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acircusfullofdemons · 1 year ago
GARNET - Are there gods? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Eternal Labyrinth is FULL of Gods/Deities! Arcadia has the most by default, obviously, but Earth I & Earth IV have a handful, too. Warning, this got...a lot longer than I thought it would 😅
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Earth I
Theia Mortimer — goddess of death
Vitalus Zoticus — god of life
Eloise Jekyll — first angel
Ketrill Hyde — first demon
Josephine "Fifi" Allaway — goddess of time
Emory Warwick — god of space & knowledge
Lucien Jekyll — goddess of order/harmony
Vincent Hyde — god of chaos
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Earth IV
Prism — mother of the 7 Emotional Deities, encompasses all emotions
Ares — deity of anger
Hermes — deity of greed
Phobos — deity of fear (+ Harvest aka Harlow Spade, who becomes the new goddess of fear at...some point)
Hercules — deity of determination
Pandora — deity of hope
Eleos — deity of compassion
Aphrodite — deity of love
There's also the 7's first followers & partners:
Orion Guerrero aka The Butcher
Edwin Kramer aka The Merchant
Aurelia Crowley aka The Witch
Cleo Barsotti aka The Hero
Silas Roux aka The Hopeful
Grace Lovatt aka The Merciful
Amanda Lovatt aka The Lover
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Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Bytris (bye•tris) — god of technology. often confused for or replaced by vyris.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of destruction. associated with fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Direna — goddess of magic. associated with purple, demons, wolves.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy, Keeper of Constellations.
Elythia (el•ih•thiea) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits. commonly goes by “theia (mortimer)”.
Fifi — goddess of time. also referred to as Father Time, Josephine Allaway. has an apprentice, toby reynolds, who is often referred to/confused as the actual god of time. he is most well-known in Earth I/Wonderland and Neverland, mainly for never working properly.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations, marriage. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy. often confused for or replaces byrtis in some myths.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
There's other mythological figures & deities but this is just about the Gods + this post is long enough lmao
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gogogyarchive · 4 years ago
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w,what if we kissed, while holding hands op
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renaissance12woman · 3 years ago
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My first post here! I'm using this space for any and all interests. above are my three horses. First is Waterford Blu, who is bred from my previous FEI schoolmistress, Raphaela. The next dark bay is Casanova ( We call him Novi). He competes Intermediaire I with my trainer. Bottom photo is my new mare Joylena, barn name Joie. That’s me on all three. More to come!
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 years ago
alright. so i've been thinking about combining Calypso & Anthony into one para but im not 100% sure bc of their backstories.....
Calypso has 2 moms that are goddesses (Illulia, goddess of dreams & Joylena, goddess of celebrations) & a twin sister (Reverie, goddess of daydreaming). He would be the god of imagination, but instead he went to go join a circus, giving his powers to Reverie (making her both the goddess of daydreams and imagination). Long story short, he died in 1968 from a lion attack. He's now a Poltergeist.
Anthony, meanwhile, is third in line for the throne in Verona. He has an older brother (Merlin), an older sister (Seraphina), and a younger sister (Sybil). Because he's third in line, there's less responsibility / attention / pressure on him, making him pretty reckless sometimes. He's a Cambion (half-human, half-demon) that's almost fully Human thanks to genetics.
Anyway, both are hopeless romantics that are kinda overdramatic & tbh, Anthony still hasn't gotten that much development in all the time I've had him (really the only thing he has going for him is being trans & running away)...again I've thought about combining them but:
Cali is already royalty, Illulia is the queen of Sollita.
I can't really think of a way to mesh their backstories?? Cali has to be a Twin he's always gonna be a Twin. & run a Circus he's gotta do that, too.
If Cali was in Anthony's place then Rev wouldn't be able to be the goddess of daydreaming, which uh, is pretty important!
If Anthony didn't exist then the plotline of him running away wouldn't exist either.......n rn that's like. my only plot lmao (not as important, but still).
alright alright my thoughts are Messy lemme make this work:
The first 2 Morningstar Siblings (Merlin & Seraphina) are the same. Then comes in Calypso/Anthony (might need a name change??) & Reverie, followed by Sybil.
Calypso/Anthony & Rev are still related to Illulia, but Joylena - get this - rules Verona! You might be wondering "they're both women, how can they have biological kids?" may I remind you that they are goddesses. Illulia has the power to bring dreams to life, Joylena has....some related power (she's associated with trickery, homegirl can figure something out).
Does this mean the twins are related to the other Morningstar Siblings? ....kind of...??? I view them as half siblings, idk maybe Joylena has a lover that's the ruler of Verona (like. the biological ruler, from the royal family). idk lets just say its common for arcadian gods to be poly / take on multiple lovers.
Calypso still runs off to join DSC and....could that be the plot of S1?????? I'd have to. like. change some birthyears bc its originally supposed to take place during 1897-1968 (or, alternatively, the circus is just stuck in the Time Loop & Cali gets sucked in; OR it was founded in that time & has existed through generations. that means I'd have to make more paras or distribute them more,,,urgh,,,).
ok so i guess problem solved, now all that's left to do is rename Calypso/Anthony. Calypso Morningstar? Anthony Raymond? Or just. another name entirely...?????? Wait it would probably be Cali's name bc he lowkey gets adopted by Isaac Raymond. so like legally he's Calypso Morningstar but everyone knows him as Calypso Raymond. Then again Reverie's last name is Cenred so who gives a shit.
