#jonghyun x taemin
0rgell · 4 months
Kitty - JongTae Oneshot
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Pairing: Jonghyun x Taemin
Genre: hybrids, cat/human hybrid, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 2.6k words
You can also find this story on: AO3
Taemin's a jealous kitty and Jonghyun is clueless. Or Jonghyun and Taemin, a human and his hybrid companion, navigate a misunderstanding that leads to jealousy and tension in their relationship. Taemin, a cat hybrid, becomes upset when Jonghyun returns home smelling like another cat, leading to a silent treatment that lasts for four days. Jonghyun, unaware of the reason for Taemin's anger, struggles with the sudden distance between them.
Taemin is mad at Jonghyun. Jonghyun knows this because he’s been refusing to be in the same room as him for four days straight. When Jonghyun goes into the lounge, Taemin leaves the bookshelf and goes into the bathroom to lie on the towel shelf. It’s been like this for four days, and Jonghyun doesn’t even know what he’s done wrong . If he asks (which he has), Taemin just looks at him and strolls away, swaying his tail as he leaves Jonghyun hurt and confused. 
If Taemin would just tell Jonghyun, he’d be able to fix his mistake, but Taemin won’t tell him. On the first day, Jonghyun thought maybe the other just needed some space to be independent or do hybrid things that Jonghyun wouldn’t understand or be able to take part in. But then the second day rolled around, and he still wasn’t talking to him, making him nervous. The third day just made Jonghyun miserable; he missed the hybrid’s presence, and the space on his chest was left cold without his kitty to nuzzle it. And today, the fourth day, Jonghyun’s about to break down; he’s concluded that whatever it is that he’s done to upset Taemin must be a pretty big deal. And when he finds out what it is, he won’t do it again. He’s in hell. He just wants his beautiful hybrid to come and sit on his lap, cuddle him, groom him, or kiss him. 
All Jonghyun can do now is wait it out, wait until he’s loved again. So he tries to do his normal day-to-day activities to take his mind off of his loneliness. He decides to busy himself and dust the bookshelf first to see if maybe Taemin will talk to him, but as soon as he gets there, Taemin is off like a rocket with a low grumble. 
Fine. Whatever. Jonghyun doesn’t deserve this treatment; it’s unfair. It’s cruel, and it’s causing a heavy weight in his chest and an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He begins to take all his books off the shelves, with more brunt than he normally would, and chucks them on the sofa like a stroppy child. He takes his dust mitten and wipes the shelf with vigour, singing a happy song to himself—although he’s the opposite of happy—very quietly because he doesn’t want to disturb Taemin. 
He gets so into his cleaning that he doesn’t even notice the light sounds of tiny paws getting closer and closer to him. Once finished, he turns around to pick up the books, only to find Taemin lying on them. Jonghyun has two questions, how is that comfortable? When did Taemin come in? 
And another because he’s confused, does this mean Taemin is no longer angry at him?
He’ll only find out when he has to move the kitty off the books, but he’s dreading finding out because he doesn’t want Taemin to be angry at him anymore. Quietly, he picks up the books surrounding his kitty and places them back on the shelves, only quietly muttering sad words of despair when he sees some of the corners of the books have been bent and then reprimanding himself for being so careless in his miserable state. But now he’s at an impasse, Taemin is still sleeping. The books that he’s not sleeping on have all been put away. 
A long sigh falls from Jonghyun’s lips as he walks close to the tiny pellet of violence. This could go one of two ways. Taemin could lash out at him, or he could just melt into his arms. He hopes for the latter; he’s doubtful. Carefully, he places both hands on either side of Taemin’s fluffy belly and lifts. 
Taemin’s body curls in on itself, and a loud yowl is belted from the small lungs as Taemin struggles, disorientated and angry. His claws dig into Jonghyun’s arms, scratching him, and then suddenly he stops. His bright green eyes focus on Jonghyun, and Jonghyun has to try his best to put a smile on his face. It’s a real one; it might look awkward, but the situation is awkward. Taemin’s lying in his hands, limp, with his warm belly—the warm belly Jonghyun hasn’t been able to touch in days, his claws still in Jonghyun’s forearm, and Taemin hasn’t looked him in the eyes in days either. 
Jonghyun waits. He waits to see what Taemin is going to do next, and quite frankly, he is shitting it; he wants this one-sided argument to be over. Or at least for him to be told what he’s done wrong. 
Taemin rolls again, using his claws in Jonghyun’s forearms to pull himself up to a stable hold, and then he bites into Jonghyun’s bicep, not hard, not breaking the skin; it's not angry or malicious either. Jonghyun can tell what this is. It’s what Taemin has told him about many times, shown him many times; it's a love bite. Once the other unlatches his teeth, he slips out of Jonghyun’s grip onto the floor and looks up at him with his big eyes and tail swaying from side to side. Jonghyun knows what he’s saying. Hurry up . But Jonghyun doesn’t know what Taemin wants him to hurry up with or what Taemin wants him to do. So he just stands there for a second, dumbfounded and shocked, and a little bit emotional as well, but he won’t admit that. He stands there and stares until Taemin starts grooming himself. He’s growing impatient; that’s what that tells Jonghyun. He doesn’t want to do the wrong thing; he turns to get the books and looks over to see Taemin still sitting there, waiting for him. With haste, he puts all the books away and then sees Taemin walking away. He follows like a lost puppy.  
He follows until they end up in the kitchen, where Taemin shifts—the first time Jonghyun has seen him in human form for days—and slides on an oversized jumper that just reaches the middle of his thighs. Jonghyun has missed his long, fluffy auburn hair as well. The moment of Jonghyun taking in Taemin’s beauty is cut short; as quickly as Taemin comes into his sight, he’s gone. Flying out of the room only to come back a minute later after leaving Jonghyun to be dumbfounded again. Jonghyun eyes the hybrid's hand and sees a first aid kit. Immediate panic washes over him as he takes it out of Taemin's hand and checks him all over. Well, he tries. Taemin is extremely ticklish when quick grabby hands touch him, so Jonghyun tries to find the wound on a very wiggly Taemin. He stops and looks at Taemin. “Where are you hurt?” he says, serious tones lacing his voice and a crease in his brow.
Taemin snorts, “I’m not the one that’s got a scratch at the moment.” He says, and then kicks a chair out from the table and says: “Sit.” 
Jonghyun knows better than to protest, so he does as he’s told and sits without hesitation. It does make sense that he’s bleeding. Taemin’s attack was quite vicious, but he was quite abrupt when picking Taemin up in mid-air while he was asleep. Taemin tuts as he lowers himself down to get a better look at the cuts, and then gets to work.
“Taeminie,” Jonghyun says with caution as he uses his free hand to pet Taemin’s hair. 
Taemin only makes a noise, half satisfied and half a reply.
“Will you talk about it now?”
“Jonghyun.” The hybrid says his name exasperatedly.
Jonghyun waits on the edge of his chair while Taemin worries his lip. 
“Well… The other day, when you said you were going to meet Kibum, you came back smelling like another cat. Not like Minho or Jinki. And Minho is a squirrel, and Jinki is a rabbit, so don’t say you smelt like either of them. I can tell the difference!” The hybrid finished with a stubborn tilt of his jaw and a huff, moving his hair out of his eyes.
Jonghyun almost laughs. Almost. This situation could have been so easily fixed if Taemin had said this from the start. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and starts by saying, “Taemin.” Another deep breath. “Kibum adopted a new hybrid.”
Taemin’s face scrunches up, and his tail whips from side to side, hitting the kitchen floor harshly. “You didn’t tell me. Kibum didn’t tell me, nor did Jinki or Minho. Why was I left out?” 
“I did tell you—”
“No, you didn’t!” Taemin reprimands Jonghyun, cutting him off.
“Taemin, I did .”
“When you were rearranging the books around your cosy space on the bookshelf because you said the book covers annoy you now and you want to change it up,” Jonghyun explains, feeling on edge for being accused of not doing something he most definitely did.
The look Taemin gives Jonghyun tells him he’s being stupid.
“I was focused! You know not to tell me important stuff when I’m rearranging my cosy places!” 
