#jse critical
jacksepticeye: I wanted to do my playthru in english bc Ganandorf is Matt Mercer
me, a CR fan: rewinds heavily
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dodgebolt · 10 months
seeing the mrbeast and jacksepticeye drama whilst not liking mrbeast or jacksepticeye is the most insane thing let alone seeing that it was started by tommyinnit
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luverofsupernatural · 2 years
I'm trying to write something that aligns more with jse ego cannon
Wish me luck
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isa-ghost · 6 months
What does tea blogs mean?
I'm gonna assume you're in the Jacksepticeye fandom since you're asking that so if I say something under the assumption you understand it, reply to this with further questions. I saw tea blogs for Markiplier & a couple of their other friends but generally speaking afaik, it was mainly a JSE thing.
"Tea blogs" were hate blogs back in 2019-2021 that would claim they were posting constructive criticism or "hot takes" about Sean, his community, his friends, etc. but really it was nothing but anonymous hate, straight up rumors, and other vile shit about both Sean AND members of jseblr.
The ringleader of it all stalked my blog for a long time because I was so outspoken about hating the blogs. I made a block list of blog urls for people and everything. They retaliated by making a side blog stealing my pfp at the time, which was my friends art, putting clown shit over it, and doing other stupid shit to harass me. And anyone else who spoke against them for that matter. Blogs I once admired turned into these repulsive asshole people spewing the most untrue, disrespectful bullshit I've ever seen.
It got so bad that throughout the time the blogs were a trend, jseblr genuinely fucking died. And in my opinion, never really fully recovered. People left Tumblr for Twitter or elsewhere. Or left the community altogether, be it because they fell for the lies being spread by the blogs, or out of fear of being harassed by them and their supporters. My dash got so quiet I eventually went radio silent on here through a lot of that time span too. There was no use in fighting the blogs so I just went silent so they'd go away. Blocked any new ones I found and moved on.
When the tea blog trend blew over, a few of my really close friends came back, but the community still isn't the same these days. Whether people found other interests to focus on, just didn't come back to the fandom, didn't come back to Tumblr, or something else, jseblr is still a ghost town more or less. At the very least, in my corner (which mind you I follow/am mutuals with a lot of "big popular blogs" in the fandom, this shouldn't be this way) it's quiet.
Between being stalked, harassed and witnessing the genuine, long-lasting damage the blogs inflicted on the community, I will NEVER forgive anyone who ran a tea blog, sent asks to them, or participated in their bullshit in any other way. I hope they're all absolutely miserable, because what they've done to the fandom was and still is devastating.
I fucking miss my friends and favorite blogs that aren't active here anymore.
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touyubesposts · 1 year
Can I ask for your opinion on people comparing sanders sides to iris/Jacksepticeye’s egos when it comes to the wait time and how the stories have been handled? I’ve seen some discussion on people comparing both from that angle, and would be curious to know if you have any thoughts on that.
Btw I understand if you choose to ignore this ask since it does involve criticism stuff. Just would like to get perspective on this from someone who knows both a lot better (I am not super familiar with jse myself but I have been in the tss fandom for a while).
Hope you have a good day regardless!
Thank you, I hope you have a good day as well!
And yeah, I’ll talk about this a bit. As long as this is coming from a view to discuss and think reasonably and rationally and not a view of pure, burning, blind rage just cause. (Also, this is going to be long because I have a lot to say)
Personally, I have no problem with the wait from either creator. I can consume other forms of media for the time being. I enjoy their content greatly, and I dabble in artworks and fanfictions while I wait, but I’m not reliant. And it's not like these people are creating nothing. They still have other stuff for us to enjoy. Like Jack’s gaming content or Thomas’s shorts or videos with Sleep or the star signs or the planets. Hell, Thomas is working on a video for Picani right now!
