#joo seok hoon x reader
kromeihl · 2 years
In a blink of an eye, I realized I experienced Love at First Sight
➥Joo Seok-Hoon
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As she stepped in the classroom, all eyes were on her. Including the CEO of JK Holding's son.
She tilted her head as she smiled, her eyes following the crowd infront of her. Then locking her eyes with the most intimidating looking man she's ever seen.
But that first impression was mistakened.
"Bae Ro-na." Seok-kyung spoke up. After Ha Eun-Byeol invited everybody, including you, to her party, and not including Ro-na, Seok-kyung seemed to invite the girl somewhere else.
"Come to my house. Let's study together." She smirked, Ro-na's face beamed, pointing at herself. "Me?!" She looked in shock.
"Yes, you." Seok-kyung raised her brows, smiling as she crossed her arms. "You too." Seok-kyung looked at you, who was standing behind Ro-na.
"Ah, are you su-" Seok-kyung walked up to you, putting her hand on your shoulder. "Super sure." She smiled, everybody in the room looked in shock.
"I guess I won't be going to the party, too." Seok-hoon shrugged, glancing at you who was already looking at him.
Eun-Byeol looked like a red bull, brushing her hair back as she glanced at you. "[Name] you could come with us inste-"
"She already agreed to be with us." Seok-kyung glared. The teacher came in, making everybody go back to their seats.
"Wah, this is your place?" Ro-na smiled as she looked through the window. You smiled as well, taking a look around. Ro-na continued asking questions about what their father's job is.
You felt a presence behind you, making you turn behind and look up. "Joo Seok-Hoon-shi..." He gave you a blank look. "Hm?" You felt your heart drop at his response, a drop of sweat running down from your forehead.
"How come you're sweating?" He sighed, getting a napkin from his pocket as he wiped the side of your head. "It's cold here." You let out a breathy laugh, "Haha..I just, well..."
Your heart was pounding into your chest, you found it hard to reply. "Oppa!" Seok-kyung called out, making her older brother turn to her and so does [Name].
Their mother stood before them as Ro-na started to great herself. Seok-hoon slowly dropped his hand, putting the napkin inside of his pocket.
"Ajumma!" You beamed, your hands covering your mouth as you gasp in shock. "[Last Name], [First Name]-shi..?" She looked just as surprised as you.
You ran up to her, the trio watching. "It's been a while, how are you?" She smiled, "I'm doing okay, thank you!" Seok-kyung tilted her head, "Eomma, you know her?"
"She's the daughter of [Dad's name], your father's friend." Seok-kyung nodded, looking at her brother. "Oppa, why don't you show them around?" Seok-Hoon glanced at his younger sister, before walking to the direction of their room.
You excused yourself, bowing your head as you walked away from Suryeon, you stared at the back of Ro-na's head before she spoke up. "Woah! Is this where you guys practice?" She looked around.
"It is." Seok-Hoon answered shortly. While Ro-na amired the piano, you looked at their study table. "Pretty organized." You were about to get a book but your arm hit a pen, making it fall under the table.
"Oh shoot!" You said under your breath. You went under the table, getting the pen before bumping your head, a hiss coming out of your mouth.
"Are you ok?" Seok-Hoon spoke up, kneeling on the floor to check up on your state. "I'm fine..." You smiled, rubbing your head as you sat on the floor.
"Be careful next time." He huffed, you looked up to see him stare at you, his eyes then moving away in a flash. You giggled, brushing your hair back as you put your hand above his knee.
"Never knew you'd care enough to say that." You joked, you flinched a bit from the sudden touch..Which was his hand ontop of yours. "Now you know."
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Back from another break!!! Made this at school and I'm addicted to penthouse, again!
Requests are open~ Check my blog if you want to know which characters I write for.
Have a great day/night<3
If you want to donate -> Gcash: 09490447851
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Moving into Hera Palace and choosing not to befriend the rich kids
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Request: Yes or No
The rich kids don't have a group name so that's what I'll call em. I did some research so hopefully it's good. There seem to be different spellings for the names so imma just stick with one and go with it. Since in the show they speak english occasionally this will mean they're speaking english.
TW: Suicide mention
You stared out the window, a soft sigh leaving you as you watched the buildings and cars pass by. You turned your head, looking at your mother.
"Why couldn't I have stayed with dad?" You asked. Your mother let out a sigh of her own, looking away from her phone.
"I know you don't like traveling but you need to get in touch with your Korean roots. You were born and raised here for a while. Don't you miss it?" She reached out, gently touching your cheek.
