#juju costumes
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cagg1969 · 1 year ago
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sailermoon · 1 year ago
my choso costume is coming together 🙆🏽‍♀️
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soullessseraphim · 1 month ago
If the aracana thing is still open either Lucio or Masquerade Costume Julian?
Both? Both.
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lulu and juju....
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dingodad · 1 month ago
Can you talk about what you think of gamzee for a bit? I think out of all the characters, he's the only one I've never understood.
to a certain degree this goes without saying for Homestuck villains but Gamzee is a perpetuator of cycles. he takes out the frustrations instilled in him by his upbringing - which is tragic to a comical extent even on a planet where all children are raised by wild animals - by exerting the same sort of patriarchal abuse upon those around him that initially led to his neglect, and he takes this so far as to literally become the guy responsible for Alternia's patriarchal hegemony in the first place: firstly and figuratively by perpetuating the cycle of neglect upon his son Caliborn, and then by bodily becoming one with Lord English. such is Gamzee's relationship with Lil Cal; a ventriloquist's dummy is merely a puppet you project your own thoughts into. even when it might superficially appear as if Gamzee is being 'controlled' by his god, just as with Dirk, his interactions with Cal are only conversations with a version of himself. that Gamzee is able to identify the Mirthful Messiahs as being "both me. :o) [and] MOTHERFUCKING ME. Do:" is pretty near-explicit acknowledgement of this, and more subtly an acknowledgement of Homestuck's broader themes of projection and manifestation.
perhaps a bow can be drawn between this and his role as the Bard - classically, a poet charged with keeping tradition and the historical narrative alive by remembering and reciting the epics. such "ROWDY AND CAPRICIOUS MINSTRELS" are key to Gamzee's religion, and it's when his understanding of these religious prophecies are challenged that Gamzee seems to become the most disturbed. upholding these core spiritual precepts / alpha time loops is even the purpose of his magical abilities: a "chucklevoodoo" should be thought of as essentially another name for a "juju", an enchantment so powerful, an idea so crucial, that it is believed to have no beginning or end, thus having simply existed forever. Lil Cal, a juju by name, is born from Gamzee's chucklevoodoos in this manner, but the same process is enacted in the abstract upon John: Egbert's fear of clowns is what leads to Jack Noir infecting the trolls' session, so Gamzee punishes him by inflicting him with that fear of clowns to begin with. he simply manifests those things that have always been there, hiding in the dark, all along.
largely separate to this, a newer line of thinking I've not really discussed before: it seems to me that being a "faker" is also key to Gamzee's character. in Homestuck's eyes, the comedy inherent in the concept of the Insane Clown Posse is exactly the same reason that "a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination" - it's lame when white guys pose as 'hood', and with this in mind it seems especially charged that Gamzee's facepaint-wearing cult all venerate a group of figures referred to as "minstrels". per malo, Karkat's assessment of Gamzee as "AN IDIOT IN MAKEUP" can be parsed as transmisogynist slur, and the neverending attention drawn to his codpiece obviously serves to throw Gamzee's figurative manhood under scrutiny: drag and minstrelsy both are indispensable chapters in the history of modern clowning, and as the "wildcard role" the Bard is suited to pretending in any of these roles. but there is also the sense that, in his role as voodoo-storyteller, Gamzee has the ability to make the fake real - or at least, to obfuscate or outright ignore the difference between the two - through psychic manipulations or otherwise. whether Gamzee is 'really god tier' or not, for instance, becomes essentially a moot point when the author asserts that clowns have their own version of immortality "for reasons that basically don't make any sense." the Bard is able to embody the role of a god simply by putting on the costume.
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idollete · 10 months ago
juju do tumblr lembrei de um smut que eu já li em que o fulano lá falou com a leitora que ele não gozaria de jeito nenhum com dry humping e ela prova o contrário pra ele e isso me fez pensar muitos pensamentos aqui 💭💭💭
pensei como seria com os meninos bem final de noite entrar no assunto: impossível gozar com boquete em menos de um minuto ou com dry humping. por favor, hable um pouco sobre a nossa loba provando eles o contrário 🎤🎤
é ÓBVIO que o pipe bateria muito na tecla de que isso é impossível de qualquer um desses dois acontecerem. diz que nem a mulher mais experiente do mundo consegue fazer isso, que é papo de só rolar com quem tem ejaculação precoce e o caralho a quatro. e pra ele é questão de honra o cara não gozar rápido, ele bate no peito pra dizer que nunca fez isso e que nunca faria, "nunca, impossível, amor, nem no meu dia mais tesudo". e ele te provoca sobre isso, percebe que você está irredutível em sua opinião, "e nem você conseguiria me fazer gozar tão rápido assim, pode ser gostosa desse jeito, mas não consegue, nena". é claro que você se sente AFRONTADA e DESAFIADA! por isso, que nem diz nada, só monta abruptamente no colo dele – e ele até se assusta na hora – e não perde tempo, ataca o pescoço branquinho pra deixar tudo vermelho, dá aquele beijo que chega a ser obsceno pra quem vê de fora, engancha as coxas ao redor dele e começa a se esfregar bem devagarinho a princípio, pra torturar mesmo. e se ele tenta te tocar você dá um tapa na mão dele, "não, não vai me tocar, não tá merecendo" e ele adora isso, tá? ele adora quando você fica mandona. não é só pelo dry humping que ele goza rápido, por conseguir sentir a sua calcinha ensopada na bermuda fina dele, não. é por toda sacanagem que você sussurra no pé do ouvido dele, como tá sentindo ele duro, prontinho pra te foder, "tá querendo me encher de porra, não tá? eu que sei que tá. tá pensando em como o seu pau me deixa cheinha. em como eu te aperto quando tô gozando", ele nem percebe quando começa a ficar mais desesperado, o rosto avermelhado e a cabeça tombada pra trás, faminto por você, chamando o seu nome, te pedindo "por favor, nena, me deixa te comer" e goza quando você diz que "não, hoje quem vai te dar sou eu, felipe". ele provavelmente tava tão 😵‍💫😵 que até assusta quando sente a bermuda melando, arregala os olhos e encara o local em que vocês se tocam como se não acreditasse, vai levar a mão até o próprio pau e voltar com os dedos cheios de porra. enlouquece quando você põe os dedinhos na boca, limpando tudo, "eu consigo tudo que eu quero quando o assunto é você e o seu pau, garoto".