Also, people don’t realize that these things take a long time. They both have to go to places, set up equipment, record multiple takes, and repeat since both of them deal with multiple characters. And then the whole thing has to be spliced together and edited to make a coherent story. And of course, Thomas is going to take longer because he’s doing more. Yes, Jack has to add glitchy effects to his editing, but Thomas is literally making music for us to consume and enjoy. Do you know how long it takes to make music? That adds more writing, more editing, background music production, and more recording on top of the stuff he already has to do.
And both come from small teams of people with a lot of things to do, so it's going to be expected when things take a while to come out.
The stories, on the other hand, I find a weird thing to compare (if they are being compared, I haven’t seen anything since I blocked the tag.) They are completely different genres after all. Thomas’s series is supposed to be more feel-good mental health help, with a hint of drama. (That, naturally, is gonna take more research.) Jack is making an analog horror. Things are going to be different. Also, Jack is just starting his series! He had to pause production because of COVID and just finished his video with Chase that he wanted to finish in 2019! We shouldn’t compare apples to oranges, but we definitely shouldn’t compare when one of the fruit isn’t even ripe yet.
Lastly, I find it weird to compare these people at all. Why? Because they’re people. It's like not going to college and then your mom going “Your brother went to college, you know.” We shouldn’t compare Thomas to Sean because Thomas isn’t Sean. People go at things at their own pace. People have their own personal struggles to deal with. And these people are people, not a content farm for you to throw your rotten tomatoes at whenever you feel.
And I’m not saying you have to like these people, I just think other factors go into both series that people don’t consider. Like personal struggles or where they live. (Not to get political, but Florida is kinda a shithole right now. Stay safe if you live in that part ❤️)
But yeah, sorry if this was long, these are my feelings on the matter.
(Also, if you want to compare, Markiplier made a movie, so 🤷 /j)
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dreamiara · 10 months
Regarding jse
I was his fan for so long and he will hold a special place in my heart no matter what, because I know he was always a good egg and would never want to hurt anybody
He always had a little problem with the moral high ground stance. It all comes from the fact that he thinks having no drama is easy. Having no beef with anyone is easy. Because it always was easy for him. From that comes this black and white world view. He tends to believe all the Twitter drama about people
My guess is that he probably saw the people on Twitter accusing Dream of being a groomer and believed it without any critical thinking. Jack also doesn't like self-confidence ar arrogance. He believes that being successful on YouTube is luck based. His YouTube experience was so drastically different from Dream's and he probably doesn't realize this. (not excusing him btw, he should know better, especially because he is much older than all cc)
It's all really sad to see. I just hope jack wasn't the reason Tommy hates Dream.
I also would just like to remind everyone of Jacks first girlfriend. He met her on Tumblr (yes on Tumblr), she was his fan and was drawing fanart of him that's how they started talking, she was 18 when they started dating, he was 24. ( this is not rumors it's information jack himself confirmed multiple times)
Like if Drantis knew this he would be instantly in Dreams place, but the internet was different back then. He never had a following like Dream. The only hate Jack ever got was about him being too loud and annoying or his looks.
I believe that if he realized this he would change his mind about Dream.
i think we've all grown to accept that no one will ever be normal about dream and that the truth just straight up doesn't matter to people. also, i never watched jack and i don't give a jack shit about him, and everyone who's ever been remotely mean to dream (the entire dream team actually) is an endless flop with zero value to me
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marksandrec · 2 years
What's up with every JSE related blog on my dash suddenly watching CR ? I love critical role I'm on 41 EP of campaign 2.
It's all on youtube and we all live there, babey~
C2 is so gooood; I hope you're having a great time! :3
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spindash · 2 years
sutff to be critical of in undertale slash deltarune duh ofcourse there always is but you cannot put it on the same level as homestuck just becuase they know each other & jse it as an excuse to post about homestuck in2022 like grow up
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paperclippedstars · 2 years
WAIT EVERYONE SHUT UP WHY AIN’T ANYONE AND EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT ECHO??? Literally what the FUCK was that??? There’s barely any discussion about it and I’m about to change that, maybe, I think.
So, Echo??
I have like three theories and I’m literally kind of putting them together as I’m typing but ok.
