#john seed x male deputy
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Farcry5 where everything is the same but it's just Seeds really pissed off because deputy is taller than all of them and every time they just get more creative how to look taller
Faith would fly
Jacob stands on a box on his presentation time
Joseph never gets off the stage
John learns how to wear high heels
#far cry 5#john seed#jacob seed#faith seed#joseph seed#farcry5#farcry#deputy rook#far cry new dawn#john seed x male deputy#male deputy#john seed x deputy#john would be furious lmao
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❝ well, honestly i’ve never really had sex before and was kinda hoping you would teach me. ❞ and [SUGGESTIVE] sound like they would be interesting to pair together
[ SUGGESTIVE ] our muses are hanging out and end up on the topic of turn ons, kinks, and what they’re attracted to.
❝ well, honestly i’ve never really had sex before and was kinda hoping you would teach me. ❞
well im writing a fic cos its the only thing i know how to do! :’)
(so like i may put it on ao3)
tbh this idea doesn’t really line up with Rook’s personal history, but I’m willing to put that aside for the sake of the fic 😌
I’m sorry if this is not what you were expecting, let me know if you want anything different! I put the options in the name chooser and it came out with john x rook so I’m going to be doing a fic with
John Seed x Male Deputy OC (Rook Diamante)
Warning: Sexual Tension, mention of transphobia and fetishization, strong language, mention of/talking about kinks (specifically, power play, piss kink, choking, gun play, knife play, degradation)
“Just please tell me the people there are nice...”
The sound of his Mom’s worried voice came crackling down the phone, as Rook pressed it against his ear and shoulder, clumsily shifting a few pans around on the kitchen counter.
There was no escaping the anxiety of Rook’s family, especially as he moved so far away. There was no hiding it either, even though Lillian was trying to keep her usual calming tones in the statement. Her son wasn’t an idiot though. Of course she was worried.
“Yeah, I guess so, Mom. Some of them are a little...” He hesitated, trying to find the right word, knowing the one he was about to say wasn’t what he meant. “... odd?”
He tried to keep the mocking “And I’m not going into high school, I’ve just moved to a different state.” inside his head because he knew how unhelpful that would be. And how stupid. The second one sounded much worse. Maybe.
“Odd? In what way? What have they said to you?” A deeper voice joined the conversation, one filled with even more anxiety, not even bothering to hide it.
“No one’s said anything, Dad. I meant... they’re just new. I’ve met plenty of nice people! Like... there’s this cute couple who run this business. They invited me to a barbecue this weekend so...”
A sigh of relief could barely be heard on the other side of the call. Although Rook knew they’d be unsettled with him being so far away from New York, it was still weird to witness both his parents like this after they’ve tried to remain strong for him all his life.
Rook felt it was his duty as a son to try and soothe them. He searched for other people in his mind who he had found nice and intriguing and not a threat to his personal safety, someone his parents could like and approve of.
“I’ve got this co-worker... he’s like an asshole but a loveable one, you know? Respects me but also calls me a dumbass when I’m being one. He’s cool.” Rook couldn’t help the little grin on his face, as he remembered the night out that Staci Pratt had invited him to, which resulted in him getting so drunk that he had sustained physical injuries. It was such a stress-reliever to finally drink with someone after moving to some random place in Montana.
A chuckle from his Dad and Rook knew that he had relaxed a bit. Someone who was on his sons side. Someone good.
“Any other new friends? Maybe... someone hot?”
He heard his Mom yell at his Dad playfully, while Rook’s face started to burn up suspiciously quickly. He had been avoiding thinking about “someone hot” or, more specifically, the hot man that he had seen around at that place, Aubrey's Diner, that Staci so loves.
It was embarrassing really. It was embarrassing how quickly he had agreed to go to the same diner again when Staci has suggested it. It was embarrassing how he craned his neck just a little every time, hoping to see the attractive man in the stylish outfits that made his tummy do flips. It was certainly embarrassing how he would go home disappointed when those blue eyes did not look his way, leaving him wanting and dreaming of some touch.
Staci had teasingly offered his services, but he shut up when Rook had hit him round the head.
A few more mentions of different people who had been nice to him and his parents had been soothed, still sad that he was not with them but happy for him all the same. His Dad gives him the usual cautions about people with bad intentions, reminds him to have fun (he can almost hear Mom’s eyes rolling) and Rook hangs up, promising he’ll be careful and also have fun, which is definitely a tough line to walk, if Rook’s completely honest.
But he says it anyway.
After hanging up, a dragged out sigh was let out into the air.
Usually, Rook was happy to talk to his parents, but giving someone reassurance for so long a conversation can catch up to you, especially if you’ve just finished a shift at work and are trying to make dinner.
He looked down at the pans he had gotten out in an attempt to make food. He stared for a while.
An irritated sigh and some tapping on his phone and Staci was on the other line.
“Don’t feel like making dinner, you wanna eat out tonight?”
An amused, sleepy grumble. “A ‘hello’ would be cool.”
“Shut up, yes or no?”
Staci laughed. “And you say I’m the dickhead.”
Rook made a deliberate, irritated sound.
Another laugh. “Okay, okay.”
After taking an absolute age to actually roll out of his bed, Staci finally texted to declare that, this time, despite all the other times being lies, he was actually leaving the house to get to the diner.
Meanwhile, seated at a table with a glass of cheap alcohol, Rook was having a difficult time convincing himself and Staci that he had absolutely no prior knowledge of his friends bad time management. He definitely didn't come to the diner a little early just to see if he could position himself as devastatingly handsome and completely alone and, therefore, in need of some company.
No, no. Why would he do that? It wasn't like there was any particular reason to do that. Definitely no particular man either.
Rook was just hoping Staci would go easy on the teasing when he got here because he sure as Hell wasn't fooling anybody.
It was pointless to come early anyway - Rook only sat there staring at the door, eyes becoming glittered with hope when he saw it open.
Staci got there before the man in the expensive clothes could.
"You know, you're not subtle."
Rook knew he couldn't fake it, so he didn't even try. "I know. It's stupid."
Staci picked up on the hint of embarrassment and disappointment. "It's not. John Seed is pretty hot, classically handsome, I suppose.”
Rook’s head snapped up, eyes now staring at his friend. “What? You know him?”
Staci nodded, glancing over the menu, even though he knew exactly what he was getting.
Rook’s mouth was slightly open. “And you didn’t think to tell me that?!”
The other man couldn’t stop the grin creeping on him. “I figured you would ask, if you wanted to know who he was.”
Rook didn’t stop staring.
“Also, I don’t really know him, know him. I just know of him, like everyone else does. I think only a select few actually know him, you know, he’s that type.”
Rook’s stare turned into a curious peer. “What type?”