com o simón já é mais como um papo casual mesmo, vocês são amigos (tão coloridos quanto as calças que o restart usava) e provavelmente estavam conversando sobre coisas inusitadas que já aconteceram na hora h e quando você comenta de um ex-rolo que gozou super rápido com um boquete teu. "tá bom, boca sagrada", super sarcástico ele vai dizer que é o maior caô que você já contou pra ele, "você mamou o cara e ele gozou em um minuto? para com isso". e por mais que vocês já tenham se pegado aqui e ali, nunca foram para as vias de fato mesmo, no máximo uma mão amiga. não dá pra negar que ele ficou intrigado com isso, tho. por isso, ele provoca. faz pirraça de moleque mesmo, até te irritar e te ter ajoelhada no chão da sala, mandando ele abaixar as calças. ele, que nem esperava tanta coisa assim, fica vidrado no jeito que a sua língua trabalha no pau dele, em como você o engole por completo, o barulhinho do engasgo, seus lábios ao redor. ele nem consegue descrever o que você tá fazendo com a boca naquele momento, porque é algo que ele nunca viu ou sentiu antes. "puta que p-", o palavrão morre no meio do caminho, ele não consegue completar, quando vê já tá enchendo a sua boquinha de porra e nem conseguiu avisar. você, formada na arte do oral, só levanta e limpa o cantinho da boca, dá de ombros, fingindo costume, e o simón só consegue ficar prostrado no sofá, sem reação por minutos. quando ele se recupera, a primeira coisa que diz é "tem como você fazer isso de novo qualquer dia desses?!".
o jerónimo é em um contexto onde ele está se gabando por todas as vezes que fez uma mulher gozar na velocidade da luz (palavras dele) muitas vezes. é verdade? é. mas ele aumenta um pouquinho também. você, formada na universidade das lobas de wall street™ (sério eu amo vocês por terem inventado essa pérola), pergunta muito casual, "e você? quantas mulheres já te fizeram gozar rápido também?". juro, o jerónimo é capaz até de se sentir ofendido com uma pergunta dessas. garante que ele nunca conseguiria gozar só de ter uma mulher se esfregando nele, nem se fosse a mais gostosa do mundo (que na opinião dele é você mwah) fazendo isso. você é quem propõe o desafio, mas ele banca. e ainda tem a pachorra de botar marra, "não, bebê, sem roupas. já sei que você não vai conseguir, então, o mínimo que posso fazer é te dar uma colher de chá". só que ele não move uma palha pra te ajudar, se escora na cabeceira da cama, abre os braços como quem diz sou todo seu e só te espera agir. o olhar que ele te dá é quase o suficiente para te fazer derreter ali no colo dele. quase. mesmo assim, você faz o que tem que fazer. começa provocando, beija o pescoço dele, morde, lambe, fica nesse joguinho até que ele esteja duro, "espero que não seja só com isso que você pretende me fazer gozar...", é claro que ele vai te encher o saco, ser um metido pretensioso, não sossega nem quando você o manda calar a boca. não, o jerónimo só para quando sente você melando todo o pau dele. joga uma provaçãozinha barata aqui e ali, te acusa de ser putinha demais, tão molhada assim só de se esfregar nele, mas os seus movimentos, os arranhões nas costas e as putarias sussurradas são demais pra ele. porque você faz o jerónimo fantasiar em meter em ti, diz que tá prontinha para recebê-lo, pra ficar cheia mesmo, e é pra isso que ele goza, pra vontade de se afundar em você, bruto, primitivo, te quer feito bonequinha na mão dele, mas é ele quem se derrete nos seus braços. a mente tá quase em um apagão, não consegue assimilar o que aconteceu, o pensamento ainda preso em todos aqueles cenários. o jerónimo não perde tempo, o fato de você ter feito com que ele gozasse daquele jeito é estímulo pra ele fazer o mesmo contigo. e no mesmo segundo (porque ele tem um pique fora do comum), você já está deitada na cama com a boca dele te devorando.
