#jojolion chapter 107
duhragonball · 4 months
JoJolion Ch. 107-108
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Remember when JoJolion got insanely popular for a while, and everyone was spamming "Inca No Mezame Potatoes" memes all year long? Those were good times.
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At this point, the final battle is nearly finished. Toru's Stand is still extremely dangerous, but Josuke was able to get past his defenses, with a little help from Yasuho. He's not dead, but he's badly hurt, so if you just stand back and leave him alone, it should just be a matter of waiting for him to die.
However, Toru ate the last fruit off the New Locacaca Branch, so he could recover from his wounds, but only if he can touch someone to act as a donor in the equivalent exchance process. That's how the New Locacaca works, by the way. The original version healed one body part in exchange with another. If you've got too many injuries, like Toru here, the Old Locacaca wouldn't do any good. But with the New Locacaca, you can absorb health from a second person, and they end up taking on your injuries.
And that's the situation Caato Higashikata has walked into. She's been renting an apartment lately, and she made a stew for Jobin, with Inca No Mazame potatoes, just the way he likes 'em. But when she brought it over for him, she found the apartment wrecked and Jobin dead.
Yasuho's fear is that Caato will try to attack Toru in a vengeful fury, except this would play right into Toru's hands. As soon as she gets close enough, he can grab her and heal himself with equivalent exchange. Even if she attacks him from a safe distance, his Wonder of U power is still active, so a calamity will strike her down. So Yasuho is desperately begging Caato to just do nothing. The only winning move is not to play.
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But Caato has a plan, much to Yasuho's chagrin. She tosses some of her playing cards around him, and reveals her Stand abilitiy. Space Trucking can hide objects between playing cards. The cards themselves are no threat to Toru, so simply demonstrating all of this is not enough to trigger a calamity. She even uses the cards to hide Toru's arms, but this isn't an attack either, since it doesn't hurt him. It's just to keep him in one place.
That's an interesting angle, actually. Is it possible to simply trap Toru in a place where he can't escape? Like, if he falls down a hole and he can't get out, that's not an attack, and I don't think his Stand has the kind of physical power it would need to pull him out. Could you defeat him that way? That's not Caato's plan, but it's something to think about.
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I'm skipping over a lot of stuff here, because most of this chapter is just Toru and Caato cutting promos on each other. Toru keeps taunting Caato about how her dead son's dreams were never realized, and Caato keeps explaining things. He's trying to goad her into making a mistake, and she's just dragging this moment out, for various reasons, but mostly just to keep Toru guessing.
Then we get this flashback to before the Wonder of U arc began. Caato came over one day and Jobin revealed to her the New Locacaca branch that he had secured during the orchard fire. He had been stressed out about keeping it hidden, and the stress of sharing that secret with Tsurugi, and the danger of losing the branch to enemies. Caato reassured him and offered to hide the branch--pot and all--inside her cards if the need arose.
I'm not sure what the point of this was, except to make it clear that Caato knew about the branch and the powers of its fruit. Specifically, Jobin showed her how two of his beetles did an equivalent exchange. I guess they just got close enough to the plant that they ingested some of the sap? There were only two fruits, and they hadn't grown yet in the flashback, so I don't know. The point is that both Jobin and Caato understood that the branch actually had this power.
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So finally, Toru begins to get flustered, and demands to know what she's hiding in her cards. She didn't come out to the garage just to talk to him while he died, so what is she up to? So Caato finally shows him...
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Turns out, she hid Tsurugi in there, and now the kid rolls out onto the floor and his body contacts Toru's, which initiates the equivalent exchange!
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But which way will this go? Toru's the one who ate the fruit, so that should mean his injuries will be healed, not Tsurugi's disease. Well, Caato thought that, which is why she hid the plant in her cards too, and made sure to crush the branch so as to extract the sap. She drips this into Tusurugi's mouth, and that seems to do the trick. I'm not sure why this gives Tsurugi precedence in the exchange, but sure.
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As Toru dies, he tries to talk his way out of this. He warns them that they'll never find another plant like this again, and if they destroy it now, there'll never be another. I would have thought they could just find another Old Locacaca plant in New Guinea, plant it near the Wall Eyes, and there you go. But Toru seems to think there were other coincidences at play, like the earthquake and everything else that happened in this Part. The New Locacaca that Kira and Josefumi unwittingly created was truly unique.
Needless to say, this doesn't impress anyone in the garage. The Locacaca has caused the Higashikatas and Yasuho a lot of grief, so who needs more of that bullshit? And even if it were a boon to humanity, if we need Rock Humans like Toru to access it, then it's probably not worth the trouble, since the Rock Humans have demonstrated time and again that they aren't trustworthy. Remember, Poor Tom died trying to bring what he thought was the branch to Toru, and Toru used his Stand to kill him. The Rock Humans can't even trust each other. The idea of them posing as doctors is bad comedy.
But mostly, fuck Toru. Even if he could snap his fingers and cure Holly and resurrect all of his victims, he'd never do it. You know, he might even have that kind of ability. Wonder of U causes misfortune to befall anyone who pursues or attacks Toru, but maybe it can do nice things for people too. We just never find that out because Toru has no altruistic tendencies. Helping someone else isn't in his character. It would never occur to him to try to help Holly or anyone else. So his pleas for mercy are especially pathetic.
Then he starts appealing to Yasuho, talking about all the good times they had together. Yeah, like the time you dropped a chunk of aircraft on her head, remember that? Yeah, Yasuho doesn't budge. She looks concerned, but I think it's just because she's so horrified to watch this horrible creature's death throes. Why is it taking so long?
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At last, Toru finally dies, and his last thought is the image of a hornet, like the one he clung to as an infant so he could parisitize its nest. He realizes this was just a memory, but I guess maybe he somehow hoped that he could grab the hornet again and be taken to another nest where he could be safe and warm while he recovered.
That's really all Toru had, in the end. For all his polished facade, he never actually had any relationships with anyone. Not with Yasuho, not with his colleagues at the hospital, not with his fellow Rock Humans. They were all just means to an end, hornets that he could exploit to enrich himself. Toru often spoke of wanting good memories to keep him company. That seems to be what he saw in Yasuho. He never loved her or cared about her, but he wanted the experience of spending time with her all the same.
But in the end, his memories are all hollow. A regular human might die thinking of his family, like Jobin. But all Toru has is is his hornet.
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So that's it for Toru, and that's also it for Caato, as she didn't get off scott free with this stunt of hers. When she poured the sap into Tsurugi's mouth, that constituted an attack on Toru, and so the calamity was activated. In this case, Toru had been brandishing a saw when Caato entered the garage, and this got trapped in her cards when she pinned down his arms. Somehow, as he was dying, the saw came out of the cards and flung itself into Caato's belly. I think that might be a malfunction of Space Trucking, sort of like how Wonder of U made Mitsuba and Josuke's Stands do unexpected things. Anyway, Caato lays down and dies, and I'm pretty sure she expected it to end this way.
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Yasuho has this internal monologue about everything the Higashikata Family has endured in this story, but in the end, the family has gathered in the garage, not in mourning or despair, but because of hope. That's because, Tsurugi's Rock Disease has been cured thanks to the equivalent exchange, and now, at long last, the curse has been broken.
And this leads us to that moment where Tsurugi drags Norisuke out of his office, which was shown in the flash forward about twenty-odd chapters ago. What I still don't understand is: Why is Tsurugi bringing him out here? There are ambulances on the way, but I'm pretty sure they could come in the house and get Norisuke.
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I think the more important thing Araki was trying to get across is that Tsurugi is finally healthy and free of the dread of worrying about the curse. While the rest of the family is still reeling from today's events, he's back on his feet and taking charge. So that's why he's the one who goes to get Norisuke, and he's the one who informs the others that he's still alive, and Jobin didn't hurt him as badly as everyone feared.
Okay, but Norisuke's right hand still fell off his arm. Like, that definitely happened. I guess he'll live even if they can't reattach it, because people lose hands and fingers in JJBA all the time, and it's more like a bad flu than anything else.
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But it's not quite over yet! Toru may be dead, but somehow, Wonder of U is still active? The Stand crawls inside of Norisuke for some reason. It aggravates his injuries, though I'm not sure why. Wait, is this how it impersonated Dr. Satoru Akefu? Did Toru find the real Dr. Akefu and send Wonder of U into his body to do some sort of pod people thing?
