#jujustu kaisen reaction
bts5sosempire · 2 years
𝙹𝙹𝙺 𝙼𝚎𝚗 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗(𝚜): 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎-𝚄𝚙
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: various x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1,050
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, slight n-fw on toji's part
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you have been wanting to doll up your boyfriend's face for a while now, and it's up to them to accept it."
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Gojo Satoru:
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It didn't take long to convince him to allow you to cake his face, all it took you was a few words before your sentence was cut off, and an instant 'yes' was blurted out, which made you do a double take, but you shouldn't be surprised. After all, Gojo always says he looks good no matter what he does, even if he were to wear a potato sack.
So here you are, after telling him to wash his face and prepping his skin. Gojo was very hands-on in which makeup he would like to add to his face, but you were jealous that his glass skin is so smooth when applying the skincare product; it's almost as soft as a baby's bum, and the way it shines at every angle could blind you or anyone if he were to go out in public. You and Gojo share the same skin care products since he doesn't let you use cheap ones, but why is his skin better than yours?
"Alright, it's done." You told him, standing back and closing the eye shadow palette close. Gojo didn't need false lashes or mascara since his own was long enough to make lovely obscure curtains, God, this man doesn't lack anything in the look department, does he? It's more like he had robbed the department itself in the process. Gojo opens his eyes and flutters them at you before striking some poses on the chair. He then turns around and looks at himself in the mirror.
"Ouuu, I look good." He compliments, checking himself out. "My baby does such a good job that I felt like a whole new man. Even my nose and jawline look sharper too."
You cross your arms and look at him from where you stand, "You're welcome."
Gojo: "Is my baby jealous of my looks?"
You: "I'm taking it off."
Gojo: "I'm just kidding!"
You went over to your bed.
"My baby! My angel-" Gojo saw you pull something out of a small plastic bag, "Not the makeup wipes!"
Nanami Kento:
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You have to beg the man as if you were praying for rain on your drought land that's dying from the sun. Nanami had shot you down multiple times, and before you could even open your mouth, he knew and already said 'no.' You deflated like a pancake. But today was a rare day; you saw Nanami asleep on the couch, arms folded to his chest as his head loped to the side, while a book was resting on one of his buffs thighs. You couldn't help but notice the lines and dark under bags.
Like a lightbulb went off in your head, you run to your room while making your steps as light as possible. You're not going to let this chance pass up.
Almost two hours later and a sleeping Nanami, who wasn't even aware, must be so tired that he slept through the whole face beating with a beauty blender. You tried to make his makeup as light as possible while covering up any blemishes, fine lines, and bags. It looks so natural that he looks a few years younger than before. Is this how he looked when he was younger, with emo hair? (A/n: Gojo had sent you pictures of Nanami when he was a young angsty teen.)
It wasn't until Nanami groggily saw a brush in one hand and a setting powder in the other; it didn't take a split second to know what you did. "Hi...?" You nervously greet him while you think your breaths have stopped functioning while you force out a smile.
"I'm gonna count to three," his new husky voice droned out. You didn't even need him to count as you already grabbed two armfuls of your makeup and started running to your shared bedroom for sanctuary.
But along the way, you couldn't help but shout, "You still look handsome!"
Toji Fushiguro:
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You must've had a lot of balls to ask Toji about this request. Like Nanami, he shot you down instantly. But he would let you if you can give him a favor he can't refuse, which involves money (via shopping together/ spending time together) and some bedroom fun from his perspective. If agreeing to his terms to get what you want, you have to deal with his impatient personality and fidgeting ticks, as he's not used to having his face being dolled up and sitting down for so long.
Toji isn't stupid about which make-up you're putting on his face since he knows them to a certain degree when he was still sleeping around and seeing women on and off before meeting you. He agrees to the basics only, getting his face prep, brows done, eyes, and lips.
You were putting eyeliner underneath his waterline and careful not to poke his eyeball out, as Toji had warned you many times within two minutes. His eyes water so much that you thought that's probably his crying face since you've never seen him shed tears once, maybe on a few occasions here and there. Toji would outright deny it if you were to point it out.
Stepping back to look at your handy work, you let out a low whistle; the dark eyeliner and eye shadows enhance his green eyes to a degree. You give a smug look, lips smacking to the side while giving him an 'okay' sign.
"You looking mighty handsome right now." While giggling weirdly at him, Toji was about to brush a hand up his face, but you suddenly shouted, "Don't touch your face, or you'll mess it up and get it everywhere!"
Toji: "I want it off already."
"C'mon, just keep it on for the day, please?" You begged, giving him the puppy eyes look, with hands clasped together innocently. Toji locks his jaws; as it flexes underneath the taunt skin, he sees your chest taking a sudden breath. This time it's his turn to see you so enchanted. He almost forgot you had a thing when he did that.
"Since you begged so nicely, I might." Toji's eyelids instantly became hot and heavy. The dark liner that once enhances his eyes turns deadly as it bonuses his lust.
You better pray that your legs are still going to work tomorrow.