Staci breathed out through his nose, a touch uncomfortable. “Well... mysterious, I guess... suspicious.”
Rook waited for Staci to give his order to the waiter who had come round, trying to understand what his friend was getting at.
Staci saw the look on Rook’s face and sighed. “Look, I was gonna tell you eventually anyway but... might as well be now.”
The expression on his face turned serious and Rook found himself remembering his Dad’s cautions. It looked like Staci was having a tough time.
“He might be dangerous, ok? He belongs to that... group that we get calls about. You know, the culty one.”
Right. Rook had heard about this. Whitehorse, his new boss, had pulled him aside while Pratt and Hudson responded to a call, whispering to him about being safe and something about ‘having your back’.
He tried to push down the rising tide of disappointment. He swallowed. And found himself doing something he didn’t think he’d ever actually do.
“Do you think... I should leave it alone then?”
Staci pulled an over-exaggerated face. “Dude, do whatever you want. Just don’t join the creepy groupies his brother has.”
Rook didn’t know how to feel about that. He couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t still intrigued by this John guy. But he knew how much worth a good looking, mysterious man in nice clothes had.
None. At all. He knew that from experience.
“I might... just leave it.”
That was the best decision to be made. Something excitable in him died, while the disappointment settled in. But he knew if he started something with this guy, it would get worse.
Cut it off at the root as soon as possible.
Perhaps going to the diner the night before a shift was a bad decision because both Staci and Rook woke up on the latter mans living room floor with banging headaches.
Rook was the first to wake and stumble to the bathroom, extremely aware that he wanted to throw up but couldn’t. This went on for about twenty minutes before the bathroom was raided by Staci, who lovingly shoved his friend out of the way to actually throw up.
While his friend was busy vomiting violently into the toilet, Rook crawled out of the room and picked up his phone. Only a few minutes until they were due to clock in for work.
Groaning, he reluctantly dialled the Sherriff’s number.
“Hey, Sherriff. Would you be mad if me and Staci called in sick today?”
“You two get your asses up to this station right now or there’ll be hell to pay.”
How did he know?
“We... really shouldn’t be driving, Sir.”
“Then walk.”
Whitehorse hung up.
Shit, he’s pissed off.
It took so long for them to get out the door, let alone walk all the way to the police station. Staci didn’t even have his uniform, but he insisted that there would be a spare one at the station.
Rook had to stumble about getting ready, before getting the bright idea to shove some water and food in his bag, to cure their hangovers.
Never in his life had Rook shown up to work hungover. It seemed to be something of a pastime for Staci, however.
They arrived to their place of work in a cold sweat, panting and, in Staci’s case, with a little vomit round the mouth. He couldn’t keep it in for the whole walk.
Whitehorse was standing outside the door, looking like the prime example of an angry boss - arms crossed, brows furrowed and a hard stare.
Rook tried to straighten up a little more, trying to seem apologetic and professional, despite the obvious unprofessionalism here. Staci didn’t even bother, clinging on to his friend for dear life, not looking anywhere but the floor as he groaned.
They walked gradually up the steps, slowly past Whitehorse, who moved out the way, still glaring. Rook swallowed and rasped, “It won’t happen again, Sherriff.”
“Clean him up and get in my office in five minutes. Both of you.”
It didn’t take too long to guide Staci to the station’s bathroom to throw up again. Rook had to wipe his mouth and give him water.
“I’m not getting you changed, Pratt.”
Staci chuckled behind the roughness of his hangover.
“Feeling any better yet?”
Staci waved an arm at him, breathing heavily on the floor. “Much.”
Rook raised an eyebrow, not believing him even a little.
They got to the office in seven minutes, but Whitehorse didn’t give a shit by then. He sat in his chair, not saying a word, while the two young men stood on the other side of the desk. Rook shuffled awkwardly from one foot to the next, while Staci stood casually, weight leant on one foot, still looking ill.
“I just can’t believe you two.”
Silence filled the room around his words.
“How could you be so immature? You realise I could fire you, right? The only reason I refuse to is because we have so little staff, so much so that I told you to get your stupid faces down here even though I knew you would be useless today.”
“And also cos you love us, Sherriff.”
Rook kicked Staci so hard he almost fell over, and Whitehorse spun around in his chair, facing away from them, under the guise of being so disgusted by their behaviour, he had to look away.
In reality, he was trying to hide the smirk that tried to creep on his face.
“You do realise the Seeds are planning to come up here, yes?”
Both of them felt their hangovers cure in a split second. Or did they worsen?
“Wait, the culty ones?” Staci asked, as tactful as ever. Rook’s eyes widened to the size of small moons.
“Yes, the god-damn culty ones, Pratt! And you two boneheads decided to-”
He was cut off by the sound of a car pulling up to the station. The old man swiftly got up out of his seat and peered through the blinds, confirming his suspicions.
“Look. They’re here. I’ll punish your sorry asses later. Just get out there and stop looking like you drank the entire contents of the Spread Eagle.”
Staci had to pipe up again. “Actually, Sir, it was Aubrey's Dine-”
Whitehorse pushed them both towards the door, muttering something that sounded like “Get the fuck out, son.”
They hauled ass to their desks, flopping gratefully into their chairs, while Nancy shook her disapproving head at them the whole way.
As the door to the station opened, Rook chucked cold already-cooked hash brown leftovers over to Staci, who mouthed “Thank you!”, pretending to cry with relief.
Sure enough, John Seed walked through the door.
Rook’s head snapped down quickly, a burning sensation already coming up to his cheeks. He threw a bottle of water at his friend, aggressively, when he quietly wolf-whistled.
Rook hoped to Hell that John didn’t notice.
Unlucky for Rook. John always noticed as much as possible.
Before their eyes could meet, Whitehorse came out of his office, looking relaxed and composed. Rook had to give him credit - he could hardly tell he’d been seething literally just 30 seconds ago.
“Hey there, Mr. Seed.” Like the southern gentleman he was, he offered his hand, and John, being a master of politeness, took it immediately, a fake and gleaming smile already on his face.
“Hello there, Sherriff. I hope you weren’t waiting for me too long.”
“No, no, you’re just on time, Sir. Would you like to talk in my office?”
“I wish he was as polite as that a few minutes ago,” muttered Staci, around a mouthful of hash brown.
Rook tried not to giggle and focused on the pile of paperwork ready to be processed on his desk.
They didn’t come out of that office for a while, and the atmosphere turned from light and humorous to a little ominous. Rook glanced over to his friend, who looked surprisingly solemn, his light nature faded a little.
Rook would never admit that this scared him a little. Staci wasn’t fucking about when he said that the cult situation was serious, because he was clearly worried.