That’s true… But the point is that Jonghyun did tell Taemin; he also knows there’s no point in arguing with the hybrid because he’s ready for this to be over and he’s missed talking to him. However, Taemin’s reaction also tells Jonghyun that there is no room for another hybrid in his apartment . The thought of getting another hybrid has been floating around his mind; he’s been worried that Taemin gets lonely during the day when he’s at work. Also, Kibum has suggested it more than once. Kibum has three hybrids now; they’re all really happy. Jonghyun has thought more and more about getting another hybrid, especially recently. Especially seeing how much Jinki loves Minho, and whenever Taemin and him go to Kibum's, Taemin always has so much fun. Actually, Jonghyun has been feeling guilty for not getting another hybrid to keep Taemin company. 
But Taemin’s jealousy points in the opposite direction of getting another hybrid. With Taemin being only twenty-three Jonghyun should expect jealous behaviour. After all, cat hybrids age slower; he’s practically still a kitten. He’s still not over the teenage territorial stage. And that’s fine. Getting another hybrid was only for Taemin’s happiness, and Taemin seems fulfilled by seeing Jinki and Minho every fortnight.
“I know. I’m sorry, Taeminie.”
“You’re done.”
Taemin gets off his knees and looks at Jonghyun, confused, as he picks up the wrappers from the first aid kit and walks them to the bin. Jonghyun eventually catches on. He smiles at Taemin and whispers a small thank you, and Taemin shrugs, humming as he walks out of the room, leaving Jonghyun alone again. At least the issue has been sorted out. 
At least now, when Jonghyun walks into the living room, Taemin doesn’t leave. Instead, Taemin smiles at him from the sofa and pats the space next to his head, inviting Jonghyun. This is the best. Jonghyun gets the best feeling in his stomach, all bubbly and soft, as he sits next to his hybrid, and they rest their head on his lap. Taemin looks so small and cute like this; a pretty face, adorable fluffy ears, a beautiful nose, and soft lips. Jonghyun’s hand finds its way to Taemin’s long hair and starts carding his fingers through slowly, taking his time from the scalp to the sparser, frizzier ends. Taemin doesn’t want to cut the ends because he’s been growing them since he was a kitten. He prides himself on his long hair, and Jonghyun thinks it's cute. Jonghyun understands, though; he knows how he can get with things he’s treasured for a long time. And it’s not like Taemin’s hair is dead. Well, just a little, but the point is that it’s not bad. It’s still shiny and loved, so that’s all that matters.
Taemin lays still for a while, only quiet purs coming from him while looking deep in thought, until he says, “What’s their name?”
Jonghyun continues to pet Taemin’s hair. He’s just happy at the moment, not really thinking about anything. “Who’s name?”
“The new hybrid.” Taemin softly says this as he brings his tail into his lap and strokes it rather quickly.
“Ten, his name is Ten.”
“Ten must’ve liked you a lot.” 
Some may say jealousy is an ugly trait; Jonghyun thinks it's pretty on Taemin. He knows he should talk to Taemin about how he’s allowed to interact with other hybrids, and the other shouldn’t get jealous because, at the end of the day, Jonghyun is always going to come home to Taemin; he’s always going to love Taemin. But instead of giving a serious talk, he opts for scratching behind Taemin’s ear and smiling so hard his cheeks hurt.
“Ten was very excited. You’d like him, and I bet you’d enjoy playing with him as well. He’s the same size as you, so you can play more roughly than you do with Jinki and Minho. Kibumie is already talking about you two meeting.” Jonghyun explains hoping that Taemin would like to meet the new addition to Kibum’s family.
Taemin’s eyebrows furrow, and he bites his lip. “Is he pretty?”
Jonghyun laughs because that’s got nothing to do with what he just said.
“Not as pretty as you,” his smile bleeds into his voice, permeating a reassuring tone.
Taemin’s cheeks rise and turn a little pink, his eyes close contently, and he hums, “Good.”
“Huh, what’s good?” Jonghyun asks, leaning over Taemin’s face and sporting a bright smile. His hands have now moved from Taemin’s hair and are resting on either side of Taemin’s face.
"Just, you know... Stuff,” Taemin shrugs.
Jonghyun's heart beats faster as he observes Taemin's adorable display of jealousy. Unable to contain himself any longer, he leans in, his lips gently touching Taemin's. The kiss, is full of a mix of longing and affection. It's the moment Jonghyun’s been waiting for. Waiting for four days. Jonghyun hopes that’s the most reassuring.
As Jonghyun pulls away, he looks into Taemin's eyes, which are now open and reflecting a mix of surprise and contentment. Taemin's lips curl into a small smile, and he lets out a soft sigh, his body relaxing further into Jonghyun's lap. 
"I missed you," Jonghyun whispers, his voice barely above a breath.
Taemin's smile widens, and he nods, "I missed you too."
They sit in comfortable silence for a while, Jonghyun gently stroking Taemin's hair and ears, while Taemin's purrs fill the room. It's a peaceful moment that they both needed after the misunderstanding that caused a rift between them.
After some time, Taemin sits up, his expression turning thoughtful. "Maybe we should go see Kibum and Ten... And the others," he suggests, his voice hesitant but curious.
Jonghyun's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Are you sure? I thought you were worried about—"
"I was," Taemin cuts him off, "but I trust you. And if you say Ten is nice, then I want to meet him. Maybe it'll be fun to have a new friend."
Jonghyun's heart swells with affection for his hybrid, he knows it must’ve been hard to say that. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll call Kibum and set something up."
Taemin nods, a playful glint in his eye. "But you have to promise me one thing."
"Anything," Jonghyun replies without hesitation.
“You have to promise that you'll always come home to me. No matter what."
Jonghyun leans in and kisses Taemin's forehead. "I promise. You're my home, Taeminie. Always."
Taemin's smile is radiant, and he snuggles back into Jonghyun's lap, his purrs louder than before. Jonghyun wraps his arms around Taemin, holding him close.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Stay happy and healthy
Orgel 🌸
--- I've made a twitter feel free to talk to me 💓 twitter
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lxvemaze · 3 months
shinee bf! headcanons
pairing: ot5!shinee x reader
tag: fluff!!
warnings: n/a
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a/n: this is my first time writing in this format, so pls show this some love if you like it !!
more under the cut!
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quietly attentive. he doesn't often tell you how much he loves you, but you can see it through his actions. NEVER lets you pay for dinner. he's always sneaky about it, but even if you put your card down, he subtly exchanges your card with his so you don't have to pay a single cent. he's always interested in what you're doing! even if you're just reading a book on the couch or doing your makeup, he's watching attentively and asking questions. he loves to listen to you talk about your day. as soon as you come home from work or from a day out with friends or family, he's asking you how your day went, what you did, if you had a good time, etc. he wants the details, too. so don't leave anything out! he just loves spending time with you. you could be doing the most mundane tasks, and he'd be looking at you with the most loving face. seriously, you could just be like, cleaning the fridge and he'd be staring at you like 🥹 overall, jinki is the most attentive and loving boyfriend you could ask for<3
very loud about his love for you! words of affirmation are 100% how he shows his love in your relationship. you could have just woken up, crust in the corners of your eyes, your hair a mess, stinky morning breath, and creases on your face from laying on the pillow, and he'd just be like "you're so pretty :3" like, omfg. he loooves showing you off, but still likes to keep your relationship private. it's very conflicting for him. he loves taking you to dinner with his family! he loves to watch you talk with his mom while making food and drinking wine. i think he'd like to let you lead the way in the relationship, just so he knows that you two are always doing things that you love and are comfortable with. but!! if you don't feel like making the decisions and just want him to take you out and make the decisions, he's more than happy to do so! he just wants you to be happy :))) overall, jjong wants you to feel as happy, loved, and comfortable as possible in the relationship! (literally my dream man 😔✊️)
kibum loooves going out and showing you off !! but unlike jonghyun, he doesn't gaf about keeping your relationship private- he wants everyone to know that you're his and he's yours! will spoil you to no end! you two could just be walking down the street, and you'd point out a cute skirt or something in a store window, and he'd immediately walk in to buy it for you. he treats valentines day like the most important day of the year. he'll pull out all the stops- breakfast in bed, gives you little presents throughout that day, takes you out for a FANCY dinner (probably reserved the whole restaurant for a few hours just so you two would be the only ones there), he even picks out your outfit and jewelry for the day so you two can match. speaking of which!! he loooves wearing matching outfits! not in a tacky, literally wearing the exact same clothes kind of way- but a "classy" matching. like, wearing the same color scheme. just something subtle as another way to show the world that you two are together. in conclusion: kibum is quite literally obsessed with you, and he wants EVERYONE to know it.