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
You should all be glad I'm not liveblogging my JJK S2 watch because I sure did turn into Something Else when Gojou was getting butchered. This is better than porn actually.
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rockingego · 4 months
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Hey boy what happened to your arm where your arm go boy where your arm at
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lady-earthsea · 11 months
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This is why I couldn't be in Jujustu Kaisen. I am a whore for evil men and a whore for soft boys. I am too greedy and desire a harem
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nanamistie · 10 months
Jujustu kaisen men with you in the winter on a snowing day <333
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Gojo Saturo
This man will love a good snowball fight. Like, one in the park, with nobody around so you two will have your own time together. He for sure will have a good aim. He won’t be aggressive tho, but he will for sure be COMPETITIVE-
“HAA, YOU MISSED” he says and then proceeds to hit you right in the face. You fall on your back against the thick snow and scream at him. He rushes towards you. “I’m sorryyyyy” HE WILL POUT SO HARD HAHAHAHA. He will cuddle you after, cause he feels guilty, not because he hit you, but because he laughed when he did.
Geto Suguru
This man will seem classy. He will suggest for you two to build a snowman. It will start all cute, him helping with the hard part of stacking the big parts one on top of another, and let you decorate the snowman however you want. He would buy everything for this, the hat, the carrot, the buttons, everything.
At the end you want to take a photo of it, so he’ll say something like: “Wait, let me do one with you and him.” HE WILL TELL YOU TO GO UNDER A BRANCH SPECIFICALLY. And before pressing the button to take a picture he will pull that branch for the snow to come over you. He will laugh his ass off at the pictures, but at least he took one with you and the snowman before the disaster.
Kento Nanami
He’s not a big fan of the cold, but will stay out with you and build a snowman.
“Give me more snow to put on his sides please” he asks. You scoop some and make a snowball and throw it in his face while he’s still looking at the snowman. It would be so funnyyy.
“Oh come on Y/n” you smile big at him like you didn’t do anything, and of course that frown of his will turn into a soft smirk. “Oh god, my hands are freezing from building him” Next thing you know, he will put the back of his hands down your nape. He will let such a good laugh at your reaction, but then will kiss your forehead sorry.
Hey guysss, hope you like it. It felt good to post this now since it finally started snowing 🥳🥳.
I saw all your requests, don't worry, I will write all of them. Aslo, thank you for the likes and reblogs. You guys be like:
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beanibon · 1 year
I've been reading your publications lately! I love them all!
And I read your time list, I saw that you write about kaisen jujutsu too, but then I thought, wow, a crossover between kaisen jujutsu and Trigun would be cool.
ANDSo, you could write a reader that could possibly be gojo's sister and accidentally during a battle against a curse, the reader stops in norman's land, Since it would be cool to see the reaction of Vash, Knives and Nicholas with the reader who is a Jujutsu sorcerer
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Ooooooh! Absolutely, I haven't watched JJK in a hot minute and I need to rewatch for the newest season so if some of my terminology is a bit wonky I do apologise in advance.
Warnings: Not any really, maybe some blood warning in Knives part cause he's Knives. And maybe an asshole warning for Knives too.
Context: reader has a curse that allows her to bring certain fake replicas from other dimensions through, but a failed domain expansion ends them in the middle of an unknown dimension. Reader is Gojo's sister :3
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Jujustu Kaisen Reader Isekai
You had convinced Gojo you could handle a Grade 1 curse by yourself, finally happy to break free from his overbearing mission babysitting. Yet your childish older brother made you pinky swear to call the moment things went belly up, but you couldn't hate the way he just wanted you to be safe. Even though it did piss you off at times.
Yet what you haven't expected was the Special Grade curse awaiting you, no Grade 1 in sight as this flailing creature of limbs and teeth gnashed its horrendous form towards you. It had you startled as you struggled against the power of the curse, yet it left no opening to call for any kind of help.
Once you managed the call, Gojo picking up instantly, you had no time to talk as excruciating pain exploded on the side of your body. That's what triggered it, the domain expansion that swallowed you and that wretched curse, worlds flashing by you as this thing screeched trying to reach you.
When the sky opened, sun bright and burning hot did the Curse flee as you descended into the sandy desert below.
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You can imagine Vash's shock when you collided into him from out of nowhere, falling from the sky as crushed him under your unexpected weight.
This poor man confused, now in pain and groaning as he struggled to sit up only to realise that some oddly dressed woman faceplanted comically into his chest. What was more confusing was he was in the middle of nowhere, so your appearance was even more bizarre.
Vash was very patient the moment you gained your composure, panicking at the unfamiliar terrain, the unfamiliar man who was probably sprouting a face sized bruise on his chest.
He was very confused once you calmed enough to explain who you were and how you theorised you came here, not understanding what curses were, or domain expansions or anything that you said. Vash simply just smiled and nodded, though you knew this equivalent of a golden retriever had no clue what you were saying.
