sibylsleaves · 5 months
any thoughts on their wedding rings? also, do you think they'll be the type to wear their rings?
do people not wear their wedding rings????? Is that a thing??? Everyone I know who has a wedding ring wears it...
But I think there is a regulation against wearing metal rings on the job as a firefighter so I think they both get ring tattoos so they can still "wear" their rings at work
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oflights · 9 months
I'm curious about WIP/to-write numbers 1 and 3!
hi!! awesome, thank you!
reddit penguin story mpreg
this one is based on this adorable reddit post:
Tumblr media
i'm imagining harry and draco as neighbors who mostly ignore each other until one day draco knocks on harry's door to "complain" about the smell of his cooking...and ofc he's holding a container and a fork. harry eventually offers him some food an draco's like "well if you insist" and of course keeps coming back throughout his pregnancy 😊 this might be the short-ish, fluffy palette cleanser i write directly after star splitter...i mean, i said that about the last mpreg fic i wrote and it turned out to be 60k words but whatever!!
3. arranged marriage fuck-or-die feat. amortentia
this is a super basic idea but one that is mostly motivated by me really wanted to write the arranged marriage trope and make it as fucked up as possible lol. so they have to get married for ~reasons (who knows why? not me, yet) and they have to fuck once a month. so one of them (probably draco, lbr) suggests they both take amortentia to help them along. and then one of them forgets to take it or it doesn't work for whatever reason and realizes the sex is amazing without the dulling effects of the potion, and feels guilty about it but wants to keep having it. then something happens and they actually fall in love and live HEA 😂 clearly this is well-developed!!
ask me about my 2024 to-write list!
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theladyragnell · 6 years
Not the anon, but oh man, I didn't realize that there was a reason that you didn't write Merlin fic anymore! I figured it was just a general, the show's ended, the fandom's floated away kinda thing. I still love all your fics and re-read them whenever I need a pick me up. And even though my fandoms don't exactly match up with yours anymore, I do still love your writing and am always glad to see you still writing fics
Well, I am glad you like my writing even when our fandoms don’t match up! That is awesome to hear, and I am very honored. And I stand by my Merlin fic! I love it all dearly, there is no question of that.
I just got worn down on the canon! And I was being a little melodramatic earlier--part of it really was fandom drift, I was getting way more inspired in other fandoms. But alas, yeah, some of it was season five in particular souring me on the character and the show both, and a little bit of it was Loving Feedback but not being super inspired on A/M in particular and thus not getting love on my fics in the fandom, so it was a bunch of reasons!
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lesdemonium · 4 years
😍 What is your favourite fic trope?
ahh it’s really hard to pick just one trope! but pretty high up there is soulmates but they didn’t know they were soulmates. so you still get the whole destined thing, but also they still chose to be together because they chose each other without knowing about ~~~~destiny
🏆 What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
healing after trauma. there’s a lot of really awesome whump stuff (i’m a sucker for whump, i’m ngl) but i wish there was more of a focus on the recovery afterward? like not the “magic dick” or “love cures depression” kind of stuff but more like “hey i’m gonna work on loving myself after this happened to me, but also find a healthy way to love you.” also, i would love to read more boundary setting. i think about @vands88‘s scene in Lavender where jaskier says no to geralt when he’s boundary stomping all the time. i’d kill to read more of that shit.
🤣 Has a fic ever made your face hurt from laughing so much?
honestly... i don’t think so? i did recently read true facts about the harlequin land squid and laughed outloud a few times, but i don’t think i’ve ever made my face hurt from laughing
🌍 What is your dream AU?
hmmm. i’m a huge fan of modern aus, and i wanna read one so bad where jaskier is a Big Name in music, like selling out stadiums big, and he and geralt get together after he’s already famous. unsure if they should be friends pre or post this, though. maybe one day i’ll end up writing it, if someone better doesn’t come along soon and write it.
send me reader asks?
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
Hello! First off, thank you for all your work, it does not go unappreciated! Second, I was wondering if you've heard of this steve/bucky anthology (notwithoutyoufanbook[.]tumblr[.]com[/]post/155249374627)? Their kickstarter goes until the end of the month. If you've already made a decision no to promote it, apologies for the bother. Either way, thanks again for this blog!
We have heard if it! Or at least I have. I’ve already pledged for it with some of the little money I have cause it honestly looks amazing! I’m super excited!
If you guys are interested you should for sure check it out
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aryaxgendryweek · 5 years
Sorry about the last message, figured it out! For some reason I can't see the link when I'm on a blog's actual page, but can if I see the post on my dashboard. So yeah *shrug* (I did vote!)