1. Chase is fucking insane. Chase is just being driven to his point and he’s literally just talking to his echo. To be fair yeah he is kind of yelling. Echo. Yippie
2. There really is a separate person who IS Echo? I mean to be fair there was incoherent noise that all of us could hear so obviously there was SOMETHING going on so that kind of throws away the first theory unless we can hear chase’s brain going brr. Then does that mean Echo had a physical form and in that case, WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE IT?
3. Echo is a test brought forth by IRIS to see what Chase’s brain would do in response? In my opinion this is the suckiest theory and 2 is superior because I want more. More ego stuff.
Of course I haven’t dug into Echo and yk, what’s up with them. Just thought I would stir up the JSE enjoyers with this.
Hello yes I’m begging you to reply to this and criticize my theories and add your own. Also if you have any official knowledge that’s been confirmed PLEASE IM BEGGING ?
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astudyingreer · 2 years
"overnight watch was the iris facility, no I wont take constructive criticism"
Ok but Sean kind of confirmed this on stream today from what I heard. You're right. You are the jse oracle and should keep going (if you want to)
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pressroletoplay · 1 year
Press ROLE to PLAY
Welcome to my special hell <3 I'm Crash, he/it, 21, and this is my multifandom multimuse blog! Here I will write for multiple characters across many sources with other blogs via reblogging ONLY - which means no trying to start anything in DMs.
Muse Database (Carrd)
Rules and Taglist under the cut :)
Communicate with me. Whether it be about potential plot ideas, just to chat, or if you want a plot we're writing to take a different direction!
Do not hijack threads. If I am playing with one person, I do not want other people jumping in and trying to take control of the story unless it has been specifically asked for. If you do this, you will be ignored, or blocked if you continue to do it.
Please be literal. I don't mind if you use square brackets or asterisks to indicate actions, you can format your replies however you like! But please don't come with one-sentence replies or *attacks you*.
Please do not try to incite a romantic storyline if I am writing a character that I do not want to write romantically with. If this happens, I will turn you down. (However, if you want to try to romance in-character, that is fine! just be prepared to be let down :)) Additionally, if you are under 18, please don't try to start anything romantic. It's incredibly uncomfortable for everyone involved.
I'd like to ask that minors under 16 years of age to not roleplay with me, or at least exercise caution and communicate with me if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe. I cannot help you police your experience on the internet, nor sanitize each and every little thing I do. But, I can at least try to help if you are nervous or need advice!
I will NOT write anything 18+. Romance will stop at kissing/making out, and there can be flirting but nothing too explicit. Please message me if you want to make sure something will be comfortable!
If I or you want to write a child character, please be mindful of the situations the child character will be put in. Nothing too violent or mature, please. Again, message me if you want to make sure of something.
In threads where fighting is prevalent, please ask before trying to seriously wound or attempt to kill one of my muses! I will not kill off a muse, but if I am comfortable with it, I will allow you to try to or to seriously impede my muse's ability in some way.
If you dislike a fandom I write, you're welcome to block the tag I use for that particular source, but please don't send anything trying to force me to stop or incite discourse about it. I don't care, I am critical of the media I consume, and your messages will be deleted or ignored.
I reserve the right to refuse to respond to something if I so choose. You cannot bully me into responding to you. You will be blocked if you try.
#[PROMPTS] - All RP prompts/memes I've reblogged
#[EGOS] - Youtuber Ego muses (Markiplier, JSE, MandJTV)
#[SCRY] - Inscryption muses
#[TF2] - Team Fortress 2 muses
#[OBM] - Obey Me! muses
#[MHA] - My Hero Academia muses
Specific tags for muses will be added below as they are added!
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just-ocean-girl · 2 years
Jacksepticeye community greet
@archivefullofyoutubers had a cool idea so I wanted to join too
Preferred name:
I recently changed the username of my main blog to @just-a-curious-speck . But you can call me whatever you want honestly.
Preferred pronouns: she/ her
When did you start watching JSE ?