It had been a few months now since falling into the arms of your blonde companion, following Vash in his journey of constant misfortune. Every chance you got, if Vash's ridiculous bounty didn't have you scrambling away from raining bullets, you attempted to return to your home. But no matter how hard you tried it seemed as if your domain expansion just didn't want to cooperate, fizzling into existence only to dimish seconds later.
After what felt like the millionth attempt, you screamed, picking up Vash's neglected glasses and ditching them a fair way into the sandy wasteland. A sigh was heard behind you, before Vash went after his glasses, a half eaten can of stew on his hands.
For nights Vash witnessed your desperate attempts, angry tears and homesickness, he felt helpless at not being able to help. He wanted to be able to tell you that one day it'll work, but he didn't understand what these techniques of magic were, instead watching as you gave up more and more.
Brushing the sand of his signature yellow tinted lenses, the Humanoid Typhoon made his way back, stopping in front your angry, hunched over form. He crouched down, offering you an encouraging smile, flinching out at the handful of sand thrown in his face.
"What was that for?" He whined, rubbing sand from his eyes.
"I hate that you're always happy, it pisses me off! How are you so positive?" You groaned, turning away from his returning smile. At times the blonde reminded you of your older brother, Gojo Satoru, except you were thankful Gojo couldn't wield a gun for shit.
Vash shrugged, sitting back down comfortably. "I don't know, guess it just comes naturally. If it helps, I have a pretty amazing partner right now, despite how she always wants to leave my side." You knew his words were light-hearted, Vash was your biggest supporter and he did everything to make sure you could return to Tokyo.
Hands held yours, one metallic and cold, the other soft and warm. Vash pressed his glasses onto your nose gently, ruffling your hair as he stood and walked back to his abandoned meal.
Tears welled in your eyes, those stupid glasses identical to your only remaining family. And that simple action? It was exactly what Gojo did when you were frustrated, forever the best brother despite his ridiculous antics.
"Here," a half full canteen of water and warmed can of soup were held out to you, Vash's smile widening as you took them. "You'll get it eventually, but you can't do anything on an empty stomach, eat up."
A faint smile graced your lips, thanking Vash quietly as you took your share, growing use to the taste of provisions at this point.
And Vash was right, you will return home, even if was sad to leave someone as amazing as Vash behind.
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Wolfwood couldn't compute the strange looking worm fleeing the scene, hideous screeches echoing across the desert plain as your form collided with the ground in a plume of course, hot sand.
Yet despite your clingy ass, he let you trail behind him like a lost puppy. Answering whatever questions with teasing falsehoods, which you believed at first... until you found out he was full of shit.
Bleeding and coughing blood, Wolfwood was tempted to just leave you to die, but something warned him against it. So that's how he became stuck with your annoying ass, wailing nonsense the moment you woke in that hospital bed. It gave Nicholas a headache.
For months you trailed behind the cross-bearing Undertaker, finding odd comfort in the way he shielded you from outlaws, throwing you out the way of gunfire.
"You do not have worms the size of skyscrapers!" You accused, glaring at the back of Wolfwood's skull as his shoulders shook in laughter. You were tired of his stories, lying to you constantly.
"I ain't lying sweetheart, we got some big ol' bugs in this world, hope you aren't queezy around them." He barked out a mocking laugh, looking back at you with that infuriating smirk of his, always paired with a crumpled cigarette.
You scoffed, arms folded over your chest as kicked sand towards him, cursing at it filled your uniforms boots. There was no point emptying it out now, it'd just make it worse. It made you wonder how Wolfwood could traverse No Man's Land in those tattered Vans.
"You're so full of shit."
Just then an sound akin to an explosion shook the ground, you instinctively leapt forward and clung to Wolfwood's arm. Sand showered down onto you two, the gigantic creature roaring as it buried itself back into the sand, disappearing.
Your body shook, eyes wide as you stared at the now soft quick sand, unaware of Nicholas's unbothered form smirking at how you latched onto him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"A worm," Wolfwood chuckled as you realised your position, releasing him instantly. "Believe me now?"
You hated to admit he was right, even after telling the truth for the first time. "So you told me the truth once, that doesn't make up for the fact you had me believing giant emu like birds are your desert horses."
Nicholas said nothing, but that damn smirk widened a centimetre and you began doubting it was false.
"You're fucking joking! Have you been telling the truth this entire time!?" Nicholas snorted, lighting another cigarette as he began walking again, leaving you to run after him.
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Knives was in the middle of kidnapping a plant, when the sky opened revealing a woman desperately fighting off a hideous, snarling creature. The sight intrigued him, never before seeing that kind of worm before nor a human attempting to fend it off.
Watching boredly as your form fell, landing a distance in front of him. He was heading that way anyways, so he'd be able to assess your worth then.
When you released some kind of energy, the ball exploding against the strange worm, rendering it to a sizzling pile of flesh, Knives lips pulled into a cruel grin.
The man ignored your warnings, finding your pathetic attempts to thwart to his mission's destination infuriating. But when you persisted, begging him to turn back, that's when something sharp flew your way, finding enough strength to dodge it.
