kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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• The Empyrean •
1926+ Crew: Captain Julio Aquila, Desiree Lestrange @carewyncromwell, Prince Darian Zain, Kathleen Alton @oneirataxia-girl, Lugh Hopper @thatravenpuffwitch, Felix Witt @sirfluffig, and Iolanthe Arcano
2020+ Crew: Captain Mikael Arcano, Eula Durand @cursed-herbalist, Caspian Aquila (possibly?), and more members hopefully! They are recruiting!
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
🌌 Milky Way for all of your OCs
Whoo! This'll take a minute -- let's do this!
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
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Carewyn, as better explained here, is a fusion of my mum and myself as kids!
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Jacob, as better explained here, was inspired by the stories my mum used to tell me about her late brother!
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Erik was inspired largely by a friend of mine from high school who had this very cherubic face and also the largest, sassiest potty mouth of all of my friends. His name was also inspired by two of my favorite Broadway characters -- Erik from The Phantom of the Opera and Enjolras from Les Miserables (affectionately called “Apollo” in the book).
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Ana came about because I thought an INFP Gryffindor could be a really fun contrast, but personality-wise, she really took influence from both myself and my dad as kids, since my dad’s a Gryffindor and I’m an INFP.
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Farid, as better explained here, was inspired by both Newt and Jacob from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Yugi Mutou from Yu-Gi-Oh.
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Jackson, as better explained here, was inspired by historical stage magician Harry Houdini!
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Bat, as better explained here, was inspired by Garrett Denali from Twilight and Sirius Black, as well as other “Lancer” type figures like Ron Weasley and Jounouchi Katsuya from Yu-Gi-Oh.
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Ru was an evolution of an idea I’d developed much earlier on of a serial killer kelpie that transforms into various forms to eat people, but over time, they developed a love of photography and film that’s largely like my own for film and television, and in doing so developed a much more sympathetic motivation and personality. Their particular feeling of isolation and wanting to be part of this world they could only watch from afar is a feeling I’ve felt off-and-on for years and evoked both Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Ariel from The Little Mermaid, to me.
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Ed’s brain spark largely came down to me thinking it’d be fun to have a 90′s style boy band (i.e. Backstreet Boys, N*SYNC, 98 Degrees) in the Potterverse around the time when Harry and crew were at school. Backstory-wise, I took inspiration from Severus Snape, Andromeda Black-Tonks, and both Sirius and Regulus Black, and obviously Ed’s a Slytherin like Snape, Andromeda, and Regulus...but personality-wise Ed actually ended up taking some inspiration from Anna from Frozen! In fact, one of the character themes I chose for him as a child is a deleted song from Frozen that was originally going to be sung by Anna called More Than Just a Spare.
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Desiree came about largely because of the creation of Jules Aquila @kathrynalicemc. His spontaneous, fantasy-loving personality was just so likable (largely because of how in-tune I was with it myself!), so when I was working on a character that I thought could be a fun contrast for someone like Jules, I settled on using my late stepmum as inspiration. I’m a very right-brained, sensitive, imaginative person like Jules, while my stepmum as a girl was a very left-brained, soft-spoken, modest, scientific, nerdy overachiever the way Desiree is. Like Desi as well, my stepmum had to find freedom and happiness by breaking away from her family and home and starting a new life apart from them. Desiree also ended up gaining flickers of my mum (who has always been very sensible and organized and shares a personality type -- ISTJ -- with Desi), as well as Elsa from Frozen, Luisa from Encanto, and Tiana from The Princess and the Frog. Both Kath and I have also found amusement at how much Juliree resembles Aladdin/Jasmine from Aladdin, ship-wise, as well.
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Eli was largely inspired by comic film actors Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, as well as Robin Williams and Fiyero from the musical Wicked. Like Robin did, Eli struggles with severe depression, but works hard to keep a smile on so as to make others happy, and like Fiyero, he was the sort to “tune in and drop out” at school from an academic perspective, but he’s actually a lot deeper emotionally than he seems from the outside. 