This new, worrying tension did not break after John finally stepped out of the office, a triumphant and slightly almost smug smile all over his face (Rook thought it looked vaguely vicious, and his attraction to this man somehow grew and withered at the same time), with Whitehorse following, a grim look of reluctant acceptance attached to him.
It was deathly silent as the three others in the room pretended to not be interested and got on with their work.
“May I use your bathroom before I go?” John enquired, ever-so-politely.
Rook was already giving Staci a death glare before he could even twist his head and see the suggestive smirk on his friends face.
Whitehorse threw him a tight smile. “Of course... Rookie, show him where it is, will ya?”
Staci didn’t even have the chance to do anything sexual with his face, because Rook had already stuffed another cold hash brown into his face, to stop anything unprofessional in the workplace.
He didn’t miss the quiet fake-moan around the god damn hash brown though, and he had to whack Staci round the head to shut him the hell up. John Seed witnessed this, much to the dismay of Rook.
Awkwardly, he led the handsome man away from the scene and the silence crept on them both - it made Rook a little embarrassed but John seemed just fine.
After a nervous gesture to the bathroom door, he stood there awkwardly, while John looked closely, head tilted slightly.
Rook stared down at the ground, not looking up until John realised he wasn’t going to make eye contact with him.
“I recognise you, don’t I?”
Rook slowly moved his eyes up, accidentally (or not?) letting them graze over John’s body as he finally met his eyes.
Man, those eyes. Those blue eyes.
Rook smiled an awkward smile, but felt a little fluttery feeling inside.
He recognises me. A thrill went through him.
“Well, I’ve seen you around Aubrey's Diner a few times... I didn’t realise you saw me.”
John flashed a smile - not a fake one, like before, but a genuine amusement at the cute little look on Rook’s face.
“Oh, I saw you, Mr...?”
“Rook. Rook Diamante.”
John tilted his head up slightly, a small smile playing upon his lips. “Hmm, Rook Diamante...” He said the words as if he were testing them out on his tongue, and finding he liked them.
Rook couldn’t help but grin a little at that sight. “And you’re John Seed, yeah?”
The older man nodded, watching Rook carefully.
Rook could guess what he was searching for.
And his mouth opened before he could stop himself.
“You’re apart of your brothers... group or something, right?”
John laughed. “Yes, I am apart of Eden’s Gate.”
Rook nodded, with a quiet “ahh”.
John couldn’t help the widening of his smile and the slow, long look that pulled down Rook’s body. John let his gaze linger on the curve of the other mans ass and thighs. An image of John touching these parts of him flashed through his mind and left his heart racing and skin flushing slightly.
Rook didn’t miss this. He felt a heat rise up in him and for a moment, Staci’s suggestive comments running through his mind, and, for a second, he felt the crazy urge to shove John into the bathroom stall and grind up on him.
John stepped a little closer, feeling the tension between them. “This may be a bit unprofessional but... would you like to go to Aubrey’s Diner together sometime?”
Rook thought he might take flight in excitement. It showed in his voice, as he flustered, in a breathy voice, “Y-yeah! That... I’d like that a lot, actually.”
John grinned at the cuteness. “Good. Here.” He produced a little card from his jacket pocket, which Rook took, curiously.
It had ‘John Seed’ printed on it, with a phone number.
“This was such a bad idea.”
“No, it isn’t, dumbass!” Staci rolled his eyes, rummaging through Rook’s old box of nail varnish. Rook had already taken out some black nail varnish out and painted a few hours ago.
Staci took out a dark, dark red colour and hummed in appreciation. As he started casually painting his perfect nails, Rook tried to get out of his third outfit choice of the night.
Staci frowned at him. “Why are you taking off the jeans? They show off your ass. Trust me, he’d like that.”
Rook growled and threw them across the room in frustration. He stood there in his dark red underwear, similar to the colour Staci was putting on his nails. “How the fuck do I know what he likes? I don’t even know him.”
Staci didn’t look up. “Isn’t that the point of tonight? Getting to know him or some shit?”
Rook groaned. “I don’t even fucking know! We didn’t clarify... maybe he...” Rook swallowed down disappointment. “... maybe he just wants to be friends.”
Staci did look up then. “Are you being serious? How much of a dumbass are you?!”
Rook put his hands on his hips, his eyebrows raised, bottom lip between his teeth.
“What are you looking at me like that for? Did you even see the look he gave you when he left the station? You don’t look at friends like that.”
Rook stopped the sass and starting biting his black nails. Staci rolled his eyes again and got up. He smacked Rook’s hands away from his mouth, and reviewed the outfits at hand.
There was silence for a moment as Staci worked his magic and worked out the outfit like it was a puzzle.
“Your favourite colour is red, right?”
Rook nodded.
“Hmm. Good. Dark red is your colour. Mix it with black. Put on them black jeans again. They’re your colour and they make you look hot.”
Rook did what was instructed, making no noise in argument. While he put them on, Staci ruffled through a few t-shirts and shirts in Rook’s drawer, making thinking noises.
He chose a few options. He held a dark blue t-shirt in one hand and a dark red shirt with buttons in the other. “This is the part where you have to choose.”
Rook pouted. “Why can’t I wear my slutty black and red one?”
Staci flicked his forehead. “BECAUSE.”
There wasn’t much more of an explanation than that.
When Rook had gotten the red shirt on him, they both argued about what piercings to put in. Eventually, they decided on plain rings up the side of his ear, but none on his ear lobe, as Staci declared it “too much”. The eyebrow bar was included, although Staci um-ed and ah-ed over this for a while.
By the time Staci had finished his work, Rook’s tummy felt the dormant notion of anxiety and butterflies. He took a deep breath in and tried to apply logic to the situation, just as his parents taught him.
This wasn’t going to kill him. The worst that could happen is John rejecting him.
He’s in a cult. He might try and indoctrinate you.
Rook was horrified by the stirring from below he felt at that thought.
Staci practically pushed him out of the building, squeezing out after him. “Don’t think so much, just go fuck him.”
Rook nodded.
“And tell me if he kills you.”
Rook whacked him.
John has the sense not to arrive in one of the white Eden’s Gate trucks, instead pulling up to Aubrey’s Diner in a sleek car that looked too fancy for the small county.
Rook raised an eyebrow, leaning casually against the wall of the building, feeling excited.
I’ve got a rich boy on my hands, he thought, amused.
John gracefully slipped out of the car and locked it with a simple press of his keys, not looking away from Rook.
John was captured by the way Rook appeared to be so casual but dressed like he cared. He let himself wonder what the other man might look like with those jeans and that red shirt off of him, a little smirk pleasantly displayed on his face, obviously intended for Rook to pick up on it.
Rook grinned, pushing himself off of the wall and stepping closer, letting himself take in the pretty man right in front of him.
