#jojo t. schmo
jojo-schmo · 9 days
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Zaps myself with a bunch of different Kirby species lasers!!
How many ways can a four pointed star, scalloped hems, and bow ties be worn? :D
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foxyfanz · 1 year
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Inspired by @jojo-schmo and @malicovkathe with the whole Forgo Knight idea and I had to get this out
This is very quick and very scrappy, but I still had fun with it
This is what I was working on with the face in the corner there being a pain in the puff with making angry growling face ready to murder at an angle with only a small handful of refs for the mouth and angle with that mental image lmao
Here's what I wrote as notes for it, from left to right, cuz the quality of the pic kinda sucks lol:
-Claws! Held in place with tar, sharp
-We all agreed he birb lmao
-When mask breaks (facepaint to make bird hard T-T)
-Whacks sword away, uses claws to attack much like Clawroline
Additional notes I wanna add
-Uses wings to flap very strongly, increases speed by a lot. (You think Super Sonic or Morpho Knight fast?~)
-When he takes flight, the feathers on his wings can fall off like a molting process(kinda like how it looks with Galacta Knight when he flies off screen all dramatically)
-Instead of the birds carrying him off with his captor(Elfilin in this case), he instead growls at Dedede(who can act as a player 2 to Kirby) and zips off with the cage
-Kirby got hurt to prevent him from fighting in the first battle, so it was Dedede and Bandana Waddle Dee. After his first defeat, Meta aimed the cage to capture Bandana before Elfilin shoved the waddle dee out of the way last second. Meta didn't realize that happened as it was in a move seen as desperate.
I might add color but idk
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jojo-schmo · 2 months
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With so many wonderful Kirby OCs out there, I wanted to celebrate just a few of the Kirbysonas I've seen from some very cool people <3
Waddle Bee- @coatofbees
Remidee- @deafeninggardenerpanda
Fighter- @deefighter2739
Rainbow Dee- @cali-kabi
Mochi- @pruskita
Starstruck Dee- @starflungwaddledee
Jojo T. Schmo- That's me! :D
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
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Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest Fits!!! 🩵🩷💙🎶
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
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Jojo and Schmojo Kirbysona doodles! One bubble, two bubble, red bubble, blue bubble :D
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
I’m looking into making my own Kirbysona. I was wondering if you have any tips??
you don’t have to answer! Also I love your art and your AU is awesome :)
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Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words! <3 I'd be happy to share some of my thought process behind creating my bubble-blowing baby, Ripple Fairy Kirbysona! I will always cheer on the existence of more Kirbysonas! :D
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I had a Kirbysona in childhood that was just a little puffball, like Kirby- and she looked like this :D I loved the Star Rod, the Beam Kirby hat was my favorite, I just finished playing Kirby 64 so I added some Crystal Shards to the hat, and I slapped on my favorite colors. Bam! I'd draw her in the margins of my notebooks, interacting with other Kirby characters in little stories I'd write... Great fun!
But now as an adult posting my work online, I wanted something that felt more like "me," as opposed to an OC that felt like someone else. A direct extension of myself to interact with the characters I love, as well as characters and sonas of other creators in our Kirby corner over here! Like a gaming avatar! But in a series with so many different species and characters, where to start?!
The important thing is to have fun! You can choose to confine yourself to the rules of the Kirby universe, or just make something up! The important part is that a sona represents you!
These are the thoughts that went through my head, but it's not the only way to make a sona! If you follow what your heart is saying and not what you think others want to see, you'll find a design that feels like you!
Step 2: Ask some basic questions to establish a design direction.
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These are the questions I asked myself during the creation process, but your questions can be different! This is just how I set up my rough plan of creation.
Sonas don't need to look like you or be named after you irl if you don't want! But in order to feel like "me," I decided on something that shared a lot of my actual physical traits. For me personally, if the sona didn't look a lot like me, I would always have a disconnect with it. I also settled on the name "Jojo" quickly because that's my actual nickname, part of my username, and I respond quickly to it.
From there, answering the other design questions I had came quickly after that!
Step 3: Settle on a species.
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I went with a Ripple Star Fairy in the end because 1) They're adorable and I love their cute wings, hair ribbons/accessories, 2) They're shown as adults, which is perfect because I am one lol, 3) Look human enough for me to relate to while still having a lot of freedom to make up powers, lore, and design traits, and 4) Ripple Fairies deserve some love hahaha
Side note: if you can't decide on a species, throw the rules out the window! Be a shapeshifter. Or have multiple forms for no reason. Be a combination penguin/puffball knight/human/waddle dee born from the cosmos!! Refer to step 1, there are no rules! Hit your sona with a Waddle Dee beam whenever you want!!