o único que eu penso que não ficaria com a masculinidade ferida com a sua sugestão é o matías. ele pode até achar que não é possível gozar com um minuto de mamada, mas vai discordar da sua capacidade de fazer isso só por implicância mesmo. bota a maior banca pra te dizer que "cê nem sabia mamar direito quando a gente se conheceu, eu que te ensinei, daí cê virou minha cadelinha", então, é muito natural que no meio de uma tarde de uma terça-feira você acabe ajoelhada na sala enquanto o matías aperta um. é muito despretensioso o jeito que ele se coloca, as pernas abertas, a cabeça tombada enquanto bafora pra cima, quase como se não estivesse interessado. mas ele está muito interessado. você conhece o corpo desse garoto como a palma da sua mão, por isso que não poupa a saliva quando o envolve até as bolas, babando tudo, faminta. ele até se entala quando sente a cabecinha bater bem no fundo da sua garganta, é quando retesa no sofá, põe a mão nos seus cabelos, tira na mesma hora, perdido, não sabe nem o que fazer. ele vira uma bagunça de palavrões, o baseado largado em algum canto, o rostinho contorcido em puro prazer, cenho franzido e os lábios entreabertos. sente sua língua serpeteando por toda a extensão e as mãos apertando as bolas, são tantos estímulos que ele acaba gozando rápido, sim! a respiração ofegante entrega o quão afetado ele está naquele momento e tudo que você faz é dar um sorrisinho vitorioso, limpar o cantinho da boca e pegar o baseado, sem tirar a expressão convencida da cara, porque, afinal, você de fato aprendeu com o melhor.
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avatar-anna · 1 year ago
What is the styles family up to on Halloween night? I have a gut feeling that Julian would be too scared and just cling to Harry the WHOLE TIME. ❤️
Trick-or-treating! The Styles family are all dressed up and hitting the streets to acquire as much candy as possible.
Simone is dressed up as Wednesday Addams, but specifically from that one scene from the school dance with the ruffle dress; Collette chose to be a scarecrow, complete with detailed makeup done by Y/n and assistance from Simone; Julian and Maeve usually go as a duo costume, but Maeve wanted to be a clown and Julian wasn't having it, so he goes as Prince Eric; Geneva is a little bat and little Natalia is dressed as a chick.
Harry and Y/n don't normally go all out for Halloween, mostly because they're hard at work trying to wrangle six different costumes together, some of which change because someone decides they want to be someone/something else. But this year Simone and Collette insist on her parents dressing up. They go as Romeo and Juliet from the '96 version of the film. Julian insists that they don't wear anything too scary, of course.
They stick to their neighborhood, where everyone kind of knows who they are and aren't as inclined to bother them on their night out as a family. That doesn't stop Simone from running ahead when she sees a friend and joining them for a few houses while Harry and Y/n watch from a few paces back, though. Maeve keeps doing little dances as she walks to each house, convinced that's how clowns walk. She's pretty independent for her age and doesn't have a problem skipping up to a house with the rest of her siblings and other kids, but when a particularly scary house freaks JuJu out, she holds his hand the whole time.
Jules isn't as eager to walk up to a stranger for candy, but he warms up more and more as the night goes on. He pretty much has Harry's hand in a death grip the first few houses, overwhelmed by the kids in creepy costumes and the realistic Halloween decorations on people's front lawns. Harry takes it in stride, promising his son that it's all pretend.
The kids are still pretty young, so their trick-or-treating ends pretty early. Maybe Harry stays out a little later with Simone and Collette while Y/n heads home with the rest, an already asleep Natalia cuddled up in her arms.
And once everyone is home and fast asleep due to coming down from sugar highs, it's just Harry and Y/n. Y/n gets ready for bed while Harry watches TV with a pile of candy in front of him. When she sees all the wrappers surrounding him, she's like, "Really? Again?" because he does this every year, and every year one of their kids gets upset because their Halloween haul is lighter than they thought. But Harry's just like, "What? I took a little from everyone this year so no one would get mad."
Y/n is exasperated but not surprised because Halloween is really the only time her husband indulges in eating candy bars. But she can't help but indulge in some fun of her own because tonight is usually a night where the kids stay asleep and don't crawl into their bed.
So she drops the robe she's been in, revealing a little lingerie underneath, and Harry is quick to shove all the little chocolate wrappers away, his eyes taking all of his wife in and is just like, "This all for me, Mama?"
And because she can't help but be a little silly, she adds some ears to the top of her head and when Harry looks at her confused she says, "I'm a mouse, duh." And he just throws his head back and laughs and pulls her over to him.
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igotsnothing · 8 months ago
📩 Simblr question of the day: what's your favorite outfit category to dress your sims in? (everyday, formal, swim etc.) include pictures of some of your favorite fits (if you can).
Passing on the SQOTD from @simblr-question-of-the-day!
Hi, friend! Thank you so much for this cool ask! I’ve always wanted to do a SQOTD!❤️
For me, as far as clothing goes, it really depends on the sim. My cc folder is an example of digital hoarding…I have a bit of everything- especially costume-y stuff.
A frequent theme in my stories is “opposites attract”- I like the trope a lot and that is often translated visually in how the characters dress. My vampires tend to be very polished and dress more elegantly/formally. The mortals tend to be more casual and laid back. I like both styles.
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Gideon, from my story Darker always looks dapper and Sasha has a treasure trove of well-loved graphic tees and goofy sweaters.
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Lawrence, from Bite Me! always dresses up. He’s fussy about his clothing. Juju, on the other hand, is casual- but he has some very cute outfits. His corgi sweater is my favorite.
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Rhys and Terence from Amaranthine (update ready to post after some minor editing! Miracle!) are a bit closer in style, although both tend to favor darker colors.
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Lee and Henry in Tomarani Adventure (which I really need to update...) have similar styles- they’re both casual.