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Fortunately, Josuke's here to save the day, having just returned from the TG University Hospital. I think the idea in these two chapters is that Toru was recalling Wonder of U back to his side, and that's why it was floating around in the garage, but Josuke was also on his way back, which is why he made it on the scene not long after. Now that he's here, and there's no more bullshit Rock Insects to get in the way, Josuke can just shoot his Go Beyond bubbles at Wonder of U without any problem. He does as Yasuho to stand clear, though, because the bubbles are invisible and that makes it really difficult to aim them precisely.
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And at this range, Josuke can't miss. Wonder of U explodes, and Yasuho holds him like the girlfriend in old B-Movies after the monster finally dies.
So that seems to wrap things up, right? No more Rock Humans, no more Locacaca, no more branches to fight over, no more curses, and no more Jobin to get in everyone's way. Also, Joshuu lost his right arm, so that probably just makes the whole town safer overall.
Wait, what about Holly? And what about Josuke's memories? Also what was the deal with that baby who washed up on shore the night Johnny died in 1901? And Karera said she would be back, so what happened to her? Also, Josuke and Yasuho need to kiss or something, right? There's a lot of loose ends we need to wrap up, but fortunately there's still two more chapters and...
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
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I did not pay attention to those panels before, but now that I do… I’m gonna refer to the second image (which I have combined):
The fingers on Jobin's left hand on the left panel do look a little different from the ones on the top right, then it’s slightly different again from the ones on the bottom right, as if that his fingers were sneakingly moving.
However, I don't see any 'moving line' in the panels which generally describes a movement in drawing manga. In addition, seeing that Caato is more focused on carrying out Jobin's goal of curing Tsurugi instead of saving him right now implies that Jobin is beyond saving.
Apart from that, I also realized that not all readers can draw or are artists. I’m obviously not a pro (in drawing) but I am quite used to making illustrations. I’m still refering to the second image I combined:
Considering how far the distance of Jobin's body on the left panel one and that his body was drawn in a slightly bigger and detailed on the top right panel, it was quite hard for Araki (and anyone in general) to accurately draw Jobin's hand.
So, it’s quite understandable that people who are unfamiliar with this field tend to attribute every little thing in theorizing.
But what if Jobin does come back? Of course I will be very excited, I really want him to be the final villain who will face Josuke, the Diego 2.0 of JoJolion.
Related posts:
Chapter 83’s flashforward theory compilation
JoJolion chapter 107’s review
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pascalishere · 3 years
I changed my mind, I love to see a Girlboss winning.
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aleph4u · 3 years
Just saw Chapter 107.
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Let's just say...a certain character reveals some things and does something, then says something that implies something...
Then the puzzle pieces came together in my head and I lost my absolute sh*t.
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nacrabmeal · 3 years
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House of cards jojolion chapter 107
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highdio · 3 years
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Jojolion Chapter 107 title page and Kaato Higashikata stand reveal.
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snowymelons · 3 years
Jojolion chapter 107 spoilers with no context
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mingot-studios · 3 years
Ok, so I’ve got some theories regarding the next chapter of JoJolion...
Ok, seeing as chapter 108 is called ‘Calamity’s End’ I think we can safely assume that Tooru is not gonna last much longer.
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But I HIGHLY doubt that with a title like this, he’s just gonna go quietly. Judging by the fact that Tooru has COMPLETELY lost control of the situation my guess is that he’s gonna pull one final calamity out of desperation as a last sand, but ultimately end up dying. Looking at the cover art we can see Yasuho standing in front of the wrecked Higashikata house, looking like a badass. I’m praying pretty sure that she’s going to survive.
But what will Tooru pull and why?
Well, I’ve a few scenarios;
As we can see a the end of 107, despite being gravly injured, Wonder of U comes up behind Kaato. 
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It’s possible that Wonder of U kills Kaato before the equivalent exchange with Tsurugi is complete, but dies still dies of his injuries. Personally, I think this is highly possible, but I’m not really a fan of the idea that Kaato dies IMMEDIATELY after being re-introduced and completely incapacitate Tooru. But seeing as Araki had Kei appear to die only a few chapters after being re-introduced to the story, I wouldn’t put it past Araki.
2. Tooru basically says “SCREW IT! If I can’t win, I WON’T LET ANYONE ELSE WIN!” and Wonder of U causes some sort of GIGANTIC calamity that Tooru plans to kill everyone in the area with. Sort of a ‘I’m taking you down with me!” situation.
3. The final calamity is Tooru destroying the New Rokakaka. Similar to scenario two, it’s a kind of ‘if I can’t win, no one else can!’ situation. If he can’t have it, he’ll make sure no one else can!
One thing I think is probably certain, the final calamity is going to to be in desperation/one final act of defiance, but in all scenarios, Tooru gon die.
But with how batshit insane JoJolion, these are probably all going to be wrong because Araki is a fucking lunatic.
But I think we can all agree on one thing;
after this chapter, Tooru is going to be sleeping with the rock fish.
hopefully. if Araki is a good writer
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falinscloaca · 3 years
yooooo jojolion spoilers for chapter 107 don’t fucking read further if you aren’t up to date but fucking. 
realizing how much of Wonder Of U was about illusions/images and manipulation of peoples percieved reality (given the stands ability to literally break rules of actual physical entities and travel through “images” on reflections a la hanged man) and how much of that matches up with Paper Moon King to the point that paper moon king’s unconscious activations were fundamentally fucking *identical* regarding how they caused “calamity” for those who touched it 
and how all this was leading up to tooru and tsurugi fusing is just. holy shiiiit lmao
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mingot-studios · 3 years
Things currently polluting my mind (will be added to as i think of things)
 How bad the Star vs. Finale was, and weather i should even bother trying to watch the show again at this point
The fact that the next JoJolion chapter is coming out soon and I STILL haven’t read 107 with my mom even though I’ve already read it
Not being caught up on One Piece and having 0 IDEA of whats happening at this poin as well starting to flaws with the series (racism, transphobia, and homophobia) that i knew was there but chose to ignore and weather it should hinder my relationship with the series. Also wanting to murder Oda for demoting Franky to ‘Pervy Grandma’ (srsly wtf oda)
Upset Infinity Train was cancelled even though i never watched it, and wonder why the fans cry for it to come is suddenly not happening?