Suits were so John’s look, Rook couldn’t even handle it.
The older man flashed a small smile, and Rook smiled back at him.
“Shall we go in, Mr. Diamante?” John asked, teasingly.
Rook laughed a little. “You can call me Rook, Mr. Seed.”
John chuckled and slipped a hand on to Rook’s arm, making him shiver. Rook was a confident enough guy but this man was absolutely oozing it - he wondered what it might be like to have John in the bedroom.
Chill out, he only put his hand on your arm.
They walked in, finding a seat easily. Rook looked at the drink menu and offered one to John.
He smiled, something a little off about it. “I’m afraid I don’t drink.”
Rook could sense a backstory but would never ask on the first date. Date?
“Oh, I see. Would you prefer me not to as well?”
John hesitated and it was all Rook needed to confirm it.
Before John could respond and explain that he didn’t want to be responsible for Rook if he got too drunk to walk or respond, the waiter came over, giving John Seed a dirty look.
The locals don’t like him.
“I’ll have a milkshake please,” Rook requested, with a smile.
The waiter gave him a look that said “Are you five?” but Rook didn’t give a shit. If he couldn’t drink, he’d focus on something else addictive. Sugar.
John looked pleasantly surprised and felt just as grateful. After he ordered a coke with ice, the waiter scribbling it down reluctantly, he turned to Rook.
“You didn’t have to-”
“No way,” he said, simply, “I could tell you would get uncomfortable. And you’re much more important than alcohol.”
John smirked at the implications and Rook’s eyes widened.
“I just mean-! I meant that you deserve respect more than some drink. I came to see you, not the drinks, after all...” Rook tried to fight off the blushing.
John chuckled. “It’s ok, Rook. Thank you, I appreciate your hospitality.”
Rook lets out a laugh through his nose and shakes his head. “It’s only basic respect, dude.”
John laughed. “That’s quite hard to come by nowadays.”
Rook scoffed. “Oh, trust me, I’m aware!”
The next hour was filled with discussion about the horrendous dates that they had both been on. Rook explained about the disrespect and fetishization for being Mexican and trans, which John took in his stride. John, in turn, described being body shamed and being pursued as a sugar daddy, which made Rook shake his head.
“So...” Rook started slightly hesitant, “You really don’t mind about the whole trans thing?”
It was so important to check.
John smiled gently and slid his hand over to Rook’s, placing it over his comfortingly. “I really don’t mind. If it’s ok for me to mention... I have been with transgender people before. I try to learn everything I’m supposed to, to make them comfortable, you understand?”
Rook grinned back. “Look’s like I picked the right guy to be attracted to then.”
John huffed out a laugh and leaned forward, teasingly. “You chose to be attracted to me, did you?”
Rook chuckled, a hint of seductiveness in his voice, despite the cheesiness of his next statement. “Oh, I’d say it was more like it chose me. You’re just something, you know?”
John had to fight the childish blush that came up to his cheeks. “Why, thank you, Rook Diamante.”
Rook shivered and felt something twist pleasantly in his lower belly.
“And I promise you, I’m not one of those people who actively seek transgender people... what are they called? I’m sure they had a name...”
“Chasers.” Rook supplied, drinking through his straw.
“Right.” John nodded. “I don’t understand that. You’re not a piece of meat, you’re a person. While you’re certainly...” he blushed, looking away from Rook’s smirk, ”attractive... you don’t deserve that kind of creepiness.”
Rook chuckled and nodded. “Agreed. I understand having some kind of fetish or kink, don’t get me wrong...” he flicked his eyes up at John, smirking slightly, “but if it’s something like that, it gets creepy as fuck.”
John laughed. “Of course. And... how much do you understand having some kind of fetish or kink...?” The question was part teasing, part hopeful, and Rook was ready to get into it.
“What an inappropriate question, Mr. Seed!” He took another slurp of milkshake. “I do understand having kinks, yeah. What about you?”
He looked to John, curious to see what he says.
If he says he doesn’t have any, that man is a liar. Kink is written all over him.
John laughed, almost like he’d been caught out, with Rook giving him a “I know who you are” look.
“Yes, I have to say I do as well.”
Rook grinned and leaned forward. “Alright, man, pull out the list.”
John laughed hard, while Rook couldn’t help but giggle. His laughter was kind of contagious.
John stopped laughing and drank from his glass, still slightly chuckling around it. “Ok, I’ll indulge you. How about you suggest one and I’ll tell you which ones I... understand.”
Still grinning, Rook immediately pulled the first one he could think of. “Power play.”
Rook called it. “Are you usually the submissive one or the dominant one?”
Gotta be a Dom right?
John smiled. “Well, I enjoy being either but... I gotta say, being a submissive is my preference.”
Wow, I was wrong. My fault for presuming, I guess.
John chuckled at the badly-hidden surprise on Rook’s face. “What about you, my handsome companion?”
Rook blushed and grinned. “Similar to you - I think I’d like being either, but...” He looked up right into John’s eyes. “I definitely would prefer being the Dominant one.”
John’s eyes flushed with something heated and his leg moved almost independently from him, to brush up firmly against Rook’s. Rook felt the urge to drag him into the bathroom again.
He liked that. Oh my God, he liked that.
John continued to rub his leg against Rook’s inner thigh, slightly but ever-so-noticeable.
“Continue.” he whispered, gazing at Rook.
The younger man swallowed and tried to breathe naturally. “Ok. Choking?”
Rook chuckled, breathlessly. “That was quick.”
An image of his hand around John’s throat popped into his head and his eyes flicked from his hand to John’s neck, trying to suss out whether or not it would be a perfect fit.
Only one way to find out...
Rook shook his head to snap out of it and tried to keep up the conversation. “Me too.”
John looked at him expectantly.
“Piss?” Rook blurted out, without thinking.
John couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Sort of? I can be into the power part of it, but it’s only really something I do if the person I’m with is particularly hot and particularly into it. What about you, Rook?”
Rook shook his head. “I don’t think so. It’s not something I would like to try.”
John nodded, smiling slightly. He was sensing a pattern in Rook’s speech, the way in which he was referring to these interests of theirs.
“Ok, something extreme. Knife and gun play?”
John breathed in through his nose, leaning back to take in the question, but not taking his leg away from Rook’s. “Now that’s quite a prompt.”
Rook laughed and looked into his second milkshake - banana, this time, instead of strawberry. Chocolate was next. “I’m sorry if that was too much.”
John chuckled, slowly and seductively. “No, no, darling.” Rook felt that feeling in his belly again. “In fact, that is exactly my speed.”
Rook watched him. “So? You... understand it, right?”
John nodded. “Oh yes, I definitely understand it.”
“I think I’d like to try them. It kind of tracks that I would like it.” He laughed awkwardly.
