#judt random thoughts at this point
disabledstraydogs · 4 months
For the ask game, Lucy and Kyouka with ♿️, 🩼, ☔️, 🏳️‍🌈 and 🐶
I hope that's not too much! (and sorry about the questions being kinda out of order lol)
Hi anon! Because of the number of points here, we are just doing Lucy, but feel free to resend if you want us to do Kyouka as well!!!!
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♿️ - What is your disability headcanon for [character]? What are the main symptoms that they show? Be as specific or as vague as you want.
Okay Lucy to me has:
Schizoaffective disorder- To me her main symptoms would have disorganized behavior and speech, hallucinations, and mania/depressive episode
She also uses/used a colostomy bag- Although atp I'm unsure if I headcanon her as having it a permanently or just as a young teenager, I think it was either an infection or cancer that causes her to need one. In this post though we're going for it being permanent.
System Lucy is a headcanon we have- however currently I'm leaning towards Anne being a reoccurring hallucination rather than an alter
I don't know what exactly this would class as but due to the orphanage I think she would have something with her hands maybe a nerve or skin issue? Because I don't know what exactly I won't specify this but it's a Thing imo.
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🩼 - What is their relationship like with their disability? Are they in denial? Do they fight against it? Are they at peace with their disability?
I think with her schizoaffective disorder she's very used to it, however I think she does have times where she is reluctant to (or judt doesn't) take her meds because she wants to be 'better' and 'normal'.
With her colostomy bag I think she despises it. Having been bullied for using one (despite it being necessary for her to survive) I think she just associates it with bad things and would hide it. She's very anxious to have people find out that she uses one because she doesn't want to answer any of the intrusive questions that come with it. Sometimes she struggles to change it because of this.
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🐶 - Has their past affected their disability and it's formation? How?
I think this is an interesting question. In Lucy's case I think the bullying and mistreatment 100% caused (or triggered) her schizoaffective disorder. Obviously we don't know her parents so there could be a genetic element too. But I think being called a freak and so forth impacted her majorly and had her developing delusional thoughts at a young age that weren't picked up on. Also I think the nature of her ability would aid in her disorder.
I don't think there was much she could do to change the possibility of having a colostomy, although I think the orphanage could have picked up on her medical needs sooner and gotten her help that means she may not have needed one.
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☔️ - What does a 'bad day' look like for them? How do they cope with this?
I think a bad day for Lucy would involve a lot of emotions and sobbing. She wants attention and reassurance but isn't sure how to ask for this. I think she would lock herself in her ability and just. be held by Anne because she feels like no one else can love her.
I think if she was in mania rather than the depression she would act incredibly impulsively, and possibly have an aggressive streak when she's manic.
For her colostomy, it causes skin irritation, and that makes her upset because it's like a permanent reminder that it's there. Also if it leaks and Lucy is in a bad place she will break down and possibly panic depending on where she is when or if she's in a bad place in general.
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🏳️‍🌈 - A random headcanon about [character] and their disability
I've said this before but I think Lucy is a horror junkie, however I also think this could make her psychosis symptoms worse. The Guild have pretty much banned her from watching horror films.
For a headcanon we haven't spoken about.... Besdies Anne, I think Louisa and Atushi are the only people who have actually seen Lucy's colostomy bag. I though Louisa is the only person Lucy has let close enough to help her with changing it.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
You asked for crumbs of my boyo, time for me to ask back. CAN WE GET SOME BACKSTORY OR FUN FACTS ON BRYNN? This odd pretty boy. I need to know him.
Also, for funsies. Which one of your PCs do you think would most likely end up in prison? Which one would most likely get kidnapped? Which one would most likely become a parent (becoming a parental figure works too)?
Most likely to end up in prison:
.. Angel😮‍💨 She mostly stays away from stealing people's stuff(unless they were trying to rape him, then they don't feel bad anymore and just steal everything they can), but he'd most likely go to prison because of.............drum roll pls............✨violence✨. Angel is a rather emotional character, unlike my other PCs. She sees something wrong being done and he will step in, and to a much higher degree.....beat the shit out of you.
