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Unveiling Your Radiance with Joy Johnson
Empowering Faith, Career, and Purpose with Unshakeable Confidence
Are you unveiling your radiance? In this episode, Joy Johnson enlightens us on unveiling your radiance through empowering faith, career and purpose with unshakeable confidence. She shares her personal experiences as a Christian and person of colour in the United Kingdom. She enlightens on the importance of understanding the purpose of what were are doing and how to stand out with confidence. “Be confident in who you are.” Thank you for joining me on this MIRROR TALK podcast journey. Kindly stay connected by subscribing or following on any platform. Please do not forget to leave a review and rating. Let us stay connected: https://linktr.ee/mirrortalkpodcast More inspiring episodes and show notes here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/podcast-episodes/ Your opinions, thoughts, suggestions and comments matter to us. Share them here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/your-opinion-matters/ Invest in us by becoming a Patreon. Support us by subscribing to one or more of the offerings that we have available at http://patreon.com/MirrorTalk Every proceeds will be used for improving the quality of our work and outreach. Just to serve you better. Get 20% off when you go to liquid-iv.com and use code mirrortalk at checkout. That’s 20% off ANYTHING you order when you shop for better hydration today using promo code mirrortalk at liquid-iv.com. Visit our shop for more details. About the Author
Joy is a Biomedical scientist within the healthcare sector. She has a passion for the development of children and young adults, both spiritually and mentally, building their God-given confidence to be the Light God has called them to be in the marketplace. In a world that often challenges our self-belief, cultivating unshakeable confidence has become vital for those seeking to harmonize faith, career, and purpose. This journey towards empowerment requires a deep understanding of oneself, a strong connection with one's faith, and a resolute commitment to personal growth. In this blog post, we'll delve into the transformative concept of unveiling your radiance through the integration of faith, career, and purpose, all while fostering unwavering confidence. Embrace Self-Discovery The first step towards achieving unshakeable confidence is to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Understanding your strengths, passions, and values will provide a solid foundation upon which to build your faith, career, and purpose. Self-awareness empowers you to make aligned decisions and set meaningful goals that resonate with your authentic self. Nurturing Faith Faith serves as a guiding light in our journey towards empowerment. Whether spiritual or personal, faith fuels our inner strength and resilience. By aligning our actions with our beliefs, we can cultivate a sense of purpose that goes beyond worldly success. Integrating faith into our everyday life empowers us to tackle challenges with grace and poise, fostering a sense of unshakeable confidence. Fueling Career Growth Confidence plays a pivotal role in career progression. We’re more likely to take calculated risks and seize opportunities when we believe in our abilities. By setting clear career goals and continuously improving our skills, we enhance our competence and boost our self-assurance. Embracing challenges becomes a way to unveil our radiance, showcasing our unique talents and strengths. Living with Purpose A life without purpose lacks direction and fulfilment. Unveiling your radiance requires aligning your actions with your life's purpose. This alignment infuses each endeavour with a sense of meaning, encouraging us to persevere even in the face of adversity. When we live purposefully, we emanate a special kind of confidence that stems from knowing we're contributing to something greater than ourselves. Cultivating Unshakeable Confidence Confidence isn't built overnight; it's a continuous practice. Embrace self-care, positive affirmations, and regular reflection to nurture your self-esteem. Surround yourself with a supportive community that uplifts your faith, career, and purpose. Remember that setbacks are opportunities for growth, and each step you take on this journey contributes to your unshakeable confidence. Conclusion Unveiling your radiance through the integration of faith, career, and purpose requires a commitment to self-discovery, a strong connection with your beliefs, and an unwavering dedication to personal growth. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that confidence is the cornerstone of your success. By aligning your faith, career, and purpose with an unshakeable belief in yourself, you'll radiate a unique and empowering light that uplifts your life and those around you. Read the full article
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EVERY DAY | Directed by Gabe Spitzer | ESPN 30 For 30 . #JoyJohnson 의 달리기와 삶에 관한 영상. 하루도 빠짐없이 매일 아침을 달리던 그녀의 달리기 철학을 섬세하게 조명한다. 매일 아침을 달리기 전, 그녀는 항상 커피 한잔을 마시며 운동화를 묶은 뒤 좋아하는 성경 구절을 읽는다. 그녀는 뉴욕마라톤을 완주할 때마다 다음날 열리는 TV쇼에 참가하였는데, 영상 후반부에는 뉴욕 마라톤 다음 날인 -사망 당일- 그녀의 인터뷰 장면이 나온다. 조이 존슨의 #자신의달리기 가 품고 있는 순수한 땀과 건강한 기운을 되새기며, 새롭게 달려보자. . Each morning, Joy Johnson would rise before dawn, pour a cup of coffee, lace up her running shoes and read a passage from the Book of Isaiah. A mother of four, she began running at 59 and eventually ran 25 New York City Marathons — the last at 86 — proving our final steps are not as important as taking the first one . . . #123K30Days#running#marathon#러닝#마라톤#성수동
