#john egan x gale cleven
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softmamawrites · 2 days ago
Love Within These Halls: Part 2
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The second installment of LWTH, we don’t see as much Brenny I’m sorry for that.
19.3k words
Warnings: swearing, John not being nice to himself, talking of pee, masturbation in front of someone else, semi-public sex, soft penis blowjobs, handjobs, first time smut, some more not nice talking about penises, PTSD mentions, mentions of blood
mood board done by me
dividers done by: @firefly-graphics
special thank you to @trashbag-baby666 for listening to me ramble, helping me brain storm, indulging my Clegan thoughts, and being an amazing support. thank you 💕
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“Knock knock…can I come in?” Marge asks as she stands outside of John’s room, the door halfway open. Showing off the boy sitting in his bed, freshly showered and scrolling through his phone. Looking through the pictures his sister had sent him of her class trip to D.C. Raising an eyebrow as he sees the blonde girl, they had only really talked a handful of times. She was usually attached to Gale’s hip when she was here, and he hadn’t really talked to Gale in a few days. The blond keeping his distance, seeming to realize better than John how upset he was.
“You can come in…” He trails off, waiting for the boy who’s been on his mind constantly to come into the room. A little bloom of disappointment filling his chest when he notices it’s just Marge stepping in. She leans against the foot of his bed, her hip cocked to keep herself balanced. Arms crossing over her chest as she stares at John, both of them not saying anything for a minute.
“I like you Bucky, I really do, but making my best friend cry. That takes you down a few notches on my list of likable people. I’m not here to fight Gale’s battles for him, but I am here to tell you ignoring him isn’t okay. I know he’s the king of ignoring people, but he isn’t going to come to you this time. He thinks you’re mad at him, which if you are…fuck you. He didn’t do anything wrong, you should be happy that he gets to come home. He’s put in a lot of work to get there, more than you’ve seen. So what I’m saying is, apologize for being a dick, and decide from there if this is something you still want to pursue.” The black haired boy sits there, staring at her, not knowing what to say. Taken aback by how incredibly calm she is, not used to dealing with calm women. He takes a deep breath and rubs his palms over his basketball shorts, looking out the window. Before he looks back at her again, seeing her patiently waiting.
“When do you guys leave?”
“We’re heading out of here at 430 today…gives you about three hours Egan.” She tells the older boy, before she’s pushing off of his bed and heading back for his door. Turning slightly with her hand on the wood, taking a deep breath and contemplating for a minute.
“He really does like you John…it might not seem like it. But he does, trust me, I’ve known him since we were three years old.” Bucky nods softly and watches her walk out, looking at the clock on his wall. Eyes trailing over the calendar, sighing softly as he sees all of the markings on it. Gale having doodled some little pictures on the edges, little cartoon characters that John didn’t recognize. Picking up his phone he clicks over to the text chats, chewing on his lower lip as he clicks his and Buck’s.
From: John 😊
To: Buck 😍
‘I know you’re packing and whatnot today…but would you have a few minutes to come down to my room? I’ve been put on bed rest for the rest of today. If not I understand, I’ve been a real jerk the last few days.’
From: Buck 😍
To: John 😊
‘You have been a real jerk…give me 30 minutes and I’ll come down. You do realize you’ll have to tell me why you got put on bed rest now.’
John smiles softly as he looks at the message, running a hand down his face and shifting in bed. Using his arms to push himself upright better, tucking one of his wedge pillows into his side. Reaching for his brush to try and fix his hair, groaning when it hits the floor. Frowning as he reaches for his baseball cap instead, putting it on backwards.
Trying not to let the ball of anxiety in his stomach grow as he waits for Gale. Looking up at the gentle knock on his doorframe, seeing the tall blond standing there. His eyes downcast as he waits for permission to come into the room, something tugging on John’s chest. He did not like this version of Gale, this version of Gale made him feel nauseous.
“You can come in Buck.” The younger boy slowly comes into the room, leaning exactly where Marge did earlier. His hip and thigh resting against the footboard of John’s bed. His arms crossed over his chest, bunching up the sweater he’s wearing today. Rubbing the toe of his shoe into the ground slightly, while he chews on his lower lip.
“I’m…I’m sorry Gale, I’m really really happy for you that you get to go home. I know you’ve worked really hard to get to do that, you should be proud of you. I know I am.” John says as he looks at the blond, watching as his eyes come up. Pretty blue eyes sad around the edges, making Bucky’s heart ache a little bit. Knowing he’s the one who put that sad look in those blue orbs. He shifts slightly to try and reach forward for Gale’s hand, the boy shaking his head slightly.
“You didn’t give me the chance to tell you, I really was going to. I got distracted when I saw you…because you make me feel so fucking good John. You’ve ignored me for the past three days and it’s been absolutely awful. And it terrifies me how much I enjoy being around you…I’ve never had that before. I’ve never had anyone besides Marge. And I want you, I want you so so much. But not if this is how it’s going to be…not if you’re going to ignore me.” Buck gets out, it all seeming to spill out of him without his consent. Shoulders deflating in the slightest bit, refusing to meet John’s eyes. Bucky makes a soft sound, taking a deep breath as he sits there. Frustrated that he can’t get up to hug the other, but realizing that Gale doesn’t want a hug right now. He doesn’t deal with his emotions with physical touch like John does, physical touch hasn’t always been an answer for Gale. He’s had to learn how to self soothe, he’s had to be there for himself always.
“Gale, I need you to hear me when I say I’m sorry. I really really love being around you, it’s the best time I’ve had in the past few weeks. I don’t want you to think you’re by yourself, I don’t want you to feel alone, I want you to know I’m here for you. I’m so sorry I ignored you, I know that doesn’t fix everything. It doesn’t even come close, but please believe me when I say I won’t let it happen again. I didn’t know what to say, I felt like a fucking idiot, and I didn’t know if you’d still want to do what we’ve been doing once you left. And…I want to go home. I want to leave this place behind so I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to come back here either.” Bucky explains as he sits there, rubbing his hands on his sweat pants. Not expecting it when he feels arms curling around his neck, the burst of vanilla cologne filling his nose. Citrus aftershave following close behind, a nose tucking above his ear while his head snugs in against Gale’s collar bone. His own arms coming up to curl around the blond’s narrow waist, tugging him closer until the boy is kneeling on the bed next to him. Both of them breathing quietly, digesting what the other has said.
“You’re an idiot…of course I want to keep talking to you and seeing you. I want to keep doing this…I’d like for this to have some kind of label, because Marge calling us fuck buddies isn’t great. But if that doesn’t happen then it doesn’t happen. But you’re a giant idiot John.” The black haired boy laughs quietly and nods his head, large palms rubbing up Gale’s sides. Squeezing softly and holding him a little closer to himself, nuzzling into his skin. Eyes staying closed as he feels the warmth radiating off of the younger boy.
“I am an idiot…but I’m your idiot. Or I’d like to be…if you’ll still have me.” Gale pulls away from John’s hair, looking down at him with soft eyes. His palms coming up to cup Bucky’s curls, knocking his ball cap off of his head. Before he’s resting his forehead down onto the older boy’s, breathing deeply. Scooting just a little closer, their chests touching now as Gale rests against the other boy.
“You know you still have to tell me why you’re on bed rest, don’t think for a minute that I forgot.” John groans softly as he pulls away from the blond, looking at him with a pleading expression. An embarrassed flush starting on the tips of his ears, before he’s meeting Gale’s eyes again. A sheepish smile forming on his face, groaning while dropping his head back onto one of his pillows.
“I was being an asshole and tried to transfer myself off of the shower bench, ate shit, twisted my ankle, and got told off by Danica. Patrick is on vacation and she was not happy with me at all. Depending on how my ankle looks tomorrow will depend on if I can do actual PT or if it’ll be stretches here in my room.” Gale looks at him for a minute, blinking slowly before he lets out a snort. Shaking his head slightly before he starts actually laughing, head tipping forward with his snickers. John smiling a bit at the sound, looking up when he sees Marge standing in the doorway. An approving smile on her lips as she leans against the door jam, watching her best friend laugh.
“I’m really glad to see you two have made up.” Marge says, Gale looking up from where he’s been wiping his tears. Watching as his best friend comes farther into the room, a little grin on her face. Before she’s perching herself at the end of John’s bed, humming at the coziness of it.
“Marge can I introduce you to my idiot, John Egan.” Gale says smirking a bit, Bucky groaning softly as he looks at the blond. Marge letting out a laugh at that, seeing the little loved up smile on Gale’s face. His eyes holding a sort of softness to them that she’s never witnessed before. His cornflower blue eyes trained on John’s face, admiring the curve of his Adam’s apple and throat.
“That’s gonna stick isn’t it?” John questions as he looks at the blond, seeing the grin on his face before he’s nodding. Bucky smiling softly as he rubs his hand up Gale’s back gently, glad they are on better terms. The uneasiness that’s been like a ball in his stomach lessening.
“John…I know you’re not going to like what I have to say right now. But your friend…he looks incredibly pathetic sitting out there by himself. Everyone else has left from their visiting times and he’s just waiting out there. He’s been here every single week waiting for you. How much longer are you going to punish him?” Gale asks once he’s stepped into the black haired boy’s room, looking at his boyfriend. Seeing the way he’s trying to tug off his shoe, huffing softly at the pull in his back. The blond walking over and tugging off his shoes for him, setting them in their designated place. Knowing John will roll right over them with his chair if they don’t go back where they belong.
“I’m not punishing him…”
“John, he’s been coming here every week for almost two and a half months. You’re torturing him because he knows you’re down here, maybe he just wants to get eyes on you. I’m sure the last time he saw you was not a good experience for either of you.” Gale states as he works on one calf muscle, before going to the next. Kneading his muscles tenderly, before he’s looking up at John. Seeing him staring out of the window, a pensive look on his face as he sits there.
“You really should see the massage therapist, I know it gets offered to you. I don’t know why you decline it every time though, your muscles are really tight. It would probably help.” John swallows thickly, looking down at his boyfriend finally. Meeting his gaze, watching as Gale rests his palms on Bucky’s kneecaps. Rubbing his thumbs into the sides gently, feeling the slight twitch from John’s right leg. Smiling a bit at the ticklish reaction, before he’s meeting Bucky’s gaze again.
“Massage therapy makes me nervous, they’re going to touch my body and I can’t feel it all of the way anymore. And it would be Danica rubbing me down…it’d be weird…he looks pathetic?” Gale hums softly and nods his head, looking up at his boyfriend again. Seeing the way he’s staring out the window, before he lets out a deep breath. Eyes darting over to the clock on his wall, and then looking back at Gale.
“I’ll go with you if you want honey.” John shakes his head slightly and runs his calloused hands over his face. Before he’s leaning forward and resting his forehead on Gale’s, eyes closed while he sits there for a minute.
“I gotta do it on my own.”
John slowly wheels himself into the visiting area, brows furrowed as he goes. Lifting his head to look around, seeing the head of black hair sitting at one of the tables. Shoulders scrunched down in his leather jacket, no doubt fiddling with his thumbs. His leg jiggling as he sits there, making his body bounce slightly.
“I’m only coming out here because my boyfriend said you looked pathetic.” John states as he stops his chair behind Curt, giving the boy a chance to flip around. The plastic chair he’s sitting in screeching slightly in his fast movements. His electric blue eyes wide, not at all having expected John to come out today. He had been trying for almost two and a half months, once John’s older sister had told him where he was. He made the weekly visits, every Wednesday coming to sit and wait for a few hours. Just to see if John would give him the time of day, he wanted to lay eyes on a more coherent Bucky.
“Y you’ve got a boyfriend now?” Curt gets out, scolding himself mentally for that being the first thing he says to his best friend. Watching as John shifts in his chair, arms crossing over his chest. Breathing deeply as he stares at Curtis, seeing how his blue eyes don’t have that same boyish shine to them anymore. Bone deep exhausted bags under his eyes, making a frown form on Bucky’s face. Curt wincing as he waits for the younger boy to tell him to go, clenching his fist against the back of the chair as he waits.
“You look like shit.”
“Yea…I know. Haven’t slept a night through in almost three and a half months.” Curtis responds, watching as John slowly wheels himself over towards the table. Carefully turning himself so he can watch his best friend, not missing how John eyes the cookies. Homemade from his Nan, he knew the younger boy loved them, and if it was a bit of bribery he would never admit it. John wheels himself up to the table, pushing one of the chairs over slightly so he fits better. Curt moving to grab it, before he sees Bucky shaking his head slightly.
“If you’re going to start apologizing, I’ll wheel out of here. I’ve had a little time to think on it, it wasn’t your fault that night. And…I’m sorry for how I acted towards you when you came to the hospital before.” John voices like it’s been rehearsed, it had been, a few times to Gale. The boy was anxious about seeing Curt again, the older was always his rock. He always could rely on him, and Bucky had pushed him away.
Disregarding any of Curtis’ feelings, how the accident might have affected him, how this entire mess was hurting his best friend. Looking up when he hears the stifled sound come out of Curt’s mouth, he sees the boy with tears in his eyes. Trying to frantically wipe them away, John feeling a little helpless. He had never seen Curt cry before, not even when he broke his ankle during a football game being tackled.
“Jesus Christ Bucky…I shouldn’t have let Ham get behind the wheel that night. I knew how fucked up he was, we all should have just walked home or something. I didn’t even know what happened until the next day, it was Janie who told me how bad you got hurt. And when I saw you in that hospital bed, fuck John, it hurt so bad. And I was trying to give you space, I really was, I just needed to see you more…alive.” Curt finishes before he’s covering his face again, shoulders shaking slightly. Crying quietly into his palms as he sits there, almost jumping out of his skin when he feels Bucky pulling him into a hug. His arms curling around the taller boy’s shoulders, hugging him tightly while burying his face in his throat. John keeps his arms around the smaller boy’s waist, hugging him to his body.
“I don’t need to forgive you…because you didn’t do anything wrong Curt. But you need to forgive yourself.” John murmurs quietly as he holds his best friend a little tighter to himself. Feeling the way the other boy’s hands scrabble to grab the back of his shirt. Letting him cry for as long as he needs to, rubbing his back through his leather jacket.
“Gale? What are you doing here?” Brady asks as he stops outside of John’s room, furrowing his eyebrows when he sees Gale sitting and reading a book. Brady was coming to sit with Bucky and watch a movie, or the latest episode of the show they’ve been binging. Brady having needed to find something to keep himself occupied now that Gale had gone home. The brunet missing his friend even if they did text every single day.
