#jrwi poketide
burning-sol Β· 1 year
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once again sol tries to do a cool pokemon au sketch and gets obliterated within .2 seconds. what is this. help.
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sugarepoxy Β· 1 year
Obsessed with these riptide aus that ive been discovering recently. Specifically, poketide by @burning-sol and black rose kids by @quek-a-sketch both of them are SUCH COOL CONCEPTS and im so utterly tempted to draw fanart of both
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus Β· 4 months
Wanna see what these aus about? See the summaries and check the tags for the posts! I reblog every piece of propaganda I'm @'d in!
Sunrise AU
Tangled / Poketide
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burning-sol Β· 1 year
btw i just thought of this now. initially i assigned gillion an aegislash just straight up and didnt really think about it like "oh theyve been through training and know each other so i guess that checks out".. but thinking about poketide, spreading out evolutions is obviously good to help with pacing and mark milestones. so here's the thought now.
gillion STILL has a honedge when he joins the story, and they evolve into doublade episode 15 which coincicides with gillion's growth as he develops a better understanding of the world (also there was a sword fight like yeah its fitting). HOWEVER, to evolve into an aegislash you need a dusk stone. i think it'd be reasonable to say they dont rlly have much of those in the undersea, or at least they hadnt thought to give gillion one, so how is his pokemon going to evolve??? well i propose that doublade evolves episode *73* in tandem with when gillion makes the oath of vengence... i feel like its such a noteworthy moment for gillion AND the magical effects charlie describes are as follows "..and you see as the sparkles around him- this funny, zanny, quirky pixie dust starts to turn into almost a charcoalish colour-" <- that seems like adequate dusk stone vibes to me.
btw jay's fletchinder has evolved into talonflame episode 100. i've decided. she has her wings, she fights her dad, not to mention we shortly after find out abt ava!!! like ALL the important ferin things happened. it's too fucking big of a milestone that she doesnt get her massive bird. congratulations jay ferin, bird!! its so cute they can fly side by side now :')
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burning-sol Β· 1 year
oh yeah. btw. when i was drawing. in my rendition of poketide, gillion has basically had kingdra since he was really really small, and it was regarded as one of the few times as a child where he really managed to step up and sort of embody what he's meant to be? but the kingdra actually was just a pokemon who looked at the tiny not very well treated child and adopted him. kingdra is older than gillion and i didnt quite realise HOW big kingdra was, but searching it up for drawing... kingdra is 5'11β€³ (180cm), which makes it even TALLER than gillion at his tallest. and that's a height i dont use so gillion is like 5'1" (154cm). kingdra rlly does just look like gillion's poke parent, its so silly.
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burning-sol Β· 2 years
hey. poketide (is that what it’s called?) ollie with a rockruff or yamper, finn with a crawdaunt that hits like a truck and lizzie with a garchomp (sorry if this is overstepping or anything, it’s just that i really like pokemon and riptide so yea)
I have not touched the au in ages it's free game baby. Also I WOULD DIE FOR FINN WITH CRAWDAUNT LIKE UM??? HELLO???? YES PLEASE!!!
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus Β· 4 months
Wanna see what these aus about? See the summaries and check the tags for the posts! I reblog every piece of propaganda I'm @'d in!
Tangled angelstone AU
Poketide AU
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus Β· 5 months
Wanna see what these aus about? See the summaries and check the tags for the posts! I reblog every piece of propaganda I'm @'d in!
Sunshine au
Poketide au
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus Β· 5 months
Wanna see what these aus about? See the summaries and check the tags for the posts! I reblog every piece of propaganda I'm @'d in!
Apotheosis wattpad mafia AU
Poketide AU
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burning-sol Β· 5 months
In case it needs to be made clear, I appreciate you voting for my other AUs but I'm 100% more invested in Eldritchstrings, Wight as Bonez and the Canary AU winning the battle-of-the-jrwi-aus. If Poketide makes it through I just wanna apologise to all parties involved.
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battle-of-the-jrwi-aus Β· 6 months
Creator: @burning-sol
Links: au tag, animation
Riptide x Pokemon but *I* have the most based takes about it. Girl don't look at those other AUs, I have the best iteration.
Additional Propaganda
Okay so you can check the #jrwi poketide <- that tag if you wanna see shit. It's not fully developed but like here are some of my fav bits.
I have pokeball lore!!! It's actually pretty different to canon pokemon, so I just wanna shout it out. Jay Ferin has traditional pokeballs that grow and shrink and have the symbol of her family because they're custom made for the Ferins. Chip has older pokeballs he recieved as hand downs that do NOT work that good and don't adjust in size <- this is like a cheaper and more common pokeball, they're made from acorns. Gillion has undersea pokeballs that can hold multiple pokemon and are based on like shells? Which helps explain his much larger team of pokemon. And you should totally check out this underrated lil' video of mine that shows off how they look when used. (https://burning-sol.tumblr.com/post/695164166727663616) But yeah, basically they got some greater implications to themz.