Your eyes were wide at the bladed tendril, panicked at the idea of another Special Grade Curse meeting you in this odd plain. Before you could even begin to make sense of what just happened, an ear-piercing shriek sounded from behind.
That hideous mass of limbs and teeth had finally caught up, drool dribbling down its mouths, causing the teeth to glisten at its hunger. You couldn't put up a barrier in time, body strained from the original battle and the energy it took to conjure a domain expansion. All you could do was throw weak curse techniques its way, like before to slow it down so you could flee.
Yet before you could even speak the technique, thousands of those bladed vines lashed out towards the Special Grade. Shock froze you in place, watching as blood splattered everywhere as the curse dissolved into a darkened dissipating mist.
Scared eyes turned to what you could only describe as a stronger Special Grade, fear causing you to shuffle away from the approaching Humanoid Curse.
"What are you?" His voice was angelic, full of intrigue as he towered over you.
"You should know what I am," You shrunk under his gaze, not oblivious to an inhuman power resignating from this curse. "I'm a Jujutsu Sorcerer."
"You speak as if I'm suppose to know what that is?" Those tendrils returned, flicking the blood from their reflective surface as they retreated into his spine.
"Aren't you a curse?"
"A curse?" The man scoffed out a laugh, eyes turning cruel as he leaned dangerously close. "I am a god, here to rid this planet of the plague you humans bring."
Those words sent shivers up your spine, but his words reminded you of Gojo's mocking tales of the King of Curses: Sukuna. Perhaps this man lived on his agenda, fulfilling Sukuna's orders.
"But that's not why I decided to save your pathetic, mortal life," You hadn't realised this man was still speaking, blinking up at the handsome face, free of his cloak. "I saved you because I wish for you to join me, to use this power of yours to serve me and free my brethren."
Startled as you scrambled to your feet, taking several steps back from this scarily handsome curse, hands held out as if it'd stop his advances. As he continued to approach, grinning wickedly at your fear as you fell backwards, landing on your backside. As this thing kneeled before you, features filled with amusement, you groaned.
"I appreciate the generous offer, but I need to go home Mr Curse, so I'm gonna have to pass on the destruction of humanity." A brow was quirked your way, mocking laughter filling the empty expanse of sand.
"I wasn't asking," Those same bladed tendrils wrapped around your squirming body, hoisting you high into the air as he continued his path, deafening your shrieks and pleas.
"You may refer to me as Millions Knives, your new god."
A/N: Hope you enjoyed your request Clouduru-Chan! I actually had so much fun writing this, especially Knives part, that may just be cause I'm the biggest Knives simp.
Love you heaps! 💜💜
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thefiendio · 9 months
My Rules and Blog Info :)
Use this post as a guideline for requests, blog activity, my existence, and other notable things
Requests are open.
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Basic Blog Info
MOSTLY a NSFW blog, with some SFW posts
MOSTLY a DOM reader blog, however I will write some sub reader
MY UPDATES ARE RANDOM - I am a busy person, sorry if that’s an inconvenience
I try not to have too many reactions outside of writings - irritates me when I go into a blog and can’t find a fic really quickly, and all of the posts are just reactions to comments I PROMISE I SEE THEM THOUGH!!
Feel free to comment and like as you wish - It makes me smile when I see that people like what I write, or take the time to put their thoughts down on one of my posts
BE RESPECTFUL AND KIND - It’s simple and self-explanatory, and it’s also easy to do. Don’t be rude to other people, it’s just not nice and makes other people sad, and I don’t want to make people sad :)
BE A DECENT BEING ON MY BLOG - It’s easy, and makes my life so much easier :)
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Rules For Requests
What I WILL Write:
MLM, WLW, M4W, W4M, M4A, W4A, A4A
DOM Reader with SUB character AND SUB reader with DOM character (I prefer dom reader, but I live to please)
Yandere, obsessive, jealous, and posessive themes
Gore, Injuries, and Violence
Mental Health Issues (it might not be accurate with certain ones)
Deaths (Character and Reader)
Character with children
Child! Character and/or Child! Reader
Unfetishized sickness (ex. Character X Sick!Reader or vice versa)
Trauma comfort (or just comfort of any type)
Prank things (Dead prank, Cheating prank, Ignoring Prank, Wiping kisses prank, etc.)
