#joint health and safety committee training
safeeluk · 5 days
ProQual Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
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Unlock Your Potential as a Quality Assurance Leader!
Join Safeel’s ProQual Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices and become a champion of quality in your organization!
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Gain the skills and recognition to lead your team to excellence!
Contact us:
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slyandthefamilybook · 7 months
since we now know that all those "my blog is safe for Jewish people" posts are bullshit, here are some Jewish organizations you can donate to if you actually want to prove you support Jews. put up or shut up
Masbia - Kosher soup kitchens in New York
MAZON - Practices and promotes a multifaceted approach to hunger relief, recognizing the importance of responding to hungry peoples' immediate need for nutrition and sustenance while also working to advance long-term solutions
Tomchei Shabbos - Provides food and other supplies so that poor Jews can celebrate the Sabbath and the Jewish holidays
Ahavas Yisrael - Providing aid for low-income Jews in Baltimore
Hebrew Free Loan Society - Provides interest-free loans to low-income Jews in New York and more
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - Offers aid to Jewish populations in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Middle East through a network of social and community assistance programs. In addition, the JDC contributes millions of dollars in disaster relief and development assistance to non-Jewish communities
American Jewish World Service - Fighting poverty and advancing human rights around the world
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - Providing aid to immigrants and refugees around the world
Jewish World Watch - Dedicated to fighting genocides around the world
Sharsheret - Support for cancer patients, especially breast cancer
The Aleph Institute - Provides support and supplies for Jews in prison and their families, and helps Jewish convicts reintegrate into society
Bet Tzedek - Free legal services in LA
Bikur Cholim - Providing support including kosher food for Jews who have been hospitalized in the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Israel
Blue Card Fund - Critical aid for holocaust survivors
Chai Lifeline - An org that's very close to my heart. They help families with members with disabilities in Baltimore
Chana - Support network for Jews in Baltimore facing domestic violence, sexual abuse, and elder abuse
Community Alliance for Jewish-Affiliated Cemetaries - Care of abandoned and at-risk Jewish cemetaries
Crown Heights Central Jewish Community Council - Provides services to community residents including assistance to the elderly, housing, employment and job training, youth services, and a food bank
Hands On Tzedakah - Supports essential safety-net programs addressing hunger, poverty, health care and disaster relief, as well as scholarship support to students in need
Hebrew Free Burial Association
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services - Programs include early childhood and learning, children and adolescent services, mental health outpatient clinics for teenagers, people living with developmental disabilities, adults living with mental illness, domestic violence and preventive services, housing, Jewish community services, counseling, volunteering, and professional and leadership development
Jewish Caring Network - Providing aid for families facing serious illnesses
Jewish Family Service - Food security, housing stability, mental health counseling, aging care, employment support, refugee resettlement, chaplaincy, and disability services
Jewish Relief Agency - Serving low-income families in Philadelphia
Jewish Social Services Agency - Supporting people’s mental health, helping people with disabilities find meaningful jobs, caring for older adults so they can safely age at home, and offering dignity and comfort to hospice patients
Jewish Women's Foundation Metropolitan Chicago - Aiding Jewish women in Chicago
Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty - Crisis intervention and family violence services, housing development funds, food programs, career services, and home services
Misaskim - Jewish death and burial services
Our Place - Mentoring troubled Jewish adolescents and to bring awareness of substance abuse to teens and children
Tiferes Golda - Special education for Jewish girls in Baltimore
Yachad - Support for Jews with disabilities
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evelynnfox · 11 days
Is Your Team JHSC Trained?
Enhance workplace safety with our JHSC Training program! FAST Rescue offers Ministry of Labour-approved certification courses, including Part 1, Part 2, and Refresher options. Choose in-class or distance learning to suit your needs. Equip your Joint Health and Safety Committee with the knowledge to handle workplace hazards effectively.
Get certified with FAST Rescue today!
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alinafern · 15 days
Does Your Workplace Have JHSC Certified Training?
Ensure your workplace meets safety standards with JHSC certified training from F.A.S.T. Rescue! Our comprehensive courses, designed in accordance with Ministry of Labour standards, equip your Joint Health and Safety Committee with the essential skills and knowledge to identify and address workplace hazards effectively. Choose from in-class or distance learning options to fit your schedule. Stay compliant and keep your team safe with our expert-led certification programs. Learn more and get certified today!
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Labour Hire and Workplace Safety
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Labour hire services have become increasingly popular among businesses seeking flexible staffing solutions. However, amidst the convenience and versatility offered by such services, ensuring workplace safety remains paramount. The intersection of labour hire and workplace safety necessitates comprehensive strategies to protect the well-being of workers and uphold legal obligations. This article delves into the dynamics of labour hire services and their implications for workplace safety, examining key considerations and best practices.
Understanding Labour Hire Services
Labour hire services involve the provision of temporary workers to client businesses to fulfill specific roles or projects. These services offer businesses agility in managing fluctuating workloads, accessing specialized skills, and mitigating recruitment challenges. Through labour hire agencies, businesses can swiftly source qualified personnel without enduring the complexities associated with traditional recruitment processes.
