#jtv 3x03
forbescaroline · 3 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 37. jane villanueva and michael cordero - jane the virgin
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mtvswatches · 4 years
Jane the Virgin 3x03 Chapter Forty-Seven
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) I really hope this is not another bait...
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There’s so much buildup that I wonder if this is going to be disappointing. Or if it will even happen at all…
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Well, we’re back to where they got the go-ahead from the doctor, but...
2) People keep interrupting them, and I just wonder why Jane won’t just be open about it and tell her mom, dad, and grandma that they want some privacy to finally get laid!
3) “If you weren’t a singer, what would you be?”
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It’s an interesting question indeed, considering she’s not really a singer and she hasn’t done much with her life so far. It’s a weird question to be asking yourself when you’re pushing forty, right? But I guess Xiomara always followed her impulse and that’s how she led her life, there wasn’t really much time to think about what she wanted to do. I’m kind of curious to see where they go with this.
4) New character, I guess?
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So, this is Cecilia, Alba’s sister and the one responsible for telling everyone Alba wasn’t a virgin on her wedding day.
5) Oh, thank god!
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I found the whole “You and I finishing at the same time” comment… odd? And tbh, Jane doesn’t look very satisfied. But at least she got it over with! Of course, he fell asleep right after, and it doesn’t feel as magical as she’d expected, I guess. But I mean, why should it? Expectations about the first time having sex should be very low, but culturally women are raised to make this huge deal of their “first time” and “losing their virginity”, and it’s very difficult to shed those expectations, right?
6) OMG she’s sending a sex tape of her first time with her husband to her advisor!
But… the most important question is, is she going to watch that video? Will Michael and Jane watch it? Will they do a play-by-play analysis? Will he notice that she didn’t really come?
7) “It was actually my first time” “Oh, that explains things…”
Well, the advisor (I’m sorry, can’t remember her name!) made it out to look like she was talking about her writing – which she might well have been – and how it was lacking something. I think I’ve actually mentioned this before, but It’s kind of odd for Jane to be a romance writer and to be writing sex scenes without actually having experienced sex herself. The advisor makes a good point – romance without sex is just fantasy. And I’m not saying that you can’t have romance if you’re asexual. But that’s not the type of stories Jane is writing or the audience she’s writing for. Anyway, I think the advisor was actually talking about her performance in the tape and not her writing. Or maybe both.
8) I knew it.
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And of course, her friend tells her NOT TO TELL MICHAEL, and I’m like, huh? I just wish this would stop being a storyline? Both the faking and the not-talking to your partner about your feelings regarding the sexual experiences you share with them. Not having an orgasm is just part of the sexual experience and there’s nothing wrong with it, and sex can still be enjoyable even when you don’t have an orgasm. So let’s see where they take this storyline. I’m guessing Michael is going to be super supportive, and will try to make it up to her.
9) Why is this still a thing in this show? We get it, Luisa is a fucking moron, and she makes terrible decisions. I wish there was more to her character than that.
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10) And I know that we crave representation for LGBTQ+, but… Rose is a fucking psycho? And this is almost a textbook abusive relationship? She’s literally kidnapped Luisa, isolated her, and keeps telling her how she’s alone and Rose is the only one there for her. (and I’m not even touching on the whole murderer/drug lord thing because that’s just part of the zaniness of this show.)
11) Okay, Xiomara is considering moving on from singing, but move on to what?
12) I genuinely laughed at this.
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13) Okay, I liked this joke.
JANE: What’s the CW? Like a streaming thing? ROGELIO: No, no! It’s a huge network! Look it up! Amazing shows! Fabulous line-ups! 
Anyway, Jane is very intent on manipulating her mom into finding her passion for singing again, and I don’t know how I feel about this. Yes, Xiomara loves singing, but what is wrong with giving up? She hasn’t really made it, and there are other things she might be passionate about that she hasn’t figured out yet because she’s been pursuing her “singing career.” I know Jane is trying to be supportive, but if she truly were, she would just try to help her mom to find what other avenues she can pursue instead of tormenting her with her unfulfilled dreams. It just feels like another thing Jane does because it’s what she wants rather than being selfless and thinking of others.
14) See? This is why you should be honest with your partner about your orgasms or lack thereof…
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At least it led to an honest conversation. Which led to this…
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15) I’m loving this Cecilia character. I kind of wish she was the leading lady, actually. She’s so fun, even if she’s a figment of Jane’s imagination!
16) Rogelio is selling his show to the CW, but Rob Lowe will be the leading man, not him. I see how this could easily lead to an existential crisis for Rogelio, but I have so much faith in him, he’ll probably take it in stride and turn into a bigshot Hollywood producer.