John leaned in, ready to ask the question he wanted to. “You don’t have to answer but it might be important if you feel like...” He pushed his knee further up Rook’s thigh, “taking this a little further.”
Rook leaned in too, somehow not scared.
“Are you a virgin, Rook? Or have you simply not done anything kink related?”
Rook blushed very hard. He knew this would have to come up at some point, and he wasn’t embarrassed, not really. But he was still a touch nervous, even if he didn’t think John would mind.
“Well, honestly, I’ve never really had sex before and was kinda hoping you would teach me.” It was cheeky and playful but, underneath, Rook was hoping John would take it lightly.
John chuckled, and placed his hand on Rook’s thigh too. “Oh, you handsome man, I think I would adore teaching you.”
Rook flushed with something lustful. “My place or yours?”
John laughed, almost with shock. “You’re eager, aren’t you?”
The younger man leaned closer and placed his hand on John’s chin, tilting it up slightly. “Only for you, pretty boy.”
John felt that the heat had built up too much for him to not say the next words. “Are you ok with your place?”
John drove them to Rook’s place, in warm silence that promised something hot as soon as they got inside somewhere with a bed or any other surface. Every so often, Rook would give directions and, every so often, John would turn to Rook quickly and give him a look that promised the best sex of his life.
When they pulled in to Rook’s place, there was a relaxed but hurried atmosphere. Rook wrapped an arm around John’s waist, and guided him to the door.
John grinned when Rook tried to open the door with his key, purposely placing himself behind him, pressed up against him, hands on Rook’s hips. The younger man looked back for a moment and glared playfully and John laughed.
“You’d better behave, pretty boy.”
John breathed in hard, taken aback but now a little hard at the idea of this man giving him a punishment for his bad behaviour.
He leaned in to whisper in Rook's ear, breath tickling his skin. "You're very much mistaken if you think I'm the type to behave."
Rook whipped round very quickly, the door now open, and swiftly drew John's head close to his. As Rook bit the soft skin of John's earlobe, he heard John's breathing become more erratic.
"And you are severely mistaken if you think I'd let that slide."
And he pulled John inside.
Ok so that was that!
If you want the actual sex scene, I might post it on my ao3 for ya to read. I'm going to post this one too.
I hope that was okay, if you feel something was done wrong, let me know! :)
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I know I haven't posted in a while and suddenly I'm posting a new (to this blog) fandom but... woe, Far Cry 5 smut be upon ye.
Jacob Seed x M!Deputy (Isaac) x Joseph Seed ↪ 1031 words — 18+ / SMUT.
Content tags — cis male dominant top Jacob, cis male submissive switch Deputy, cis male dominant bottom Joseph, mention of John Seed x Deputy, mention of drugging, mention of suicide, dubious consent, pseudo-inc*st (only because Joseph's making it weird), Christian cults, unsafe sex, oral sex, rimming, claiming, anal fingering, and anal sex.
Joseph lay beneath him, hair loosened from its usual knot and spread out on the pillow like the facsimile of a halo. Isaac knelt above him, hands braced on either side of the Father’s head, nails digging into the bed sheets as Jacob’s thick weight pressed to his back, too wet mouth sucking and biting marks along his spine as the older Seed ground his denim clad cock against Isaac’s bare ass.
Isaac thought, briefly, if someone had told him this would be the result of killing John Seed, he’d have eaten a bullet before he was given the chance to try, Hope County be damned. He barely remembers the words Joseph spoke to him as he came out of the bliss haze, knelt between the Father’s legs.
"You are so much like him, in more than just your sin,” Joseph speaks softly, petting through matted hair as Isaac rests his head against the Father's knee, "John was steeped in sin, and while I sought to save him, to bring him unto New Eden, as Jesus had vouched for the thief, perhaps this was God's plan all along. To have my brother return to me in a new vessel, to live through you after his death, with a soul, not free of sin, but with still the hope of cleansing it."
Joseph's arm was reached down beneath Isaac, his thin bicep flexing with the movement of his arm. Isaac could feel his hard cock rubbing against Joseph's forearm, and though he couldn't see it, he knew he was smearing his precum across the tattooed visage of Joseph's dead wife. The thought made him whine pathetically just as Jacob, now kneeling further down the bed behind Isaac, licked a wet line across Isaac's hole, his large calloused hands squeezing the supple meat of his ass.
"Ssshh," Joseph cooed quietly, his free hand reaching up to cup Isaac's cheek, guiding him down into a chaste kiss, murmuring against his lips, "my sweet baby brother."
Isaac gasped, his cock pulsing, feeling like he could choke on nothing, feeling the vibrations of Jacob's rumbling laugh against his hole as the eldest Seed continued his oral assault, sloppy with spit but precise, almost practiced, in the movements.
“Do you wish to penetrate me, Isaac?” Joseph murmured, lips soft against Isaac’s jawline.
“Fuc–mngh,” Isaac groaned as Joseph bit down hard on the hinge of his jaw, just as Jacob pushed two thick fingers into his dripping hole, “anything—whatever you want, just—please.”
Isaac gasped at the lube wet hand that grasped his cock, moaning weakly at the realization Joseph had been fingering himself open this entire time, voice catching in his throat as Joseph led his cock downward, lifting his hips ever so slightly to tease the tip against his twitching heat. Isaac couldn’t help how his hips humped forward like a feral dog at the first sign of a wet hole to fuck, Jacob simultaneously brutalizing his prostate with the rough pads of his fingers.
Joseph’s mouth fell open, baring his neck as he pressed his head back into the pillow.
“Joseph—” Isaac moans, collapsing onto his elbows to mouth at the pale expanse of the man’s throat, his thrusts shallow and sharp, Joseph’s hand coming up to tangle in the younger’s hair.
“We’ve got you,” Jacob rumbles as his fingers slip free with a wet squelch, once again blanketing Isaac’s back with his weight, the rough shock of his voice making Isaac shudder, “gonna take good care of you.”
Jacob all but shoves his thick cock into Isaac, causing him to keen at the stretch, knocking him forward and pushing the length of his own prick deeper into Joseph.
“That’s it,” Joseph breathes, voice steady even in this moment, his hand painfully tight in Isaac’s hair as their eyes meet, “you are perfect for us.”
Isaac whines, nodding as he presses sloppy, open mouthed kisses to Joseph’s lips, licking desperately into the other man’s mouth like a sick mutt as Jacob begins a steady pace, hips slapping loudly against Isaac’s ass.
Joseph turns his head away, teeth gritted to try and escape the mess of Isaac’s tongue. When Isaac tries to follow the movement, Joseph slaps him, gripping painfully tight at Isaac’s chin to glare at the younger.
“Filthy,” he growls before locking eyes with his older brother over Isaac’s shoulder, “take him.”
