#jungwon bf material
monicho · 25 days
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고양이 ⋆˚🐾˖°
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kiwibomb · 7 months
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enhypen bf material lockscreens! please like or reblog if you save it! 🧸
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yoon-byeol · 1 year
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Jungwon from Enhypen ꨄ︎
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boyzzicons · 6 months
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 `🐟` . ִ ֗  { Enhypen icons } ⍝⍝
fav or reblog if you like :)
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delcakoo · 1 year
Coudl you doooo bf!jungwon catching some guy staring at you and tries to scare them off? if requests aren’t open I’m so sorry!
wahaha ur wish is my command nonnie (warning neck kisses? marking)
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now who did this guy think he was?
jungwon was in no way blind — unlike you, who seemed much too preoccupied picking a cereal brand to notice the disgraceful, unwanted, horrendously noticeable leer that this young man was offering you from down the aisle.
“huh?” craning back towards you, jungwon cringes in on himself at the concerned expression adorning your features.
“you okay? i just wanted to know which one you’d prefer.” supporting your words, you lift up a box of ‘nesquik’ in one hand, and ‘frosted flakes’ in the other.
in an attempt to not be obvious about his displeasure, he quickly nods to the latter. “we haven’t got frosted flakes in a while.”
the minute you turn around and begin scanning through the grocery list again, jungwon snaps his head back to the man, only to realize he still had his eyes on you. seriously, was he blind too? your very big, strong, kind-of-tall boyfriend was right there!
shoving his fisted-up knuckles deeper into the comfort of his orange hoodie, your cat boyfriend frowns. he wouldn’t just sit around and let that guy drool over you if there was something he could do about it.
even when jungwon wraps his arms around your waist, you don’t flinch at the abruptness of it, which only encourages him to move closer and rest his chin against your shoulder. his warmth is easily welcomed, including the light kisses that he starts gently peppering down your neck (even if such pda — that he usually never has confidence for — bewilders you a bit).
little do you know he most definitely isn’t reading the list over your shoulder — rather, jungwon’s busy glaring at this brown-haired man with the nastiest scowl he can muster. his face practically screams at the man to back off, and the tight grip his fingers find on your waist accentuates his claim further. you don’t fail to notice how his lips feel feathery and slightly wet against your skin, which only worsens as the male begins sucking to leave a mark with no prior notice.
at the ticklish feeling, you quickly shake him off. “yah, what’re you doing? we’re in the grocery store,” you remind in confusion, a slight blush dusting your cheeks. but it seems you’re too late; jungwon is now smiling proudly, and when you spin around to follow his gaze and discover what the commotions about, you’re left with an empty aisle.
“nobody’s here,” you murmur, rubbing your neck furiously. “geez, won. give me your hoodie, you dumbass.”
he obliges, dimples poking through his cheek even while pulling the soft material over his head. “now you wanna cover up my love, jagi?”
“yup. but maybe if you let me give you a matching one later i’ll call it even.”
his eyes can’t help but widen at that. “yoi..” jungwon giggles, pale fingers rising to shyly massage the back of his neck. he may have scared him off.. but perhaps he’d have to thank that guy later.
i missed writing for wonie it’s been so long <\3 also, reqs are closing again soon cuz exams r getting closer :( i’ll be working on the ones in my inbox for the meantime!!
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heeracha · 2 years
## buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
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synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. and as always, i'll put it in every chap if there's something you need to look out for.
note: yes, blod-talicized for slowburn because this is already planned out three years ago (but for another idol) anyway !! i'm excited to share this, my ass had been wanting to post this,,,,,, i already have the ending i just really need to do from part eleven up to,,,, that. so here you go. T_T okay, if i suddenly ghost again FLOOD ME MESSAGES/ASKS/IDC WHAT TO FINISH IT. TAGLIST CLOSE.
tags: r.asks: botm, botm updates, botm thoughts
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sample texts. / playlist.
profiles. / profiles two. / profiles three.
ep 1. — the pilot.
