#julian TPB
optimal-breakfast-49 · 6 months
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gravecats · 11 months
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Still having trailer park boys thoughts btw if you even care
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redsshit · 4 months
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Can't get this audio out of my head and they fit perfectly so.
Also Happy birthday jp!!
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sk4rlette8008 · 9 months
i need him.
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godidontgaf · 9 months
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why do they look at each other like lovers it pisses me off
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eldritch-bf · 10 months
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They’re the same.
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Also John:
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mechanixx · 2 months
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doodle i did on magma with jp in the cart boy short :)
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brainmaniaman · 2 years
I think my favorite TPB moment is when Julian tries to convince Ricky to marry Lucy by telling him everyone thinks he’s gay and Ricky just accepts it.
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ghostmonika · 16 days
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Y'all, his side profile- ONE CHANCE PLEASE THATS ALL IM ASKING (sorry) (not sorry)
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coldstart · 7 months
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Tpb drawings from last year. More to come.
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optimal-breakfast-49 · 5 months
Put👏the cær👏in pærk👏
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gravecats · 1 year
Fuck it. Trailer Park Boys as tweets/text posts part one of ???
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sk4rlette8008 · 9 months
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hash-driveway · 7 months
The Hurt/Comfort Alphabet (Julian x Reader edition)
prompt created by: @thathcwriter
this ended up being a bit more esoteric than the prompt may have intended. these are so fun!
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A: Alleviate - How do they go about relieving persistent physical pain?
Julian would offer you a massage if you were feeling sore, since he'd usually notice your demeanor changing when you're in pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, he'd do his best to make sure you were comfortable when he could. He'd roll you joints and smoke with you.
However, if he is the one in pain, the situation is different. He tries his best to be the strong, silent type, but his guard comes down with you. He'd try to ignore it at first, but eventually you'd ask him if he needed to be taken care of, and he'd crack. While he would be hesitant to admit it, he loves it when you take care of him.
B: Bedridden - How do they behave when they’re sick?
Julian tries to push through sickness as much as he can, which ends in him feeling worse and needing to take it easy for a few days. He doesn't mind though, since the two of you can hunker down and watch movies on the couch whenever you please.
C: Cling - Whose physical touch is considered most welcome in their minds when they are in need? Is there a specific type of touch they respond well to?
When he's stressed, a comforting rub on his back from you is all that he needs. When Julian is upset, anxious, or triggered, your warm embrace calms him down. He has abandonment issues because of his father, so he definitely needs your reassurance when he's feeling bad. He'll wrap his big arms around you and squeeze, like he can't get you close enough.
D: Deathbed - How would they react if they realized they may not recover from their injuries?
He's been shot more than he cares for, but there has only been a few times where his injuries were extreme. When it dawned on him that he might be really fucked up from the wound, he panicked. This couldn't be happening, not now, not before he retired and started a family with you. Not before he gave you the life you deserved.
E: Emergency - What is their gut reaction when someone they care about is hurt?
Rage. He'll see red if you're ever hurt by someone, and do anything it takes to protect you. Then, guilt. There must have been something that he could have done to keep this from happening.
F: Fight - Are there circumstances under which they would not accept treatment or care? If so, what are they?
If he spirals into his guilt, it can be hard for him to accept affection or reassurance. This is tricky because he could end up snapping at you. Miscommunication often leads to arguments, but they usually end up being resolved with the two of you promising to be better.
G: Ghosts - How has their past shaped the kind of comfort they respond to best?
Julian's love language is Words of Affirmation, because they are what he never got from his father. He responds best to you reassuring him when he is feeling stressed. He highly values communication.
H: Home - What things (objects, sensations or people) remind them they’re safe after a scary situation?
If he doesn't have either you or a rum and coke in his hand, he could go crazy.
I: Isolation - How do they soothe themselves when no one is around to soothe them?
He needs time alone. The chaos and noise of the trailer park gets to him sometimes, so he'll find an excuse to retreat to his trailer and try to calm himself down.
J: Joy - When was the first time they were truly happy after going through something terrible?