“I’m waiting for John, he’s in the rec room visiting his friend. How are you? No Benny today?” Gale questions, popping his bookmark into his book. Sitting up straighter in John’s bed, moving one of the wedge pillows the boy has there. Setting his book on John’s tray table, smiling as he sees Brady slowly stepping into the room.
“N no, he had an emergency meeting or something with school. Couldn’t come today.” Brady responds, shrugging softly as he fiddles with his rosary. Rubbing his fingers over the smooth beads, Gale watching as he silently counts them. Realizing briefly that Brady is doing better than when he was first admitted. His hands weren’t always scrubbed raw anymore, and he didn’t pace as often. He had even touched Meatball a handful of times without having a full blown panic attack. Benny giving praise each time, which would in turn make Brady blush a furious red color.
“Are you guys talking more regularly now? I know he asked for your number last time he was here.” Gale says, trying not to pry but wanting his friend to know he can talk. Gale was working hard on making and keeping connections. Still diligently coming to therapy once a week on Thursdays with Maureen. He usually would see John afterwards, and that usually meant he stayed for dinner. Him and Marge lived together now in her two bedroom apartment, so they ate dinner together every night. And Gale would be lying if he said he remembered to eat every meal every day. But he was putting in the conscious effort to at least try.
“Y yea, we are. He texts me pictures of Meatball sometimes…we FaceTimed the other night for a little bit. That was nice, he was doing homework but it was nice to still talk to him.” The blond boy smiles as he looks at his friend, seeing how he’s stopped fidgeting. The beads just an accessory in his hand, holding them in his palm instead of obsessively counting them. Brady knew every groove, every edge, how many beads there are, and how many silver pieces. He knew this rosary like it was a piece of his body, because it was essentially an extension of himself.
“That sounds like it’s really nice, I’m really glad to hear that you guys are talking more.” They both look over at the sound of wheels rolling closer to the room. John coming into view just a moment later, Gale holding his breath slightly. Not sure what kind of mood the older boy is going to be in, watching as he wheels himself into the room. Looking up from where he’s been staring at his knee caps, exposed by his basket ball shorts. A bag of cookies sitting in his lap, chocolate chip if Gale could see correctly.
“Oh…hey Little John, is it marvel movie time?”
John asks, slightly confused as he looks at the brunet, flicking his eyes to Gale. Not really having the energy to entertain Brady tonight but also knowing that he’s been lonely since Gale got discharged. Brady looks at the older boy, before he’s shaking his head slightly, even if it disrupts his routine. He would be okay, he could go to his room or go to the rec room to find something to do. Maybe he would call his sister and see how she was doing, or his mom.
“No, it’s okay. We can watch the movie tomorrow. You look tired. Was just stopping by to see Gale.” He informs the older boy, rising from the chair and smiling a little at them both. Before he’s going to step out, pausing next to John and gently tapping his shoulder. Gale’s jaw dropping slightly as he watches, before Brady is heading from the room. Bucky looks up at his boyfriend, chuckling softly at his expression.
“He just, he touched you! I have gotten exactly one hug from him, and it was one of the most awkward hugs I’ve ever gotten. And he just willingly touched you. He’s doing so good.” The blond says, eyes watering for a moment as he thinks of how far the younger boy has come. John smiling a bit before he’s wheeling himself over towards his bed, letting out a long breath. Parking the chair next to the bed and reaching for the remote to slowly start lowering it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Gale asks as he looks at his boyfriend, chewing on his lower lip as he examines the older’s face. Seeing the pinched skin between his eyebrows, his plush lower lip between his teeth, muscles looking a little tight. John locking the wheels of his chair and moving so he can transfer himself. Gale shifting his body over, ready to get up and help if John’s arms fail at all. Bucky slowly gets himself into the bed, pulling his legs up, while huffing softly from the exertion.
The both of them get under John’s comforter, Gale leaning over to tuck a wedge pillow behind John’s back. Tucking him onto his side gently, while John feels the tears welling. Quickly blinking them back as he lays there, looking up the slightly tanned line of Gale’s neck. Before the blond is laying next to him on his own side, bringing a hand up to gently touch John’s hip in a soothing manner.
“He cried…Curt cried in front of me. I’ve seen him break his ankle, fall out of a tree, flip his dirt bike, have his heart broken. I’ve never seen him cry Gale, he blames himself. He fucking blames himself for what happened…it wasn’t his fault.” John says, the ending coming out in a whisper before tears are finally breaking free. Gale scooting closer to wrap him in a hug, letting John tuck his face into his throat. Little shakes racking up the black haired boy’s shoulders, arms curled and tucked into his sides. The blond letting him cry, gently petting and caressing his hair. Running his fingers through the messy curls, chin pressed against John’s head.
“Are you two going to see each other more? Maybe start talking again?” Gale asks softly once John has calmed down some, said boy’s face tacky with dry salty tears. His forehead pressed into the side of Gale’s throat, breathing having evened out. No longer shuddery when he exhales, his arm curled around the blond’s waist. Needing that skin to skin contact, craving it, it being one of the only things that keeps him calm.
“Yea…said he’s gonna come back next week for another visit. He’s starting a new job though, so he won’t be able to come until dinner time. But thought it would be nice to have dinner with him again, I’ve missed him.” John admits as he breathes deeply, Gale nodding in understanding. Kissing the top of John’s curls, breathing in the faint smell of his shampoo. It always made Gale smile whenever he smelt it, coconutty and absolutely not what he expected. John took good care of his curls, had told him once his older sister Janie would kill him if he didn’t. John may look like a 3 in 1 guy, but he definitely had more shower products than even Gale did.
“I’m glad you guys talked today, I’m glad you’re going to start seeing him more too. I think it’ll be good for you.” Bucky nods his head in agreement, tired from everything that’s happened. PT was physically exhausting, but seeing Curt again and watching the older boy lose it, was a kind of mental exhaustion he didn’t know he could feel. Gale keeps rubbing his back as they lay together, fingers tracing the scars without realizing it. Lulling John into a quiet sleep, nose tucked close to Gale’s pulse point. Long arm curled up under the back of Gale’s sweater, just holding him close.
From: Buck 😍
To: John 😊
‘Are you awake still?’
From: John 😊
To: Buck 😍
‘Yea, was finishing an episode of ‘British Bake Off’, fucking Patricia burnt her caramel.’
From: Buck 😍
To: John 😊
‘Six attachments’
“Jesus fuck.” John gasps out, looking up at the closed door of his room out of habit. Laying tucked on his side, wedge pillows stuffed next to his spine and butt. His eyes wide as he clicks on the pictures, jaw dropping as he sees the images of Gale’s cock. Flushed pink, tip looking wet and ruddy, Gale’s hand wrapped around himself. John feels arousal pooling low in his stomach, flicking through the different pictures.
From: John 😊
To: Buck 😍
‘Did you text me for a booty call? Because last I checked…you don’t have a car and I can’t drive…’
From: John 😊
To: Buck 😍
‘Your cock is still the prettiest I’ve ever seen…definitely would put you in my mouth if you were here.’
John’s phone buzzes with an impending FaceTime call, swiping to answer it. He’s met with Gale’s bunny face, pink cheeked, a little sweaty, strands of his hair falling on his forehead. Bucky’s eyes go wide, taking in the way the blond is trying to focus on the screen. John is thankful that he has his headphone in his ear, able to hear the way Gale is whimpering quietly.
“Baby…are you touching yourself right now?” John murmurs, his heart speeding up in his chest, shifting just slightly in his bed. Watching the way Gale rapidly nods his head, jaw dropping down on a moan. Slightly high pitched and needy, John groaning softly in response. His eyes watching with rapt attention, the other boy’s phone shaking just slightly. Another whine coming from Gale’s mouth, eyes squeezing shut.
“Wanna, I wanna see your cock. Wanna see you touch yourself…please John?” Gale whimpers out, shifting just slightly on the bed, trying to get a better angle. Opening his eyes to look at John, seeing the way he’s staring at him. Glasses reflecting the light just slightly, his jaw dropped open. His own cheeks tinged a pink color as he lays there, infatuated with the other boy.
“Baby…why don’t I just talk you through it? Are you…fuck are you fingering yourself?” John gets out, watching the little shudder course through Gale’s body. The blond bobbing his head in acknowledgement, moaning as he presses down on his prostate. Desperately wishing he had thought to grab the vibrator, it curved just right inside of him. A frown forming on his face as he lays there, opening his eyes to stare back at his boyfriend.
“Wanna see you cum…please, wanna know you feel good too. Don’t wanna use you.”
“Fuck baby you can use me anytime. God I wish I was there, have your pretty cock in my mouth and put my fingers inside of you. You make the prettiest sounds.” Gale whines softly at the image John is painting behind his eyelids. His fingers pressing into himself a little quicker now, dropping his phone down to flick on the light. Blinding himself momentarily, before he’s trying to set his phone on the nightstand. John groaning when he gets a decent view of Gale, naked on his bed.
“You have such a pretty cock baby…I say it all the time but it’s true. I want you to choke me with it, will you do that next time? Hold my hair and make me take your cock? Oh fuck Gale, how many fingers do you have in yourself?” The black haired boy asks, his stomach tightening slightly as he watches. Gale shifting himself around so he can splay his legs open for John to watch. Stuffing a pillow under his butt to angle himself up enough, knowing he’s been successful when he hears the moan let loose from the older boy.
“Fuck you look so good…want you to ride my face. Just want to get my mouth on you, I should have licked my fingers clean the last time. Put a third finger in baby…mine are bigger than yours…it’ll be a stretch. Oh fuck look at you.” John almost whimpers the end as he watches Gale stuff three of his fingers into himself. His other hand moving as he strokes himself, thighs splayed wide for John to see everything. The boy unable to take his eyes off of the way Gale is touching himself. Listening to the bitten off whimpers from the blond, almost able to hear the wet squelch of lube.
“J John…I’m gonna cum.” Gale gasps out as his thighs tense, pressing against his prostate with every in stroke. His other thumb rubbing quick circles over his tip, a little puddle of precum on the skin below his belly button. Making the hair there sticky, the little mole on his skin shiny. His fingers pushing into himself quicker now, chasing his orgasm. Whines starting up as he works himself towards the edge, listening to John.
“Cum for me doll…cover yourself in it. That’s it, keep going. Fuck I want to watch you lick it off your fingers afterwards…and you’re gonna look at me while you do it. Fuck baby, yes fuck that’s it. You’re a good boy for me, fucking yourself so nicely when I’m not there.” Gale sobs out as he starts to orgasm, strips landing on his stomach and chest. Shivers rolling up his spine as he squeezes around himself tighter, fingers pushed against his sweet spot. Working himself through the aftershocks, able to hear John praising him on the other end of the phone. Glad he popped an ear bud in, not wanting Marge to hear the debauched way John is talking.
He slips his fingers from himself, whining softly at the loss, before he’s going to move so he’s facing John better. Blown pupils meeting the older boy’s, seeing how spit slick his lips are. No doubt from the boy biting down into them, his cheeks a pink color. Gale looks at him, bringing his fingers up to lick them clean. Bucky letting out a little whimper, his jaw dropping open. The blond making a bit of a show of it, sucking his cum off of his fingers.
“Jesus fucking Christ doll…I’m definitely getting you in my mouth next time.” John states once he’s caught his breath, Gale smiling and chuckling a bit. Laying in his bed, blissed out, a little tingly, and now getting sleepy. Turning his head to look back at his boyfriend, he sees him shifting in the bed. Wincing at the pull in his back as he tries to adjust the pillow behind his butt.
“Next time…I’m getting you in my mouth John. You’re lucky I had already started…as much as I enjoyed you talking me through it. I don’t like feeling like I’ve used you…” Gale tells the older boy, shifting to grab his phone, rising from his bed. Snagging his briefs and sneaking out of the bedroom to clean himself in the bathroom quickly.
Putting his finger to his mouth, even though Marge wouldn’t be able to hear John’s voice at all. Wiping himself up and using the restroom before he slides his deep blue briefs back up. Going back to his room and grabbing his pajama pants, pulling those on before he gets into bed. Rubbing his eye and flipping off the lamp, surrounded in darkness again aside from his phone screen.
“Go ahead…I can see it, you’re bursting at the seams.”
“You didn’t use me, I haven’t tried touching myself since the accident. The last time we did anything, it’s the first time someone has touched me since then. I feel awkward playing with my soft dick, don’t know how to do it, not used to not getting hard anymore. I definitely enjoyed watching you touch yourself, it might have single handedly been the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” John states as he looks at his boyfriend, reaching for the remote to lower the upper portion of his bed. Trying to take some pressure off of his back, Gale watching him. Waiting for the boy to get more comfortable, tugging up his blanket to cover his shoulders. The deep green comforter brought from home by his little sister, a little weighted and keeping John pleasantly warm.
“I respect what you’re saying…I want you to know though. It still turns me on to see your dick, even if it is soft. I still enjoy making you cum, watching your facial expressions. Listening to your sounds, it’s still hot to me. You don’t ever have to touch yourself, but never be embarrassed about it. Because, I enjoy your cock, and I think if we work together we can make it good for you.” John feels his face get hot, the tips of his ears burning a little bit. Burying his face in the blanket for a minute as he contemplates what he wants to say. His glasses fogging up just a little bit as he lays there with a little smile on his face. Gale smiling victoriously, he rarely ever got John to go quiet.
“Waxing poetic on me here Buck. Really know how to make a guy feel special.”
“Nah…I just know how to make you feel special.” The blond responds while smiling a little to himself, eyes closing as he listens to the soft chuckle flow through the speakers. Sleepiness invading his senses, body feeling heavy and relaxed from his orgasm. Listening as John says something about talking more tomorrow, already too far gone in sleep to respond.
“Buck what are you doing? I need to shower, I smell.” John says as he gets wheeled into his room, the door clicking closed behind them both. Gale humming softly as he rolls the older boy over to his bed, grabbing the remote to lower it down.
“You are getting a massage today, and I’m going to suck your cock.” Gale states with a little shrug like it’s not a big deal, John choking on his Gatorade as he looks up at his boyfriend. Eyes widening as he sees that he is completely serious, the blond getting the bed down. Turning back to look at John with a little smirk on his lips.
“So do you want your massage first or your cock sucked? Because I’m down for either right now.”