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Bairn’s initial spark just came from me finding Brock O’Hurn and wanting to design a character that resembled him, honestly! 😂 I gotta thank @magical-retales for brainstorming a Renaissance-set storyline featuring Merlin, though...it was so much fun to take inspiration from different King Arthur storylines for Bairn’s character, like the Once and Future King series and Disney’s The Sword in the Stone. Bairn also took some cues from both Harry Potter and Charlie Weasley, being a Gryffindor orphan raised by uncaring Muggles with a longing for family and a love of nature and magical creatures!
Emoji Ask Game!
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saintbuffy · 6 years
your renesmee name would be juliree
omg I can't believe I didn't think of that??? it's so cute I love it 😭
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
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Isis Aquila • Daughter of Jules and Desiree • Future Captain of The Empyrean
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
New poll because I want to make something for the winner! I hope i didnt miss anyone, im sorry if I did!!
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
Fantastic Beasts OC - Profile
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Name: Julio Aquila
Nicknames: Jules
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: June 7th, 1900~?
Blood Status: Unknown (Wizard)
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Latino
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Faceclaim: Lin Manuel Miranda
Hair: Black and short, combed to the side
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’8”
Skin Tone: Tan brown
Distinguishing Marks: None
1-11: Orphanage in London
11-18: Hogwarts
18+: The Empyrean
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Friendships: Desiree Lestrange, Crew of the Empyrean (tbd, anyone welcome)
Romance: Desiree Lestrange @carewyncromwell
House: Hufflepuff
Clubs: Astronomy club, Quidditch (Keeper)
Best Class: Astronomy, Charms
Worst Class: Potions
Child to Teen: Abandoned and locked up in his small orphanage room all alone for his whole life never experiencing anything else
Adult: Losing Desiree and his ship
Riddikulus: idk yet
Patronus: Golden Eagle
Patronus Memory: His first flight on The Empyrean as the sun rose
Mirror of Erised:
Child to Teen: A silhouette of himself and vague blobs of unknown people sitting beside him as they watch the sunset together, free to do whatever they wish
Adult: Its a regular mirror, he’s happy with his life and already has what he desires most
Amortentia: Pages of a book, salty ocean air, thick rainforest, dirt after the rain, wood on a hot day
11-18: Student
18+: Freelance adventurer, navigator, cartographer and Captain of The Empyrean
Most at Ease When: In the crows nest of the ship watching the sun set and the stars come out, spending the nights driving his ship through the clouds using the constellations as guides
Stressed When: Confined to something/somewhere he doesn’t want to be or facing the harsh realities of the world and his lonely past
Priorities: His friends come first but other than that he wants to be free and to explore the world and see and experience as much as he possibly can in his life. He loves reading fantasy adventure fairytale books. Jules Verne being one of his favorites.
Strength: Fierce lover of his friends, kind, imaginative, skilled navigator
Weakness: Head in the clouds, messy, always on the go, escapes from reality to not face his troubles
Traits: Curious, wanderer, free spirit, kind hearted, dreamer
Color: Sky blue, forest green, night sky navy, sunset orange
Food: Fresh fruits, berries, nuts, anything that keeps well in barrels on his ship
Drink: Anything really, loves to try new things from different cultures (applies to food too)
Weather: Clear starry nights
Book: So many. A childhood favorite was Jules Verne. He loves fairytales, books about long lost ruins or adventure that he loves to see if they are real and try to find them.
Hobbies: Reading books, cartographing new land, stargazing/astronomy, exploring ruins and caves
Fashion: 1920’s style suits while in London (Jack the Lamplighter, Mary Poppins Returns), and long leather jackets when exploring (Lee Scoresby, His Dark Materials)
Julio was born on June 7th and for some reason or another, eventually ended up on the doorstep of an orphanage in London. It is all he can remember and nobody knows where he came from. He never finds out if his parents abandoned him, if they were killed, or if they gave him up reluctantly due to being unable to provide for him. Julio spent most of his childhood reading any books he could get his hands on and dreaming about when he could leave his small room and explore the fantastical world he reads so much about but never sees. When he’s 11, he receives a letter from Hogwarts and suddenly his life changes. He’s a wizard.
Julio is sorted into Hufflepuff, the hat taking a few minutes to decide as he also fits Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. The library at Hogwarts is hundreds of times bigger than the small one he used to have and he spends his years reading all he can about the world and magic. Julio excels at Astronomy and Charms.
