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majulians-groupie · 5 months ago
Headcannon idea! The main 6 finding mc stuck on the roof. How did they get there? Who knows!.
Sorry that it took me so long to update,I will be doing all of the ideas that you guys recommended,it is just that it may take some time since studying architecture consumes my life energy.(LITERALLY,MY INSOMNIA ALMOST IMPROVED SINCE THE TERM STARTED😭)
I started writing a prologue to set the scene and I accidentally again wrote a 3.5k fluff one-shot.I'M SORRY I HAD TO,when I realised that my bullets were TOO long for a headcannon post , there was no coming back really.SOO,I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it,it was such a fun idea.Thanks for the feedback,it is amazing when we guys interact with eachother and share ideas!My dear anon,I hope you enjoy the belated reply!🪷✨️
EDIT:This idea fits surprisingly well with #vesuviaweekly 's latest theme,so I will be adding some very minor changes to make the story fit into that theme perfectly and submit it!♡
•To the fic:
♡JulianxMc FLUFF
"An unconventional proposal"♡
!(Just to disclaim,I tried to keep this gender neutral,so the words "knight" and "damsel" refer more to the stereotypes of these roles rather than the gender they traditionally come with")!
It was a casual Monday morning.You had just woken up and you were getting ready for the day.You decided you wanted to wear your favorite opal ring that was a perfect match to the earrings you were also wearing today.The thing is,the ring was nowhere to be found in your jewelry box.You angrily muttered to yourself as you were searching your entire bedroom,making a mess out of everything.It wasn't that you were so desperate to wear it today,it was just that this ring wa special,as it was a gift from Julian.
Julian,the sweetheart he was,had noticed you starring at it at the display of that jewelry shop every time you passed by.You were hesitant to buy it for yourself,since it was kinda expensive,but your softboi doctor decided it had been a while since he gave you a gift.He indeed, was a firm believer that gifts were not only meant gor birthdays and special occasions but for any moment you wish to give a little bit of joy to a person you love.He also generally loved to throw little surprises for you from time to time.
As you were getting angry that you couldn't find it anywhere,you see something shining from the window.It was your own ring,trapped in Malak's beak.You make a dissapointed gesture as you walk towards the raven
-"Of course.."
"Malak!Please give it back,I know it is shiny and you love it,but I don't want you to drop it like you did my necklace last time!Someone had snatched it off the street in seconds!
You knew it sounded ridiculous,but you could swear Malak glared at you before turning his back on you
-"OHH don't act offended mister!You got to admit you are just as clumsy as Ilya is.That's why you are so perfect for eachother!",you say in a fake sweet voice
Apparently your smartalk has only managed to piss him off more,since he decided to fly away.
As you climb up the window and jump to the front garden ,you notice malak on the roof,looking at you with a smug expression.You couldn't understand how a bird could express emotion so well.On the other hand,it was of course,Julian who would have the most dramatic familiar to ever exist.
-Malak come down!I have to open the shop!Asra is away with his parents!Come on!
As Malak literally ignores your entire existence, you hastily fetch the ladder  climbing on top of the roof and screaming muttering to yourself.
You calm yoursef down as you try to keep balance, and you slowly get close to the thelittlethiefbundle Malak.
-"Please Malak,come on!I haven't even had coffee yet!"
As Malak gets a little bit  sympathetic to the well known fact that you were INDEED not a morning person,--and has been entertained enough by the whole to ordeal to get bored of your little cat and mouse game--he decided to fly back to you.
However,as he makes a movement and gains momentum,a stone hits his body and he falls to the ground,dropping the ring to the garden.You get over your shock as you see a bunch of kids no older than 12 years of age ,holding slingshots, laughing at the scene.
-"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" you exclaimed angrily
"You can't hit animals like that!"
-"Oh but it's fun!"One of the kids,that seems to be the oldest and the possible "leAdEr" of the group replies as the rest keep laughing loudly.
-"No it is not!You could have seriously hurt him!" You notice that thankfully Malak is okay,and he is slowly flying back to you.
"What if his wing had been broken?"
-"But he stole your ring,we were helping YOU!" another kid exclaims.
-"He was just messing around!All pets do stupid things from time to time,but you are never supposed to be violent with them!"
-"Oh calm down nerd" the same kid says,which earns even more raucous laughter from the rest of the group
-"You little s-"
Your insult is interrupted by surprise as you notice one of the kids picking up your ring from the sidewalk.
-"Put that down,it's not yours!"
You make a movement towards the ladder,but two of the kids notice you and before you can reach it,they grab it and throw it down.
-"HEYY!" You scream as you almost loose your balance,but thankfully steadying yourself up.