They're lucky she hasn't gone to prison yet.
Most likely to get kidnapped:
Brynn. Now Angel's the one to get canonically kidnapped, but if we push that aside then Brynn. He's famous. Really famous. And really pretty, too. So here's the thing, his fame as a model outweighs his sex fame, but even the model photoshoots are mostly lewd so like.yeah. so for other folk in the town, it's like bumping into your favourite porn star in the streets or smth while rumours that they'll suck you off if you give them a 100 are drifting in the air.💀💀💀 Some sick mf might be a 'fan' or smth and want to keep him to themself. And unlike Caelan(huge body type + can smack you reall hard) and Angel(will beat your ass and steal your belt), Brynn is very physically weak. So it would be an easy kidnapping, too.
Most likely to become a parental figure:
First I was thinking Caelan but then I was like nah that's too obvious, then I thought Angel. But Angel has more of a big sibling aura so we're going with Caelan. They're really calm, collected and mature. And most importantly: they scare off potential creeps with just a glare. It'd be comforting for the other orphans to have someone like that with them, it's almost like they have a nice Bailey that won't sell them at the drop of a hat. They also give good advice and hugs, so. Catch them wrapping up presents for every orphan three months before Christmas.
Now for more stuff about Brynn:
Sometimes he does stuff only for the aesthetic. Like he pretends he looooooooooooves strawberries but he actually hates how tart they are. He feels the need to keep up the 'UwU femboy' image
He wants to dye his hair at some point. He's asked Niki about it before during a shoot but Niki just went 'do whatever you want'
On the topic of Niki, Brynn probably talks to him the most. Well he's the person he says the most words to in a row. Normally Brynn likes to keep himself busy in stuff, and even if he isn't he's fidgeting with his sleeves. Can't do any of that for three whole hours while on the job so. He just asks Niki random shit and Niki responds either with a hum or a short sentence.
He's thought about using kaomojis during text, they're cute and stuff. But he has no patience for that so no kaomojis😔 he's dry af btw.
But you know what's not dry?........THAT PENI-
Brynn's been fucking in the streets in exchange for money for a long time. Way before the in game stuff happens. Yk how when you first walk out of the orphanage you're immediately attacked then a rando gives you a pepper spray? Yeah that was the day he decided he wanted to dress up a bit. He's always been more attracted to feminine stuff but too shy to go through with it. So yeah, he got out in a skirt and he... Made more money with it. Like judt in general the money he was being paid increased. So he went lol profit and kept doing it. But....he really didn't like it when they called him a girl and then were surprised when he had a pp and maybe even degraded him for it. So now he avoids doing anything to his face or hair, so he's like. Evidently a boy in a dress/skirt.
Another orphan works at the brothel, and told Brynn that he could earn more by working there too. Brynn didn't think for even a moment, he refused instant lmao. The work environment there and the lack of security is gonna scare him off.
He likes bananas
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punkinroses · 4 years
Okay...so........I've been missing Kat more and more and figured I'd do another almost like info dump kinda thing or just some random thoughts.
Kat LOVES TikTok. Like....I think she has a Problem.
Her own TikTok page is basically half memes, half dances.
One of her most popular ones is her doing the Savage dance. She nailed it but the real reason it's so favorited is just bc she had Seto walk in on her do it, sigh and walk right out.
He supports her. But like. He doesn't understand it.
She and Max did the Ooh Na Na Na challenge. It took about roughly twenty eight times before they nailed it and the last two seconds of the video are them screaming in triumph.
Her, Joey, Tristan and Duke did one with the "if you came here to kill me, clap your hands" audio. She was holding a metal water bottle, Tristan a stapler, Duke a swiffer and Joey a frying pan. Tristan mouthed the "well that wasn't clapping your hands" and then had him jump into Joeys arms, Duke slide away and Kat duck away from them all.
