#js: answer anons
johnstrider · 2 years
roxy is a trans woman
actually roxy is a transwoman and rox is a transman and they travel across the timelines to make out on tuesday evenings
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
haunted by the time joshua said his favorite chinese dish is orange chicken from panda express whilst looking junhui dead in the eyes
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he was born a menace
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ask-jamessunderland · 22 days
Welcome to Tumblr, James! What are your thoughts on Cheryl Mason?
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We bumped into each other once in therapy- I kept getting my days mixed up. I was never good at keeping up with that stuff.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 14 days
An Obagiyuu ficlet gift for you. Obanai rested his head against the pillar. His legs dangled over the patio and Giyuu’s head laid in his lap. He wasn’t sure when they started this. A few months ago they were running through training drills and Giyuu ended up bruising Obanai’s ribs. 
The Snake Pillar begrudgingly allowed Giyuu to help him up and then walk to his Estate. Obanai tried to wave him off, but the idiot couldn’t read body language. He was even worse than himself. Giyuu found Obanai’s kitchen and made him a cup of green tea. Sanemi was the only one besides Obanai to use his kitchen. Giyuu served him tea and then stayed. Obanai drank the tea and found himself studying the other pillar’s face. 
Obanai always thought of him as rat faced due to his pinched brows and narrow eyes. Except now, he recognized the beauty. Giyuu had fine, graceful features. The bluest eyes that reminded Obanai of the ocean’s depths. They drew him in like a siren. 
Giyuu stayed the night. It started out friendly, but each time they hung out they broke a physical barrier. Hands brushing against each, grabbing an elbow to support the other. Slowly building up to walking side by side, pinkies held together. 
Then after a particularly horrible mission, Giyuu sought Obanai out and hugged him. At first, Obanai had been stunned and his heart hammered. Before he thought too much, he pulled down his bandages and kissed the Water Pillar. 
The blue eyed beauty froze and Obanai pulled away. He misread the situation and turned. His face heated up. Giyuu placed his hand under Obanai’s jaw and forced him to look up. His eyes shimmered and his lips found Obanai’s. He took his time and pushed Obanai against the wall. His fingers dug into Obanai’s hip and he groaned into the kiss. 
No thoughts went into their actions as they shed their clothes and hands wandered experimentally. Neither knew what they were doing, so there was quite a bit of fumbling. Since then they had time to figure out what they liked. Giyuu, strangely enough, took the lead, which allowed Obanai to relax. 
Now, Obanai ran his hand through Giyuu’s soft black hair. He leaned down and kissed Giyuu’s brow. Who knew how long they would have together. Maybe a year or maybe a few days. For now though, Obanai would enjoy these easy mornings with his lover. 
why did it take me so long to see this
giyuus a pretty lil rat he cant help it (hes so obanais type)
ok sorta unrelated but i love the lil plat!saneoba boop there (im sorry for mentioning this in obagiyuu im braindead)
BUT THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER m gonna like send ths post to msyeflf for easier access to read again ggghdhfjjgrn i love them so much obagiyuu my beloveds please they deserve the world (and each other)
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what is the story of you and violet like how did you start and how did it reach to where it did, of course only if you’re comfortable. ( i’m not trying to mock you or make fun of it, ik what you went through but since you said anything personal, i have wanted to know this. i’m interested in things which are none of my business. i pray im not sounding rude, i really want to come of as nicely as i can, but i can’t)
whole story below the cut, there’s a tldr at the end bc i added a load of unnecessary details. js brace its kind of a long one.
so we met when i was 12 and he was 15. i remember it was june 2020. i didn’t like him at first—got sort of a weird vibe. but then i got to know him more and, by september-ish, he became one of my best friends. by november, i thought of myself as having a crush on him (i didnt know i was aroace at the time) but i never made a move bc he was dating one of my friends, lets call her jude. we talked pretty much every day. i had to leave our friend group for safety reasons but he was my source of contact with the rest of my friends. i think we mainly talked on discord at the time?
flash forward to new years eve of 2020, and something happens. i’ll spare you the details, but needless to say my devices got confiscated. i still remembered his discord id, so i got my best friend to msg him and tell him what happened. i also got my favorite cousin to do the same, so he’d have two ways of talking to me.