ALSO FUCK STANDARD POKEMON TEAMZ. I don't wanna be rude but this is a bracket so I just wanna say, these bitches teams reflect something about them down to just how many pokemon they use. Jay has less pokemon because she's more rigid and deathly unsure about what she's meant to do with herself. Chip has a ragtag found family team, a lot of them very silly additions. Gillion has WAY too many pokemon, and he doesn't rlly follow the unspoken "6 pokemon battle" rule because he is a bad bitch!! Let Gillion have like 4 corsola btw, I think he's allowed to be high key obsessed with them and looking after them. (BTW pokemon fight alongside their trainers they arent separate battlez, just want you to know)
Pokemon highlights:
Jay and Eevee "Eevee was a pokemon she inhereted from her family. She was given a firestone to eventually evolve them into a Flareon but she hasn't done it on her journey yet. Jay thought that she was just procrastinating at first but as time goes on she's starting to realise she hasn't followed through because that's not what she wants for her Eevee or for her." And I have considered drawing a custom evolution for Eevee because that'd be so cool.
Chip and Bonsley "Chip stole this house plant. I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean-" He accidentally took a pokemon he mistook for a houseplant.
Chip and Sableye "Chip is so distressed that Gillion is throwing all their money away just wait until he realises his pokemon is eating it too. He genuinely has no fucking clue what this thing is."
Gillion and many magikarp "Gillion has a collection of Magikarp (all on the smaller side) he looks after so that one day they will evolve into big strong Gyarados. :) Jay and Chip did not understand why Gillion was collecting these Pokemon until one of them evolved on the journey with them and they're just, "WAIT THAT'S WHAT THEY EVOLVE INTO??" Gillion thought they knew."
...and Chip spinoff of above story "Funny side story, you remember Gillion and all those Magikarp? Well Gillion suggested that Chip help look after them and Chip found a Magikarp he fucking ADORED. He was feeding them! He was chatting with them! They were BESTIES!!! And then the Magikarp evolved but it didn't want to go back into the sea, they wanted to stay with Chip. Chip has a Gyarados because Gillion convinced him to look after a Magikarp and Chip decided they were the best Magikarp ever. I hope that makes you happy."
Gillion and Seadra "gillion has basically had kingdra since he was really really small, and it was regarded as one of the few times as a child where he really managed to step up and sort of embody what he's meant to be? but the kingdra actually was just a pokemon who looked at the tiny not very well treated child and adopted him. kingdra is older than gillion and i didnt quite realise HOW big kingdra was, but searching it up for drawing... kingdra is 5'11β€³ (180cm), which makes it even TALLER than gillion at his tallest. and that's a height i dont use so gillion is like 5'1" (154cm). kingdra rlly does just look like gillion's poke parent, its so silly." Seadra adopted gillion you guys.
Gillion and honedge "gillion STILL has a honedge when he joins the story, and they evolve into doublade episode 15 which coincicides with gillion's growth as he develops a better understanding of the world (also there was a sword fight like yeah its fitting). HOWEVER, to evolve into an aegislash you need a dusk stone. ... i propose that doublade evolves episode *73* in tandem with when gillion makes the oath of vengence... i feel like its such a noteworthy moment for gillion AND the magical effects charlie describes are as follows "..and you see as the sparkles around him- this funny, zanny, quirky pixie dust starts to turn into almost a charcoalish colour-" <- that seems like adequate dusk stone vibes to me."
also gillion has an Omanyte and Kabuto that he was given as a child that hate him because they think he's a disappointment i love when pokemon trauma <3
so that's a lot anyways MY pokemon au is the MOST fucking based PLEASE believe me
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burning-sol Β· 1 year
Can i submit the poketide AU to the jrwi au tournament? I think its very swag
ye :>
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burning-sol Β· 3 years
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Last Updated: 19th October, 2022
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80+ #just roll with it
55 + #jrwi riptide 50+ #gillion tidestrider , 10+ #jay ferin , 10+ #chip lastname , 5+ #niklaus hendrix
6+ #jrwi apotheosis 15+ #jrwi exandroth , 10+ #peter sqloint , 10+ #jrwi rumi
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65+ #jrwi eldritchstrings , #eldritchstrings jrwi , #jrwi miraclevessel , #miraclevessel jrwi
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burning-sol Β· 2 years
OKAY SO HELLO. I decided I am going to give my own shot at making pokemon teams for the Albatrio because I can (I was going to add the God Slayers too but it's getting to the half an hour mark, I'm going to post as it). TO BE CLEAR they still do their own fighting DnD style but the pokemon are an extra layer on top of it.
