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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
I’ve gotten a lot of complaints about Joie University, claiming they’re guilty of all kinds of terrible things-- including but not limited to blatant racism, bullying, stalking, and harassment. So here are links to what’s been sent anonymously and posted previously, what’s still in my inbox, and the addition of someone’s longer, submitted experience all written up in one location. 
These are all from different people.
Joie Academy treated me like crap as well and practically told me that 'I seem like the kinda person no one would get along with in the real world'... I am surprised people are still there cause the admins are the worst and put me through so much.
Hey! I just want to warn people about Joie. I honestly thought it would have died by now with the toxic admins. I joined that group near the beginning and was kicked without a single word from the admins AFTER they internet stalked me and found out my exact location. They held, and probably still hold, a grudge against me for no reason, or at least none that has ever been explained to me. It's super creepy and I'd be wary.
If you are not a gay or bisexual white Male then stay away from Joie they pretend to be accepting but are not. As a minority female I was bullied constantly and the admins did nothing. But the moment the same person bullied a white male they kicked that person out. Joie is toxic.
Joie is the sole reason I ended up on Anti depressants....
Joie is 100% the most toxic RP I have ever been in. One of the admins is great, she is shy and let's the other admin walk all over her. Basically you are treated like a pariah if you weren't close or have a ship with that one admin. It took me ages to leave and when I did I actually began to feel happier. So I am glad you made that post and I hope that it will stop people from joining.
Honestly relieved to see Joie being exposed for the toxic roleplay that it is, you have given those who have stayed quiet a voice and now they're being exposed. And seeing everything they are saying is just re-affirmation that they are toxic. I was in Joie for a short period and time and I saw what the admins were saying to a friend of mine privately and it was disgusting. Good riddance.
I am done being silent about what Joie University did to me So I was in Joie for about 6 months, to be honest if I didn’t have my ship partner and one other friend there I would have left within a month. I played Mercedes and you know Mercedes gets enough hate on her own. But I joined and at first I was accepted by everyone so I thought, I finally found a group that I could join and enjoy. Boy was I wrong. It became very clear within a matter of a few weeks that they didn’t really like minority characters. I was among one of two minority charcters among mostly white males who were gay. But I ignored it because I thought it was a good environment. That is until a Sam player joined. That is when the hate started for me. Both an admin and another character wanted their character with Sam but Sam was interested in Mercedes. They were really great together but every day I found hate in my inbox and it was a really uncomfortable feeling. The person who played Jeff was one who wanted Sam for himself and it was clear by the way he spoke to Mercedes. It all came to a head when Jeff and Mercedes got into a fight because Jeff’s new boyfriend had hurt Sam’s feelings and Mercedes took up for her boyfriend. Jeff started being really disrespectful to her and then wrote a text to his boyfriend saying if Mercedes showed up to the sorority house he would kick her ass and kick her out by her nappy ass weave. That pissed me off. I felt like that was extremely disrespectful and racist. You don’t say things like that. It hurt me OOC as a black woman and IC as a Mercedes player But the admins did nothing. Then the player and their friend started harassing me. I told the admins over and over and they said there was nothing they could do. The player even lied on me with no proof ( I showed the admins proof of the hate) and the admins basically pressured me saying I was welcome to leave if it bothered me so much. I was really upset and hurt. The hate just continued and I finally had enough and left. Once I left the group the Sam player and I worked on a couple FanFics together. I hadn’t even thought about Joie after I left. But they hate continued. One of the admins ( I recently found out) joined a group pretending to be me with my name and was extremely rude playing Mercedes as a stereotype, thank goodness a few people who knew me told me about it and the admin left the group. Turns out she was just there to spy on their group so they could steal ideas. Then they started sending hate to the Sam player pretending it was me mad at a new ship. I tried explaining that I didn’t even follow Joie anymore but the damage was done and I lost a friend and writing partner. The group the admins they are all toxic and I am still paying the price for making the mistake of joining that group.
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joie-university-rp · 4 years ago
OOC Statement:
Hello, All.
My name is Moe, or Admin/Vice Provost O, and it was brought to attention of myself and Daisy/Admin/Vice Provost D that there was a list of claims about us, the admins, and Joie as a whole, posted a few hours ago. 