Suddenly, Julio is 18 and is thrust into the world he’s wanted to see his whole life, but has nowhere to go. He’s a poor street kid in London, picking up odd jobs here and there for some coin. He doesn’t stick with anything very long as he gets bored of routine and never leaves London. One day, Julio goes to a museum and marvels at a large pirate ship on display and suddenly is struck with an idea straight from a fairytale. The next morning Julio flies above England as the sun rises on his newly enchanted ship he names The Empyrean. The newspapers tell of a ship mysteriously disappearing without a trace.
He hires a crew, a band of misfits who thirst for adventure and want to escape their debt or unsatisfying jobs. Together they explore ruins and caves, chase myths and stories, and find artifacts from long ago in cursed and trapped tombs. Julio would eventually come face to face with a cursebreaker called Desiree Lestrange who is set on getting to the artifacts first. They form a rivalry which slowly turns into a friendship and then into something more as they discover what they both really want is provided by the other. Their lonely pieces fit together like a puzzle.
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kathrynalicemc · 2 years
@carewyncromwell asked: Eloise + Jules + 🎵
Eloise (+ Azariah and their band)
Poison - Alice Cooper
Every Rose Has It’s Thorn - Poison
Kiss From A Rose - Seal
Im Still Standing - Elton John
The Rumbling - SiM
Enemy - Imagine Dragons
Never Fade Away - SAMURAI
Lots of 80s and rock n roll and metal songs. First few are more for Lou herself and the rest are for their band. @cursebreakerfarrier
Jules (+Desiree)
I Won’t Say I’m In Love - Thomas Sanders Mashup
A Million Dreams - Greatest Showman
Never Enough - Greatest Showman
Rewrite The Stars - Greatest Showman
Found/Tonight - Lin Manuel Miranda & Ben Platt
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Paul Anka
Basically lots of Disney songs and Greatest Showman songs because we all know the Empyrean is just a floating circus ship for outcasts to run away to 😌 You can also find more songs for them on Carewyncromwell’s page as I forgot most of them that you posted oof
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
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Julio “Jules” Aquila x Desiree “Desi” Lestrange
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
Catching the other before they fall + any ship you want?
Aaaaany ship? 😈
31. Catching the other before they fall // Juliree
Featuring Kath Alton @magical-retales, Lugh Hopper @thatravenpuffwitch, Felix Witt @sirfluffig, and Darian Zain @kathrynalicemc​
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Jules Aquila had always been the sort to get in over his head, when it came to his adventures. Usually he could pull himself out of it, and when he couldn’t, his best friend Kath was usually there to save his arse. Yet it seemed that Jules only got more and more reckless and fearless with every new person he “adopted” into the Empyrean’s crew. And moreover, it also seemed that the person who ended up saving Jules’s arse the most now was his new First Mate, Desiree Lestrange. 
One particularly adventurous day ended in Jules getting separated from the Empyrean altogether and getting captured by a group of Grindelwald sympathizers in the French countryside, led by Desiree’s younger brother Marius. When Jules refused to give up Desiree’s or his ship’s location, the group set about trying to force the answer out of him...only for the ship itself, steered by Lugh, to make an appearance to swoop into Jules’s rescue. 
Once Zephyr and Darian had effectively fended off Marius and his lackeys, Felix helped Jules with breaking open his enchanted chains and the two hurried on back to the ship, even as the wizards on the ground attacked it. The men ran so as to get a running start, meaning to jump on board just as the ship was taking off again into the air -- but unfortunately, the attacks were difficult to dodge, and they only just barely managed to seize hold of the railing. 
Kath ended up catching Felix in both arms when he threw himself at the railing, but Jules was struggling to hold on. Kath struggled to try to pull Felix onboard as fast as they could so as to get to their best friend, but it was no use -- Jules lost his grip, and with a cry, he fell right off the ship -- 
In an instant, a line of white rope streaked through the air, looping itself around Jules’s waist like a lifeline. 
Jules gave another startled outburst when he abruptly faltered in mid-air, dangling precariously for a moment back and forth like a man hanging at the gallows. Then he felt himself very slowly being pulled up. 
He looked up, and his expression brightened when he saw whose wand was on the other end of the line. 
