#jonathan harker's food tour of Europe
What do you think our friend Jonathan Harker ordered at the A.B.C. on the way home from work?
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cjinxrun · 2 years
Yes I AM very invested in Jonathan Harker's food tour of eastern Europe and I will be enormously disappointed if there is no resolution to this plot thread in the rest of the story, how did you know?
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cuprum63 · 7 years
Pathfinders AN 3
Author’s notes for paragraphs 31-51 of Pathfinders.
I was the insult that broke her
Lucy was born into wealth and was turned into a vampire for no known reason. Cixi longed for eternal life, had a vampire for a teacher, and still wasn’t turned.
monster hunters that comprised the Yihetuan
The Yihetuan are the Boxers. In this universe, they were also legitimate monster hunters.
The conflict resurrected Dracula by the end of first month.
Circa early December 1899.
merchants who sold invincibility potions as late as 1748
Harmony of Dissonance: the merchant sells medicine jars for 10,000 gold.
the formula itself dates back to the mirage skeletons from before the First Crusade.
Lament of Innocence: the mirage skeleton drops the invincible jar relic.
Surprisingly, she wasn't in China because of him or the Boxers; she'd come in search of new recipes for her tinned foods empire.
Jonathan Harker wrote about getting recipes for Mina in Dracula. As he’s confined to Exeter by this point, she has to step up and get them herself.
The Harkers have diversified into canned foods by the time of the Boxer Rebellion. Mina’s idea is to see if any foreign foods were adaptable to British tastes. China happened to be next on her tour.
Her mission to build a teleportation node in Peking was a cover story to her own allies
Another parallel with Lucy. Mina’s not loyal to her own group.
she'd grown to hate Jonathan and their son by then
Again, Mina is the reincarnation of Lisa. Loving Jonathan and their son is betraying Dracula and Alucard. Loving at all is betraying herself. This is a reversal of Alucard’s words to Dracula at the end of Symphony of the Night.
I have to add that I wrote Mina and Lucy as two different aspects of Lisa. Lucy, until her turning, had Lisa’s personality and even her visage, but no skills. Mina grew up an orphan, acquiring knowledge and strength, but little of Lisa’s empathy.
and longed to feel the joys of adventure, battle, and good food once again.
A reference to Clan Murray’s motto. As for good food, check out all the food items in the Castlevania games.
section of her bodyguard
Lucy’s slipping into modern British Army terminology. Here, section refers to the unit size—around eight bodyguards.
only to find that every estate needed to be guarded and staffed
Ever hear of “lumpy assets”? This is a similar idea. You buy one thing and create so many other problems that you’re thrown all the way back to square one.
she employed even more servants and mercenary retainers from wherever they could be found
Mina’s solution, enabled only because of her marriage to Jonathan and the money she looted from Castlevania.
Unlike any hunter before or since, she infiltrated Dracula's hideout, evaded all detection, and slew him as he slumbered.
This is consistent with Mina’s secretiveness. She and Lucy started so many fires in their youth and were never caught. She taught Lucy a way to become independent. Mina even killed Quincey and covered it up. She’s a natural assassin.
Anyway, not the finest hour for Dracula’s minions.
She was fleeing up the Yellow River; I chose to outflank her at the Dragon's Gate.
There’s more than one Dragon Gate around; Lucy’s referring to the one in at Longmen. A Dragon Gate is a waterfall that in myths, Asian carp jump over…
old Chinese legend
The legend tells that a carp that successfully jumps the waterfall becomes a dragon.
one of their leaders neutralized
Pay attention of the word “neutralized.”
We shadowed Morris and Lecarde as they traveled across a war-torn Europe to eliminate Elizabeth Bartley.
Castlevania: Bloodlines, set in 1917.
one of the Draculinas was betrayed by her servant, Sandor,
Dracula’s Daughter (1936), meaning one of the Draculinas took an alias of Countess Marya Zaleska and was also plotting against Dracula.