immediately obsessed with you from the beginning of the relationship! he is the single most husband-material man in the world, idc. will make you breakfast in bed as often as he can! even if you guys don't live together, he'll literally doordash a breakfast burrito or smth to your house just so he's sure you eat something in the morning. probably starts looking for rings just a few months into the relationship- but he won't tell you that bc he doesn't wanna freak you out. he's so sure that you're THE ONE, though. acts of service is 100% his love language. he just likes doing the little things for you! whether it's hanging up your jacket when you come home from work, washing the dishes, or learning how to make your favorite food, he's more than happy to do it! probably learns how to braid your hair! idk, i just feel like that's something he'd do. like, he'd wanna learn how to braid your hair so it's out of your face while you're sleeping</3. he loves talking about your future together! marriage, kids, retirement, all of it! he just loves to imagine your life together<3. minho is the guy that's in it for the long haul- he's the one you know you're gonna grow old with.
he's a little weird!! but you love him, so it's okay!! just has the oddest little ways to show his love for you. like, i feel like he bites?? not hard, it's really more like, mouthing?? like, you guys will just be sitting on the couch watching tv, and he'll just gently bite your shoulder. and he'll stay there for a while, just like, holding your skin with his teeth. he likes to send you songs that remind him of you, but sometimes they're just so?????? like, he'll send you a song and be like "this came on shuffle and reminded me of you :3" and you're just sitting there confused like, bro this is literally "fireball" by pitbull??? silly stuff aside, i feel like he'd like to let you plan things!! not bc he doesn't want to- he just likes to let you take charge! you two will be deciding on where to go for dinner, and you'll be like "let's go here!" and he'll just be like, "okay :3" no arguing at all, he'll just go along with whatever you say! but he still likes to take care of you! like, he'll do little things like, zipping up your jacket, or holding the car door open for you, or bringing the blankets up to your chin while you're in bed so you don't get cold :((( also, kind of like the random biting thing, i feel like he just likes to hold you. like, you'll be standing at the stove cooking dinner, and he'll come up behind you and hug you TIGHT. like, you can barely breathe, but you know he just loves you so much, so let him squeeze the air out of you <3. taemin is the type of boyfriend that wants to be romantic, but he's just not really sure how! you two have your own way of going about things, and that makes you happy :)
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a/n no.2: i went a little overboard with taemin, but i had a lot to say about that funky guy!! if you liked this, a like and reblog would be highly appreciated!! i love u guys. thanks for reading<333
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xotaemintol · 6 months
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Writers block is beating my ass rn, I have requests that I can't finish and prompts I want to do but can't, so till it passes l'II at least post things like this to stay active.
PRONOUNS USED: None//fem implied
TWS: Sub!idol, Dom!idol, sub!reader, dom!reader,overstimulation, pet play, oral (m/f receiving), pegging, daddy/mommy kink, bondage, S&M, cuckhold, and dirty talk.
MINHO 9.8/10
Despite being the jealous type he enjoys watching, he mostly likes watching you getting eaten out rather than you fucking someone else, something about seeing one of the members head between your thighs and your eyes rolling back always makes him so excited.
He first tried this with Kibum, you were tied up to the bed frame and blindfolded, your legs were wide opened and you were completely exposed to the two men as you wiggled around and waited for their next move. You weren't expecting to feel a mouth against you and you especially weren't expecting for it to be Kibums, but you weren't against it. The messy sounds of Kibum eating you out made Minho feel so turned on, the way your body spasmed and how your legs trembled made Minho wonder how long you wanted to do something like this, your begging and whining making his breathing heavier and his body hotter.
"…Oh god!" You had screamed so loudly, struggling against the restrictions of the handcuffs that dug into your wrists as you tried to escape the pleasures of Kibums tongue. You could feel Minho's eyes on you as Kibum ate you out, the feeling made you feel so dirty but so pleased. "Does it feel good baby? Is he pleasing you?" You nodded at Minho's question, desperately wanting to look at him as you answered.
TAEMIN 8.3/10
While he usually portrays a more possessive and jealous persona, Taemin loves it when you punish him by doing something like this, he's a slut for all things lustful in life and the filthier the better. He's full game to watch you get on your knees and let one of his members fuck your face, and matter of fact, he likes it even more when you tell him to touch himself while he watches.
It first started with Jonghyun, Taemin had been a brat for days now and you kept letting him get away with it but you were fed up and decided that you'd need to show him that if he didn't behave then he wouldn't get his way. You had pulled Jonghyun's hand leading him into your bedroom with Taemin sitting on the bed, telling him to sit there and look pretty as Taemin sat anxiously biting his lip as he watched. The way your hips looked as you rolled them against Jonghyun made the slight erection in his pants grow faster than what he'd like to admit, he watched with heavy eyes as you slowly undressed him and kissed all over his neck and shoulders, pressing your butt against his crotch and glancing back at him with sharp eyes. Taemins whole body felt hot and when Jonghyun started to touch you too, he was dying to join, but the moment he stood up you told him to sit back down and watch, so he did.
The way you slowly got on your knees and removed the last of Jonghyun's clothes made Taemin's hands sweat, even seeing your pretty lips wrap around the head of his dick made him whimper as if he could feel it himself. And the way Jonghyun grabbed your hair and began guiding your head left him shamelessly touching himself as he waited for his turn.
He was a little more hesitant but when he thought more about it he decided to give it a try and now, he doesn't mind seeing you being kissed or groped by someone else, especially when it's one of the members.
The first time he tried it was with Taemin, the three of you were sat on his couch and Taemin's hand was in your shirt as he kissed you. But Jonghyun didn't just sit and watch, he'd rather play too, so as Taemin's tongue went inside of your mouth he kissed the side of your neck, the way you moaned into Tamins mouth and put your hand in his hair made him bite his lip. He stopped for a moment to watch a little more, encouraging Taemin not to hold back as you lean in closer. The moment Taemin stopped holding back you were sitting on his lap, his hands all over your body as he kissed you till your lips were sore and your underwear was soaked, for a moment Jonghyun thought about letting you have them both, the way you gripped Taemin's shoulders told him how much you were enjoying yourself and as he was opening up to the idea.
When you had both slipped off your pants Jonghyun positioned you so that Taemin was behind you and that you were on top of him, the three of you playfully grinding against each other as Taemin kissed the back of your neck, the tension was getting heavier and it was becoming clearer that the night would end with both of them inside of you.
KIBUM 7/10
I know I'm rating him lower, but I think he's just as into it as Jonghyun actually. He enjoys when you tie him up to a chair and force him to watch you ride one of them, he didn't expect to enjoy it at first but being completely stripped naked and forced to watch makes him so painfully horny.
Jinki was happy to fill the spot of a third, you had come to him about it with Kibum and you were originally asking for advice on if it was a good idea or not, neither of you expected for him to volunteer to try it with you but you were both happy to accept. So you led both the men to your bedroom and with the help of Jinki, after stripping Kibum down you tied him to the bed and kissed him. For a while you and Jink were only playfully touching, slowly building up before you got on your knees and started to suck his dick, reacting right away Jink threw his head back and cursed softly, his eyes closed as he put his hand in your head and forced your head down. Kibum watched with his cock twitching between his thighs, biting his lip so hard that it was turning red, he wanted to touch you so bad and the sound of Jinki's voice as he praised you made that desire worse. It didn't take too long for him to be squirming against the restraints, the way you looked at him and degraded him made him whine.
"Please.." As Kibum watched Jinki bend you over on the bed beside him his desperation became too much, his needy expression was so pretty and as Jinki pressed himself against you with his hands holding your hips in place you giggled, reaching and touching Kibums thigh gently. you had decided that this was enough torture for now.