Sadism, Masochism, Pain kinks, Pain related things
Sex toys, bondage
Praise, Degredation, Dirty Talk
Oral, Anal, P-in-V, Cum Eating
Handjob, Blowjob, Titjob, Hot-dogging, Thighjob
Creampie, Breeding kink, Pregnancy Kink
Consensual Somnophilia
Hate/Angry/Jealousy/Soft sex
Semi-Public Sex
Mistress/Mommy/Daddy/Master/Ma’am/Sir Usage
Kinks that do not fall into the ones listed below
NSFW FOR CHARACTERS THAT ARE OVER 18 YEARS OLD (However, I can refuse NSFW requests for any character, no matter the age)
What I WON’T Write:
NSFW FOR ANY CHARACTERS THAT ARE UNDER 18 (I might age some characters up, but it is COMPLETELY up to me)
Piss and Shit Kink
Psuedo-Incest, Incest
Disobedience of Consent
Fetishized Sickness (Vomit kink)
S€xual @ssault (I will write for a reader/character with this trauma, and I will also write the ugly, unsexualized aftermath of it. I will NOT write it while it is happening)
Anything that could relate to the bad things above
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(If a character from a fandom listed isn’t on here, that means I won’t write for them)
(👎- No NSFW for this character: 🟦- Might be ooc; 🔴- Don’t like writing for this character, but I still will do so)
Demon Slayer/KNY: Masterlist unposted
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Inosuke Hashibira
Genya Shinazugawa
Kanao Tsuyuri 🟦
Senjuro Rengoku 👎
Muichiro Tokito 👎
Nezuko Kamado 👎
Giyu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Mitsuri Kanroji
Obanai Iguro 🟦
Gyomei Himejima
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Tengen Uzui 🟦
Rengoku Kyojuro
Muzan Kibutsuji 🟦🔴
Douma 🟦🔴
Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Jujustu Kaisen/JJK: Masterlist unmade
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Gojo Satoru
Geto Suguru
Ryomen Sukuna
Nanami Kento 🟦
Call of Duty/COD: Masterlist unmade
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
John Price
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Philip Graves
Keegan P. Russ 🟦
Farah 👎🟦
Obey me!: Masterlist unmade
Asmodeus 🟦
Belphegor 🟦🔴
Barbatos 🟦
Simeon 🟦🔴
Luke 👎🟦
More characters and fandoms to be added…
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Hope you have fun and enjoy your time on this blog!
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crazyoveryou7516 · 10 months
Masterlist 01 Anime
Attack On Titan
Demon Slayer
Jujustu Kaisen
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summervibes68 · 2 years
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Welcome to Summer's corner
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Hello~ Welcome to Summer's corner, I'm SummerVibes! You can call me Sammy, Summer, Sofi or Sofia, I'm 20 and you may refer to me by any pronouns✨ I'm a silly creative raccoon who loves to write and go crazy creative with anything I'm into or watch (it's a hyperfixation I swear-)
Fandoms I'm currently into
Genshin impact
Twisted wonderland
Mystic messenger
Monster Prom
Monster Camp
Monster Road trip
One Piece
Jujustu Kaisen
K-pop groups
I'm also currently working on a fanfic in Wattpad with the title of "Dorm Mouse" which is a TWT Wonderland x OC. I would love to hear your ideas and write them down the best I can, so requests shall be open for such.
Things I will write
Smut (characters will be aged up, aka over the age of 18)
Head canons
Song fics
Strong topics (Depending what it is ofc, if I'm not comfortable with it logically I won't 🙇🏻)
Anything x character
Aus (if I know what the au is about- or Google it-)
Things that I won't
Teacher x student
Minor x adult
Depending on the triggering topic as well
Characters x character
Ofc if I do not see your age in your blog or are a minor and I'm writing about a strong or inappropriate topic you will be blocked, so if you see such do not interact🙇🏻
Anywhosies, hope y'all have a good day/afternoon/night❤️
And request shall be opened until stated otherwise💅🏻✨
Sincerely your local raccoon,
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
Hey, I saw your requests are still open so here we go. I've seen a lot of jjk men being yanderes but what about jjk men or just gojo with a yandere so/ or so with yandere tendencies:)
To be honest, I think Gojo is curious about you and your tendencies, but he will draw a line at some point
He doesn’t mind if you’re clingy, stalkerish, or even jump in to kill curses for him on occasion
Heck he doesn’t even find it creepy if you have a bunch of clearly not consensual pictures of him
But he won’t like it if you harm other people for him, even if they did piss him off or hurt him
Gojo was in this business to save people and stir things up, not kill normal people for being a slight inconvenience to him or to you
If this was a tendency you have or one he suspected you have he’d tell you to cut it immediately
He’s also not scared of you or your yandere tendencies
He is the strong after all, and he’s quite clever too so any scheme you try fails and you can’t brute force him into anything either
Admittedly, I think Gojo likes someone who cares so much about him, even if the way they care isn’t the healthiest
Lots of people are out to get Gojo and are scared of his power and his way of thinking, so having someone love him so dearly when it feels like the world hates him is nice
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elmossecretlover · 3 years
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have some shitpost reaction images
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uncleandnephew · 3 years
jjk manga spoiler!!
i’m dreading the moment ino finds out nanami is dead
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morallygay · 3 years
I wanted to do the live slug reaction meme with a satosugu panel so I went in the satosugu tag to see if someone had done it yet and I’ve already seen 3 versions skdhshhs great minds think alike
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writer-kermit · 3 years
You asked for this…
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Pairing: Nanami Kento x Bratty!Reader
Genre: Smut
Commissioned or Self Made: Self Made
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: You thought it was a good idea to send Nanami “interesting pictures” while he was at work. Not your best choice.