At Dark Oaks, we prevented Caldwell from usurping Dracula's power for herself
Son of Dracula (1943). Dark Oaks was a New Orleans plantation and home to the Caldwell family. Katherine “Kay” Caldwell manipulated Alucard (Dracula) into marrying and biting her because of her fear of death. Obviously, in this universe, whomever she manipulated was neither of the Tepes men.
treasure hoard hidden on that Okinawan island
Among other things, the mythical M-Funds of Major General William Frederic Marquat. Here, the funds are named after Mina Murray, and they are not Japan’s property.
and on the mainland, the fifteen swords stolen with the help of Sergeant Cody Belnades
Sign Cody Belnades’ name in cursive. Compress and fudge the writing a bit. The ‘e’ looks like an ‘i’, the ‘n’ turns into an ‘m’, the ‘a’ becomes an ‘o’ if you end too high and especially if you mix it up in the ‘d’, the downward motion used for the vertical line in the ‘d’ looks like an ‘r’, and the ‘s’ blends into the end of the ‘e’ if it’s too small. 
His name becomes Cody Bilmore. He’s the one responsible for the Honjo Masamune’s disappearance, and the swords have never left Japan.
Schneider clan after they fell in with the Nazis
Reinhardt Schneider was a playable character in the noncanon Castlevania 64. Vampire hunting is still a type of genocide, and as his descendants were blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall, and strong, they embodied the Nazi ideal.
Holmwood LLC
Major antagonists to Arikado and crew in later fics.
Harkers felt our wrath in 1986
The first Castlevania was released in 1986.
elderly Quincey A.J.A.X. Harker's life
Quincey Harker was born on November 6, 1898 in this universe. He would have been 87-88 when he was killed.
His initials stand for “Abraham John Arthur Xavier,” as adding “Jonathan” would be redundant because of Seward. This is where Xavier Lecarde comes in: with his name, the X can be added.
AJAX, also called Typhoon is the name of another Konami game. From this game is the song “Command 770,” remixed as “Golden Bough” for Kokoro Belmont in Otomedius Excellent.
counterfeiting of the AH-64 and F-14
In A-JAX, you fly the Tom Tiger (AH-64) and Jerry Mouse (F-14). The A-JAX 2 Jerry Mouse is also a playable aircraft in Airforce Delta Strike.
Dracula had been vindicated, his evil surpassed many times over by other forces.
All the tyrants of the 20th century.
God's own flocks committed sins with abandon and still called themselves holy.
Look up any of the Abrahamic religions’ abuses in the 20th century alone, and how many people now belong to no religion. Mathias Cronqvist would be nothing unusual if he’d lived in modern Europe.
Church's crimes be revealed
Among these crimes was the war on Dracula. No matter how justified, the Church deployed a military force to assassinate a sapient being who had legally done nothing wrong. It sends a message that dissent will not be tolerated, and no matter where you run, you will be hunted down.
Madmen control nuclear powers or slaughter countless innocents while their lackeys gush at how wonderful it is to be creating their paradise.
Welcome to 2017.
Being weak or a victim has not only become acceptable, but desirable.
Tumblr in a nutshell. This is the same excuse used by the HIV+ to avoid being tested and therefore having to disclose their status. For that matter, it was the same mindset that Gandhi encouraged—weakness to invoke sympathy from others.
Meanwhile, people like me end up having to clean up their messes.
The masses have more tools available to improve their station in life than ever before, yet they are firmly committed to remaining ignorant.
You have computers. You have cell phones. You have the internet. You have search engines. Stop hiding in your echo chambers and use them.
Ecclesian who volunteered her unborn child to serve as the vessel for Dracula's reincarnation
In this universe, a baby receives a soul after birth.
She simply had to get pregnant with her husband from Japan seven months ahead of schedule.
Late April 2016, for a due date of late January/early February 2017. Shortly after the Iraqis retook Hit.
Japanese-Brazilian-American pilot
A clue to the Ecclesian pilot’s true identity..
who stepped up in late November.
Probably around Thanksgiving, if shooting for the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Also, this means Soma’s mother wasn’t the first choice.
Phoenix isn't one to leave survivors.
Survivors as in enemies or descendants.