The first video I remember watching is Ori and the blind forest playthrough. YouTube says the video is 6 years old.
Why did you start watching JSE ?
I kept seeing gifs of him and Mark on Tumblr and it seemed fun. So I checked both of them out and really enjoyed Jack's personally. I liked how humble and real he seemed.
What do you enjoy most about the channel ?
Just Jack and who he is as a person and his sense of humor. I also love the ego stuff. The iris is my favorite thing he's ever done. I love watching the long let's plays with games that focus on storytelling.
Who is your favorite ego ?
Marvin my boy 😺
What type of community member are you ?
I'm a lurker all the way but I would love to theorize more.
What else do you enjoy ?
I'm currently watching critical role campaign 2. ( I'm on 40th episode) I absolutely love Hollow Knight. I like video games, books and board games but I would love to hear about other people's current obsessions.
I'm always open to new friends !
You can dm me send asks or we can just silently like each others posts :D
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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F-35 Lightning II approaches production at full rate after successful JSE tests
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/30/2023 - 08:48 in Military
The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center has finalized the accreditation of the Joint Simulation Environment (JSE). The last of the 64 missions was completed on September 21, allowing the Joint Strike Fighter Operational Test Team (JOTT) to complete the F-35 Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E).
“The event was truly a multinational success, with members from Australia and the United Kingdom occupying key leadership positions, said WGCDR Leigh Wrighton-Jones of the Royal Australian Air Force, who serves as the IOT&E and JSE leader of JOTT's F-35. “The imminent F-35 follow-up test and evaluation agreement between the US, the UK and Australia will continue this level of collaboration.”
JSE simulates a complex system of sensors and platforms within a virtual battle space. It is a scalable, expandable, high-fidelity, government-owned and non-proprietary modeling and simulation environment to perform tests on fifth-generation aircraft and systems or more, accredited for testing as a complement to outdoor testing.
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"There is a balance between test and training execution in a real flight environment versus what can only be performed in the joint simulation environment," said Brig. General Trey Rawls, Commander of AFOTEC. "The JSE is a collection of networked simulators that allows pilots of different aircraft to train together virtually. It is the only place to perform very high-fidelity and cutting-edge training, as well as complex tests in a safe and realistic environment."
“JSE offers a place for realistic testing and training,” Rawls said. “The platform was designed for F-35 IOT&E, but demonstrated a tremendous ability to support future testing and training of all future procurement programs. JSE is expanding to incorporate relevant platforms for high-level opponent testing and training. Expanding the compatibility of the JSE environment for current and future weapon systems will give fighters a common synthetic environment to fill training gaps and better prepare future aviators for combat."
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JSE's detailed Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) was a critical precursor to the final F-35 IOT&E missions. Delays in the schedule continued to affect the program until the end of 2022, when JOTT recommended a non-traditional VV&A approach.
“JOTT not only became part of the VV&A team, providing discipline and experience in the flight testing program, but also provided overall management of the JSE program,” Wrighton-Jones said. "This allowed the acceleration of the accreditation process, with the F-35 IOT&E Executive Committee accrediting the JSE on September 1º."
The final F-35 IOT&E test event was supported by several units of the F-35 fleet, providing them with significant exposure to a high-density advanced threat environment, not available at any other training site.
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“JSE offers the most advanced training facilities, giving the combatant access to cutting-edge training, tactics development and validation,” Rawls said. "The DoD and its closest allies will be able to take advantage of the current JSE technical baseline to fully assess the capabilities of other advanced aircraft against close opponents in the dense threat environment expected in high-level combat."
The analysis of the final F-35 IOT&E results in the JSE, together with the outdoor tests, will provide a complete assessment of the effectiveness of the F-35 mission, in terms of lethality, survivability and overall mission success. This will inform the decision to authorize the full production of the F-35.
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"The JSE has become its own registered program and, given the scope, complexity and importance of testing and training, AFOTEC will guide and defend the continuous development of JSE with the Navy, the Air Combat Command and our allies and partners," said Rawls.