The fact i’m going to be returning to in person schooling which is my personal HELL
my brother leaving for college upstate (Me and my brother have never really been that close, we fight alot but I cant imagine life without him)
The fact that my procrastination has gotten so bad that I nearly had to retake PE, World History, and English
The Owl House coming back on the 12th but i had downloaded the first 2 episodes but haven’t watched them and debating if i should, also having a meltdown  over Disney screwing the show over and having its third be 3 or 4 (i cant remember) 44-minute specials
The fact that me and brother STILL haven’t finished our Yume 2kki Let’s Play
I haven’t been watching anime regularly with my mom
I haven’t posted anything to my DeviantArt or YouTube in months
I have so much energy right now but no outlets
I still haven’t tried out my drawing pad i got for my birthday last year
I have so many drawing ideas but my spiral sketchpad is filled up and I have yet to get a new one
Ive many intricit and detailed story ideas that i know im gonna forget if i dont write them down bu due my procrastination i haven’t done so im prolly gonna lose everything
The fact Thurston Waffles hasn’t posted anything since late April as well as the fact that he’s got Kidney problems
So many ideas for videos but I only have WindowsMovieMaker and the HumbleBundle my mom got me idk YEARS ago won’t install
I’m gonna be 17 at the end of September, which i only have until next June before I graduate High school, have to give up my Chromebook, start thinking about college and getting a job, possibly moving out and living on my own, the knowledge that my parents are in their late 50′s and early 60′s so hey might be gone sooner than most parents and I dont know how to function without my parents doing everything for me
These weird tingles ive been getting in my body for he pas couple days
The fact that im not gonna a kid soon and im gonna have to grow and stop doing whatever i want whenever i want and i’m gonna never accomplish my dream of creating a successful cartoon and will probably end up at a dead end job I HATE just to make ends meet and eventually dying alone because I dont wanna be in a relationship or have kids
Everything is too overwhelming. The light, the sound, my thoughts, its all too much. I wanna curl up into a tiny ball and disappear from this awful experience called life
i hate being so passionately when i’m upset, everyone else is calm but i have meltdowns and freaks outs over things i shouldn’t even care about or are miniscule (Comes with being autistic i guess)
I have 0 patience and i hate it
I’m starting to regress back to being a childish brat after all the progress i’ve made
i’m constantly surrounded by either criticism or praise that contradict each other so i dont know what to believe about myself
the fact that i have so many great story ideas but i cant write a cohernt thought with proper grammer or sytax or spelling o save my life, nor the art skill or the patience or the tech to draw comics
i haven seen my therapist in days and i need help but i know im not actually gonna change 
having gender panic
I have no in person friends and ive forgotten how to interact with people
ive become a noodle limbed nerd
Ive gotten super skinny
I want someone o break through my shell and help me change bu I know thats just a fantasy and im the only one who can do that but im too lazy to put effort into it
everything i used to enjoy suddenly feels tedious monotonous repetitive and uninteresting
I feel trapped and scraed 
The fact after being bulied so much the only way i can really assert myself is to get violent and angry because they would want me breakdown and cry
I have this image in my head of who i want to be; And badass that people including adults, are scared of and know not to fuck with me or they’ll get hurt (Basically Jotaro, bu I’ve had this image since before i even knew what jojo was) And the fact I KNOW that i’s a pointless endever and that i only dig my own grave when i get mad but its like ingrained Branded into my my psyche so im always going to larp that vision of myself but not get anywhere and only regress further
I want to address my problems and change but I never do and stay static and regress
I cant take crticisim even though i know its true
The reason im so scared of writing fanfiction is because i know its gonna be a mess despite what i think is a great story and people will end up mocking it and what little self confidence i have will shatter
Star Vs wasted potential
the fact that I dont know where to take the whole “Rubi dies at the  end of he first season but comes back o life except she’s not actually she’s just a walking meat sack containing an anchint eldritch god that will, sooner or later, burst out of her and destroy her body, and she’s fighting for control of her ow body due to Skarlotus trying to devor her soul and Data’s medience is only delaying the inevitable” storyline of my concept cartoon, The Crypto Club
I have an AMAZING idea for an Invader Zim storyline that has fascism, rascism, mass genocide, child soldiers, political intrigue, propaganda, baiscally space hitler and more (okay that came out sound REALLY bad, but NONE of it painted as good!) It also involves Zim and Dib coming together to stop an even bigger threat and there is a really ironic ending that brings my OC GA83′s story full circle
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
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Caato, the ultimate red herring of JoJolion
This should be a history throughout JoJolion’s writing process, when the true main villain was still a mystery. Readers were enthusiastically cheering on their favorite characters to take the villain crown, but among the candidates, it was Caato who was the most dominating at that time.
How could she dominate despite her very limited appearance in the story? This topic is interesting enough that I want to review it further.
How has Caato been treated compared to the other main villain candidates?
Her supporters have never stopped in hyping her, even over the years since her last appearance at that time (in chapter 64).
Damo was simply eliminated after his demise. But readers who still hope for relevance from Damokan Group (Smuggling Cartel) have made up a theory that Caato was the secret mastermind behind the Rock-humans’ organization.
At that time, Jobin was the most active candidate and had the most scenes. However, his relationship as Caato's son makes him often regarded as a child who is indirectly controlled by Caato. “Everything he did was dictated by his mom,” they said.
Tooru was still a wild card character, his appearances were still very limited (just like Caato’s). Most readers did not think much of him or just simply ignored him. But as time goes by, Tooru began to dominate with hints slowly being revealed, about who he truly is and what was his role, making him a character who has more relevance than Caato. However, some readers who were still in denial considered Tooru as a red-herring and only a subordinate of Caato.
After we read the end JoJolion, surely it becomes very clear by now that Caato, in fact, is not an antagonist at all!
What is an antagonist? A person who actively opposes or is hostile to main character (aka Josuke in this story).
Turns out that Jobin is more an antagonist than his mother.
Then how can many readers misunderstood and even been delusional to this phenomenal milf character?
Her Introduction
Caato was the actual last member of Higashikata family to be introduced, her first appearance was a surprise for the readers. Prior to her appearance, she had never been mentioned by the other Higashikata family members as if she did not exist.
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JJL chapter 55: Walking Heart, Breaking Heart
It was revealed that she was in prison all this time and had just been released. Her first scene and how she was drawn is quite cool. Her face was partially hidden, then the angle trick that only reveal a little hint of how she looks. This surely gives us the vibe of major character, that she would be important in the future. Who is she and what is her role? Not only that, he also drew her fairly attractive in contrast to those ugly extras. The chapter also implied that there is something dangerous will be brought by this character.
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She got introduced just after Damo had been eliminated and his arc was done, so it made sense that the readers’ started hyping her to be new candidate of the main villain. She also demonstrated her Stand during her intro...
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...which eventually led to the next hype:
Her Stand
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「Space Trucking」 mechanism which has similarities with 「D4C」, namely the caught-in-between two objects mechanism is what makes the readers compared both Stands. This comparison also conceived the idea of Caato as the main villain. The time-based theme that incidentally became the pattern of main villains’ Stand in OG verse (part 1-6) has caused the readers to think that the reboot verse (part 7 onwards) will have space-based Stands as the main villain’s Stand.
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JJL chapter 107: When All Curses Are Broken
While in fact, the real keyword here is HIDE, not “space”. It indeed utilizes “space” to use its ability just like D4C, but「Space Trucking」 works by hiding various objects into her cards, its ability is more similar to 「Enigma」 than 「D4C」.
Her Appearance and Design
Caato’s seemingly youthful look (from her age) is because Araki has drawn her without visible wrinkles as a typical grandma. This was what made readers often theorize that Caato is a female rock-humans.
In truth, it is actually just his recent art-style, because to be fair, Holy and Suzuyo who are also middle-aged women are also drawn as quite young-looking, the only difference is that Caato already had a grandchild.
With his current art-style, Araki only draws the old women with wrinkles only when they are over 60 years old.
In-universe, there was absolutely no hint that Caato looked much younger than her actual age. If Caato really looks younger than her age like Lisa Lisa, Joshu, who wasn’t sure that she is his mother should have said: “No way you are our mother! You don’t even look much older than Hato!” or something like that. Josuke who was seeing Caato for the first time also didn’t have any opinion regarding her look, even after Hato told about her age.
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Then at the beginning of her debut, a panel that highlighted Caato's eyes once shook the fandom. It caused many readers to speculate that Caato is a merged-human, just like Josuke. But in the end, it's just a deceptive shadow on her eyes.
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Moreover, a die-hard Caato supporter once said that Caato’s hair resembles hornet’s abdomen, the “abdomen” is a part of the body that reflects “motherhood”, the wasps in chapter 99 have played the role of as “surrogate mom” to the rock-babies because their mother had little affection to them and abandoned them. Caato being a mother who was made to abandon her children for 15 years might foreshadow her rock-human’s nature.
In fact, the bottom part of Caato's hair had changed a lot, its design was not always consistent. The only thing consistent in her hairstyle is her space buns (which is a callback for Jolyne).
Her intention in making a scene
Still in her early debut, Caato had uttered an intention that sounds antagonistic.
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Later, she made a surprise visit for her family but instead got confronted by them. Disappointed at her family's reaction, she showed her resentment at Norisuke IV and her intention to take what's rightfully her, she wants the Higashikata’s fortune, to take back what she thinks her right. She held revenge on her ex-husband due to him abandoned her.
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JJL chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
Almost forgot to mention that Caato has been imprisoned for murder. At that time we didn't know what the murder was and what was behind it, but seeing Caato had no regrets about it certainly made us believe that she will be an antagonist here. Then…
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These subsequent remarks led to the birth of various theories which later grew wilder and weirder as Caato specifically claimed that she also contributed to the success of Higashikata’s business over the past 15 years! But how so? Had not she been in prison in the last 15 years?
This also became the reason to reinforce a theory that Caato is associated to rock-humans (via Damokan Group). She is in contact with Jobin, whom is also associated to Damo. Jobin has been doing illicit business with Damo, which could be the main reason for the success of Higashikata’s business. Jobin has been doing this behind Norisuke IV’s back, Caato is in a bad relationship with Norisuke IV. Therefore, Caato might have made Jobin to work with Damo.
