#jordan peele also showed up at my parents house to take a tour at one point because he wanted to make a movie with it
mildmayfoxe · 5 months
had a dream i was at this huge banquet thing where everything was free and after sitting at my own table for a while started walking around to see what else there was and found a table with a ton of boxes of rabbit shaped gummy candies in different flavors with two girls sitting at it & i politely was like “could i take one of these please?” and gestured at a box that had one of each flavor in it and without even looking at me one of them, in a really nasty tone, was like “no you can’t” with no other explanation. so then of course i took four boxes and walked away and was just wandering around looking at stuff and found a big mountain of cookies so i opened one of them (toffee or something. in the dream it tasted great) when the girl who told me no tackled me to the ground and started fighting me for the boxes of candy i took and i was like “why are you so obsessed with not letting me have any of these!!” and knocked her down on the ground and then my alarm went off and i woke up
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beanfic · 5 years
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x reader
Word count: 1966
Warnings: Talk of sex, angst, and language
Author’s note: Part 1 of a little mini series! Not sure how long this will be, either 3 or 4 parts! :) 
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“Holy shit,” you mumbled under your breath as you peeled your eyes open from the sleep that crusted them closed. You looked around at the unfamiliar room you were in, and the unfamiliar bed you were laying in. The body that laid next to you tossed and turned, and you groaned slightly as the memories of last night came back to you. 
The light from the window made your head pound from the hangover that was slowly creeping its way up. You wanted to get out of bed and close the blinds but there was no way you wanted to wake him. 
‘Him’ had a name. It was Tyler Joseph. It also happened to be your ex’s best friends brother. Her name was Maddy, and you and she had been inseparable since elementary school but that all changed when college came along. It just wasn’t the same, and you guys grew apart, and now you barely even exchange looks when you have invited to any of the parties that her brothers threw. 
“Ty,” you softly nudged the tattooed shoulder of the boy that laid asleep. It took you a second to realize that you were also not wearing clothes, and you pulled the sheets up to your chin as Tyler sleepily opened his eyes and smiled at you. 
“Good morning, Buttercup,” he yawned and he wrapped his arms around your waist, closing his eyes once again. Your heartfelt warm with the name that he called you. You remember when you first kissed Tyler, it was at senior year prom inside the photo booth. You two never made it official, and you definitely did not want to act on the emotions after you and Maddy had you're falling apart. 
“Can you explain to me what happened last night,” you chuckled. Tyler leaned over the side of the bed and when he sat back up he held an oversized Twenty One Pilots shirt. 
“Here, wear this.” He handed you the shirt and you threw it over your bare body. “Jay threw a party last night, and I saw you and you invited me to play beer pong with you, Jay, and Jordan.”
“Who won?”, you asked as you pulled your knees up to your chest and held them closely as you waited for him to tell the rest of the story.
“You and Jay did, but Jordan and I got close. Josh and I didn’t even want to go to the party since it would be filled with 20-year-olds but he convinced me and then I ended up actually having a really good time with you.”
“I’m glad you showed up because I kept on trying to avoid Maddy all night. It sucks being friends with your family but being hated by your sister,” you sighed and Tyler rubbed your back.
“It’s okay, anyways, back to the story! We both kissed, and then took more shots, and then kissed some more and now we are here.”
You groaned and covered your eyes with your hands, “Did we?”
“I think so,” Tyler rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he stared into your eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke softly but Tyler lifted your chin up with his hand and he pulled you in close for a kiss. His lips were soft, and they tasted like leftover alcohol.
“Don’t be sorry, we both wanted it,” he whispered as he pulled away and you smiled shyly.
“That’s very true,” you admitted. You had been wanting to make love to Tyler for the past two years, but it was rare when you got to see him because he was busy touring with Josh. 
“I wish I could just make you my girlfriend.”
“I know, Ty, but as I said before it would be too hard with you touring and me going to college. Plus your sister hates me.”
“The tour part is a good excuse, but you got to stop caring about my sister. You guys haven’t been friends for two years but my family still invites you over all the time. You’re one of Jay’s close friends too.”
“I know, it just is really hard to lose a friend, okay? You wouldn’t understand because you’re a guy,” you groaned.
“Whatever you say,” Tyler kissed your lips again and threw his legs over the bedside and started to stretch. You watched in awe as the bluish morning light danced over his back and shoulder muscles. You noticed their faint scratch marks and you started to blush.
“Do you know exactly what we did last night?” you asked shyly and Tyler turned around to look at you?
“What do you mean?”
“Like I know we made love, but your back has scratches on it, I guess I just don’t really remember exactly what happened,” you bit your lip nervously as you waited for his answer.
“I guess you liked it rough,” he chuckled and you threw a pillow over your face to hide the embarrassment. “I’m going to take a shower, and then did you want a drive back to campus?”
You nodded, “that would be nice. Is this your childhood bedroom?”