Julian met you after a rough patch of failed schemes and mounting legal trouble, which stressed him to no end. Meeting you on that day was so unexpected, yet so perfect, that he found himself forgetting all of his troubles after seeing you for the first time.
K: Kindness - Do they believe they deserve the comfort they receive? Why or why not?
Not usually. It takes a while for him to get used to you showing him genuine kindness.
L: Levity - What or who helps them take their mind off of the circumstances?
Julian has a self-help book for most situations. He goes to them when he feels uncertain, often looking for answers to questions that he doesn't even know how to ask. The endless digging usually ends up calming him down regardless.
M: Music - Is there a song that comforts them? Why is it comforting to them?
"Hey, ain't life wonderful?" -- I feel like this song would make him feel seen.
N: Nostalgia - What things that comforted them as a kid still work today? Does anyone know that?
It's no secret that his grandmother is who introduced him to the comforts of rum, but sometimes what he really needs is a quiet night with a blanket and a good book.
O: Overworked - Who or what tells them to stop working and take care of themselves?
You're the only person that he will actually listen to when you tell him to take a breather. Whenever anyone else tries to get him to see reason, he brushes them off, thinking that they have no idea what he can (or cannot) handle. You're different, though. He's never allowed himself to be known by anyone on the level that you do.
P: Please - Have they ever begged for someone to comfort or stay with them? What was that incident like?
Not really. He's the type of person to let someone leave if they want to, but there’s no doubt that he’ll fight for you. He'll definitely ask for comfort if he needs it, but only if he feels comfortable enough with the person to do so.
Q: Questions - Are they eager to talk about what or why they’re hurting? Why or why not?
At first, he is hesitant because he is so used to playing the role of the strong one, the protector of the park. But once he allows his walls to come down, he becomes an open book.
R: Relief - How do they react to the realization that they will soon be fully recovered?
I don't want to do this one. so i'm not going to. lol
S: Scared - What would it take for them to admit that they’re scared?
It would take a situation that could shake him to his core in order for him to admit that he's scared. Julian is tough, and can handle a lot, but there are a few things that he can break his composure. He has anxiety about money, of course. Being able to live the life that he wants, to be able to retire and live a peaceful, quiet life in Sunnyvale without having to worry about being locked up ever again. When that goal is threatened, he'll eventually admit his fear.
T: Time - How long does it take for them to feel better after an ordeal or illness? Do they tend to lie about how soon they feel better?
Julian knows how important rest is, especially if he is physically hurt. He'll do as much as he can to take the time to recover, but the needs of the people around him do tend to get in the way sometimes. In that case, he'll lie to avoid people worrying about him.
U: Ugly - What part of their recovery process are they ashamed of, if any?
When he's in pain, he can get snippy and aggravated. He also relies on drinking more than usual during these times, so that can become an issue.
V: Valiant - Has anyone told them they were brave for facing what they did? How would they react if someone did?
No. If you ever told him that, he would most likely brush it off, but it would be emotionally overwhelming for him. Nobody really shows him much appreciation.
W: Why? - How did they process what happened to them?
He journals. It’s his private haven to write down his thoughts without feeling any pressure.
X: Xenas - Do they see anyone as an inspiration in their recovery? Does their inspiration know about this?
His grandmother definitely saved him from his father's wrath. Her headstrong attitude inspires him to be who he is.
Y: Yearn - What gesture, person or thing do they desperately want, but would never actually ask for?
He really, really, really wants to get married. Have a kid or two, and just live a normal life. Be a good dad. He doesn't know how to ask for this. He doesn't think he's good enough for it.
Z: Zero - What is the best way to comfort them without touching them?
Sometimes he just needs you by his side, silently supporting him by simply being present in his life. He values consistency, craves it, since he doesn't see it anywhere else except in his relationship with you.
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godidontgaf · 9 months
did I tell you guys about that dream I had yesterday where ricky had to build something for julian while he was away (for like an hour) and when julian came back ricky had used the materials julian gave him to make a catapult and start a war with the neighbours
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artistic rendition
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plutonium-love · 2 years
ah yes the three different types of autism: julian, bubbles, and ricky.
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