Desiree pulled up with all of her strength on her wand while also desperately reaching out over the railing with her free hand.
“Captain -- ” she cried, her voice oddly strained. 
Jules flung out his hand to seize hers. Desiree clung onto him for dear life, her eyes locked on the Empyrean’s captain with a kind of desperation he’d rarely seen on her face.
“Je te tiens,” she choked so quickly and quietly, Jules almost had trouble making it all out. “Je te tiens, Captain -- je ne te lâcherai jamais -- ”
She pulled and pulled with all the strength she could, until finally Darian flew up behind Jules and seized under his shoulders so as to help lift him and Felix and Kath were able to help Desiree pull Jules back onboard. 
As soon as everyone was safely back on the flying pirate ship, Zephyr the occamy swept through the air, shrinking down five sizes so that he was the perfect size to nuzzle against his “daddy’s” chin like an affectionate house cat. 
“Hey, buddy,” Jules said weakly. 
His voice was still rather hoarse, after all the screams the Cruciatus Curse had wrenched out of his throat, but it didn’t keep him from smiling fully as he looked around at his crew. 
“...Thanks, you guys,” he murmured. His eyes lingered on Desiree’s face as she finally, very slowly withdrew her hand from his. “You really came at a good time...”
“Yeah? No shit,” Kath cut him off at once. Clearly they weren’t fooled at all by Jules’s sunny disposition. In the mechanic’s defense, though, Jules had received a few visible injuries along with the invisible kind -- one of his eyes was almost swollen shut. 
Desiree managed to keep Kath from tearing into Jules anymore by very firmly cutting in. 
“Monsieur Zain, take ze Captain below, to hiz cabin. He will need rest and treatment, as well as somezhing to eat.”
“So I handle the treatment, you handle the food,” Darian said lightly. “Got it, boss.”
The ribbing was tinged with an odd amount of seriousness, though, as he actually physically picked Jules up right off his feet and flew him across the deck.
“Wha -- hey!” said Jules, very startled. Zephyr was swirling in cheerful, artistic lines around him and Darian as they went. “You don’t have to -- I’m fine! Really!”
“Save your breath, Jules,” Felix said very dryly.  
“None of us are stupid enough to believe that,” said Lugh in an equally cool voice. He shot Jules an oddly reproachful look from his spot at the helm. “Now lie down in your cabin and let your squeeze feed you before you hurt yourself even more.”
Jules flushed darkly. “Lugh, we’ve been over this -- Desi and I are not -- ”
But nobody was really in the mood to pay him much mind. Even Desiree herself had perfectly ignored the entire exchange, as she’d immediately set about conjuring up some illusionary shields so as to better obscure their escape and ordering Felix and Kath around to set the sails while Lugh steered them southward. 
Affectionate Moments Prompt!
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Ship drabble challenge: 40 ("YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!") with Juliree or a different ship?
"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!"
(featuring Jules Aquila @kathrynalicemc and Kathleen Alton @magical-retales)
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When Desiree Lestrange ended up on board the Empyrean, just about no one in Jules's crew knew how to react. It wasn't exactly unlike Jules to "adopt" someone into his little sky-sailing family -- after all, Jules had also rescued and taken in a new pet occamy at the same time -- and admittedly the Captain had reacted with an odd amount of good humor every time the Banque Ducristaux's Head Cursebreaker ended up going after the same tombs they did...but it was still a touch odd.
No one had the courage to approach the Captain about it, though, besides the ship's mechanic, Kathleen Alton.
"You did WHAT?!?!"
Jules smiled, unabashed. "What? I couldn't jolly well not go back for her, when she'd just saved both Zephyr and me, could I?"
He gave the little occamy curled up on his wrist an affectionate pet, and Zephyr chirped happily as it zoomed away up into the rigging, snapping playfully at a passing seagull.
"You flew that occamy through Claude Macnair's nightclub, into the street, in front of all those wizards in le Place Cachée and then crashed through the Banque's clocktower," Kath said, unable to keep herself from grinning despite her best efforts. "I reckon there are wizards on the run from the Ministry of Magic who’ve flirted with breaking the Statute of Secrecy less than you, right now.”
Jules’s smile spread to a grin. “I’m sorry I couldn’t take you along.” 