-"Since you don't seem so upset about that ring being stolen,maybe it is time for it to go to someone that appreciates it" the oldest kid shouts cheeckily.
He picks up your earring from the floor and makes a move to leave with the rest of his little gang following him.Even though Malak could be injured,that doesn't seem to stop him from immediately flying towards the kid's hair and grabbing it with his tallons.
You stare at the scene in horror as the rest of the kids try to untagle Malak from their friend's hair,but to avail.When one of the kids gets particularly aggressive, the raven bites them sharply making the kid run away screaming and crying.Seeing that they ought not to mess with Malak, the rest of them run away as well.The oldest kid,now alone with Malak still pulling his hair rather aggressively,tries to grab malak from his neck.This throws off Malak,and surprisingly,in one swift motion,the kid manages to get free from his tallons,but the raven still chases him down in hope of getting the ring back,leaving you alone on the roof.As you try to get over the shock of what you just witnessed,you can't manage to feel a little bit bad about the little rascal,but can't deny that he got a well deserved lesson about both animal cruelty and stealing.
"That will teach him some respect",you muttered to no one but yourself.
"Do some parents even bother to teach their children basic principles?"
You quickly realize there is literally nothing to help you climb back to the ground safely that does not involve a great amount of risk,a self induced levitation spell included.Since there is no one around to help you in case of injury,you decided to chill on the roof and enjoy the scenic view of your roof.It was literally one of the reasons you and Julian chose this house.It may be a little small cosy and a little far from the city center,but the view that hill gave you and the peace the little grove of trees is creating more than makes up for it.
The sounds of the cicadas and the birds chirping reminded you of your hometown. It wasn't long ago since you suddenly started getting flashbacks from the life before .
It first started with blur,infant memories of your early childhood,which mostly consisted of sounds and smells rather than images.As the months passed,your dreams were becoming filled with memories of you and your siblings playing,singing,fighting and your parents scolding you or laughing at scene.Your memories were still kinda foggy ,and their timeline was not exactly linear , but it gets better and clearer over time and still is of course,better than not remembering nothing at all.
You almost don't realize you begin to doze off,as the last thing you remember is watching a little chipmunk stuff it's cheecks with some seeds he found on the ground.
It was a lazy late evening.Last day of the week,and Vesuvia was going through its golden hour tranquility,where the the market stalls and the shops would close,giving their place to the lively taverns and dimly lit pubs.The only people left on the streets were merchants that were gathering up their stuff,or workers that were sheepishly returning home from their jobs.Julian was one of them, and was tired .
Even though open clinic days were the most entertaining, as he had the chance to socialize and come in touch with people from all around the city,there was always one vital issue.Along with his energy, they would also drain his social battery.And yes,even he,the infamous theater kid  community theater star doctor had one.
And when in times like that,he could only speak to one person in the entire world,his darling MC.He was feeling a bit dim as they had not spoken to eachother at all today,since he woke up earlier than them,and didn't have a heart to wake them up.Limiting himself to a kiss on the forehead and a silent promise of one of their regulars cuddling-while-they-look-at-the stars-and-discusssng-about-life-while-slowly-falling-asleep-in-each-others-arms sessions,he left a goodmorning note on the kitchen and left for the clinic.
It was insane to him how well they communicate. How speaking to them somehow would make his mind relaxed,his chest lighter and his soul calmer,as if all the troubles in the world were insignificant.He was so greatful of those little moments of serenity.Six years ago,he wouldn't be able to convince himself that the existence of one person,could make him understand the importance of cherishing life rather than enduring it.
As he reached their home ,his sweet thoughts were interrupted by genuine surprise which didn't know whether it should turn to concern or laughter.
Not only MC was sitting on the roof alone,but they appeared to be calmly sleeping as if nothing was wrong.Julian quickly reached the house and went under the spot of the roof that MC was laying.He wanted to make sure they hadn't somehow fainted.To how on earth he found them unconscious on the fucking roof,was problem for another minute.
-"OH darling HI!"
You woke up startled,squinting your eyes,smiling at the site of your beloved doctor.
"You alright?You look tired!Was open clinic worse than usual?"
Julian could seriously not find the words to express his question and surprise about not only your whereabouts,but to also as to how could you take them for granted.
Seeing the confused look on his face made you remember that he indeed,found you sleeping on the fucking roof,so he pretty much deserved an explanation.
-"OHHH fuck.Yeah..about that...well,it's kind of a long story.."
-"Yeah I ASSUMED that love.Mind filling me in?You know I can't resist them",he smirks and looks at you playfully,now that he is sure that you are okay.He really can't wait to hear that one.
As you fill him in on the events of the morning,you begin to realize Malak has not returned yet.