Sorry about the confusing with the poll link! I’ll try to fix it for the prompt vote :)
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drunktuesdaze · 10 years
So it seems like you might be asking for recs and I have a few that might interest you. If you have already read them/aren't interested, oops. Fandoms are South Park, Dragon Age, The Eagle, Inception, and Merlin: archiveofourown. org/works/436507, archiveofourown. org/series/170582, archiveofourown. org/series/9531, archiveofourown. org/works/267033, archiveofourown. org/series/11165, archiveofourown. org/series/35799, archiveofourown. org/works/730238, archiveofourown. org/works/957967
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swingsetindecember · 10 years
Hey jen, i need some help finding a tumblr fic: it's an established relationship where stiles becomes so obsessed with a computer game that he's neglecting his and derek's relationship. he snaps out of it when derek drops off red velvet cake when stiles is at scott's place on their anniversary. and it's from derek's pov. does this ring a bell at all? thanks!
is it this untitled tumblr fic by ljummen?
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bleep0bleep · 10 years
hi carrie, i need some help lookng for a tumblr fic: it's an established relationship where stiles becomes so obsessed with a computer game that he's neglecting his and derek's relationship. he snaps out of it when derek drops off red velvet cake when stiles is at scott's place on their anniversary. and it's from derek's pov. does this ring a bell at all? thanks!
Aw, that sounds interesting. I don't know what it is. Anyone have a clue?
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
some things fall when they're meant to fall
25k (COMPLETE) | rated T | read on ao3 Eddie’s gaze drop to Buck’s lips—pink, like his birthmark. Eddie wants to taste those lips, and he wants it with a fierceness so sudden it shocks him. “I’m, uh,” Buck stammers. “Last night. When you saw me and Tommy…we—we were on a date.” Everything inside Eddie goes still. If his heart is a kite, then this is the moment it plummets back to earth.
or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
written for @burnthatbridge
Chapter 4/4 now up on ao3
Eddie spends the next two days talking himself down from a panic attack and convincing himself that everything’s going to be okay. He doesn’t reach out to Buck. He doesn’t hear from him either, which is probably the longest they’ve gone without at least a text in…Eddie doesn’t even know how long.
But it's going to be okay. It has to be. This is Buck. They’re best friends. They’re partners. They’re always going to be okay, in the end.
Besides. Eddie’s already gotten through the hard part. He’s already detonated the bomb. He’s already smashed his heart to pieces at Buck’s feet. And yeah, things are going to suck for a while. It’s going to be hard, and painful, and awful but they’ll get through it. They same way they get through every hard, painful, awful thing.
This is what Eddie’s telling himself as drags himself into the fire station for their first shift since his confession. He ducks into the locker room, changing briskly into his uniform and trying not to startle every time someone enters. Trying not to be too obvious that he’s bracing himself for when it’s Buck.
The thing is, as much as he’s dreading him walking in, dreading Buck either trying to talk to him or awkwardly avoiding him, he also really can’t wait to see him. It’s been two days and he already misses him—the way he always skips into the locker room with a smile and a stupid joke or a fun new fact he’s learned, how his eyes inevitably find Eddie, and how he’ll always fall into step with him as they start to assemble for Bobby’s morning briefing.
But by the time Eddie’s finished changing and closed his locker, Buck still hasn’t shown up. Chim and Hen have already come in, changed, and filtered back out to the app bay for the morning briefing. Eddie trails after them, off-kilter without Buck’s shoulder knocking against his.
Bobby’s announcements are quick and to-the point. Eddie’s barely paying attention to them, his gaze darting around, searching for Buck.
But he’s not there.
(continue reading on ao3)
@remembertheskittles @myao3library-blog @sorryimlatecapt @swiftiesisters14 @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual
@myphilomena @neuromagpie @fleurdebeton @daffi-990 @crysty-rp-2023
@confetti-cupcake @pixelmator5 @fabgirlll @evansbuckkley @lyricfulloflight
@daisievalentine @crazyfangirlallert @bucklavaa @torturedpoetdean @smallandalmosthonest
@notalwaysdead @anatargmova @marmottion @flavored-soda @thebirdling
@tulipfromtheinternet @takemebythehand-andsetmefree @sunshinediaz @thatsveryood @devirnis
@messyhairdiaz @skies-below @actingcamplibrarian @dirundmir @stagefoureddiediaz
@wh0rebehavi0rmain @dancy-nrew @eddiebabygirldiaz @screamatthescreen @organizedstardust
@leothil @theroguetranslator @kinnards @gregoryus @jorniq
@inell @epicbuddieficrecs @neeterpoo @JAKEJAGIELSKIDESERVEDBETTER @madneywedding
@bucksbignaturals @larryismybabyhoney @wearethecyclones @untherapized-eddie @atalethatcantbetold
@marissaleec @lolpuppy @sail-not-drift @lasagnatheory @buckleydiaz
@taketheplanspinitsideways @froggysquishmallow @misshiss727 @artemis-the-sinister @acrownofblueroses
@buckleybabyblues @andavs-main
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oflights · 1 year
10, 14, and 21!