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And don’t forget Sabine in Tact- she wears very feminine pieces. She has a collection of ridiculous socks, too. Her latest outfit got her in trouble with Hiram, who is such a grump…
So there you have it! The sim, the story, and the edit determine what outfits get chosen. For me, it’s a huge part of conveying a character and I am so grateful to all the cc creators who make such a variety of clothing for us to match up to our visions!
Thanks again! ❤️
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gollageek · 26 days ago
Since you included Jenny, Tak and El Tigre in the Nicktoons Unite stuff, would Stimpy(Ren and Stimpy), Mr. Blik(Catscratch), Gir(Invader Zim), and Rocko(Rocko's Modern Life) show up as well? Since they appeared in the Attack of the Toy Bots as well?
Yes and no. It comes down to motive.
I don't believe Mr. Blik would want anything to do with the team unless he's forced into a situation where he has to.
Stimpy (bless his heart) has no clue what's going on and while hypothetically he could show up, he probably forgot about the team.
I imagine Rocko trying to get involved, and he probably has a recaller. But him actually getting to use it is rare because his world runs on crack logic and by the time he shows up everyone has gone home and the lights are off. He and Spongebob probably have an online chat room.
Gir and Zim are fully canon to the Nicktoons team. No one is happy about it. They hate Zim and he plans their destruction while pretending to be an ally. Gir is welcome and used to feed Zim bad info. He's Jenny's pet and she puts him in dog costumes for fun!
Tak, Jenny, and Manny are all characters that would and could seek out the team. Even if its just that they're personalities click.
I also include story potential when I'm thinking of what characters to include. Tak, Jenny, and Manny all lend themselves to potential story beats and threads within a larger narrative. Tak finding out he's part Juju is never explored past the (laughably bad) end of the show. Jenny has a fascinating dynamic of Robot vs. Human what it means to be a living being concept. And Manny has the good vs evil concept to explore. All lend themselves to their own launching points.
Others I like to consider but opt not to are Rudy from Chalk Zone and Tuesday from the X's. I just don't think Rudy fits the team's vibe (tho the story potential is there) and the X's is so bad I can't get through a rewatch and its been 20 years since it aired. But I do LOVE her and think the X's as side characters are interesting.
I also carve out the Avatar universe because of how contained it is. I figure the group knows about it, but doesn't get involved because time moves faster there. (Pretty sure that idea came from an old fanfic) I imagine it being 10 years/100years type of thing.
On a side note, I like how @chocomony implemented Korra in their comic and everyone should read it.
But yeah, I'm pretty open to any Nicktoon being in the group in other peoples work. The only 2 I don't consider Nicktoons are Ninja Turtles and Garfield, but that's because they are purchased properties, not network originals but I know I'm the minority.
I mean can you imagine someone thinking Chris Pratt has more star power than GARFIELD! Lunacy I tell you.
Thanks for the ask! ❤ It's been a while since I've touched the concept.
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mrbexwrites · 7 months ago
Writing Share Tag
@cowboybrunch got me again!
(I'm so behind on tag games!) Passing the tag onto @spideronthesun @sam-glade @queen-tashie @sarahlizziewrites and leaving an open tag :)
Writing some lighthearted scenes for Blood Enforcer because things are about to get real dark as I'm in the endgame now. It's a chunk of text, so hidden it under the cut to spare you all:
“You know this island is cursed, right?” Harry was breathing hard as he struggled to keep up with me as we made our way around the coastline. Arnauld and Anton had gone inwards, towards Fort Royal, whilst Harry and I circled the island along the shore, looking for something that would take us to Florentina. “Benedictine Monks worked some black magic on this land because they were pissed that they were told to leave. This place is a nexus of dark power. Don’t tell me you can’t feel it.”  “I’m too old to be scared by ghost stories around a campfire.” I almost lost my footing on the rocks, but managed to catch myself before I fell.  “We’re hunting for a demon. And you think vengeful black magic monks are a flight of fancy?”  “I don’t feel anything. I think your imagination is getting ahead of you.” “All I’m saying is, right, that there have been a lot of mysterious deaths and there’s a bad vibe. Bad juju is in the air.” “It’s just a thunderstorm,” I rolled my eyes, just as a flash of lightning in the distance cast a brief shadow around us.  “Don’t tell me this is natural,” Harry scoffed. “It’s too hot for the time of year. And this storm wasn’t forecast. I’m telling you, it’s the curse.” “Harry,” I didn’t bother to look back at him. “If you want to go back to the boat, I’m not going to stop you.” “And leave you alone out here, on the cursed island as we hunt a demon? I don’t need any more bad karma, thanks.”  Another rumble of thunder rolled in above us. I’d tried to count the seconds between the flash of light and hearing the thunder, but with Harry wittering on in my ear, I’d lost count. It was definitely coming our way though.  Something shifted in the tree line, a low shadow that stopped me in my tracks. I held up my hand causing Harry to pause mid-stride. I watched the thing move slowly, deliberately, as it tracked us, moving parallel to our position. I tightened my grip on the crowbar, and saw Harry rest his hand on his sword’s hilt. Another flash of lightning illuminated the forest, and I stared into the eyes of the beast; a peacock.  Harry burst out laughing, and I felt the tension slip from my shoulders. “Too old for ghost stories, eh?” He bumped against me playfully as he strode past me, taking point.  The bird let out its long call, the sound echoing around the bay. I shook my head, smiling at myself for being spooked. I reached behind me, pulling my bag over one shoulder, and pulled out my torch, swinging the flashlight into the forested area above us. Tens of peacocks and hens were roosting amongst the trees, seeking shelter from the coming storm. The ground was littered with their feathers; this must be where Florentina had sourced her feathers for her costume in Venice. 