17) Hm. Day two and Jane is already trying to spice up their sex life? This doesn’t bode well. And Michael is telling her not to discuss their glitch with anyone to protect his fragile ego? Because he tells her she can say they had sex, but that she shouldn’t mention how it wasn’t good? Double hm. And now Jane is with Xiomara, someone who could actually help her get out of her head and understand what she’s going through, but she keeps her mouth shut because Michael’s ego is more important.
18) And then she finds this…
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I hope this sets her straight.
19) So… instead of getting on board with Xiomara wanting to move on after finding the list, Jane and Rogelio continue to plot to get her “back on track.” But why?
20) For a second, I thought Rafael had truly sent a caring, loving email to his sister, but it seems to be a ploy to get her to reply and reveal her location. Considering she’s a moron, she’ll probably fall for it, but it’s kind of sad? When she was reading the email, I was hoping it would be her wake-up call (if the fact that she literally jumped and gasped when Rose walked into her room wasn’t already a warning sign…) and that she would try and leave this toxic relationship. But if she’s being lured by false declarations of brotherly love… I don’t know, it feels wrong. Yes, she’s a fucking moron, but what makes her a moron is that she’s constantly looking for love and affection. That’s always her downfall.
21) Now, that is a cameo…
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Loved the fan bit! 
22) So… Rogelio got freaking Gloria Estefan to help Xiomara, but it never occurred to him that it might have the opposite effect. Because Xiomara has seen Gloria and Emilio casually sitting there and watching her show and she’s freaking out.
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You bow to royalty. 
23)  So… Lina Has just offered to help Michael and Jane and demanded a play by play, and Michael remembered the sex tape. He’s not going to show it to Lina, though, right? He’s just going to watch it and figure out what went wrong.
24) Oh, no she didn’t!
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Why is she so intent on convincing Xiomara to continue pursuing a career that hasn’t really worked out for her? She hasn’t made it, and it doesn’t look like she will anytime soon, and that’s OKAY! What’s wrong with wanting to try other things? What if she’s really talented at something else and she’s missing the opportunity to shine because she’s stubbornly fixated on being a singer? And why does it matter so much to Jane? Why does she need to control everything and everyone’s lives?
25) So… this whole obsession with Xiomara’s career is because… Jane gave up her virginity? Huh? That doesn’t make sense? How is Xiomara’s singing career a metaphor for Jane’s virginity? I’m just confused! The show is usually very good at pulling off this type of parallelism and metaphors, but this time it just didn’t work for me.
26) See? Xiomara had the right answer all along:
“With sex, it can take time to find your groove and figure out what you like, what you need. You’re just starting out. You’ll get there.”
27) So… they end up watching their own sex tape, and finally have satisfying intercourse, I guess. I kind of wish this storyline hadn’t been resolved in an episode, though, it doesn’t feel realistic.
28) So, that was the reason for the riff between Alba and her sister Cecilia…
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29) Why am I always so much more invested in Rogelio’s storylines?
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He apologized for the way he broke-up with her, and then they decided to embrace their artistic connection. And now he has six months to become famous in America so that he can be the lead of his own show in the CW hahaha! I feel this storyline will be lots of fun.
30) Look what the cat dragged in…
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…a moron thirsty for love.
31) So… I guess Rose lied about the whole “I’m not a criminal anymore” thing. Shocker.
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Rafael’s mom was on her kill list, before she even killed her. And Muter died holding a bible and clamoring for her son. I guess this will be Rafael’s storyline, then.
32) To be honest, I wasn’t a fan of this episode. Usually, the plot A and plot B are connected in a way that makes sense, and this week, it felt a bit far-fetched to have Jane obsess over Xiomara’s singing career because she had let go of her virginity. I don’t know, what are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments!
33)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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sinrosetros · 7 years
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all rose & luisa kisses
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nickmillerscaulk · 5 years
I’ve seen a few people throw around the word ‘telenovela’ after 3x03, which first of all: yes. And second, had me thinking.... didn’t we learn that a writer from Jane The Virgin was joining the Good Girls writing team? (I wish I had an actual source on this. Maybe @pynkhues knows?) Not to pin this mess on one writer—but this?? This shit worked on JTV, BECAUSE it was a telenovela. It was meant to be absurd. That was the point! A telenovela-style twist is just beyond absurd on Good Girls and I can’t get past it. I don’t get it.