Part of me worries that addressing this will create a sort of opposite-Streisand Effect where acknowledging this brings it to the attention of a multitude more people than who would have seen it if we chose to simply ignore it. But the main goal and mantra of this RP from day one has been transparency, and I refuse to renege on that now.
The tl;dr is that these claims are falsified. They come from ex-members who, for any number of reasons, left or were removed on poor terms.
Now that the tl;dr is out of the way, please take a breath and prepare yourself for the tl.
Utilizing everything that I have at my disposal, I will dispute each of these claims to the best of my ability. 
For all screenshots, I will block out the names/icons of other people since at the end of the day, the point of this is not to expose anyone. We simply want to clear our name of these false claims. The ace flag Grant Gustin icon is me. The Andy icon is Daisy. 
During these refutes, I will be picking out specific screenshots, but, for the sake of transparency, in the morning, I will edit this post to post the full conversations at the very end.
I will be jumping around a bit, but I will start in reverse order after the cut.
False Testimony 4 has a lot of moving parts, but I will do my best to address each one. (With screenshots, when applicable.)
‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #1: “It became very clear within a matter of a few weeks that they didn’t really like minority characters. I was among one of two minority charcters among mostly white males who were gay.”
To say that we don’t/didn’t like minority characters is absurd. At Joie, we have always loved and cherished all of our characters, but especially muses that tend to be neglected in the community, such as POC, nonbinary/genderqueer, and muses with disabilities. We even do our best to celebrate that by having the ability to sort our followlist via some of those identities, and by doing our best to suggest POC FCs when our current members consider picking up additional characters.
As anyone who runs an RP for a while knows, the makeup of an RP moves in waves. For example, there are definitely times when there are far more male FCs in comparison to other genders--especially in an RP like ours that doesn’t believe in placing bans on certain types of characters. With that in mind, without being able to go back and see exactly who was apart of Joie when this player joined, they are more than likely correct that there were few other POC muses. But in no way does that translate into saying that we ‘don’t like’ or are somehow against POC muses.
Similarly, I am a black female myself. Not only that, but I am plus-sized, and considered Mercedes to basically be my mirror while growing up. (Picture of my hand below as evidence.) Meaning that false claim hurts in more ways than one.
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‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #2: “Both an admin and another character wanted their character with Sam but Sam was interested in Mercedes.”
This claim is solely their word against mine, and it is definitely small potatoes in comparison to some of the larger claims, but I find this important to dispute for two reasons: 1, it continues to break apart this false claim that the admins in some way ‘didn’t like’ or ‘had it out’ for this player, and 2, it showcases that the person making this claim is, unfortunately, an unreliable narrator.
My dispute to this is the following: At the time that this Mercedes player was with us, I had 2 characters and Daisy had only 1. My first character and Daisy’s single character where in a slow-burn ‘will they, won’t they’ plot with each other that lasted the entire time Mercedes was there and then some. My 2nd character, Spencer, was/is a lesbian. If anything, I feel that maybe this player felt I was interested in having Spencer be with Sam because they were best friends. However, as previously mentioned, Spencer is and always has been a lesbian. So that simply is not the case.
‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #3: “ It all came to a head when Jeff and Mercedes got into a fight because Jeff’s new boyfriend had hurt Sam’s feelings and Mercedes took up for her boyfriend. Jeff started being really disrespectful to her and then wrote a text to his boyfriend saying if Mercedes showed up to the sorority house he would kick her ass and kick her out by her nappy ass weave. That pissed me off. I felt like that was extremely disrespectful and racist. You don’t say things like that. It hurt me OOC as a black woman and IC as a Mercedes player But the admins did nothing.”
Thankfully, we’re to our first claim with hard evidence to dispute with. While it is true that this situation did, unfortunately occur, it is completely false to say that the admins did nothing. Here is a conversation between myself and the player showcasing the exact opposite.