JINKI 5.1/10
If it pleases you then he'll allow it, but he'll only allow so much, surprisingly he's a lot more possessive than he looks, rather, he just doesn't like the idea of sharing as much, but if it's what you really want then he'll do it.
He had let you pick and your choice was Minho, he expected it and didn't ask why, he just agreed. His eyes watched carefully, he sat back with his legs spread. He was still fully dressed as the two of you hungrily kissed, he paid close attention to the way your hands explored Minho's body and nodded his head every time you looked at him for approval when you wanted to explore more. When Minho had led you to get on your knees you looked back at your husband, biting your lip as you pleaded with your eyes for a yes, of course, he let you, telling you that you didn't have to ask if it was what you wanted and telling you to make sure you did a good job for him.The way he spoke to you made sucking Minho's dick so much more exciting, you could feel him watching you as you slowly licked up the shaft of his cock and put your hands on his muscular thighs, the feeling made you unbelievably wet, and as you felt yourself becoming more excited you stopped and asked him for permission.
"I've let you do enough haven't I?" But he didn't let you suffer for long, instructing you to get on the bed he gets behind you as Minho gets in front of you. The feeling of Jinki fucking you as Minho pulled your hair and fucked your face made your whole body tremble."This was what you wanted?" As Jinki leaned down to your ear your walls throbbed around him, clamping onto him tightly as your moans are muffled by Minho's cock. "Do you like being fucked like a dirty slut baby? Does my pretty girl like being fucked from both ends like this?"
Most likely to be Whiny During Sex
TAEMIN 20/10
It doesn't matter what role he's playing, a sub, bratty sub, power sub, soft dom, service dom, whatever the role he plays he's always so whiny during sex. Even when he doesn't start off that way, he always becomes so broken when you fuck him, especially if you overstimulate him, ruin his orgasms, or peg him. He'll get so whiny and it always sounds so pretty.
Taemin gasped, biting his kiss bruised lip as the head of your strap on brushed against his prostate, his sensitive cock already throbbing and leaking shiny ropes of precum as his back arched. "So pretty. You teased, your hands caressed his hips before you slowly ran your fingers through his hair and pulled harshly, a loud moan left his pillowy lips and he called out your name, his voice cracking as you started to fuck him faster. "s-so...so good.." You could hear him starting to break, the way his voice faded as you let go of his hair told you that he was enjoying himself. "Is it that good baby?" You asked, pushing his head down into the pillows you pressed your body against his firmly, angling your hips against him as you pushed him forward.
The slight change in position made his head spin, it felt like he was going to melt and when you reached down between his legs and started stroking his cock at the same pace he had lost it. Moaning loudly as he pushed back into you and whimpering as he became sensitive.
KIBUM 10/10
• Oral
Kibum is vocal no matter what he's doing. Dom or sub Kibum is going to let you know how he feels, what he likes, where he likes it, and how good it is.But he only gets whiny when he's subbing, especially when you're giving him head. Even when hes trying not to, he can't help but break every time he feels your mouth wrapped around his cock.
"Baby.. Kibums low voice trembled and his body quivered as he looked down at you, the feeling of your tongue teasing his cock made his head feel empty. "Don't tease me all night, l've been a good boy for you haven't I?" As you look up at him he trembles and grips the pillow behind his head tighter, he can't tell what you'll do next—the desire to feel your tongue against the head of his cock again clouds his brain so much that he couldn't guess if you wanted him to. "If you're such a good boy, why are you being so impatient?" As your hand slides up his thigh he whimpers and closes his eyes, it pains him to beg like this but he can't help it. "P-Please ma'am, please don't- a…..ah..” Finally when he feels your soft lips wrap around the head of his cock he's silenced by his pleasure.
As you slowly take him deeper he moans louder, his head leaned back against the pillows as he struggles not to move his hips. Every desperate cry that leaves his pretty lips pushes you to please him further, and the deeper you take him the louder he becomes. "God…..oh God!" He cries out, "Y/N! You...please... fuck, please let me cum in your mouth, please?" Kibum looks down at you, his eyes wet with desire and lust as he pleads with you. But he's given no response—not that he could complain with your tongue ruthlessly sliding across the slit of his pretty cock. His hips shuddered as he looked away and his toes curled, he could only manage gentle, raspy cries of your name that were too pretty to be ignored.
Jonghyun is very vocal in bed no matter what since he's usually praising you or guiding you, he often talks you through orgasms so it's not new for him to be vocal. But whiny…..Jonghyun only gets whiny when he's been waiting all day. When he hasn't seen you in about two days and only got a few kisses before leaving, that's when he becomes a mess. During foreplay he won't be able to keep himself from huffing and moaning, just kissing you has him losing his mind and when he starts grinding against you he can't help but become desperate.
The room felt hot, the air was thick and the lights were still on. Jonghyun hadn't even stopped to close the door, he needed to get his hands on you as soon as possible and he wasn't going to waste another second trying to set the mood. The mood was set the moment you told him how badly you wanted him, you should've expected your clothes to be on the floor the moment he got in. The way his hands restlessly touched you and stripped your clothes away told you how tonight would go, those two days away from you was enough to make him feel unbearably impatient.
"Did you miss me baby?" He asked in a shaky voice, his hips moved slowly against you. Your legs spread and pushed back as his cock slowly dragged up and down between vour lips, every time the head of his length bumped your clit you shivered. It felt so heavy, precum leaks from him and your love wets him even more. "Mhm…so...much." Your breathing became heavier, you were becoming so desperate for him and he felt the same about you. His quiet moans were becoming shaky and with every thrust he became slightly louder, going faster as he looked down between your body's to watch. "So...hmmm…..so pretty, you're so pretty..." As he continued to speak his voice cracks, he wanted to be inside of you so badly but knew that a little anticipation would make sliding into you feel heavenly. "F…Fuck..”
MINHO 9/10
During sex/penetration
When Minho gets really riled up, when he's so impatient, when he's been waiting for hours to feel you—that’s when he gets whiny. He's always vocal, usually it’s because he leads 80% of the time, but also because he knows you like it. Whatever it takes to get you off he'll do, but luckily; being vocal in bed comes naturally for him. But he's the most vocal when he's inside of you, especially when he's been waiting for hours to fuck you. He's not afraid to admit that he enjoys when you make him wait, something about the way you respond to him being brought to his knees and desperately pleading with you turns him on so much.
As he slid inside of you he shuddered, his bottom lip quivered from the feeling of you—your walls felt so hot, so wet and tight that he could cry. The soft pulsing of your warmth was so intense and his cock felt so sensitive, he thought he'd burst before getting all the way inside of you and the look of pure bliss in your face as every inch of him slowly disappeared inside of you made him tremble. His breathing became just as shaky as his body as he finally bottoms out inside of you—he could feel your excitement pooling and dripping as he paused to breathe. But even stopping for a second couldn't save him.
As you looked up at him with lustful eyes and a needy expression he softly cursed and waited for your next command. "Ming..baby, fuck me," You said breathlessly, "Fuck me baby, fuck me." Your desperate orders made him whimper as he nodded his empty, and his eyebrows knotted together as he began to slowly withdraw his cock from you, watching every inch come out as he bit his lip and gripped the pillow underneath your hips. "..F...Fuck..” His soft whimper made you throb, his voice cracked just a little as he paused and looked back at you. "You..You're so pretty Y/N, fuck you're so pretty…so fucking pretty." Finally he begins to move again, his slow thrusts turn into lust filled rutting as he whimpers and moans in your ear; chanting over and over again that you're so fucking pretty.
JINKI 7/10
Mutual/simultaneous masturbating
Jinki isn't as vocal as the others but that doesn't mean he's silent, he likes using his voice to guide you or to tell you when you're doing a good job but you had proposed the idea of mutual masturbation and he couldn't really tell where to use his voice during this type of play. Of course, he knew he could easily praise you and tell you what to do but he's well aware that you know what you're doing—but his concern was easily put to rest when you suggested that he just go with the flow. And when he did he seemed to be just as vocal as he is when he's fucking you, maybe watching you touch yourself to the sight of him was what turned him on so much; or maybe it was you watching him get off to you.