“You should be!” 
Kath shifted around the helm so she could better reach the screw on the other side of the steering wheel. Once she had better access, she brought her wrench up and tightened it with some particularly strong shrieks.
“Gotta ask, though,” she said after a moment, “you did all that, just for her? That uptight, fancy-pants Cursebreaker? I mean, come on, I know you like Muggle stories of swooping in like a hero and ‘rescuing the fair damsel,’ but I reckon that dame’s name would’ve protected her from any consequences, if you didn’t make such a scene...” 
“Aw, but what fun would it have been, if I didn’t make a scene?” joked Jules.
Kath chucked her wrench in his direction, making Jules laugh as he dodged it.
“I know you, Jules,” said Kath. “Don’t think I don’t get what’s going on here. After the little dance you and little Miss Cursebreaker have been doing these last few months -- you charting our course toward more tombs when you knew she was likely to be there, the two of you bantering and flirting every time you collided -- ”
“Flirting?” recurred Jules, so taken aback he’d started to laugh. “Oh, come on, Kath, it’s not like that. I mean, sure, I always liked whenever Desi and I ended up colliding at a tomb, but that’s because she’s fun to have around! However much of a stick-in-the-mud she can be sometimes...”
“All the time,” Kath said with a dry smirk. 
“Hey, she can be funny, when she wants to be,” Jules challenged her, grinning even more broadly himself. “She’s great at breaking Dark curses and dueling -- and damn, she’s smart. You can’t tell me it won’t be helpful to have someone who’s fluent in at least five languages on-board.”
“If you say so,” said Kath. “But that’s not really the point.”
She extended a hand expectantly. Jules picked up her discarded wrench and handed it back to her so she could continue tightening screws.
“I don’t know if you’ve forgotten this, Jules -- but that woman’s a Lestrange. One of the most feared Pureblood families in all of Europe. They’re wealthy, well-established, and worst of all, influential. From what I gather, they could order a hit on a guy, and no one in any Ministry, British or otherwise, would be brave enough to look into it. Rumor is some of them have even aligned themselves with that bloke Grindelwald...and just about no one is surprised.”
Jules shook his head. “Yeah, but...Desi’s not like that, Kath. I’ve never heard her say anything against Muggle-borns. I mean, ‘Aquila’ isn’t even a real surname, as far as I know -- she has to know I’m probably not Pureblood...”
“But that’s just it, Jules,” Kath pressed him stubbornly. “Sure, maybe we got lucky and she’s not like that, but her family is. And those guys would hate you on sight even if you didn’t just kidnap one of their family members.”
“I’d hardly call it a kidnapping when Desi took my hand and came with me out of her own choice,” Jules said coolly.
“That’s not how they’re going to see it. Why do you think my parents sheltered me so much? Controlling people are all the same. They know their target having someone on the outside makes it that much easier for them to break loose. It’s obvious they’ll blame you, the ‘filthy Sang-de-Bourbe,’ for corrupting their chere petite princesse.”
Jules frowned deeply. Kath’s face was oddly serious as she brought a hand onto his shoulder. 
“...Look, mate -- I get wanting to help someone who helped you. Wanting to help someone fly free. And I’m glad you did it. I’m glad she helped you too. Just...keep in mind, you’ve made some pretty big enemies, taking Desiree Lestrange on-board. My family’s mad about me jumping ship with you, but they can’t follow me that easily, without magic. Hers could.”
At that moment, Zephyr fluttered back through the air between them, trailing its tail beside both of their arms with a musical chirp, before he swooped down to the deck. He swept around Desiree’s shoulders as she gave light tugs to all of the ship’s ropes to make sure their connections were secure.
“Ah!” she said, slightly startled. “Qu’est-ce que tu fait, petit occamy? Je travaille.”
Zephyr cooed affectionately, nuzzling her chin. 
Trying very hard not to smile, Desiree brought a single hand off the rope she was checking to tentatively stroke the top of his feathery head with her finger -- as if she really had no instincts about how to handle a creature like Zephyr, yet she was still charmed by how sweet he was being, all the same.
Jules watched the exchange and beamed. 
“...What’s a few more enemies, when it means you’ve acquired a new friend?”
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