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aoifeart777 · 7 months ago
make sure to watch this! I played Billy Bob and it was my first time EVER in a mascot costume. I had 2 days to learn this, I came in last minute to help because we weren't even gonna do this so I decided to help out! that's why I'm so stiff at the beginning I was super nervous and the costume was hard to move in, also Billy bobs head has no strap.... also I was scared I might fall off stage! anyways this was super fun! thanks Juju for letting me join and teaching me the dance!
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httpknjoon · 2 years ago
I mean I've pretty much made up my mind, but more proof couldn't hurt 🙂
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note | more proof here :))
main masterlist | drabble series
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Halloween 2018 in Los Angeles. A fan posted a shaky selfie with you dressed as Velma from Scooby Doo. You were a little unrecognizable at the time as the fans knew you had your hair dyed for another color for a role. But that time, you wore a brown bob wig that matches the cartoon character. You also have identical glasses and clothes. For the selfie, you posed with your magnifying glass and pretended to examine the fan’s costume.
@/jokesonyou: she’s so nice and funny yall i love her so much
Fans were happy to catch a glimpse of your costume since you didn’t post about it. On the other side of stan twt. Someone posted something:
@/grumpyseoks: not jin walking around la in a scooby doo costume
Replying to @/grumpyseoks:
- @/cloudedhaven: omg is he shaggy to yn’s velma?
– @/moonlightfran: maybe he’s fred!!
Due to the same theme of costumes, fans were quick to connect that you and Jin are probably together romantically. They quickly assume that you two went for a more “lowkey” costume, with Jin possibly going for Shaggy while you go for Velma. But their thoughts were proven wrong when another fan get to take a photo with the actor.
@/PopCraze: Jin takes a photo with a fan, wearing a Scooby-Doo onesie for Halloween 🐶 [insert photos]
@/jinniejin: oh… okay… so he went as the dog��
@/openupitscathy: clown mode: on
It was later learned that Jin was Scooby-Doo. His fans found it both funny and cute. After collecting more information and seeing more photos, people realized that your other friends went for the same-themed costume. Donny was Shaggy. Hailey joined in as Daphne while her boyfriend was Fred. Paparazzi got photos of you with Hailey leaving a bar in LA. You even got to chat with one of the photographers as they follow you with their camera.
“Lookin’ cute, Y/N!”
Greg, the paparazzi you were cool with, greeted you as you and your friends walked to your car. You were only with Hailey as the three men were already in the car.
“Thanks, Greg!” you smiled before asking him. “No costumes?”
You and your manager were pacing fast as the flashes of lights follow you two. You cannot even turn to look at Greg.
“Nothing. But I see you went Mystery Inc. with your gang.”
You were about to respond when another photographer screamed something that caught your attention, “How did you choose your costumes?!”
You laughed, “We bet about it.”
More questions followed but they remained unanswered as you and Hailey hurriedly enter your vehicle. Although you and Jin didn’t go for a ‘couple’ costume for that year’s Halloween, the fans still saw it as one of the first signs of your romantic relationship with your co-star since 2018 was the same year you began hanging out with Donny and their other friends.
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taglist rules
@jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @lovesickbangtan @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @bloopkook @yoooonie @amara-mars @firesighgirl @zwiehe @hiii-priestess @lojocas @juju-227592 @singukieee @eshtravagent @canarystwin @petalsofink
@dunixxd​ @cixrosie​ @jksjx​ @embrace-themagic​ @buttvi​ @starbtslove​ @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @kenqki @pixybear @miyukihoshi @stopeatread @seolaquotes @greyrain23
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kiankiwi · 11 months ago
I feel like Juju gets Gaston a plastic mirror from one of the gift shops at some point (since in the movie he's constantly checking his reflection to see how he looks lol!)
OMG YES!!! and he carries it everywhere with him since it's basically part of his costume at this point
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serendipitouswasteland · 2 years ago
Because it is Your Fault. It is All Your Fault.
Note: this was transcribed from my AO3.
ship: byler pov: third person written: July 5, 2022 first published: July 5, 2022 word count: 1,514
summary: Will has had enough. He just can't take it anymore. So when Mike says that thing, he finally snaps.
This summer has been...rough. All that Will has wanted is to play DnD with his friends, but they've all been too preoccupied with their girlfriends.
It's not that Will has anything against girls in particular. In fact, he loves girls. He thinks they're awesome. But...just...not like that. Not like Lucas and Dustin do. Not like Mike does.
Today, Will has come up with a plan. He woke up extra early and set up the DnD table in Mike's basement while he and Lucas were still asleep. Then, he got dressed in his Will the Wise costume and turned on the stereo, the adventure music filling the room, waking up Mike and Lucas just as he had planned. They've been playing for a short while now, and Will is having a blast, but he can tell Mike and Lucas aren't having the most fun with it all. Still, he keeps going. After all, they're in the middle of a campaign. It's not like they had anything else to do anyways with it raining.
"Do you guys hear that?" Will starts. "It sounds like...thunder. But no, wait, that's not thunder. It's...a horde of juju zombies! Sir Mike, your action!"
"What should I do?" Mike asks Lucas, trying to sound enthusiastic.
"Attack?" Lucas questions, clearly not in the mood.
"Okay, I attack with my flail," Mike says, his voice monotone as he rolls the dice.