As you rubbed quick circles against your clit Jinki watched with his lip trapped between his teeth, you looks so sexy like this. The sight of your hand between your thighs and your pretty pussy dripping as you watched him made him feel so feral—he did his best to match his pace with yours, but when you slid your fingers down to your entrance he couldn't help himself anymore. As he began fucking his fist Jinki watched you with hungry eyes, the way your hands explored every inch of your body; and the way your body shivered when you caressed yourself made him weak in the knees. He wanted you so bad.
Without thinking about it Jinki stood up as he decided that watching wasn't enough for him. He had to get you off and be inside of you; but you stopped him before he could reach you and said; “What are you doing baby? You're supposed to be watching...” A soft whine left his lips as you grinned and motioned for him to sit down in front of you, with your legs wide you pointed to the floor in front of you and bit your lip. "Or do you want a closer look?" Feeling impatient but willing, Jinki sat down in front of you. You were both breathing so heavily and so horny that you could explode. But that feeling only got stronger when Jink grabbed your leg and pressed his face against it, slowly stroking himself as he looked up at you with needy eyes. "You don't know how bad...oh my God..." As he inhaled the smell of you he leaned his head back and let out a mixture between a soft moan and a whimper. "..I can't, I need to fuck you baby, will you let me?" As he looked up at you he began to beg.
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fxoxota · 2 months
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f(x) & SHINee = BESTIES 🫂 ʾ
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imaginidol · 1 year
Taemin: Stars Under the Rain
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“Taemin!” You hissed at the giggling boy as he practically jogged away from you with your shared umbrella, leaving you to be slowly soaked under the evening rain’s mist.
“You menace,” you whisper, pulling at his ear once you’ve caught up to him for the umpteenth time. “If I have to say your name one more time, someone’s gonna recognize you and the rest is history!”
Taemin only giggled some more and looked around the street at the walking pedestrians around you.
“What if a reporter hears us? Me with you? How funny do you think the headlines will be?”
“Taemin, that’s not funny!” You can’t help but stifle a short laugh at the ridiculousness of the boy in front of you.
“Fine, how about you hold the umbrella now?” He offers you the bright green umbrella along with a sheepish grin.
“Wow, thanks, Tae,” you roll your eyes at the realization that the only reason he returned the umbrella was because evidently, the mist had suddenly stopped.
He giggles again and pulls his hoodie over his head.
“Okay, okay,” he smiled, offering you his hand. “I’ll be good now.”
You pinched his arm before generously accepting his hand, wrapping your cool fingers around his.
While he was a bit of a menace to be around, you appreciated and loved the way Taemin would turn into a completely comfortable and playful version of himself when he was with you. There weren’t too many people he would show this side to.
“Look,” he says, stopping shortly before a line of street-way trees decorated with holiday lights.
You look up to see where his eyes have landed. You’re taken aback by the breathtaking sight of brightly-lit trees. While you always knew the city decorated their trees for the holidays, you had never actually stopped to admire the work put into the heavenly sight and how beautifully it complemented the dark sky at night.
“Wanna know what I think of these trees?” He looks at you quietly.
“Tell me what you think,” you reply.
“I really like how each bulb, regardless of its shape or size, is very pretty on its own. It’ll light up the dark pretty well. But I do prefer how they all complement each other when they’re all together, different shapes and different sizes. They look like cosmos when they’re all together.”
“I like that thought,” you say, admiring the twinkling lights all around you both. “Do you see those star-shaped lights, Tae? I think of you as one of those, in a sense.”
“Is it because I’m an artist and being a ‘star’ is my career?” He smiles.
“That’s too literal, Tae. I mean like… you’re very admirable in your own way. Inside and outside of your career. You work hard for what you give, you give your best when someone asks for your advice. You have people all around you that support you and help you succeed well. It makes you stand out like one of these star-lights. And if you put you and your supporters together… you all become a big, lit-up beautiful tree. You give inspiration to many in more ways than one.”
Taemin was quiet for a while, soaking in your calming words. The corners of his lips would curl to the tiniest of smiles when he thought of you at times like these.
“You know,” he says after a while, “I appreciate the way you see me for me, in and out of my career. But you’re missing something in your analogy.”
“What am I missing?”
“While it may be a beautifully lit-up tree that I’ve cultivated over my life, it takes just one precious person to notice it all and truly appreciate its existence. You see me and you appreciate me, my supporters, my life when the lights are turned off, my life when I’m shining at my brightest. I appreciate having you be that person. You make me feel very… seen.”
Your cheeks redden warmly and you can’t help but pull your boyfriend’s face close to plant a sweet kiss against his cheek, to which he smiles and returns one against your lips.
One, two, four little kisses later, the mist of rain is back. This time, you have the upper-hand with holding the umbrella. You realize this and immediately jog away from Taemin, leaving him in a heap of shock and giggles as he runs calling after you, the rain mist hitting his face and yours as you both briskly ran away under the brightly shining holiday trees.
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Evertown — Let's SHINeeland (is now open!)
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littlefridayhoney · 1 year
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shinee pets as movie posters: kkoong and daeng in parasite (2019) // comme des in everything everywhere all at once (2022) (insp. by x) // byul roo in her (2013)
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gayashawol · 4 months
shinee having sex with a bbc for the first time ✨💎 imagine 💎✨
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onew 💚:
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- would start comparing your dick with his
- “dang- finally some fine ass meat-”
- he can’t wait to put that thang inside his ass
- he’s definitely going to be bouncing, his legs would give up in pleasure
- “ummmm yesssssss i want all of it in-”
- wants to be cummed all over his cock and butt”
- he’s not sure but he might try it again!
jonghyun ❤️:
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- he needs some time to digest what he’s seeing
- “awh man, i gotta do every single inch??”
- happily gives you a sloppy head
- “but seriously, would that destroy my hole?”
- gets an emotional restart as soon as your dick goes inside of him
- couldn’t resist the urge to moan out loud as he felt the dick squishing and rearranging his organs
- tells you to cum on his back and/or cum on his mouth
- definitely wants to go again-
key 🩷:
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- isn’t super new to big cocks so he’s an amateur (dubulge)
- would go straight for head, but realises that it’s quite big for his mouth
- “wow- this is so big- korean guys could never-”
- takes his time to deepthroat, but he eventually does it
- would beg to be fucked as soon as you declare that you’re fully hardened
- he makes it in with a fast start, but then he slows down, feeling his hole opening up. takes a break, then goes again. repeats until all inches are inside.
- he’s on fours, jerking in the same beat as you while whining and screaming.
- he gets very tight, so you get a hard time thrusting inside without climaxing a little earlier than you should-
- you could’ve asked him where you wanted to cum, but he turned into a cumdump
- it was the best sex he ever had, and he’s never going back once he goes black
minho 💙:
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- he looks at it, then looks at your face
- still confused
- confused again
- he licks it to see if it’s real… then touches it… then flicks it to watch it bounce
- “this is HUGE- how do i start?”
- he tries to give head, but he almost gags
- he eventually goes to suck your tip while giving a handjob
- is too scared to put the cock inside of him
- he closes his eyes as your cock slides inside
- he grunts loudly, growls when he’s about to bust
- might not do bbc again, or probably will. (he prefers dubulge)
taemin 💛:
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- would fumble in his speech upon his gaze
- tries to give it a go by licking the tip
- “why is it moving so much???”
- he LOVES being throat fucked (and may or may not had a lot of practice with onew)
- it takes a while, but he eventually goes nearly all the way to your balls
- could feel his hole opening, whines while feeling your cock grow 2x its size
- scratches a pillow so hard out of pleasure that he accidentally rips it open (go off catboy ig-)
- wants to be bitten as it helps with the pleasure
- whines when he’s about to cum and begs for you to cum deep inside him
- he gives your cock kisses, reassuring that he will be back for more
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they dancing because they really like your long subway footlong lol
come back next time for…
✨💎 shinee bbc group sex! 💎✨
anywho, i need to reconsider my life… until next time! byeee!
