coffeenkittys · 9 years
Being on the same team their relationship was prohibited, at least for now. It didn’t stop them from secretly seeing each other, mostly on their days off. Though the secret was starting to wear on Juli. Their “dates” consisted of meeting at the bar, as if they are buddies, but were really holding hands under the table.
This time it was different. This time it was a real date, though still in secret in a nice hotel. Italian was ordered and wine was chilling in the rooms fridge. The room reminded her of a one bedroom apartment with a Jacuzzi in the middle of the room. Juli admitted that Joseph did good with the room.
Sitting at the small table in a dark blue dress, Juli waited for Joseph to come, her fingers tapping nervously on the hard surface.
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brokenmagxc-a · 9 years
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combinxtion-archive · 9 years
It fingers the controls, giving a sideways glance to its MASTER. It is daring, and sneaks a gentle kiss on HIS cheek. It can feel hands caressing its skull, affectionate and loving for HIS favored servant. It wiggles closer to HIM, content to be in HIS presence for a moment longer before it must join the others. It is larger than HE, and HE is generous, allowing it to wrap itself around HIM.
Together they watch the view provided by the security cameras. There are so many, over a hundred little eyes around the house. Some are obvious, meant to let the victims know that HE is always watching. Some were less obvious, only for HIM should they become angry and start destroying HIS sight.
Most of the cameras were devoid of life, but a few held a view of the basement. A dozen little toys all lined up in a row, unconscious and unfeeling, left senseless due to a variation of HIS usual sedative, waited for them. New graduates, or relatives of the officers who had dared oppose HIM. It was as many as it could quietly round up in such a short period of time. It had wanted more, wanted to take all of them and make them pay. HE didn't seem to mind the small number, forgave its inadequacy
HE has meticulously planned everything. The initial set-up was the hard part, but practically everything is automated, waiting only for HIS gentle nudging to keep everything in-line. HE holds up a syringe, wicked needle glistening. Obediently, it holds out an arm. It had hoped to have more time with HIM, but if it wants to wake up the same time as the others, it will need to get going now.
The MASTER bestows another lingering kiss on HIS servant, a promise for when this is over. It reels back, gasping for breath as the sedative works on it. The floor is moving, and it cannot control its limbs properly. The walls stretch upwards forever and it stumbles away. HE helps steady it, guides it to the hidden door. A brief smile, a hint of teeth like a feral dog before it is pushed unceremoniously out. It hears the door closing at its back and it crawls forward. Like moving through molasses but it must get in position. Exhausted as it takes its place in the spot it left for itself, not in the middle, but not at an end either. It is the unlucky number thirteen, the wolf in sheep's clothing. Secure that it is where it should be, it falls into the black.
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traumaticlaw · 10 years
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W h o? Who had knocked that box over? It heard the cardboard topple, the squish as it plopped into a puddle. Was it blood or was it water? It could never tell the difference, lacking any sense of smell. Instead, the creature emitted a low growl as it pulled it’s constant companion over in the direction of the noise. Did it hear a hitching of breath, a near silent swear at the detection? It pushed its chest forward, propelling itself roughly towards its newly discovered purpose.
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coffeenkittys · 9 years
I really love the songs played on your blog! Can I ask what's the name of them? :)
((They are pretty great, aren’t they?? This is good chance to as any to say that I did not make my theme. josephxoda was sweet enough to make me my awesome theme. If you are not following them I would strongly recommend you do so, they are very sweet and they have an awesome Joseph. ))
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amissxm · 9 years
April fool's day had him bad. "Ssebbastian, comme here this instant." He points at his desk with one hand, holding a thermosbottle in the other, waving it around with the liquid dangerously close to spilling. "Whho put this in there? Can't go to court like this.."
josephxodaOh no. This could not be happening. Sebastian had chosen to ignore the pixelated and hastily-assembled “Coppy” joke on this day and instead, he’d sat down upon whoopie cushions, had his face shoved in a pie, and had nearly been doodled on with permanent marker.
But this was going too far.
“Joseph, what the hell are you talking about? There’s no court-date, there’s only a thermos that’s getting everywhere, god-dammit!”
Maybe it was the Nori? All that weird fish Joseph had been eating?
Something like concern replaced the annoyance in the detective’s gaze, and he turned his head to look at Joseph, to really look at him.
“You feeling alright?”
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combinxtion-archive · 9 years
josephxoda replied to your post:[Still hate that part with the Light Lady on the...
{ when it was at like 70% for me she just kept staring at the wall. Is that.. a thing or was I blessed with a bug?