“As the scope of JSE expands and the direction of JSE evolves, AFOTEC must remain engaged to ensure that JSE realizes its full potential,” Rawls said. "It is a key component to the operational imperative of readiness of the Secretary of the Air Force to unfold and fight."
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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luverofsupernatural · 2 years
I saw a tag game, asking you what you are to the fandom. I was afraid to reblog and do it because this is my answer:
JSE: lurker/nothing
Even though I have followed since before 2016, even though I do write, and even though I participate in some events, I know I'm not relevant. I'm not one that engages in theorizing because it honestly stresses me out. I follow some people's AUs, but never have any questions surrounding them. I love and support all the different ego content over the years, but can't give proper praise besides 'this is spooky' or 'love the colors'. [I know, any comment is a good comment for the artist, but this is a criticism in the context of having a broad scale impact]
I know exactly how nil influence I have on this fandom. But I still lurk and reblog and watch and read (when energy allows), because I still get some enjoyment out of it.
I don't think this'll ever change; I'm a very passive and observational person, and have been for as long as I can remember. I just... I dunno. Maybe wish that... I can't say exactly what.
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taikeero-lecoredier · 4 years
i literally feel like I’m getting punished for being such a procrastinator
Back in 2017,I had such an overflowing energy to discuss septic egos/ mark egos ideas and stories with my friend.And because I was such a procrastinator,i never ended up drawing or making fanfics out of those storied,despite me saying stuff like “oh i should draw that”I feel like I missed so many opportunities,and this year,despite me saying I’d create more (which I still intend to do) i feel like..I’m too late.The community seems to be tearing itself from the inside,people dont want to be associated with Sean anymore (i dont wanna go into the specifics again,and honestly,i cant blame them for wanting to do that) and so many people recently would rather turn their versions of the egos into ocs rather than keep them as egos on their own (which,again,i understand,as its a different sort of outlet to use your creativity flow,so all the more power to you,im not making this post to bash people turning the egos into ocs,itd be so fucking ridiculous)But I cant help but feel so distressed by all of this.Because before,people weren’t turning away like that en masse. Like many people,I also ask myself this question.What hapenned?Why is this happening? I’d rather see people saying they lost interest and move on,rather than leaving because they resent Sean,or JSE stuff in general.It would be such a better ending to this. And now,that im planning on thinking off art events to let people go wild with their creativity with the JSE egos,people are leaving. And..it hurts.And i regret so much not starting interacting more with people sooner. I feel guilty. I’m not planning on leaving or disconnecting myself form the septic egos myself anytime soon,but its just so painful to watch. I’ll never regret joining the fandom,because through this,I was able to meet some of my best friends. (You know who you are,and I love you guys so much) It just stings so much that,a place that used to be so warm,and welcoming,and full or fun stuff is turning up like this,because of multiple factors. And I have the bad(???) habit to try and reassure EVERYONE I come across being sad regarding this situation that “hey,maybe its just a bad moment!Maybe things are super shitty right now,but since things can’t stay the same forever,surelly that must mean there’s still hope,right?” Right? But people can only stay hopeful for so long.And who can blame them? Im just..so sad,and tired. And now that i’m kicking myself in the butt so I can actually do something with the egos,and that i’m seeing what’s happening with the fandom,its like I’m being told: “Aha!Too late!You waited for too long to get moving and do something with your ideas,and now everyone is leaving because of those bad stuff happening!Its your fault for not starting to draw or write seriously earlier!!Too bad!!You should have created when things were good and stable before!Sucker” Thats literally what i’m feeling right now,and its literally eating me away. I feel a bit bad making this post after I just talked to my friends about this,and they already gave me advice,like stop going in the jse tag,and other things,but.. ... I hate making people worry because of stuff I feel,but If i keep bottling things up,its just gonna explode at some point. Im sorry for posting this in the main tag,but ..I just..I just want for those who are unaware to.. be aware of what’s happening. I really,really