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Our little girl is growing up : ) #Joy #joyjohnson
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#longislandmarathon #RXR #LIMW2015 #itiswhatitis #runwalkrun #InMemoryOfJoyJohnson #JoyJohnson Picked this yesterday, but today I picked something else to wear... (at Eisenhower Park)
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So #sad about this #86yrOldLady who #died the day after she completed her #NYCmarathon she did an interview with the #todayShow went back to her room to lay down & never woke up. She said she wanted to go in her #runningShoes 😢 at least she was #happy living her #dream "to continue #running 'til the day she died", sad but apparently she fell & hit her head at mile 20. Similar thing happened to me at the DukeShittyMarathon. I was hit by a cyclist at mile 20 but they had to get me to the hospital in an ambulance because it was that bad. Anyhow, RestInParadise #JoyJohnson (at La Cueva District )
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Unveiling Your Radiance with Joy Johnson
Empowering Faith, Career, and Purpose with Unshakeable Confidence
Are you unveiling your radiance? In this episode, Joy Johnson enlightens us on unveiling your radiance through empowering faith, career and purpose with unshakeable confidence. She shares her personal experiences as a Christian and person of colour in the United Kingdom. She enlightens on the importance of understanding the purpose of what were are doing and how to stand out with confidence. “Be confident in who you are.” Thank you for joining me on this MIRROR TALK podcast journey. Kindly stay connected by subscribing or following on any platform. Please do not forget to leave a review and rating. Let us stay connected: https://linktr.ee/mirrortalkpodcast More inspiring episodes and show notes here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/podcast-episodes/ Your opinions, thoughts, suggestions and comments matter to us. Share them here: https://mirrortalkpodcast.com/your-opinion-matters/ Invest in us by becoming a Patreon. Support us by subscribing to one or more of the offerings that we have available at http://patreon.com/MirrorTalk Every proceeds will be used for improving the quality of our work and outreach. Just to serve you better. Get 20% off when you go to liquid-iv.com and use code mirrortalk at checkout. That’s 20% off ANYTHING you order when you shop for better hydration today using promo code mirrortalk at liquid-iv.com. Visit our shop for more details. About the Author
Joy is a Biomedical scientist within the healthcare sector. She has a passion for the development of children and young adults, both spiritually and mentally, building their God-given confidence to be the Light God has called them to be in the marketplace. In a world that often challenges our self-belief, cultivating unshakeable confidence has become vital for those seeking to harmonize faith, career, and purpose. This journey towards empowerment requires a deep understanding of oneself, a strong connection with one's faith, and a resolute commitment to personal growth. In this blog post, we'll delve into the transformative concept of unveiling your radiance through the integration of faith, career, and purpose, all while fostering unwavering confidence. Embrace Self-Discovery The first step towards achieving unshakeable confidence is to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Understanding your strengths, passions, and values will provide a solid foundation upon which to build your faith, career, and purpose. Self-awareness empowers you to make aligned decisions and set meaningful goals that resonate with your authentic self. Nurturing Faith Faith serves as a guiding light in our journey towards empowerment. Whether spiritual or personal, faith fuels our inner strength and resilience. By aligning our actions with our beliefs, we can cultivate a sense of purpose that goes beyond worldly success. Integrating faith into our everyday life empowers us to tackle challenges with grace and poise, fostering a sense of unshakeable confidence. Fueling Career Growth Confidence plays a pivotal role in career progression. We’re more likely to take calculated risks and seize opportunities when we believe in our abilities. By setting clear career goals and continuously improving our skills, we enhance our competence and boost our self-assurance. Embracing challenges becomes a way to unveil our radiance, showcasing our unique talents and strengths. Living with Purpose A life without purpose lacks direction and fulfilment. Unveiling your radiance requires aligning your actions with your life's purpose. This alignment infuses each endeavour with a sense of meaning, encouraging us to persevere even in the face of adversity. When we live purposefully, we emanate a special kind of confidence that stems from knowing we're contributing to something greater than ourselves. Cultivating Unshakeable Confidence Confidence isn't built overnight; it's a continuous practice. Embrace self-care, positive affirmations, and regular reflection to nurture your self-esteem. Surround yourself with a supportive community that uplifts your faith, career, and purpose. Remember that setbacks are opportunities for growth, and each step you take on this journey contributes to your unshakeable confidence. Conclusion Unveiling your radiance through the integration of faith, career, and purpose requires a commitment to self-discovery, a strong connection with your beliefs, and an unwavering dedication to personal growth. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that confidence is the cornerstone of your success. By aligning your faith, career, and purpose with an unshakeable belief in yourself, you'll radiate a unique and empowering light that uplifts your life and those around you. Read the full article