So it was not surprising that her motive was adding more the hype for the readers.
Ultimately, this mystery was never answered till the end, I think Araki may have forgotten about this or simply abandoned it.
Her Character Background (Identity)
Who is Caato? She was introduced as the mother of four Higashikata children, ex-wife of Higashikata Norisuke IV, the current patriarch of the family and the head of its family business (The Fruit Company). An ex-convict for murder.
Quite a number of readers have overestimated the role of the Higashikata family, to the point of disregarding the role of Rock-humans and their organization. They think that Rock-humans aren’t that important and their arc would be just an intermezzo arc, happened in the middle. They were thinking of a Game of Throne-style concept, where there would be a struggle for throne and power dynamic between Higashikata family (in which Josuke gets caught in it) which would split into several sides (war within the family).
In fact, the role of Higashikata family happened alongside with Rock-humans, and in the end, the later was more dominant with their kind vs humanity.
Her shady little action
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JJL chapter 59: Dolomité's Blue Lagoon - part 1
Caato was relaxing on hammock while she secretly observed Norisuke IV and Josuke from afar. She briefly interacted with Norisuke IV and noticed her ex-husband’s habit then realized that he was hiding something she did not re~~ally know. She called Jobin to warn him and also saw that Josuke was carrying a cellphone, she concluded that he was going to meet someone.
Given that Jobin had been antagonistic towards Josuke and Caato had also helped him, coupled with the previous hypes about her, surely made readers think that she could be the true mastermind behind any problems and dangers that Josuke had faced so far.
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JJL chapter 61:Dolomite's Blue Lagoon - part 3, is Caato an antagonist? She is definitely a wild card for now
Her misunderstood flashback with Jobin
20 years ago (±1991), Jobin went to his school trip, he was bullied there but the bully got attacked by Jobin’s Stand 「Speed King」 in a self-defense. Jobin had already been hit by family curse, the rock-disease and Caato was actually looking for a cure, she also already knew about equivalent exchange ability possessed by Higashikata’s land. Instead of using herself, Caato took the chance to use the dying bully boy as a sacrifice in Jobin’s healing ritual. She justified her action that it was the bully boy’s fate, and that they, as Higashikata, were above him. Five years after the incident, Caato went to prison for what she did.
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JJL chapter 64: Mother and Child
The mystery of why Caato went to prison and the murder she committed got answered in this chapter. She did not kill any important character. We learned more about her character that she had the selfishness not to put herself below. But her mother’s love for Jobin enabled her to make sacrifices in her own way, that she was willing to do bad things for his sake.
I don't think this chapter actually intended to mislead the readers in understanding Caato's character, but it's more likely that many readers themselves misunderstood her.
What did this scene make Caato a manipulative mother? Before the murder happened, Caato was shown as a doting mom, she loves Jobin and took care of him. She didn’t want Jobin to get hurt, when Jobin climbed a tree, she was very worried about him as he could fall at any time.
Caato doesn’t like to be controlled (specifically by men). However, if she had to sacrifice for the sake of her son Jobin, she is willing to do so. That’s what she literally said in the flashback. There is no way Caato could be a controlling mother. Instead, she is a supportive mom for Jobin and this has been shown in chapter 59 and 107.
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JJL chapter 64 and 107
Her Comeback Scene
And then lastly, even her reappearance towards the end of JJL after a long time she was MIA, readers were so hyped that Caato would beat Tooru & be the final villain.
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JJL chapter 107: When All Curses Are Broken
In the end, she did defeat him, but sadly her supporters’ dream that she would be the final villain was also immediately crushed after she ended up getting calamiti’ed.
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JJL chapter 108: Go Beyond – part 2
To be honest, I don't think that Araki intentionally wrote Caato as a red-herring character.
It's just that, I feel like there were few Caato’s rabid supporters who intentionally were trying to lead readers’ opinion in believing that she will be JoJolion’s main villain. Besides, until now we still haven't had a female as JoJo’s main antagonist, so that readers who really crave it become easily fooled to believe the concept of Caato as the main villain.
Given the possibility of part 9 (JoJoLand), I truly hope that someday we will have a female JoFoe, the big antagonist. Hopefully her characterization will be much more believable than the idea of making Caato as the big villain, no need for wild and far-fetched theories, no need for headcanons, she will naturally be our newest main antagonist.
If you want to understand more about what Caato's supporters did wrong, you can read more about it in "How does the hype of Caato turn really bad?". But keep in mind that the post was written when JJL was not finished yet, so some of the words there sound outdated (but more or less still relevant).
You may be getting bored with all of LoL t3h hyPe of Ca4t0 post, do not worry because this will be my last post on this topic. At the very least, I wanted to write this one last time after JJL is finished.
Let Caato rest in peace because all this time she did nothing wrong, whereas her supporters did everything wrong.
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
JoJolion chapter 107 review (starring Higashikata Caato)
Why not? This chapter does star her.
We’re finally almost free from the crap of Caato’s hypes because she finally does something right now. This chapter is about her fight against Tooru and more about her character.
Previously related post: 
The Long-Awaited Most-Hyped Character Finally Made Her Appearance: Caato
MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD!! Don’t read more if you haven’t read the newest chapter (107) yet and don’t want to get spoiled!
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JJL chapter 107: Kaato Higashikata's "Attack"
First, I’d like to try her recipe.
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Actually, the reason she is in Higashikata’s house right now is to deliver Jobin’s favorite dish made by her… what a lovely mother. Too bad, instead she found her son’s dead body.
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This actually should debunk some Caatofags silly idea of her as an evil person who doesn’t really care about her family. When it looks like more about Jobin, I think she does care to her daughters as well when she asked them to stay in their place.
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Also, the speculation of Tooru’s tricking Caato also got debunked, obviously because Yasuho is there to tell her about what was really going on.
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Yasuho in this chapter mostly just explains anything happened and her explanation regarding rock-humans and New Locacaca is because she has no reason to assume that Caato already knows about these things.
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I like how Caato looks calm when Tooru was pointing knife (more like saw I think) at her, those tears in her eyes are still tears of grief over Jobin’s death, not due to her fear.
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read it from left to right -->
That really sounds like a villain speech and it is said by Tooru. At this point I’m getting even more conviced that he is the true main villain of part 8.
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Caato then revealed her Stand, the name is 「Space Trucking」 and I have explained its newest mechanism in my other post, so I won’t go in depth in discussing her Stand here. In short, she uses her Stand to hide some of Tooru’s limbs to incapacitate him.
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Apparently, the one who called her “K-Kaato-san” in the last page of previous chapter was Yasuho and Tooru also knows about her (Caato). Just like what Maako, the girlfriend of Ojiro said that the news about her murdering a child 15 years ago is a well-known sensational news in Morioh, so it is not surprising if several characters in JJL know her.
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I like Caato’s composure and softness here, kinda reminds me of Jolyne… yeah, she has been compared to Jolyne numerous times, her intro in prison is definitely a Jolyne’s reference. Araki once said that Norisuke IV is the JJL version of Josuke in part 4, as his elder counterpart so, what if Caato is also the elder counterpart of Jolyne in JJL? That kinda makes sense.
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Caato already knows about the New Locacaca and so, does this mean that Caato was hiding another pot of the New Locacaca?? Or is that the same pot that Tooru and Yasuho had been fighting for in previous chapters?
My guess is that it is the ‘same’ pot, look how the pot that Caato reveals does not have any fruit either. I think Caato is just playing with her Stand’s ability while talking about the New Locacaca  or… perhaps, while she looks like she is playing, she actually manages to hide and steal a part of the plants(?)
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Look, a flashback of Caato and Jobin! I think it officially becomes her trait to always barge in unannounced and startled whoever was in the room. They were in Jobin’s beetle collection room where he hid the New Locacaca there.
Look at the window that still looks intact there, then this flashback happened before the fight between Jobin-Tsurugi and Ojiro.
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This is so wholesome this scene basically tells that no matter how old Jobin is he is still Caato’s baby.
Okay, I’m not into symbolization but now I want to talk about it just a moment, while this could be simply a JoJo thing that Jobin was wearing such impractical design for the sake of fashion, with that outfit he basically locked his own wrist which might symbolize of being handcuffed.
