#joker was boring fight me lolll
thesassiestcolor · 5 years
Top 10 of 2019
My personal list of movies I was able to see in the theater and enjoyed the most while watching and thinking them over
I also haven’t seen everything that’s come out (Parasite and The Farewell is the best one that comes to mind) so this is out of the things I HAVE seen!
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10. The Favourite
Okay okay okay okay “this came out in 2018!!!” but I didn’t fucking see it in 2018 I saw it in 2019 and I proceeded to watch it 3 more times in theaters (and honestly it’s better than most anything that actually came out in 2019 - so unless you want me to try to defend Alita Battle Angel, imma gush about Favourite)
It’s incredible. It’s funny. It’s smart. It’s shady. It’s so fucking good it’s better than most of what else would’ve been on this list. Again I haven’t been able to see Farewell or Parasite so imagine that in this place until I can actually see those lmao Please See the Favourite
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9. Little Women
Note: I’ve never read the book or seen the other adaptations or know the story, but I absolutely will plan to read it soon now. I fell even more in love with Florence Pugh and a story all about girls discovering what they want?? Having to choose what to sacrifice and what to hold on to?? Sign me up I loved watching them
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8. Us
The first horror movie in a LONG TIME that made me have literal nightmares from the trailer alone. Lupita Nyong’o is horrific in the best way
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7. Detective Pikachu
It’s good??? Like really good?? Yeah the story was silly but literally who cares I loved seeing all sorts of cute Pokémon throughout the whole thing - and the best part was seeing everyone else go “oh!” when they saw theyre favorite come on screen
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6. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
A series that kept amazing me with every installment and I was blown away by how beautiful this was. The last fifteen minutes were absolutely perfect and made me legitimately tear up (a few kids around me at the premiere straight up bawled and tbh? They were valid) a perfect sendoff and I’ll watch the last sequence over and over again
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5. Avengers: Endgame
While I’ve definitely grown out of my hyper obsession with marvel properties and this movie definitely has flaws that should be pointed out - it was so enjoyable and such a satisfying ending. The fan service that is there is earned. When it starts to get predictable, they turn it on it’s head and it’s still entertaining. The portals scene makes me goddamn smile and I loved it
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4. Uncut Gems
This hasn’t had a ton of time to sink with me but h o l y s h i t I have not been this on edge in a long time. Everyone’s going on and on about how amazing Adam Sandler is, and it’s true. He gives a shit, and he’s that slimy guy but is just likeable enough that I really want things to work out in the end. This movie is just nonstop and I get overwhelmed just thinking about it
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3. John Wick 3: Parabellum
Note: before this, I hadn’t seen any of the previous movies, I just sort of knew what happened in them so I can follow this one. This blew the fuck away. The pacing is brutal in the right way, it knows when to slow down and let you recover enough for the next wave of ridiculously cool fight scenes coming next. Halle Berry and her dogs, the horse scene, the armor piercing bullets, were all so incredibly ridiculous and Rule of Cool that I loved every second of it
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2. Doctor Sleep
Mike Flanagan? An acceptable adaptation of King? Ghosts mixed with psychological horror? Addiction? Vampires? Hot lady vampires?? The RWBY references??? This movie was made with specifically me in mind I stg it like checks all my boxes. - It’s over 2 hours long and I never once checked my phone. It’s a great sequel to the Shining (unless ur an obsessed Kubrick purist lmao) with a different style and it’s so so so interesting I loved watching it!! I loved it!!
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1. Rocketman
I saw this literally four times. The song remixes are amazing. The dances are amazing. The story, whether completely accurate or not, is amazing. It’s unabashedly gay. I have listened to the soundtrack over and over and I would watch it 10 more times
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