“Jesus Christ Gale…what if someone walks in?” John gets out, clutching the bottle in his hand tightly. Feeling arousal pooling in his lower stomach, his eyes wide. Gale sits on the side of the bed, pulling John over towards himself. His large hands sliding up the older boy’s thighs, squeezing gently before he’s leaning in to press a kiss to John’s cheek. Kissing in a slow move over to the other boy’s lips, pushing his mouth against his. Sucking and nipping at his lower lip, dragging a hand up to grab at John’s chest, pinching at his nipple over his shirt.
“If someone knocks at the door, you’re going to tell them you’re laying down for a nap…do you want me to suck your cock John?” Gale murmurs as he drags his nose across the older boy’s jaw, moving over to nip at his ear. Goosebumps forming on John’s skin, his eyes fluttering closed. Whimpering when Gale slides his hand into his shirt to pinch and tug at his nipple. His other hand rubbing down onto John’s length through his shorts, squeezing slightly. The black haired boy whining at the dual sensations, hands gripping the arm rests of his chair.
“Fuck…of course I want you to suck my cock doll…oh fuck.” He gasps out when Gale pushes his hand into his shorts and briefs, gliding across the hair on John’s pelvic bone. Scratching through it gently, before he curls his hand around John’s soft cock. Squeezing gently, letting go and continuing on to cup the older boy’s balls. Rubbing his thumb over the globes, massaging them in his palm. Listening to the hiccuping breaths coming from John, bringing his face back so he can watch the other’s expressions.
“Does it feel good John?” The black haired boy nods, eyes fluttering closed as he moans softly. His stomach sucking in when Gale grips him a little tighter, tugging softly before letting go. Pulling John’s shorts down enough for his length to spill out, both of them looking down. John opening his mouth, before making a sound as two of Gale’s fingers are shoving past his lips.
“Don’t…I can see you getting ready to apologize, I’ll stop if you do. Let me play with you, let me make you feel good, yea?” The blond asks as he looks at the other boy, seeing him bob his head, a smile forming on his face. Slipping his fingers from John’s mouth as he slides down onto the floor. Situating John’s foot pedals so he can scoot closer, pulling his hair into a low bun. Securing it with a hair tie off of his wrist, his hands skimming across the other’s thighs. Humming softly as he does, smiling at the black haired boy.
“You always say my cock is pretty…have you seen yours? It’s so thick John, I’d feel you for days.” Gale states as he wraps his hand around his length, squeezing softly and tilting him up. Leaning down to lick across his tip, hearing the little whimper fall from Bucky’s mouth. His eyes flicking up while he smiles, before he’s flattening his tongue. Licking down the underside, going down to his balls and sucking one into his mouth. Laving his tongue around, humming softly and shifting to the other one. Making a popping sound when he pulls off, dragging his tongue back up John’s cock.
“Oh fuck Gale…keep going…please.” John murmurs as his lower stomach spasms, his eyes flicking to the door. Before he’s groaning at the feel of Gale wrapping his lips around his tip, sucking and flicking his tongue. Dipping it into the little slit, while his long fingers squeeze and move in little increments. Bucky’s eyes dropping back down to watch, one of his hands coming down to clutch at Gale’s bicep where it’s resting on his thigh. Whining when he feels the blond suck at him a little harder, dipping his head in an even motion now.
“You look so pretty…your lips are so pretty. Fuck Gale, oh fucking shit.” The black haired boy pants out as his nose scrunches up, his hand desperately gripping at Gale’s bicep. Gale moaning as he gets a little salty taste suddenly, flicking his tongue back up to John’s tip. Looking up to watch as John’s head falls back, the pale expanse of his neck exposed. Gale sliding his hand down to squeeze and massage his balls, tugging at them slightly. John’s free hand slapping up to cover his mouth as he moans, blunt nails digging into Gale’s inner arm. The blond presses all of the way down, nose touching the hair at John’s base. Swallowing around him, his tip touching the back of his throat and lodging there perfectly.
“I’m, fuck, Gale, I’m gonna cum. P pull up, fuck pull up.” John gasps out, shuddering at the growl released from Gale’s chest. Eyes flicking down to meet the little glare on the blond boy’s face. Feeling as Gale rubs his balls again, squeezing and massaging. Looking right up at John and watching as the tears well in the black haired boy’s eyes. His chin tipping to his chest as he starts to orgasm, jaw dropping open with stuttered out whimpers. Gale’s eyes fluttering a little as he tastes the dribbles spilling from John, salty and a little bitter. Pulling back slowly, licking at him the entire time as he goes. Before he’s popping off, panting quietly as he kneels between John’s legs on the floor.
“Did so well John, tastes so good.” Gale murmurs, voice a little hoarse as he carefully helps tuck the older’s cock away. Leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of John’s lips, smiling when he is being nose bumped. Their lips meeting in a kiss, both of them letting out soft sounds as they sit there. Before Gale is hoisting himself up onto the side of John’s bed, resting his forehead on the older’s. Jumping a bit when he feels John’s warm palm sliding up his thigh, squeezing softly.
“This was about you, I’m alright. Let’s get you into the shower and then I’m rubbing you down with this oil that Marge swears by.” The blond says smiling softly as he looks at his boyfriend, John taking a deep breath. Looking up at Gale with slightly sleepy eyes, the workout from PT combined with the blowjob making him tired. His large hand going around to hold the back of Gale’s neck and head. Pulling him close for a kiss, sucking gently at the blond’s lower lip. Both of them melting into the touch, just enjoying the push and pull of their mouths.
“You’re going to tell me if I hurt you at all right?” Gale asks as he kneels over the backs of John’s calves, the boy stripped down to his basket ball shorts. Fresh from the shower, skin still a little damp, curls wet and floppy. His head pillowed by his forearms, bed completely flat giving them plenty of room. The bottle of oil that Marge insisted he get for this warming between Gale’s hands.
“I’ll let you know Buck, can’t hurt worse than it always does anyways.” Bucky responds with a little shrug, resting his heavy head on the back of his hands. Gale frowning at that comment, before he’s uncapping the bottle and squeezing some into his palm. Dropping the bottle onto the bed, rubbing his hands together, and gently setting them to one of John’s thighs. Feeling the coarse, curly hair there digging his thumbs in gently. Working the tense muscles with a careful touch, covering John’s entire thighs and going down to his calves.
“You’re in pain because your muscles are like locked in an iron grip. God damn John.” Gale mumbles as he rubs and digs his thumbs in, listening to the even breathing that John is doing. The boy not responding to most of the touches, even if his skin goosebumps up. The sensation is dull, tingling going up his legs, before Gale is moving up his thighs again. Smirking as he massages the tense muscles under John’s butt, squeezing gently.
“Trying to get fresh with me Buck?” Gale snorts softly as he shakes his head a bit, smiling as he continues on his journey. Feeling John stiffen a bit when he gets to his hips, tugging the waist band of his shorts down slightly. Looking at the scars sitting there, before he’s leaning down and pressing his lips to the line. The scar tissue thick, raised up off of John’s skin, and a dark reddish pink color. Still in the process of fully healing, a little shudder going up the older boy’s back. More goosebumps rising as he lays there, able to fully feel Gale’s hands on him now.
“I already got fresh with you John…I’m trying to get you to relax for me.” The blond answers as he drips more oil into his hands and warms it. Before he’s massaging the pale expanse of the other boy’s back, rubbing his thumbs in soothing swipes. Feeling the tension slowly leaking out of John’s body, his eyes fluttering closed.
Letting a soft sigh spill from his lips, feeling the way Gale rests on his thighs. Being mindful of how hard he presses on certain areas, admiring the imperfections in John’s skin. Freckles, moles, stretch marks along his hips and under his arm pits. A few faint scars from bad acne breakouts, followed by the surgical scars lining his spine.
“That feels good…thank you.” John hums softly, muscles feeling like goo as he lays there. Eyes closed, cheek squished against the back of his hand, body completely lax. Gale smiles a bit as he continues, finishing up by John’s neck and shoulders. Pressing his forehead against the back of John’s barely damp curls. Breathing deeply, getting hit with the coconut scent of his shampoo and conditioner.
“You don’t have to thank me…but you’re welcome.” Gale murmurs as he turns John’s head with a bump of his nose to his ear. Smiling as he places a kiss to John’s cheek, nuzzling close for a minute. Feeling the way John’s cheek crinkles up with a smile, both of them breathing quietly for a few moments.
“I love you.” Gale whispers after a few minutes, his heart freezing in his chest. Not at all having expected that to spill out from his mouth, pulling away from John’s face. Seeing the way John has turned his head more to try and look at Gale. His own eyes wide, making Gale want to shrink away worried that he’s just ruined all of this.
“I love you too Gale.” John responds in a soft voice, trying to shift so he can look at the blond boy. Gale moving off of his body, sitting next to him with slick hands. Staring at his palms, heart still racing, stomach in knots. Before he feels John’s big fingers gently touching his cheek, getting him to meet his gaze.
“I mean it Gale…I really do love you. I think I have for a while now.”
“I love you too John…which terrifies me…” John nods his head in understanding, rubbing his thumb across Gale’s high cheek bone. Before he’s bringing the blond’s forehead against his own, their noses bumping. Both of them breathing quietly, John not wanting to overwhelm Gale at all. His fingers rubbing and massaging the nape of his neck, gently playing with the longer strands.
“What scares you about it?” The black haired man asks softly as he rubs his thumb under Gale’s ear gently. Reaching for the little towel he keeps by his bedside, offering it to Gale to wipe his hands off. Watching as the blond meticulously wipes the oil off of his hands, making sure it’s not stuck between his fingers at all.
“I’ve never had someone love me for just being me. Except for Marge…and Marge has seen me through some awful stuff. I’ve never had someone love me just because they want to, it usually comes with stipulations. My dad used me when he could and he beat me because he could. My mom had her own issues, she was a bipolar depressive woman who had a kid she didn’t want. This is all new for me…and new scares me. I’m scared you’re going to look at me one day and decide you don’t want me anymore. I’m terrified that I’m going to hurt you like my dad and mom hurt me. I don’t want that to happen, I don’t want us to turn into them.” Gale explains as he stares at his hands, John laying on his side staring at his boyfriend. Before he’s gently turning the blond’s face to look at him, eyes soft and tender. Brushing his long strands of hair back, trying to get the other boy to look at him. Taking a deep breath in and choosing his words wisely.
“My love isn’t conditional…my love doesn’t demand you be anything but yourself. I love this Gale that’s sitting in front of me, this one sitting here is holding my heart in his hands. I didn’t know your parents, but if they were like mine. I’m aiming to be nothing like my dad, he was a mean piece of work when he wanted to be. And my ma didn’t deserve that, I have no idea why she’s still with him. I’m not saying this to compare trauma either Gale. But if we don’t want to turn into them…then we’ve actively got to work to not be them.” John explains as he looks at the blond, finally getting his cornflower blue eyes to come up. A shiny glassy sheen over them, before he’s nodding his head in agreement. Letting John pull him into a hug, his chin resting on the other’s shoulder. His thinner arm curling around John’s waist, both of them just resting together.
“Just so you know…I’m absolutely going to randomly tell you I love you now. So good luck with that.” John murmurs a little while later, Gale smiling and letting a little chuckle slip from his mouth. Pressing a kiss to John’s cheek and snuggling close, enjoying how warm the older boy’s body is compared to his own.
“I won’t ever say no to you telling me you love me.” Gale murmurs as he kisses John’s cheek again, smiling when the older boy brings him over for a proper kiss. Gale making a mental note to get chapstick for John, but still enjoying the feel of his lips against his own.
“Hi Gale, he’s back in his room. I know he’s had a headache, so he might be napping.” Nurse Hadley says smiling when she sees the blond making his way through the corridor. Having come from the floor above, therapy having been good that day. He had worked through a lot of emotions with Maureen pertaining to applying to school, and how that will change his life.
“Thank you Nurse Hadley.” He replies before heading down the hallway for Bucky’s room, a little pep in his step. He felt good today, not in a manic way where everything felt good with no consequences. But in a, life is getting a little better kind of way, a way he doesn’t feel like he’s treading water. Rather he’s floating in it, he’s able to relax just a smidge and breathe for the first time in forever.
Stepping into John’s room makes him smile, the sketches from Janelle are hanging on the wall, his giant calendar decorated for the month. There’s a few photos on his dresser now, the one of him and Curt placed delicately. The plastic covering it is still broken, but John won’t replace it. The smell in the room is completely John, his cologne mixed with his body wash.
Something woodsy, it reminds Gale of hiking in the summertime with Marge when they were younger. He looks up to see John sleeping in bed, laying on his left side with his pillows tucked all around him. His glasses are crooked on his face, like he fell asleep waiting, his phone face down on the bed. No doubt he was watching more ‘Great British Bake Off’, the obsession he had with that show Gale would never understand.
He quietly sets his satchel bag down on the chair, before he’s stepping over and gently taking off John’s glasses. Setting them on the tray table near by, picking up his phone to plug it in. Bucky was notorious for it just dying, he never seemed to realize it was dwindling down quickly. He goes to pull back John’s comforter, humming softly as he feels how soft it is between his fingers. Before he’s resting his hand on the bed to slide in, furrowing his brows at the wetness that meets his fingertips. Pulling his hand up and lifting the blankets a little more, his face is falling when realization takes over.
“John…honey, you’ve gotta get up. John.” Gale says quietly as he gently touches John’s shoulder with his dry hand. Trying not to startle the older boy, he runs his fingers through his curls softly. Before he gently shakes John, the older making a quiet sound as his face scrunches up. Squeezing his eyes shut before he’s opening them, smiling when his blurry eyes see Gale.
“Mm hi baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Come cuddle me.” John murmurs as he rubs his eye sleepily, briefly reminding Gale of a giant toddler. Lifting his head slightly, curls in a complete disarray before he’s able to see Gale’s expression. Shifting an arm down, his expression drops when he feels the wetness under him. Looking down quickly and almost making himself dizzy from the head tilt he sees the wet spot under him. Gale watching as a flurry of emotion filters across Bucky’s face, horror, shock, embarrassment, and then anger finally settling.
“John, it’s okay, let me call Rebecca or I think Sam is here today. It’s okay honey.” John doesn’t bring his eyes up to Gale, pushing the blankets down and glaring at his lap. His big hand is trying to blindly reach for his chair next to the bed. Groping around the air for it, before he’s suddenly almost tipping off the bed. The blond letting out a squawk and lunging for him, grabbing him by his shirt and kneeling in the wet spot with one knee. Keeping John stationed on the bed, their foreheads almost colliding.