I referenced this post by @enderspawn and this post by @colestyle because I wanted to see other people's takes and... Honestly? Some of your choices I wouldn't have immediately thought of, glad I consulted these.
Gillion Tidestrider
Okay so first of all Gillion doesn't follow the six pokemon only rule at all. Gillion has MANY pokemon and they will come and go as they please- hell some of them he's never even fit into a pokeball before!! If he's forced to he will pick six pokemon to fight with but if you think he's going to be curteous with villains??? SORELY mistaken, they will recieve NO mercy from Gillion Tidestrider and they WILL get pummelled by ALL of Gillion's pokemon.
Shellos: Enderspawn is correct this is Pretzel, Gillion's first pokemon, and she will not evolve because she's beloved. She doesn't get into fights a lot, but she will hold her own if required. Not much to say cause look at her, she's precious!!!
Aegislash: Yes enderspawn is correct about this one too. I was originally thinking Gillion would have an entire water-type ensemble but Aegislash really does just fit him as a paladin. Aegislash is the one pokemon Gillion will ALWAYS bring to a fight. They're duty bound and when they fight it's almost like they're one unit, you forget that they're actually separate creatures.
Omanyte and Kabuto: These two along with Aegislash were the pokemon Gillion was given during training. However UNLIKE Aegislash these two do NOT work well with him. They don't like the way Gillion handles himself and hold contempt towards him because he's not competent enough to have gotten them to the stage of evolution yet. The relationship with these two got worse after Gillion got banished, they view him as an embarrassment. They're very picky about what times they'll help Gillion and what times they won't, but when they're not spitting water in his face they are two great assets to his team. Even if they don't listen to him he still always chooses them as part of a six pokemon team should the time arise. Yeah just don't mind all the trauma and shame that's attached to these two, it's fine. :)
Kingdra: Colestyle has Kingdra written down HARD AGREE. Kingdra loves Gillion sooo much I think that Kingdra might actually be older than him. You might be under the impression that Gillion got this pokemon because he's such a skilled trainer but actually this pokemon just looked at him and became his pokemon parent. This Kingdra straight up looked at him and ADOPTED him, do you understand?? I need you to understand how important this is to me. Everyone thought it was quite impressive when he showed off the Kingdra he'd caught but little did they know baby Gillion didn't do shit, he was just adopted by a pokemon.
Starmie, Kingler, Cloyster, Seaking, Azumarill, Slowbro, Quagsire, Clawitzer: These are some other pokemon that Gillion would bring into a pokemon battle. They are homies.
Wailord: One of Gillion's oldest friends! Gillion always wondered what happened to this Wailmer after getting banished... Until one day they're a Wailord and have stopped by to say hello to the Albatrio!! They will pop by and greet them now and again but they're obv too big to follow Gillion around everywhere. They are friends.
Several schools of Finneon: "Hey guys can I have directions to the nearest island??" Gillion has clout amongst the Finneon.
Poliwag, Seel, Mudkip: These lil' guys don't do much fighting but they don't need to, they're fine just the way they are.
Around 4x Corsola: Jay and Chip have to actively fight to stop Gillion from bringing more of them on board. He can't help it he loves all the coral... To satiate the fish they have allowed him around 4x corsola, maybe 5x if he's lucky. He loves them to death and they are absolutely VIBRANT with health. Whenever he sees an unwell Corsola he starts sobbing.
A ridiculous amount of Magikarp: Gillion has a collection of Magikarp (all on the smaller side) he looks after so that one day they will evolve into big strong Gyarados. :) Jay and Chip did not understand why Gillion was collecting these Pokemon until one of them evolved on the journey with them and they're just, "WAIT THAT'S WHAT THEY EVOLVE INTO??" Gillion thought they knew.
Jay Ferin
Jay has the least amount of pokemon and they're quite the strict team. Gillion and Chip have tried to get Jay to loosen up a little but it took a VERY long time for Jay to add a fourth pokemon to her team. She did a lot of fretting over what pokemon she thought SHOULD be on her team - the thought has always left her paralysed from the constant fear that what pokemon she chose wouldn't be good enough for her family's standards. As time goes on she'll learn to relax a bit more about it.
Eevee: Eevee was a pokemon she inhereted from her family. She was given a firestone to eventually evolve them into a Flareon but she hasn't done it on her journey yet. Jay thought that she was just procrastinating at first but as time goes on she's starting to realise she hasn't followed through because that's not what she wants for her Eevee or for her. Eevee gets as unsure and worried as Jay does, they've grown up almost entirely side by side and Eevee has seen Jay at some of her lowest moments.
