#jovi dicamillo ; threads
backmaskcd · 9 months
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closed starter for @callofthxvoid (karma) location: minnie's dance hall
Jovi never minded having to show new people the ropes - most days she still felt new herself. She always liked helping out with coordinating the events, but now that it was just her, she often found any excuse to do something - anything - else.
"How're you adjusting to things so far?" She spotted Karma as she walked in, and quite frankly Jovi wasn't even sure if she was working today, but now she was appointed as someone to help keep her company. "Workwise, I mean. I know the town is a lot."
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closed starter for @ofdyinglights (jess) location: outside West Investigations
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"Hi Jess," Jovi called out dreamily as she caught Jess leaving the building, floating over. While her glamour necklace was on, it was obvious that she was using her wings to get around instead of walking. "Mind if I join you? Or did you have plans?" Finally settling down on the ground next to her, she offered her a smile. "Or I can just walk with you for a little while too."
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oflowtides · 1 year
closed starter for @urbnlgnds (hawk) location: skate me out tonight
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Jovi kept telling herself it was not obvious in the slightest that she was flirting with the cute long haired boy behind the counter for the past few months, but if you asked anyone who entered the shop when she was there bugging him, it was pretty obvious. She'd come straight from the mortuary, so the smell of formaldehyde lingered a little, but she was hoping her messy bun detracted from it.
"I'm just saying, if I ever figured out how to actually ride a skateboard, I'd be unstoppable." She often used one of the decks at the shop to show off how steady her on pointe was, but today she was gripping the counter, slowly rolling back and forth. "I've been perfectly balanced practically since I could walk."
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backmaskcd · 2 months
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closed event starter for @thirtecnth (winnie)
"Hey! I was hoping you'd be here!" Jovi was delighted to see Winnie, all but running up to her. "You look sooooo cute, ohmygod." She grinned. "Wanna go grab a margarita or seven?"
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backmaskcd · 4 months
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closed starter for @ambercast (kiara) location: jovi's place
"Ta da!" Jovi opened her closet to reveal the bags of ballet stuff she had no where else to store and couldn't bear the thought of getting rid of - until now. "I have pretty much all your dancer needs. I was thinking about bringing this to the next ballet practice to see if anyone else needed anything but you're the only person who currently knows about this. Well, outside of Asli."
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backmaskcd · 5 months
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closed starter for @edgarwayne location: the art festival
"Edgar!" Jovi rushed up to him, hair fanning out behind her as she did so. "Have I mentioned lately how excited I am about this ballet you're putting on? Because I really, really am. I thought I'd never really get to dance for people again. Did you want me to start putting up more fliers in the dance hall after this?"
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backmaskcd · 5 months
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closed starter for @thirtecnth (winnie) location: avant garde ball
"Holy shit you look amazing," Jovi had run up to Winnie the second she saw her, eagerly taking her hands. "You look like you belong in Marie Antoinette or something, but like.... a little more modern?" She shook her head. "Are you here to break hearts and take names? Cuz I can help with the names part."
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backmaskcd · 5 months
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closed starter for @callofthxvoid (karma) location: Avant Garde ball
It felt like Jovi had predicted this with her conversation with Val. A dance was being held in the hall, and Jovi had to work instead of running around and having fun with her own date. "I played myself, Karma," she let out a sigh as she came behind the bar, leaning against the wall with a sigh. "Not that I exactly had a date to this thing anyway, but what if I wanted one?"
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backmaskcd · 7 months
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closed starter for @exmcrtis (cole) location: the video store
"I have no idea what to watch," Jovi had been perusing for barely even five minutes before she wandered over to see how Cole was fairing. "To properly play a drinking game we need a movie with a predictable plotline... that way, we can make up as many easy reasons to drink as we want."
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backmaskcd · 7 months
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closed starter for @callofthxvoid (val) location: pop & lock
"Val!" Jovi stood up to wave her down, gesturing proudly at the two milkshakes she had in front of her. "I went ahead and got you one while I was waiting - I was feeling generous," she was teasing, of course, and got comfortable on her side of the booth. "So. I asked you here for a purpose - as the event coordinator at the dance hall, I wanted to get some input on what kinds of events people would like. How do you feel about themed nights?"
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backmaskcd · 4 months
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closed starter for @darknursexiu
"I've seen you around the dance hall," Jovi observed. She rarely had any issues starting conversations just for the hell of it. "Are you thinking about trying to join one of the dance classes? I know everyone is encouraged to join, no matter how good or bad you think you are."
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backmaskcd · 7 months
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closed starter for @neptuneisfree location: the dance hall
"Hey! I've been looking for you," Jovi slid up next to Neptune, slipping her arm into his, grinning widely. "Sooooo - the ice skating lesson. Did it pay off? Did you impress your bird boy? Did you avoid any blood on the ice?"
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closed starter for @mikesmagicmuses (owen) location: outside the university
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"Owen! Hey," Jovi waved to get his attention - it was easier to talk to people without actually speaking if they at least made eye contact first. Are you done with classes yet? It could be heard in his head, the need for talking now unnecessary. Talking telepathically was probably Jovi's favorite way of communicating anyway, it was far more private. I came to see if you were busy; I thought maybe we could get some coffee and catch up on how things were going?
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backmaskcd · 9 months
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closed starter for @exmcrtis (violet) location: haversham family boutique
Doing mundane things like shopping for clothes was one of the things Jovi missed most - but she managed to make due where she could. "I was thinking for my New Year resolution or whatever it is people do, to maybe think about taking up sewing or something. Try to forge my own new, unique clothes. I feel like nothing has been what I want it to be when I open my closet in the morning."
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oflowtides · 2 years
closed starter for @admodums​ (utp!) location: club yoga
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It wasn’t often that Jovi opted to practice anywhere that wasn’t the dance studio, but the atmosphere of the yoga center was a lot more relaxing, and while she couldn’t start doing pirouettes, it was nice to just be in a space to stretch and not have anything expected from you.
“Oh!”  she was startled to see someone else had walked into the room - she had triple checked that there were no classes today - and quickly leaned over to pause her music that was blaring through her phone.  “I’m so sorry - I didn’t expect anyone else to come use this room.”
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oflowtides · 1 year
closed starter for @oftatteredwings (utp) location: club yoga
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"I love the space here," Jovi admitted to her companion for that day's yoga class. "There's just something about it - maybe it's the big windows. But I prefer to stretch and sometimes even warm up here before heading out to the actual dance studio."
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