“John stop, you’re going to hurt yourself. Let me call Sam in and he can help you. If you won’t let me, let him. I don’t want you to brain yourself on the floor. It was an accident, they happen, you couldn’t control that.” Gale is saying even as Bucky is shaking his head a bit. Hot tears forming in his eyes as he sits there, mortification sitting heavily in his stomach. A little whimper coming up his throat as he sits there, looking down at the bed again. Another sound slipping from his mouth when he sees that Gale is kneeling in his urine.
“I’m not a toddler…toddlers have accidents. I fucking pissed myself like a toddler. And now you’re fucking kneeling in it, you put your hand in it. All because I couldn’t fucking remember to go pee before I got into bed.” John gets out, trying desperately to not break down and cry. He did not want to cry in front of Gale, it would solidify his toddler stand point.
Refusing to meet the blond’s eyes as they both stay in the bed, before he’s catching the movement of Gale’s hand going to hit the call light. A defeated puff of air leaving his throat, a few hot tears of shame leaking down his cheeks. Before he’s quickly scrubbing his hands across his face when the knock on the door sounds. Nurse Hadley smiling as she steps in, before she’s seeing Gale holding both of John’s forearms.
“How can I help?” She’s asking as she closes the door 3/4 of the way, pumping hand sanitizer into her palm and stepping over. Eyes assessing everything she can see, landing on the wet spot on the bed, before she gets eyes on John again. Gale takes a deep breath as he looks at his boyfriend, waiting for him to talk. Not knowing how John wants to word this, not wanting to upset him any further.
“I need to take a shower…had an…I had an accident.” John mumbles the ending, Hadley nodding her head and going towards the connected bathroom. Turning on the shower head before stepping back out, lowering the bed a bit and pulling John’s chair over. Gale meets the nurse’s eyes for a second, before he’s watching her grab one of the towels off of John’s dresser and setting it on the seat.
“Okay, can you slide over? That’s it.” Hadley murmurs as she helps John into his chair, Gale letting go of his forearms. Kneeling there for a minute before John is slowly wheeling himself to the bathroom. Nurse Hadley is standing there for a minute, before she’s stepping over to the door frame. Letting John know she’ll bring him in some fresh towels, and to let her know when he’s ready to come out.
“I can change his sheets…I don’t think his comforter is dirty.“ Gale murmurs as he slowly gets off the bed, pushing said blanket down towards the foot of it. Wincing a little at the wetness coating the knees of his jeans, but knowing John probably has pants he can burrow. Hadley steps out into the hallway quietly, flagging down Rebecca to get towels, fresh sheets, and John’s pain medicine.
“John…can I come in? I need to wash my hands and change my pants.” Gale asks after he’s knocked on the door, hearing an affirming noise come from the older boy. He steps inside, being met by the steam from the shower, breathing deeply as he goes to wash his hands quietly. A pair of John’s joggers tucked under his arm, a drawstring on the waist so he can pull them snug on himself. He leans against the counter for a second, looking at the outline of John sitting under the water. His shower chair being pelted by the stream, while he sits there staring at the wall.
“I hope it’s okay that I’m burrowing your pants…I don’t have any here.” Gale says as he stands there, chewing on his lower lip. The water cutting off suddenly, John moving the curtain to the side to look at him. His eyes red rimmed, no doubt he had been crying in the shower. His curls are sopping wet on his forehead, almost reminding Gale of a long haired cat when they get wet. But his heart breaking at the expression on John’s face, his features trying to show no emotion. His eyes the only thing giving away how utterly devastated he’s feeling.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry you got my piss on your pants. I’m sorry my useless body can’t fucking work right. I’m sorry my dick doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. I’m sorry Gale.” John almost whimpers the end, the blond dropping the jogger pants onto the counter behind himself. Pressing his front to the other boy’s wet chest, not giving a damn if his sweater and shirt get soaked. His arms curling around the back of John’s neck to keep his face pressed against Gale’s chest. While John sits in the shower chair, crying quietly into the blond’s shirt.
“Your body isn’t useless John, you have no idea how strong you are. You’ve been through so much, you didn’t do anything wrong. Nobody is mad at you, except for you, you’re being your own worst enemy right now. You’re punishing yourself for something out of your control sweetheart.” Gale tells him softly, holding him close and rubbing his nose across his wet hair, squeezing him just a little tighter. Feeling as the shaking subsides in John’s shoulders, little wet sniffles coming from the older boy. Gale can feel shivers starting up John’s body, looking up just as Nurse Hadley is stepping in with towels.
Smiling softly at them, both Gale and Hadley wrapping John in two towels. One just wasn’t enough to cover his broad body, before she’s helping John transfer into his chair. Something he usually has no issues with but his entire body was drained. Arms shaking slightly, brain feeling exhausted and gooey, before he’s letting Hadley wheel him out. Gale changing his pants quickly before stepping out, watching as John gets dressed slowly. The older boy silently offering the blond a shirt, knowing he soaked his through.
“John, I’ve got your pain medicine here.” Nurse Hadley says softly as she comes over with the little medicine cup, John situated in his bed now. Pillows tucked around him to keep him comfortable, heating pad pressed into his middle spine. Gale tucking the comforter around his body, before he’s grabbing his water bottle. The thing covered in stickers courtesy of Janelle, John’s younger sister collecting them just to come and slap them on the metal bottle. Bucky accepts the medicine cup, tipping his head back and taking his water to wash them down.
“Gale…can you just, hold me for a little while tonight?” John murmurs once the blond has gotten into the bed again, blankets tucked around them both. Gale smiling a little and nodding his head, helping John shift around. Until Bucky is tucked into his side, his arm curled over Gale’s torso, head nestled into the crook of Gale’s neck and shoulder. While the blond gently rubs his back, fingers soft and sweet.
“I love you John.”
“I love you too Gale.”
“Hi Brady…can I sit?” Benny asks smiling as he looks at the brunet boy, sitting on a bench in the court yard. The soft mid summer breeze blowing through his hair, the sun shining down and making him almost look angelic. Brady looks up and squints softly, seeing Benny standing there before he’s nodding his agreement. The tanned boy smiling as he sits down, keeping enough distance between them.
“No Meatball today?” Brady asks, voice soft with unsureness, trying not to fidget where he’s sitting. Benny is smiling softly when he sees that Brady’s rosary is laying across his thigh, not clasped in his hands today. He could pass for almost calm, if it wasn’t for his fingers tapping a rhythm against his thigh.
“Nah, it’s a little too hot out for him today. But I still wanted to come by…and see you.” Brady is silent for a few minutes, mulling words over in his head. His stomach feeling like it’s wrapped itself around a telephone pole, his palms breaking out in a sweat. The boy wanting to scrub his hands clean, he hated being sweaty. He hated the feel of it on his skin, he hated the feeling of it drying, he hated it all together.
“Benny…I, I really like you. I’ve liked you for a long time now, and I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never wanted to hold someone’s hand the way I want to hold yours. I’ve never wanted to see someone smile the way I want to see you smile. I’m, I’m scared Benny. But I don’t want to be scared anymore.” Brady blurts out suddenly, his eyes squeezing shut as he sits there. His heart in his throat, stomach dropping before he’s frantically grabbing for his beads. Fiddling with them as he tries to calm himself down, Benny giving him a minute. Trying to formulate his own words, a pleasant bubble of happiness blooming in his chest. A little grin tugging at the edges of his lips, before he sees the drop of Brady’s shoulders.
“I like you too Brady…I don’t want you to be scared either. We can take this at your pace, there’s no rush. I’d be happy to just sit next to you every day, but I’d be absolutely okay with holding your hand. What if we start out small? Maybe just locking pinkies for now?” Benny offers as he holds up his hand, flicking out his pinky as if he’s getting ready to make promises. Brady looks at him, the breath leaving his lungs in a slow puff. Before he’s nodding a little and raising his hand up, linking their pinkies together shyly. Eyes closing at the skin to skin contact, something he hasn’t allowed willingly for a very long time. Not seeing the smile that graces Benny’s features as he sees the way Brady’s shoulders slump into a calm posture.
“Curt this is Buck, Buck this is Curt.” John introduces as all three of them sit in the rec area. Curt snorts softly as he looks at his best friend before he’s looking at Gale. The blond’s eyebrows scrunching together, wondering if Curt is judging him. Before the black haired boy is leaning over and shoving Bucky’s shoulder slightly.
“You named him Buck? Jesus Christ Bucky, you shoulda just tattooed your name on him if you were gonna mark your claim.” Curt says before he’s laughing and shaking his head slightly, smiling at the younger boy. Gale looking at his boyfriend just to see him smiling a little bit at his fingers. Curt wiping the tears off of his cheeks, hearty laughs finally subsiding. Before he’s looking at Gale again and grinning cheekily, shoving his hand out for a handshake.
“My name is actually Gale, but he wouldn’t accept that as an answer when we first met.” The youngest says as he shakes Curt’s hand, feeling the callouses on his fingers. Similar to the way John’s palms were bumped over from wheeling himself in his chair. Curt shoots him a smile before he’s looking at Bucky again, causing Gale to look over. Slightly shocked to see the heated flushed covering John’s cheeks up to the tips of his ears.
“Why am I not surprised? This bastard is territorial if you haven’t noticed by now. But it’s nice to meet you Gale, he hasn’t shut up about you whenever I come by. ‘Buck this’ and ‘Buck that’, it’s good to put a face to a name. Not that he hasn’t shown me pictures.” Curt goads while smirking at his best friend, John groaning quietly at the ribbing he’s receiving. Gale smiling a little as he looks at the older boy, watching the blush get darker on his skin. John bringing his palms up to rub across his face, a bashful expression on his features.
“Alright, alright stop it now. You’ve made a fool of me enough today. I’m going to regret introducing you both.” John groans loudly as he shakes his head, reaching for Gale’s hand to hold it in his own. John was tactile, he liked to be touched and to touch. Buck rubs his thumb across the older’s knuckles in a gentle swipe. Feeling the little squeeze he gets in return, smiling softly as he does.
“Yea…he is a bastard isn’t he?” Curt cracks up again, laughing loudly as he sits there. Shaking his head with a giant smile lighting up his entire face, eyes crinkling. Making Gale chuckle softly while John tips his head back, just glad that two of the most important people in his life are getting along.
“Careful of the lip, Janelle make sure the chair doesn’t hit the door.” Janie says as she pushes John’s chair through the threshold of his and Curt’s new apartment. Both boys renting out a handicap accessible place, John unable to live by himself quite yet. Gale and him had briefly talked about moving in together, but had decided against it. Gale was still new in his own recovery, and taking care of John would be too much. Curt had happily offered to move in with John, it got him out of his Nan’s house, and he missed seeing John every day.
“If the wall gets scuffed it isn’t a problem, don’t worry about it girls.” Curt says from where he’s setting John’s bags down on the couch, smiling at his friend. Seeing the smile that John flashes back, the car ride over had been eventful. John hadn’t ridden in a car since he was transferred from the hospital to the rehab center. He was white knuckling the door the entire time, Janie’s little car was hard for him to get into. It had pinched his back a bit, making the muscles tense and strain. Janelle had been talking a mile a minute in the backseat, while Curt and Gale had followed in his car with John’s stuff.
“This place is so cute! Aww John your room has a really good view of the pond back here! I bet there will be ducks and swans too!” Janelle squeals happily, having stepped off to explore once they got John inside all of the way. Gale searching in the bags for John’s medicine, knowing without a doubt his boyfriend is in pain. Janie fussing over John’s curls, brushing them off his forehead. While Curt is bringing John’s stuff to his room, his special bed already having been delivered. Any speciality pillows he needed sitting on the king sized mattress.
“I’m so sorry we didn’t meet before Gale, our schedules just never seemed to align. But I’ve heard a lot about you, you’ve got my brother smitten.” The older girl says, smiling as she looks up from her brother. Her smile exactly like John’s making her pretty blue eyes crinkle up, her own curly hair pulled up into a claw clip. John makes a soft sound, scrunching his nose, while Gale smiles a little bit. Stepping over with John’s metal water bottle, and a pain pill in his palm.
“I’ve been told that a few times now…it’s really nice to meet you too Janie. John has told me a lot about you and Janelle. Here John…it’s one of the lower dose pills.” He murmurs as he holds out the white tablet, before he’s offering the bottle next. John accepting both, wincing as he shifts in his chair again. Janie frowning when she sees how much pain her brother is in, brushing his hair back again softly. Gale smiling a little when he sees how much John’s sister loves him, and how much he loves her in return. Already opening his mouth to insist that he’s fine, just stiff from PT, even though he hadn’t had PT that day.
“Speaking of PT, when do you go back? How many days a week?” Curt asks as he steps back into the room, looking at the other three. Janelle already in John’s room, unpacking his bags for him. Janie out at her car, getting her scissors and hair cutting tools, commenting that John’s hair was too long. It needed to be trimmed up, his face needing a good shave too and she was determined to do it for him.
“I go back on Monday, it’ll be three days a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” John murmurs as he sits in his chair, slightly overwhelmed from everything that has happened in just the last few hours. Gale brushes his fingers over John’s neck, rubbing in a gentle motion. Smiling softly before he’s leaning in to press a kiss to John’s lips, bumping their noses together softly. John reaching for him to tug him close, Gale slipping into his lap, his arm curling around the older’s neck.
“Ugh stop it you two…you’re gonna make me hurl.” Curt groans as he comes to the living room carrying a drink for himself, Janelle giggling as she comes down the hallway. While Janie steps back into the apartment, carrying her hair cutting tools and a box. Smiling when she sees John and Gale sitting together, a blush rising on the blond’s cheeks before he’s shyly trying to get off of John’s lap. John letting out a little sound, lips pushing out in a pout at the loss of his boyfriend in his lap.
“C’mon…your sister wants to cut your unruly mop.” Gale murmurs as he kisses John’s forehead, before he’s wheeling him into the bathroom. Janie smiling as she follows behind, watching as John gently wraps his hand around Gale’s wrist. Bringing the blond boy’s hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles, breathing deeply as they stay together for a moment.
“I’m going to make sure Curt doesn’t order the entire menu at the pizza place. I’ll be just a call away though if you want me back in here.” Gale says after a quiet minute, kissing John’s forehead shyly. Slipping out around Janie, before she’s stepping in and smiling a little. Janelle sneaking into the room to sit on the closed toilet lid, bringing her knee up to rest her chin on. Staring at her brother’s profile, smiling when she wants him breathing evenly.