Fletchinder: Enderspawn is correct again. Flitchinder was the first pokemon she ever caught herself! It was quite the difficult fight with the Fletchling but she eventually caught it and it has to be one of THE moments in her life. They've been inseperable ever since (and they both have yet to reach their full potential)!!!
Mawile: I agree with colestyle. This pokemon was a very tough catch for Jay too, though she caught Mawile when she was older. Jay had taken a lot of time to think and consider what pokemon she wanted, eventually deciding she wanted a Mawile on her team. Her decision may have been influenced in part by her sister INTERPRET THAT AS YOU WILL-
Kricketot: This definitely wasn't a pokemon Jay thought she'd ever pick to be on her team but here we are!! They originally came across them at Loffinlot and Jay couldn't stop thinking about them ever since apparently. One day she told Chip and Gillion she was going somewhere, walked off, then came back with this little guy! Gillion is still trying to process his bug related trauma he was not emotionally prepared for Jay to pick this pokemon.
Chip Lastname
Chip did not fight a single one of his pokemon to catch them, they all were additions of their own free will. When he was younger he probably didn't even know about the concept, Arlin was the one that gave him the pokemon how-to. Pointed to the pokemon following Chip and gave him a pokeball, "Hey, I think that pokemon may as well be yours by this point. You should probably put them in a pokeball." Chip's team is definitely a strange mashup but with a bit of insane strategising Chip makes it work. He has nowhere near as many pokemon as Gillion but it is a bigger than standard team (he can't control who becomes a part of the found family leave him alone).
Mimikyu: What can I say enderspawn is just fucking correct again. These two just want some affection please they're trying their best. :( Don't make me imagine a young Chip cuddling this lil' guy. Anyhow Mimikyu is Chip's first pokemon.
Chatot: Are you KIDDING me, colestyle is obviously right and Chip WOULD have a Chatot. They do shitty impersonations all the time, please make them shut up.
Whismur: You are SO small and you're going to evolve into yet another loud and obnoxious pokemon it's going to be hell.
Nidoran: Enderspawn... You're very correct. Give him... Give him small thing...... Give him small.....
Bonsley: Chip stole this house plant. I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean-
Cubone: Thanks colestyle. Let's not think about this one too much and what it means for Chip.
Absol: Thanks enderspawn. Let's not think about this one too much and what it means for Chip.
Flaafy: Lamb that will evolve into big lighthouse (thank you enderspawn).
Sableye: Chip is so distressed that Gillion is throwing all their money away just wait until he realises his pokemon is eating it too. He genuinely has no fucking clue what this thing is.
Gyarados: Funny side story, you remember Gillion and all those Magikarp? Well Gillion suggested that Chip help look after them and Chip found a Magikarp he fucking ADORED. He was feeding them! He was chatting with them! They were BESTIES!!! And then the Magikarp evolved but it didn't want to go back into the sea, they wanted to stay with Chip. Chip has a Gyarados because Gillion convinced him to look after a Magikarp and Chip decided they were the best Magikarp ever. I hope that makes you happy.
Other Albatrio Pokemon
Swablu: Enderspawn has an excellent pick for Apple but I don't think they're solely Gillion's and I don't think they're quick at the stage of being evolved yet. They just hang around the Albatrio for a yet to be defined reason.
Anyways that is my list and you should reblog because I am correct about everything. /j
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burning-sol Β· 2 years
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Here are the albatrio pokemon teams I assigned while stooped in a sickly mental fog. Oh two of Gillion's pokemon seem to HATE his guts, I wonder what that's about... Surely nothing important.
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burning-sol Β· 2 years
chip: hang on guys just- just gimmie a minute *bites at the latch trying to open the pokeball*
jay and gillion: *watching chip awkwardly*
Description underneath the cut.
[ID: A short sketchy animation of the Albatrio (JRWI: Riptide) sending out their pokemon. Jay pulls a shrunken pokeball from her side that rapidly grows before she throws it, flames swirling from it and blasting from the ground in an eruption of fire, the silhouette of a pokemon in the center. The frame zooms in as the flame disperses, showing Mawile looking confident. Gillion pans across the screen holding his pokeball between his two hands, before his eyes glow and electricity crackles around him. We zoom in on his hands as they part and water flows out of the pokeball, the camera following. It transitions to splash onto the ground, the last of the water flowing away to show an Azumarill. It shakes off the water drenching it and beams with joy. Chip is shown hunched over and squints as he fidgets with the pokeball's latch trying to open it. He rears up and bites the latch with his teeth, suprised at the pokeball suddenly shooting out a beam to the right and propelling the pokeball to the left. The frame changes to show the beam hitting the wall and Bonsley hitting it in turn as it's summoned, dazed by the impact. A little bubble appears showing Chip's worried reaction.]
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