ep 2. — the bf problem.
ep 3. — the help from jake.
ep 4. — the promo.
ep 5. — the benefit of jeongin.
ep 6. — the availing of the promo.
ep 7. — the two introverts.
ep 8. — the era of reporter sunoo.
ep 8.2. — the dog cafe.
ep 9. — the look. what look?
ep 10. — the panicking of heeseung.
ep. 11 — the time heeseung decides to trust y/n.
ep 12. — the real heey/n friendship era.
ep 13. — the star stamp.
ep 14. — the late night in the flower shop.
ep 15. — the biggest cliché.
ep 16. — the text-snapping of y/n.
ep 17. — the weekend of heeseung without y/n.
ep 18. — the two am ride.
ep 19. — the stupidity.
ep 20. — the time y/n blocked heeseung.
ep 21. — the whipped y/n.
ep 22. — the painful sight (according to riki).
ep 23. — the library.
ep 24. — the dog café pt 2.
ep 25. — the frustration of jungwon and sunoo.
ep 26. — the flowers and bambi sticker.
ep 27. — the pretty dense boy texting y/n.
ep 28. — the message from jay.
ep 29. — the look heey/n give.
ep 30. — the pet name.
ep 31. — the switch up.
ep 32. — the no more denial.
ep 33. — the time seungmin called y/n 'sweetie'.
ep 34. — the way y/n sensed it again.
ep 35. — the talk.
ep 36. — the halfway there.
ep 37. — the another lame line.
ep 38. — the time heeseung accidentally kissed y/n.
ep 39. — the drive-in.
ep 40. — the flour and eggs.
ep 41. — the favorite view.
ep 42. — the one time they used their main accs.
ep 43. — the origami flower bouquet.
ep 44. — the stressed gf.
ep 45. — the plane plan.
ep 46. — the time y/n isn't teasing with heeseung.
ep 47. — the time when everything is "fine".
ep 48. — the time heeseung forgot.
ep 49. — the fight.
ep 50. — the graduation.
ep 51. — the flower arrangement on the cashier.
ep 52. — the favorite flower of heeseung.
ep 53. — the fact that heeseung is still jealous.
ep 54. — the supposed three year anniversary of heey/n.
ep 55. — the bubble chat turned blue.
ep 56. — the dumb flowers.
ep 57. — the time y/n finally replied.
ep 58. — the rehearsal dinner.
ep 59. — the flowers weren't dumb after all.
ep 60. — the lifetime promo.
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bonus. — the matching icons.
bonus 2. — the pettiness of flower and seungie.
bonus 3. — the one where heeseung thought y/n's leaving.
bonus 4. — the one with heeseung's doe eyes.
alternative ending. — the one when y/n almost stayed.
marriage discount; p. sunghoon [ fem!reader ]. — after endless of weddings that sunghoon attends to, he's been spending non-stop. so, upon hearing about a discount for married people even if it's just in the dry cleaners, sunghoon tells the employee that the girl, who happens to be you, walked in in the shop is his wife. even if he doesn't know you.
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heeracha, 2022.
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nori-the-cat · 30 days
hello, could you please do a reading on how jake from enhypen would be like as a bf? thank you. <3
yes i can <3
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What is Jake like as a boyfriend?
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Remember: This reading offers possibilities, not guarantees. Jake's true personality and relationship style would depend on his individual experiences and choices. This is for entertainment purposes only
As a boyfriend:
Tarot cards: knight of cups, justice, and six of pentacles
Right of the bat, I can tell he’s a charmer. Jake’s a charmer. He’s a romantic guy too.
Jake's a romantic guy who's very good at picking up on his partner’s feelings. He also doesn't hold back when it comes to showing how much he cares (knight of cups).
However, Jake put so much emphasis on being fair. It’s likely that he would be romantic with his partner if they’re also doing the same for him.
The Justice card hints that Jake values honest communication and a balanced dynamic in relationships. He probably wants to hear your perspective and have honest conversations.