"Just stay here for a bit and if you don't like it.. I'll get you a ticket back to the states." She offered a small smile before looking back at her phone. The car pulled into the parking lot. The driver got out, opening the doors for you and your mother. He got the luggage out with help from the Hera Palace employees. You walked inside, humming softly as you took in the interior design.
"Wouldn't expect less from Joo Dan Tae." Your mother muttered, giving a small nod of approval. You walked into the lobby, seeing Su Ryeon and her family waiting. Su Ryeon gave a wide smile, walking forward and embracing your mother.
"(M/N), it's been so long! We have so much to catch up on." Su Ryeon breathed out, leaning back and gazing fondly at your mother. She shifted her attention onto you, smiling and placing a gentle hand on your arm.
"How have you been, (Y/N)?" She asked, head tilting.
"I've been good, thanks for asking." You gave a small smile. You enjoyed Su Ryeons' company. Unlike her husband and children, she was kind and genuine. You dropped the smile upon noticing Joo Dan Tae and the twins. You felt your mother nudge you and give a pointed look.
"(M/N), (Y/N), welcome to Hera Palace. I hope it suits your tastes." Joo Dan Tae said, giving his typical business smile. He handed you and your mother the cards that would allow you to access the resident elevators and such. Seok Kyung looped her arm around yours.
"We'll show you to your place." She smiled, pulling you away from the adults. Her brother gave an apologetic look as he followed.
"How was the US?" Seok Kyung asked, turning to look at you. You licked your lips, resisting the urge to turn around and ask for plane tickets back.
"It was fine." You replied, entering the elevator. Seok Kyung hummed, putting in the floor number where your apartment was.
"Will you be joining us Cheong-Ah Arts High School?" Seok Hoon asked softly. You turned your head, looking at him.
"No, I won't. I'll be doing online school. I was never interested in classical singing like the rest of you." You answered, looking forward as the elevator doors opened. A woman and a girl stood on the other side. The woman blinked in surprise before bowing her head in greeting.
"Good evening." She greeted.
"Bae Ro Na, this is (Y/N), an old friend of ours." Seok Kyung said as she stepped out of the elevator. Bae Ro Na smiled sweetly.
"Nice to meet you."
"Same here."
"I'm Bae Ro Nas' mother, Oh Yoon Hee." Oh Yoon Hee gave a small smile of her own, shaking your hand.
"Are you gonna be staying on our floor?" Bae Ro Na asked. You nodded, feeling Seok Kyungs fingers tighten on your arm. It seemed like the friendship between her and Bae Ro Na was fake, at least on Seok Kyungs behalf.
"My mother is most likely with Ms. Shim downstairs in the lobby. I hope we can get along as neighbors." You glanced between them. Oh Yoon Hee and Bae Ro Na seemed relieved.
"Thank you. See you around." Oh Yoon Hee smiled gently, ushering her daughter into the elevator that Seok Hoon had prevented from leaving. Seok Kyung scoffed softly once the elevator doors closed.
"Su Ryeon wanted them to move in. They're nobodies." Seok Kyung explained, pulling you towards your apartment door. You opened the door, entering and looking around. Your mother had the furniture moved in before you had arrived.
"You can join us later tonight at the lounge. We should let you rest." Seok Hoon said, pulling his sister away from you. Seok Kyung finally released your arm, nodding.
"Jenny, Eun Byeol, and-"
"I'll have to pass. I have things to unpack and I want to get settled in." You cut her off, licking your lips. Seok Kyung blinked.
"Oh, well, maybe some other time?"
"I saw the video where you and your friends bullied that girl. The one who went on to commit suicide. For the sake of my family's reputation, I'll have to pass on any hangouts. I have zero tolerance for bullies and frankly, I hung out with you when I was a child because it was what my parents wanted. Now, if you could please leave, I'd appreciate it." You motioned towards the door. The twins stared at you in surprise. Seok Kyungs jaw clenched, spinning around and leaving.
"Thank you for walking me here. I'll see you around." You said, giving Seok Hoon a nod.
"If you change your mind, let us know." Seok Hoon said, stepping outside. You shut the door, letting out a sigh of relief. You heard a muffled stomp and grunt. Seok Kyung was still throwing tantrums despite being a teenager. You walked towards the couch, plopping down on it and staring up at the ceiling.
"I just have to stay long enough to satisfy mom and then I'll head back."
Gifs aren't mine.
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