The Importance of Workplace Safety
Workplace safety encompasses measures and protocols implemented to protect employees from occupational hazards and ensure their well-being while on the job. Safeguarding the physical and mental health of workers not only fosters a conducive work environment but also mitigates the risk of injuries, illnesses, and potential legal liabilities for employers. Compliance with relevant safety regulations is imperative for businesses across industries to uphold their duty of care towards employees.
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Challenges in Maintaining Safety Standards with Labour Hire Services
While labour hire services offer numerous benefits, integrating temporary workers into existing safety frameworks presents challenges. Temporary workers may lack familiarity with the specific hazards and safety protocols of a host workplace, increasing the risk of accidents or incidents. Moreover, differing safety cultures between the labour hire agency and the client business can lead to discrepancies in safety practices, compromising overall workplace safety.
Mitigating Risks and Enhancing Safety
To address the complexities associated with labour hire and workplace safety, proactive measures must be adopted by both client businesses and labour hire agencies:
Clear Communication and Training: Effective communication of safety expectations, hazard identification, and training on safety protocols are essential for temporary workers. Labour hire agencies should collaborate closely with client businesses to ensure temporary workers receive comprehensive safety inductions and ongoing training.
Safety Integration Plans: Establishing robust safety integration plans that align the safety procedures of the labour hire agency with those of the client business is crucial. This includes regular safety audits, joint safety committees, and the development of unified safety policies to create a cohesive safety culture.
Regular Monitoring and Feedback: Continuous monitoring of workplace conditions and soliciting feedback from temporary workers can identify potential safety concerns and areas for improvement. Encouraging open communication channels empowers temporary workers to voice safety-related issues without fear of reprisal.
Empowerment and Accountability: Fostering a culture of safety requires active participation and accountability at all levels of the organization. Temporary workers should be empowered to raise safety concerns and actively participate in safety initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership over their well-being.
Labour hire services offer valuable solutions for businesses seeking workforce flexibility, but they also introduce complexities in ensuring workplace safety. By prioritizing clear communication, comprehensive training, and collaborative safety initiatives, businesses can mitigate risks associated with temporary staffing arrangements. Upholding workplace safety standards not only protects the health and well-being of workers but also fosters a culture of responsibility and resilience within the organization.
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msclaritea · 10 months
RNS) — More than 100 chaplains signed a letter urging local Texas school boards to vote against putting chaplains in public schools, calling efforts to enlist religious counselors in public classrooms “harmful” to students and families.
The letter comes just days before a bill allowing public schools to hire school chaplains becomes law in Texas, the first state in the country to pass such a measure. The legislation, which had been pushed by activists associated with Christian nationalism, gives the state’s nearly 1,200 school boards until March 1 of next year to vote on whether to employ chaplains.
The letter was organized by the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and Interfaith Alliance as well as local advocacy group Texas Impact.
The chaplains who signed the letter, released Tuesday (Aug. 22), bemoaned the lack of standards for potential school chaplains aside from background checks, contrasting it with the extensive training required for health care and military chaplains. 
“Because of our training and experience, we know that chaplains are not a replacement for school counselors or safety measures in our public schools, and we urge you to reject this flawed policy option: It is harmful to our public schools and the students and families they serve,” the letter read.
While chaplains who operate in multi-faith environments are generally barred from proselytizing, the Texas bill, SB 763, outlined no such condition, leaving each school district to answer the question on its own.
“There is no requirement in this law that the chaplains refrain from proselytizing while at schools or that they serve students from different religious backgrounds,” reads the letter.
Signers of the letter are members of an array of Christian denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (USA), United Methodist Church, Disciples of Christ and Seventh-day Adventist. Some are part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Several other signers identified as Jewish, Buddhist or Unitarian Universalist.
“Texas Impact’s member faith traditions recognize the unique value of chaplains in some of life’s most challenging situations, and that’s why they insist on rigorous training and oversight of chaplains under their commission,” the Rev. Franz Schemmel, Texas Impact board president and pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Weatherford, said in a press release.
Last month, another letter sent to school boards by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Texas, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom From Religion Foundation raised similar concerns about the bill, which they called unconstitutional.
Besides leading to “religious proselytization and coercion of students,” the July letter charged, chaplains “are generally affiliated with specific religious denominations and traditions. In deciding which chaplains to hire or accept as volunteers, schools will inherently give preference to particular denominations, violating the ‘clearest command’ of the Establishment Clause: ‘(O)ne religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another.’”
Texas state Rep. James Talarico speaks on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives on May 24, 2021, in Austin, Texas. Submitted photo
As SB 763 made its way through the Texas Legislature in May, state Rep. James Talarico, a Presbyterian-minister-in-training, repeatedly challenged the bill and linked it to Christian nationalism. He also expressed concern about the bill’s champions: the National School Chaplain Association, an arm of a Christian missionary organization that has previously expressed a desire to convert students and school officials to Christianity.
