#joxter wakes up for trouble and trouble alone
hcdgepcdge · 2 months
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"I didn't know you could be fired from a job you don't do."
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somnolent-snufkin · 5 years
The Roses with the Amber Hue
TW: .. emotions? I guess?
This story is a prequel to the ongoing story "Spring Flowers". I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU READ IT BEFORE YOU READ THIS.
You can read it here: Spring Flowers
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Previous Chapter
Chapter Four
"What do you mean we've gone the wrong direction?" Moomin stood in front of Hodgekins, very frustrated. "I suppose we should turn around now before we're out here for weeks."
"Yes, let's do that." Hodgekins responded.
Muddler woke up that morning with yet another yellow rose. This one appeared on his upper belly. It had almost become a game when he woke up with a new flower; like a hide and seek of some sort. He was going to climb up the ladder, but Joxter's arm seemed to really be holding onto his.
"Joxter..?" Muddler whispered. He lightly shook his shoulder.
"Could you let go of my arm? You've been holding onto it all night." Muddler chuckled. Joxter let go and sleepily laughed. The mouse stood up, heading up the ladder.
"I-Is.. everything ok?" Muddler asked Moomin and Hodgekins, who were standing near the edge of the boat.
"Oh it's not much, really. We just went the wrong way for a few hours." Moomin responded. He certainly seemed calmer than he was ten minutes ago.
"We've turned around now." Hodgekins added. "Shouldn't be more than a few hours." Muddler nodded, then headed back down the ladder. Joxter was still fast asleep, laying in a curled position. The mouse swore he would never understand how the mumrik didn't break his spine laying like that. Muddler sat down, smiling a little at the way Joxter's tail whipped about. Then, the yellow rose bud just below his chest brushed up against his fur, reminding him that the blossoms were still there. His smile faded slightly.
Deciding to ignore it, Muddler looked through his book of flowers. He sat near the bed, however.
A few hours had passed and the roses were beginning to aggravate the mouse. If feeling drained of most of his energy wasn't enough, now Muddler was feeling bitter.
Joxter was waking up around this time. He streched like a cat after a nice sunbathe. He sat down next to the mouse, unaware of how uncomfortably close he was.
"Good morning, Mouse." Joxter smiled. He leaned into Muddler just a little bit- and that set it off.
"Joxter, please get away from me. I'm not in a very good mood right now." Muddler sounded relatively calm, but still serious. Joxter stepped back and gave him space.
A few minutes go by, and Joxter starts talking. Thinking he could possibly reduce Muddler's bad mood, Joxter pokes the handle of the pot on his head. He makes a little "boop" noise. No response from the mouse. So he repeats. And then he does it again.
"C-Could you please stop?" Muddler doesn't say it calmly like before. This time he sounds a little more stressed. Joxter shifts so he's sitting in front of him, a somewhat concerned look on his face.
"Is.. something going on, Mouse?"
"I don't.." Muddler sighed, setting the book to the side. "I-I don't want to talk right now." He kept his head down.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I said, I don't want to talk right now."
"JOXTER, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" Muddler snapped back. The mumrik was admittedly shocked. Not saying a word, he climbed up the ladder. He stood on the deck; the whole situation left him feeling troubled. He stared out at the ocean as he thought about what he could do to make Muddler feel better.
Meanwhile, Muddler sat in silence below. He did not feel good. He was tired. He was overwhelmed. He simply wanted damn rose buds to go away. Feeling impulsive, Muddler shifted the ladder and closed the small door. Which made the whole room around him go black. After allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, the mouse laid down on the bed. He fell asleep rather fast.
The flowers acted as almost a leech of sorts. When a person has the Blomst Disease, their body is constantly attempting to 'destroy' the illness. However, since it's not like most illnesses, the body is simply wasting it's time trying to fight it; therefore they feel tired and drained of energy.
Joxter sat on the deck watching the waves as they sailed about. He tried taking his mind off of Muddler. He tried focusing on the fish, the food that might be in the town they're heading to, and even the fact that his tail was droopy. But he couldn't keep his mind off of what the hell happened a few hours ago.
"Joxter? Are you alright?" Moomin asked. "I did hear some drama occurred earlier but I didn't realize you would be this badly affected by it." Joxter turned around and looked at his friend.
"I don't know. I feel bad." Joxter shrugged.
"Well, I'm sorry that you feel bad. Perhaps you might feel better if you get some time off the boat?" Moomin pointed out at the land coming up close. "We've arrived." Joxter glanced up and there it was. A somewhat large town just as the mermaid said.
Next Chapter
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