victoriafication · 11 years
Question and Answer thing. 
RULES 1. always post the rules 2. answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones 3. tag 10 people and link them; let them know they are tagged
I was tagged by todeborahwithlove and I tagged her back (because I know she wants to know my answers) and some other people. 
1. If you could pick up and go visit anywhere tomorrow (for, I don’t know, let’s say… two weeks), where would you go?
Paris. With some side train trips where I get to wear a hat and a cape. 
2. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
I often convince myself that I can just magically speak languages I don't know and that I can just pick up an instrument and know how to play it. So far this has not been the case. So, I don't know what this superpower would be called (delusions of grandeur?) but that one.
3. What’s the first book you remember loving?
When I was quite young I really liked The Littles and used to build traps so I could trap them when they came out of the walls. I also really loved Brambly Hedge which is about mice. Apparently, it's out of print in the US, but I found a really nice copy in London and got it as a baby gift which made me happy. 
4. If you could only see/engage with one of the following, film, TV, theater, or books for the rest of your life, which would you pick and why?
TV! My first and oldest best friend. Out of all my children I have always loved it most. I like the long-format storytelling and I think, especially at the moment, that's where the best stuff is happening. I would like my own TV show. 
5. What’s your favorite kind of cookie?
Sugar cookie dough. I like the chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin at Levain. Although, I prefer to pick around the chocolate or raisins so I can get to the dough part. I like the lemon cookies a lot at Ben's cookies in London. 
6. What book(s) are you currently reading?
Anna Karenina. Finally. 
7. What’s your favorite curse word (if you have one)?
8. What’s your favorite winter accessory? (Either for warmth or aesthetic value.)
Well, hats of any sort and I got a couple this year that I like a lot. I like things with fur. I'd really like a big white fur hat. I haven't found the perfect one yet. 
9. What’s the weirdest (I’ll let you define “weird”) museum you’ve ever been to?
Hmm I don't know if I've really been to any that are that weird. Although, I have been to a museum or two or three in Mongolia which I guess is a little off the path given that they're in Mongolia. 
10. How do you feel about plaid?
How don't I feel about plaid. I'm highly supportive of plaid. 
11. Did you sleep with a stuffed animal as a child, and what was it? Do you still have it?
Yes. I slept with a bear named Old Bear that my mother currently has (he's pretty fragile at this point) and a bear named Pooh that I have and who is sitting next to me. 
And now for my additional questions.
1. If you could trade lives with any fictional character who would it be and why?
2. If you got to have a theme song that was played every time you walked into a room, what song would you pick?
3. If you could trade lives with any real person who would it be and why?
4. Who do you think should be the most fascinating person of 2013?
5. What was your first favorite movie?
6. If you could receive a first edition copy of any book which would it be?
7. What is the best gift you've ever given?
8. What are the top 5 places you'd like to visit?
9. Is there any sort of lesson you did as a child that you regret quitting (i.e. piano lessons)?
10. What is something(s) from another era that you wish we still did today?
11. Is there someplace in your own city you've always wanted to go to but never have? What ? And why haven't you gone? 
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johnnarun · 11 years
20 Questions: Get to know me a bit better.
This blog has mostly just been about workouts, but here is a bit more about me!
  1. Share something that you enjoy doing when you’re alone.  Lots and lots of dancing.
2. What do you plan to eat next? Nothing! No, whatever for breakfast. Yogurt and toast?
3. When did you first travel on a plane?  Where did you go? Long before I can remember. I know we flew from West Virginia to New York City when I was 3, but I'd likely flown before that.
4. Do you currently have a crush on someone?  If so, share a few of the reasons why.  Yes! (Finally!) He's a sweet, kind, and punny guy, with a good head on his shoulders, and adorable to boot! I can be 100% myself around him. He respects my shameful enjoyment of Nickelback circa '02-'05. Plus he showed me where I can get $3 pints of beer and play foosball within walking (okay, probably running) distance from my apartment. The kid had me at foosball, but then he had to add $3 beer.
5. List one thing that disgusts you that probably wouldn’t bother someone else. Mustard. Mustard is inexplicably disgusting to me. I don't want to see it, I don't want to smell it, and I really don't want to touch it. Olives and mayo are right behind it.
6. If you could buy a new car tomorrow (and money was no object) what would you buy? A hybrid something. Do they make a Mazda 3 Hybrid? I like the Mazda 3 a lot. Maybe I'd find a model of my first car, a 1990 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. I loved that thing. Or maybe a Vespa?
7. Who was the first person who broke your heart?  My dad? A former best friend? Sure it was a friend before a guy.
8. If you could spend the night with a celebrity tonight, who would it be?  Sexually? Ewan McGregor, Jason Segel, Paul Rudd, or Hamish Linklater. As besties? Anna Kendrick, Kristen Bell, Katy Perry, Casey WIlson. To be given gifts through osmosis? Audra McDonald, Julie Andrews, Laura Linney, some of the above.
9. Are you a morning person or a night person? Both, but it depends on the circumstances.
10. What’s your favorite board game? Cranium!
11. Can you play an instrument? If so, what do you play?  Trombone, piano, guitar, ukulele, melodica, autoharp. Rudimentary cello, trumpet, flute, and clarinet skills.
12. What is the last thing you ate?  A brown sugar cinnamon pop tart. I make poor choices sometimes. The rest of the box will be mailed to my BFF in Ithaca.
13. Do you wear a watch?  Nope.
14. Do you go to church? Not voluntarily.
15. Do you ever wish on stars? No.
16.  Have you ever been on a motorcycle? No.
17. What is the last thing you purchased? Dinner. But before that, a branded shirt for my new job.
18. How big is your bed? Full.
19. What size shoe do you wear? 11. (cries giant-footed tears)
20. What are you looking forward to most in the coming week? Getting back on the road for some runs, and spending time with my friends at the Tribeca Film Festival and Carnegie Hall on Saturday!
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