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#러너의한마디 036 #JoyJohnson . 59세에 체육 교사직을 은퇴하고 나서야 달리기를 시작했다. 그녀는 매일 아침 달리는 것을 즐겼다. 86세까지 약 60번의 풀코스 완주를 하였고, 그 중 #뉴욕마라톤 만 25번 완주하였다. 1991년 뉴욕마라톤에서는 64세의 나이로 Sub-4를 달성, 자신의 최고 기록을 세웠다. 그녀는 평소 ‘나는 달리다가 죽고 싶다. I want to die running. If I can die running I’ll die happy.’ 라고 자식들에게 종종 말해왔다. 2013년 #nycmarathon 에서 86세의 나이로 참가하여 달리다가 32K지점에서 넘어져 머리를 부딪혔다. 그리고 의료진의 치료를 거부하고 완주 한 뒤에서야 치료를 받았다. 그녀는 다음 날 호텔방에 조용히 누워 쉬다가 세상을 떠났다. . 2010년, 한 방송에서 진행자가 달리기에 대한 조언을 부탁하자, 그녀는 “Just joy, Happiness. Enjoy the day. It's gonna be a great day even it's pouring rain” 라고 말하였다. . 사망 당일 그녀를 인터뷰했던 방송사에서는 ‘그녀는 승자였고, 끈질긴 러너였다. 그리고 이름에 걸맞게 삶 자체를 즐겼다.’ 라고 그녀의 삶과 달리기를 평하였다.
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#러너의한마디 013 #JoyJohnson She said “I want to die running. If I can die running I’ll die happy.” Photoⓒnypost.com
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The #NYCMarathon is so #amazing #inspiring that #JoyJohnson ran it 25 times. #NYRR #FredLebowPlace #gottarunwithwill #EVERYDAY screening at @tribeca @bmcctribecapac today 7pm @gabespitzer #GabeSpitzer with #ESPN Gala film #PlayItForward by #AndreaNevis
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EVERY DAY scheduled screening on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center).
The 12 min ESPN short EVERY DAY by director Gabe Spitzer will screen as part of the ESPN 74min documentary PLAY IT FORWARD by director Andrea Nevins.
At 86, Joy Johnson was the oldest woman to run the 2013 New York City Marathon. This is the story of an inspiring athlete with an uncommon passion for her sport, and for life.
General Admission: $21.50 Tickets Available NOW: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/play-it-forward-tribeca-film-festival-tickets-16064124228
For more information: https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/every-day-2015 https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/play-it-forward-2015
Facebook Event: https://m.facebook.com/events/235329709969309?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A98%7D&aref=98&ref=bookmark
#Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN @tribeca @gabespitzer @nyrr @nycmarathon #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj (2 days away) 10oz mug by #cafepress @cafepress-inc(at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center)
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5 days to the screening of EVERY DAY, Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center). #Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN @tribeca @gabespitzer @nyrr @nycmarathon #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj (at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center)
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6 days to the screening of EVERY DAY, Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center). #Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN @tribeca @gabespitzer @nyrr @nycmarathon #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj --- visit www.facebook.com/inmemoryJoyJohnson (at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center)
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7 days to the screening of EVERY DAY, Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center). #Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN @tribeca @gabespitzer @nyrr @nycmarathon #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj
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8 days to the screening of EVERY DAY, Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center). #Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5L
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9 days to the screening of EVERY DAY, scheduled on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center). #Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 #ESPN @tribeca @gabespitzer @nyrr @nycmarathon #oldest #runner http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj
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11 days to the ONLY screening of EVERY DAY, scheduled on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7pm at the BMCC Tribeca Pac located at 199 Chambers St New York, NY 10007 (Tribeca Performing Arts Center).
The 12 min ESPN short EVERY DAY by director Gabe Spitzer will screen as part of the ESPN 74min documentary PLAY IT FORWARD by director Andrea Nevins.
At 86, Joy Johnson was the oldest woman to run the 2013 New York City Marathon. This is the story of an inspiring athlete with an uncommon passion for her sport, and for life.
General Admission: $21.50 per person. Tickets Available: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/play-it-forward-tribeca-film-festival-tickets-16064124228
Tribeca Film Festival Individual Tickets are available to American Express® Card Members March 31, 2015 at 11:00am and April 6, 2015 at 11:00am to the General Public.
For more information: https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/every-day-2015 https://tribecafilm.com/filmguide/play-it-forward-2015
Facebook Event: https://m.facebook.com/events/235329709969309?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A98%7D&aref=98&ref=bookmark
#Everyday #GabeSpitzer #JoyJohnson #NYCMarathon #PlayItForward #AndreaNevis #NYRR #TFF2015 http://bit.ly/1bWu5Lj
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