-"You think something has happened to him?"you say worriedly.
-"No love,he is alright!I actually saw him chilling on his birdhouse at the clinic's garden before I left.No need to worry about him!He honestly looked rather calm, nestling and eating his snacks.He actually even accepted the almonds I have been trying to make him eat off my hand for ages.He also did not appear injured.Your knight in shining armor probably got tired and wanted to rest a little.."
-"But my ring..."
-"There is no use crying over tangible goods my dear."
-"But it was from you!",you said in an almost childlike naivety.
-"I will always be here,ready to go to the bowels of the earth,to fetch the finest of rings this world has to offer,one worthy to match your beauty,my fair damsel.But first,I am afraid I will have to assist your safe return back to the ground."
You see that look on his face,the spark in his gaze and his polished way-too-charming-for-his-own-damn-good smirk of his.He now is in theater mode. Well,there is really only one way from now on...
-"Oh my dear knight,thank goodness for your arrival!I was beginning to worry I will stay here for ages!Who knows what would happen if I were to miss the harvest ball?It would be such a scandal!"
-"I don't know whether you could really avoid that my fair lady.Court has been whispering you know.They speak of your shenanigans.They say that you are a scandal waiting to happen."
He throws the flirtiest and cheeckiest expression.
-"Oh..that's what have they been saying now haven't they?And where do you stand,curious knight?Do you wish to undig the secrets the face of the next subject of royal gossip is holding?While you also pretend to offer me guardianship nevertheless!How dishonorable of you!How dare you carry that shield and look me in the eyes?"
-"Honestly love, I wasn't exactly looking at your eyes at the moment though they are the most beautiful th..OH...um",Julian stutters as he realizes he broke character,which is very unusual for him.
"I am terribly sorry,my lovely vision!I wholeheartedly swear to you that my intentions were as pure as the light of the morning sun!It is just that I got enchanted by your glowing presence my dear!And can you really blame my curiousity?Who would not want to learn more about the secrets that angelic face holds?Oh,the witty and devilish thoughts everyone whispers you are capable of!I could only hope of ever gaining your trust to share them with me!"
As he steadies the ladder and carefully climbs towards you,he extends his arm.
"My love,I am happy to announce your little adventure is over!I am here to assist your safe return to the ground !Would you do me the honor of-
As Julian speaks a loud caw is heard from a distance.
-"Malak!" you exclaimed!
Malak flies towards Julian's hand with an incredible speed,dropping none other but your ring to his hand.
"Heyy!You got it back!Thanks buddy!You are amazing!" you excitedly say to him
As you turn towards Julian,you begin to realize,that he is positioned on a level lower than you,now with a ring on his hand.
Your nervoussness and awkwardness betray you as you simply stare at him,biting your lips,not knowing how to break that damn iceberg the ice
You could see Julian's cheecks getting scarlet,his gaze anxiously going from the ring,to you .After a few very long seconds,he starts staring at the distance,his anxious expression ,turns into a michevious one with a playfull smirk appearing on his face.However,his gaze hid something more.A meaningful and deep look.If you didn't know him that well,you wouldn't also have noticed that the michevious looks was followed by another very specific expression.The expression he made when he realised a situation was getting serious.Our lovely doctor,master of improv,is actually able to handle this rather serious situation more than well.
Your thoughts are racing in your head,not daring to think that he would actually turn this into-
-"So...!!!!"he abruptly interrupts your inner monologue.
He clears his throat,trying to hide his nervousness.He really was a great actor.You wouldn't have realised the panic that hid behind that well practiced barrier if you didn't know him as much as you do.He may knew how to conceal the twitch of his eyelids,and the biting of his lower lip with practiced ease,but you could almost hear his brain-gears gritting.
"My darling MC,you royal Highness.My beautiful flower,sweet dove,light of my life in the darkest of moments and the most treacherous of times!I came here with a proposal!Your return to the ground can not only be done with the utmost of safety,but the acceptance of an offer.An offer that holds the most sacred of promises.A promise to cherish you,to protect you,to love you endlessly and stand by your side as you do what you always do,being the amazing person that you are!From the moment I first saw you I could realize that!Smart,funny,witty,and beautiful with the kindest of souls and the purest of hearts!Always down for a great adventure,one that would make one of the finest of stories to share with our beloved ones over warm drinks,or for us to remember when life shows it's harsh side to us!Always ready to sacrifice their own needs to help others,to open their home to everyone needing shelter and defending the ones that have been wronged even when they are not able to do it for their own selves!A true knight,hiding behind a damsels disguise!I could only dream of being a part of your legendary tale!Seeing it unfold,as the years pass,right in front of my eyes!The greatest of honors a kinght could be granted!Will you, my lovely vision,my comrade in crime,accept my humble offer?