“When are you two getting married?” The youngest Egan asks with a smile on her lips, John makes a sound at that. Shaking his head a bit before Janie is keeping his head still, combing out his curls. Being mindful of any tangles or snarls he might have, smiling when she sees how relaxed he becomes. He always reminded her of a dog when he was little, a few scratches to his head and he was putty. Rolling over and showing his belly to whoever gave him the attention.
“We’ve only been together for a few months Janelle…I don’t think either of us are thinking of marriage yet.” John says as he feels Janie beginning to cut his hair. Hearing the little scoff his baby sister lets out, the flick placed to his arm making him huff. Janie making a sound to tell him to keep still, concentrating on just trimming. She wasn’t cutting his curls off, they had spent too much time getting them to look good. She had taught him too much to just lob them all off, and he had spent too much money on curl care products.
“The way you two look at each other is true love. And you can’t tell me I’m wrong, I just won’t listen to it.” Both of the older Egans chuckle at that, smiling a bit at their sister’s antics. Janie brushing the stray hairs away from his collar, tilting his head to work on the sides. Her eyes meeting John’s in the mirror, smiling at him softly. Leaning down to kiss the top of his head, going back to trimming the sides of his hair.
“I do love him, but I don’t think we’re ready for marriage quite yet Jelly Bean.” She huffs and waves her hand at him, making Janie chuckle quietly. Running her fingers through the younger boy’s hair, shaking the curls out. Gauging how much more she’s going to trim off, humming softly as she goes. Something both her and John do, hum to themselves whenever they’re trying to concentrate. It didn’t matter the tune, didn’t matter the song, it was just a constant stream of noise coming from them.
“What do you think of him Janie?” John murmurs once Janelle has wandered off to see what’s been ordered for dinner. The older girl shifts him around to get to the front of his head, trimming up the pieces that cover his forehead. Getting them all to fall into their rightful places, pushing them back and smiling at her brother.
“I think he’s incredibly sweet Johnny, I can see how much you both care for one another. I’m glad he’s been there for you when we couldn’t be. Has ma met him yet?” John lets out a soft breath, shaking his head a bit. Watching as Janie nods softly in understanding, snipping a few more pieces of hair. Changing out her scissors for some texturizing ones, not that the boy needed the volume. She leans down and kisses his forehead, something she hasn’t had to do since he was 10 and she was 15. He had shot up and towered over her, the boy always the one to lean down to give her kisses and hugs.
“I get it, I know mama misses you, but she’s a grown adult, she’s known where you’re at. It’s on her if she hasn’t come to see you…I’m not going to preach about them. You’re home, you’re safe, and I love you.” The black haired girl states as she looks down at him, seeing the little quirk of his lips. She smiles at him, before she’s tilting his head up to look at him better. Hugging around his neck, kissing his forehead and breathing deeply. John’s arms wrapping around her waist, both of them just enjoying this moment. Janie not taking for granted the feel of her little brother in her arms again.
She had been terrified when she got the call from their mom, had rushed down in the middle of the night. She had been one of the first in the room to see him, one of the first to touch him when he was in the coma. She had made the phone calls to people, she was the strong one. She was always the strong one when it came to her younger siblings, she was nick named Mother Hen for a reason. She took care of her babies, whether they were actually her’s or not.
“I love you too Janie.” John murmurs into her shirt, squeezing her tight to himself. Breathing in her soft familiar lotion, the feel of her hands on him comforting. More comforting than even their mother’s hands, she was always there for him. If he ever had an issue he knew he could go to Janie. She never pushed him away, she never judged him, she raised him more than his mother did. And he loved his mom, but nobody would ever take the place of Janie.
John has been home for exactly a week when he has his first nightmare, he had worked hard that day. PT was grueling, a migraine had taken place behind his eye, and his spine felt brittle. Resigning himself to bed early had been a no brainer for him, texting Gale to let him know. He was passed out before he even got a chance to see if Gale had responded.
John is back in the jeep with Ham behind the wheel, loud music is blasting from the speakers. Curt is in the backseat singing the music loudly, all three of them are laughing. All three of them had partaken in drinking at the frat party they had gone to. John is looking over and suddenly he’s seeing the curve coming into view, and he’s reaching for the wheel. Everything is in slow motion, it’s all happening and there’s no way for him to stop it. Glass is shattering, cutting his cheeks, the sound of it ear piercing. The sound being his own screams, mixed with Curt’s before he’s being propelled from the seat. Belt failing and snapping, going through the windshield and slamming into the ground. White hot burning pain taking over, agony ripping down his body.
John is bolting up, screams flowing from his mouth, his blankets tangling him up. Suffocating him, trapping him in place, and he’s shoving everything away. Trying to get out of bed, trying to get away from the things pinning him down. Knocking into his night stand, before he’s tumbling out of bed, the lamp on his table following him in his descent to the floor. The glass bulb shattering and spewing everywhere, a few pieces knicking his cheek. All while he’s fighting the sheets and still screaming at the top of his lungs.
“Ham! Stop the car! Stop! Please stop!” He’s shrieking, trying to kick his legs but unable to, stuck laying in a sprawl on the wood floor of his bedroom. Upper body on the ground while his lower half is caught in the sheets, causing him to almost dangle. Hot tears are rolling thickly down his cheeks, he doesn’t hear the door opening. Or Curt’s voice trying to soothe him, but he does feel hands touching him. Making him wail louder, pushing and fighting against it, not wanting it to drag him under. Under to the dark place that almost took him all those months ago.
“Bucky! Bucky it’s me! It’s Curt, I’m here. You’re alright, John it’s a nightmare!” Curt is trying to say, receiving a few hits to his chest and arms. Trying hard to not restrain his best friend, but not wanting him to roll right into the broken glass. He isn’t even blinking before he’s grabbing John’s phone, typing in the passcode and hitting the familiar contact. Trying desperately to get John to stop howling, his voice having gone hoarse from the sound. Curt’s trying to get his lower half untangled from the sheets and blankets. Terrified John is going to hurt himself, the twisting and thrashing he’s doing making it worse.
“Hi honey, I thought you were…John?! What’s happening?!” Gale’s sleep filled voice is entering Curt’s ear, his own voice coated with tears. Throat feeling tight as he sits there, he knew exactly what John was feeling. He had nightmares like his for weeks after the accident, screaming himself awake. His Nan had almost had a heart attack the first time, and that was why he had moved himself into her basement.
“Gale, I can’t, John’s having a nightmare. I can’t get him to wake up. I don’t know what to do, please…I’m so sorry.” Curt can hear Gale moving on the other side, getting himself dressed and calling for Marge. Promising he’ll be there soon, the sound of John’s warbles heart breaking in the background. While Curt kneels there as if he’s going to pray, tears beginning to drip down his own face. Trying to make sure John doesn’t roll into the broken glass, trying to talk to him.
“We’re here, let us in. I’m here.” Gale pants almost 15 minutes later, John’s cries having quieted down to high pitched whimpers. Face smooshed into the cold wood of his bedroom floor, shakes racking up his body. Curt not daring to touch him, scared to leave him alone. But getting up and running for the front door, unlocking it and stepping off to the side. Gale and Marge both standing there, in their pajamas, hair sleep mussed. Mirrored worried expressions on their faces before Gale is rushing forward for his boyfriend. Marge takes one look at Curt, stepping inside and closing the door before she’s wrapping him into a hug.
“John…sweetheart, you’re home. It’s me, it’s Gale. I need you to wake up.” The blond says in his calmest voice, stepping in and seeing the mess next to the bed. Treading carefully before he’s kneeling by the bigger boy, brushing his hand over his head. Getting a broken, hoarse sob to come from John’s mouth.
Tears from his eyes having mixed with the blood from the few knicks in his cheeks. Gale’s heart breaking slightly as he looks down at him, hearing footsteps stop outside of the room. John openly bawling into the wooden floor boards, his arms curled under his body as if he’s protecting himself. If he could curl into a ball he would, Curt having finally gotten his legs untangled from the sheets.
“Can you get a broom and dustpan? I’m going to need help getting him up into the bed, I just want him to come back a little more.” The blond says, turning his head to see Marge and Curt standing side by side. Curt’s face dry now, a hug having been had between the pair of them.
Marge nodding softly and going to find the broom, while Curt goes to grab the first aid kit they have. Along with some of John’s meds, knowing he is no doubt going to be hurting. Gale continues murmuring to John, keeping his touch light. Before Curt and Gale are lifting him, Curt’s arms hooking under his armpits, while Gale gets him under the legs. Marge standing by worriedly, ready to help if they need it, pulling and adjusting the blankets and sheets.
“Hi sweetheart.” Gale murmurs when he sees John’s eyes opening slowly, brushing his hair back off of his forehead gently. The broken bulb having been swept away, a new one popped into the lamp. Gale gently cleaning the few cuts on John’s cheeks, the tv in the room playing soft music on YouTube. John blinks a few times, trying to clear his vision to look at his boyfriend better. A soft whimper escaping his mouth; before he’s closing his eyes at the onslaught of tears.
“I know; you’re safe, nothing can happen here. I’ve got you.” The blond promises as he kisses John’s forehead softly, continuing to gently clean the spots. Swiping neosporin across them, before he’s grabbing John’s water and medicine cup. Curt peeking into the room, the blond nodding softly at him. John swallowing his medicine down before he’s opening his eyes up to see Curt.
“Is it alright if I lay in here tonight?” Curt whispers, watching as John nods his head. The three of them laying in the large bed together, Marge having gone home once she knew John was in bed. Gale apologizing but thanking her once again, while she made him promise to text her in the morning. Curt’s body curls around John’s slightly, tucking close just to feel his best friend breathing. Gale laying in a way that John can press against his side, the three of them quiet. John already half asleep, exhausted from everything. While Curt lays there wide eyed, staring straight ahead at the wall.
“He’ll be okay…it just takes time. But he’ll be okay.” Curt says quietly almost like he’s talking to himself, the lights now out, the screen from John’s tv illuminating the space. A nature scene with calming piano music playing, something that always helped Gale calm down. He didn’t think John would want to wake up to a silent room, he never did when he had nightmares.
“Yea, he’ll be okay. He’s got a good support system. I mean, he’s got us.” Gale responds softly, looking at Curt to see him nodding in agreement. His nose tucked into the nape of John’s curls, arm around the taller boy’s waist to keep him close. Gale realizing this is just as much for Curt as it is for John right now. Curt needing to know his best friend is breathing and still alive. Gale lays there with them, quiet as he watches them both sleep now. Letting himself relax with a hand on the back of Curt’s head, all three of them falling asleep piled in John’s bed.
“You’re comfortable?” Gale asks as he looks at John, both of them in John’s large bed. The mattress holding just enough squish for the taller boy’s broken body to not be as sore. His multitude of pillows stacked on the ground, one of his soft wedge pillows next to him. The red cover on it velvety feeling, he had ordered it on Amazon. Specifically labeled as an ‘assistive device for sexual intercourse’. Smiling a little as he looks at the blond, seeing the way he’s staring back at him. Cornflower blue eyes intense, but tinged with need, both of them were needy.
They had the apartment to themselves, Curt was gone at Ken’s for the entire weekend. They had been talking about this for awhile now, but between John’s schedule and Gale’s, they couldn’t nail down a time. Not for something like this, not for Gale to actually be inside of John. The blond wanted to take his time, wanted John to feel good the entire time. It was going to take maneuvering, pillows, patience, and time.
“I’m comfortable Gale…will you let me suck your cock now? Been thinking about it for ages, you have such a pretty cock. It’s truly a shame it’s not in my mouth every single day.” Bucky states making the younger boy let out a squawk at that, shaking his head a bit and laughing softly. One of his large hands coming up to rest on John’s chest, before he’s looking back down at the other boy. Seeing the dopey little smile forming on his face, before Gale is nodding a bit.
“How far are we going tonight? I’d really like to make you feel good too…maybe get my fingers in you? I’ve been doing some researching and stuff.” Buck trails off slightly as he feels John’s giant hand coming down to squeeze his bare thigh. Both of them were stripped down to their boxers, and Gale could feel how hard he was. Tip leaking against his skin where it was trapped against his hip, no doubt soaking through his underwear. Feeling John’s large thumb brushing across his inner thigh has him shivering, goosebumps forming.
“I’ve never, I’ve never bottomed before. But I want to try with you, just don’t know how much I’ll be able to move for you. Or we could get out the vibrator again, that was fun last time.” Bucky says as he lays there, he wasn’t usually nervous or awkward when it came to sex. He never had to be, he was always confident in what he wanted. He was confident in how to make someone else feel good, but this was different. Him and Gale had done quite a few things, the most memorable being watching Gale ride a dildo.
That one still got him hot under the collar, holding the toy for his boyfriend to ride while also being sucked off. Watching the blond move his hips was tantalizing, hypnotizing almost. The moans that he was letting out around John’s cock were enough to convince the older that bottoming was worth it. The entire experience was definitely in his top five sexual experiences ever to date.
“Was reading that prostate stimulation can help with erectile dysfunction, since it wasn’t your prostate that was affected or injured. Might help you get hard, and if it doesn’t…then you can just enjoy the sensation. But if you don’t feel comfortable with that then we don’t have to do that.” The black haired boy looks up at his boyfriend, John smiling lopsidedly at him before he’s tugging him down for a kiss. He can taste the mint chapstick that Gale uses, pressing his tongue into the other’s mouth briefly. Squeezing at the blond’s thigh again, feeling the wiry hair resting there. Hearing the moan that comes up from Buck’s throat, his hand slowly moves over to cup the other boy through his briefs.
“I still want your cock in my mouth, so if we can make that work then I’m down for anything.” Bucky states once their mouths have separated, Gale letting out a soft breathless laugh. Shaking his head just a little before he’s shifting off of the bed to go to his overnight bag. His cheeks blushing a crimson color as he goes to the bottom of it, pulling out his small travel bag. John’s eyes tracking his movements, shifting in the bed just slightly. Using his arms to slide himself to the middle of the bed better, watching as Gale turns back around.
“Traveling with sex toys now baby?” Bucky taunts watching as Gale’s cheeks burn a deeper shade of red. The blond climbing up onto the bed and crawling his way over, briefs almost tenting from how hard he is. While he climbs over John’s thighs and situates himself down comfortably. Holding up his hands to show off his treasures, the older boy looking down. A bottle of lube, a silicone sleeve, and a small wand vibrator all sitting there.