"Whoosh! You miss. Your flail clanks the stone, the zombie horde lumber towards you, and...the juju bites your arm. Flesh tears! Ah! Seven points of damage."
"Oh, no, my arm!" Mike says sarcastically. "Lucas, look my arm!"
The two snicker, and Will is hurt, but—
"Sir Lucas, the zombie horde roars! Do you fight back or do you run?"
Lucas is about to answer when the phone rings.
"No, it's a distraction!" Will says quickly, standing up, still in character. "A trap. Do not answer it!"
But, of course, Mike and Lucas dash to the phone, Mike grabbing it and the name coming out of his mouth stinging Will in the heart.
"El?" Mike asks, but his tone quickly changes, Will's face dropping. "No. Sorry, not interested. Telemarketers," Mike says and he hangs the phone back on the wall.
"Maybe we should just call them," Lucas suggests.
"We can do that?"
"I think so."
"Yeah, but, what would we say?"
"We will say nothing! The Kuishar tribe still needs your help," Will shouts.
"Alright, then," Mike starts, and that's when the worst thing happens. "I'll use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves, killing the jujus, and saving the Kuishar. We all live on as heroes in the memories of the Kalamar."
"Victory," Lucas says, holding his hand up to which Mike high-fives him.
Never has Will not wanted to play DnD.
That was, until now.
"Okay. Fine."
Will harshly sets his staff on the table, quickly ripping off his hat.
"You guys win."
He turns off the music.
"Will, I was just messing around," Mike says in that voice, and Will could slap him for it.
Will continues to remove his costume, his clothes from the day before underneath.
"Let's finish for real. How much longer is the campaign?"
"Just forget it, Mike," Will says as he gathers his things.
"No, we want to keep playing, right?"
"Y-yeah, totally," Lucas says, but Will can tell he doesn't mean it.
"We'll just call the girls afterward."
"I said forget it, Mike, okay? I'm going home," Will says, heading toward the stairs.
"But...come on, Will," Lucas says trying to stop him.
"Move!" Will yells, shoving Lucas out of the way and rushing up the stairs and to Mike's garage.
"Will, come on!" Mike says, following Will outside. "You can't leave, it's raining. Listen, I said I was sorry, alright? It's a cool campaign. It's really cool. We're just not in the mood right now."
"Yeah, Mike! That's the problem. You guys are never in the mood anymore! You're ruining our party."
"That's not true!"
"Really? Where's Dustin right now? See? You don't know and you don't care and obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him! You're destroying everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
"El's not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!"
Will, at first, is taken aback by Mike's words, but then, he's angry. So, so angry. So angry that he drops his bike and the tears he's been holding back start to flow from his eyes uncontrollably.
"Of course it's your fault! Are you kidding me? How could you have never once noticed? It's not that I don't like girls, Mike! Trust me, I've tried. I have tried so many times, but no matter who it is, no matter what the girl looks like or what her personality is like because for some reason that I wish I knew, believe me, my entire life I haven't been able to keep my mind off of you. So I'm sorry if me not having a girlfriend has become a 'problem' for you, but it is a hell of a lot harder when you wish you had a boyfriend who just so happens to be your straight best friend! I mean, did you ever even consider that?"
Will's words stop, still ringing in the air as he looks at Mike's face, and then he sees it. He sees that Mike is hurting, too. Guilt washes over Will, and the next words that slip out he shouldn't even be saying, but—
"I'm sorry. I should go." Will turns around and is about to pick up his bike when...
"Hey, hold on! Just wait!" Mike grabs Will's wrist turning him back around to face him again. "Can you please let me say something?"
"What is there that you could possibly say that would—"
It's not words.
Mike places his free hand on Will's cheek, the other still holding onto his wrist. Then, he kisses him. Soft and sweet and warm and real. Will doesn't necessarily kiss Mike back, though, because he's not exactly sure how. This is, after all, his first kiss, and Mike knows that.
Or, he should.
Mike takes one step forwards, bringing his and Will's bodies closer together, and that's when Will pulls back. He doesn't know what he's doing.
"Will, I'm sorry."
"For what?"
A pause, a deep breathe, and then, "Everything."
Mike rests his head against Will's, his lips almost brushing his nose. Will is breathing deeply, a world's worth of words caught in his throat. So many things that he wants to say, but only a few of them slipping out, creating incoherent sentences.
"The swings...Halloween...the time when...I...you said...El...because then...you..."
Will just stares at him. He couldn't possibly respond to him right now. Not in a complete sentence, anyway.
"Okay, um..."
Mike searches Will's face and eyes looking for something, anything, to prompt him to continue with what he's about to say.
"...Will, I..."
Another pause, a glance away and then to Will's lips.
"...I love you...I am in love with you."
Will stares at Mike. He's still trying to get his thoughts together, but he's not sure if he's even having any. One second his brain is moving a thousand miles a minute, the next, it's almost as it's empty.
"Will? Say something?"
"I don't know how to kiss."
"Oh," Mike says, pausing for a moment before what Will is saying really hits him. "Oh, shit. Shit, that was your first kiss. Shit, Will I'm so sorry I should've– I should've asked and– oh my god I'm so..."
Mike bursts into laughter, his worry still clear as he rests his head against Will's once again.
"You don't have to ask," Will whispers, barely even audible.
"Yeah?" Mike asks, his voice earnest.
"Yeah," Will says, a breath he didn't know he'd been holding escaping his lips.