Fairness seems to be a big deal for Jake. He likely wants a relationship where both parties have a say and feel treated equally (think "give and take").
The key is to make Jake feel like his effort is being recognised. This way, Jake would do everything for his partner. This is because Jake is a provider (six of pentacles).
I say this because when it comes to relationships, Jake might be generous with his time and resources, always there to lend a hand. He likely values financial stability and wants to build a secure future together.
Based on these cards, Jake is a charmer and a romantic person. However, he won’t show this side of him easily until he feels appreciated or when the relationship feels balanced enough (think give and take). Once Jake feels like his expectations are met, he will shower his partner with love and money.
Jake’s Potential Red Flag in a Relationship:
Tarot cards: nine of pentacles, the emperor, and the moon reversed
Okay this guy reminds me of Jungwon a bit. They both have something in common and that is worrying too much about materialistic things (nine of pentacles).
Nine of pentacles to me also means control.
In a relationship reading, Jake might be overly concerned with material possessions or financial security. He might also have a tendency to control aspects of the relationship to feel secure (nine of pentacles).
This is off topic. Jake might be into women with power or has material possessions. Jungwon might be into them too.
With the Emperor card next to the right of the nine of pentacles further emphasised Jake’s need to control his romantic relationship.
I tried to dig deeper whether this is need to control or dominate the relationship. However, he doesn’t feel domineering, but controlling? Yes.
While positive aspects are leadership and decisiveness (the emperor), a shadow side can be dominance and a need to be in charge. This card reinforces the control aspect from the Nine of Pentacles Reversed.
Another irony is that, although Jake puts emphasis on give and take and honest communication. Jake might struggle with expressing his true feelings or have a tendency to withdraw emotionally.
These cards tells me Jake is someone with control issues and or has tendencies to control his relationships. Despite his need to control his relationship, he struggles to show and express his emotions openly. This could make his partner feel suffocated and the relationship would lack emotional connection, especially with the emphasis on material issues.
Jake’s Green Flags in a Relationship
Tarot cards: the emperor, two of cups reversed, the world, nine of cups, and king of cups
Jake has controlling issues. It is both his greatest strength and weakness.
Jake may be controlling, but he does it because he is someone who takes initiatives. The Emperor card, though sometimes pointing to control, can also mean strong leadership, clear decision-making, and a deep sense of responsibility. In a relationship, Jake might be the one who takes charge, offers support and direction, and works towards building a secure and lasting foundation for his partner.
While this card can indicate an imbalance, two of cups reversed can also suggest a willingness to overcome challenges and work towards a stronger connection. Jake might be open to addressing any imbalances in the relationship and working towards harmony.
These cards alone tells me Jake is someone who takes control of his romantic relationship, but sometimes it can come off as controlling. Most of the time he might take initiative and wants to be seen as the one wearing the pants in the relationship.
The world card also suggests ake might be someone who seeks a long-term, committed relationship that brings him a sense of fulfillment. This card compliments Jake's need of controlling the relationship because he might be the type to want the relationship to last long. However, this could translate as "This is how I do things".
Thankfully, with the nine of cups and king of cups, Jake's green flags compliments his red flags. Although he can be controlling. Jake is someone who is prioritizes his partner's happiness and actively tries to fulfill their needs and desires (nine of cups) and might be a supportive and understanding boyfriend who is attuned to his partner's emotional needs.
Based on these cards, Jake seems like a reliable, supportive, and emotionally intelligent boyfriend. He values a balanced and fulfilling relationship, takes initiative, and actively seeks to make his partner happy.
Jake's Love Language:
Tarot cards: eight of swords reversed, page of pentacles, and the world
Based on these cards, Jake's primary love language seems to be a combination of Acts of Service and Quality Time, with an emphasis on growth within the relationship.
Eight of Swords: In a love language context, it suggests Jake might express his love by taking initiative and doing things to make his partner's life easier (Acts of Service).
Page of Pentacles: Jake might express his affection by doing things for you. These gestures would demonstrate his commitment and how much he wants to learn about what makes his partner tick.