“What’s the uh, what’s the sleeve for?” He asks nodding at it, feeling his insides curling with a mixture of arousal and nervousness. Gale had more experience with toys than he did, the blond seeming to have a toy for just about anything they could think of. John had dabbled with vibrators before, but mainly on female partners. He hadn’t really used one on himself until he had gotten into bed with Gale that is.
“This, goes in this, and then slides up and sits around you. Figured it might feel nice, I know I like it when I’m bottoming sometimes. I also…wanted to get a mirror so you could watch. That one over there…thought we could pull it over.” John’s eyes trail over to the full length mirror resting against his closet door. Jaw dropping a bit to bring his pupils back over to Gale, seeing the flush on his cheeks. The aroused excitement unable to be contained in his blown eyes, his cock aching in his briefs. John’s large hands coming up to squeeze Gale’s hips, thumbs digging into his hipbones slightly.
“Do you think about it a lot? Fucking me?” John questions, feeling the full body shiver course up Gale’s spine. His head tipping back, showing off the long line of his throat. Hips rocking forward like he can’t help it, pushing himself against John’s lower chest slightly. Bucky can feel himself twitch just a little in his briefs, his hand coming down to grip around Gale’s cock through his underwear.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about it. I love watching your face when you cum…fuck John. I love making you feel good, want you to see how fucking good you look too. Wanna watch your face when I’m inside of you.” The blond rambles as he grinds against John’s palm, moaning as the older rubs his tip through the fabric. Bucky letting out a low groan as he looks up at the blond boy, arousal pooling lowly in his pelvis. Before he’s pushing Gale’s briefs down, tucking them under his pretty pink balls. Giving them a little squeeze, looking down to watch the way precum beads at the blond’s tip.
“Do you wanna fuck my face first? Take the edge off? Look like you’re gonna blow everywhere baby.” John says in a little breathless tease, moving his fist on the younger boy. Squeezing when he gets to the tip, Gale moaning lowly at the offer. Hips chasing the feel of Bucky’s closed fist, hands gripping John’s freckled shoulders tightly. Toys completely forgotten next to them, John groaning softly as he watches the younger boy.
“Take what you need baby…that’s it, fuck look at you. You’re desperate for it aren’t you? Love watching you make a mess of yourself…love tasting you.” John rambles as he squeezes around Gale tighter, bringing his other hand down to grope and tug at Gale’s balls. The blond sobbing quietly at the sensations, hips pushing quicker now. Precum dripping down from him onto John’s briefs, his hips stuttering slightly in their rocks. Blunt nails digging into Bucky’s bare shoulder, before he’s tensing and beginning to spurt across John’s stomach.
“Oh fuck, fuck John, oh god.” He whimpers out, toes curling behind himself so hard he almost pulls a muscle. Shuddering through his release, knocking the bigger man back into the pillows. Just to press close and kiss him, panting still but needing to feel the other’s mouth against his own. Gale pulling away after a minute, resting his sweaty forehead on John’s. Breathing deeply and looking down at him with a sheepish smile on his face.
“So…fucking me really gets you going yea?”
John asks with a little smile, looking up at the blond, seeing the way he blushes a deeper shade of red. His body shifting a bit so he can shove his face into John’s throat. Stomachs and pelvises pressing together, smearing Gale’s cum across both of their skin. The dark smattering of hair under Bucky’s belly button becoming sticky with it.
“Is now a bad time for me to tell you that I’ve never topped anyone before? It’s not gonna ruin the mood is it?” Gale asks once he’s pulled away from John’s collar bone, a dark hickey sitting there now. The older boy gently tilts Gale’s face up, before he’s leaning in and kissing him. Large palm cupping his cheek, brushing his thumb across the constellation of freckles the boy has under his eye.
“No, it doesn’t ruin the mood, it takes some pressure off honestly. We get to share a first together…and that’s, it’s kinda special yea?” John murmurs almost shyly as he looks at his boyfriend, smiling a bit as he sees Gale smiling. The blond feeling fondness welling in his chest at the absolute hopeless romantic his boy is. Both of them leaning in for another kiss, slower this time, with deeper meaning. Before Gale is pulling away, grabbing the wedge pillow and holding it up.
“Can I lay on my stomach? Or will that make it harder for you?” John asks as he looks at the younger boy, lifting his upper body up, watching as the blond holds the wedge pillow. The blond boy gets off of the bed for a second, pulling the mirror over so that they can both turn their heads to look. Stepping back over when he’s pleased with where it’s sitting, picking up the red pillow again.
“I don’t think it’ll make it harder, might make it easier actually. But is it going to hurt you? Wanna try it and make sure it won’t put pressure on your back?” Bucky nods his head, before he’s shifting around, Gale holding the pillow so it sits at John’s lower stomach. The taller shimmying his body, with the blond helping adjust his legs comfortably. The velvet on the pillow rubbing below John’s belly button, his butt and hips propped up. He adjusts his upper body slightly with his arms, while Gale tries not to hover.
“Can you…can you help me move my legs how you need them?” John questions, chewing on his lower lip, suddenly worried he looks absolutely ridiculous. Flicking his eyes back when he doesn’t get a response from his boyfriend, seeing the way Gale’s eyes are sweeping over his body. His cock already half hard again against his hip, before he’s snapping out of his revere.
“I’m gonna touch you now, let me know if it’s uncomfortable.” The blond says before he’s helping move the older’s legs, getting them into a sort of frog position. Reaching up to carefully adjust John’s length, not wanting it to get squished between the cushion and his body weight. Gale leans down and kisses the small of Bucky’s back, hands rubbing and squeezing up his thick thighs. Feeling the curly hair sitting there, dragging his thumbs over muscle and skin. Goosebumps rising on John’s skin, a shiver going up his spine, while he feels his arousal reignite. Resting his upper body on one of his personal pillows, taking the pressure off of his thoracic spine.
“You look so pretty spread out like this for me…so fucking pretty John.” Gale murmurs as he nips at his butt, before he’s sitting up on his knees between John’s legs. His eyes dragging over his back, following the lines of his surgical scars. Pressed into the trench of his spine, freckles, a few moles, and stretch marks covering his skin as well. The blond’s nimble fingers dragging up his sides, squeezing softly when he meets the bottom of his ribcage.
“Fuck baby…feels good.” John sighs as he shifts into the touch, eyes closed as he relaxes even more. Becoming a puddle on the bed, feeling his cock give a little twitch, he liked when Gale gave him massages. The blond always knew where to touch, how hard to push down, he seemed to know John’s body better than he knew it himself. His eyes open when he feels Gale’s lips moving down his spine again, his hands sliding down to grip John’s butt cheeks. Squeezing gently and rubbing his thumbs in, spreading him softly as the blond keeps moving down.
“Jesus Christ.” John whispers as he feels Gale lick across his hole, the muscle fluttering slightly. Turning his head a bit to look at Gale’s body as much as he can in this position. Before he’s turning his head the other way, watching the mirror. Eyes trained on the curve of Gale’s body, his hands keeping John’s cheeks separated. Large hands wrapped around his skin, before Gale is lifting his head up. Humming softly against John’s cheek, nipping at it and turning his head.
He watches as Gale looks up his back before he flattens his tongue, swiping it across his hole again. Before the blond is pressing closer to push his tongue inside of John, the little gasp coming from the older making him smile. Humming against John again as he pushes his tongue in an even motion, letting some spit slip down. Dripping in an even line to Bucky’s balls, one of Gale’s thumbs coming to rub it in. Dragging the spit back up and sliding the pad of his thumb across the older’s entrance again, watching it clench.
“Talk to me?” Gale murmurs as he reaches for the lube, pulling the bottle down while he sits up on his knees. Looking at John again in the mirror, meeting his gaze and smiling a little bit. The older’s cheeks are a dark pink color, eyes wide with a mixture of arousal and shock. Jaw dropped open, with his plush bottom lip spit slick. He watches as John blinks slightly, focusing his eyes to meet Gale’s gaze, breathing deeply before letting loose a whimper.
“Didn’t think I’d like something like that…but fuck it felt good. You always say it does feel good, but I thought you were just bullshitting me, trying to make me feel good. Jesus Gale.” John breathes out the ending as he feels one of Gale’s nimble lube slick fingers circling his hole. Watching the motion in the mirror as much as he can, the blond smiling a bit. The younger leans down and presses a kiss to John’s freckled shoulders. Pressing his middle finger forward, both of them groaning as he sinks inside of the older boy. John’s half hard cock giving a twitch against the pillow, a lazy bead of precum oozing at the tip.
“You’re so tight sweetheart…gonna feel so good wrapped around me.” Gale states before he’s leaning up to kiss the other boy, sucking at his lower lip and moving his finger in an even motion. John’s walls squeezing and tensing every now and then, trying to get used to the sensation. He wasn’t sure what it was supposed to feel like, he didn’t have anything to compare it to from before the accident. A gasp getting lodged in his throat when the tip of Gale’s finger drags across a sensitive bulge on the inside.
“Found it.” The blond murmurs from where he’s been pressing kisses into John’s shoulders, his cock rubbing against the other’s butt cheek in even little pulses. Precum smearing across John’s pale skin, leaving sticky streaks in its wake. John moans again when he feels the touch to his prostate, a protesting sound coming out of his mouth when he feels Gale pull his finger free. Before there’s two pressing into him, the pressure from the stretch making his nose scrunch. A whining noise leaving him when Gale rubs over his sweet spot again, eyes squeezed shut at the sensation.
“Oh fuck Gale…fuck that feels so good. Don’t stop, please please for the love of Christ don’t stop.” John whimpers as the ball in his pelvis gets tighter, his fingers gripping the pillow under his upper body harder. Muscles bunching together slightly, moaning again as Gale drives his fingers in. The blond smiling softly as he keeps going, even as his cock leaks in steady drips. The sounds John is making has his head spinning, knowing he’s making his boy feel good. It’s a head rush that he wasn’t expecting, feeling the way John’s walls are squeezing tighter.
“I’m, Gale, I’m gonna…oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” John squeaks out suddenly, Gale sitting up slightly to watch. The older’s hole clamping down around his fingers, his cock giving a twitch before he’s dribbling cum down the pillow. A sobbing sound coming from John’s throat, tears welling in his eyes as he lays there. Gale’s fingers stilling inside of him, pulsing gently against his prostate. Dragging out the older’s orgasm for him, before he’s easing off and slipping his fingers out.
“Fuck John…that was, holy fuck.” Gale groans as he wraps a hand around himself, squeezing at the base tightly. Looking up to meet John’s half lidded gaze, a few tears having tracked down his cheeks. John was a crier when he orgasmed, Gale had figured that out quickly, the pleasure was so intense for him that he cried. And as much as Gale wanted to hate it, it definitely made something in his blood sing. John reaches back with a lead heavy arm, trying to grab onto Gale’s hand.
“C’mon…want you inside of me. Please, can see you’re hurting.” Gale leans up slightly to look down at him better, letting out a grunt when John gets his hand wrapped around his cock. Hips jerking forward on instinct with the pleasure, eyes squeezing shut to collect his bearings.
“I don’t want it to be too much for you, you just came. I can use my hand or.”
“Gale Winston…get your cock inside of me. I want you to use that wand thing, I want it all.” John interrupts as he tries to look back at the younger boy, finally getting Gale’s cock slotted between his cheeks. The blond’s hips moving just a little, holding himself up with a hand digging into the pillow John’s upper body is laying on. His knees tucked close to the wedge pillow as he moans lowly, his other hand going down to grab at John’s hip.
“Yea…yea honey, I’ll give you anything you want.” Gale mutters out nodding quickly, having to shift and pull away from him. Cock aching between his legs, dribbling another string of precum. Connecting the tip of his cock to John’s ass for a minute before it breaks. Reaching for the lube again and the vibrating wand, the cock sleeve attached to it already. Squeezing just a bit on his fingers he wraps his hand around John’s soft cock, listening to him hiss softly. Flicking his eyes up to look at him, he sees that John is looking back at the mirror.
“Wish I could see it better…but this is still good. I get to see you.” John murmurs, eyes trained on the way Gale’s body is moving. Pupils tracing over the lines and curves, drawn in on Gale’s butt and thighs. Before he’s moaning at the feeling of the sleeve sliding into place, the blond making sure it’s sitting properly. He meets John’s eyes in the mirror, flicking the little dial on the toy and listening to the moan he lets out. Gale tucks the wand’s handle under John’s thigh, making sure it won’t move at all. While John’s fingers are gripping the pillow tighter under his head as he feels the vibrations into his balls, eyes fluttering shut.
“Do you want me to use a condom? I brought some, just in case.” Gale offers as he sits up on his knees more, squeezing around himself again and moaning lowly. Watching the way John’s eyes flutter open to stare at Gale through the mirror. Shaking his head a bit at the question, swallowing thickly while he lays there. Moaning lowly at the sensation curling up his stomach from the vibrator.
“No, I want to feel you…if you’re alright with that.” Gale leans up to plant a kiss to his cheek, reaching for the lube to coat himself with it. Before he’s shifting his hips enough to lodge his tip against John’s hole, both of them holding their breaths. Gale’s hips push forward slowly, sinking into John in a paced glide. His jaw dropping open at the tight, hot squeeze, while John watches his expression. The pressure making his heart stutter, but Gale’s facial expressions causing pleasure to zing down his pelvis.
“Oh fuck John, you’re so tight.” Gale whimpers out once he’s halfway, worried momentarily that he’s going to blow. Letting out a little wounded sound as John clenches on him involuntarily, his hand going to grip the older’s hip. Balancing himself to look down and watch, thumbing around where John is spread around him. The black haired boy moaning quietly as he watches the muscles flex in the side view of Gale’s body. His glutes shifting, thigh muscle bunching, bicep bulging out a little.
“You look so good Gale…Jesus Christ.” John murmurs, watching the way Gale’s head tips back once he’s bottomed out. One hand desperately grasping at John’s ass cheek, the other gripping the edge of the wedge pillow. His eyes following the movement as Gale moves inside of him, feeling the drag. The vibrations around his cock causing pleasure to roll over his system, a slow rise. Before his upper body is almost shooting off the bed when Gale nails his prostate head on.
