#joonas proko
nanoa1foryou · 2 years
If the line "Look, my hair's on fire! I'm a torch!" is about Joonas getting light up by pyros on stage, then is the following "Why you tryna eat that soup with a fork?" also at him? Is that an actual conversation they've had? Because it does sound like the kind of dumbassery he would partake in.
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paleangels13 · 2 years
Wish I could add Joonas Porko to my wishlist 😔✋🏻
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Masterpost of all my very specific Blind Channel screenshots:
Bad Idea 1 Snake Balboa Over My Dead Body We Are No Saints Dark Side Sharks Love Blood Died Enough For You Don’t Fix Me Bad Idea 2
Honestly, these were so much fun to make. It gave such a new appreciation for those music videos. And trust me when I say that some of these were hard to narrow down. (More rambling under the cut.)
When I started making these, it was because of the split second frames I noticed in the first Bad Idea music video. I love gifs on tumblr, but I knew that no gif could really capture just those frames. So I did it myself.
I combed through them all, mostly frame by frame or with excessive pausing. I avoided taking screenshots that were of stock footage (that's why there is so little of Died Enough For you) or not specific to the music video (so no screenshotting just their faces over and over). Some stuff I threw in there for variety. Some stuff I left out because there are fantastic gifs that do it way more justice than a screenshot ever could.
The point was to capture the stuff that you miss on the first and second time watching the video. I wanted to capture the vibe of the video while showing stuff that doesn't get the spotlight on its own in the video.
And honestly, the attention to detail in these videos is crazy. Big props to everyone behind the camera and screens for putting those videos together. The editing is crazy, the camera angles are beautiful and the outcome is stunning. Especially with Vita Pictura. Their work is so beautiful, frame by frame.
Fun facts that I noticed during this little project:
The first Bad Idea video has so many weird edits in there. Like way more than you see. It's so colourful and fun.
You may think that Snake is mostly black and white and you'd be mostly wrong.
Balboa has a lot going on but it looks better when the video is moving. The individual frames are so blurry, but the video is fantastic.
Over My Dead Body has way more filter effects than you notice at first. Also, the camera angles are both stunning and make it look good without having a ridiculous budget for special effects to get the gory details look good. Keeps the focus on the music and idea without turning it all into a horror film.
We Are No Saints has just so much going on. It was the hardest to narrow down just by the variety of effects it had. Like so many different interesting edits. Every frame of that thing was a painting.
Dark side music video was perhaps the prettiest. The edits, the colour palette, the framing. All of it was perfect. I can see why that video went viral and not just the song itself.
Sharks Love Blood has so many fun dark things going on. I just focused on patterns of blood and the way it drips and such. Such a horror video for such a party song.
Died enough for you looks great but having incomplete lyrics cover half the frame makes it hard to screenshot the good parts.
Don't Fix Me has shots from both Bad Idea music videos mixed in there. Occasionally it was individual frames, sometimes full clips. It's just blended so well in there that the only thing you can really pick out are the roses.
The lighting for the second Bad Idea video is so pretty and every shot of it is too. Some shots were used multiple times in it. Definitely worth releasing it though. I can't imagine how much work went into it.
Additionally about our boys:
Niko makes like three facial expressions when he's screaming but so many more when he's just singing or rapping.
Joel looks way more emotional in person than on any video.
The reason why Aleksi cut his hair is so that his face is visible. There are barely any clear shots of his face from any music video.
Joonas moves so much and it's impossible to screenshot it because he is just a blur half the time.
Why are there so few shots of Olli? And when he is on screen he is either out of focus or there for three frames at a time? Give my boy more screen time!
Stop filming Tommi's hands and start filming his face. He has such variety in his expressions.
I hope you have enjoyed all of my screenshots! They've been so much fun to do!
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