The World: In a love language context, could suggests Jake sees a relationship as a journey of growth together, where both partners support each other's development.
Love Language Interpretation:
Quality Time: Quality time seems important to Jake, but with a focus on shared growth and experiences. He might enjoy activities that allow for deeper connection and learning, like taking a class together or exploring a new hobby (The World).
Acts of Service: Jake might express his love by going out of his way to make his partner's life easier or show he's been paying attention to his partner's needs. Imagine, Jake doing the dishes after a meal. He would do it because it makes his partner's life easier.
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Chanelled song for Jake:
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This is also a requested tarot reading from user @jakesangel.♡
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mywons · 1 year
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❛ boyfriend!jungwon headcanons.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] jungwon x reader, fluff + mentions of kissing + cute wonnie + just a happy relationship + mentions of petnames. warnings! && possible warning : very brief (2) mentions of marriage + mentions of jealousy / possessiveness. ✿ 0.6k words —
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won is very . . . loveable
he's super affectionate & loveydovey, he does any & everything to show how deep his love for you runs
dates with him are usually full of spontaneity. quick & fun picnics, a playful movie night with takeout
out of all of enhypen, i think jungwon is the second most type to date-to-marry (after mr. husband material park jongseong). so while he's very fun and playful, he's serious about you too
he wants you to know that he sees a future with you and if you don't see that with him, what's the point?
likes to keep polaroids of you scattered across his room's walls
collects the silliest little trinkets & souvenirs whenever the group goes someplace new, only to bring them back to you
the type of bf to text you at 3am and ask if you wanna raid the nearest corner store
kisses you very often. as a greeting, as a goodbye, as a reward, bc you look cute, he literally just loves kissing you
doesn't get jealous easily but so so so clingy when he does ,, will pull you towards him and refuse to let go
so so so so caring, smothers you with all the love in the world whenever you're feeling down :(
petnames include: lovey & pretty baby
likes to sleep with his head on your chest so that he can hear the rhythm of your heartbeat <3
definitely randomly calls you at all times of the day, just saying he misses you
^^ "i called you earlier why didn't you answer :(" "bc i'd literally just left your place" "so..????"
he's like ur MY lover u need to be attached to my hip at all times bc ur my baby !!!!!!
and he's so real for that honestly
i think he to an extent feels an overwhelming sense of protectiveness for you and because of that, he tends to overthink ab if even the smallest things he does are affecting you negatively
constantly making sure you're happy/content in your relationship, asking if there's anything else you'd like for him to do
he's just super careful with you
nd so supportive oh em gee !! if ur an idol like him, he's at every single show he can make it to. cheering you on, shouting "thats my baby 🫵"
if you're interested in smthn else/neither of you are idols, he's still definitely supporting you in whatever interest you have
constantly complimenting you and praising how your brain works. he admires everything about you
sometimes buys stuff in a bigger/smaller size so that he has an excuse to wear it and then give it to you
^^ "oh it doesn't really fit me so here you go :]" knowing damn well he just wants you to smell like him
definitely competitive when it comes to you. "oh yeah? well my lover can do this and this"
forever seeking any reasons to make you feel good about yourself
likes when you play with his hair after a long day or even sing to him, ironically.
really just enjoys the sound of your voice
would love to adopt a bunch of cats and grow old with you <3
never is the one to end any contact with you first. oh you guys are on the phone? better hang up first bc he isn't. won't even pull from a hug first, and would run out of oxygen if it meant keeping his lips on yours instead of resorting to pulling away
sees himself marrying you has thought about it plenty of times and voiced his ideas for the wedding, resulting in teasing from the members
eats ingredients out of your food that he knows you don't enjoy so you won't have to pick the pieces out !!
likes being called honey
need him to be my boyfriend immediately
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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hanniluvi · 1 year
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a/n — here are some things that i’d imagine enha doing for / with you on valentine’s day!! this may not be accurate but 🫶 i had fun making this 💗 anyways i hope you enjoy this !!