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crazyfanofmassculture · 3 months
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yutito · 2 years
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theshineegirl · 4 months
the hyperfixation got so bad tumblr got downloaded
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dibidibifiction · 5 months
Hi, fellow Shawols!
I know I haven't posted anything in over a year. I just want to say thank you for the lovely messages and I'm really happy you guys are enjoying my work. It's not perfect, but I'm honored to make some of you happy and give you comfort somehow. I really appreciate you guys.
Also, I'm happy to let you know that I'm currently working on a Taemin series. It's not all finished yet, but I'll be posting by chapter like I've normally done. I hope you'll look forward to it and enjoy it.
Thank you for being here.
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oldshinee · 2 years
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shinee, f(x), and snsd christmas ending stage (2009)
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xotaemintol · 1 year
SHINee KINKS (ot5) edited
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*Quick disclaimer! I know there will be some who are upset or uncomfortable with me or anyone writing smut for Jonghyun or including him in anything smut related or maybe anything fan-fiction relation and I understand and hear you, but not only have I done a poll asking what people would think with the majority saying that they’d want it, but I also think that as long as I or anyone else isn’t disrespecting him or anyone else, and is aware that it is all fiction and is making sure to be mindful of everyone, that it can be done right. If you are uncomfortable or upset by it, then feel free to block me, not in a “I don’t care way”, you can also send feedback. But I’m saying this to let everyone know that I do plan to continue writing about him, he’s one of my ults and I think that continuing to write about him as anyone does another idol is also remembering. I will be deleting anything hateful or triggering in anyway shape or form. Let’s all be mindful of each other and be kind, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy.*
Pronouns used: NONE (good girl/fem reader implied a few times)
TWS: Breeding, hair pulling, impact play/spanking, dirty talk, choking/breath play, sensory deprivation/blindfolding, BDSM, bondage, praise, degradation, feather play, ice play, biting, cock warming, authority play, sub/dom dynamics, exhibitionism, pet play, and dumbification.
•Hair pulling
It's pretty straightforward, he likes pulling your hair (doesn't mind having his pulled if he's eating you out), and seeing the way you react turns him on so much
-Doesn't do it often but when he does he's more of a "grab and hold tight" type than a "yank and pull type" (that's more of Jonghyun and Kibum hehe)
-Will pull your hair if he's fucking you from behind, or if you're sucking his dick, he'll grab a handful of your hair and make you go slower or he'll fuck your face and guide your head with your hair
-He likes when you sit on his lap anyways, he loves how you’ll wrap around him and nuzzle your body against his, despite him being muscular he’s very soft and loves it when you treat him as such. So even if you aren’t warming he loves it anyways, but it just adds another layer when he’s inside of you and you’re just sitting there on top of him.
-Sometimes he’ll sit and read a book (when he’s not out and being the active man he is) and you’ll be sitting on top of him with nothing but a loose dress on and him inside of you, occasionally “readjusting” himself and pulling you down just a little more. Sometimes he gets a little carried away and instead of it just being peaceful he’ll start moving his hips and hint for you to move too (which you always do) it’ll quickly go from you clinging to him while he does some relaxing mundane task, to him slowly fucking you while you both hold each other and softly moan into each other's ear.
•Impact Play (specifically spanking)
-Sometimes he'll role-play with you and will have you lay across his lap while he spanks you, he's more of a hand guy than a belt guy because he likes to feel your soft skin against his hands
-He'll spank you if he's (once again) fucking you from behind, walking past him, bending over, in public, changing, in the shower, it doesn't matter. Minho will smack your ass no matter where you are or what you're doing
•Authority Play
-He likes to take charge and you love seeing him do it, he'll get his military uniform from the closet (because of course he kept it) and will be like "Get on your knees" and will have you hump his leg
-He sometimes handcuffs you and will pretend to be an officer, he'll be all rough with you and grope you, grind against you and give you a "pat down" That's just him groping your entire body and bending you over then fucking you.
•Daddy Kink
-He loves it when you sit on his lap and call him daddy, he encourages you to do it in public especially (surprisingly), and will have you ride him and call him daddy
-Even if you aren't having sex, he still wants you to call him daddy, especially since he loves taking care of you, he loves how you say it too when you get whiny and call him from another room or complain and get all bratty he gets so excited
•Ice or feathers
-He likes them because they usually call for slow and careful movements, at first he thought that it would make you a little uncomfortable but after seeing your reaction he decided to add feathers into the mix. It could be included in kissing, him eating you out, teasing, and just about anything possible.
-He’ll slowly drag an ice cube down your body, sitting it on your stomach for just a second until the heat radiating off your skin melts it just enough for him to lick up the drips of water, or hold it in his mouth while he’s between your legs and since he doesn’t want it to be too cold he makes sure to keep his hands warm and switch between his tongue and his fingers. With the feathers he’ll brush them against your thighs, slowly going up to your hips, stomach, nipples, then sides of your neck, every breath, gasp, and shiver makes him feel more and more pleased.
•Choking/breath play
-He's super careful when it comes to choking you and made sure to do plenty of research on it before trying it on you because even though it's exciting it can be dangerous
-He'll wrap his arm around your throat while fucking you from behind, choke you while you're underneath him, cover your mouth and nose while he's fingering you, and even force you to hold your breath while you're cumming
-He looooovveesssss breeding, although he's said plenty of times that he's not ready for kids (and you have said the same) he can't get enough of cumming inside of you and the thought of you being marked as his
-He puts you in mating presses so often that you're surprised when he doesn't, he'll have you walk around with a vibrator inside of you to keep his cum in all day and when you get home he'll take it out and clean you up while calling you a good girl for holding it in all-day
-Loves calling you things like "dirty whore", "My pretty slut", "Fuck toy", "pretty bitch", "dumb whore" and more, and loves it when you call him things like "stupid boy", "dumb slut", "Man whore", and especially "Sexy bitch"
-If he's in charge for the night he'll fuck you while he's degrading you, he talks dirty to you and talk about how he's going to fuck you dumb and how good you feel, how you're such a pretty whore while he's deep inside of you
•Pillow talk or you talking about your day
-He doesn’t mean to but hearing you talk about your day and rant or ramble turns him on so much, he loves to watch the way you explain things, the way you talk and your mannerisms make him want to sweep you off your feet, kiss you, and explore every inch of your body. He especially loves it because he thinks your voice is so beautiful, he always asks you about your day but not because he wants to be all horny and stuff, just because he wants to know but every time he’s so hard that it’s impossible to hide.
-He’ll ask you if he can eat you out or finger you while you talk about your day, he won’t go super fast because he still wants you to talk but he will put his all into pleasing you, he loves it when your voice gets all shaky and you can’t help but let out small moans in between words. You can always tell when he’s getting turned on from listening to you talk because his face gets all red and he won’t stop smiling and will avoid your gaze, he’ll get so cute and shy when he listens to you talk. Sometimes he even asks you to ride him while you talk about your day or ramble about random things.
-He loves fucking you till you can't speak, the sound of you babbling nonsense and shouting out random strings of pleas, curses, and jumbled messes of praise, it turns him on so much to see you so thoughtless
-He loves to see your face when he's fucking you because he can see that switch in your brain turn off and watch you go dumb off the pleasure, he is so obsessed with you looking so lewd and smiling, crying, begging, moaning, and rolling your eyes back as you cum, you look so pretty when you can't think to him
-No matter who's in it, he loves the feeling and the sight of it, it's a healthy mixture of you both wearing it and he especially loves it when you wear it, latex books, thigh highs, gloves, pants, whatever. It turns him into an animal
-You have a pair of latex pants that hug your legs and waist perfectly, when he's subbing he'll grind against you and let you overstimulate him. But when he's domming he'll wear a pair of latex gloves and spank you with them on, or wear a pair of latex boots and make you grind against them until you get overstimulated
•Pet Play
-He bought you an adorable collar, cute cat ears, a tail, and your very own cat bowl, he loves seeing you crawl to him and drink water out of the bowl, and he loves when you climb up on his lap and nuzzle into him while poking your butt out like you're in heat
-He'll fuck you on the kitchen floor while you're on your hands and knees, or he'll put a leash on you and pull it while he's fucking you and yank your collar, he'll lean in really close while he's fucking you and whisper in your ear calling you a 'naughty kitty' and a 'bad girl (I wish I could go on omg)
•Blind folding/ sight deprivation
-He likes it when you blindfold him, but he likes to blindfold you just as much. He thinks that it’s romantic that you are trusting him with your body and that he’s trusting you with his, he also likes the idea of just feeling. Following each other's touch and being so excited for the next touch, when he first told you about him wanting to be the one wearing the blindfold he was a little shy to admit that he wanted to try it too, but you were more than happy to try it.