Julie Pickren, a member of the NSCA’s board who was elected to the Texas State Board of Education last November, appeared in a video on social media, since deleted, in which she celebrated the idea of chaplains proselytizing to school children.
“There are children who need chaplains. For the pastors in here, you already know: We have a whole generation of children that have never stepped foot one day inside of a church,” Pickren said in the video.
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Protect children. Keep religion and religious figures out of schools.
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Oilsands giant Syncrude Canada Ltd. has been charged with the death of a worker north of Fort McMurray on June 6, 2021, in Fort McKay while using an excavator to build a berm when the bank slumped into the water.
Syncrude faces charges under Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, including failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker by permitting the worker to operate the excavator on a ramp with an over-steepened slope, failure to comply with Energy Safety Canada safety rules, and other offenses.
The Syncrude Project is a joint venture that includes Suncor Energy Inc., Imperial Oil Resources Ltd., Sinopec Oil Sands Partnership, and CNOOC Oil Sands Canada.
The Ottawa People's Commission says the city can't move on from last winter's convoy protests until all levels of government take steps to regain residents' trust.
That conclusion is contained in the second part of the commission's report, which synthesizes the testimony of more than 200 local residents and businesses.
The grassroots commission, which is separate from federal and city reviews of what happened in Ottawa in January and February 2022, said it wanted to hear from community members about the impact of last winter's anti-COVID-19 mandate protest-turned-occupation.
The commission's initial findings, released earlier this year, focused on the experience of residents and found the majority felt abandoned amid what they characterized as a violent protest that brought widespread human rights abuses to people in the city's downtown.
The second report, released Tuesday, looks at how the city, the province, and the federal government can offer redress and suggests the community should "move on" and "get over it," but "[the commission] believes it is essential and urgent that the City of Ottawa and other governments provide a substantive—and indeed transformative - response," the report reads.
The commission is offering 25 recommendations and a timeline for completion, but there's no obligation for governments to respond. More than half of the recommendations are directed at the City of Ottawa, while others offer suggestions for all levels of government.
The commission's advice for the city boils down to developing policies and putting committees in place to be prepared for future large-scale protests or emergencies.
The report also recommends that the city revise its emergency management program with a focus on communication. "Communication was intermittent, and off-key people who live downtown to 'avoid downtown' were as vexing as describing the occupation as 'mainly peaceful,'" the report concluded.
It notes that Ottawa Public Health did not put out a statement of concern until the occupation had been underway for two weeks and didn't mention the negative impact of diesel fumes for another four days, suggesting only that people avoid the area.
The report suggests the city create an advisory committee to help get a sense of residents' needs in times of crisis and build a plan, backed by regular training, to provide the necessary outreach to vulnerable people.
To that end, it suggests that public health and fire services work together to create a "needs map" that identifies neighborhoods and households that would be particularly at risk in times of crisis. Such a guide would consider race, disability, and gender identity, among other factors.
The city must also ensure that "lifesaving services," including public transit, food programs, harm reduction, and emergency shelters, remain accessible to residents at all times.
The commission also suggests that the city adopt its own human rights charter to hold itself accountable in times of crisis, commit to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, and consult with indigenous organizations to create a policy to work better with local groups.
The report also calls on all three levels of government to formally apologize to the people of Ottawa. "Almost every person who testified… about the convoy's impact spoke with a combined sense of disbelief, distress, and outrage of feeling utterly abandoned by the officials they count on to keep them safe," according to the report.
The commissioners suggested the city hold a series of town halls so officials could hear firsthand how residents were affected. In addition to ongoing reviews, the commission also recommends an independent investigation into the actions of some police officers.
It says all three levels of government should look into reparations for human rights violations and compensation for lost wages, business losses, and other financial costs caused by the convoy occupation.
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Occupational health and safety training in canada | Safety First Consulting
Safety First Consulting is a Canadian company that offers a range of occupational health and safety training courses. These courses are designed to help individuals and organizations meet their legal obligations under Canadian health and safety legislation, as well as to promote a culture of safety in the workplace.
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Some of the training courses offered by Safety First Consulting include:
1. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training
2. Health and Safety Representative Training
3. Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Training
4. Fall Protection Training
5. Confined Space Entry Training
6. Lockout/Tagout Training
7. Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness Training
8. Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers
9. Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Training
10.First Aid and CPR Training
Safety First Consulting also offers customized training solutions to meet the specific needs of organizations. These customized solutions may include on-site training, train-the-trainer programs, and online training courses.
Overall, Safety First Consulting is dedicated to promoting occupational health and safety in the workplace and helping individuals and organizations meet their legal obligations under Canadian health and safety legislation.
Safety First Consulting is a Canadian company that is committed to helping organizations prioritize occupational health and safety in the workplace. As an established provider of health and safety training courses, Safety First Consulting has developed a reputation for delivering informative and engaging training that equips individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the complex landscape of Canadian health and safety legislation.
One of the cornerstones of Safety First Consulting's training programs is their commitment to providing comprehensive training solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each organization. This means that they work closely with their clients to understand their specific challenges and objectives, and then design training solutions that are relevant, practical, and effective.