I want to believe the GG team knows what they’re doing, but... this feels like an entirely different show compared to where we were at in early S1/S2. It’s unfamiliar in a... not good, not enjoyable way. And it’s bumming me out.
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claddagh-and-key · 5 years
I was tagged by @we-pay-for-everything​ @hermione-mak-gilmore​ and @royalweirdonj​  Thank you all for thinking of me!!! :)
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) peeps.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Good Place
Jane the Virgin
Orange is the New Black
1. who is your favorite character in 2? Chidi Anagonye! I relate a lot to him (the anxiety, the indecisiveness, the fear of the consequences, etc.) and William Jackson Harper portrays him so well. 
2. who is your least favorite character in 1? Spike. He’s just not the kind of character I enjoy. I don’t really get him.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4? This is difficult. I think the best episode is Remedial Chaos Theory, but my actual favorite is Cooperative Calligraphy. That’s the episode where I really fell in love with the show. But Remedial Chaos Theory is one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever seen.
4. what is your favorite season of 5? I’d probably have to rewatch the whole show to confirm this, but right now I feel like that’s season 7 (the final season). I thought they really nailed the season storyline and they managed to end in a way that I find both haunting and somewhat satisfying. It made me feel a lot. I pretty much cried during every single ep. 
5. who is your favorite couple in 3? Petramos!!!  💕 
6. who is your favorite couple in 2? Eleanor/Chidi, I find their dynamic really interesting and I root for them.
7. what is your favorite episode of 1? Becoming, both parts ok! They come together for me. 
8. what is your favorite episode of 5? Probably Empathy Is A Boner Killer (3x03). Because I love pain.
9. what is your favorite season of 2? This is difficult, every single season was built on a very interesting idea and executed really well. I’d say season 3 because if they keep topping themselves, than that means that’s the best season? I don’t know... lol
10. how long have you watched 1?                                                                     I started watching it when I was 11 years old so I’ve been watching that show for the last 20 years now.
11. how did you become interested in 3? At first, I didn’t want to watch the show because I thought the title was stupid. But a lot of my friends were watching and raving about it so I gave it a shot around mid-season 1.
12. who is your favorite actor in 4? Danny Pudi, he played Abed so brilliantly. 
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it’ll always be my favorite show, I think. 
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ? I’ve definitely seen more episodes of BtVS than I’ve seen of JTV.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? I’d be Annie Edison. She’s pretty neurotic, but she so smart and dedicated. I’d want to be like that.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Nope, not at all! Community takes very little seriously and JtV has so much emotional and corny moments. It would be very jarring and weird.
17. pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Faith and Dawn, years after the show. I blame @gracenm for putting this idea in my head. I think they’d be more than okay though. :)
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? This is really difficult because both are very original concept shows that I really think audiences needed. I’d go with OITNB though because it centered around a big ensemble of diverse female characters in a very real and meaningful way. And the ICE storyline in s7 was so important and done really well.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? I don’t remember much of the music in The Good Place so I’m going with Community which has an awesome theme and featured the song Gravity in the most ridiculous way. 
I’m tagging @missusgordo @gracenm and everyone else who wants to do it! :)
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Things S.3 of JtV robbed us of:
Rose and Luisa kissing
Rose and Luisa saying “I love you” to each other
Rose and Luisa arguing over who got to wear which white tunic
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sinrosetros · 7 years
It makes zero sense that after 3 years Luisa hasn't met Mateo and the twins. I hate the way Rafael treats her... He just wanted to have lunch together so their room would be empty and Elvis could bug it, and when she tried to leave he used the fact that she didn't know the kids as leverage Ohh and when she was on the sub with Rose, he only emailed her because he wanted sin rostro to be caught. He doesn't care about her in the slightest and I hate that so many jtv fans blame her for everything
I KNOW OH MY GOD. rafael literally doesn’t care about luisa and yet here he is, constantly being put on a pedestal and “being such a good brother”, making luisa’s storylines about him when really he’s just the shittiest brother ever. i said this when 3x03 aired but i’d rather have luisa be with rose, them working on their relationship & luisa being happy eventually, than having her stay at the marbella for literally only rafael.
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zalrb · 8 years
I just need to quickly say
That I finally got around to JTV 3x03 and I sincerely appreciate that Jane’s first time isn’t this magical, earth-shattering experience despite it being with her husband, a man she clearly truly loves, because it’s realistic; this is perhaps the most realistic episode about the first time that I’ve seen on television particularly on teen dramas because the first time is awkward and you can have complicated feelings about losing your virginity even if it’s with someone you really love and it does take a while to know what you like and I was just very pleased with how well it was done.
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