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If you’re willing to take a look at the flashback scene in chapter 64, Jobin started wearing such outfit when he was a teenager right before Caato got caught by the police. Is this a form of Jobin's empathy for his mother who was in prison? Even though this symbolization is slightly missed because he was already wearing that outfit just before Caato got caught.
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Told ya, the window still wasn't broken yet.
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So, Jobin eventually told everything to his mom, about the New Locacaca, its equivalent exchange ability, the orchard burning and Tsurugi’s involvement.. and the most important thing that’s being revealed here is that the sap has the same power as the fruit! Those beetles show that we don’t necessarily need to have the fruit to get the effect of perfect equivalent exchange!!
Also, this actively debunk those wild theory of Caato being the mastermind of everything, she did not seem to possess any Locacaca before, she did not know the existence of the New Locacaca (and possibly about the rock-humans either), she did not know what truly happened during the orchard burning, she doesn't look like she is a secret rock-wahmen either, etc.
She is not as mighty as those Caatofags want her to be, however…
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…her character remains consistent since the early of her introduction, that she actually had a conflicting view with Norisuke IV regarding the family’s ethic and moral value. This is about what we call “selflessness vs selfishness” again, and Caato’s view is more dominant in influencing Jobin.
Caato is not the mastermind controlling Jobin like a puppet like those Caatofags was promoting. Everything Jobin has done in this story is of his own will, starting from his cooperation with rock-humans, the struggle of the New Locacaca and the burning orchards. However, Jobin's way of thinking, motivation and ambition have been influenced by Caato's views and how she has nurtured him.
And in this chapter, Caato is being supportive towards Jobin like she had always been (read: chapter 59 and 64). Plus, Caato and Jobin’s Stand names being references to Deep Purple’s songs may signify their close relationship.
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Looks like she just basically activated her Stand on the plant, it could be hidden whenever someone tried to come and get it but it wasn’t truly activated, at least that’s what the translation implies.
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read it from right to left <---
「Wonder of U」 starts appearing behind Caato, does it mean that Caato really start harming Tooru? Another new feat of her Stand’s ability that it is able to fully hide a living being, which she uses to hide her grandson Tsurugi.
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She makes Tooru to do equivalent exchange with dying Tsurugi while 「Wonder of U」is seen rushing towards Caato… end in cliffhanger. Probably my favorite page here. Basically, what Caato does is ‘two birds in one stone’ movement, breaking the Higashikata family’s curse by saving her grandson while eliminating Tooru.
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And what could happen next?
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My thought…
This chapter shows how awesome Caato truly is, starting from her soft side as a mother to her toughness against the enemy.
Araki is really doing her well, I thought there was no need to turn her into an antagonist with great power/influence or a silly plot twist that this unassuming grannie is the mastermind behind anything.
Caatofags had once described her as a mother who directs Jobin like a puppet and supervises Tooru as her subordinate whereas in reality, Araki has been portraying the three of them in a more balanced way rather than one being above anothers.
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I really like her relationship with Jobin, I once said that they would make good partners if they were to be the final antagonists after Tooru, but sadly at this point I feel that Jobin is permanently dead.
There won’t be Yoshihiro-Yoshikage(like)’s cooperation against Josuke in this part… however, Caato continues to carry out her supportive role towards Jobin by trying to fulfill his main goal of curing Tsurugi and breaking the family curse.
Even so far, I haven't considered Caato as an antagonist, I still think of her as a 'wild card' for Josuke and Yasuho.
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The mystery and next chapter prediction…
If this goes well, it looks like Caato's action in doing equivalent exchange to Tooru and Tsurugi will succeed in curing Tsurugi. The cracks on Tsurugi's face seemed to be diminishing. But with the 「Wonder of U」 following behind her, it shows that Caato's life too is in danger.
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Then what will happen to the fully healed Tsurugi? Considering that the fusion happened to Josefumi and Kira does not make any of them 'alive' with their consciousness and instead creates a new consciousness we called “Josuke”, the new Tsurugi might not be the Tsurugi we know all along.
Besides, the equivalent exchange that happened on Tooru and Tsurugi is an exchange between rock-human and normal human and so far we still don't know what the effect will be. Will this be the answer to Tsurugi's weird behavior in the flashforward of chapter 83?
Then I also questioned about the harvest countdown of the New Locacaca in the flashforward, that in the previous chapter (106), the fruit in the pot was already gone. But in this chapter, there could be a possibility that Caato might hide the other parts of the plant (perhaps some branches) using her cards.
I think that there is starting to appear a slight hint linking the current events to the flashforward in chapter 83.
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
I read your recent post on Space Trucking and Caato, which was excellent. What did you think of chapter 107 as a whole? I thought it was one of the best in quite a while.
I’m happy that you like my post (I added more sections about it, you may take a look at it again if you want). As for chapter 107:
I thought it was one of the best in quite a while.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Caato is truly the MVP in that chapter, she does more than Kei ever did (which the later kinda failed to live up to our expectation as readers).
I just did a review about the chapter that you can read here:
JoJolion chapter 107 review (starring Higashikata Caato)
Araki is really doing her character well, I thought there was no need to turn her into an antagonist with great power/influence or a silly plot twist that this unassuming granny is the mastermind who knows-it-all.
Caatofags had once described her as a mother who directs her son Jobin like a puppet and supervises Tooru as her subordinate whereas in reality, Araki has been portraying the three of them in a more balanced way rather than one being above anothers.
Also, will Tooru be gone soon? Readers have repeatedly missed predicting Tooru's death in the next chapters so, I won’t just say that Tooru will be done in the next chapter. Afterall, the chapter ends on a cliffhanger where both Tooru and Caato appear to be in grave danger.
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fauzhee10069 · 3 years
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JoJolion chapter 108: The End of Calamity
Aka. ‘The End of Tooru’
Chapter 108 just released guys, let's review it!
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JJL chapter 108: The Last Calamity
Continuation of the last page in chapter 107, Caato uses The New Locacaca’s 'tree sap' to do equivalent exchange and cure Tsurugi. Then what about the little unripened fruit that Tooru ate? I think it should still have the ability of equivalent exchange, but considering Tsurugi's state and illness, it's like healing a burn with fire.
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Not only that, Caato also destroys the plant completely, perhaps she thinks that “this fruit should never exist in this world” or so that Tooru doesn't get what he wants, but at least she got chance to use it to cure Tsurugi.
I slightly disagree with Tooru, I think the fruit can still be produced. Didn't the New Locacaca fruit exist because of planting the regular Locacaca one on the Higashikata's land (which has its own equivalent exchange ability). If those regular fruits are also extinct, then it is still possible.
I don’t know if the regular Locacaca is extinct, back in Holy’s lab, Rai has destroyed all the fruit stored there. But then in Doobie Wah arc (the fight with Aishou), it was implied by Yasuho that some of the Locacaca were stored around the stadium. Even if the Locacaca is no longer in Japan, can't we just get it back from New Guinea, where the fruit originally came from?
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The thing I love most about JoJo and Araki is how his villains become lost & pathetic the moment they face their downfall, instead of being cool till the end.
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So, this is really the end of Tooru? Instead of Josuke, it is Caato who actually defeat him? Him looking at the wasp and having his final nostalgia reminds me of Funny Valentine who had reminisced with the handkerchief his late father gave to him.
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I thought Caato would be spared by the calamity because Tooru is already dead, but calamity still befalls and kills her in the end.
I think this is fair, because Caato has managed to do a lot of things (which should be considered threatening) to Tooru and got away with it while people like Josuke, Rai, Mitsuba and Jobin were very susceptible to calamity even with their very little actions.
That part was a bit confusing, but if I comprehend it right, Caato was using her cards to hide (and subdue) Tooru’s hand which happened to be carrying a saw. His hand and the saw was secured by Caato’s playing cards, she used his hand to crush the branches and she kept the cards on her side (waist) then the saw (aka calamity) kills her.
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With Tooru’s demise, Yasuho started to resume her monologue (the thing she had done in the very first chapter of JoJolion). The main theme of this chapter 8 is about “breaking the curse.”
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So that’s how the reason of Norisuke IV is in the body bag, it’s not about something evil Tsurugi will do to him, it's just an evacuation??
With this I am getting more convinced that the flashforward in chapter 83 will not happen, it gets retcon’ed. As time went on, my theories became more and more ridiculous and pointless.