For example, Safety First Consulting offers a range of courses that cover topics such as workplace hazardous materials information systems (WHMIS), fall protection, confined space entry, lockout/tagout procedures, and transportation of dangerous goods (TDG), among others. In addition, they also offer certification training for Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC) and Health and Safety Representatives (HSR), as well as supervisor and worker health and safety awareness training. Visit us for more information :- online health and safety training
Overall, Safety First Consulting is a trusted provider of health and safety training in Canada that is dedicated to helping organizations create safer and healthier workplaces. Their tailored training solutions, experienced instructors, and commitment to ongoing support and guidance make them an ideal partner for any organization.
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usbestgear · 1 year
A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Become An Electrician
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These days, we cannot live without electricity. Even though electricity has been readily available for many years, now it is used for everything, such as household appliances, lighting, computers, cooling, heating, etc.
Electricians are responsible for installing and maintaining electrical wiring, reading blueprints and wiring diagrams, inspecting electrical systems, and troubleshooting electrical problems.
Also, they must familiarize themselves with the local and state regulations that apply to their work and adhere to these regulations.
So how to become an electrician? Let’s explore!
How To Become An Electrician? 
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How to become an electrician? 
Step 1: Complete a GED or high school diploma. Focus on subjects that deliver skill sets for electricians, such as physics, English, algebra, shop drawing classes, and more.
Step 2: Consider attending a technical, trade, or vocational school. You should also consider attending an electrician training program, as it can help when gaining the required certification and searching for a job.
Step 3: You must join an apprenticeship to become a licensed electrician. 
So how to get an electrician apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are typically found through Independent Electrical Contractors, trade schools, Associated Builders and Contractors, Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committees (JATC).
JATC has locations in a few states and cities throughout the US, including California, South Texas, and Central Florida.
Step 4: Now is the time to get certified and licensed. Once you have completed state requirements for training hours, take the electrician license test.
How Many Types Of Electricians Are There?
Electrical engineer
Electrical engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining electrical systems for buildings, transport systems, and power networks.
They work within many industries and need an in-depth understanding of engineering science, computer skills, and strong math.
Electrical tester
These professionals survey, inspect, and test electrical installations in businesses and homes. They typically identify faults and complete test reports to determine which equipment is working efficiently and safely and which are unsafe to use.
The domestic/residential electrician
In most cases, they handle domestic electrical work, including replacing or installing wiring and electrical systems and fixing faults in private housing. They typically work alongside other professionals, especially on construction sites.
What Are The Certification Levels For Electricians?
The certification levels differ by state. Still, most states have a master electrician level and a journeyman level. 
In states with those licensing levels, you must fulfill experience requirements before getting licensed at each level. In many states, you must pass a test as well.
How Much Does An Electrician Make?
As of December 31, 2022, the average annual pay for an electrician in the US is $52,282. It is equivalent to $25.14 per hour, $1,005 per week, or $4,356 per month. 
The average pay range for an Electrician varies depending on skill level, years of experience, and location.
Which States Require Electricians To Be Licensed?
Most states (about 41 states) require electricians to be licensed. Meanwhile, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York don’t require licensing for electricians.
How much does it cost to become an electrician?
Training costs may vary by the duration of the program, but the average cost for fees and tuition at two-year public schools in 2019-2020 was $3,800.
How hard is it to become an electrician?
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It’s not easy to be an electrician
It is harder than other professions because of the health & safety legislation. 
You need to ensure you get the proper experience and training. It is one of the main reasons these experts are typically the highest paid of all the professions.
What industries can an electrician work in?
The list will include renewable energy, construction, agricultural, industrial, lighting, fire protection, security and power networks, and more. 
Many electricians also work in EV point installation, Solar PV, wind farming, Heat pump installation, and more.
Why should you become an electrician?
There are various great reasons to become an Electrician and join this industry. 
Once you have qualifications and core skills, there are so many areas to move into. It is an exciting and rewarding industry.
How long will it take to become an electrician?
An apprenticeship lasts from 3 to 4 years. Yet, many people finish in 2 to 3 years.
Is it okay to become an electrician at 40?
Yes, although it is a physical job, if you feel fit and ready, training as an electrician will be proper for you.
How to become a journeyman electrician?
Step 1. Gain a high school diploma or GED
Step 2. Become an apprentice
Step 3. Get a certificate or degree
Step 4. Get a license
Step 5. Apply to journeyman electrician jobs
The Bottom Line
If you prefer fixing practical things and have an analytical, methodical approach to handling problems, becoming an electrician will be the right career.
Qualified electricians are always in high demand, rarely short of work, and have good earning potential. 
Article Source: https://www.usbestgear.com/how-to-become-an-electrician/
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capitolhospital · 1 year
Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi — General Medicine and Cardiology Consultant
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Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi is Recognized as General Medicine and cardiology consultant and is affiliated with Capitol Hospital, Jalandhar. He pursued his MBBS from Manipal University in 2013 and completed his MD in General Medicine from University of London in 2016 followed by five years of Fellowship in cardiology from Royal College of Physicians in London.
Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi holds FRCP from Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom for his exceptional contributions in the field of medicine and healthcare, which is recognized qualification by the Medical Council of India as well.”FRCP” is an honor beyond “MRCP” to improve the health of the patients and the populations. The Fellow of RCP can influence National Health Policy via personal representation on committees and consultants.To be involved in the development of specialty-specific curriculum, core medical training, educational support and national guidelines and standards which improves the patient safety.
Clinical Audit
-Time to Treat audit for medical emergency attendances in Capitol Hospital. -STEMI Response audit — are we following international (ESC) guidelines. -WHO Checklist audit for cardiothoracic procedures. -WHO Checklist audit for joint replacements. -Radiation dose audit for PET scan. -Covid-19 Infection control audit in green and red areas. -Covid-19 nosocomial infection audit in patients admitted with non covid illness. -Secondary prevention after myocardial infarction audit — are we following the international guidelines.
Infected Coronary Artery Aneurysm — A Rare But Fatal Complication of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; Journal of Saudi Heart Association doi.org/10.37616/2212–5043.1034
To know more click here: https://www.drharnoorpruthi.com/
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careerplus7 · 2 years
Operating Room Assistant - Nights - Palo Alto, CA 94305
Operating Room Assistant - Nights - Palo Alto, CA 94305
#HR #jobopenings #jobs #career #hiring #Jobposting #LinkedIn #Jobvacancy #Jobalert #Openings #Jobsearch
If you're ready to be part of our legacy of hope and innovation, we encourage you to take the first step and explore our current job openings. Your best is waiting to be discovered.
Night - 08 Hour (United States of America) This is a Stanford Health Care job.
A Brief Overview The Operating Room Assistant is responsible for assisting the nursing staff in receiving, caring for and transporting patients to and from the perioperative region. Other duties include: cleaning and maintaining patient care equipment and providing supplies and equipment as needed.
Locations Stanford Health Care
What you will do
Employees must abide by all Joint Commission Requirements including but not limited to sensitivity to cultural diversity, patient care, patients rights and ethical treatment, safety and security of physical environments, emergency management, teamwork, respect for others, participation in ongoing education and training, communication and adherence to safety and quality programs, sustaining compliance with National Patient Safety Goals, and licensure and health screenings.
Must perform all duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Service Standards of the Hospital(s).
Actively participates in quality control, quality assurance and preventive maintenance activities.
Attends and participates in equipment and supply in-services, evaluations and staff meetings.
Completes all designated assignments in an accurate and efficient manner.
Contributes in a positive manner to unit and department.
Disposes of trash and linen per the hospital protocol.
Identifies and shares recommendations for containing costs in assigned area.
Maintains an effective working relationship with staff, managers, physicians, patients and their families.
May perform patient care functions according to hospital and region policies and procedures. Examples of tasks include: shave preps, non-invasive monitoring, specimen collection, ambulating and repositioning patients.
May receive instruments and equipment from assigned OR rooms, removes items tagged "broken" by nurse, and cleans rooms and equipment according to protocol.
Participates in the monitoring and documenting of quality improvement issues.
Participates on unit, department or hospital committees as requested.
Performs housekeeping/stocking duties in order to maintain a clean, safe work environment.
Practices aseptic techniques according to established standards of care and infection control policies.
Prioritizes work using available resources.
Proactively uses the problem solving process to identify, prevent or resolve inter-or intradepartmental problems.
Responds to, documents and distributes items as requested in a timely manner.
Responsible for self assessment of skill level and seeking resources to learn new skills, equipment, or procedures to maintain currency in position.
Supports administrative decisions and assures implementation and compliance with all department, institutional and regulatory policies and procedures.
Transports/receives patients, equipment, supplies, blood products and specimens within the region and hospital according to policies and procedure.
Works with clinical educator to orient new staff members and cross trains to select anesthesia technician role functions (LPCH only).
Education Qualifications
High School Diploma or GED equivalent
Experience Qualifications Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Ability to be flexible in assignment and able to work different shifts if required
Ability to demonstrate customer service skills in interactions with all patients, families and staff, including high volume and stressful situations
Ability to learn and evaluate new equipment and procedures quickly
Ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
Ability to problem-solve effectively using appropriate resources. Is productive in workflow, skills and organization
Ability to provide appropriate care based on the needs of the individual taking into consideration age, culture, and developmental issues
Ability to provide care as needed and as described in the department’s policies and procedures
Ability to speak, read, write, and understand English effectively at a level appropriate for the job
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds.
Knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation methods, practices, and procedures
Knowledge of computer systems and software used in functional area
Knowledge of location, operation and maintenance of common equipment and supplies located in the operating room region
Knowledge of protocols for patient records
Knowledge of role in emergency response
Licenses and Certifications
BLS - Basic Life Support required
These principles apply to ALL employees:
SHC Commitment to Providing an Exceptional Patient & Family Experience
Stanford Health Care sets a high standard for delivering value and an exceptional experience for our patients and families. Candidates for employment and existing employees must adopt and execute C-I-CARE standards for all of patients, families and towards each other. C-I-CARE is the foundation of Stanford’s patient-experience and represents a framework for patient-centered interactions. Simply put, we do what it takes to enable and empower patients and families to focus on health, healing and recovery.