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gogogyarchive · 4 years ago
joylena meetup >>>> beeduo meetup
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gogogyarchive · 4 years ago
not to be dramatic or anything, but the fact that we work so well together and vibe so well together, is really comforting to me. you’re the first person i’ve felt totally in sync with in a hot second and i appreciate you so much. i know we joke a lot about our dnf arc but let’s be honest— the joylena arc is better 😑✋✋
love you, loser <3 i’m gonna go repair some gens now
JOY WAIT you said lovepost but i didn't know it'd be this sweet omg
ok genuinely i have no clue how we bonded this quick. it's been, what, two weeks? three? since we first started talking and we're already discussing meetups and are hanging on calls for 8+ hours and talking practically every damn moment of the day
you are just so safe and so fun to talk to i actually love you so much it feels like we've been best friends forever. i feel like i've known you for forever
that being said i do call dibs on being the no.1 joylena shipper 😤
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gogogyarchive · 4 years ago
guys i “think about this dick fucko’d” my way into elena’s heart /real /not clickbait 😌
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 years ago
Paracosm Page | Phantasmagoria Masterlist | Previous Lore Post
UNMO — The most common / popular branch. There is a very big emphasis / focus on 'Yin & Yang': opposite domains paired together (ex: day & night). The main gods they worship are Sola & Nynx.
ORPHICEAN — The most lax branch. It focuses on all the Gods, in instances where their domain is relevant. For example, if there was a storm, offerings would be made to Zerlo; when going to the beach, one would pray to Alcus; etc.
TISPA — Focuses on how Time & Space affect us, therefore, Elliott & Toby are the only ones worshiped. Worshipers will either frequent the planetarium where the gods reside as a church while those further away will set up an altar for the two, with items including but not limited to: an hourglass or clock, a star map, symbol of their zodiac, symbol of their childhood, the colors bronze & navy blue.
CULT OF RAPTURE — A cult that worships The Four Horsemen, four deities prophesied to cause the apocalypse one day.
OVIRUE — They solely worship The Sheppard from Puria Mythos. As such, the primary practitioners are Puria.
Gods in Phantasmagoria are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy.
Elythia (el•ith•ia) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Toby — god of time. also referred to as Father Time.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
The Sheppard — Often 'credited' with the creation of Deapreas, she is a very prominent figure in Puria / Demon Culture. She is often depicted as a female with white hair, black goat-like horns, and red eyes (if not covered by a hood or hair). Young children are often given gifts resembling her, as she's most commonly seen as a protector.
The Bard — A singer said to document the travels of Captain Theodore Montgomery.
Theodore Cornelius Roosevelt Montgomery III — His name is often shortened to Captain Theodore Montgomery. A pirate said to come from the Kai Tou clan, his myths / stories often include his various lovers, the most notable of which being the Kraken.
COROTA — The one said to set off Rapture Day, uniting the 4 horsemen & causing the apocalypse.
The Horsemen — The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Pestilence / Conquest, Famine, Death. The 4 of them are said to bring on the apocalypse & overtake the other gods.
Sins — The 7 Sins that will act as minor deities once the Horsemen take over.
Virtues — The 7 Virtues that act as minor deities once the Horsemen take over. They counteract the Sins & are the only hope of ending the apocalypse.
An Emrit is an animal Spirit that was created by the goddess Elythia. Their job / 'purpose' is to protect a specific Zaryis — really anyone that has a Soul. Most are only a passive presence in someone's life, only uniting with them when they enter The Beyond. Other Emrits are 'Awakened' during times of need. It's up to the Emrit on how involved they wish to be in someone's life.
A Guardian of Elysium (Guardian for short) is someone who has fused with their Emrit.
Due to fusing with a Spirit, they can only live in The Beyond.
They cannot die, but do have the option of transferring all their 'energy' / power / Soul, basically(?) to someone else, who will then take on their Guardian role.
Guardians names come from Greek Mythology (any mythos really but greek is most common bc. i was a percy jackson fan lmao). The first 12 Guardians were called The Olympians, as they were all named after the original 12 Olympians from Greek Mythos (Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon, Aries, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus, Demeter, Hestia / Dionysus).
Something bad happens when fusing with your Emrit fails but long story short: you get cursed!
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 years ago
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Very minor paras in the grand scheme of things, but I love them none the less <3 ok not really since they're part of their own paracosm (Fade into Insomnia) but I like never think about it or do anything with it so. yeah.
Anyway these 2 are Reverie & Lullaby! Rev is the goddess of daydreams & imagination. Lullaby is her son, the god of lullabies lol. They both live in Sollita, aka the kingdom of dreams.
Some miscellaneous fun facts under the cut
Rev has MaDD (ironically), one of her paras is named Lucid/Lucinda (whos technically the goddess of lucid dreams) & im sure she has more but idk who/what they are.
Lullaby really likes basil (both the spice & the human kfndksn i think I'm funny).
Reverie is a twin! Her brother is Calypso & he gave her his domain (Imagination) so he could join a circus.
At one point Lullaby turns Evil & that version of him is called Nightmare (yeah ik ik).
Lullaby is a very good singer!! Unfortunately, due to being the god of lullabies, his voice tends to put people to sleep pretty quickly. So, he doesn't sing much / mostly to himself.
I'll make an actual post about my paras family tree some day, but in reference to these 2: Reverie's moms / Lullabys grandmas are Illulia (goddess of dreams / nightmares) & Joylena (goddess of holidays & celebrations). Like I said before, Calypso is Rev's twin brother, so Rowan is her brother-in-law, & the triplets are Revs niblings / lullabys cousins. Reverie is also married to Anthony & Cyber, the 3 of them have a son together, Lux.
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gogogyarchive · 4 years ago
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this just in everyone, new joylena lore: she flirts by calling me stanky even though i smell like oranges, and hibiscus, and almond oil
new joy lore: she stonky ;-)
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