A/N: DUUUUUUDEEEE I JUST WATCHED JUJUSTU KAISEN AND NOW I’M IN LOVE!! So now I will make Jujutsu Kaisen writings as well. Anyways here’s a Nanami Kento fic for you all! I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Overstimulation, Humiliation, Spanking, Slight Degrading Kink, Sir Kink, Cock Warming, Praising, LOTS of teasing, Begging, Orgasm Delay, MDNI
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“Damn brat..” Nanami Kento cursed under his lips as he firmly grasped the steering wheel. It was clear that he wasn’t calm but rather angry and aroused at the same time. But why would he act like this while driving in the middle of the night? The answer was you, if it wasn’t obvious enough. You were the reason why he was acting like this right now.
While he was at work, you couldn’t help but miss him. So you decided to take “pretty pictures” of yourself to give him a little surprise. You would post videos of yourself pleasing your tender bits with toys or moaning his name. He didn’t expect this of you unfortunately, so you could imagine the sudden reaction when he listened to your moans on full volume unintentionally.
Poor Nanami. But now he wanted revenge for you teasing him. And he wasn’t gonna be easy on you. It was already past midnight when he arrived home. He opened the front door and entered the living room, only to see you with an oversize tee shirt and underwear. Nothing else.
“How was work?” You asked eagerly. Nanami only sighed, fighting the urge to just tackle you to the ground. “Work was..well.” He muttered, trying to avoid eye contact from you. He clearly isn’t in the mood for your tactics, so he went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. You giggled ad you trailed along behind him. “Is that so? Well, did you like the photos and videos I sent you? You seem excited down there.”
“Really now?” He asked, still not looking at you. “And you decided to send them to me while I was at work? Were you that impatient?” You went silent for a moment, but then you continued your smug attitude, only furthering your punishment. “Well, it worked didn’t it? You must be really tur-”
Nanami then grabbed your right wrist and squeezed it before pinning you down. He was now glaring at you up and down with his “calm” expression. “I asked you a question, idiot. You couldn’t just wait until I arrived home, hm?” He whispered against your ear, his other hand sneaking under your shirt. “Teasing me while I was at work..Do you have any shame?” You tried to squirm away, but you then felt Kento’s tongue on your ears down to your neck, slowly grazing and sucking on your skin.
“I was just–haah..moody,”you whined. “Why..Why else would I t-tease you? I wanted you to fuck me, Nanami.” Nanami only stared at you, but then a malicious smirk crept on his face. “Is that so?” He cooed.
“Well, you're not getting what you want anytime soon. Infact, I think you need to be punished, or was that your whole purpose for doing this?” You didn’t answer his question of course. He already knew the answer.
“Come, let’s go back to the room. Your punishment awaits you.” He ordered, grasping on your arm once more.
WHIP! You felt a hard slap against your ass, causing you to arch your back against Nanami’s chest. A mixture of screams and moans escaped from your lips as you felt Namami deepend chuckle. You were stripped naked on his lap. You blindfolded with your wrist tied behind your back. You could feel his clothed erection poking at your sex, and that made you very excited.
“Now, since you sent me ten different messages, how about I spank you ten times?” You whined and shook your head, squirming uncontrollably. “Yes? Ok. But if there are any interruptions, I'll start all over.” Before you could do anything again, you felt a sharp slap against your ass, causing you to shrill suddenly.
“One..” He whispered. Another slap occurred, but it was harder. “That’s two..” Two more slaps occurred. You were only halfway from being finished when you suddenly came on Nanami’s lap.
“How shameless,” he scoffed. “Couldn’t you wait until I fucked you? You dumb slut, clean this mess.” He slid you off his thigh down to the floor. He grasped your head and pulled you down to his pants. Without further hesitation, you began licking Nanami’s clothed dick. Your tongue dragged along each dirty spot Kento asked you to lick and suck. Of course you hated it(who are you kidding), but you had no choice. Your head bobbed up and down against his cock, enduring his musky scent he gave out.
“Oh god..” He hissed slightly, pulling your hair for you to stop. “Are you trying to make me cum sooner?” He asked, annoyed. You looked up at him, your face scrunching up in anger. “Well you won’t let me cum, so I have to make you cum.” You spat.
“Oh.. you're such a brat are you?” He spat back.”
“I’m not a brat.”
“Correction: You’re my brat.” Nanami’s voice got deeper, his hand massaged your cheek, causing your legs to melt at his touch. “My sweet, adorable..” he gestured to you to return to sit on his lap. When you did so, he removed the blindfold from your face, “...perfect little brat.”
He pulled you into a slow deep kiss with that same smile. The smiled you always loathed. You melted to the kisses, you melted to Nanami despite yourself, and you hated it(not really).
“Sh..Shut up..” You whimpered. “I want to c-cum..” “I already told you, you’re not cumming until I say so.” Kento’s words made you more frustrated, your sex was now aching to be touched, licked, all you wanted was to feel good, but Nanami was your only obstacle.
