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It’s you against you, Boo. No one is going to do it for you. 🤷🏼♀️ The weights aren’t going to lift themselves. You want the results? You’ll have to take the first step. 🚶🏼♀️Heck, you’re gonna’ have to take ALL the steps. 👣👣👣 No one is going to carry you. Not even God. What??!! How can I say such a thing??!! God can and will carry you when you simply can’t go on, but He won’t do it FOR you! He created you with an able body, a willing heart, a strong mind, and a free will to choose your path. 🙌🏼 Because He LOVES you! 🙏🏼❤️ He built you to be amazing, but YOU have to take the initiative! 💪🏼 Get up, get it together, and get going! #MondayMotivation from #FlexFriday . . . . . . #notperfectbutreal #notperfectjustforgiven #notperfectbutprogressing #progressnotperfection #takethefirststep #motivationmonday #thoseweightsarentgoingtoliftthemselves #getupandgo #getupandglow #shinebabyshine #strongbodystrongmind #strongbodystrongerheart #freewill #itsyouagainstyou #youvsyou #beyourbestyou #Godgivenabilities #practicemakesprogress #doyouboo #doyoubeyou #youcandoit #justdoit! #motivation #flexyourfaith #showyourstrength #notasexypic #jugulargameonpoint lol #strongissexy #cherylnormanfit
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