junesbxmber · 8 years
@junesreceipt didn’t ask for this starter but I love dying.
“Hey. Naoki.” Yosuke swallows nervously but tries to remain relatively calm. His anxiety is obvious, he knows it, but he wants to pretend he has some composure.
He decided, ultimately, that they needed to have this conversation face-to-face. It seemed inappropriate otherwise... that, and he tried calling Naoki to talk on three separate occasions, with three different results:
              1. Hung up immediately after Naoki answered.               2. Talked about something stupid. (He already doesn’t remember what it was.)               3. Acted, very badly, like he’d called Naoki by mistake.
So clearly, a phone call isn’t gonna cut it. Which brought him here now, his heart rate slowly rising and unable to look at Naoki at all.
“Naoki, I need to talk to you. Is now... are you busy right now?”
Yosuke really hopes he’ll say no.
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notyourprinccss-a · 8 years
It seems that someone's left something for Hamuko in her room: A cloth-wrapped package of white chocolate hearts and a shiny box containing a selection of new hairpins, along with a note that simply reads, 'Happy White Day' in rather familiar handwriting. Guess he was too nervous to give them to her in person.
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      Sneaky boy. 
      Likely true to his hopes, Hamuko is left with absolutely no idea how he’d managed to leave these on her desk without getting caught in the process —— he’d only been up here for a minute or two before she’d insisted she’d needed to change before their date ( an unfortunate run-in with the ketchup bottle had left her with a stain on her blouse but a few moments before he’d arrived, )  and she was fairly certain she hadn’t turned her back to kick her game system under her bookshelf for long enough for this… So had he planned it out in advance? 
      She wouldn’t put it past him. Clever as a fox, her Naoki, even if he wouldn’t always readily admit it. 
      Still, now she’s left entirely ( pleasantly ) baffled with how to proceed. The gifts had been strategically placed, probably with the intention of being difficult to spot within the organized chaos of her study space; she can only assume she wasn’t meant to find them until later in the evening when she’d returned back to the Dojima residence. And on one hand, the idea of him attempting to slip this past her because he was too shy to present them in person was endearing enough that she’s almost willing to play along… 
      … but, on the other hand… there seems to be an opportunity for a bit of mischief. 
      Deft fingers quickly remove the pins adorning the side of her head and pull out her hair-tie, leaving a playful glimmer in her eye and waves of auburn falling loosely over her shoulders as she changes shirts. That done, she turns to the box on her desk — decides she’ll leave the chocolates for later, quirking a smile as she realizes he remembered her favorites — and selects two of the decorative pins from within. 
      One, a decorative white flower, takes its place tucked into the bun she’s formed low on her neck. It holds sturdy with little give. 
      The other pin slides into place on the left side of her head, an adorably fashioned cat decorating her hair where her standard white ‘XXII’ pins usually sat. This, too, holds sturdy. 
      A quick, satisfied glance over in her closet mirror is all she allows herself before she grabs her bag and rushes excitedly down the stairs. She’s already delayed their date for long enough, after all. 
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banchokun-blog · 8 years
❉ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
show a little skin. ( not accepting )
❉ - stretching their arms up, showing their midriff.
he likes spending time with naoki. there’s something about the way he speaks ( softly, but not without humor; dry, but never scathing; blunt, but well-meaning ) that puts yu at ease. his expressions, too, carry a brand of honesty that yu’s come to enjoy watching unfold. the way he smiles is          really something else. like the sun after a storm, particularly bright & pleasantly blinding.
his eyes are trained on the curve of his lips until naoki yawns & leans back in his seat. a flash of pale skin draws his attention         his stomach, wire-thin, stretches taut as he extends his limbs, languid         & it’s a lot like that smile. impossible to glance away. 
the contemplation strikes him just before naoki lowers his arms: what would it feel like to replace his gaze with his hands?
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magicianrankup · 8 years
@junesreceipt from x
“That’s... not what I meant.” Yosuke sighed. Of all the times to be disappointing and saying the wrong thing. He had to be very careful when speaking to Naoki or either one of them would get mad. Naoki was grieving a lot harder than him, but Yosuke hadn’t lost a sister, so it was incomparable. 
“And I’m not trying to say that... things happen for a reason. Because that just... justifies terrible shit happening. But thinking about it like that makes it... easier. For some people. She lived, and... so are we.” It was so hard. It was so hard to talk about this. All Yosuke’s words were just... stupid and grasping at nothing.
“A-And... I’m not saying that it was meaningless, either. Clearly, it wasn’t.”
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adxchi · 8 years
junesreceipt replied to your post “Woah… So do you guys know about dating simulators?”
Are you having that much trouble getting a date or something.
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“More specifically, I’m having trouble getting a date with a girl who’s got double D’s, cooks perfectly, and wants to rub my feet.”
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reaperdachi · 8 years
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“That’s not entirely true, you know.”
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"A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant break period between them, which is known as a “cooling off” period."
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“I’ve only killed two people. By that definition alone, I can’t be a serial killer. I’m just a killer.” 
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junesbxmber · 8 years
junesreceipt liked your post:…
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banchokun-blog · 8 years
what does yu think of this awful noodle tho ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
ask my muse how they feel about other muses they interact with!
NAOKI IN GENERAL is… hmm. he’s bitter & resistant, which just kinda… motivates yu to keep pushing ( like, iirc you have to talk to naoki 3 times in-game or some shit before gaining access to the actual social link ). but the best part is that yu doesn’t see him as somebody who needs to be pitied or fixed. he’s just tired & lonely, which is a state of being that yu’s all too familiar with. honestly, if circumstances were different, yu feels as though naoki would’ve added another great dynamic to the investigation team. like, come on, if anybody deserved to be a part of that investigation, it’d be the brother of the second victim!!
& for your naoki specifically, it’s hard to say because we haven’t actually threaded yet, lmao. he feels some degree of attraction toward him, though! but there’s so much ground to cover. to deepen their bond, it’s like… he’d feel compelled to talk about the case/tv world/personas/etc. a potential thread idea, maybe? ;o
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themagicaldolly · 8 years
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“Nao-” She’s coming at a pretty high speed and the last syllable of his nap is punctuated by her finally actually full on hugging him. “Ki!” God, what a nerd. She missed her baby bro, though. Give her a second to cuddle and nuzzle, she’ll be fine.
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junesbxmber · 8 years
junesreceipt replied to your post: "#im straight" sounds fake but ok
you just make it so easy to pick on you honestly
i think you’re just a bully
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banchokun-blog · 8 years
five cute things your muse does.
exactly what it says on the tin! do not reblog. repost & tell your followers five cute facts about your muse, then tag five people to see what cute things their muses do!
1. love nanako with his whole being. 2. the cat thing. you know. 3. smile shyly when he’s embarrassed. 4. that soft, rare laugh. 5. genuinely & enthusiastically support his friends.
tagged by: @magicianrankup. tagging: @snarksuke, @chxntpleure, @trashcanarcana, @junesreceipt, & @evokings.
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junesbxmber · 8 years
junesreceipt liked your post:miss me w/that gay shit
i said miss me w/tht gay shit
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