She totally pulled the smoking toilet prank on Seto sometime after moving in with him and got Mokuba in on it.
"Babe! Babe the toilets smoking?" "...What??" "The toilet, it's smoking!" Hurried footsteps. "How in the actual hell did you manage that? Did you let Wheeler touch it?" He finally gets there and looks in and you can see him Age by like ten years in the matter of seconds while his dear girlfriend and brother are laughing their asses off. ".......Remind me again right now why I put up with you two."
Her and Mai dueted the "I'm not like other girls...I'm not even a girl. I'm a pterodactyl *screech*." She got a side eye. Joey jumped off the couch at the audio. It was fantastic.
One of her videos absolutely has the Cooking By The Book remix on there. Just absolutely.
There's a few she has of her and Bakura that were never posted but she keeps them saved just for the good memories.
She also does some of her makeup videos on there and thats how she dropped she was making her own makeup line.
Kats makeup line btw is just solely duel monsters themed and from I2 and goes great with thr clothes line she and Ellie (@kohakuhime) have goin.
She also does live streams on Twitch.
She's done a t o n of Pokemon Nuzlockes, including a Sleeplocke, and by some point it was her going insane.
It was brilliant.
Kat and Mokuba do the Spyro Reignited trilogy together and have a lot of fun.
She also does a lot of Animal Crossing. Anymore her stream is her with a blanket around her, covering her completely, drinking tea or juice and she judt doesn't move she just wants to hang out with her villagers.
Kat also is friends with people who watch her streams so she'll visit their island or vice versa. But her irl friends she hangs with all the time on there. Esp if she got Ellie to play with her like they would have so much fun.
She's planning on doing Doom.....eventually.
Kat is just constantly here for a Good Time.
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flute-mob · 6 years
tfw your stepmom says she thinks the reason for all your anxiety/stress/anxiety attacks is that you are too lazy to clean your room and have a blatant disregard for order in the house and dont care enough to help clean. like!!!! i just love how i used to like to clean my room but now she asks me to do it everyday and my brain either goes “must always do opposite of orders” so if i was planning to now i cant bring myself to finish or brain goes time to stress out and i spend the whole evening just sitting in my room freaking out on how i can clean it well enough for her standards by the end of the night. i love how i just keep having random episodes of time where im not really sure ill see the next day or the next hour or the next second or the next moment. i love intrusive thoughts telling me that i need to end myself now whether its bc of no reason or bc of other intrusive thoughts urging me to punch her. strangle him. kick and scream until im the last one standing and then proceed to fuck myself up. i love how i just stop functioning bc if im scared that if i do get up and do something ill get the momentum and energy hurt someone. i love how everyone just sees me as lazy and airheaded for being unable to focus bc i cannot hear them over the voices in my head. i love how apparantly i can cure everything if i could just get up and clean my room you lazy ass. that would be so nice. whats the point of cleaning it when you dont plan on existing in the near future? whats the point when whenever you do get out of your episodes all you have time to do is loads of backed up hw until you pass out on the floor and then pass out in the middle of class and miss parts of lecture and fail your tests so you can then again work until you judt pass out at home again and again? i wish i could get a therapist but i just love how much extremely more paranoid ive gotten after my last therapist session (my second ever) where my mom suddenlt knew everything i had talked abt during it. i love how much my midn has fucked me over. i love false memories and all my relationships going from intense love to extreme hatred and bloodlust for absolutely no reason and flipping randomly between the two extremes and wrecking any chance of me getting close to anyone without increasing the chances ill end up snapping and hurting them. i love getting away from these thoughts by exiting my body. i love forgetting that the hand putting food in my mouth is actually mine and not a random person’s and my arm is there and not somewhere else. i love driving home and becoming delirious and not seeing the road but following a dementor like ghost to find my way without crashing. i guess ill try to just clean my room and everything will become normal
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