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Of course, seeing every new JJL chapters that keep releasing and deviating from the flashforward, I already suspected that that scene would not be realized. However, I was still optimistic and trying to find potential connection with the events that occurred during Wonder of You arc.
Maybe it's time for me to give up on the chapter 83 flashforward, but I'm still 'a little' hopeful that the current event (in chapter 108) occurs in a universe (belong to Josuke and Yasuho we know) and what happens in flashforward is an interdimensional event (something like D4C’s shenanigan).
But considering Yasuho’s monologue, I think it is highly unlikely.
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Is Tooru really dead? Why does his Stand still exist? So, that’s why Caato can still be hit by calamity, Tooru isn't really dead yet??
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Apparently, Tooru is indeed dead, but his will and Stand can still manifest. This is not the first time this happens in JJBA. There are posthumous Stands, notably 「Anubis」, 「Cheap Trick」 and 「Notorious B.I.G」. Perhaps 「Wonder of U」 becomes that kind of Stand. Even a ghost (a dead person) like Kira Yoshihiro can have his Stand, 「Atom Heart Father」.
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Tooru is officially dead by Caato’s hand, a little disappointing because it wasn't Josuke who gives him final blow. However, he comes at the right time and eventually does the final blow to 「Wonder of U」, using his newly found ability, 「Soft&Wet」: Go Beyond.
By the way, the last panel of Josuke and Yasuho look wholesome.
My thought…
The fight from the previous chapter (107) continues immediately in this chapter (108). The death of Tooru and the end of calamity (WOU) were resolved quite satisfactorily.
But overall, this chapter is disappointing.
Because the way this chapter is handled, hints that we're really getting to the end of the story. Starting from the closing narration/monologue by Yasuho, the aftermath of the Higashikata family, the end of calamity and the implication that the flashforward in chapter 83 will not be realized.
My main issues from this chapter are the pacing and unresolved plotholes. The fight itself is quite well done.
Now let me talk about the fight first. A bit disappointing that Josuke did not have time to face Tooru directly, instead it became Caato’s job. However, this role is awesome for Caato. Symbolically speaking, Caato's character is a heavy reference from french playing cards. The cards are very commonly used for gambling and so on.
There's a term "trump card" and it has been discussed several times about Caato's role as ‘the trump card', but finally it was answered in this chapter (108) that Caato was the trump card in breaking the family curse of Higashikata and even in defeating the big villain.
For years Caato was believed to be the main villain, “she helds the trump card” “she is the mastermind”, etc. There were also those who believed that she would be the final villain ala AU!Diego. She has long been considered an antagonist or villain by readers, despite her never been in conflict with Josuke.
In the end, Caato is neither Valentine 2.0 nor AU!Diego 2.0. She's more like Gyro 2.0 in my opinion, she became Tooru's hardest hindrace and left space for Josuke to give WOU a final blow… at least in this chapter.
Still for the entire story, Yasuho is the true Gyro 2.0.
Disappointment behind satisfaction
Personally, I wished that this chapter didn't come out this month. This chapter should be out next or two months later.
Wasted potential of Tooru
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Tooru's defeat did look satisfying, but not with his characterization. I expected a follow-up flashback regarding Tooru's past, at least how he was able to found and lead the rock-humans organization anonymously.
Besides, I also hope that Tooru is connected to the Higashikata's family curse, or at least in Johnny's death in the past. Being a rock-human makes him possible to be present in Johnny's flashback.
Johnny's sudden death from being crushed by a boulder looks like a result of calamity. Yeah, you can argue that he used his 「 Tusk Act 4 」 and that was the cause of his death, but couldn't a series of Stand attacks be under calamity's influence? We also had Lucy in that flashback. It would be dope if we get a flashback of Johnny, Lucy and Tooru in which they were connected and involved in the same events.
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In case you can’t read the image as it's blurry from getting compressed, I will quote it for you:
Wonder of U is such a waste of potential to create a genuinely thrilling and exiting stand fight. Tooru didn't have to do jack shit on his part to fight back, all he had to do was keep his distance and miraculously the enemy would get one shot. There's no interactivity between Tooru or the enemy he's fighting.
Dio stopped time to dodge attacks and gain advantageous positions.
Kira created stalemates with his bombs and utilized range to keep his enemies at bay.
Diavolo percieved the enemies movements and skipped time to best utilize weakpoints in the enemies’ strategies.
Pucci knew when and how to strike, forcing his enemies into bad positions as he made a move.
Valentine manipulated his enemies to such an extent that three of them basically killed themselves, despite them being knowledgable of Valentine's potential.
I propose that this stand would be way better if it acted the way it did when we were first introduced to it.
If someone tries to chase either the stand or the stand user, then whenever they collide with something, it will deal immense damage to them. By actively moving towards Tooru or 「Wonder of U」, they would endanger themselves to possible hindrances which would severely impede, if not straight up kill them.
Then the stand suddenly gains the power to miraculously direct objects to collide WITH WHOEVER IS CHASING THEM. Not as before where they would collide with objects and get hurt, but where objects were redirected into their path to damage the pursuers. Even as much as damaging 「Wonder of U」 or Tooru is enough to instantly bend reality to instakill someone.
Now what if, instead, the stand and the user are genuinely vulnerable. The catch is that Tooru has to make an effort to put objects in the pursuer’s path. Walking through thick branches, throwing a bottle of water, closing doors, kicking up sand. These all present instakill scenarios, but there is an INTENT behind every attack. Creative problem solving for each attack.
Besides, there is also wasted potential in Josuke and Tooru's rivalry.
You know what annoys me more than the wasted potential of WOU? The wasted potential that was the Josuke - Tooru rivalry. They had such good setup, they were polar opposites thematically, they could have clashed earlier before we knew Tooru's real identity, but instead everything was drowned by “muh love triangle” that went nowhere, Rai's incessant babbling and Caato being shoehorned in the fight for “muh curse”.
Tooru's good two speeches about memories and The Locacaca were addressed to Caato instead of Josuke, which is absolute bullshit, because they don't make her doubt herself, anything, they don't make her flinch at all. They would have fit Josuke so much better. To add insult to injury, Araki had Josuke show up all triumphantly after Caato did all the work and ora ora whatever was left of WoU. In before Go Beyond, it lost all momentum after it was introduced.
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Unresolved mysteries and plotholes
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Actually, there are four misteries that should have already been answered:
We still don’t know what the point of the Wall Eyes
It’s JJL version of ‘Devil Palm’, it bestows Stand to the people living nearby. My theory is that it’s also connected with how the Higashikata’s land have equivalent exchange ability (besides Johnny’s death).
We still don’t know where did the bite marks came from
Isn’t it came from the Wall Eyes? It’s like ‘a mark’ for the Stand users who have been bestowed. Read more about it here.
We still don’t know what is Jobin’s hidden ability
When did we first hear that? Iirc, it was in chapter 63 (the end of Blue Hawaii arc), in the first page’s infobox. I can't remember that Jobin once said it on-screen.
What is clear, is that we started hearing “Jobin's hidden ability” long before his fight with Ojiro. Therefore I think, his hidden ability should have been revealed post that fight:
「Speed King」 has the primary ability to store heat and temperature within a short localized point. It can only affect objects within 10 centimeters, but it is shown that said objects can travel far away from Jobin and still be affected by Speed King's heat storage. For instance Ojiro Sasame could travel from the Higashikata House to downtown Morioh and still be affected.
At this point, we shall believe that this is the hidden ability that was hinted. Especially, as Jobin’s status is already dead, so we won’t likely see more of 「Speed King」.
We still don’t know the effects of eating a ripe New Locacaca
Wasn't Yasuho already eat the ripe fruit?
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JJL chapter 101: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 18
If we still take into account the countdown, the time when Yasuho ate the fruit was around 2h11m before the harvest (which is pretty pointless at this point). I’m not a botanist, so I don’t really know, whether there is a difference between the fruit that is fully riped and the unripened fruit 'only' by 2 hours.
The effect in Yasuho shows that the New Locacaca can cure the recipient fully by exchanging the body part of someone who come into contact with her.
Why is it different from Josefumi and Kira? Maybe because when Josefumi did the exchange with Kira, Kira was already dead. Besides that, their bodies got buried in Higashikata’s soil, while Yasuho did not.
I think, 2 hours or not, the effect of the fruit won’t be much different.