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(The text conversation in question was unfortunately written over so I cannot link to it, but I’d like to mention some additional things about this situation:)
Much like I said in the conversation, I originally didn’t read the texts to be inherently or explicitly intended to be racist. I read it more in the way of how talking about ‘weave’ and the like has/had started to become just as prominent in the gay community as it is the black one. But, also like I mentioned in the conversation, I recognized that she more than likely had a different background/history with the word than I did, so I wanted to still address the situation however I needed to in order to make sure that she, as the victimized party, still felt comfortable.
As seen in the conversation, she said all she needed was to get it off her chest. And even with her saying she did not need any more action to be made, I still took it a step further and spoke to the other party, gave them a strike (Joie works on a 3 strike policy except in the case of egregious offenses), and had them remedy the situation by changing the text.
To say we did nothing is, once again, just simply false.
‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #4: “Then the player and their friend started harassing me. I told the admins over and over and they said there was nothing they could do. The player even lied on me with no proof ( I showed the admins proof of the hate) and the admins basically pressured me saying I was welcome to leave if it bothered me so much. I was really upset and hurt. The hate just continued and I finally had enough and left.”
Once again. It is false and unfair to say we did nothing. Even though we could not get an understanding from either party of where this quarrel came from, we kept an eye on this quarrel at all times.
The tl;dr of this quarrel is this: The harassment was something that was almost non-stop from both sides, and it would come in waves. We would be approached by one of the two players, we would diffuse the situation, and then a few days would pass, and another would spring up. It was a constant thing.
While I don’t have many screenshots, I do have some screenshots of things started to reach its peak. Within this screenshot, you can see that we did do everything in our power to fix this situation by urging the two to try to finally talk things out with admin moderators present instead of continuing to hash things out unhealthily on the dash via character bleeding.
(This came up as part of a larger conversation regarding this character’s lack of general activity and choice to bubble and have Mercedes be extremely argumentative/aggressive whenever they were on. This is the most relevant part, but, again, for the sake of transparency, I will post the entire conversation after this full statement is done)
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Quick clarification: “We can see your custom status” refers to the custom status on discord. The status vagued about the situation in same way, although it’s been months so I can’t remember exactly what.
‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #5: “I hadn’t even thought about Joie after I left. But they hate continued. One of the admins ( I recently found out) joined a group pretending to be me with my name and was extremely rude playing Mercedes as a stereotype, thank goodness a few people who knew me told me about it and the admin left the group. Turns out she was just there to spy on their group so they could steal ideas. ”
This claim is just straight up false. It is not even ‘misremembered’ or ‘unreliable’. It is just false. 
Since Joie started, I have not joined any other RP of any kind. Daisy has joined other RPs, but none of them have been Glee RPs, and none of them have been this weird ‘stereotype/stealing information’ claim. 
Also, if one thinks about this claim for a few seconds longer, the whole thing makes less and less sense. If someone’s goal was to ‘steal ideas’ from an RP, why would they draw attention to themselves by: A, pretending to be someone else in the community--Especially someone who plays a rarely-picked up character? and B, playing a black woman as a stereotype--something that almost all admins would address immediately? Additionally, what ‘ideas’ would someone be stealing from an RP? And additionally, additionally, if there were somehow ideas to steal, why would someone need to join an RP to see them? Nothing regarding that claim stands up to logic.
I have come to the table with screenshots left and right. I encourage this player to please give screenshots of whatever group this supposedly is/what, pictures of the supposed blog, and/or more information about which admin this supposedly was and how they know. 
Because on the off-chance that this isn’t just a completely falsified statement pulled out of thin air, it is definitely a situation where this player simply thought that we did something when we absolutely did not. Which brings us to claim 6:
‘Testimony’ 4, Claim #6: “Then they started sending hate to the Sam player pretending it was me mad at a new ship. I tried explaining that I didn’t even follow Joie anymore but the damage was done and I lost a friend and writing partner. The group the admins they are all toxic and I am still paying the price for making the mistake of joining that group.”
Much like claim 5, this claim is just false. Straight up, 100% false. Not ‘misremembered’, not ‘unreliable’. False.
And also much like claim 5, if this is not pulled completely out of thin air, it is a situation where this player simply thought that we did something when we absolutely did not. And for this claim, I actually am leaning a bit more towards it being this one.
