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frederiksalle · 6 years ago
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La Jolly. 
Jolly Cola is an original Danish soft drink dating back to 1959. Jolly Cola is now produced by the Danish brewery Vestfyen, which also produces Jolly Light, the sports drink Jolly Time and Jolly Orange. Up until the 1980s, Jolly Cola had a market share of about 40% of the Danish cola market. This was extraordinary, as Denmark is one of a few countries in the world, where another cola than the original Coca-Cola has had a larger market share. Jolly Cola is probably most famous for its slogan “Say Jolly to your cola!”, but on its 50th birthday, this slogan was changed into “Free your taste”. Following World War II, many countries in the world viewed Coca-Cola as synonymous with the US and an American life-style, and as the US developed and increased its influence on society, so did Coca-Cola. 
In the meantime, the Danish population still had to wait until 1959, before they could buy a bottle of Coca-Cola.Coca-Cola had been marketed with moderate success from the middle of the 1930s, but then came a war, followed by rationing of sugar and finally a special tax on cola, which made the soft drink just as expensive as a beer, and therefore kept it out of the Danish market. The taxation came as a result of skilled lobbyism, carried out by breweries and producers of mineral water – and it worked as intended.Following the implementation of the tax in 1953, only 10,000 litres of cola soft drinks were sold in Denmark a year, primarily produced by minor Danish producers of mineral water, avoiding the competition from the American giant. However, the opposition against the taxation grew, and by the end of the 1950s it was only the communists and conservative powers in Danish politics, which had close connections to the brewing industry, that wanted a prohibitive surtax on what a member of the Danish Communist Party called “a bitter cup”.An outline of the first Jolly advertisement.When the Danish producers finally realised that they could not keep Coca-Cola out of the Danish market anymore, they quickly changed their strategy.
In January 1959 18 breweries and producers of mineral water went together to form ‘Dansk Coladrik A/S’. This initiative was instigated by Carlsberg and Tuborg so as to produce an original Danish cola that was to be sold nationwide. The soft drink was named Jolly Cola and was an all-out copy product. This regarded not only the taste, but also the organisation behind the product, which completely resembled Coca-Cola, especially in terms of having a strong and centralised control of quality and marketing, combined with local bottling departments. Suddenly, the strategy seemed to be that if you could not get rid of Coca-Cola, the least you could do was to ensure that the Danish population drank Danish produced cola.
 To a great extent, this was a success, and when the taxation was removed and ‘the great Danish cola war’ broke out in July 1959, Jolly Cola actually conquered a significant part of the new market.
In July 1959 alone, nine million bottles of Jolly Cola were sold, compared to five million bottles of Coca-Cola. This was an incredible number compared to an annual sale of 40 to 50,000 bottles in 1958. Naturally, the sheer interest of the news explains a part of the increased sale, but so does the summer of 1959, which was exceptionally good. Nevertheless, when the market finally stabilised, roughly every fifth sold soft drink in Denmark was a cola, and approximately 40% was Jolly Cola.Jolly Cola maintained this market share until the 1980s.A photograph of a bottle of Jolly Cola taken in 2010.There are several explanations for Jolly Cola’s success. 
However, the most important one is that ‘Dansk Coladrik’ could make use of the brewing industry’s comprehensive network, distributing system and knowledge of the Danish market. Another reason is that it was only possible to buy Coca-Cola in Copenhagen and a few larger cities in Jutland in the early years of the hectic ‘cola war’. Hence, it was not until the 1960s that it was possible to buy Coca-Cola nationwide. 
This ensured that Jolly Cola was a well-established product in many places when Coca-Cola finally ventured into the market. Thirdly, it was due to great marketing. Dansk Coladrik had tapped their cola in regular soft drink bottles. This made it easier for the retail industry to administer the returnable bottle system, but it also made it possible to launch Jolly Cola as “The Big Cola” (a slogan that not coincidentally resembled Pepsi’s successful 1930s US slogan for its big 12 ounce bottle). A Danish soft drink bottle contained exactly 25 cl, whereas the characteristic ‘chubby’ Coca-Cola bottle only contained 19 cl. The argument about value for your money was important in a time where a soft drink was considered to be a luxury product. 
