shittylongcatposts · 4 years
Jumin week 2020 Day 3 (Video Games) @juminweek2019
The group chat was noisy again. Every now and then a message pinged on her phone, distracting her from working on the invitations for the next party. But there it was, another ping. And another. The young girl sighed and opened the messenger too, everybody was online and the chat was busy discussing Zen’s new role and Jaehee’s long wished vacation, which she chose to spend on Jumin’s island - alone. Nothing majorly important, Mc said a quick hello and asked how every member was doing and closed the app again. 
Suddenly she got a call from Jumin. Mc panicked a little bit and nearly let her phone fall out of her hands. Jumin Han was calling her. B-But why now? Is there something he wanted to tell her? She really wanted to pick up, but…. how was she supposed to greet him? Her fingers finally found the green button and she answered with an embarrassed “Hiya!” 
wow she could have said so many cool things but all she could come up with was hiya….
“Hello Mc, I’m glad to hear your voice. There’s something I wanted to ask you, but let me be cliche first: How was your day?”, she tried to imagine how he looked liked right now. It was pretty late already so probably he just got home, maybe he was wearing his shirt a little bit opened up, with a loose tie around his neck. The mere thought of it made her heart skip a beat. 
“Mc?” Jumin asked, with concern in his voice, “Is something the matter, you seem rather distracted today.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m currently working on the invitations and did some paper work today too.” she sighed while looking at the clock. It was so late already. When did it get so dark? 
“I’m glad that you are so reliable with your work as party coordinator, Mc, I’m so proud of you.” she could hear his smile through the speaker of her phone and squeaked. The wonderful Jumin Han was proud of her????OMG!!!
“What was that sound, have you seen a bug? Did something happen to you?” he asked 
“No, no I’m fine. It’s nothing, I’m sorry, I just saw a cute cat photo.” she answered and sighed. Phew. Hopefully he won’t find out about your crush on the CEO. 
“Ah, I’m glad then. Now here’s my question… I wanted to ask you if you could help me with something.” 
“Sure go ahead.” Mc nodded even though he could not see it. 
“Thanks, a business partner sent me a switch some time ago and… Oh wait you that already, because we played Mario cart at the after party last time, right?”
Mc laughed as she remembered that night. It was so much fun gaming with them together, seeing them all laughing and having a good time. She also remembered Jumin driving into the direction, driving through banana peels and falling off the track from time to time. Sometimes when he focused on driving Jumin would stick his tongue out. But that only happened after he had a couple of wine glasses.
Mc blushed and was thankful that Jumin couldn’t see her right now. 
“yeah I remember.”
“I bought animal crossing some days ago and was wondering if you got the game too?”
“I do. Wanna visit me?” she asked now with a cheesy grin on her face. That was quite the surprise. 
“Can we do it now? I think I really need some help. I bought some turnips last week and now the prices have fallen down. May I visit your island?” he chuckled, maybe he was thinking it was ridiculous. But it just made him more adorable. 
“Of course you can, I am starting the game right now and boy, do I have a surprise to show you! Oh and Jumin?” she tilted her head, put her bangs behind her ear. “Can you wear a suit please?”
“I always wear one.” he laughed. 
“I mean in game.” 
“Like I said, I always wear one.” he repeated himself. How cute. 
The both of them spoke a bit more until she was ready and opened the gates of her airport, immediately getting the notification that someone was coming. When she saw him finally setting foot on her island, her smile got even brighter. Jumin opened the map and gasped. Her whole island was cat themed. Every resident on it a cat, and there was a giant lake in the shape of a cat’s head on the map too. 
When she heard his soft laughter she couldn’t help but laugh too. 
“You like it?” she grinned. 
“I love it! This is such a great idea, Mc! Your island looks amazing. I have to take notes I guess. I didn’t know you could do all these things.” He talked on and on as she showed Jumin everything.
Last but not least Mc guided him to her house. He walked inside and soon after she heard another soft chuckle from the other side of the phone.
“Y...you.. You really have a great taste Mc, now I think I have to sell my turnips! It’s super late, and I don’t want to bother you anymore.” He quickly said, running into the direction of Nook's cranny. He didn’t say another word.
What did just happen? she wondered and went inside her home, and in her “bedroom” she found the reason for it. There were two Photos of Jumin hanging on the wall, and another picture in between them saying the words: “my love”. 
Mc slapped her forehead and didn’t know whether she should laugh or cry. How could she have forgotten about this?!
“Jumin?” she asked nervously. 
“hmm?” his voice sounded deeper than before.
“I’m sorry… I.. uhmm…” Mc stuttered, being unable to find the right words. 
“Was this the surprise you wanted to show me?” the young man asked, there was no emotion in his voice.
“No,... my god it’s so embarrassing. But I think I’ve got to tell you either way, now that you saw it.” her hand rubbed over her forehead, and she took a small sip from her glass of water before speaking up again. 
But Jumin cut her of: “Look, I really like you too, but that’s not something I’d like to discuss over the phone or through animal crossing. Would you like to drink a cup of tea or coffee with me tomorrow?” 
Mc nodded, and agreed to his plan, and they both agreed on never speaking about this little incident again. After he sold his turnips, they sat down on a bench together, playing with their emotes. Only then Jumin commented how cute Mc’s character actually looked like. The colour scheme reminded him of something. Then it struck him like lightning: It was Elizabeth the 3rd. She laughed when he told her and explained to him that this was the actual surprise. They talked for nearly another hour, enjoying each other's company and gazed at the night sky together. “You are really something special Mc, thank you for brightening up my day, I’ll pick you up at 3pm tomorrow. Have a good night then, my dear.” Jumin said with the softest voice the young girl ever heard of him.
When she finally went to bed, Mc still felt the blush on her cheeks, and she couldn't stop smiling. Things went a little bit different... but she was about to go on a date with Jumin. The man of her dreams.  What a day this has been.
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