-The blindfolds are only used for foreplay, you both like it more since foreplay is all about building excitement and anticipation. You’ll be kissing him and will suddenly pull away for a few seconds, he gets all pouty and will whine and ask you to come back but instead, you kiss him on his shoulder or his chest, he loves it when you pick random spots to kiss or run your fingers along. When you are the one being teased he likes to worship your body, he’ll kiss you from head to toe, his fingers dancing across your skin, and his hair tickling the inside of your thighs ever so slightly. He’ll pull away a few times, but you can never guess when he’ll do it or for how long he’ll do it, he thinks it’s more exciting like that.
-Those giant windows in his living room come in handy when he's feeling extra risky, since he knows that’s the closet he can get to doing anything anywhere really public he always limits it to in front of those giant windows, in his car in an empty parking lot (with probably his own music playing...Move most likely lol), one of the dance practice rooms, the recording studio, an empty dressing room, and one of the bathrooms in the sm building
-Presses you against the glass while telling you to look out the window at all of the people he'll be fucking you and will be like "Does it feel good? Do you like being watched?" Loves it when you play into it and mention how it makes you excited to think about someone catching him fucking you. He especially likes it when you can't keep your voice down and will whimper and bite him to stay quiet.
-He has a rule about kissing him in front of other people because he knows how you both get and even though he's into public play, he'd rather not fuck you in front of his manager (in front of SHINee is a different story though but I'll save that for another day) the minute he kisses you he's itching for more
-Kisses you while fucking you, he likes to see your face when he's fucking you because he wants to be able to kiss you. Pillowy lips + A1 stroke game + Pretty moans = Lee Taemin. He'd even make out with you while grinding against you, he'll even pull you off your knees when you're giving him head and kiss you right after
•Hair pulling
-Isn't the "Pull and hold type" he's the "pull and keep pulling" type, he'll pull your hair while you kissing and yank your head back by your hair, and sometimes he'll be playing in your hair, and will randomly pull it because he just loves the way you react
-He won't pull your hair if you're on your knees but he will while he's fucking you, your scalp will get sore from the pulling but he feels so good inside of you that you don't even care
-Sometimes you'll playfully bite him while you're out and nibble on his shoulder or his bicep and he'll give you that bedroom look to warn you, or he'll bite you and it'll start as a joke but then he'll bite even harder and will go from biting you on your shoulder or arm and then will move up to your neck and game over when he gets there, no turning back when he finally gets excited
-He fucks you in whatever position gets his mouth the closet to your shoulders, neck, and lips, he loves the feeling of your skin in his mouth, the way you sound, it makes him so excited (he's a vampire like frl) and he loves the way your teeth feel against his skin, he doesn't like it when you try to hold back and will bite him softly, he wants you to bite him to the point that he leaves a mark. He'll have you sit on his lap while he fingers you and he'll let you bite him, in short, he loves biting
•Eye Contact
-The softer sweeter side of him loves eye contact the last and lingers. He loves how pretty your eyes are, and he always makes sure to look you in the eyes before kissing you, he’ll sit in front of you and just stare for a second then lean in a kiss you, eye contact with you gives him butterflies and because he has the prettiest eyes to ever exist you love it just as much.
-During sex, he’ll go slow, caress your face, smile a little, and look you in the eyes while telling you that you look so pretty, he’d be glistening in sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead, his lips slightly red with your kisses scattered over his skin (soon to be covered by the makeup artists lol) and breathing heavily as he tries his best to hold himself together and keep the romantic atmosphere.
-He's always complimenting you, no matter what, but you know when that switch goes off in his head and it goes from compliments to praise from the way his tone will change. He'll go from "You look so nice today." To "You're so pretty baby, who's my pretty girl? Huh?" And "Wow, this is so good baby." To "Such a good girl, you like being a good girl for me baby?"
-He'll be fucking you and will hold you against his chest from behind while whispering in your ear that you take him so well, he'll tell you that you're doing such a good job and will encourage you to be louder, he'll call you pretty, kiss your entire body, tell you that you look so beautiful when you cum for him and will praise when he's done and shower you in love and kisses.
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peppertaemint · 7 months
That's just awful. There'll always be those people among bigger fandoms, and SHINee is gaining more fans now so it'll be hard to avoid them. I like 2min/minkey/jinkibum too, but I've only ever met kind minkey shippers so I'm very sorry if people are harassing you and your friend (hope you're both okay!!), I'm of course sorry for those minkey writers who also experience this. I hope people will stop, it's really not okay. Life's already so hard, guys.
Aaahhh, that makes me so happy!! Thank you for mentioning Internet war!! I love Jongtae soo much and I know we're not that many shippers left, but I'm very grateful to you for welcoming me!! Thank you so very much!! I mean Jongtae did not give a damn. Darlings. SHINee really is special.
We are totally okay, don't worry! It would be great if people could just chill the F out.
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Please, JongTae needs to be celebrated and spread so new JongTae fans are birthed. They really didn't care, and I loved that. They'll always have a special place in my heart.
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imaginidol · 1 year
Taemin: Distant Bells Are Ringing
I don’t always leave an author’s note but I loved writing this for my anonnie’s request <3. So much so that I listened to both the instrumental pieces I mention in this headcanon whilst writing it, and I 100% would recommend you guys do the same bc I felt like crying the whole time lolzzz hope u like it !! :)
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A sound of faint, classical music catches your attention as you’re exiting your dark SUV. Your bodyguard outstretches his hand in your direction, offering to lead you carefully out of the vehicle. You look around happily as you lift the sides your long, elegant gown, planting your heels firmly on the ground as you made your way to the entrance of the wedding venue.
“Thank you for coming tonight,” the familiar voice of your wedded friend’s brother greets you at the doors. “I can’t believe you made it!”
“Of course I had to come, how could I miss one of my closest friend’s wedding!? Thank you for inviting me,” you say as the boy leads you inside.
You walk into the beautifully decorated wedding venue, admiring every detail about the grandiose place in awe. Your eyes travel from the high vaulted ceilings to the intricately designed stained-glass windows. The center isle is filled with gorgeous arrangements of flowers and floral arches. All around, people were murmuring in excitement as the ceremony would soon begin.
You’re about to walk to your seat when all of a sudden, you nearly let out a shriek at the touch of a person’s arm against your shoulder.
“What the—,” you quickly turn around and find yourself making unexpectedly hard eye-to-eye contact with none other than…
Lee Taemin.
Honestly? This probably wouldn’t have been so bad if it weren’t for the absolute heart-wrenching heartbreak I had to endure all alone after we broke up…
Your mind quickly threatens to recall all the miserable nights you cried yourself to sleep for the boy standing in front of you, but you immediately brush them aside and plant the biggest smile on your face instead.
I can’t think of the past now.
“Taemin! Oh, I didn’t know you were here,” you say, awkwardly looking around to make sure no people were looking your way. It was no secret to the media that you and Taemin were once a favorite celebrity couple sought out by all kinds of fans, journalists, and paparazzis alike.
“Of course I’d be here. Don’t you remember we met through the bride?”
“Oh, right,” you answer, letting out an awkward half-laugh.
“I saw you walk in and I couldn’t not tell you how… how amazing you look!” he says, an innocent smile spreading across his face.
“Thank you, Taemin. You look pretty handsome yourself, actually,” you cheekily say back.
“Mister and Missus,” the voice of an older gentleman approaches you both. “Allow me too guide you to your reserved seats tonight,” he says, guiding you and Taemin into the ceremonial room.
“Oh, we’re not togeth—” you stop your sentence when you feel Taemin place his hand against your back, following the gentleman to wherever he seemed fit.