Jacob grunts, wrapping one arm over Isaac’s torso to haul him back, his cock somehow reaching even deeper in this position. Jacob’s other hand grabs Isaac’s jaw, turning the younger’s head to meet him in a messy kiss, rumbling pleasantly when Isaac sucks on his tongue needily.
“How does he feel?” Joseph asks, breathlessly, ever so gently rolling his hips down to meet the jostling thrusts of Jacob pumping into Isaac.
“Fuck,” Jacob groans as Isaac clenches tight around him, giving a low chuckle when Joseph chides him for his language, “feels like heaven.”
“Blasphemous…” Joseph grumbles with narrowed eyes, earning a raspy laugh from Jacob that cuts off into a gravelly groan as Jacob suddenly goes from slow and deep to fast and shallow thrusts, pumping his hips like a jack rabbit.
Isaac cries out, clawing at Jacob’s arms as his hips stutter forward and back, caught between pressing back onto the fat cock penetrating him, or pushing forward into the wet heat engulfing his own weeping prick.
Isaac fumbles to wrap a hand around Joseph’s cock as his own orgasm draws close, but is stopped by a hand to his wrist, rosary beads digging into the jutting bone.
“Take your own pleasure first,” Joseph murmurs.
Jacob rumbles against Isaac’s spine, nibbling at the lobe of his ear.
“I’m gonna fill you up, and then he’s gonna take his turn. Mark you from the inside,” Jacob rasps, “make you ours.”
“We’ll fill you with our essence,” Joseph whispers, grip firm on the nape of Isaac’s neck as he hauls him back down, foreheads pressed together, “as you did to John… as you let him do to you.”
Memories wash over him, and Isaac feels sick as his orgasm hits him like a wave, eyes rolling back as he pants into Joseph’s mouth.
#far cry 5#fc5#joseph seed#jacob seed#john seed#male deputy#fc5 deputy#joseph seed x deputy#john seed x deputy#jacob seed x deputy#smut#mine
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Don't yall love when I disappear for months? Just broke up with my partners so I will have time to write now!
Anyways- here me out!
AU where the Junior Deputy leaves at the beginning of the game and God gives Joseph a new prophecy for when the world will collapse.
Between behind the scene deals with the national guard and inquisitive cult members— whose loyalty has only grown since the 'defeat' of those who came to take the Seed family— Joseph's siblings hadn't expected to hear much from the leader of Eden's Gate after their return to their respective regions. Yet, once again, they stood before him, awaiting the newest prophecy.
"God has given me great news, my family," The setting sun cast a glorious halo around Joseph as he spoke, making him appear holier than normal. John stifled a laugh at the thought. What wouldn't his brother give to be that much closer to the almighty? "We are to fill Eden's Gate with blood of our own. Our family will be royalty and we will soon be equipped with everything we need to continue our bloodline."
"Unless you mean to tell me God is gonna magic up some babies for us," Jacob looked over his siblings with an eager glint in his eyes. "I'd think you are saying we are getting some wives. Er- Wives and a husband."
John looked over to Faith, lips taught as she toyed with the lace edges of her dress. John reached out for her hand, feeling her tenseness only grow even as she allowed his touch. He thought back to when he first met the latest girl Joseph called Faith. She was different than the others, John knew then she would survive, but he had no clue how much it would take from her. Sometimes, in moments like this, he could see past her bliss-filled facade. He could see that girl again.
"A group of lost souls will find their way to Falls End, we must be vigilant. God is adamant there that nothing will stop us from what is rightfully ours, but too much influence from the rebellion will make things… difficult." Joseph raised an arm to his youngest brother, eyes filled with the same determination John had seen time and time again. "John will keep watch on the town. If anyone new shows up, anyone you don't instantly recognize, radio us immediately." Determination turned cold as Joseph pulled his youngest brother to meet him, "Don't head into town on your own. God has shown me what to expect for Jacob and Faith. Your situation is delicate, you are being given a stubborn spirit to match your own. Eden's Gate will not prosper until we have done what God requires."
"What does he require?"
"When it is time for you to know his plans, I will share that information with you. With all of you. But for now, we must wait." Joseph led his siblings to the door of the modest church, cool mountain air filling the room as he threw open the doors. "Now go, our family is coming."
Feat. John having an internal struggle with past lovers and not knowing what to expect from his spouse to be. Possibly worried that this is all a test for his 'ungodly' bisexuality. Some internal doubt of his bisexuality because he is having a bit of a breakdown not knowing if a male or female partner would make him feel better, then BOOM non-binary partner for John.
Faith being worried about being manipulated and this all being too much for her, probably has sworn herself off of men. Ends up with a lovely girl.
Probably an ABO story because lets be real, its Me. (Seeds are all Alphas of course) And lots of x reader smut because I am very self indulgent. Reader switches between love interests because I love all the Seeds <3
Update | Part 1 (WIP)
#astrofics#far cry 5#reader x john seed#reader x joseph seed#reader x jacob seed#reader x faith seed#canon typical religious themes#john seed#jacob seed#joseph seed#faith seed#a/b/o#omegaverse#omegaverse far cry 5
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╰ * some fandom based / fandom inspired plots i'm looking to write here or on discord. if you're interested, please shoot me a message & i'll get back to you asap !
bratz . i have yasmin & sasha so would love to have a cloe & jade for a fun lil mumu. we could explore them travelling the world, being influencers, and also getting into hijinks just like in the show / movies / games. we could also include some of the supporting characters like their love interests and enemies and other friends. idk just an indulgent and nostalgic vibe because everyone was doing barbie plots not so long ago but i was always a bratz girlie and felt like i was missing out on the fun lol.
greek mythology . pretty open to ideas for this, would prefer it not to be set in a specific fandom though. i'm down for it being historical, a modern au, a fantasy style au ( think g.ame of t.hrones, etc. ), anything really ! i have a.pollo, h.ephaestus, p.ersephone, p.oseidon, & z.eus, but i'm happy to explore others depending on what we decide the plot to be. dark & potentially t.aboo themes welcome for this but not expected.
yellowjackets . right now, i'd like to do an oc plot / mumu inspired by it as i'm already a part of a canon rp for it. we could just throw a bunch of our ocs into a survival situation and see how they go or just focus on one particular dynamic among the chaos. also, i'd love to do something where we explore the different timelines, such as them while they're stranded and then them after they've been rescued or even 10 / 15 / 20 + years down the line when they've " moved on " but end up being forced to confront it all again. i'm down to include a mix of female & male muses in this, and i'd be down for it getting dark & d.ead d.ove.