[I think you were just blessed. Because sometimes when I did it she just would stare at a wall and coo ‘Leslie’ at it]
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coffeenkittys · 10 years
“Upsy Daisy”
“Joseph! I told you, I’m fine!” The pain in her ankle said other wise. With every motion pain shot up from her foot causing her to wince. 
Heels were usually not a problem for Juli, she ran in them all the time. This time was no different. They with both running late for work and were rushing to get to the building when one of Juli’s heels broke causing her ankle to roll. The pain shocked her and was sitting on the ground for a moment as though trying to fathom of what just happened. Before she could react she was scooped up by Joseph who seemed to refuse to put her down. 
Juli sighed as she put her arm around his neck to steady herself as he carried her down the street feeling a bit annoyed but still savoring the moment.
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combinxtion-archive · 10 years
Maybe if it doesn't like biting it'll like rough finger sucking? Though he really doesn't know where he's going with this. Its fingers taste rotten, dirty and... not at all good.
The Keeper watches as joseph makes faces of disgust. He’s always hungry, and the Keeper is a poor substitute for something that things he needs to eat. It registers the sensation of teeth scraping and saliva mixing with whatever has seeped through its gloves. Eventually, he will break ‘skin’, and the Keeper doesn’t think plastic and fiberglass is something even his haunted stomach can really handle. It offers a severed hand to replace its own.
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impxled · 10 years
;;hesitantly gives URL
my opinion on;
character in general: I really love Joseph Oda. I think he's so cute haha. In my opinion he's a great foil for Sebastian. He's smart, can (for the most part lol) hold his own and he really seems to care about his partner. I love the dynamic between Joseph and Seb. Joseph is loyal to the end.
how they play them: Wow really really well. They have Joseph down pat from his dialog to his mannerisms, even the most simplistic movements. I just want to hug his face oh my Lord.
the mun: REALLY NICE. We've spoken a few times ooc and we've yet to plan something but I really want to destroy their Joseph. :I That's a compliment! I want to taint the hell out of his innocent little face. As Eddie of course. Yes yes we need to plot and do something! Please! If you wanted. ;;
do i;
follow them:yeah!rp with them: not yet!!want to rp with them: YES!ship their character with mine: I ship Eddie's knife into his gut. :D
what is my;
overall opinion: Super nice mun, I love seeing them on my dash! Overall VERY NICE AND APPROACHABLE. Always willing to plot and rp!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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amissxm · 10 years
{ All the texts, Seb. All of them.
josephxodaSend ✉ for an 2 AM text 
[text]: Thanks for the food. I can’t believe I forgot to eat again.
Send ✘ for an unsent text
[text]: I should be telling you this in person, but I have to get it out. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m such a shitty partner, I’m such a shitty person, I don’t deserve you at all. Maybe that’s why I lost everything I created for myself, I just don’t fucking deserve it.
Send ☠ for a threatening message
[text]: I’ve tried calling you thirty-four times, where the fuck are you? I’m real sorry if you’re home sick, but you’re always here. Are you okay? If you’re not, I’ll kill whoever made you not okay. Unless it’s diarrhea. Keep it to yourself, never-mind, sorry.
Send ❤ for a lusty/loving/affectionate message 
[text]: You’re the best friend, the best partner, the best ANYTHING that I could have ever had. I don’t fucking deserve you and yet you stick around. I’m so sorry for everything. Hell, sometimes, I wonder if in another life, we were married or some shit, I believe in that soul-mate thing. Tell no one.
Send ♣ for a drunk message
[text]: Please help me.
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coffeenkittys · 10 years
Admits that she looks at him while he’s looking away. Her heart flutters each time he looks at her. He’s a handsome man, who could blame her?
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combinxtion-archive · 10 years
“Upsy Daisy”
Send “Upsy Daisy” for my muse’s reaction to being carried bridal style by yours
It feels itself tugged and pulled, far away from where it’s body is. It is rare for anyone to touch its safes, even those unaware what they mean leave them alone. There is only one who is brave enough to move one of its safes. It severs the connection with its body, rattling out of joseph’s hands and forming before him. The last time it had failed to appear when it felt joseph carrying it had meant that its safe ended up in one of the toilets.
It doesn’t know what to think when joseph starts pushing at its legs. He has some purpose behind this, it’s sure, it just doesn’t know what it is. He frequently does strange things; they leave it baffled and confused and it assumes this is yet another of the quirks that comes with being once-human.
joseph is tugging at it now, pulling at its back and sides as though trying to knock it over and the Keeper has no idea what’s going on. 
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