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HEESEUNG — making a playlist
- idk, i would see him doing this ^^
- since you guys both enjoy listening to music, making each other playlists would probably be your thing !
- he would put sm effort in picking out songs that remind him of the relationship </3
- or he would make those playlists that have songs go in a specific order to make a sentence.
"love you"
"a lot"
like something like that !!
- imagine him naming the shared playlist "for my special someone &lt;3" explodes
- he would listen to the playlist with you whenever
- he would even play it in the car 🙁
- true bf material
JAY — baking with you
- im hoping you know how to bake .. (if not jay has you covered..hopefully!)
- anyways you guys would be like a baking duo
- you enjoy cooking, so does he (perfect match)
- you guys would try making heart shaped desserts for each other </3
- heart shaped sugar cookies!!!
- you guys would decorate them for each other
- you will see jay trying his hardest to make you the best cookie ever 💔💔
- if the cookies don't turn out good, expect him to constantly retry..
- “babe..you can stop now..” “no yn” “you’re making batter again for the third time..” “and?”
- at least the effort counts <3 !
JAKE — movie marathon
- it's just giving jake..
- he would prepare so many snacks for this marathon
- he even has pillows and a blanket ready.
- he would purposely increase the volume of the tv and turn off the lights.
- he would put on the worse movies ever and not even realize it.
- "jake...what kind of movie is this?" "i dont know.."
- bro would be clueless of the movies he picked out HIMSELF 😭😭
- its okay, hes cute + you guys ended up watching all the movies from start to end.
- in the end, you guys would end up falling asleep and cuddling on the coach </3
SUNGHOON — love letters
- getting flashbacks to mpww rn (giggling rn)
- since i feel like he would tease you a lot in the relationship, he would take this as an opportunity to show that he loves you a lot!
- he would pour his whole heart out frfr
- you might catch him awake at night, rewriting his letter over and over again. (+ with crumbled pieces of paper all over the place)
- "yn, why are you up, go back to sleep 😡"
- anyways, when you receive the letter you'd probably end up crying reading the first few sentences.
- and like you haven't even reached to the second paragraph yet.
- and he probably wrote you a WHOLE ESSAY of why he loves you
- "oh my god are you actually crying?"
- seeing you this emotional over a handwritten letter from him makes him feel proud.
- expect more letters from him now!! + with more paras 🤫🤫
SUNOO — diy crafts
- i feel like you guys would do those silly crafting tuts you see on youtube
- like those videos where they are like “tutorial on how to make heart origami”
- yeah those types of videos, but make it “valentine’s day edition”
- "love, let's make this" he'd proudly show his phone screen with you
- so here you guys are, at the coffee table, following countless tutorials.
- constant folding and folding
- you guys would probably get frustrated when it doesn't turn out the same like the video
- "yn..why does our thing look like this?"
- you guys continued to hype each other up even if it looks bad !
- either way, you both exchanged your paper crafts.
- he would keep the things you made him on his desk or his nightstand </3
- "let's do this again, yeah?"
JUNGWON — making a scrap book
- i would see jungwon as a very shy person in a relationship
- he would take this as an opportunity to show that he loves you a lot pt.2
- he would work on this like a month prior :( + (rly good at hiding it too)
- he would take polas from your dates and put them on the scapbook :(
- he would secretly take pics of you too so you'll be surprised when you see a few pictures.
- next to each picture he puts on the book, he would write a little description of why he loved that pic / moment with you
- he would have a special little section where he includes reasons why he loves you </3
- he would shyly hand you the book and watch you flip every single page
- would glance at you every 5 seconds when you pause to read a page
- probably panick if he saw you tear up as if he didn't give you the best gift ever
- he would js love you like that !
NIKI — taking classes together
- whether it be a dancing or cooking class, it's going to be chaotic.
- he's gonna be clueless the whole time, probably gonna zone out while you're doing wtv you're doing..