Step 4: Design yourself, superstar!!
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I brainstormed with a page of sketches and tried a bunch of different variations of a Ripple Fairy with different hairstyles and outfits, (I need to find that sketch page) but I eventually settled on these concepts!
I wear braids almost every day, so I added that. Ripple Fairies in canon all have cute hair accessories, so I made sure to tie off the braid with a little ribbon!
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Also my hair in real life does this "devil horn thing" that is one of my favorite things about myself. Like I have these baby hairs on the sides of my head that love to curl upwards on their own, so I kept the "devil horn" silhouette with the braid's bangs :D
ALSO, I LOVE BOW TIES. SO MUCH. I love shirts, dresses, anything with a bow on the collar. So I added that.
I have this black coat with a sailor-like collar IRL that I love. I feel SUPER DUPER AWESOME when I wear it, so I added the collar with the bow tie.
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I added buttons, a stripe along the bottom of the dress and sleeves, and gauntlets because a lot of canon Ripple Fairies have them. My college marching band uniform also had big gauntlets that I felt really cool wearing, so I shaped mine like that! And clothes with scalloped hems are my favorites, so I added one as a unique twist to my dress!
Now for the fun magic stuff. I wanted my powers to be connected to bubbles because I just think bubbles are neat!!! Simple as that haha.
So how am I going to blow bubbles, then? I'll need a bubble wand! How about a weapon that can change forms to be pocket-sized and functional, AND a super cool staff? Because I think staffs are SICK. I'd carry one around all the time if I could.
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I got a little sentimental with my design too, borrowing some elements from my childhood Kirbysona like the Star Rod, stripes, ribbons, and diamond shapes. It's one of my favorite details because I like paying homage to the baby Jojo I once was as often as I can.
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I added a little bit of red to the IRL brown color that my hair and eyes are (added more red to my eyes because I always felt like my brown eyes were boring lol). I finished off the theme with my favorite color blue, a little bit of yellow to complement, and BAM! There I am, Gary! There I am!!
Jojo The Schmo was born! She is me, and I am her, haha. Everything about the design has aspects that mean something special to me. I wanted to keep things unique and fun, but simple enough to draw over and over, while still representing me. And that's why I love my sona so so much!!
Hope this could provide some helpful insight! Go forth and create your unique and wonderful sonas!! When you're done we should all have a picnic together in Dreamland. <3
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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A Kirby Ovaltique Collection figure- Jojo T. Schmo edition!! 🫧 ✨
This could be a fun drawing challenge! What would your Kirbysona or OC’s Ovaltique figure look like? :D
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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it’s my birthday today :)
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
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If you see any bubbles with candy in them floating by, take them! It’s a Halloween treat from me to you! :D
And if you found one, lemme know!! It’d be nice to know where my bubbles ended up :3
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
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How to join The Cool Bow Tie Club™️
Step One: Wear cool bow
Step Two: You are now in the club, you superstar.
Starstruck Dee by @starflungwaddledee :3
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jojo-schmo · 2 months
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What if I wanted to break out my tenor sax and play in the Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest, too!?
Plus, the outfits the Kirby crew wear are PEAK, look at them!!
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
I thought of this on my drive home the other day and my brain would not let me rest haha. I simply must squish my Kirbysona into all different shapes, sizes, colors, and forms!
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Let’s call this funny guy Joseph Schmo hehehe!
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I’m still having fun with the idea of different Ripple Star fairy designs since the fairies we see in canon all wear dresses! And I can’t resist a good tailcoat!! But I wanted him to keep the bubble witch vibe still with the sailor collar and the scalloped hems :P
This is fun! I wanna collect forms of my sona like Fortnite skins hehehe
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
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Thank you everyone, I UNDERSTAND THE BOOPS NOW!!! :’D
Part One
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…..My boop-o-meter is pretty :3
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jojo-schmo · 9 months
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Merry Christmas!! Happy Chrimbus! Merry Chrysler!! I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday/end of December!! Sending everyone lots of love and soap bubbles!
(PS: I own this Kirby sweater irl and it’s one of my prized possessions hehehe. He actually does have an uwu face!!) Helpy and Benjamin Daniel send their love too :3
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
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is it really considered a self-boop if your Mirror World counterpart boops you…..???
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jojo-schmo · 8 months
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Lil tidbit from my personal life but today I was definitively diagnosed with inattentive adhd as a 26 year old human adult and uhhhh wow.
So while I go through a flashback episode in my head of how many habits and past actions this explains, if anyone has any favorite resources or strategies to apply to one’s personal and professional life, I’m all ears!! :’D
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