“Oh fucking Christ Gale! Jesus fuck!” John sobs out at the intense pleasure zinging through him, Gale huffing a soft breathless laugh. Angling his hips properly now to slam into it, holding on by a thread. Blunt nails digging into John’s waist, groaning long in his throat at the tight heat. Turning his head to meet John’s gaze in the mirror, watching as his eyes flutter for a minute. His jaw dropped down, little puddle of drool slipping from his mouth onto the pillow under his head. White knuckling the fabric as he lets out consistent grunts with each press to his sweet spot.
“I’m gonna cum sweetheart…oh fuck, it feels so good. Are you gonna cum with me?” Gale pants out as he snaps his hips quicker, chasing the pleasure coiling around his groin. The sound of his pelvic bone smacking into John’s ass loud between them both. The wet squelch of the lube making them both whine, one of Gale’s hands coming up to grab at John’s bicep. Finger tips digging in tightly, before he’s slamming home again and reaching his orgasm. A high pitched whine leaving his throat, body shuddering through his high.
“Oh fuck…fuck Gale, it’s oh fuck.” John wheezes as the blond’s blunt tip snugs up against his prostate. The twitches from Gale’s cock pulsing against his insides, making him bury his face in the pillow. The pleasure red hot, almost too much before he’s cumming again. Dribbling down the pillow case under him, sobbing openly into the fabric under his face.
Tears rolling down his cheeks as he spasms under Gale’s body weight. The blond presses shaky kisses to John’s damp with sweat shoulders, both of them panting softly. Gale carefully pulls his hips back, reaching down to turn the wand off. Before he’s collapsing next to John, the boy turning his face to look at Gale again.
“Holy fucking shit Gale.” The younger laughs softly and looks at his boyfriend, admiring the pink flush to his cheeks. Making his freckles more prominent as he lays there, curls floppy on his forehead. Blinking his eyes few times, contacts that he was still getting used to having gone a little dry. Gale shifts his body over to press his mouth against Bucky’s, nuzzling close for a second. Before he’s dropping back onto the bed, needing just a minute before he cleans them both up.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Gale…you and your magic dick.” The blond snorts quietly, shaking his head while he lays there. The little post orgasmic quivers settling in his limp limbs. Breathing coming back down to a controlled level, his eyes watching John now. His chest rising and falling evenly, the little shakes that were racking his system slowing down. A dopey little smile forming on his plush lips, cracking his eyes open to look at Gale again. Their hands intertwining as they lay there, enjoying their little blissful moment together.
“Pizza is here!” Curt calls as he and Ken come into the apartment, smiling when he hears John and Gale talking in the kitchen. They were all having a movie night together, the newest action movie having dropped. John had been begging to see it, but the thought of going to the theater was too much. So a pizza, movie, and soda night was to be had, in the safety of their own home.
“We’ve got the sodas!” John yells back, wheeling into the living room with two two-liters in his lap. Gale walking behind him with plates and cups, both of them dressed down. Curt eyeing them up, a smirk forming on his lips when he sees the hickey peeking out of Gale’s shirt collar. Their hair is mussed, and John’s cheeks are still tinted a light shade of pink.
“Ya fuckin dirty birds, did ya at least both cum?” Curt taunts making Gale squawk, Ken squeaking a bit at his boyfriend’s nonchalance. He never understood how easily Curt could just talk about sex, it was never taboo for him. John chokes on his spit, laughing softly and shaking his head. Pushing his glasses up his nose before he’s glaring playfully at his best friend.
“We did, on your bed, it was super comfortable.” Curt makes a loud sound before he’s going to pull John under his arm, rubbing his knuckles into the taller boy’s hair. Messing up his hair even more while John tries to push him away. Gale trying to remind them to not pull John from his chair while Ken just tries to stay out of the way. The curly headed blond boy turning his head at the knock to the apartment door.
“I’ll get it…ya goddamn hooligans.” He teases while smiling at the pair, stepping around the couch. Heading for the door, undoing the deadbolt, and turning the knob to pull it open. The smile slipping from his face when he sees an unknown man standing on the other side. Two large Manila envelopes in his hands, one labeled ‘Curtis Johnathan Biddick’ and the other ‘John Clarance Egan’.
“Are Curtis Biddick and John Egan here?” The man asks, getting said boy’s to turn their heads, smiles falling from their faces. Curt heading for the door to his boyfriend, while John watches them both. Gale stepping closer to rest his hand between John’s heaving shoulders. Curling his fingers into the older’s shirt, a knot forming in his lower stomach.
“Yea…that’s us. Who are you?”
“You’ve been served, thank you.” The man states handing over the envelopes, turning on his heel to head down the steps leading up to their apartment. Curt watching him go before he’s shutting the door and turning to face the others. All of them silent as they stare wide eyed at the envelopes in Curt’s hands.
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Apparently, Boot Camp Doesn't Have Lessons in Subtlety
Rating: T - Word Count: 3.5k
Read on Ao3
Benny DeMarco doesn't get paid enough to sleep in the same barrack as the Bucks at the POW camp in the winter months once everyone has to start sharing bunks…
Buck and Bucky are sharing a bunk and let's just say they are not subtle about anything that is going on in that bed. If anyone was oblivious to the feelings going on between the two of them before, it's never been more obvious than now.
Benny DeMarco is pretty over it, but he'll also defend them to his dying breath. Oh, and he's taken to gossiping about them with John Brady.
A companion fic to my 5+1 Clegan bedsharing fic In your arms (I think I might survive) giving a humorous outsider perspective from the men of the 100th and those sharing the barrack with Buck and Bucky.
Benny DeMarco does not get paid enough to put up with petty shit in life. Specifically, the Bucks. Specifically how not subtle they are about their obvious feelings for each other.
God, could they be more obvious?
It was obvious from the moment Bucky came walking in the gates asking if Buck made it. Sure, the two were best friends and that was a normal question, but anyone who has eyes could've seen the way Bucky's whole demeanor changed once he caught sight of his "best friend."
Best friends my ass.
Best something, though, that's for sure.
It's usually not horribly distracting or overt, though. They pass as friends most of the time unless Bucky is drunk, Benny supposes, or they're arguing in which case they act like a goddamn married couple. They fly under the radar pretty easily at the prisoner-of-war camp for that reason. No danger, really. The Nazis would have their heads for any kind of association. Everyone knows how the Germans feel about that sort of thing. It's not spoken about. Hell, most people everywhere don't look too kindly on it, but DeMarco's not the kind of man who thinks somebody should be murdered because of the way they're living their life. It's not like some happiness in another person is worthy of the death sentence. That's just madness. And Buck and Bucky are some of DeMarco's best friends, he could never feel hatred toward them.
Annoyance? So much. And in increasing amounts...
See, they were fine until it got cold at night then Benny is certain everyone in the whole of their Barracks became painfully aware of the fact that they were painfully in love with each other because — goddamn it — they were sleeping in the same bunk and if it wasn’t obvious before that the two were hopelessly smitten with each other, well, after that it certainly was.
For one thing, Buck Cleven has the worst case of puppy dog eyes that Benny has ever seen. He’s had it bad for a while now (since before Benny went down and was still back at base) with his little soft smiles that he thinks he hides so well and mostly (mostly!) only gives Bucky when he’s not looking — but everyone else is.
LORD give him strength.
And then there’s Bucky.
That man antagonizes the fuck out of Buck at any given chance and Benny doesn’t even think he realizes it. And the worst thing is they both seem to like it. It’s the strangest thing and Benny is sure that this is their way of flirting.
Which is entirely infuriating because it’s the most annoying thing in the universe to be around.
Bucky’s antics only increase once they start sharing a bunk, and Benny’s not sure if it has more to do with his close proximity to Buck or his general cabin fever due to the German winter at the Stalag. Whatever the cause, Bucky is incorrigible, and his behavior at times is nigh impossible to deal with. Though, Benny has to admit, the moments of levity do bring several of the other men out of their low moments more often than not, himself included, so he can’t fault Bucky too much for his attitude. Even when he pisses Benny off, he is a light in the dark camp.
Still makes Benny want to punch him in the face half the time, but in a brotherly way.
And if the two of them are bad during the daytime, that’s nothing compared to how transparent they are when they’re actually snuggled together at night.
Now, Benny’s not an idiot. It’s winter. Even he is sharing a bunk. It’s cold as fuck outside and even he understands the necessity to shove aside pride and get in close quarters with a buddy for the foreseeable future. But, the Bucks have taken this situation and turned it into a nightly slumber party.
After the lights turn out they stay up whispering and giggling with each other like a couple of school girls. He’s convinced if their hair grew out long enough while they were here in the camp, the two of them would spend the nights braiding each other’s.
It’s not like Benny is especially complaining that they’re talking. They’re not that loud; he can’t even tell what they’re saying and he’s not sure anyone could even those in the bunks closest to them (though, the men in the bunks above and below them soon found themselves migrating away due to the way the Bucks consistently stayed up talking at night— nobody wanted to be in their bubble. They were a whole world unto themselves. Again— not subtle). So, it’s not the volume that bothers Benny about their conversations at night. It’s not even really that he’s bothered. It’s just that, really? It’s every night. And maybe Benny can admit to being just a little jealous because it’s not like he has a best friend here. Or anyone to talk to. Not that he would really want someone so important to him to be experiencing the Stalag alongside him, but it’s significant that in a place like this, the Bucks have each other. They seem to be holding together better individually because they have one another.
It pisses Benny off as much as anything else does. It’s not rational, but it makes their voices carrying across the room at night irritate him. He tries not to let it get to him because it’s not fair that them having a sliver of happiness should make him feel that way, but he’s just a man.
He starts to get over it when he starts gossiping with John Brady who is in another barrack, but also from the 100th and knows as well as he does what it is to know the Bucks.
“Brady, you have no idea— Bucky has it so bad. Yesterday we were all sitting around shootin’ the shit after lunch and— I swear to god— Buck gave him this look like he was being an idiot — because he was — and Bucky just leaned in real close to him like none of the rest of us were even there, face almost touching, no sense of personal space whatsoever—“
“Well, hey, it’s not like Bucky’s ever been good at personal space with his buddies much anyway—"
“Yeah, but usually he’s drunk. But listen to this next bit. Bucky leans in real close to Buck, fully sober, grinning like an idiot, and says ‘I could show you a thing or two.’” Benny lets it hang in the air, waiting for Brady’s response. He has his hands splayed in a well? gesture. Brady’s eyebrows fly up and he leans toward Benny in interest.
“You were all talking about baseball, right? But still, that is… very not subtle. A blatant flirtation.”
“I know.”
“Buck must know that too, right?”
“Please, Buck is always flirting with Bucky. He just does it differently. That man is not subtle either.” Brady seems confused by that, not convinced.
“Wait, what do you mean, I’ve never seen him flirt with anyone. Doesn’t he have a girl back home he’s writing to? I thought they were pretty serious!”
Benny makes a placating gesture and leans back in his chair. “I’m not saying he’s not serious with his girl back home or anything, but the way he makes eyes at Bucky is not a made-up thing. And anyone who’s ever read the Bible knows a man can have more than one lover.”
“I’m just saying…”
But the thing is, the Bucks really aren’t subtle. Like, at all.
And if Bucky thinks he’s quiet in any sense of the word then he’s a damn fool.
Buck may be able to keep quiet most of the time in the daylight, being that he keeps mostly to himself and is pretty private, not saying too much, and isn’t overtly given to random outbursts of sound. But Bucky? Bucky is the pure opposite of Buck. In the daytime, he’s impulsive and will make stray comments on any conversation whether he’s a part of it or not, whether it’s appropriate or not. The only time Benny has ever seen Bucky hold his tongue is when it’s in a professional capacity in front of a superior officer, and even then half the time Bucky is mouthing back and risking his career.
To say this translates to the situation with the Bucks is to say that the sky is blue.
Meaning in December everyone in the Barrack with the Bucks is aware there is a change in the nature of the relationship between the two of them.
They are not subtle. Heavy breathing and the occasional low moan from their bunk is not an unusual occurrence starting sometime in December with increasing frequency.
Nobody says anything about it.
The Bucks are both happier for the shift in their dynamic and anytime somebody goes to complain about it, all of the men from the 100th noticeably stiffen and glare. They’re protective of their Majors to the end. All of them would likely die for either of the Bucks, let alone sucker punch anyone who criticized the men for finding happiness in wartime.
It’s not really a conscious decision on Benny’s part, to defend the Bucks and their relationship, it’s just that any time he hears anyone start to get a little tetchy about it, he gets defensive. So what if they’re keeping you up a bit? Shove off, put some wool in your ears, and deal with it, it’s the damn war. Stop being such a damn child about it.
They don’t complain anymore after that.
It’s just the way it is after that. Nobody says anything about it to anyone else. If the 100th is this protective of the Majors for mere comments, imagine how they would be with an actual threat? DeMarco’s not sure the 100th would be able to leave a man alive. Or at least unscarred— probably scare a man into secrecy if they even thought about saying anything about their Majors.
The days surrounding Christmas are perhaps some of the most awkward days of DeMarco’s life. Not only because it’s Christmas and he’s trying to ignore the holiday, not get caught up in his complicated feelings about the Holy Day that he wished he was spending with family back home, or even on base in more favorable circumstances with more friends, but also because the Bucks are acting weird. There’s a definite tension between them like they’re fighting. It carries into the next day too and the itchy feeling permeates into the air like a bad smell and affects everyone. It’s frankly awful.
Even Brady, who’s not in the same Barracks takes note of it at meal time.
“Benny, why does it feel like Mom and Dad are fighting and it’s my fault?”
“Thank GOD I’m not the only one who noticed!”
“I mean, look at them! They’re sitting right across from each other, and they keep glancing at each other when the other isn’t looking and they’re all moping sad eyes! What is going on?”
“Fuck if I know, Brady.”
“How long until they make up?”
“God, I hope it’s soon.”
Brady has a wild smirk on his face. “My bets are on tomorrow night. By the next morning, they’ll be acting back to normal— just you see.” His eyes are like a madman and Benny can’t see any logical conclusion to what he’s saying.
“No way in hell, kid. I’ll take you on that.”
But when he wakes up the next morning to Bucky’s horrible renditions of the birthday song, Benny knows he’s beat. That little shit knew too much. If Benny had known today was Gale Cleven’s birthday he never would have doubted that the Bucks would reconcile today.
And reconcile they do.
By the end of the night, Benny is convinced anyone in the Barrack who didn’t already know about the Bucks surely does by now because—
They. Are. Not. Subtle.
Sometimes Benny wishes he could bleach his brain.