“Thank you,” you say to the gentleman anyway once you’ve reached your reserved seats.
Taemin sits next to you and, to your surprise, there aren’t many other people sitting in your section yet.
“Uh, Taemin?” You carefully look around the room before whispering into his ear, “we’re the only people sitting in this row right now… doesn’t it look a little…”
“Scandalous?” He finishes, giving you a smirk. “I’d be surprised if someone doesn’t take any pictures of us tonight.”
“Right,” you huff, turning your attention back to the front of the room.
For a moment, neither says a word, until Taemin finally speaks up.
“So… how’ve you been?”
“I’ve been… I’ve been good.”
“Yeah, I hear you’ve released a few albums since we last spoke. They’re really good. I really liked your most recent comeback,” he says quietly.
“Thank you, it means… a lot, actually.”
There is another awkward silence, before you speak up this time.
“How about you? How have you and SHINee been?”
“We’re still aiming to be the best we can be,” he smiles. “You don’t listen to us anymore, huh?”
“What? Of course I do. Just because you and I were… a thing… doesn’t mean I don’t love Minho any less.”
He scoffed. “Minho was always your bias, huh? Even when we were a ‘thing’?”
“Well, duh,” you roll your eyes, “look at him. He’s gorgeous!”
“Whatever,” he says, looking around him as a few other couples and guests slowly filled the seats more and more.
“You know,” he says, crossing his arms and turning his eyes toward you, “I only started talking to you just now ‘cause I don’t think I know anyone else here…”
“I thought you said you wanted to talk to me to tell me I looked pretty?”
“Oh, oops, yeah, that too,” he smirked. “It worked, ‘cause you’re still talking to me.”
“You’re still so annoying,” you say, crossing your legs.
He laughs mischievously, lightly punching your thigh.
“Isn’t it crazy how we almost instantly clicked again after so many years of not talking, though?”
You don’t answer him for a moment, thinking carefully of the words you’d say next.
“I guess,” you start to respond, “even after we went our separate ways, our comfort when being around each other never really went away.”
“Hmm,” he ponders, “why do you think that is?”
You don’t get a chance to respond because the ceremony begins, and all guests’ attention turns towards the front of the room.
The wedding ceremony of you and Taemin’s mutual friend plays out flawlessly beautiful.
An organist begins playing O Holy Night, at the request for the bride’s entrance. The bride walks in gracefully as ever. Her princess-styled silk dress was intricately decorated with mesh flowers, her long-sleeved white gloves featured complex designs of floral delicacies. Even from the bride’s back-view, her long, delicately designed dress tail captured and maintained all eyes on her.
Taemin had quietly moved his eyes from the bride at one point and turned his attention secretly to you.
You also looked lavishing in your dark green gown tonight, beautifully complementing the colors of the wedding decor altogether. Taemin couldn’t help but wonder if…
…if you could ever be his bride.
His eyes slowly began to water at the recollection of hundreds of shared memories alongside of you as your partner.
All the laughs, the jokes, the cries, the arguments, the make-ups, the love you shared privately in more ways than one.
He had… missed you.
Why’d we have to break up? He thoughtfully wonders as the bride and groom begin taking their vows.
If only we’d worked through our problems and not run away from them…
But it was almost every day that the arguments would arise.
The bride and groom exchange wedding bands and hold their hands together.
Taemin turns his eyes from the soon-to-be-married couple and focuses again on you.
Yes, while you were physically close to him at this very moment, he couldn’t help but think about how far you truly were.
If only I’d tried harder from my end, Taemin thinks defeatedly. I’ve been through the best and the absolute worst of this industry. If only I hadn’t let the malicious false rumors of that cheating scandal get the best of you…
The old priest raises his hands towards the crowd.
…maybe it would’ve been us on that pulpit by now.
He announces the couple as husband and wife.
But I couldn’t protect you without losing myself in the process.
The groom and bride share their first kiss as husband and wife, and the room erupts into loud cheers and happy tears. The organist beings playing the all-too familiar tune of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March, and the new man and wife begin preparing to make their way back down the isle for their final grand ceremonial exit.
Taemin closes his eyes as a couple tears begin rolling down his cheeks. He’s in too deep in his own thoughts when he feels the soft touch of a cloth rubbing against his face.
His eyes open and he makes direct eye contact with you.
You’d taken a handkerchief from your purse and wiped the tears gently from his face, not saying a word.
All around you, white confetti and red flower petals fall as the bride and groom begin exiting the room, the cheers of their guests roaring louder, the organist’s musical arrangement filling the room with l endearing excitement.
You and Taemin are caught frozen in each other’s gaze for a moment in time. Your hand is gently cupped around his face, his tears have slowed, and your emotions are caught in a trance.
What ever will we do? You think to yourself.
How could I ever move on from you? He thinks to himself.
How could I ever… you look into his eyes,
…have left you? he wonders,
…And now I find myself, you ponder,
…having feelings for you, he comes closer,
…even after all, you close your eyes,
…this, his nose brushes lightly against yours,
…time! your lips clash against his.
All around you, couples take notice of you and Taemin sharing an intimate moment together. The gentlemen cheer and begin taking their partners hand in hand, leaning them back against their arms to share kisses of their own in celebration of light of a new marriage.
White confetti and red flower petals continue to float about the room and around all the couples, guests, the newlyweds as the organists begins intensifying the final chords of the infamous Wedding March.
Taemin pulls away slightly, a few more tears escaping his reddened eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers to you. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you.”
You shake your head, not wanting to hear the words you longed to wish for.
“No, Taemin, I’m sorry I ever doubted you. I’m sorry I abandoned the trust I had in you… in us.”
“I should’ve gone back even after all the—”
“There’s no point in bringing up the past anymore, Tae,” you whisper.
“But I have to—”
“Shh,” you gently place a finger against his lips. “I received all the proof from your agency once the investigation was over. I now know you never had betrayed me like that.”
“You… you do?”
You smile. “I’m sorry I never went back for you. I was too ashamed to face you after you were proven innocent.”
“No,” he whispers. “I’m the one who should’ve fought harder.”
Your words are cut short at the realization that there was no point in arguing further. You had grown and reflected, and so had he.
Knowing what you both knew now, there was an opportunity for the trust to grow back.
Perhaps tonight you could start over.
Perhaps tonight at the wedding reception, over delicious dinner and sugary wedding cake, you could start over.
Perhaps tonight you and Taemin would finally be able to reach the closure you both longed for, and start walking together towards a happily ever after of your own.
The wedding reception had gone just as fun and smoothly as the ceremony. The guests had gathered around the bride and her groom to cut their enormous marbled-flavored cake. A couple minutes before the cake-cutting begun, the bride caught a glimpse of you and Taemin and quickly walked over to you both.
“Hey, you smoochy lovebirds, why didn’t you tell me you got back together!?”
“What? How’d you even know—”
“Oh, please!” she giggled, “You started the little kissing-train back at the venue, didn’t ya? Look, it’s already making headlines!!” She excitedly pulls out her phone from her sleek reception gown’s pockets and points the screen at you both.
Indeed, there’s a half-blurry picture of you and Taemin sharing a loving, lasting kiss amidst the newlyweds’ grand exit. The headline at the top reads in bolder letters: BREAKING!! HAVE THE STARRY-EYED COUPLE ALLEGEDLY MADE A COMEBACK!?
Underneath the post, thousands of comments were already flooding the media with fans excitedly screaming their heads off at the sight of their favorite celebrity couple rumored to be seen together again. Fans from all around the industry—even fans who didn’t actively listen to you or Taemin’s music—enthusiastically shared well wishes and celebration for you both, many of these fans hoping that this time your relationship would lead to a much happier ending.
“I’ll say, your kissing stunt was absolutely perfect!” the bride excitedly bounces up and down. “All my wedding exit pictures have guests sharing kisses in the background and it’s so… so beautiful!! I’ll have to get that moment framed for our new home!”
Taemin places his hand around your waist, pulling you closer.
“If it weren’t for your wedding, I wouldn’t have gotten closure with my love again,” he smiles. He then turns his attention to you.
“And,” he adds, “I never would’ve believed I could fall in love with the right person all over again.”
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