hi!! thank you! these are great
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
hmm i definitely did not expect all the western stars to blow up as much as it did! pretty sure it's on pace to overtake all of my decade-old 2500+ kudos hockey fics in terms of stats. no idea why that one hit more than all the others but i have a forever soft spot for it!!
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
haha this is hard because all of my fics are films, to ME. but probably Close Behind or find a new place to be from. both of those have settings/aesthetics/visuals that are so very clear in my head and would adapt so well to any visual medium. the roses in find a new place to be from would so cool to see! and the trunk kitchen!
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
okay so i actually delete enormous chunks of all of my fics lol. like when you see me post a fic just know that large pieces of it have been cut out and just litter my fic folder. i constantly rein myself in and cut extras, no matter how hard i worked on them; that's a part of my process!
ask me fic writer things!
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Group Ask 22
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
fuckallandwhatnot said: (/others)
Hello! Thanks for exist yet again! I lost a fic that I've read a few times. It's set during TFA and basically Steve had no idea Bucky was not straight and he walks in on Bucky having sex with a guy. Any idea what it is?
Anon sent in Dreams From a Moutainside by DevBasaa (complete, /others)
Anon 1 said: (/others)
Hi! I remember a story in which Bucky was seeing/dating a guy before the war (it's not the main focus of the story, but it's more than mentionned in passing; I remember a scene between them, very probably a flashback as I think the fic is set post-TWS). I thought the guy was named Charlie, but got no results on that; I do remember that he was black, though. (It's not the amazing The Steven G. Rogers Guide to What You Missed the Last Few Years, though). Thank you!
the-genderman sent in The Needle and the Killing Done by spitandvinegar (complete, rape/noncon, /others)
princessniitza sent in chapter 4 of You're the Pants on a Roxy Usher by spitandvinegar (WIP, /others) 
Anon 2 said:
Hi! Looking for a fic where, in the "early" Winter Soldier brainwashing days, Hydra "pretented" Steve came to rescue Bucky (I remember the scene where "Steve" finds him) then "caught" them. Bucky took responsability to save Steve from punishment and was tortured in his place, until he broke down and said Steve was the guilty one. Later, in his room, he hears "Steve" scream, and is relieved it's not himself. To Hydra, "betraying" Steve was a crucial step in making him become the Winter Soldier.
jorniq sent in Out of Time by ibroketuesday (complete)
caedesdeo said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic I vaguely remember the summary of- it was a short fic, possibly R rated. Steve or Bucky was returning from a mission, parking the quinjet/plane he was in, the other was at home, and they were taking to each other in their heads (soul mates? Alpha/omega bonded? just telepathic with each other?). The conversation was teasing, fun, possibly about what they were going to do to each other upon reunion.
claudia-flies sent in On the Outside by zilia (complete)
Anon 3 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Bucky musters the courage to tell Steve his feelings in a park and steve rejects him (i remember him noticing an old woman watching him pityingly after). steve says he just doesn't feel that way, but over time he realizes he actually does and they end up together. Thanks!
farraige25 and claudia-flies sent in Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy by triedunture (complete)
Anon 4 said: (/others)
hi! I'm looking for a story where bucky asks steve to help him get a present to his boyfriend house while he's away to surprise him but when they get there they find out he was cheating on bucky. steve confronts him and at the end he gets together with bucky. it was really well written and i swear i bookmarked it but i can't seem to find it anymore. thanks for all the work you do ♥
farraige25 sent in All Along by IsabellaJack (complete)
Anon 5 said:
Hi! I can't find a fic in which the Avengers are worried that Steve is hurting Bucky because Bucky has bruises (which resulted from the rough sex that he and Steve has). It begins with Tony Stark trying to broach the topic with Bucky and Bucky basically saying 'I like it rough'. Then he finds Steve on the roof and they talk about it - then I'm positive they have sex on the roof. I swear it was under the misunderstandings tag but I can't find it. 
narramin said:
Hi! I know you're super busy now, but I can't find this fic for the love of my life. It's got a really distrustful Steve, who doesn't dare to hope for Bucky to be good, to come back, and Bucky has to "prove" himself to Steve. And I think Natasha gave Steve shit about it??? Not sure about this part, it's been a long time. Thank you in advance!