Mike kisses Will again, this time making sure to guide him through it, but even Mike isn't sure he knows what he's doing. After all, he's only ever kissed one other person before, and that was a girl. Is kissing a boy supposed to be done different than kissing a girl? Mike doesn't know (it's not), but he's doing his best to figure it out.
But it's...hard, because Will isn't helping. His mom did tell him middle school would be awkward. He just didn't think she meant this.
"Will," Mike mumbles against Will's lips, still kissing him.
"I'm gonna go tell Lucas that I'm taking you home."
"You're staying the night?" Will asks with a gulp at the end, and Mike looks at him flustered.
"Um, I mean, yeah, if that's...if that's okay, I mean, I know I've done it a hundred times now but if because we kissed that make sit awkward then—"
"No, yeah, I mean, of course you can. You always can."
"Always?" Mike asks, that earnest tone still lingering around.
"Um, yeah. Yeah, always."
"Okay," Mike says, and he smiles.
That smile. It's not just any smile. No. It's the smile. The one. That big, cheesy grin.
And Will feels himself falling in love all over again.
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bubblepopsims · 1 year ago
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J: “hey mom.” A: “Hey jujubug!”  Her father chimes in from the background “HEY MY JUJUBUG!” A: “Ahaha your father says hi too! Oh, I am so excited to see you, I was so sad when you didn’t come for Thanksgiving!” J: “Hi Dad. Yeah I know I'm sorry.. it has been a little stressful, to say the least! But I can't wait to see you guys.” juju stated with a hint of nervousness in her voice, she didn’t know how she was going to break the news to them but one thing she knew was that they always supported her A: “So is Izzi coming? Does she.. I mean do they have any food allergies or anything?” Juju smiled softly at her mother adjusting her wording. “no they do not, not picky at all. I honestly think they need your cooking. Izzi is on the skinny side.”
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Alma laughed and shook her head “There is nothing wrong with that! I was just asking so I could make my famous stew! It's that season!” Juju hums practically drooling at the thought of her mother's cooking. “god I can't wait to eat your cooking again. I think that’s what I miss the most.” Alma gasped dramatically ���Why I’d never.. I would have thought it would be our lovely faces! Only using us for homecooked food I see.” Alma Chuckles happily, able to know exactly what face Juju is making. J: “you are annoying but I love you. So we are getting a rental car and drive down the day after tomorrow. We should be there around early evening? Is that okay?” Alma hummed “Yes of course jujubug. It gives me time to get your old room ready. We sorta didn’t touch it since you left.” Alma stated a bit ashamed and embarrassed “but your father did build a new bed so you guys will be set!”
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J: “mom..?” A: “yes? Whats up sweetie?” Juju contemplated telling her right then and there but shook her head “Nothing I am just excited to see you..” A: “Aww my baby.. I am excited too, and so is your brother he has not shut up for a second since we told him you were coming.” J: “oh how is that little bugger!” A: “Very nerdy he is currently into that wizard movie and the space stuff.” She huffed and laughed “ I mean we literally had to talk him out of going as a whole rocketship for Halloween.” An: “ he looked like a penis..” A: “Andres ! we cant say that about our son.” J: “what?? What did dad say?” Alma groaned and turned away moving closer to the phone “ Your father said it looked like a penis….” Juju burst into laughter the tears quickly followed just imagining her kid brother in a costume that was in the shape of a penis “Oh my god.. the imagery has to be the best part!” A: “ oh no don’t you start now too!” Andres laughed “Ah yes that’s my daughter.” Alma gave him a look and rolled her eyes “You guys are unbelievable.” J: “ you love us.”
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Meanwhile Izzi is just having a relaxing shower XD
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idollete · 9 months ago
e quero falar outra coisa que eu pensei do filho do padre… gostei da ideia dele todo carinhoso e fofinho, mas sla… catolicismo sempre me lembra muito de sadismo e bdsm, sabe? não vou desenvolver pq eu tenho vergonha, mas eu pensei!!
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(juju favor ler minha mente e falar tudo o que eu pensei pufavo)
bebea!!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 por incrível que pareça eu também tenho uma leve vergonha de acessar as partes mais lelés da minha cabeça e compartilhar aqui com vocês, mas já que você foi uma flor e spoke your mind, eu farei o mesmo girls supporting girls rights (and wrongs) ☝🏻🌸🎀🐇🫧 o ministério da fanfic adverte depois dessa linha é só ladeira abaixo⚠️‼️🚨
eu não sei por qual caminho sua mente foi, but eu imaginei ele como sendo o sádico da situação (peço desculpas adiantas a todas que vêem ele como um pudimzinho), até porque ele quem é o filho do padre e, querendo ou não, em uma ""hierarquia"" social que as pessoas criam, é como se ele estivesse ""acima"" dos demais fiéis. entonces with that in mind, penso muito em cenários onde ele tem o costume de ajudar os jovens e tudo mais, até que uma lobita chega pra ele se sentindo super culpada por, mesmo namorando, ter olhos pra outros garotos (tipo ele 🤓) e ler certos tipos de literatura (there's a catch hihihi stay tuned!!!!). então, ela vai super desabafar com ele, ele se fazendo todinho de quem tá compadecido, vai até dizer que tem a ideia perfeita pra te ajudar.
penso muito que ele não iria pra um sadismo escancarado logo de cara, primeiro ele dá um jeito de te humilhar. ele pede pra que você leia trechos em voz alta na frente dele, e quando você começa a dizer as coisas mais sujas do mundo, ele deixa claro o descontentamento. te faz querer sumir de vergonha e de tesão na frente dele, porque toda essa exposição mexe com a sua cabecinha, principalmente quando você percebe que ele ficou duro só de te ouvir falando.
ele vai ser bem escrotinho, porque ele vai dar um jeito de ganhar a sua confiança, diz que você precisa mandar mensagem pra ele sempre que as vontades nefastas surgem, o que faz com que ele tenha uma pá de áudios seus mandados no meio de várias madrugadas em que você estava no período fértil e subindo pelas paredes de tesão.