You can't seem to be able to hide your surprise.A huge smile seems to be glued on your face as small tears escape your eyelids.To this day,when you recall this lovely and sweet memory,you still don't understand how on earth you were able to stay in character.
-"My lovely and brave knight!My dashing warrior,one able to overcome the darkest pits of both the mind and the soul.When I first saw you,you blinding presence was able to lit my dark mind,and give me hope.Hope, that things could start to make sense,as they never did around me.You were the last piece of a very chaotic but worth owning puzzle.You were right by my side as everything around me fell apart,as everything I ever knew about my world crumbled before me. As one of the biggest of revelations hit me during the most vulnerable of moments.But you were there.You stood by my side,supported me, became the backbone I needed to keep myself steady and keep fighting,as if we had no other choice if we wanted to protect the world as we knew it.You showed me what true strength meant.The strength of the mind,trust and the strength of patience.These are the ones that allow you to be vulnerable enough to accept the deepest of changes and thus,allowing you to evolve.Thanks to you, I stepped out of my comfort zone,and began the journey of discovering my new self,since the one I used to have was so abruptly taken from me.Thanks to you,I have learned to embrace change and move on,not dwelling into chasing a shadow of a long forgotten past.I learned to look into the future.And you my love,are my future!So yes,it would be only natural to accept your offer,and be your partner in life,along being your no 1 partner in crime!"
I throw a not so subtle wink at the last line.However, as soon as I finish pouring my heart to him,I realise I can not hold my tears anymore.But it is not just me.Julian does not even bother to wipe his own tears as he leaps from the last step of the ladder towards me and gathers me into his embrace.I almost feel I could dissappear into his arms,as he holds me as tight as humanly possible without hurting me and cradles my head,more tears of joy falling into my hair.He kisses my forehead and then we share a very emotional and deep kiss that turns into more and more.I feel him smile into my lips,and indeed,a big genuine laugh escapes him.I am now hold his face as I gently try to wipe his tears with my thumbs,beaming at him.
-"Happy about something"?
-"Only about the fact that my partner made me the happiest man alive!!And yeah,being the happiest man alive usually makes you look...I dont know..HAPPY!"I was actually trying to plan this for so long...Always trying to find the perfect time,place and moment.Always rejecting every ring I found at the market because it was not "the one".I was seriously overthinking this,as if deep down I thought a imperfect bad proposal would make you realise how bad I am for you, how I can't provide you with everything you deserve.He sighs.
"I'm sorry it took me so long...Malak must have seen me rehearsing in the mirror and decided to give things a *little* push.You think that's why he took your ring in the first place?"
-"Well..maybe.He always takes every shiny thing he finds at our home though.But I supposed he purposely opened my jewelry box."
You stroke his cheeck
"Anyway,it's not like I wasn't hesitating to plan a proposal as well,even though I wanted this as much as you.We really ought to give credits to Malak,for reminding us how stupid we are to still question how much we mean to each other"
-"Well,at least it worked well for me.I got to be in time to propose you before you did!"
I playfully smack him in the arm.He  chuckles and reaches for my hand,interwining our fingers together and softly kissing it.
For the first time in that evening,I take notice of the night sky behind Julian.How he was sitting exactly in the middle of the diagonal line the galaxy drew along its surface.How the light of the moon and the stars ,along with the help of the dim light the lanterns in our garden provided embraced his features so perfectly.I was simply staring at at him,gaping,admiring him like a work of art,savoring the moment,working on preserving this wonderful memory forever in my mind's eye.
Even though he turns scarlet again,he can't bear but to be a smartass
-"Like what you see darling?
-"Very much dear"
We share another passionate kiss,and we end up on the highest point of the roof,nestled in each other's arms,admiring the beautiful scenery for the thousandth time as if it was the first.And in a sense,it was the first.That day we made a promise.That day we finally overcame our fears,trusted eachother and expressed an internal promise we had actually silently made years ago.A promise rather simple but complex at the same time. That we will always be by each other's side.That day,was the first day of our life.
I hope you liked it,I know it was kinda long,so if you are still with me,you truly are one of a kind🩷✨️🪷.
I didn't even plan to turn this into a proposal fic,it just kinda happened along the way LMAO.In retrospect however,this feels exactly like the way Julian would propose.Out of a sudden AND in theater mode.Gotta love the ✨️chaos✨️
Tell me if you want Headcannons of the same incident with the rest of the M6,I am thinking of writing them!
Until next time,if architecture has not consumed me
Stay cool,stay chill stay HYDRATED
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