dinosaurvalley · 2 years
aideen in my brain is just a bug
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you ever just.
*wakes up*
*dissociates for two straight hours*
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Opinion on purple frog
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purple frog!!! love he
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
i love my friends and all their ships
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thedivisionbell · 4 years
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?dahlia; do you like crystals? cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy? moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
Internally, my eyes are green and my hair is brown!
dahlia; do you like crystals?
Yes, I think they’re pretty neat!
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
I do on occasion; I really like astronomy, so I’m usually thinking about something related to space.
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
Marine blue!
( botanical asks )
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nettlefeather · 4 years
ah... blanket nest season...
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probably-a-kyman · 6 years
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good-hunter · 7 years
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Kinda...wanna die
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systemagi-blog · 8 years
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Let me get this right.
That ignorant orange buffoon put a literal Nazi on the National Security Council, and he’s expecting us not to hate his guts?
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
with pride month coming up heres a very UNfriendly reminder that trans people dont owe it to you to pass in order to gain your respect and support. if you only support and respect trans people who “pass” to your specifications youre a fucking transphobe. support all of us or die 
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
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i have entirely too much free time on my hands
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
how come any lgbt person stands up for lgbt people in selfship the cishets crawl out of their skins and demand we think of them and their oppression like im sick of it. it happened with the banners and its happening again with this
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
PLEASE read this.
i usually dont post drama on my blog or make callouts. i DETEST callouts. but everyone needs to be aware of what kind of person @hackeraxe​ is. being a popular artist for several very popular fandoms rn, i think everyone should know what kind of person they are before they choose to involve themselves with them or their rdr server. 
under the cut for length
so this first screen basically sums up the situation. i was the head mod in hackeraxes red dead redemption server and had been for quite a while. over this time i fielded almost all the moderation concerns that there were in the server, with some help from a few of the other mods. my nickname in that server is “marston”- because when i joined my discord un was “mr joseph marston” 
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the person in this screen is my boyfriend-- this message was deleted SECONDS after it was posted by hackeraxe themselves, who wanted to make banning me seem like something justified. in response to it, the only sent this message. 
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here are a few more screens of them displaying just. absolutely awful and condescending behavior towards me, which was the entirety of our last conversation before they blocked me and banned me. 
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note that context for all of these screenshots is that they told me during the course of our conversation the night before that if the two people spouting racist nonsense had left the server they also would have left the server altogether and it would have been my fault for “running the server in a way they did not agree with”. they also told me i had been far too harsh and overbearing when that was in fact not the case. when i expressed that i was hurt over this as i was the driving force behind all the moderation and awful people that had been removed from this trainwreck of a server thus FAR, i was merely told what you see above. that they stood by what they said and that they did not feel sorry for it and that i would not be receiving an apology-- as a person they claimed to care about
they also apparently lied to their moderation staff- the ones who werent already gunning for me to be banned because i called them out on being racist, that is. 
this behavior is deplorable- before today hacker claimed to be my good friend. i urge all of you to be careful around them, especially if youre a poc as they seem to have no problem with apologizing for outwardly racist behavior with no qualms. thank you for reading this far if you did-- i would appreciate a reblog to spread this around, but obviously you dont have to. have a good day/night regardless. <3 
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
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hello my name is joseph, im 25, i’m a fucking moron and this is a promo ! 
looking for more selfship mutuals in my f/os fandoms !! but it’s totally still okay to follow if you’re not jfkdslf !! my list can be found here but my mains rn (being, who i post about the most ) are kazuhira miller and dazai osamu !! ( i made this gif myself because i make gifs and that’s what i do ) !! i’m also a writer kinda !! 
can’t wait to make more friends !! 
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
say what you want about tumblr university or tumblr island or superwholocks or the mishapocalypse or whatever but GOD those were simpler times. we all knew how to have fun then and nobody was ashamed of their interests for no reason. its too bad so many of us looped back around to our middle school "its cringe to unironically enjoy things and its Neat and Cool to Be A Bully" mindsets
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