concerto-roblox · 5 years
london stay on your feeeEEEeeet get your phones out you’re gOnNa wAnNa FiLm tHiS but most importantly get ready to dance HEY mAKE some noise for mAGGie *nu nu nununu nuuu nu nunununu nu NU* yo big up BessiiiIIIEEEEeee *dun dun dundundun dun dun dundundun du NA* show some lOvE for JoaaaAAANNNnn *baaaaa bababa ba ba bababababa BA* and sEñOrItA MaRiA *bombombom bombombom bomdladomdladomldabomdla* HEY *dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN dundundun DUN* aRe YoU rEaDy? london here we go you must think that i’m cRaAzY you wanna repLaAcE me bAbY there’s nananananana NO way if you wanna reliEvE me you must think i’m nAiVe please bEliEvE me there’s nananananananananana NOt sORreH sorrEH not sorrEH bout what i saaaaid i’m just tryna have some fun - nana noOo waAyYy - don’t worry don’t worry don’t lose your heeeaaaad i didn’t mean to huRT anyooooOOOOONNNNNne you can build me up L O L you can tear me down say oh well you can try but i’mm unbreakable or go to hell allyouwannado your best but i’ll stand the test you’ll find that I've got a heart of stoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohne all alone. on a throne. inapalacethatihappentoown the only thing you wanna dotoooo bad I don’t agree cause i’m the queen of the castle gET DOwn you diRTY RAscal-al-al-ALL you wanna do all you wanna do baby’s sing along to your favourite queen’s song all you wanna do all you wanna do baby’s love me love me la la la la la la la la love, no-oh, no-oh i don’t need your lOvE no-oh, no-oh it’s time to riSE AbOoOve woah, woah we don’t need your looooo-ooo-ooo-oooooooooo-ooooooove cause we’re so much more than divorced! bEhEaDed! died! diVORCED! beheaded! SURVIVED! we’re *bom bom bom bom bom bom bom* SI-IX *dun*
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