It is obviously difficult to prove that you didn’t do something, but I have proof that the Joie main was also receiving odd and hate anons talking about Mercedes/this Mercedes player. 
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I logically have my suspicions that this is the Mercedes player themselves because on August 3rd, they had been away from the RP for over 7 months, and I highly doubt a ‘friend’ would be able to know we even had a Mercedes--let alone specifically her--after all that passed time, but this is about disputing claims, not making them myself, so I digress.
If nothing else, this screenshot shows that if there was someone other than the player sending weird Mercedes-specific anons, it was not us.
With ‘Testimony’ 4 out of the way, I will move my attention to ‘Testimony’ 2.
‘Testimony’ 2, Claim #1: “Hey! I just want to warn people about Joie. I honestly thought it would have died by now with the toxic admins. I joined that group near the beginning and was kicked without a single word from the admins AFTER they internet stalked me and found out my exact location. They held, and probably still hold, a grudge against me for no reason, or at least none that has ever been explained to me. It's super creepy and I'd be wary.”
There’s actually two false claims in this one statement. I will refute them in opposite order starting with the bit that’s bolded.
The tl;dr is that no one internet stalked anyone and, more importantly, no one has their exact location. (I will explain that further after giving background to the whole situation.)
This situation is another long one, but here’s the gist: The reason Daisy and I (and originally two other admins, but they are long gone) created this RP was to leave a different RP where the admins and some members were not kind to us. Not too long after Joie got off the ground, we received 3 new apps which we then accepted. Within a few moments of meeting them in the OOC, suspicions were DMed to us (both by one of our now long-gone admins and another regular player at the time) that at least one of the 3 apps was actually a person that I’ll call Z for the rest of this story, trying to pass as someone else by using a different alias and a brand new fake Discord account. Z had a negative history with one of our players, was a part of the group all 4 admins were fleeing from, and additionally had a particularly negative history with one of our long-gone admins.
Like implied in the story, we already had a history with this person, so we knew vaguely where the person lived (in the same way that all internet people talk to each other). In order to see if this person actually was Z, we checked the ping that submitted the app (more on that in a second), saw it was from the same country we know Z had mentioned living in, and then approached them about it. 
While talking to Z, G (another one of the 3 apps) came forward to admit in a rage that they and the 3rd app, X, were all people with similar negative histories all doing the same thing in order to try to sneak into our RP.
Z and G left on their own accord while X was told by admins that they were going to be removed (more on that in a second).
You can see these conversations below.
Here’s Z’s convo:
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Two quick clarifications: “Why both of you?” is me asking why both Z and X did this (we did not know about G’s involvement at this moment).
“There will be.” was me in the middle of preparing a server with all the admins in it so they could all be in the loop about this situation.
Here’s G’s conversation:
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Two more quick clarifications: One, this is in the middle of a larger conversation where G came to me discussing IC problems with the player that all three of them had a negative history with (At this time, I had no clue G was with X and Z, so I was handling it like I would a normal quarrel.) Like others, I will put the whole conversation as a footer at the end, but above is the relevant part.
Two, like I said before, I am about transparency, so I’ve posted this conversation piece as a whole even though there is false info it in. Much like I will explain further in a second, no one stalked anyone. Nor was anyone harrassed past asking them why they chose to do this instead of just being truthful from the jump.
Now, onto addressing the “stalking” claim head on:
No one was stalked, nor did anyone find anyone’s ‘exact location’. We realized who Z and X were by looking at their pings. 
For those who do not know what pings are, pings are the little dot that shows up when you go on a blog that has the ‘[blank] people online, [blank] total visitors’ code on it. This thing here:
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A majority of Glee blogs nowadays have them. If you click on the links, it takes you to this page where you can see your ping. 
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The ping above is mine on Seblaine RPH’s blog. And I have no problem showing you this ping because it is nowhere near my real location. These pings are based on cellphone towers, so they’re vague to begin with (the really only show the state/country, and they also are usually fairly off (at least a few cities away in any direction).