- hes this 🧍emoji literally
- you would probably have to "yell" at him to focus and he will be back to normal
- he would definitely tease you whenever you make a mistake in something.
- "did my yn just make a mistake?"
- he's gonna be giggling while you're all mad
- niki would step in to try to help
- he also makes a big mistake btw
- now, you're laughing at him
- then he’s upset as if he didn’t do the same thing to you 😪
- just lots laughter throughout the whole class..
- let’s say you guys had a lot of fun together
- you would definitely take another class with him
- he’s just that fun to hang out with 🤭
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enhypen perm taglist — @son4taa @mokiverse @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @luveuly @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @heartz4hyunjae @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @chaewon-slays @taejays @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @ahnneyong @hanienie @yeniiverse
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© hanniluvi — all rights reserved. don’t copy, translate, or repost my works without my permission.
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monicho · 22 days
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카와이 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ꩜ .ᐟ
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kiwibomb · 1 year
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enhypen bf material lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it! ☀️
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yoon-byeol · 2 years
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Jay from Enhypen
Jay enhypen lockscreen
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 5 months
"why? you jealous?"
↖ navigation: enhypen masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: bf! sunghoon x gn! reader
↬ tags: school! au, cold! hoon x hot! reader troupe, lowkey relationship!!, the rest of ENHA being part of the student council + hoonie and you being the presidents, sunghoon being a needy little bf despite that tough! icy! exterior!!, a bit of a slow build up and fast ending but i think it's worth it!!
summary: power couple of the school? couldn't be sunghoon and you!
word count: 1.4k words
a/n: just been to fate concert in sg (20.1.24)--suffice to say my love for them has rekindled hehe
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the annoying whirr of the fans in the room was the only sound sunghoon could register, yet it was also the only thing that was keeping him sane in this very tensed room. sunghoon rubs the back of his neck as he half-heartedly flips the papers in front of him, eyes nearly crossing from the sheer number to things to be accounted for. he twirled the pen in his hand, occasionally writing things that came to his mind.
the entire student council was in a frenzy: a new event had been handed to them and they had only less than one month to get everything ready. from planning, to getting the materials and manpower, to executing...
sunghoon sighs at the overwhelming amount of things to be done. his members bustled around him, low murmurs slowly increasing in volume out of agitation and confusion.
at that moment, the door opens and he tears his attention away from the stack, before looking in your direction. you stood at the door, eyes sparkling at the sight of your members hard at work.
"pres, you're here!"
relief seemed to pour out from all the members as you stepped into the room. the comforting aura emmanating from you was incredibly magnetic and everyone immediately gathers around you. you laughed and suddenly sunghoon finds it easier to breathe.
"okay, okay. let me put down my things and we can go through all of these, alright?" you set your bag down on the floor, seating beside sunghoon at the head of the table. those two spots were specially reserved for you two, being presidents of the council.
polar opposites were what people described the both of you: the moniker "ice prince" wasn't given to him without reason--always delivering hard cold truths with the purpose to correct; whereas you had been humorously yet lovingly nicknamed "blazing heart" by many for your passionate leading and warmheartedness in the student council. however the number of projects the two of you led had caused a stir amidst the student body: they had thoroughly obsessed over the fact that you two looked great together.
he snaps out of his daydream, hoping he didn't look stupid in front of you.
"pres? i need your help with this." you sat poised as you received the papers from sunoo and niki, the treasurer and secretary respectively. he propped his elbow up on the table, head leaning against it as he watches your interaction. sunghoon's documents could wait for a bit.
the whole room seemed warmer with you around: you smile gently at sunoo, pointing out the areas that needed correction. niki sheepishly frowns, apologizing for the mistake that you mentioned. their entire demeanor changed after receiving your insight, walking away as if they were changed people. sunghoon moves the stack of papers towards you, but got interrupted yet again.
