#jordan battle trying to be a disney prince on a date
cementcornfield · 1 month
Would you rather talk to animals or know every language?
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Super Salacious B. Crumb Sunday Headcanons!
Here’s my weekly roundup of headcanons and other fun stuff. Send me your happy SW thoughts if you’re interested in having a little fun with me (either anon, or off, whatever you’d like). This week, we’ve got some rumors and spoiler head canons, some speculation about Ben’s role if and when he leaves the FO, and more!
What amuses me the most about the supposed 0G scene is that everyone assumes it will be a Rey vs Kylo scene and no one ever thinks what if it is Kylo vs KoR for example? Or the supposed bounty hunter Keri is playing? ;) those two options would make that scene soo much more interesting than just another rematch between Rey and Kylo, they will have one of course, they need to 'talk' and clear a lot of things, but i see that happening on the ground ;)
I’m on the fence concerning a rematch between Kylo and Rey. On the one hand, lightsaber battles are cool af and I get why people would be down for a rematch, on the other, I have a really hard time seeing them fight each other. Like, you’re telling me Mr. Holding you on the edge of a cliff and imploring you to be his student is going to be hardcore into fighting the girl he cries a lot over? I just... Have a hard time with it. And similarly, you’re telling me Ms. Shipped myself into enemy territory after crying over you, prettying myself up, fighting for you, and then crying some more about you is going to be super into it too? ReallYYYY? Lol I mean, people can imagine/headcanon/want whatever, but this is what I struggle with. But I feel you, nonnie, lol I see most of their “discussions” being on the ground naked. I’d love to see Keri kick some ass in 0Gs, so I’m down for that too! OO kick some KoR ass! Lol.
What plot do you think can involve poe finishing at the same time than 3po? Friend told me that just that day Joonas was returning to work, and then the next week was it R2 or BB who finished? So the last ones standing to the last day were Ben, Rey, Finn, Rose, Chewie and maybe Naomi's character, double date and chaperones?
Depends, Nonnie. There wasn’t much seen of Oscar on set after Jordan, so if they were doing some sort of pick up, or out of sequence shooting, it could be from anywhere. According to Oscar, he and Anthony had a lot of scenes together, so it’s possible they were finishing up whatever work they needed to film for 3PO and Poe.
Hi! So it's pretty common to compare Rey and Kylo to Beauty and the Beast, but I just realized something -- in Disney Channel's "Descendents", the son of Belle and Beast is also named Ben so... coincidence??
Haha, probably? I mean, Harrison’s son is also named Ben and, iirc, there was a name switch at some point, possibly with his input. Though, it also does tie into “Ben Kenobi,” aka, the reason Ben’s parents got together in the first place. But that is a fun coincidence!
What do you think Ben will do after he leaves the FO? Because I doubt he’ll go to the Resistance even though Rey is there. Even if Rey leaves the Resistance, I’m not sure if he will go to her since maybe he’ll think she would not want anything to do with him. Also do you think Rey understands or realizes that maybe the one of the reasons why he would not go to the Resistance is because maybe he thinks they would not accept him or they will persecute him? (A lot of ‘maybes’, sorry)
I don’t see him joining the Resistance either, Nonnie. I don’t see him dumping one cause only to take up another (and one that he seems to have a problem with, if his opinion concerning senators and the New Republic is anything to go by). I think his journey, like Rey’s, is with the Force and not so much being a part of the Resistance. They will bring balance and peace in their own storyline, while characters like Finn, Rose, and Poe (among others) will work towards their goals. I don’t really think that Rey will be that present in the Resistance, either, but I think their Force connection will help fill in the gaps between where they were and where they currently are at. These two need time and to talk to resolve their issues, and to take steps towards claiming their own happy endings, whether that’s together or not (though I think it will be together).
I think that Ben also thinks that the reason Rey didn’t killed him when he was unconscious was because she is a good person so it’s natural for her to show mercy but he doesn’t give thought that she also ultimately wants to be with him as a partner and lover. And Rey will probably think that she isn’t a good person but a selfish one because she went to Ben wanting him to leave with her not solely because it’s for the Resistance but because she wants him.
I think you’re onto something, Nonnie. I agree that their issues right now come from the fact that, instead of talking to each other about what they saw and what they want, they jumped to conclusions and made assumptions (that they both saw and wanted the same things, when they clearly didn’t). I think that, once they sit down and talk through their issues, it’ll be gravy.
How long do you think Ben will last as the Supreme Leader in IX? Do you think it will last until the 2nd act? Or he will be out of the FO very early on? Because based from the leaks, it seems his reign will last longer...? I am not so sure
For a hot minute lol. Someone on twitter stated that Ben had to become the Supreme Leader in order to realize that was never what he really wanted. And even Leia, in the Bloodlines novel, says that she doesn’t think Ben would be interested in retaining a title (as prince), which I think is true. I don’t see that much of his story taking place outside of what’s going on with Rey, but that’s just my speculation. I think he’s been told for so long what his destiny is meant to be that he’s never actually had a moment to sit and consider what he wants. It’ll be interesting to see what happens concerning this and the conclusions he draws in EPIX.
I am pretty sure that if Rey and Ben do reconcile and she sees that he finally becoming more balance like letting the light in and being more Ben Solo, she’ll defend him even against the Resistance if they are hell bent on killing him. If they give her the choice to either kill him and stay with them or be kicked out and marked as a threat for fraternizing with the enemy, she’ll gladly leave them.
I agree, Nonnie. I think a great aspect of Rey’s character (and one that, incidentally, Padme also shares), is her willingness to believe the best about people, but also the fact that she’s not afraid to call them on their bullshit. I agree that, if she sees him taking real strides towards righting the wrongs that he’s committed/coming to the Light, etc, she’ll go to the ends of the galaxy and back again to keep him safe. I’m interested to see how their Force Bond plays out once people in the Resistance know about it and whether that causes any tensions within the organization (I HOPE IT DOES MWAHAHA).
I am not afraid of discourse after what we went through in pre-TLJ days. Of course they are going to try to continue to sale Rey Finn and Poe as the trio just as they did with both TFA and TLJ to try unsuccessfully hide what truly is going on. We do know at some point in the film Rey goes off on her own for some reason. Personally, I think it only PARTLY has something to do with trying to hide her bond to Ben. Imagine how awkward it must be for her? lol. Looks like she's talking to herself.
Haha man, do I ever want the fanon thing where Rey is talking to Kylo with their bond and then someone walks in and sees like her or him talking to thin air LOL. I wonder if anyone else can see it? Doesn’t seem to be the case, if Luke’s reaction on Ahch-To is any indication. I definitely think her bond/and the scar she got defending him, will be some source of drama in EPIX and I can’t wait!
Cheers all! Thanks for chatting about SW with me and for your input!
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