alien . i'm just obsessed with the idea of a group of muses being on a spaceship for work / a new life and then crazy things start happening and shit goes south. friendships breaking, new alliances forming, paranoia and suspicion is high, resource hoarding, a lil bit of love and lust along the way. something along those lines. bonus points for token android character who is treated like trash by some of the crew, and maybe they actually are bad and the one behind all the chaos, or maybe they're good and trying their hardest to ensure the survival of the crew ( double points if there's one crew member in particular they develop a soft spot for ).
rdr2 . outlaws on the run pls !!! it can be two outlaws running from their past, an outlaw and someone they pick up on the way, or a whole gang of muses that are up to no good / starting a new life / trying to evade the law. again, would prefer this to be fandomless but with similar vibes to the game.
cyberpunk 2077 . anything !!! i just need a futuristic plot that is set in a backdrop of crime, unrest, and poverty that's covered up by ever evolving tech, garish neon lights, and looming buildings owned by corporations. a city of dreams but also death and decay. would love something inspired by v & johnny but honestly i'm game for anything.
far cry 5 . i have john seed as a muse so if anybody is down for john x deputy things ..... ??? but i also just fuck with the idea of there being a family cult that take over and control a town / county and from that, a person / group rising up to save their friends and home. religious, dark, & d.ead dove themes welcome.
baldur's gate 3 . i haven't finished the game yet ( i'm on act 3 ) so ideally nothing canon but i'm obsessed w the fantasy adventure vibes lately so a plot / mumu inspired by the chaos & unpredictability of it would be chef's kiss.
animal crossing new horizons . something cute & fun to welcome in the summer. based on a tropical island ? all arriving as strangers but forming a community to create a new home for themselves ?? relationships blossoming, businesses & services starting up, tasty lil slices of daily life ??? making our own ocs based on villagers / npcs from the game ????
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direwombat's fic masterlist
decided to go ahead and pull together a quick masterlist of my fic since not everything is in the same spot. will do my best to keep this up to date lol
far cry 5
jacob seed x female rook [nonspecific deputy]
fragile creatures (on collision with our judgment day) | M | currently on haitus (rip)
claim me, oh claim me | E 🔞🔞🔞| a/b/o au smut
oc: deputy sybille la roux
a room with a view | E 🔞🔞🔞| AO3, tumblr | sybille enjoys her view from jacob's room at the veterans center
the howling | M | AO3, tumblr | witch syb x werewolf jacob supernatural au
wrapped (not in linen or lace, but leather) | E | AO3, tumblr | syb gets railed while wearing a collar.
until it takes | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3 , tumblr | jakesyb + breeding kink
paperwork | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | jacob catches sybille snooping through his files. he punishes her accordingly.
prompt fill | T | jacob and sybille share a moment after their battle
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | jacob and sybille have a little wrestle in the woods
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | Caress to the cheek after a moment together + jakesyb
prompt fill | M | Chin lift to make you look directly at their eyes that just make you follow aimlessly and without much force really. (bonus if they kiss afterward) + jakesyb
prompt fill | E 🔞🔞🔞 | sybille surrenders herself to jacob
prompt fill | T | ⛑ - Some tender first-aid + sybjoey
prompt fill | T | 💤 A few extra hours of sleep and ✋ A hand carding gently through their hair + jakesyb
fc 5 polycule au
run rabbit, run | M 🔞🔞 | jacob seed and kit cross hunt their prey through the woods
oc: augustine la roux
a mouth full of praise | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | joseph seed x cultist!original male character
confiteor | T | AO3, tumblr | in the wake of john's death, sybille goes to joseph to confess.
oc: paola orsini
wine drunk | T |
prompt fill | Gen | paola has dinner with rafe
party favor | Gen | done for oc kiss week
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Could I request a John Seed x f!reader, deputy or not whichever, where reader tries to get John out of the cult bs before stuff gets too bad/violent? Fluffy smut maybe? 🌸
Hi anon! Thank you for the request but I don't write fem!readers as other amazing writers already have that well and truly covered. I like to focus on gender neutral and male readers! If you're okay with me doing this with a gender neutral reader instead i'd be happy to write it! 😊💕
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A quiet moment
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Male Deputy | Judge/John Seed Characters: John Seed, Male Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), June Seed, Original Child(ren) of John Seed Additional Tags: Teething, Not Beta Read, Probably ooc Summary:
Rook wakes up with a start to the sound of John Seed's voice coming through his radio, sleepily goes to turn the radio off. As he reaches for the button, stopping when he realizes that John isn't doing his normal act of trying to convince Rook to join his creepy cult or whatever it is that they have planned. He instead sounds…afraid.
It turns out John seed has a kid and needs help from a fellow single parent
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Angel: You know John..I gotta say. You have been staring at me a lot lately
John: What?
Angel: I just curious...You like what you see *slaps his thigh* y’kno~ ;)
Angel: And I’m the one that’s g a y here
John: I SAID N O.
#Angel definitely not one for being shy hahaaa#oc: angel sanchez#john seed x oc#john seed x deputy#john seed x male deputy#far cry 5#fc5#far cry deputy#deputy oc#deputy oc headcanons#far cry#john seed#joseph seed#farcry 5#jacob seed
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Deputy: *gets in the car after hanging out with Sharky*
John, over the radio: and you're wasting your time for THAT. This man jokes about your mother. I would never.
Deputy, tired tone, absolutely used to that shit: he made the joke about twenty minutes ago. How long you've been waiting for me?
John: 4 hours.
#far cry 5#john seed#faith seed#jacob seed#joseph seed#deputy rook#far cry new dawn#farcry#farcry5#john seed x male deputy#john seed x deputy#sharky boshaw
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John didn't expect to be tied up and gagged by a junkie who took him by surprise.
"Rook" Tweak smiles “What a pleasure! What brings you here? ".
"John Seed" replies straight "I saw him parachuting in this area, did you notice anything?".
"Tweak ... what's going on?" Joshua asks frowning and then realizes "You saw it, right!? Where is he!? Where is he hiding?! "
Serum was not supposed to have this effect.
He smiles shyly playing with his nervous hands. "Sorry, who of you is my new dad?"
The deputy faces a new test, God really has a fantastic sense of humor...
Joshua will find himself in new situations where his pride will stop blinding him and open his eyes and his heart.
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Hi! Is it true that your requests are open? I'll hope so, if not please ignore this:) Could you write a story with a m!deputy who is gay and it takes part in Johns Bunker where he captured Hudson. The rook is getting annoyed by his speech about his parents and when John assumes that his sin is wrath, the deputy eventually bursts and states that his only sin is lust. John gets confused until the rook kisses him. His reaction can be up to you :) I hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable...
Hello! Requests are open, as always. I don’t have an intention to close it btw. sorry to answer you a couple of days later, i just needed some place to myself without writing, to keep my thoughts up. So here we go! I don’t mind writing about any sexuality. The Father loves every one of us!
