than studying,,,, even tho a lot of ur dates are study dates in the library
~this goes on for about a month and u and jungwoo still havent kissed ,,, not even that one time when jungwoo leaned in so close to your face that you could feel the heat of his cheeks on your own for No Reason???? other than maybe to torture u wHat the heck jungwoo????
~until one thursday night when jungwoo texts you
from: jungwoo 🐻🙊💕
come to the park outside the campus library. hurryy
~it's like ,,,, 9:30 PM and you're already in ur sweats and ur hair is wet from ur shower,,,, but it's jungwoo,,, and you're a little worried he's in trouble,,, so u put on ur teddy bear slippers and head out
~and when u get there five minutes later you're kind of oblivious and u cant see him and you dont realize what the big deal is
~until you're standing there for a minute, looking into the grassy park
~ur eyes light up when you notice the fireflies, probably a hundred of them, dancing and twirling and glowing and bumbling through the park, moving this way and that and lighting up, then going dark, over and over again
~you're enchanted. they're beautiful and you cant believe you've not noticed them until now but you cant look away from the magic that's before you
~you wonder how anything could ever amount to the beauty of this moment
~and as you're admiring the scene before you, you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around with a start
~jungwoo is standing to your right, his right hand in his pocket and his left hand already beginning to intertwine with your left, his fingertips moving from your palm to trace each of your own fingertips before he lets his fingers lock in between yours
~"it's beautiful" you tell him
~he nods and then it's quiet for a minute and then from the quietness you hear him say "you're so much more beautiful, though." and in a moment he's turned to face you, his right hand moves to rest softly underneath your chin and he leans close to your face, closer than the first time he did this and you know this is it, this is what you've fallen asleep thinking about for a month
~his warm breath heats your already flushed face and his lips just barely brush against your own before he leans back just the tiniest bit
~he leans back in to close the distance, a small smile playing on his lips now and he basks in the pleasure of feeling your skin against his lips as he kisses your cheek
~you smile and laugh a little at how he's drawing it out and making you wait and he laughs too and your noses are touching and you're both smiling
~his hand moves from underneath your chin to gently hold the back of your neck, his thumb resting under your jaw and his fingers slightly brushing against ur hair
~his soft, warm lips press a kiss into the corner of your mouth and finally he presses his lips to yours, moving them slowly and deliberately and softly against your own and in your mind you take back your earlier thought, no amount of beautiful scenery could ever amount to the beauty of this moment, this moment when the boy who walks you a quarter of a mile home from the library every day, the boy who tells you to make a wish when he brushes an eyelash off ur cheek, the boy who remembers ur favorite color from that one time you told him in passing last year in bio lab... this moment when the boy you love kisses you like he's been waiting to do so since forever
~after a moment you start smiling and he kisses your teeth and then he starts smiling and laughing too and you wrap your arms around his shoulders and he moves his face into the crook of your neck and holds you so so close to him and he says "i love you" and you say it back to him, "i love you too"
~that night you two sit down in the grass amongst the fireflies and share kisses and stories and laugh when a firefly lands in jungwoo's hair and you lay back and look at the moon through thin layers of fast moving clouds and talk about how beautiful she is and how she's more beautiful when you're in love...
ahhhhhh i hope u liked it !!! i hope it was cute dkjsjsjs it was fun to write, jungwoo is such a cutie pie my heart was mush while writing part 2 especially :"-) aslo can i just say: jungwoo in scrubs!!!! yes that is all thank u for reading!!! 🌿🐻🍒🌙♥️
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corasohn · 7 years
i know this is late but how was your day!!!!!!!!
!!! Jasmine !!! Today was a little gloomy but spending time with my cousins and sisters made me feel better ^^ it’s just the heat that needs to go away. Two (2) more days until October… this hot weather needs to die out already.. I’m T I R E D OF IT!!!!!!!
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babyjungwoo · 7 years
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when jung jaehyun triggers your protective instincts 
@jungwoosus ♡ 
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iluvparkjihoon · 7 years
tag some of your favourite kpop accounts!! i want to follow some!
hello lovely anon !! 💝💘💝💘ofc I can recommend some a lot kpop accounts !! I mainly only follow nct blogs though,, so fkgjgjdksl
gifs/update accounts 💌 
@dovounq | @nakamotens | @neotechs | @haecha | @hey-uta | @nctinfo | @nct127 | @nctinfo | @taeyongd
favourite blogs 💌 
@jcngyoonoh | @cherryjaehyun | @heartrenjun | @jaeminmyheart | @kingrenjun | @stannctchinaline | @renjunsrealm | @813jm | @4blush | @taeiloves | @haechannie | @haenyan | @mad-ncity | @jaeminnana | @thirsty-for-jae | @dest-writes | @incorrect-nct-quotes | @jenowhat | @haecharm | @renjae | @haechnn | @taeyongshi | @nct-would | @cherrymark | @angeljenjun | @pure-sugarplums | @princeyoungho | @godhaechan | @leeminghyungs | @johnnys-hair | @angelicjeno | @shine-on-my-heart | @fyforeignswaggers | @peterpansxual | @savagehyuckie | @ytsgf | @2doyoungs | @cehnle | @renjiandchenlen | @taeyongtown | @jungwoosus | @jaemmin | @don6hyuck | @cherryuta | @confession-mv | @acesymmetrical-nctzen | @1around | @puppycat-eyes | @myeonnybunny | @mrschaeunwoo | @joonielesters | @heyhyuck | @renhyucks | @hansolsdeliciousanus | @bingeulbingeul-round  | @johnnyseod | @jaehyundd | @baejinsgf | @haedreamers | @hqleetaeyong | @1aeil
u should really check all these blogs out!!! they have great content nd r very sweet !! 💖 💖 💖💖 
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mad-ncity · 7 years
Thank you all so much for 1,000!!