He then placed your twitching body on the bed. You felt his fingers dragging long your thighs up to your knee. “Open your legs.” He ordered. “No.” He didn’t respond to your denial, instead he gripped both of your knees and forced your legs open.
“Oh my,” He gasped. “What a soaked sex you have.” He let his fingers tease your entrance, slowly pushing inside of you. You couldn’t help but moan at his touch, his fingers would curl at your sweet spot, causing you to buck your hips madly. You felt so good that you felt like cumming.
Until he stopped.
You almost screamed as his fingers slipped away from you, “What?! What the hell?! I was about to cum! I was so close! So close-”
“I never said you could cum just yet.”
At this point, you were pissed. “Why do you always say that?!” You yelled. “You already got what you wanted, so give me what I want! Let me cum already!” Nanami kept silent. He only glared at you as you became more frustrated. “Nanami-”
“I will consider it, if you only beg.”
“You’re kidding right?” You scoffed. “There’s no way in hell I’m begging-”
Nanami suddenly got up from bed and walked over to his office desk, grabbing a chair to sit down in. You slowly watched as he unbuckled his belt and placed it right near your feet. He lowered his garnet to reveal his moist tenting boxers.
“All you have to do..” He hummed, removing his swollen length out of his boxers, stroking ever so slowly in front of you. “Is to say; please sir Nanami..Please fuck me.”
Your eyes admired his cock, knowing how good it felt in your mouth. You imagine the same length inside of you. You wanted it to stretch inside of you. You wanted it badly.
But the only way was to beg, and you hate to beg.
“No.” You said, refraining yourself from looking any further. Your body was screaming to give in, but your voice refused. “You give me what I want..”
“Hm..You are adorable. But I’m gonna have to say no.” Nanami teased, moaning as he stroked his cock.
“God I hate you..” You groaned. “You’re supposed to be focused on my pleasure, not your own.” Kento stayed put, leering over your body with hunger within him. “Maybe my pleasure is seeing you in pleasure.”
“Nana-” You felt your breath hitch as your sex began to throb in pleasure. He only continued, pumping himself faster. “Maybe my pleasure is to push you down this mattress and just fuck you relentlessly until you’re screaming and begging for me to stop. Or begging me to continue.”
He crawled back onto bed, moving so that he was sitting up, his dick grazing against your stomach. His free hand held your cheek, his thumb caressing your lips. “Everyday at work, all I think about is to fuck you, repeatedly making you mine again, and again.”
You are visibly shaking at this point. You felt hot tears stream down your face as you sucked Nanami’s thumb as you were unable to form words. “Nana..” You whimpered again. “Well.. What will be your answer, love?”
Your eyes met with your lover, you were still unable to stop shaking, unable to stop aching for the man you love. You then took a deep breath and sighed.
“Yes [Y/N]?”
“P-Please,” You hiccuped, squirming at his gentle voice. “Please, fuck me.”
You hated saying those three words. You hated acting desperate and helpless. But it was all worth it when Nanami kissed you passionately and flipped you onto your stomach.
You almost sobbed as you felt his throbbing cock stroking near your entrance. “I know baby,” Nanami reassured, unting your wrist. “You’re being such a good one.” He kissed your back, making you relax.
He slowly pushed his length inside your sex and you both let out low moans. Your body curled as you felt Nanami’s full cock inside of you. His pace began to quicken, meeting every thrust and moans as your skins slapped against each other.
Kento loved every single moan that escaped from you. He gripped on your hips and he fucked you through the matress. You screamed perfectly as you and the bed being in sync as you were slammed against the wall. Erupting the room with a variety of noises.
“Oh fuck! Right there Nanami! Please don’t fucking stop!” You gasped. Nanami smiled and did as you said, mixing your pleasure along with his own. “So needy.” He purred, gently nibbling on your ear.
You didn’t even have the chance to snap at him, you were too busy willing away your pride for him. And you were especially too busy-
“Cumming! I’m gonna cum!"You screamed. Of course, Nanami didn’t stop you. As you both came, your body instantly limped onto bed, and yet, you were still quivering. However, Nanami didn't release his cock out of you. Instead, he laid right next to you, letting out a small sigh.
“I’m still quivering..” You muttered out. Kento batted his eyes at you and only smirked. “You asked for this [Y/N]. You have no one else to blame but yourself.” He then nuzzled his nose underneath you shoulder, his breath tickling your sensitive skin.
You puffed your cheeks at him with anger, but you didn’t reply back. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, you couldn’t. But in the end, you enjoyed your punishment and reward.