You will do this by executing against our three experience pillars, from the patient and family’s perspective:
Know Me: Anticipate my needs and status to deliver effective care
Show Me the Way: Guide and prompt my actions to arrive at better outcomes and better health
Coordinate for Me: Own the complexity of my care through coordination
Equal Opportunity Employer Stanford Health Care (SHC) strongly values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all of its policies and practices, including the area of employment. Accordingly, SHC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and/or expression, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, medical condition, genetic information, veteran status, or disability, or the perception of any of the above. People of all genders, members of all racial and ethnic groups, people with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. Qualified applicants with criminal convictions will be considered after an individualized assessment of the conviction and the job requirements.
Apply Now: https://bit.ly/jumprecruiter
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safeeluk · 5 days
ProQual Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices
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Boost Your Career in Quality Assurance!
Gain the ProQual Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practices with Safeel and demonstrate your expertise in ensuring high-quality assessments!
No exams required – just a stress-free assessment process
Dedicated one-to-one support from our expert assessors
Easy-to-use resources to help you succeed
Contact us:
Call: +44-7341-399759
Visit: Safeel.co.uk
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iso9001registration · 2 years
What is ISO Certification and do I need it?
The International Organization for Standardisation (ISO Certification in Bahrain) was founded in 1946 by 25 civil engineers to achieve consensus among European countries on a consistent set of specifications for a given subject matter.
Contrary to popular belief, the term "ISO" is not merely an acronym. The ISO website states:
"Because the acronym 'International Organization for Standardization' would differ in different languages (IOS in English, OIN in French for Organisation Internationale de normalization), our founders decided to use the abbreviation ISO." ISO is derived from the Greek word 'isos,' which means "equal." We are always ISO, regardless of the country or language."
They occasionally collaborate in joint committees, which may be reflected in certain ISO standards. For example, ISO/IEC refers to the international standardization organization.
The International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission have formed a joint committee.
What role does ISO play today?
ISO has progressed from its Civil Engineering roots. It currently has nearly 30,000 different standards covering a wide range of topics such as quality, food safety, pharmaceuticals, information security, and manufacturing standards, to name a few. Because of ISO's specific requirements, we can order a credit card and use it in any card reader in the UK, France, or Spain, or buy a car seat in Italy that fits any vehicle in France.
The shipping container is the most instantly recognizable piece of standardization. While not created by ISO Certification in Oman, it was adopted as their 'Standard Box' in 1968. This standard's compliance enabled vehicle manufacturers, shipbuilders, and handling agents to have a collection of common dimensions.
ISO is appropriate for whom?
A certification requires time and effort, as well as the cost of the certification and ongoing maintenance. It must be obtained from an accredited certification body, and strict regulatory requirements apply. Organizations with fewer than 15 employees would not normally go through certification unless there is a specific industry or contractual reason. Working to the standard's principles, on the other hand, has advantages for every organization.
Environmental Management System ISO 14001
This standard is intended to assist organizations in meeting their environmental obligations under the Environmental Protection Act of 1990 in the United Kingdom. This standard works well in conjunction with ISO 9001 and other quality management standards. Instead of having an Environmental Management System (EMS), some organizations integrate it with their Quality Management System (QMS) and call it an Integrated Management System (IMS) (IMS). This standard's primary goal is to:
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety
ISO 45001 was released in 2018 and is based on OHSAS 18001. Including the fundamental elements of ISO 9001. Its primary purpose is to:
Reduce workplace injuries and diseases
Promote and safeguard physical and mental health.
Information Security ISO 27001
We store a lot of information in paper and electronic systems in both the modern workplace and in people's personal lives. ISO 27001 is intended for information security management and aids in the protection of:
Confidentiality is maintained by allowing only authorized individuals to access relevant information rather than everything an organization has on file.
Information Integrity entails ensuring that only trained and authorized personnel can change records.
Availability - The availability of information to authorized individuals on demand.
ISO 27001 also places a greater emphasis on risk and security than ISO 9001.
Meet your legal obligations.
Increase resource efficiency.
Reduce waste, reduce environmental impact, and cut costs.
risk-taking thinking
Collaborative working according to ISO 44001
Previously, a single organization would frequently design, build, and deliver an entire project. Companies are beginning to specialize and become global entities. This means that many projects will require the use of two or more entities to deliver the output. ISO 44001 is a mechanism for establishing, managing, and concluding agreed-upon working practices. ISO 44001 is based on the core clauses of ISO 9001's quality management principles and focuses on:
Planning, identifying other parties' benefits, and developing a business case
Making a high-quality model
Creating value
Communication and awareness
Relationship management and monitoring
Plan of Exit
Is having an ISO certification mandatory?