This, completely readily available information that almost all Glee blogs have, is all the information that was used. The only reason it helped at all was because Z did not live in America. Something we already knew. And it confirmed that the alias we were suspicious of also didn’t live in America.
Otherwise, it told us nothing. No city, no IP address, and definitely no exact location. 
To give further context, people get more personal information when they reverse search anon hate than someone could get from this ping. And people give more personal information when they simply post a picture of themselves than someone could get from this ping.
And since there are probably some people who didn’t know that’s what happens when you go on a blog, I want to add this: 
In addition to this being something many Glee blogs have, we also (again in the efforts of transparency) have never shied away from explaining this process to our members when they ask. 
I have screenshots of me explaining this to a member in more--and arguably, better--detail below (and this is the only conversation I will not post in full because they have nothing to do with the larger convo, and their reason for asking was personal.)
For a bit of context, using this same tactic, we found, months later, that a different player had created a fake alias and was playing more roles through that account after she was told to up activity before applying for another on her main account. 
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Now moving on to the other half of that false claim:
‘Testimony’ 2, Claim #2: “Hey! I just want to warn people about Joie. I honestly thought it would have died by now with the toxic admins. I joined that group near the beginning and was kicked without a single word from the admins AFTER they internet stalked me and found out my exact location. They held, and probably still hold, a grudge against me for no reason, or at least none that has ever been explained to me. It's super creepy and I'd be wary.”
Unfortunately, my conversations with X (the person I’m assuming sent this, as G and Z left in a huff on their own accord) are long deleted and gone, but I can assure that we explained to them the reason why they were removed. And the reason why I know is that because, like I said before, Joie’s mission has always been transparency. 
So once they left/were removed respectively, we explained the situation to the main OOC as well. Most of it was via VC for ease on my poor fingers (unlike right now), but there’s still enough to hopefully get my point across.
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Moving on to false Testimony 3 and 1:
‘Testimony’ 3, Claim: “If you are not a gay or bisexual white Male then stay away from Joie they pretend to be accepting but are not. As a minority female I was bullied constantly and the admins did nothing. But the moment the same person bullied a white male they kicked that person out. Joie is toxic.”
Much like previous false testimonies, this never happened. It’s as simple as that. This is false.
Much like mentioned before, whenever there is a situation, Daisy and I work hard to make sure that things come to a resolution as soon as possible. 
Additionally, as I also mentioned before, I am also a minority female--specifically a black female. Why would I ever do something like that?
‘Testimony’ 1, Claim: “Joie Academy treated me like crap as well and practically told me that 'I seem like the kinda person no one would get along with in the real world'... I am surprised people are still there cause the admins are the worst and put me through so much.”
This is another testimony that is just completely and utterly false. Not ‘misremembered’, not ‘unreliable’. False.
I don’t have much to say on the topic past that that I haven’t already said multiple times over in other places throughout this.
In closing, I would just like to say that although I recognize and appreciate what Seblaine RPH is trying to do by warning people of problematic/toxic RPs, I am pleading that they please get both sides of a story before making such a bold post with such bold claims as he did.
False claims travel 6 times faster than real ones, and if the trend becomes that all it takes to get an RP to be considered blacklist-able is people sending false claims about it, Joie will unfortunately not be the last RP to fall victim to this.
To those of you who read this whole thing, I thank you.
~Vice Provost O
Full conversations will be posted here in the morning. I will indicate that this post is edited at that time.
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dir-khummel · 4 years ago
A Statement About Intent
Hello all.
My name in Ken, I am the mun of Kurt Hummel and Vitya Cristo. In November of 2019, I quit my job. I joined Joie University RP later that month, after being away from the RP community for 5 years. I would have been in this RP for a year in less than a month.
A post has come out concerning history surrounding this RP. I would like to make my stance very, very clear.
In my time in this RP, I have never once been targeted due to my race, sexuality, muse behavior, or other ways of being targeted in an RP. We have been in several VCs, and despite my voice be obviously high, no one doubted my gender identity and made me uncomfortable for using he/him pronouns. No one has ever asked, ever doubted, thrown shade, or otherwise. Not about myself, and not about other players, especially on discriminatory grounds.