keep in mind, my best friend and cousin both had it in their minds that i had a crush on him, so they’d both try to get him to like me. in june i think he broke up w jude. my cousin was also in regular contact with jude on instagram, so i got to msg jude at some point after the breakup and i distinctly remember her saying she’d be okay if i dated him but she personally was so unhappy w him. i didnt get that, but i think i later did
years pass w barely any contact. december 2022, i start dating someone else. january 2023, i realize i chose the absolute worst person and i break things off. then april 2023, i manage to get in contact w violet. we start dating the next day. (here he’s told me that he’s genderqueer he/she, but later he denied this)
i talked to him anytime i could and he'd send selfies a lot. i was scared about my parents so i asked him not to. he'd do it anyway. i didnt ask him to stop after that
he wasn’t necessarily a bad boyfriend, i js didnt rlly feel. idk. special? i’d make playlists for him and send voice recordings whispering “i love you” in arabic but i never got any of that back ig. the first few weeks were the best but after that? nothing. i’d send pics and he’d call me pretty and hot and say he’s so lucky to have me. later i found out he called every girl pretty when he’d see a pic of her.
i self-harmed for the first time when i was with him. what he did was ask me to send a pic of it so he could check if its bad. i told him i was suicidal. i dont remember what he said.
and then came june 15th, 2023. what a day. i talked to him at like midnight my time. i remember the last thing he asked was for me to send a selfie so he could show me off to his friend.
then my mom found out. and i was so scared of her getting angry at me that i downed 16 pills and got rushed to the hospital.
my mom didnt get angry. but my devices were confiscated again. and i couldnt talk to him. keep in mind, he knew i was suicidal. i was expecting some kind of response from him through my best friend because he was still talking to her at the time, but i didnt hear anything. instead, nine days after i tried to kill myself, on the 24th of july, he broke up with me. 
i didn’t blame him. when your suicidal gf ghosts you for nine days ofc you’re gonna wanna move on. it’s not his fault. i js felt kind of lonely, yknow? on the 30th i managed to log into my acc to talk to him, to explain everything, n all i saw was a breakup msg. i dunno.
in october-ish of 2023, i managed to get thru to him. i explained everything. he didnt give much of a response, but he did ask if we could keep talking. i said sure. we did keep talking and i invited him to tumblr bc i had more of a presence here than anywhere else. when my mom confiscated tumblr in november, i continued talking to him on google chat
in february 2024 he was my valentine js bc we were both single and alone and we thought itd be fun. i wrote him a letter. he didnt make me anything but its fine. you get the idea we were getting closer again
by this point i realized i wasnt receiving the amount of love i deserve, and i was kind of sad bc he’s not a muslim and i am, so we couldn’t get married, therefore we wouldnt have a future together (i’m the kind of person who wouldn’t have a relationship w someone if it won’t lead to anything in the long-term). he told me he wouldn’t become a muslim or study islam for me, so i respected that. i wouldnt forcibly convert him. but i also acknowledged that i couldn’t be w someone who’s not a muslim, so i asked him to stop talking to me. he said okay.
he’d still reblog stuff and send me asks—he even asked me to write a poem about him for my follower event. but around that time i had kind of been getting drained from exams and i didnt want boy problems on top of that, so i asked him to stop all contact w me. he respected that, as far as i know. he wished for me to have a nice life. i wished the same for him. and i blocked him. i havent talked to him since then at all, i dont think
so yeah. kind of lengthy story thats a whole load of nothing. i dont want you to go bother him about this. he was my friend before being my boyfriend, and he was with me during a dark time in my life. i respect him and i ask for you to please not send hate towards him. think what you will, just dont bother him. i’d be happy to answer anything else, but i think i js about covered everything.
tldr; we met when i was 12 and he was 15. we dated starting when i had just turned 15 and he was almost 18. he broke up with me after i attempted sewerslide. we continued talking for a while after reconnecting but i cut him off again last feb for religious reasons and we havent talked much since.