want people to understand. Some people don’t understand why people are upset toward Sean.Or why they’re unhappy with the community. Its simply because people who brought up genuine concerns are sometimes being bashed by others who can’t stand seeing negavitity,despite being in their right to speak about those issues in a civil manner. People who speak up get unfairly placed in the same category of those “hateful tea blogs” who treat people who still have hope in Sean/are still in the fandom as the literal devil. (and other stuff,but Im too done to talk about these blogs in depths) For a fandom that was so accepting,encouraging,and welcoming?It feels bad to see so what’s happening.I feel bad. I feel even more bad when i remember that one person,who was such a sweetheart,and so creative with the egos.What would she think of this situation if she were still here? Would she have stayed regardless?Would have she turned her versions of the egos into ocs?Would she have resented Sean and left completely?Or would she have made some uplifting and hopeful posts? I dont know.I’ll never know. i miss her. I miss the old times. ... So please..We can’t rely on jack to make everything all better in the community,it seems.So.. Please. Let people who are worried speak up in peace.Don’t put them in the same basket as those who shit on jse fans and put down sean just for the sake of putting him down. Let them speak. And please,don’t pull the “If you dont like Sean anymore than fucking leave/stop watching him if you dont like the content” when they’re literally calmly saying “Hey i dont like [x] thing Sean did recently.I’d like for him to adress this tbh!” This. This would be the first step toward a better future for the community,if you stopped doing this. Please stop driving nice people away from the fandom by doing this. Please. I want 2020 to be a good year. People should be allowed to criticize things Sean does respectfully.it does not equal hate automatically. ..This is starting to be long. So i’ll just end by saying..For those who wish to stay regardless of this amdness..Don’t hesiate to send me asks okay?..I want to keep enjoying the egos.And seeing people’s creations.I will always give feedback and reblog if i see an edit,fic,art,etc,that i like. I will get that prompt list done.I swear.In the meantime..Stay safe,keep creating and..
Be civil.
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lady-raziel · 4 years
I'm honestly so sick and tired of people canceling Seán for every little thing he says and does, there are TikToks I cringe at and I will deliberately say it, nobody can say they haven't. Also why don't people cancel Mark or Ethan for things they do and say? You all just laugh and think "Oh it's just Mark being Mark." If it was Seán playing with those s*x toys, you'd cancel him right there.
...Alright. You know, if you had read my previous comments about Sean from other asks (I tag everything ‘jse discourse’ so people can filter it not because it’s ‘tea’ but just because I know some people aren’t in the mood to read jse criticism sometimes), you would know that I’m not against him. I don’t agree with cancelling people over every single little thing. I’m not “cancelling” Sean.
The anon asker was simply asking my opinion, and I gave it. This is not a matter of it being Sean who did something wrong. I’d have the same criticism of appropriation of intellectual property going on here if it were anyone else. I’m not saying “omg he’s so AWFUL and TERRIBLE I can’t watch him ever again!!! He’s CANCELLED!!” That’s not helpful to anyone.
However, like I have said before, I believe that people should have things that they have done that were inappropriate or wrong brought to their attention in a respectful way so that hopefully they can grow and not make the same mistakes again. That is so much more helpful than “cancelling.”
I think Sean is, deep down, a good person, and everyone can make mistakes or unintentionally do offensive things sometimes, and we need to be forgiving but bring attention to harmful actions. However, I think the way that Sean has reacted to community criticism has been lacking. There are many people who do bring things to his attention respectfully, but yet Sean seems to continue to make the same mistakes. I don’t think it means he’s inherently bad or can’t get better, it’s just frustrating.
In this situation, what I was frustrated with was how Sean had seemed to apologize and remedy the issue with this merch, but now apparently has only half fixed it, because he maybe didn’t realize the unintentionally stolen art was the only issue because he didn’t fully listen to the feedback of the community. It’s indicative of a reactionary apology instead of a genuine effort to remedy the mistake fully and not do it again, and that is frustrating if you genuinely like Sean and want to help him from slipping up again and again.
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