What is disappointing about all of this is execution. This RP has been active for over a year. There are 13 people currently in this RP, all active. Replies would have been given within hours, if not immediately, if clarifying questions were asked. The fact no one in this RP received any questions, concerns, or requests for counter-arguments against these claims presented is abhorrent. In the age of cancel culture, even on a micro-community like the Glee RPC, evidence means nothing beyond the original post. The responsibility of callouts posts is much heavier than it was years ago. Even after using this RPH for years, even in previous RPs, seeing this get posted without the due diligence of clarifying accusations with the accused is baffling and disappointing. 
The post showing evidence counter to the original is up, with context, screenshots, and more. Full evidence refuting all the claims are inside. Understand that none of this evidence was requested by the original posters of the callout before it was made, either in blatant disregard for full context, or simply incompetence.
To close; this could have been avoided. This RP this older than most, with people in the tens, if not a hundred, coming in and out at any given time during it’s history. Personalities of all kinds have come in, found a home, or clashed. That is human nature. It is impossible to accommodate everyone, and sometimes, people don’t fit in well. That is not an excuse to create false accusations, such as the ones presented. 
Do better.
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gleerpconfessions · 5 years ago
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On Thursday 25th June 2020, Joie University celebrates its ONE YEAR anniversary. This is a milestone that neither of the admins could have ever imagined reaching, and we want to thank each and every player at Joie--past, present, and future--for being a part of this RP's journey. We can't wait to see what 'joie' is in store for us next!
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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
Just a quick word to the wise: When the topic is being accused of harassment, it doesn’t make you look very innocent to then harass me for exposing it. Just a thought. Your actions right now are very telling and definitely add credibility to all of the claims against the rp. 
I’m not here to give admins or their friends the opportunity to argue their way out of having done wrong. I’m here to lay the opportunity for people who have had bad experiences to vent and warn others. I am not a voice for bad admins. And if I was? You guys all chose to harass me before I could have even had the chance to compile “your side.” Sad but true, there are at least 6 people on my blog that have had negative experiences. That coupled with the harassment I’m receiving myself tells me that Joie has a lot of thinking to do. It tells me that “your side” isn’t really a side at all. I’ve seen nothing but evidence that there is some definite negativity and harassment going on, despite the aggressive attempts to refute it. Just the response I’m receiving from Joie members past and present is very telling. I’m not sure why anyone would think the appropriate response to being accused of harassment would be to harass someone else about it. Big yikes and big shrugs there, folks.
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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
Honestly relieved to see Joie being exposed for the toxic roleplay that it is, you have given those who have stayed quiet a voice and now they're being exposed. And seeing everything they are saying is just re-affirmation that they are toxic. I was in Joie for a short period and time and I saw what the admins were saying to a friend of mine privately and it was disgusting. Good riddance.
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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
I've been following the Joie drama. I also read all the responses from the members, in addition to the Admin OOC response. I just feel the need to say this- clearly the point has been missed. NEWSFLASH: SEBLAINE-RPH is not MAKING these claims. He is and has always been here to expose the voices of those too uncomfortable to do so. Y'all can do your little rebuttal, that's fine. He's not stopping you. He's only here to call out what others don't feel okay enough to say publicly. Consider that.
[Continued from Previous] What these people don't seem to understand is that they /have/ their own personal blogs to rebut and refute these things. Tags exist for a reason. Seblaine posts messages from those who don't feel safe using their own private blogs. In addition, nowhere in his post did he say the admins of Joie are terrible. Nowhere did he say UNFOLLOW, HARRASS these people. He said, "these are the CLAIMS for your consideration". So, all of you coming at him really need to take a breath
I’ll add one thing: Once again, harassing me to prove that you don’t harass people seems really counter-productive to me. Just saying. You get it, Tiger. Never forget that people can see you. If you’re trying to prove that you would never harass someone by harassing someone, people see that. They can make their own conclusions--- which ironically, is exactly what my post was meant to allow people to do. These people legitimately only proved the people who came to me to complain about Joie right. And not all of the complaints were sent on anon either. So I know that there are multiple people that had bad experiences with this rp. I’m not even in it and I’ve had a bad experience with this rp.