I really appreciate all of you and I’m so happy y'all enjoy my writings. I know I’ve gotten a little less active but I promise to keep working hard!! I’d like to also thank a few people who have helped me along the way (and I highly recommend you follow them :^))
@chittiu @jaemmin @nctimagery @maarki @honeyjisung @overdoseing-on-kpop-feels @jungwoosus @seaside-lion @haechnn
And then I’d also like to thank @nctwriters for letting me join their network and all the work they just do.
Anyways, thank you all again!! Let’s have a good time together 😊👊
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yeancollab · 7 years
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i was tagged by the lovely @dabwons to post the 6 albums i've been listening to lately! beautiful//monsta x a flair for the dramatic//pierce the veil limitless//nct 127 the after party//ghost town the war: kokobop//exo cherry bomb//nct 127 tagging! @dolltaeyong @yutapricot @jaehyunisugly @prettyjaehyun @wonuisbae @mojitaeyong @jungwoosus and anyone else who wants to! just say i tagged u lmao
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jaeminnanas-remade · 7 years
i was tagged by @agustd-dtownsuga for this! tysm! xx
1. if there was any idol you could spend a date with, who would it be and what would you do? this is gonna sound super biased n obvious of me but i’d go on a date with mark lee n we’d go out for pizza and catch a movie and sneak snacks in so we could eat at the back of the cinema.
2. if you were in a horror movie, which stereotype would you be? would you make it to the end? well for one i’d be the one who fucking knows what they’re doing first of all. i’d probably be the one who has read a lot about horror shit n gets killed quite early on because of all my dickhead mates who are shoving themselves through dog flaps and running upstairs rather than out the open fucking front door. as for making it through the whole movie? would i fuck.
3. could you go a day without your phone easily? that’s like asking me if i could go a day without oxygen. hell no, you’re gonna have to pry my phone from my cold dead hands if you want to take it from me.
4. have you ever dated or considered dating a friend? no because all my friends are muppets. nah i just wouldn’t want to ruin a friendship by going out with a mate n then breaking up and making things awkward afterwards, no sense in fucking up a perfectly good friendship.
5. if one kpop song could be the soundtrack to your life, what song would it be? wolf by exo
6. have you ever dreamed of being a disney princess? no i haven’t, i’d make a shitty princess lmao.
7. are there any songs in other languages that you know all the words to? i know a handful of kpop songs word for word i guess, n there’s this french song but i can’t remember the name???
8. what was the weirdest thing you’ve seen/experienced in public? a furry
9. have you ever tried earning the choreo to a kpop song? indeed i have, i know a few in fact
10. are you a cat or dog person? i love cats n dogs a lot but if i had to choose i’m definitely more of a cat person
11. what is your opinion on candy corn? idk man i’ve never had it
alrighty then so that’s that done n i’m gonna tag @seohyunhyoyeonsooyoung, @yutasgrl, @renhyucks, @nct-dork, @jungwoosus and whoever else wants to do it i guess??
my questions:
1. if you were trapped on a desert island with one idol who would it be and why? 2. where do you stand on the pineapple on pizza discourse? 3. what’s the weirdest thing you’ve done for a dare? 4. if you had to change your name what would you change it to? 5. do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? what would your plan of action be? 6. if you suddenly became fluent in one other language, what language would that be? 7. do you like kids? 8. do you own any kpop albums? 9. have you changed your phone in the past year? 10. have you ever cut anyone out of your life because you didn’t like them anymore? 11. what is your dream profession?
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corasohn · 7 years
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@jungwoosus fjhsgdhfhdhhs I can’t rn 😂😂
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yeancollab · 7 years
music tag 💖
thank you for tagging me @kokoseo ❣️ [rules: put your music on shuffle, and skip 10 times, list the 10 songs, then tag 10 ppl!] I have over 2,000 songs on spotify, and I'm recovering emo so a lot of these songs probably won't make sense together but that's just who I am lol ~ 1. Besitos // Pierce the Veil 2. Girls Girls Boys // Panic! At the Disco 3. House of Cards // BTS 4. Perfect Girl // Monsta X 5. Caraphernelia // Pierce the Veil 6. Fatal // Motionless in White 7. Cherry Bomb // NCT 127 8. Whiplash // NCT 127 9. Gorilla // Bruno Mars 10. Unforgettable // French Montana tagging: @yutasneko @yutatour @jungwoosus @dolltaeyong @jaesgrl @04yuta anyone that wants to do it~
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jaeminnanas-remade · 7 years
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I was tagged by @jiminthol for the bias selfie tag thingy! 💛 for my other ones I just used Mark but I thought I'd change it up a lil bit this time so please excuse my face 🤔🙄
I tag @04yuta, @4wonhui, @gayhoseoks, @nctragic, @dem0nakki, @jungwoosus, n anyone else who wants to do this lmao (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
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corasohn · 7 years
@jungwoosus ‼️‼️‼️‼️😳😳😳💀💀💀💀 oops. !
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corasohn · 7 years
@jungwoosus I do!!!! but I don’t wanna spoil myself but whatever I need to know what happens next hhhdhsgss
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corasohn · 7 years
@jungwoosus ohhhh I see… aw man :-/ we really deprived :(((( how… am…. I going to… survive???!!!
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corasohn · 7 years
@jungwoosus aw what? why??? 😕
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