Wrong Guesses (John Seed x Male Deputy)
*Deputy’s pov*
Talk, talk, talk. This man in front of me, was all talking. I was feeling pissed of for Hudson, and sad actually. The pain she was trying to get through, was not an easy thing to handle. She was hard, i have to give her that, but not as hard as handle this guy.
Yeah, they captured me, and brought me to John’s arms alright. But the real torture was here. Who let him talk that much?! I was a hot-headed person, and he was really getting my nerves with that mouth. His amazingly shaped mouth.
No, I souldn’t have thought about him. This beautiful guy, was my enemy. And even tough I was into guys, he was not just my type of guy. I liked needy ones, with a strong appearence. John had that kind of appearence,too. But he had some sort of power, too. He was not a needy one, He made you to need him.
My thoughts were getting in shape in a twisted way, because of the kidnapping and his talking. His way of moving, intimate touching. I was not sure if he hated me or just wanted to fuck me right here. So i waited for the right moment. A click.
He was barely turning to Hudson while talking about his family and stuff, and he had a different look on his eyes whenever he was turning to me. The man was burning inside. And maybe outside, i thought.
“Pain, after pain, after pain, after pain.” He smashed the stapler. I almost felt sorry for him. And something different. In his rage, there was something that was drawing me into him. It was a sexy, very sexy move. He could smash me too. Or I would. We could discuss it later.
When he looked at me with his electric blue eyes. I knew.
“I know your sin. It drives you…” I was looking at him, actually gazing his beauty, but i wasn’t listening to him. Giving him no attention, i was enjoying the scenery of his chest, his eyes, his well trimmed beard. And then i heard. “Your sin is Wrath.”
Really? The man was looking at me for about an hour, and all he could find out is Wrath? I was really pissed that time.
“You now nothing, John Seed.” i said. I was in a rage that i couldn’t explain. “Wrath? It is an easy move, boy. You need to look at more to find out. You would be amazed, i promise.”
His head tilted horizontally, gazing at me blankly. I knew i got his nerve. He was angry, but so proud of himself to show it. “Is that so?” he said, with a raspy voice.
I drawn his attention. This information made me laugh, but i kept it inside. His eyes were full of curiosity, and anger.
He leaned on the workbench with his butt. “a nice one” I thought. Would it still be ‘nice’ when i slapped him, and smash him on the ground. That thought gave me shivers. I didn’t feel that turned on, until i came for him.
I didn’t hesitate to say yes when he said “Who wants to go first?” It was for my own and Hudson’s sake. I could handle the torture, but she couldn’t. I knew it, i could see it at her eyes. And we had an unfinished business. He knew it, too.
He was so eager to let Hudson out, giving us a private moment. When he uncuffed me, he was still talking. All i could hear from all his words was “As you choke.” What a twisted mind of mind!
I could run away from there, but i didn’t. I waited for him to come. And eventually, he did.
He was a little shocked when he saw me, waiting for him. “What were we talking about? Ah! your confession!” He was so excited. He tilted his head, again. I thought that he was doing it on purpose. It was driving me mad. he was so strong but, when tilting, his eyes looked like a needy puppy, who needed to know everything.
“You are talking, John. But your talking is shit.” i said dubtlessly. “I was actually waiting for you to say something, how can i say, more intimate.” I looked at him, raising my head. “Even i can say one of my sins is wrath. You have to do better than that.” My voice was teasing.
“You are so empty. without wrath, you are nothing but an empty shopping bag. throwable.” John smirked at me. He was trying to tease me back. It didn’t work. I saw his bluff. He leaned over me, with a threatening gaze. he put his arms to rest, on the sides of my chair.
“You are so untalented.” while he touched my chin, i felt the electricity. I knew he felt it so, he must have.
“Is that so?” he said, still smirking. His hand on my chin, he was making me look at him, showing me who was the boss there. He was not him this time.
“I’ve been looking at your body, actually watching it, and you haven’t even realized!” my voice cracked when i said the last word. I laughed. “Even i can see the lust in my eyes, with the help of your eyes.” he was confused. Just what i needed.
He pulled himself closer to me, bending over in front of me. We were eye to eye, measuring the reflections on our faces. I could feel his breath on my face.
“Prove me i am wrong” he said. just as i intented to do. And i kissed him.
With my needy lips, i felt his lips. His dry mouth i was driven to. In a seconds he drawn himself back, away from me. “What the fuck?!”
There was shock in his eyes. But i saw more of it. there was pure lust, curiosity, and anger. he was humiliated by me. And he enjoyed that.
He brushed his hair with his hand. His face was flushing from the kiss. While panting, he seemed like he was thinking someting, measuring the possibilities.
And within seconds, he kissed me back. I couldn’t stop the joy inside of me. In his insistent mouth, I let him to take my kisses. I was lost in his mouth.
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Far Cry 5 Fic - Choices
If you haven't read it yet, the idea for the fic is here!
TLDR | The Deputy walks away from Hope County without making an arrest, but the collapse is still underway. God has given Joseph a new prophecy for Edens Gate : A group of four omega's are headed to hope county and each of them are destined to be mated to the Seed Family.
I am trying to decide what I want to do with the group that comes to Falls End. I am planning on writing it as one big story that switches perspective between the Omega's where the Omega's can stand in as a reader.
But there are four omegas and they need names so I am trying to decide what to do about that-
I did kinda imply there were going to be fem readers but I am kinda wanting to do mostly masc readers. Looking at this pairing wise :
Joseph x Male Omega Reader Jacob x Trans Masc Omega Reader John x Nonbinary(?) Omega Reader (AMAB that uses any pronouns) Trans Fem Faith X Female Omega Reader
If anyone has any ideas on what you would like to see happen feel free to reach out, I am currently plotting things out for at least the next few chapters. I kinda have an end goal in mind but I am open to changing that depending on what people want.
#astrofics#omegaverse#male reader#far cry 5#john seed x reader#reader x joseph seed#jacob seed x reader#faith seed x reader#making decisions
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Taking Requests
Alright, y’all!
I have a handful of ideas for short little one-shots, but I am currently taking requests for any characters and a handful of ships from the fandoms in the previous post!
#cullen x inquisitor#dorian x inquisitor#anders x hawke#fenris x hawke#varric x hawke#arthur morgan x reader#beetlejuice x reader#sharky boshaw x deputy#john seed x deputy#jacob seed x deputy#geralt x jaskier#geralt x reader#jaskier x reader#hell im even willing to try yennifer x reader#and if yall send in some asks#i might do marvel characters#if yall want gender neutral i gotchu#if you want a specific male!reader or female!reader tell me and i gotchu too#requests wanted#ask away
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