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hannahscomet · 2 months
fav billie fits?? :D
hmmm idk maybe anything w sports jerseys
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i meannnnn maybe it's js the sports girlie in me talking idk but they're so 😋😋😋😋😋
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causticsunshine · 10 months
anne sharing her stance as neutral on the genocide through multiple of her instagram stories certainly doesn't help my opinion about this whole staying quiet thing. very disappointed but not surprised.
i literally saw this one this morning (screengrab via @/spacecowboysue on twitter):
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(edit: i’m about to get properly irate here but my anger isn’t just aimed at her, it’s at everyone taking similar pages out of her book by claiming neutrality and calling for ‘peace’ and essentially playing I Pretend I Do Not See in this situation; there is no reason or excuse for anyone who claims to want ‘peace’ here to be playing the so-called neutral card anymore.)
like okay, what the fuck is a STATUE going to do? and reconcile what—nearly a century of systematic occupation and genocide pushed and backed by numerous western countries, including her own? yeah, i’m sure a fucking statue is going to just, y’know, poof all the palestinians’ past and active trauma away, rebuild all the rubbled homes and cultural centers and other buildings, regrow the natural flora and heal the traumatized and dying animals and bring back the desecrated olive orchards, rain down clean water and fresh food from the sky… oh and bring back all their martyred dead!
and on top of the fucking insult that it is to still be standing for ‘neutrality’ and just wanting ‘peace’ between an oppressive nation state committing apartheid and the peoples of an actual country continually being terrorized for existing in their own homeland, calling it the ‘palestine israel conflict’? no one has ANY valid excuse anymore to belittle a continual siege as a ‘conflict’, like it’s a fucking playground spat.
and perhaps besides the point a bit, but on top of all that—anne will let the public call her son a slag (since he was a CHILD), a cheater, a womanizer, a queerbaiter AND a zionist, but the second anyone’s come for his bald head? oh, now that’s just too much now!
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so today alone, she can make a post and a story calling out people making fun of or talking about her nearly 30 year old child shaving his head, but the best she can do in terms of addressing ongoing genocide that over 290 british MPs voted no on a ceasefire towards, is making a story post implicating her further neutrality and whittling the situation down to being ‘fixed’ with that ugly ass fucking statue?
and for anyone who wants to jump down my throat or go after anyone else talking about this with claims of ‘well you don’t know what she’s doing or saying in private’ or getting mad we upset harry’s mummy—i think sharing this shit publicly tells you whereabouts she’s at on things! she posted 3 separate stories about some fucking boots she recently purchased or was given through sponsorship (tbh i wasn’t arsed to check the detail, all i saw was the same pic like 3 times on her available IG story) and a few others about some ted talk she attended and meeting the speaker there, then one about harry’s hair, and then made an actual POST about his hair and tagged it with TPWK….
she HAS a platform. she has over 2.8 million instagram followers alone. and this is what she chooses to prioritize, to push. there really is no excuse anymore, especially when you’re from one of the countries continually backing israel and voting no on intervening with their despicable terror! there are resources EVERYWHERE including constant updates on gaza, debunkings on the lies western and israeli propaganda are spreading, insights into the entirety of the apartheid, information on palestinian culture and values, on the true history of israel, holy books… what excuse is there to really be had at this point besides blatantly prioritizing your own comfort over the lives of thousands of occupied and terrorized and murdered people?
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dreamofstarlight · 19 days
do you think Jack Schlossberg wants to get married at some point? If yes I volunteer to be his wife
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This seems to be a popular question lol
I don’t really know if he’s ever explicitly said he wants kids. I would assume he wants both but I can’t say for sure. Personally I don’t think he’s in a rush for either but you never know, he seems to try to keep his personal life guarded!
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jack-kellys · 24 days
18 and 19 for the hot-takes ask game???
k i'm gonna mix it up and have ensemble answers for these two
gimme some numbers and i'll. I'LL
18. literally CRIMINAL the fandom has been sleeping on...
contrary to what i said abt bill and darcy being useless and usurping two posts ago. i think they should be in EVERY modern au. i think they could be an interesting like....not quite a delanceys mirror for kath but kind of? they r rich young men and she's a rich young woman and there is nuance to that in the way they get treated..... a la the delanceys being exactly a singular peg up from the newsies and they r also treated differently based on what jobs they take and how they treat others. u see what i mean. kath has difficulty connecting with her home and those practices and it'd be interesting if more than just her dad was the reason.