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glassbead-xx · 3 years
I mean, Soul is a good movie. I mean it, I saw it and I loved it and I basically forced my mom to watch it
But like, I was so numb during the Oscars. Like when Coco came out. I loved that movie and I thought it deserved to win, but I knew it would win regardless because it’s Pixar so all the tension was gone
Then in 2018 I wasn’t expecting Into the Spiderverse to win, but when it did it took me by surprise and I was so happy. I thought we were making progress. And then that progress got thrown out the fucking window because Toy Story 4, the most useless movie I’ve seen, won instead of Klaus, or HTTYD 3, or literally anything else
So the Demon Slayer movie was on the Oscar list this year and I wanted it to be nominated so bad (because I’m a shonen fan lol), it wasn’t nominated but you have two Pixar movies and Shaun the sheep (I mean Shaun is cute, but really?). That’s without taking into consideration every other movie that should’ve been nominated
I haven’t seen Wolfwalkers yet because I didn’t want to get attached to it and be salty when I knew it wasn’t going to win. I’ll watch it when I have the time, and if everyone’s reaction is something to go by I’ll probably get mad :c
So yeah, Soul was a good movie, it deserves the recognition, but the tension is gone because we know that Pixar/Disney will always win. Because animation never gets the recognition it deserves
Ps. let’s see if the Jujustu Kaisen movie gets the nomination that Demon Slayer couldn’t get (probably not but hey, a girl can dream :c)
Pps. just because I wasn’t pissed during the Animated Feature category doesn’t mean that I wasn’t pissed on other things this year, for example them putting best actors at the end for clickbait like what the hell Academy that was low even for you
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simp4fictionalguys · 4 years
Oooh you write for Jujutsu Kaisen! (The fandom is growing so quickly... brings tears to my eyes...) could i please request a scenario with Satoru Gojo teasing his shaman girlfriend during a mission and it's really just them flirting under the bewildred gazes of his students? Have a lovely day / night and stay safe!
Hey! My first request is for Jujustu Kaisen? 🤧 My babies getting love first is the best. I’m super happy to see the fandom growing! I don’t see a lot of writing so I decided to add my own👀
Fushiguro wouldn’t have gone if he knew with who he had to go to the mission. He was good with Itadori and Kugisaki, they were already a headache but he got used to them.
What brought chaos to his world weren’t his teammates, to be more exact, it was his teacher.
Gojo has been training him for a long time, he knows about his chaotic personality but that doesn’t mean that he forgets how strong the man really is. However, things turn way different when Y/n comes into the picture.
Y/n is another teacher at the school, a strong woman who a lot of students admire. Fushiguro has been trained by her in some occasions when Gojo has to go for a long mission. He respects her like any other teacher, but the fact that she is Gojo Satoru’s girlfriend, who brings a whole other side of his teacher out is a pain in the ass.
So he is stuck with two flirtatious adults who can’t keep their hands off each other and two idiots who just make his head hurt.
Itadori and Kugisaki laughed at their teachers antics. Since they joined the school almost at the same time the two young students didn’t know about Gojo’s and Y/n relationship.
“Hey Fushiguro! Since when do you know Gojo and Y/n-sensei?”
The raven hair boy let out a sigh. He knew that Itadori would start asking about the two adults.
“Gojo has been training me for years and Y/n-sensei helps me when he is out for some missions. I met Gojo first though.”
“They act like an old married couple!” Kugisaki laughed at her own comment. Itadori agreed with her immediately.
“They’re a couple you idiots...”
Fushiguro let out a sigh (he is sure that he is going to be out of breath by the end of this) he decided not to tell his classmates about their teachers relationship. Maybe this could bring some fun to him.
Gojo loves to annoy Y/n, he knows that she won’t get mad at him by some jokes but he knows how embarrass she gets when there’s people near and he gets clingy.
“Satoru! I told you already to stop! We’re suppose to help the kids!” She tried to stop his hands from roaming her body. Gojo laughed at her reaction, he listened to her by putting his hands in his pockets.
“You and I both know how strong they are! Don’t worry to much sweetheart!”
His pet names always make her blush, he loves how he can make her such a red mess just with his words.
“Gojo...” Y/n took a glance at the kids walking a few steps behind them. She didn’t know whether to laugh or feel bad about Fushiguro.
She could tell from his face that he was tired.
“Look” she pointed to the students “We haven’t even fight and Fushiguro is already tired.”
“Well, it’s not my fault that he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
“Satoru! That’s not what I’m talking about. We’re suppose to-“
Gojo didn’t let her finish ranting. He knew that she would get mad if he just ignored her and it would be rude to tell her to shut up. The only option left for him was to kiss her and stop her complaining. (Not that he cared, he loves kissing her)
Even when he didn’t go for a full make out, the short kiss that they shared made them stop walking. The three students behind them stop just a few steps from them.
Fushiguro let out a sigh (again) he decided to go ahead and avoid the chaos that Itadori and Kugisaki were about to start.
The two students left were just looking at their teachers. Gojo let out a loud laugh while Y/n began to scold him about his unprofessional behavior.
The loud shouting of their students made them turn their heads, if the situation wasn’t so embarrassing for Y/n she would have laugh at their faces, instead she couldn’t find the words in her to say something. However, Gojo was having the time of his life, his loud laugh was a big give away.
Regaining her composure, Y/n cleared her throat and began to explain to her students that indeed, Gojo and her were a couple.
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