San Diego hospital
The baby is automatically an American citizen by being born on American soil to parents subject to American law. The Japanese father means the baby is also a Japanese citizen, and while Japan doesn’t recognize dual-citizenship for adults, it does for minors.
This paragraph changes the meaning of a lot since P39.
Born into nobility, you died from disease and your husband declared war against God.
Elisabetha Cronqvist.
Returned as a doctor, you were burned as a witch and your husband went mad against mankind.
leave behind the drudgery of the match factory
Wilhelmina Murray from this universe.
You became a teacher, then a legal secretary,
Canon from Dracula.
then a vampire hunter and mercenary commander
Inspired by the Fury of Dracula board game and Mina’s role in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics.
A term for married white women in India during the Raj. Also from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and a hint of the Harker business empire’s composition by 2017.
established a crime family to uphold your values as the times changed
To be covered in the fic where Quincey Harker dies.
Dracula and his son fought against each other in your name, interpreting your memory according to their own beliefs.
Castlevania 3 to Symphony of the Night.
Your former coven sister and apprentice, the first Draculina, still has flashes of self-doubt even now, when she has grown more powerful than any Dark Lord.
Lisa, in this universe, truly was a witch.
The first Draculina is a dark reflection of the games’ vampire hunters. She serves as the penultimate boss of my planned fic series, and the battle is planned to last several chapters against the entire Sorrow crew at once before they end up being whittled down.
The final boss, in case you’re wondering, is a duel between the instigators of the entire series.
Without you, Van Helsing's coalition fell apart.
Also from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Without Mina, her team of Allan Quatermain and Orlando fell apart in 1969 and would not reunite until 2009.
You won the duel that day at the Dragon's Gate.
Inspired by two Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes, of all things. Like the duel between Solomon Muto and Arthur Hawkins or their grandchildren, Yugi and Rebecca, Mina had Lucy dead to rights and surrendered instead.
You spared me and chose to surrender your mortality and identity for my sake
Here, Mina finally shows where her true loyalties lie: with Lucy.
and like a carp that becomes a dragon, you were reborn into the power you deserved
This is where the legend from P37 is explained if you weren’t reading these notes.
Lucy isn’t saying that she turned Mina into a vampire, but that the Dragon’s Gate was a place where a chosen hero can absorb power. Or it’s one of those locations where you can pick up permanent stat boosts, like the HP/MP/Heart Max Ups from the games.
There’s also the issue that Dracula means “son of the dragon.” By defeating Lucy, Dracula’s last bride, Mina has become a dragon herself. Partially inspired by the Yakuza series, where one of the themes is that there can be only one dragon.
demi-savage hidden under layers of trained refinement .
The demi-savage comes from Clan Murray’s coat of arms. Lucy is saying that under her mask, Mina is a warrior.
your name will be known as the harbinger of the end.
Again, a point from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (volume 3). While Mary Poppins is fighting the Antichrist (Harry Potter), Oliver Haddo tells Mina that she is to be the harbinger of the apocalypse.
Lucy says “your name” because Mina’s new identity is Mina Hakuba. The kanji for Hakuba mean “white horse,” and a white horse is associated with the first horseman of the apocalypse. Adding to this is if Soma doesn’t equip Mina’s Talisman at the right time, he ends up reverting to Dracula.
Only my sisters—you and the Draculinas—have ever remained loyal to me, and now I must choose a side.
Lucy’s never been loyal to the Draculinas, as she said long ago in P1 and P10.
I can save you from sacrificing yourself at the cost of damning the world, or I can let you be reborn once again as a mortal and become your enemy in the future.
Mina is the last person on Earth Lucy loves. Lucy doesn’t want to let Mina kill herself to be reborn, but she knows she must.
There never was a choice, was there? This is still your path to walk, no matter my wishes.
Two meanings here: Mina’s life is her own choice, and Lucy is loyal to her.
Maybe in your next life, I will be the one to help you find your path.
They won’t meet until 2045, but Mina has been on Lucy’s trail since around 2038.
P50 & P51:
Farewell, Mina.
And welcome back.
Mina is finally named. Mina Harker dies and her soul is transferred into Mina Hakuba.
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