19. kinda mad that i actually like.....
not real mad frfr but for a while i was the mutual that didn't care for racetrack and now i fucking love that guy lmao. i think people's take on him is better than what it used to be by a bit. point to fandom actually. also i love splasher. i KNOW he kinda replaced smalls. i know. but u had to be there
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mattslolita · 3 months
it’s funny how you change ur pfp to chris right as you say you might be entering your matt era 😭😭
STOPPPPP not u catchin me lackin...
i swear i'm a die hard chris girl, but matt js been doin his thang lately 😭
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
they recorded this for you
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ur absolutely right they did and they did it to get me to go back to them ^^
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blueiight · 2 years
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Coming slowly to know his evil, or being catapulted into it ... was all the same. I wanted none of it finally. And, deserving nothing better, I closed up like a spider in the flame of a match. And even Armand who was my constant companion, and my only companion, existed at a great distance from me, beyond that veil which separated me from all living things, a veil which was a form of shroud. (IWTV, 1976)
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kirexa · 5 months
Kiri, *poking with a stick* Kiri what do you think about lasting injuries after overblots??
Anon a non OW I js got outta da shower don poke me :<
AND OH MY GOODNESS??? I adore that actually. I love it when blorbo bleebus suffers a lil.
Riddle whose hands and arms hurt because. I dunno I'm projecting. Leona mostly hiding his pain, but he only ever sleeps on his back or his left side. Azul genuinely relying on his cane, not just for looks anymore. The only reason anyone can tell is because he uses it outside his dorm uniform now. Jamil who genuinely has to take a hiatus on basketball because he's sore in all the wrong spots. Vil who always seems to be brewing extra health potions.
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yarnacle · 6 months
I think I'm the only one here who doesn't get why the new cast members are so over-hyped. I love them too and they are great. But their fans need to chill sometimes.
omg hey anon whats up
idk if im the right person to send this ask to because i 0/10 do not care !! in the politest way possible like. you like who you like !! your blorbos are your blorbos, scream and cry over them as much as you wish !! the only time i take issue with this is when it gets excessive to the point of an unhealthy parasocial relationship and getting mad at other fans for not liking them, or if it affects the person themselves :)
ive not been a smosh fan for long but im p sure the new cast is amanda chanse angela trevor and arasha, and that's a good amount of people !! theyre also in videos more often than say like. idk keith or olivia so it makes sense if there's more content around them, and you're going to get more hyped abt smthn new rather than smthn that's been around for a while, not to. use sort of objectifying(?) words but idk how else to word it im sorry kjfha
but yeah i mean i dont really care, i think you can like what/who you like so long as it's not negatively impacting anyone :) i can understand the frustration with not seeing content for your favs though !!
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urgrossdaughter · 7 months
just wanted to let you know im going to be cumming to your audio in like 2 seconds your wet pussy sounds and moaning is divine! Thank you for being such a little slut.
OMGNSGSH everytime i get asks like this im like😫 ur welcome💗
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petwifed · 10 months
hii sorry if this is like super random feel free to ignore this but do you have any tips for a first time blogger? :D like themes for a pinned/where to start/how to make a masterlist, etc. i've been a tumblr lurker for the longest but i wanna start posting but i was like i have no idea what i'm doing HELP
omg these r da big girl asks…. grgrgrhh);&/! .. long kind of answer below
ANYWAY. as a previous lurker myself i can only tell u wat i did cuz m not good with advice😭 for theme / pinned i looked and took inspo from blogs i follow with aesthetics i like, and js searched Pinterest for images & stuff! i used to make carrds so i js looked up carrd’s themes of my desired aesthetic and took pngs/layout inspo … wat i can say is that other blogs wit cute themes r my biggest inspo!!! but Pls b careful bc people on tumblr r sooo sensitive abt themes & pics on here evn when it’s not that serious T_T !!!
and onto like.. masterlists & junk i don’t write on tumblr only ao3 so idk abt dat ! i think there’s a tutorial on here somewhere tho ? the best thing u can do for ur self is make tags!!! it’s smth i regret not tagging stuff so i can find it easier but i slowly eased my way into tagging my own posts. But i RLLY wished i tagged my rbs bc i lost a lot of good stuff….
u can start out wit like rbs with tags & stuffs !! like little snippets of ideas, short stories & stuff of js scenarios or something … n’ an easy way to grow ur blog is to post popular / well known / liked stuff first!! & then ease into wat u rlly wanna write yk? i recently reached a 100 followrs (a lot 2 me) && it’s mostly from my cod / leon stuff & at first tht wasn’t even the main thing on my blog !!! anyways anon i hoped this helped m’ not that good with advice ^_^ thank u 4 askin me !!!!!
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