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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
I just want to say that for one, people shouldn't be judging you for speaking the truth that others tell you. Second, they shouldn't take away from other experiences. Just cause the admins treated one person right doesn't mean they weren't mean to others. Thats like telling an abuse victim, "Well he didn't punch me in the face when I dated him!" Doesn't mean he wasn't abusive just means he didn't abuse you. Instead of being mean we should try to see it from the other side. Spread love not hate.
This. I’m just the messenger, so harassing me is pointless. I’ve looked at the drama, I’ve taken in the evidence and I’ve made my post. Nobody is going to sway me against the truth and nothing is going to shake me away from telling it. I am not the one to try to intimidate. It won’t work, and harassing someone to prove you don’t harass people is probably the dumbest idea I’ve heard since Trump said he was campaigning for President. The initial report was that the admins were harsh, now it looks like there are multiple bullies on the masterlist too. They’ve only made themselves look worse. 
You can’t invalidate almost a dozen different people that all say they had terrible experiences there. I posted the original post only after I had received multiple complaints about Joie from multiple people, all saying they had similar experiences. Since making my original post, I’ve gotten message after message about more bad experiences. At this point it’s clear that there are numerous problems. 
Even Jeffree Star can take a look at “the hate” being thrown his way and make up a half assed apology and pretend to learn from it. If this many people are unhappy, it is time for those admins to sit down and take a look at themselves, even if they don’t think they need to. If nothing else, because who really thinks that they’re being an asshole? Who does it on purpose? Of course you shouldn’t realize it. If you’re any kind of decent, you shouldn’t think you’re a bully. But if you want to play the role of high ground walker, you’ve got to be nice. You’ve got to be honest with yourself when you’re exposed because there’s no other option. What you’ve done is out there. Instead of focusing on mounting a harassment attack and putting further stock into the complaints against you and making you whole group look like a toxic powder keg, you need to be focusing on putting out that PR fire or your high ground is going to burn up, fast. 
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seblaine-rph · 4 years ago
Joie Academy treated me like crap as well and practically told me that 'I seem like the kinda person no one would get along with in the real world'... I am surprised people are still there cause the admins are the worst and put me through so much.
It’s insane to me that someone would say that to another human being. And an admin of all people.
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gleerpconfessions · 5 years ago
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On Christmas day 2019, joie-university-rp celebrated its 6 month anniversary. Not only is this an insane milestone in and of itself, but it’s even more unbelievable because Joie is also the first RP that worker together ever – and it’s still trucking along as active as ever. Something we would have never dreamt to be the case.
On behalf of both admins, I’d like to thank every Joie player–both past and present–for being a part of this RP’s journey so far. And to our current (and future!) players, I can’t wait to see what new plots and storylines 2020 will bring.
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gleerpconfessions · 5 years ago
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joie-university-rp is one of the best, if not the best, RPGs I've ever been in. The entire group is really welcoming which isn't something you often get. It's a great community of RPers that they've managed to create over there.      
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years ago
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I want to give a big shoutout to Arie who plays Marley (@marley-thornes) at Joie University, she is without a doubt the best Marley RPer I’ve ever met, she is down to Earth and easy to talk to OOC and IC. Thank you Arie, don’t change!
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years ago
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The Samcedes (@sassymercyj and @joiesamevans) over at @joie-university-rp is second to none. You don’t see Samcedes very often in the GRPC, but seeing these the way these two characters mesh, I don’t understand why not. I’m excited to see how they plan to continue growing their relationship!
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years ago
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I love seeing some good wholesome original Klaine over at @joie-university-rp. Their Kurt and Blaine remind me why I love Klaine.            
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years ago
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@blaineanders-devon at @joie-university-rp is the best Blaine out there hands down. Jordyn is incredible and one of the bestest friends a girl could have! She rocks Blaine and I love roleplaying with her.           
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gleerpconfessions · 6 years ago
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I really love the Samcedes over at @joie-university-rp! it has been so long since I have had a Samcedes to follow its like finding a curly fry mixed with the straight ones! They are so blissfully in love that I want to wrap them in a Samcedes bubble and never let them out! Please give us more!            
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