No. There is no legal requirement to be ISO certified. However, in some industries, customers may refuse to work with a supplier who lacks certification. For example, if you sell medical devices, you may be required to have ISO 13485 certification. Customers will be unable to trust the outputs produced by the supplier because they will lack a frame of reference.
ISO sounds great; can I simply purchase a certification?
This is a question that has sparked heated debate and has polarised opinions. There are providers who will offer software packages that claim to provide you with everything you need in a box and certification in the shortest amount of time possible.
Companies should be avoided.
that provide ISO certification UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) is the UK's only recognized awarding body. Certification bodies must be UKAS-registered. They are not recognized if their logo does not include the UK tick mark.
Having an ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia should not be viewed as a checkbox or a certificate to hang on the wall. Instead, think of it as part of a process - a tool to help your organization meet customer expectations and become a vehicle for growth.
The best organizations with certification are great companies first, and certification comes as a bonus second. They will have already implemented quality assurance, document control, or management system standards.
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strongermonster · 2 years
going absolutely insane that we’ve had health and safety inspectors come in to check for covid compliance as part of general rounds 3 times in the last 2 years, and their “““inspection””” has every time consisted of them taking the manager and 1 member of the joint health and safety committee, and standing at the front of the store with a check list and asking the manager “do you do x?” and “how do your employees feel about x?” and taking his word for it at face value. 0 walk around. i get that you guys are having a tough year but who hasn’t?? do your fucking job?? use your eyes and training and walk the fuck around?? where is the investigation and inspection?? no wonder every workplace has employees dropping like flies if the inspections are just “welp, i asked the person with incentive to pass this if he should pass this and he said yes, so my job here is done”
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alinafern · 1 month
Unlocking the Key to Workplace Safety: Joint Health and Safety Committee Training
In today's dynamic work environments, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees is paramount. That's where Joint Health and Safety Committee Training steps in! Dive into our latest post as we dissect the significance of this essential training program. From fostering a culture of safety to empowering employees with crucial skills, discover how investing in joint health and safety committee training can elevate your workplace to new heights of security and productivity.
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though as much as i support the ndp, im concerned abt the lack of detail regarding their energy and carbon platforms. if we're going to push the ndp left we should focus on genuine commitment to effectively reducing emissions
I don't think there's a major lack of detail:
After having overseen emissions increases every single year in which they have been in power, the Liberals have set a target that is not in line with what the best available science says is needed, and won’t do enough to prevent the catastrophic consequences of warming above 1.5 degrees.
Parliament recently passed C-12, to put in law our collective commitment to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. New Democrats are proud of the role we have played in getting here – from Jack Layton’s advocacy for climate accountability legislation almost 15 years ago, to our success in ensuring C-12 included short-term accountability measures – measures that will be so critical in setting Canada up to meet those targets.
C-12 was a step in the right direction, but it was not the bill New Democrats would have written. New Democrats are committed to helping stabilize the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To that end we will set a target of reducing Canada’s emissions by at least 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, reaching further wherever possible to account for Canada’s fair share. We know that reaching net-zero by 2050 means taking action now, during the term of this next Parliament. We will work with partners to establish multi-year national and sectoral carbon budgets as a key guiding framework to develop Canada’s path to 2030 and beyond. And we will create and fund a Climate Accountability Office, to provide independent oversight of federal climate progress, to engage the public, and to make recommendations on how to achieve our goals.
Putting a price on carbon has been an important tool in efforts to drive emissions reductions. We will continue with carbon pricing while making it fairer and rolling back loopholes this Liberal government has given to big polluters. But we also recognize that carbon pricing won’t be enough to tackle the climate crisis. Further action is needed.
Building on net-zero legislation will also be a priority for a New Democratic government. We will support Canada’s net-zero target by reviewing financial legislation, such as the Bank of Canada Act, the Export Development Canada Act, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, to ensure federal financial levers and Crown corporations are aligned with the goal of net-zero. We will work with provinces to put in place a framework for corporate climate accountability to ensure mandatory transparency on carbon risk from publicly traded companies. And we will ensure that strict rules are in place to prevent big companies from using the purchase of offsets as a way to escape their net-zero obligations.
One thing we won’t do is continue down the path that Liberal and Conservative governments have chosen when it comes to spending public money on oil and gas subsidies. Under Prime Minister Trudeau, the federal government spent $18 billion to support oil and gas exploration, production, refining, transportation and more in 2020 alone – and that’s on top of purchasing the Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline. New Democrats know that public funds are best spent supporting the transition to renewable energy, rather than on profitable oil and gas companies. We will fulfill Canada’s G-20 commitment to eliminate these fossil fuel subsidies and redirect these funds to low carbon initiatives, and make sure that future governments can’t reverse this by putting in place legislation to ban any future oil, gas and pipeline subsidies.
We’ll work with the provinces and territories to make Canada an innovation leader on methane reduction in such areas as real-time monitoring and leakage detection, ensuring that provincial methane regulations are genuinely equivalent with the federal regulations, and increasing the ambition of those targets in the 2025-30 period.