sunghoon observes again--a little irked--as jungwon, the council's welfare head, shows you something on his tablet and you once again thoughtfully suggested changes without belittling his ideas, giving him a thumbs up as jungwon happily skipped away now that he has gotten your approval. you finally turn to sunghoon and he feels his entire being set ablaze under your gaze, but your attention was cast to the members in the room.
you leaned sideways. "has it been this tense this entire morning?" you whispered, one hand cupping the side of your mouth. he gives a curt nod and you sigh, smile never once leaving your face. you cleared your throat and announced, "snacks are on me today! let's work hard!"
choruses of "thank you!" and "you're the best!" rang and sunghoon can't help but smirk at the heart-warming way you boost the team's morale. sunghoon opens his mouth wanting to ask you for your opinions, when the publicity head heeseung, shows you a few designs. he sighs.
you nod at heeseung, selecting two out of the five he presented. sunghoon felt something snap in him: he'd been trying to get you to notice him, but his members...!
you placed your hand on his forearm, eyes still trained on the posters heeseung was holding. sunghoon felt chills shoot up his spine at how you were subtly telling him to wait.
"okay, i got it. i will go and make several copies to stick around school...and maybe you can attend to our deputy president." sunghoon tries to school his expression, and as heeseung shooes away a confused jay and jake, getting the two of them to follow him.
trust heeseung to set him up with you...he doesn't know anything.
"sorry hoon. you were saying?" he temps down the fluttery feeling in his heart at the sound of your nickname for him leaving your lips. "nothing. i needed you to look at this." you skimmed through the documents, slowly nodding with satisfaction, before smiling wryly at him, "this is good! also you didn't need to wait till i came...you do know you have as much power as i do, right?"
sunghoon leans back, "well, the members do prefer listening to you rather than me. plus, it is certainly more rewarding getting your approval. i like that." you flushed at his words, bumping shoulders with him, "dont say that. they greatly respect you as much as they do for me, okay? that's why this role is selected by them for the both of us." he huffs at your zeal, face feeling warm as he agrees with you.
silence then envelops the two of you as everyone focused. time seemed to tick away faster now that you were with him in his little bubble. he relishes in the fact that you two were partners, and basked in your reassurance.
you immensely motivate him, constructive feedback a form of banter between the both of you as sunghoon speaks his mind around you, while your ideas bounced off his in a synergistc manner. under your insistent encouragement, sunghoon gathers everyone and discussed the various deadlines to meet, eyes set on you as you supported him with a big smile. the members were greatly satisfied with the direction of the event, praising the several ideas brought up by the both of you.
the tension bleeds away and idle chatter filling the air. you beckoned sunghoon to follow you, telling everyone that the both of you will be getting snacks from the nearby mini-mart, earning whoops of excitement.
he strolls uneasily beside you, itching to grab your hand, but abruptly stopping when other students murmured, directing their curious gaze towards the presidents of the student councils. praises leaves their lips as they gush at how you two complimented each other.
well, only if they knew...
the mini-mart was quiet, save for the ahjumma at the cashier talking loudly into her phone. he trails behind you like an excitable puppy but stops as he chatises himself for breaking his cool image for you. a sigh later and he speeds up to grab your wrist from behind you: he couldn't stand it any longer.
"hoonie, what should we get--!" sunghoon pulls you to him, lips colliding with yours mid sentence. his hands land on your waist possessively as your eyelids flutter shut when he deepens the kiss. he finally pulls away, a small smirk tugging on his lips upon the sight of your very red face.
"w-what was that for?!" you embarrassedly hid your face in his broad chest, and he chuckles at the sight of you: the normally composed, cheery president reduced to crumbles from a mere kiss. grasping your shoulders, he gently pulls you away from him and presses another kiss to your forehead, "i just missed you."
if even possible, sunghoon feels like his eyes were practically oozing love: just looking at you gives him butterflies. you reciprocated the kiss with a tight hug, joking, "i didn't know you needed my attention this much, my ice prince."
sunghoon's face turned incredibly warm at the nickname and he coughs. your eyes sparkled as you hid your grin behind your hand, "why, you jealous?"