“Yep, the one and only,” Tyler smiled as he looked around at the blue walls. You had never been in his room even though you had spent almost every weekend over at his house when you were little. 
You pulled on the pair of jeans you wore the night before but kept on Tyler’s oversized t-shirt. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind that you were going to keep it, you just didn’t want to put on the tube top that you had worn to the party. The time from when Tyler went in to take a shower, and when he walked back into the room wearing just a shower seemed like 5 minutes. 
“Why are you staring at me,” Tyler smirked.
“You’re just so handsome.”
“Thank you, and you are beautiful to Buttercup.” He dropped his towel as he pulled on a pair of boxers, followed by a pair of jeans. His Nintendo hoodie was the last article of clothing and you finally were able to look away. He was mesmerizing, he always has been. 
Tyler headed downstairs and you followed close behind him. You really did not want to run into his siblings, but at least you did not have to worry about his parents since they were out of town. Your luck was run short as Maddy and Jay were sitting in the family room watching an episode of the Office.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you spent the night!” Jay said and you nodded shyly before looking away. 
“We’re headed out, see you guys later,” Tyler waved. You looked back just in time to catch a dirty glare from Maddy. You could tell that both she and Jay knew what ended up happening, and you really did not want to deal with that. 
“When are you leaving for tour again?” you asked Tyler once you were in his car as an attempt to make small talk. 
“I leave for two weeks for some festivals in South America on Wednesday!”
“Wednesday? That’s in two days and you just got back from your Europe tour,” you pouted.
“That’s the life of a successful musician!”
“And an egotistical one!” you joked and Tyler laughed. You were disappointed though, you wanted to spend more time with him one and one, and maybe even go on a few dates. You enjoyed being around him, and he was so loving and caring towards you. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” Tyler promised as he dropped you off at your sorority house. You nodded and shot him a thumbs up. Tyler waved as he drove away and you sniffled away your sadness. You did not want to cry over someone you aren’t even dating. 
“Are you okay?” a girl asked from outside the bathroom stall that you were puking in. You wiped your mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet.
“I think I have the flu,” you murmured as you opened the stall door. Your friend, Taylor, stood outside with her arms crossed. 
“This is like the tenth time you have thrown up this week! You should go see a doctor,” she suggested but you shook your head.
“I don’t like doctors, and I’m pretty sure it’s just the flu!”
“Whatever you say, have you talked to Tyler since he left?” she asked and you nodded.
“We text whenever he has free time, which hasn’t been that much. I miss him and he has only been gone for a week.”
“It’s understandable, you’re in love,” Taylor teased you and you rolled your eyes. 
“I think love might be a little dramatic.”
“Whatever you say,” she sang as she headed back to her room. You headed back to yours where your two roommates were in there eating breakfast. One was your “Big Sister”, her name was Emma and she acted as not only as honorary Big Sister in the sorority but also as a real sister because you always go to her for advice and everything. 
“Hey Em, can I talk to you?” you asked nervously. She nodded and grabbed her car keys. Since the house was filled with about 40 girls, the only private place to talk was in Emma’s car. You both headed down and hopped in the front seats.
“What’s up?” she asked. Her eyes danced across your face as she looked for a hint as to what was going on.
“I’m l-late,” you stuttered and you broke down in tears. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay,” she rubbed your back. “Y/N, look at me.”
You looked up at her through foggy eyes, “I’ve been throwing up, and I’m late. Emma, I’m fucking pregnant.”
“You don’t know that something else could be going hormonally which is making you late and feeling sick.”
“I bet he didn’t use protection that night, I didn’t even think to ask and I don’t even really remember it,” you ranted and Emma just hugged you tight and allowed you break down.
“Let’s go to the store and I can pick up different tests to see, it’s going to be okay,” she said as she tried to calm you down. You nodded and wiped your nose in your sleeve. 
You scanned the aisle of various pregnancy tests, but you could not get your brain to focus on any of them. You were terrified. 
“Should we do this one?” you asked, grabbing what seemed like a reliable brand. Emma came over and inspected it.
“This looks good, but we should get a couple!” She grabbed two other boxes. 
You checked out, got a weird look from the register lady, and headed back to the sorority house. Your heart was already racing.
“Wish me luck,” you tried to joke. 
“I’ll be in my room, come find me after!” 
You nodded and went into the stall. You opened the three boxes and read each of the instructions. Luckily, they were al similar, and it was a good thing you had drank a lot of water. You peed and then all you had to do now was wait. 
Time was going by slower than it ever has. You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through your phone. You wanted to text Tyler, but you also did not want to freak him out during his tour. You decided that if worse comes to worst, You will tell him via phone call. 
You jumped a little when the timer went off on your phone. You took a deep breath and looked down at the results. Your eyes had a hard time reading them all, but eventually, your eyes were able to make out the faint lines.
The faint two lines.
“Fucking dammit,” you whispered.
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