(The story of Jolly Cola is based on the work of Klaus Petersen and Niels Arne Sørensen from the Institute of History, Culture and Society).
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averagejohan · 7 years ago
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FUN FACT: Did you know that Denmark is one of the few markets in the world where the mighty @cocacola company was historically an underdog? Formulated in 1959 in a decisive effort to keep Coke off the thriving market, Jolly Cola won the heats of Danes and maintained a 40 % market share well into the 1980's much to the bewilderment of the rest of the world. Also, I have a new retro shirt! #coke #cola #jollycola #selfie #me #drinks #foodie #foodblogger #blogger #instafood #instagood #instamood #instadrink #instadaily @cocacoladk (at Kolding, Denmark)
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danskfagdidaktik · 7 years ago
Som en kage i the. Hvordan husker vi? Med sanserne – og vores smagsoplevelser kildrer underbevistheden som en madeleinekage, der opløses i the. Det er den gamle sang om Proust? At smag kan fremkalde erindring. Min far spiste altid det samme. Har altid spist det – og meget af det. En avis og en jollycola. Måske to. Det knitrende avispapir, lyden en kapsel, der giver efter. Med det unævnelige – det kulsorte, det blodtryksforhøjende, det ikke så børnevenlige stykke slik. Det er ikke min sansning. Det er hans. Den sidder et sted underst i mig, som et lysbillede med lyd. Affarvet af 25 års liv og en stærk dunst af at være ung i halvfemserne. En erindring, som en smagsoplevelse ikke bør kunne fremkalde .
Farven lilla. Eller lyserød? En ung pige bukker sig ned med hænderne formet som en skål. Hendes tunge sprækker, hendes hals snører sig sammen om sig selv og rasper som betrukket med sandpapir. Hun skal drikke. Hun må. Farverne skriger noget forkert til himlen. ”Slip mig for guds skyld. Lad mig sive ud mellem dine fingre. Jeg er resultatet af vestlig dekadence. Jeg vil drukne dine børn og oversvømme dine arveanlæg. Drik mig ikke!” Spørgsmålet er ikke om hun drikker. Men hvorfor vandet hun vil drikke ikke er farvet som vand?
Vandet der binder os alle sammen, vandet der opløser alt og trænger ind overalt, som siver fra himlen ned i jorden og gør den frugtbar, som siver længere ned og bliver til vores kildevand. Vandet som lader sig binde i millioner af år, mens det gemmer på sandheden om en anden tid, da vandet var klart, rent og gennemsigtigt. Vandet som fylder 80% af jordens overflade.  Det har været der altid, men nu er det ikke mere klart, når vandet fra de store gletsjere smelter og danner floder i Asien, bliver det på sin vej gennem landskabet til en kloak, en affaldsplads hvor virksomheder afleverer resterne fra deres produktion. Det er stadig klart i vores del af verden, men det indeholder usynlige rester af sprøjtegifte.
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hit-luxuryshop · 6 years ago
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ช่วง #ลูกขวัญลองของ เห็น #นมเปรี้ยว #MeijiCola วางอยู่ใน #7Eleven มาซักพัก เมื่อหัวค่ำนึกอยากลองขึ้นมา สรุปรสชาติสั้นๆ มันคือ #JollyCola แบบดื่มได้ #คหสต เราว่ากินเยลลี่โอกว่า #จบการรีวิว ค่ะ 😝 🤣 🤣 🤣 #LookKwunSLife #HappyinTime #Milk #YogurtDrink #Cola #Review #รีวิว (at พื้นที่เล็กๆ ของ ด.ญ.ลูกขวัญ)
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ihambo · 9 years ago
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Wow. It is back. (Or was it ever gone?) #Retro #childhoodmemories #jollycola (her: Bjerregård, Hvide Sande)
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maruto-dk · 10 years ago
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milzze · 10 years ago
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Fuld fart på 😎😎😎 #rave #ravefest #leverdetvildeliv #dtu #miljøst #teltE #neon #fæst #hardetgodt #jollyplejertømse #hardetfaktiskokay #jolly #jollycola #griner #alenehjemme #party #fuldfartpå #elskerminmalerdragt
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outlandishdk-blog · 12 years ago
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Our Sikh community will get this one #jollysingh #jollycola
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