"no. i mean, well yes, i was. you were so busy catering to our members you...forgot to pay attention to me." he rushed through his words, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. sunghoon felt a little silly asking for your attention like this, but how was he to when you were practically shining and everyone's eyes were on you?
"come here." you whispered and he gratefully accepts your invitation. you embrace sunghoon tightly, and he exhales deeply. "if you wanted me to even breathe in your direction, tell me. you're as important of a priority as everything else that's going on, mm?"
sunghoon nods at the reassurance, a burden lifted off his chest. he stands there a little dumbfounded as you give him a chaste kiss, walking away as if you hadn't nearly caused his knees to buckle.
"i want another kiss! please!"
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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glitterjay · 2 months
hihi! who in enha do u think is most bf material and why? im really stuck on it bcuz ofc jay is most husband material but idk ab bf.. its too hard for me rraaahĥhh
personally, i think jungwon is the most boyfriend material. jay is like the perfect husband, but jungwon? this man would be super attentive. personally, i believe jungwon memorizes whatever things his significant other does not like, like foods and stuff, and prioritizes such things when taking them out to eat on a date. have you all also seen how many pictures he posts on weverse? at least one photo daily. If you tell him you miss him, you can bet he's sending a lot of pictures of himself, scenery, food, etc. so you can enjoy the moment as if you were by his side. overall, I feel like he's very sweet and caring, and he's always a step ahead.
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nyanggk · 1 year
🌷 DEAR, JUNGWON — y. jw
( ♡ ) — chapter 21 | dear diary, park jongseong will be pronounced dead tomorrow and i just want to say that i am not at fault | chapter 23
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SYNOPSIS you've been in love with jungwon for longer than you can remember. initially, you made no plans to make your feelings known, but with something tugging in your heart and putting you on restraints, you're pushed to say "yolo," and ask him to date you for 90 days. after that, you'll finally leave him alone. for good.
WARNINGS innuendos, hints of some type of illness
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n. [read a/n after] well, I've dropped the bomb ._. I don't wanna put a warning for death just cause I don't wanna spoil you guys. also! sorry that my usual chap updates have gone from everyday to every other day >< it's been a mix with stress cause by school and the house as well as me trying to map out what the next chapter should be
also also!! enhypen news whoop! I think some of yall are forgetting that I'm literally ni-ki biased LMFAO my boy be SERVING UGH those biceps selfies???? my child you've grown so much, u can stop growing now like, TAKE A BREATHER
ALSO ALSO ALSO, ni-ki throwing the middle finger?????? yes???? idc what anyone says because that was EVERYTHING and I love that for him. now I have something to use whenever haters start spewing shit at my boy
(disclaimer: ni-ki is my child, I do not see him as bf lol) tbh with won, I'm so confused! because he's so baby but also so bf material like?????? whyre u making it so hard for me?
BATCH 1 [OPEN] @amarillyis @peachysunooooo @meowmeowhoon @wonswondrland @axartia @heesflor @caty-catts @enhacolor @donghoonie-3 @artstaeh @thaliese @kuleo26 @heestart @kyanmeai @seung-scrittore @avbie @palajae @alex-is-sleeping @love-4-keum @lumiseung @jaylaxies @kimmchijjajang @yangrdn @gobighee @lunabean @notsimpingforbangchan @urszn @stinkoscope @lihee-blog @bubblytaetae @minjidrafts @enha-cafe @astrae4 @fictional-waste @xiaoderrrr @ckline35 @enhapocketz @4lythe @woncloudie @ethereallov3 @s7noo
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wonryllis · 4 months
i would love this!!!! one time i had dreamed about spending christmas with jungwon BUT the whole dream was in fucking german 👹 I don't know how when i don't even LERAN this language nshshxusbq?@,!, i didn't understand a thing but yeah looking at him was enough 🤭🤭🤭 BUT YK I WAS TALKING WITH MY BSF HOW JAKE IS THE PERFECT BF MATERIAL IM CRYINFHXHGGGGG
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