é em uma dessas que você acaba cedendo aos seus impulsos e, no meio de uma conversa com ele, você some e para de responder, porque fico tão alucinadinha ouvindo a voz dele te repreendendo por áudio (that's insane i know me desculpem eu tô perdendo as estribeiras) que acabou se esfregando no travesseiro enquanto repetia as palavras dele. fato é que, por ter permanecido com o chat aberto, ele via que você tava visualizando tudo e o homem não gosta de ser ignorado, viu?
o problema é que no dia seguinte você não consegue nem olhar na cara dele. e isso vai deixá-lo AINDA MAIS putinho, porque quem você pensa que é?! no final da missa, ele já tá indo atrás de ti, te pega pelo braço e a expressão carrancuda não alivia quando te flagra chorando. ele nem precisa te pressionar pra você revelar tudo. e, na sua melhor persona de lobo em pele de cordeiro, ele te diz que é melhor vocês conversarem na casa dele.
a primeira coisa que arranca de ti é toda a verdade, como você fantasia com ele, como você o enxerga em tudo que lê, todas as vezes em que você se aliviou escondido e sempre das maneiras mais desesperadas, como se esfregando nos lugares, usando o chuveirinho no meio do banho, apertando o short contra o seu pontinho. e é aqui que ele te surpreende ao dizer que você é uma putinha desesperada, uma sonsa que se faz de boazinha, mas que é suja por dentro.
só que ele te garante, "mas fica tranquila, eu sei bem o que fazer com cadelinhas feito você" e ó se ele sabe. ele te põe de quatro na cama, completamente exposta pra ele, te faz abrir tanto as perninhas que você se sente alargando um tiquinho. e o cenário é ainda mais sujo, porque enquanto você tá nua, ele não removeu uma peça de roupa. "sabe, eu pensei que poderia te ajudar...te deixar boa, limpinha, mas você é um caso perdido" e te pega de surpresa golpeando sua bunda com o cinto. entre um golpe e outro, ele te condena, mas além da dor, as palavras sujas que ele usa pioram a sua situação. quando você começa a babar as próprias coxas, ele abandona o cinto só pra descer a mão em ti agora, e vai te agarrar junto, estapeia o seu clitóris, te manda repetir tudo que ele diz, como quando ele fala que você é uma garota estúpida que só tem pica nessa cabecinha de vento.
e lá pro final, quando você já tá toda vermelhinha, é ele quem cede aos impulsos. a mão começa a te alisar, te toca a região sensível, o nariz dele começa a roçar na sua pele, ele se esfrega em você. "você não tem salvação, boneca...então, não tem problema se eu te arruinar só mais um pouquinho, né?"
e depois disso a relação de vocês muda total. ele ainda te pune sempre que você vai atrás dele, diz que você está fazendo ele pecar também e que, por isso, precisa aprender uma lição. ele te come nos lugares mais imorais possíveis, como no seu quartinho com seus pais na sala achando que vocês estão estudando algo pra missa. ou no beco do lado da igreja quando ele te faz sair no meio da própria missa...
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ribbon-rarl · 21 days ago
Maybe it wasn’t that one cursed day, maybe I just had bad juju.
Walking through the school halls was a nightmare I was quick to notice. On a normal day, I would practically blend in with the walls. People would push past me and barely notice. That was fine with me, I preferred it that way. 
Today was not like that.
Every hall I turned met me with a fresh set of staring eyes from way too many people. No, I wasn’t wearing a clown costume. My hair was tidy. I smelled good. Why the hell was everyone staring at me? It wasn’t just stares either, it was silence followed by a herd of whispers as soon as they’ve got my back turned to them.
This type of experience was the star of my night terrors, I thought I must be imagining their looks, but after the fifth ‘is that him?’ I was definitely living this. It continued through the rest of the day, too.
“Miss, what about two men?” a girl asked. Though she’d been giving the teacher a bit of an innocent look, she turned to me after she asked and smiled in a teasing way and the class giggled for a bit before the teacher hushed them.
For context—we were in sex education.
Chemistry class, a girl I kissed in middle school slipped me a note: “did you kiss me bc I look like a boy???” When I looked up at her, I realized she didn’t write it as a joke. 
After Maths, a boy I didn’t know too well tapped my shoulder and said I’d inspired him and his boyfriend to come out to their respective parents. He was about to tear up right in front of me. It took a few minutes of awkward, silent eye contact before he took the hint and walked away on his own.
Each time, I didn’t know what to say. There’s no way I didn’t wake up in the wrong universe.
Even weirder was the fact that I hadn’t seen Enid once, and she didn’t spam me with messages throughout the day like she usually did. In fact, my inbox was completely empty.
What actually caused my breaking point, though, was my favourite teacher. Miss Anaya was an amazing English teacher and an incredibly funny one. It’s why I didn’t expect her to walk up to me with the Principal by her side as I was on my way to lunch.
go to the ao3 link to keep reading
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