We still don’t know why the new Locacaca healed Tsurugi instead of Tooru
This one, I will try to answer it with my theory. Tooru has eaten the small, unripened fruit. Tsurugi drinks its tree sap. I think both can be the 'recipient' of equivalent exchange (aka the one who will be cured).
Why, instead of recovering, Tooru is cracking? Because by doing 'exchange' with Tsurugi who is dying, it is the same as treating burns with fire. Why is Tsurugi cured despite Tooru was also badly beaten? I don’t know but perhaps this has something to do with Tooru being a rock-human… or also because of the comparison of Tsurugi's state, which is worse than Tooru.
Now, regarding the other misteries like the flashback man, the beach baby, Iwasuke, Karera’s goal, and hair clip rock-insect in my opinion are not something so crucial. They can be treated as trivial.
But the mystery that should have been vital to be resolved is:
“How is Holy gonna be saved now that the New Locacaca plant has been destroyed??”
It will be whether Holy immediately died following her children (aka. failed to be saved) or eventually cured.
But how can she be cured since the plant is already destroyed? As long as the next chapter hasn't been released yet, I still hold my theory that Caato hides a (New) Locacaca inside her cards.
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Seeing that the cards are scattered on her body instead of perishing, it is possible that 「Space Truckin’」’s ability can still be used on those cards. Perhaps only Caato’s soul and the humanoid form of her Stand that departed. It’s possible that 「Space Truckin’」 works similar to 「Cream Starter」 in which if the user dies, the Stand can still be used at some point.
And with the one and only remaining fruit, it can be used to cure Holy (I am still pretty optimistic for that).
But what if Holy won't be safe? Doesn't this mean that Josuke has failed to achieve his goal as the main protagonist?
The purpose of Josuke
Josuke as the main protagonist in JJL has two main objectives: In the first half of JoJolion, he was looking for his identity. And he found it after he met Holy in chapter 58.
In the second half of JoJolion, he wants to cure Holy, a figure whom he acknowledged as his mother.
Perhaps Josuke (as a protagonist) has fullfiled his first objective but fails his second one.
Josuke’s Go Beyond, a wasted power-up
I shouldn't consider his power-up in vain, but the potential is also lacking as well. The mechanism is still very confusing: “breaking the logic of 「Wonder of U」, enables him to bypass WOU’s calamity and makes his attack capable to reach Tooru.”
Actually, in the mechanism there is nothing special in Go Beyond, he only sent out his bubbles (just like in the beginning of his debut) to his target. It's just that if his regular bubble-attack doesn't work on WOU, this one works as it bypasses the calamity.
「Star Platinum」: The World is very distinct from Jotaro’s regular attack at the beginning of part 3 that was just pure brute strength, it can stop time now.
「Killer Queen」: Bites The Dust can do a time loop now whereas Kira’s regular attack was just blowing up the stuff.
「Gold Experience Requiem」reverts actions and willpower back to the state of "zero", completely nullifying them and preventing them from becoming "real" (aka. Ctrl+Z), totally different with regular 「Gold Experience」who is able to make inanimated object into a biological object.
Even 「Tusk」: Act 4 as the upgrade of the previous Tusks, each (act) has a mechanism that is easily distinguished.
In addition to its unclear mechanism, the use of 'Go Beyond' is also very brief and seemed anticlimatic.
The mishandle of tree sap alternative
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The tree sap alternative ruins the conflict that was built all this time, or more precisely it's poorly handled.
The findings that New Locacaca’s sap produces the effect of 'equivalent exchange' happened before Jobin and Caato. As I said before, their flashback happened before Ojiro’s fight.
If the sap can be used, why did Jobin went to great lengths to protect the plant? I mean, why did he 'keep the plant for himself and don't want to share'?
What is the point of fighting over the plant (and fruit) all this time?
To be fair, Tooru and Josuke’s gang did not know about the sap’s capability.
But thinking it again, Jobin's selfish attitude (read: keeping the fruit for himself) has something to do with his desire for the glory of his family business. Beside to cure Tsurugi, just like Tooru, he wanted to commercialize the fruit and sell it at a very high price.
Ok, forget about the conflict between Josuke, Tooru and Jobin. Speaking of narration, why were we wasting our time with the countdown of New Locacaca’s harvest? If in the end the fully ripe fruit never existed and Tsurugi & Yasuho were cured without it. Not only the non-existent harvest, even at this point, we won't reach the flashforward in chapter 83 (as I’m more sure that it won’t happen/aka. gets retcon’ed).
I think, it would be better if the tree sap’s capability was discovered by Josuke instead (or even Holy, the one who had even done secret research). After the fruit runs out (suppose Caato heals Tsurugi using the fruit instead of sap) and Tooru dies, Caato doesn't destroy the plant, allowing Josuke to despondently take the plant to Holy and discovers the benefits of the sap instead.
And lastly…
The origin of Higashikata’s family curse
This should be the main mystery to get resolved! Back to what I said earlier, this chapter (108) should be out next or two months later. For me, the chapter that should be the continuation of chapter 107 can be used for flashbacks. The cliffhanger in chapter 107 was done nicely. We shouldn't rush to finish it. Interrupting with flashbacks to explain the unanswered plotholes would be a wiser decision than what we got now.
The flashback about Tooru's personal past and also the origin of Higashikata’s family curse.
Like I said, I need to know how he was able to found and lead the rock-humans organization anonymously to the point of how he ended up being like this.
I also wished Tooru to be connected with the Higashikata's family curse, thereby strengthening his status as a major villain.
Imagine, a flashback, a chapter or two that tells the origin of Higashikata’s family curse, Tooru's past and also his encounters with Johnny and Lucy!!
What a shame, seeing how this chapter came to be, this will be just my wishful thinking (aka. headcanon). Why so? Tooru is done. Moreover, the expectation that there will be a posthumous shenanigan like how Funny Valentine using AU!Diego in SBR is also highly unlikely.
Because 「Wonder of U」 that manifested into the posthumous Stand was also instantly annihilated by Josuke.
Besides, when WOU sneaked into Norisuke IV's body, he might be able to possess and control him. Therefore, we can have a way to the more satisfying final fight with Josuke vs WOU and another chance to put the flashback that can close the hole from the remaining plotholes!
Next chapter prediction…
I don’t know, at this point I think we likely will get a neat epilogue. Even Yasuho has started monologuing in this chapter. After we see the aftermath of the Higashikata, maybe next month we will see Josuke and Holy’s aftermath.
Plus, it’s nice to see more about Caato’s Stand and that it is eventually named. But seems like we will never see Holy’s Stand and its name, just like Kujo Holy in part 3.
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fauzhee10069 · 4 years
Caato’s Stand and its mechanism so far (Jojolion)
Caato’s Stand, which until now has not been named yet, often becomes the object of hype in its ability and discussion in its name. I’m also interested to discuss both, but maybe I will focus more on its ability.
As her character is heavily a reference of French playing cards, Caato uses her playing cards as medium for her Stand ability.
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Caato can store objects between her cards, making them appear or disappear like a magic trick. The first object we saw when she demonstrated her Stand for the first time was a cellphone. The phone is smaller in width and length, making the cards able to fully conceal it.
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The second time we saw her Stand, she tricked Joshu to tidy up her cards, indirectly hurting him by the impact of the chair she stored into her cards when he took the cards that were stacked. With this second demonstration, we can sort the mechanism of her Stand:
She can store objects between her cards, making them appear or disappear like a magic trick
Anyone can release the objects that were stored inside her cards
She can store the objects with size much larger than her cards
Another interesting thing here is that the chair came out of two separate cards, it makes me wonder of the possibility that she could separate parts of an object and release them separately. There are also two things that I see as another mechanism of her Stand, though it’s still hypothetically speaking as the scenes were just mainly implication:
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How she hid the chair between her cards? Did she slam the chair between her cards? If so, why no one noticed her while doing it (taking out two decks of her cards and putting the chair between them)? Two people might not had noticed that moment: Daiya (due to poor eyesight) and Joshu (being too distracted), why did none of the rest of the family notice that? Which led to two assumptions:
Caato does not need to take out (use) the cards to hide objects, she simply needs to will it
She does need to take out the cards, it’s just the family being too oblivious to notice that
Or some of them might actually noticed that but kept silent because Joshu definitely deserved that (LOL), the scene was focused on him afterall. Anyway, I’m more into the later, this reunion scene with her is not to be taken too seriously (in gauging the actual power as it is not a serious Stand battle).