The federal government can also model change, by becoming a trail-blazer in energy efficiency, clean technologies and renewable energy use. We will lead by example and procure from Canadian companies producing clean technology, ensure that federal buildings use renewable energy, and move the vehicle fleets of the federal government to electric by 2025, choosing made-in-Canada wherever possible. We will protect Canadian businesses who are taking action to transition to a low-carbon future with a border carbon adjustment that will level the playing field on imports from areas without a carbon price. And we will appoint a Climate Emergency Committee of Cabinet and establish astrong Climate Emergency Secretariat in the PMO to ensure a whole-of-government approach to responding to the climate emergency.
Canadian workers are worried about their place in the changing global economy. The global climate is changing, and Canadian jobs are changing too. But successive Liberal and Conservative governments have left workers to navigate these shifts on their own. New Democrats know that skilled Canadian workers - construction, trades, engineering and others - will be needed to build a low-carbon economy. We will put those workers front and centre of our climate action plan, and fight for workers and their communities to make sure nobody is left behind.
We have a plan to create over a million new good jobs in all communities and rebuild local economies with meaningful, family-sustaining work in every part of the country, all while helping to make the changes we need to succeed in a low carbon future. This will include jobs building green infrastructure in communities across the country, and because products produced by Canadian workers have some of the lowest carbon emissions in the world, we will require the use of Canadian-made steel, aluminum, cement and wood products for infrastructure projects across the country. And just as climate change disproportionately impacts marginalized communities, we are committed to ensuring these same communities benefit from the job-creation and community-building benefits of these investments.
As we turn the corner on COVID-19 and build an economic recovery for people, we have a precious opportunity to build back better. New Democrats would ensure that recovery funding is used to support our net-zero objectives. To that end we would ensure that large businesses receiving recovery funding agree to plan for net-zero – and we would ensure those funds go to supporting Canadian jobs, not executives or shareholders.
The workers most impacted by the changes in our economy cannot pay the price of inaction on climate change. We will work together with labour, employers and the provinces and territories to find solutions for workers and communities. This includes providing dedicated employment support combining access to expanded EI benefits, re-training and job placement services, ensuring companies retain and redeploy their workers when in transition, and ensuring that workers nearing retirement have the retirement security they have worked their whole lives for, without penalties to their pensions if they retire early.
We will boost clean tech research and manufacturing with new funding, incentives and Buy Canadian procurement of environmentally friendly technologies. This will help bring more innovative Canadian clean technology to market and support Canadian manufacturing of batteries, energy storage solutions and alternative fuels like biofuels made from waste. It will also help keep jobs here in Canada.
We will work to put in place joint workplace environment committees – modelled on the successful joint workplace health and safety committees which have had a major impact on making workplaces safer – to help reduce emissions at the source in every workplace.
And we will support sustainable agriculture, working with Canadian farmers to promote sustainable land-management techniques and methods to reduce GHG emissions. We’ll also work with the agricultural sector to help them access low carbon tools and technology, and adapt to climate-induced weather changes and other impacts of the climate crisis, including the associated increase in pests and invasive species.
Our communities are where we can most clearly feel the impacts of the climate emergency – and one of the best places that we can invest to rapidly reduce emissions, save money and make life better.
At the current pace, it will take 142 years to retrofit all low-rise residential buildings in Canada. New Democrats will undertake a mission-based approach, setting an ambitious retrofitting program to upgrade where people live and work, including requiring large scale building retrofits in all sectors. And we will set a target of retrofitting all buildings in Canada by 2050 – beginning with upgrades to all buildings built before 2020 in the next 20 years. Helping families make energy efficient improvements to their homes through low-interest loans help save families almost $900 or more per year on home energy costs. Targeted supports would be provided to low-income households and to renters. Supporting retrofits to improve indoor air quality will also help prevent further waves of COVID-19.
We will work with provinces, municipalities and Indigenous government to make sure that communities have the resources they need to cope safely with extreme weather events. This National Crisis Strategy will help communities plan for and adapt to the changing climate and the weather extremes we are already facing – particularly for vulnerable, remote, and Indigenous communities. The strategy would be supported with long-term funding for adaptation, disaster mitigation, and climate resilient infrastructure. And a new Civilian Climate Corps would mobilize young people and create new jobs supporting conservation efforts and addressing the threat of climate change by undertaking activities such as helping restore wetlands, and planting the billions of trees that need to be planted in the years ahead.
We’ll improve the National Building Code to ensure that by 2025 every new building built in Canada is net-zero. Energy efficiency and sustainable building practices will be at the core of our national housing strategy, leveraging the power of federal investments to create good jobs all across the country delivering the affordable homes Canadians need.
As more Canadians have become accustomed to working from home as a result of the pandemic, more than half of Canadians living in rural areas still don’t have access to high-speed internet. We will make sure that every Canadian has access to affordable, reliable high-speed broadband within four years. This will include taking the first steps to create a Crown corporation to ensure the delivery of quality, affordable telecom services to every community. Supporting more remote work will reduce commuting times and support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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