Anon 6 said: (possible noncon warning)
I know you guys are busy but I’m looking for a fic, and I looked but I can’t find it. So cap got kidnapped by Hydra and they tied him to a table because they wanted to see him humiliated, so they make the winter soldier have sex with him, but they both seem to enjoy it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!!
warmsandsofelseweyr, claudia-flies, and princessniitza  sent in To the Victor by dragonspell (complete, rape/noncon, /others)
iam-infinite said:
Hi! I'm looking for a fic where it is after the helicarrier incident and Fury finds Bucky and Bucky has something in his hands that he wouldn't let go and give to Fury and when Steve gets there he finds out it is their wedding rings
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oflights · 1 year
Thank you for the poetry posts! I'm still one of those "don't quite "get" poetry" people, but it was so nice to see your poetry posts and it made me stop and actually read and really try to feel, understand, and think about those poems
oh, thank you so much!! this is so lovely to hear, you have no idea. i love poetry a lot and love to talk about it and i don't necessarily think you have to "get" poetry for it to make you feel things. so hearing you take the time with it just makes me really happy; thank you for saying so! 💜💜💜
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
some things fall when they're meant to fall
17k (so far) | rated T | read on ao3 Eddie’s gaze drop to Buck’s lips—pink, like his birthmark. Eddie wants to taste those lips, and he wants it with a fierceness so sudden it shocks him. “I’m, uh,” Buck stammers. “Last night. When you saw me and Tommy…we—we were on a date.” Everything inside Eddie goes still. If his heart is a kite, then this is the moment it plummets back to earth.
or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
written for @burnthatbridge
Chapter 3/4 now up on ao3
The wedding is beautiful, the bride gorgeous. And the Best Man?
Well, Eddie’s a little biased, but he’s not sure he’s ever seen someone glow the way Buck is glowing today. It’s like there’s a halo of light radiating off him all day—where he stands, beaming at Chimney and Maddie during the ceremony, where he raises his glass during his toast at the reception, where he and Tommy sway in the middle of the dance-floor, surrounded by all the people Buck loves most.
Eddie tries not to be too obvious about the fact that he can’t keep his eyes off him, but he’s not really sure he’s doing a good job.
He’s not really sure he cares.
They look good together, Buck and Tommy. Eddie’s seen them together before, lots of times, and he thought maybe he’d built up some kind of armor to it, some kind of resistance that protected his heart against this slow, crushing ache, but he’d been so, so wrong.
Maybe it’s just all catching up to him at once.
Or maybe—maybe there’s been a change. A shift in the way Buck’s looking at Tommy, because Eddie could swear that there’s something different on his face tonight. He’s holding onto Tommy and looking up at him and Eddie could swear he can see it in his eyes.
Buck is falling in love.
(read chapter 3 on ao3)
@remembertheskittles @myao3library-blog @sorryimlatecapt @swiftiesisters14 @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual
@myphilomena @neuromagpie @fleurdebeton @daffi-990 @crysty-rp-2023
@confetti-cupcake @pixelmator5 @fabgirlll @evansbuckkley @lyricfulloflight
@daisievalentine @crazyfangirlallert @bucklavaa @torturedpoetdean @smallandalmosthonest
@notalwaysdead @anatargmova @marmottion @flavored-soda @thebirdling
@tulipfromtheinternet @takemebythehand-andsetmefree @sunshinediaz @thatsveryood @devirnis
@messyhairdiaz @skies-below @actingcamplibrarian @dirundmir @stagefoureddiediaz
@wh0rebehavi0rmain @dancy-nrew @eddiebabygirldiaz @screamatthescreen @organizedstardust
@leothil @theroguetranslator @kinnards @gregoryus @jorniq
@inell @epicbuddieficrecs @neeterpoo @JAKEJAGIELSKIDESERVEDBETTER
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drunktuesdaze · 10 years
So you mentioned Scions in your last post. You wouldn't happen to possibly maybe be referring to the DCU TimKon fanfiction, would you???
YES YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD.  What a great fanfictional experience.  Saved on my kindle 4ever.  DCU is yet another fandom in which I have never seen an ounce of the source material and YET have read a shitton of fic.  SCIONS 4EVER.
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