In addition, a crucial thing that is easily overlooked in Caato’s words: “there certainly are a lot of chairs in this house, so you wouldn’t notice if I hid one between my cards, would you?”
Considering the hype from her supporters who frequently compare her Stand with D4C because their "dimensional-based" ability and "caught-in-between" mechanism?
「D4C」 has access to different parallel worlds/dimensions, it can also pull other people or items to other dimensions.
But in the case of Caato’s Stand and her words: she took out a chair from her cards, a chair that belongs to Higashikata's house, which is in the same world as her and the family. In other words, Caato’s Stand does not cross between dimensions in its mechanism, therefore the hype that her Stand has the same ability and power as the 「D4C」 has not been proven!
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Notice how the warden took Caato’s cards, the decks were slightly open but nothing came out from them, but a few panels afterwards we see Caato took out her cellphone from the cards. Why didn’t the warden accidentally brought out the phone? It’s either:
Only Stand users (like Joshu) who can release the objects stored there besides the user (Caato)
Caato can control the timing of the stored objects to be released (and anyone who can release it)
I’ll pick the later too. However, there is also the possibility of luck as the decks, that were slightly open, were not storing her phone atm.
Now, regarding the hype she gets, many readers compare her Stand with Valentine’s D4C for being dimension-theme, though currently Caato’s Stand is still paled in comparison with D4C. Let’s see how D4C is capable of:
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C)
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SBR chapter 75: D4C – part 8
Take a note that the info explicitly said that D4C can send both living being and inanimate objects into another dimension, therefore it’s not limited to person.
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Valentine sent away a man into another dimension, the caught in between two objects part is what makes the readers comparing this with Caato’s Stand. This comparison also conceived the idea of Caato being the part 8 main villain. The time-based theme that incidentally became the pattern of main villains’ Stands in Ireneverse (part 1-6) causing the readers to think that the reboot/SBR verse (part 7 onwards) will have the main villains with dimension-based Stands (in which this is still unconfirmed and purely assumption).
But if you consider the ability-based as the pattern, you should consider the form-based as the pattern as well. What kind of Stand the main villains always have so far? It’s always the humanoid-type. I don’t think Caato’s Stand is a humanoid-type, it looks more like a tool or bound-type.
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After that, we saw that Valentine can also send intangible/non-physical objects such as Stand attack (Johnny’s Tusk) to another dimension, besides physical objects. Actually, he was unable to do that in Johnny’s case as Johnny’s Tusk Act 3 can also move through dimensions, but he did try it, meaning that under normal circumstances (non-dimensional Stand attacks), he can do that.
What makes D4C different from Caato’s Stand?
D4C ability can only be done by Valentine alone
Valentine does not need a certain medium to use D4C, he can use D4C with any objects that are available to be slammed together (since his Stand manifests in humanoid form)
Unlike D4C, Caato’s words in chapter 58 implied that her Stand does not cross between dimensions in its mechanism
While people like to compare Caato’s Stand with D4C, I’d like to compare her Stand with Terunosuke's Enigma which I found more similar to.
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Enigma, in the form of folded paper, can store any objects inside it just like Caato’s Stand, however Terunosuke has to fold them inside the paper which kinda reminds me of Paper Moon King visually.
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DIU chapter 142: Enigma Boy – part 4
He can also store the object that much bigger than the paper itself, when the biggest object Caato had stored so far is a chair, Terunosuke had stored a taxi car (including the driver, btw).
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Just like Caato’s Stand, anyone can release the objects that were folded inside the paper. Not only that, it can also store intangible object such fire and electric currents there.
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And a living object such animal (scorpion).
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Enigma can also trap a living person in paper, however, Terunosuke must discover the habits the target displays when afraid.
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DIU chapter 141: Enigma Boy – part 3
He can also transform himself into a paper, by bringing a gun, he can surprise the target who opens the fold and harm them.
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Damaging the piece of paper results in an equivalent damage on said object or person inside it.
What makes Caato’s Stand similar to Enigma?
Storing the objects inside medium (playing cards & paper)
Both can store the objects with size much larger than the medium
Anyone besides the users is able to release the objects from the medium
Even so, I'm a little confused, about the difference between the two. Does Terunosuke keeps some papers as medium or transform the object/target into a paper (which is then folded)?
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I think it’s more the later, he did transform Tomoko into a paper rather than engulfed and folded her inside a paper, whereas in Caato’s case, she likely brings her playing cards as tool for her Stand ability.
We have seen very little of Caato’s Stand, thus, it raises quite a number of questions regarding its full capability:
Can she store living object?
My guess is she can. It’ll be cool if we see her trapping someone with dangerous animals such as killer bees, snakes or scorpions, though I’m not sure if she can store a human being.
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JJL chapter 107: Kaato Higashikata's "Attack"
UPDATE! Eventually, the new chapter of 107 has shown that Caato is capable to conceal her grandson Tsurugi. Then it can be concluded that she can hide living object between her playing cards (though I think) as long as her playing cards perfectly stack.
Can she store intangible objects as well?
I think it is possible, I can imagine her working together with Jobin in a Stand fight (if he survives in the next chapter). It’ll be cool fight as well.
Is it only limited to her special designed playing cards?
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Caato’s playing cards do have unique design, the back of her cards have the Higashikata fruit seller mark. I’m not really sure but I guess this can be limited to her special cards alone. Why would she keep these decks and use her Stand through them? Perhaps if the playing cards aren’t that unique, she can use her Stand ability through any playing cards, but let’s see it more in the future.
The exclusiveness of Caato’s playing cards as medium for her Stand kinda reminds me of Hot Pants’ Cream Starter.
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Which can be used by anyone besides Hot Pants and still functions even though its user is already dead.
Does it have its own (humanoid-like) form?
I think it's possible, even every ability (non-power) based Stand such as Fun Fun Fun, Vitamin C, California King Bed, Walking Heart, Blue Hawaii etc have it. I hope it has a cool design. However, Tsurugi’s Stand Paper Moon King also hasn't shown its humanoid form yet, even though we have seen a lot of its abilities. 
However, Caato’s Stand seems to depend on her special designed playing cards which made it more like a tool/bound-type Stand and I haven’t seen any bound Stand that has its humanoid form. 
Perhaps, we will be really able to determine the type of Caato’s Stand if we have a chance to see its abilities further in a serious Stand battle.
UPDATE! The new chapter of 107 has shown that her Stand has its own (humanoid-like) form:
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JJL chapter 107: Kaato Higashikata's "Attack"
At this point, it was most likely that all of the Higashikata family’s Stands have their humanoid form, bar Tsurugi… but I think that 「Paper Moon King」 will also have its humanoid form which it just hasn't revealed yet.
Next related post: The True Mechanism of Caato’s Stand, 「Space Trucking」
At the same time, the name of Caato’s Stand was finally revealed as 「Space Trucking」, it follows the ‘KING’ tradition just like every member of Higashikata family (including Mitsuba who joined the family through marriage).
Hence the speculation below that there will be the word "queen" in its name or that she is an exception due to her disowned status has become pointless LOL:
The Name of  Caato’s Stand
And last, about the name of Caato’s Stand, many readers (and JoJotubers) have talked about it. Some proposed names that appeal to me are:
Queen(s) of The Stone Age
Styx’s Queen of Spades
Queen’s The March of The Black Queen
David Bowie’s Queen Bitch
But why “Queen” instead of “King” (which becomes a trend in Stand naming among Higashikata family)? Perhaps because she is considered to be an outsider to the family as she disgraces the family’s reputation (for getting into prison) and divorced with the head of the family.
I am most interested in Queen of Spades just because I really like the album artwork “Pieces of Eight”. I think I’m gonna draw Caato in that album artwork style if this becomes her Stand’s name. A Caatofag also said that the lyrics are really complimentary to the lyrics Norisuke IV’s Stand, Metallica’s King Nothing, as if they are singing to each other.
Read also:
JoJolion Cardspiracy: Caato & Damokan group
Is Caato a Rock-Woman?
How does the hype of Caato turn really bad?
Changed the spelling of 「Kaato」 into 「Caato」because it’s Caato, not Kaato.
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mingot-studios · 3 years
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