He loves his friend, but really, the two of them are colossal idiots.
There was more moaning tonight than usual and the culprit was none other than Buck, which is honestly surprising too since he’s the quiet one between the two of them for most of his life. But it is his birthday.
And— goddamn it— Benny does not need to think about what kind of present Bucky must be giving Buck tonight. Because that is just way too much.
But really? REALLY? In front of all of them?
Benny DeMarco is not getting paid enough to deal with the Bucks.
Benny shuffles into the mess in the morning and sits at his usual table waiting for Brady with his head in his hands. When he sees the Bucks walk in shoulder to shoulder, practically glued to the hip once again, talking quietly about the fuck knows what Buck smiling with his eyes and Bucky practically vibrating out of his skin with wild energy—
Well, Benny knows he’s lost the bet.
Damn, Brady.
Speak of the devil. The younger man takes a seat at the table across from him with a smirk, inclining his head toward the smitten couple a ways down the mess, but doesn’t say anything.
“Oh, shut up, Brady, I got enough of an earful last night.”
Brady’s eyebrows go up comically high at that. “Wait, no! Now you have to dish!”
Benny glares. “As if you didn’t know already that it was Cleven’s birthday yesterday.”
Brady has the decency to look sheepish at that. “I’ll admit, I may have had some insider knowledge there— but how was I supposed to know you didn’t also know? All’s fair, and that.”
“Whatever. You really sure you want to hear this one, Brady?”
“Since when have you been shy about the exploits and drama of the Bucks, Benny?” He’s sure his face must be red. Benny glances over his shoulder where the men are sitting across from each other, chatting like the tension of the last few days never happened.
“Okay, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. They— well, obviously I don’t know anything for certain, but…”
“But what? Spit it out, Benny!”
Benny covers his eyes with his hand. Why is this so hard to say? Is it because it’s his friends? Is it because they’re men? He doesn’t know, but it feels so secretive like he can’t say it in the daylight. He takes the hand away and leans in a little closer. “Well, I’m pretty sure that Bucky got Buck off last night. There was so much moaning and most all of it was Buck. Some sort of birthday surprise. It’s never been like that before, ya know?”
Brady’s eyes go comically wide, his jaw falling slack just so. His eyes dart over Benny’s shoulder to where the Majors are. Benny wonders if he’s broken the poor kid. After a moment, the biggest grin Benny has ever seen splits Brady’s face.
Benny is so confused.
Several people around them look over at Brady’s outburst.
“Brady, shut up!” Benny hisses between clenched teeth.
“Sorry! Sorry, it’s just. I mean, it’s kinda romantic, innit? I mean, you know they met at bootcamp, right? They always tell stories about falling in love during hopeless circumstances and how love overcomes everything— to actually see it happen? I mean, c’mon! Look at them! They’re beating the odds! They keep surviving everything and even though they both got downed in Germany, they both made it here to the same place? Beating the odds again? How can I not be excited that their friendship destined for more is becoming that? And that they’re making it work despite that?” Brady’s staring off into the distance, a goofy-looking smile on his face, his eyes practically filled with hearts, and Benny—
Benny is just staring at him with a dumbfounded expression.
What the actual fuck is going on here.
Benny gets it on a superficial level. What the kid said makes sense in a girly romance-novel sort of way, but it doesn’t connect for him the same way. The Bucks are just his friends and they’re just two guys who like each other and maybe had sex last night way too close to him in the barracks.
Brady is something else.
After that, everything escalates. The Bucks are all over each other day and night it seems, and Brady is always either talking to Benny about them or hounding him for information. It’s like the Bucks bring Brady hope in the camp, but Benny is concerned that it’s bordering on obsessive. As for the Bucks themselves… well, they’re still flying under the radar during the day to anyone who doesn’t know them, but for the love of all that is holy Benny just must know them because it’s like all he can see are their little glances and nods. The way they leave things around for each other in hidden gestures that mean something to the other. How one of them will quirk an eyebrow or leave space for the other to fill.
He doesn’t mean to notice things. He’s trained his whole life to be an observant man! It’s in his nature to pick up on interpersonal dynamics. He could do this with his eyes closed. (At night he does this with his eyes closed and he wishes he could just knock himself unconscious but he swears those men are making out in the bunk across the way. He just knows it).
So, when it’s Valentine’s Day and Buck gets a letter from his sweet, sweet Marge and Buck absolutely shuts down, Benny really should have seen that coming. It surprises him that he didn’t see it coming, actually.
“Brady they’re acting like idiots.”
“Why? It’s Valentine’s Day! They’ve been dating since at least Buck’s birthday— what could possibly have happened?”
“That’s the thing, Brady. I have a theory.”
“Uh-oh. What is it.”
“Listen here, kid, I dunno how well you’ll take this.”
Brady’s eyebrows draw together.
“You don’t think they broke up on Valentine’s, do you?” Brady sounds horrified even at the thought. Before Benny can get in a word edgewise to calm him down, Brady is talking again. “But even if they did have some big blowout fight— Benny! They would never stay apart for long! Look at those two through everything! I mean—“
“Brady! That’s not it at all!”
All the stress instantly drops from Brady’s frame and is replaced with confusion in a moment.
“It’s not? Then… what is it.”
Benny heaves a sigh and runs a weary hand through his hair. Not paid enough for this…
“Listen, Buck got another letter from Marge today, right, ‘cause it’s Valentine’s and all, and Bucky got all sad about it—“
“Right! That makes sense.”
“Stop interrupting me.”
Benny glares.
“Sorry,” Brady says again, hands up in a peace offering.
After another moment of staring Brady down, Benny continues. “As I was saying, Bucky got all hurt about the letter, so my theory is that these two idiots,” Benny leans in closer and drops his voice for security’s sake as he continues, “have been dicking around this whole time and never actually talked about the fact that they’re both in love with each other.”
Brady gasps— loudly. He looks even more horrified than when he thought the Bucks broke up.
“SHUT UP!” Benny hisses, looking around to make sure nobody is watching them. “But think about it for a minute.
“There’s no way they haven’t talked about it, Benny! You said so yourself, they’re always up at night talking and whispering— for hours sometimes!”
Benny gives him a wary look. “Yeah, but you honestly think either Buck or Bucky is willingly talking about their feelings for hours and hours?”
Brady purses his lips. “You got me there.”
There’s a beat of silence between them as they both sit with the revelation of it all.
“What happens now, then?”
“Well, one thing is for sure, if Bucky mopes around the barracks for one more goddamn minute I’ll lose my fucking mind, so I’m going to go tell Buck that his boyfriend is being an idiot. And frankly? That he is too.”
“Well, you better let me know how it goes tomorrow! This is SERIOUS, Benny!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure whether I want to or not, you’ll find a way to get it out of me.”
Brady does, in fact, get the story out of Benny the next day.
“Brady, would you calm down? And shut the hell up? I just told you what happened!”
“I know, I know! I just can’t believe it. You really mean to tell me that Bucky was moping in his own bunk after MONTHS of sleeping in Buck’s and when Buck confronted him about it he stood at the foot and talked and then suddenly aggressively climbed on top of Bucky for some sexually charged fight until they eventually just started making out?”
“That’s what I just said, Brady, yes.”
Brady starts laughing and doesn’t stop until there are tears in the corners of his eyes.
“I’m also pretty sure they said I love you, but I never can actually hear them. Just from the context.”
“Brady SHUT UP!”
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softmamawrites · 6 days ago
Love Within These Halls:
Character Introductions
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Thorpe Abbots Hospital & Rehabilitation Center has seen a lot of things, it’s been included in more things than the regular average Joe would be able to list off. It’s housed women crying, men praying, doctors and nurses hustling to save lives. Its had new life born into it and other lives lost in it.
Character Study/Synopsis
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John ‘Bucky’ Egan
21 - senior in college
TBI/thoracic and lumbar spine injuries/lower extremity paralysis/dissociative disorder/PTSD from the accident
Ham was drunk driving and crashed into a tree, sending him through the windshield, breaking his spine in three places, almost severing his spinal cord.
Will be an absolute menace with the wheelchair he has to use, popping wheelies always, crashes into stuff at least once an hour. Works hard at his PT but pushes himself too much, doesn’t know the meaning of rest.
He tries to treat it all as a joke, tries to not let others see how much it’s affected him. But deep down he’s angry, he’s angry that his football scholarship is gone, he’s angry his studies have been paused, he’s angry that he can’t walk, he’s angry he can’t pop a boner anymore, he’s angry because his girlfriend broke up with him. he’s just angry but trying to mask it, trying to bottle it up and shove it down deep.
Gives Gale the nickname ‘Buck’ because he saw the blond sitting by himself at lunch one day, and made it his mission to make the other man smile at least once a day. Usually pulls his nonsense with his chair to get a chuckle and ‘you’re an idiot John’ out of Gale.
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Gale ‘Buck’ Cleven
19 - would be a sophomore in college but hasn’t started yet due to home issues
eating disorder/bipolar/depressive disorder
Is a self admit, after Marge begged him to get help due to an incredibly high manic cycle for him. He’s been at Thorpe Abbots the longest out of all of them, almost at the six week mark when John comes into the picture.
He’s usually well mannered, well tempered, but gets snippy/bitchy and impulsive when he’s cycling. struggles with making connections with people because he’s scared they’ll find out he has bipolar/depression and think he’s a screw up.
Almost always has his nose buried in a book of some kind, they’ve always been his escape from the real world. If he isn’t reading he’s sketching something in a drawing pad.
Cannot stand John at first, does not understand why the man is here in the first place. who willingly comes over to the mental rehabilitation area, but finds out John is doing extensive therapies on the same floor. and they are remodeling the floor he should be on, so he’s down the hall from Gale.
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John ‘Little John’ Brady
18 - freshly graduated from high school
OCD/anxiety/mysophobia - stemming from an experience he had as a little boy.
Was admitted by his mother when he wouldn’t sleep because he had to count the panels of floor boards. She often found him out in the backyard in the middle of the night pacing back and forth.
Has awful social anxiety, panics with touch because he feels dirty from it. Scrubs his hands raw, carries his rosary with him ALWAYS but uses it more as counting beads than anything else.
Him and Gale tend to gravitate towards one another because Gale doesn’t like talking and Brady is more than okay with the silence. but he does encourage the older boy to eat his food, does it in such a gentle manner that Gale doesn’t even realize he’s doing it the majority of the time.
Really really likes Benny, but always talks himself out of really talking to Benny. Panics when Benny brings in Meatball for his twice monthly visits, the dog is well mannered but it makes Brady’s skin crawl when Meatball drools.
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Bernard ‘Benny’ DeMarco & Meatball
20 - sophomore in college
Volunteer that comes in and visits everyone, tries to get them to smile. always has Meatball because the husky is a therapy dog.
He first notices Brady walking in the courtyard, fiddling with his rosary. goes out to offer him a pet or cuddle with Meatball, and has to watch the panic set in for Brady. which makes Benny feel awful, because what if he’s had a bad experience with a dog before?
But when he finds out that it’s his OCD (from Gale when he was in a manic episode and couldn’t keep himself from talking), that forces Brady out of touching animals because in his mind they are dirty.
So slowly Benny starts introducing Brady and Meatball to one another. never forcing Brady to touch the dog, and Brady can see how well taken care of Meatball is. and when Benny nonchalantly drops that Meatball just had a grooming appointment earlier that day, he smells like sugar cookies right now.
Brady finally touches the dog, just a quick pet of his ears but it has Benny smiling so widely that Brady feels the pride rolling off of the older boy in waves.
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Marjorie ‘Marge’ Spencer
19 - sophomore in college
Absolutely adores Gale, they grew up together, always had each other’s backs, and she’s had to watch him suffer. his abusive father, his mom who struggled with her own bipolar, leaving little Gale to his own devices. He lived with her essentially once they hit middle school.
But she’s also seen first hand how volatile Gale can get when he’s cycling, and she knows he tries hard not to. takes his medicine diligently, goes to therapy, reads his books, draws in his sketch books. She begged Gale to go into rehab when she realized he wasn’t eating due to his bipolar disorder.
She does weekly visits with Gale, always bringing food for him from a place that she knows he likes. and quietly applauds him when he finishes even 1/4 of it, she’s his biggest supporter.
She absolutely thinks John is kind of funny, even if he reminds her of a frat boy. She can also absolutely see that Gale actually really likes the dingus boy in his wheel chair. Tries to strike up conversation with John, just to watch the way Gale will flush from the older boy’s attention.
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Curtis ‘Curt’ Biddick
22 - super senior in college - his own nickname for himself
He was in the car with John and Ham when the accident happened, suffered significantly less injuries than John. but feels immense guilt because he shouldn’t have let Ham drive, he knew the guy had been drinking. They all had been but it still wasn’t an excuse in Curt’s mind.
He has been best friends with John since they were in kindergarten. Always causing mischief and havoc wherever they went. Absolutely known as the dynamic duo and had to be separated in any of their classes together.
Him and John haven’t talked since before the accident, and one incident when John was still in the hospital. John essentially banned him from coming back to see him, telling him he didn’t want his pity. He didn’t want Curt’s sorries, he wants to be able to fucking walk again.
Slowly weasels his way back into John’s good graces, enough that he can make weekly visits with the boy. it doesn’t erase the guilt, but it helps not eat away at him so much. Gale has a small hand in getting John to accept the first visit with Curt, telling him how awful Curt looked sitting out in the visitation room by himself.
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divider by: @firefly-graphics
picture collages by me 🙂
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softmamawrites · 15 days ago
Feral Gale & Thick Bucky
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**Title is subject to change**
I’m leaving my little 🦕 anon screen on @oopsiedaisiesbaby ‘s page.
I’m also anxiously posting this because there are so so many amazing clegan writers.
I am a thick!Bucky stan as well as a feral!Gale enthusiast.
7.6K of filth, love, and the Buckies
I will admit that 2 & 3 aren’t that long, but I think 1 & 4 makeup for that. at least I hope it does
Warnings: so so much smut. all the smut. negative body image talk.
borders by: @enchanthings
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Gale looks up as he hears the grunt coming from the backyard, hands buried in dishwater but pulling up. Looking out of the small kitchen window, worried for a moment that he’s going to see John outside on the ground. But the sight that greets him, it makes his mouth suddenly fill with saliva. Bucky’s got his arms full with the table that the neighbors asked him to doctor up for them. His biceps are bulging slightly, the muscle there thick, and the veins under his skin pulsing.
Gale swallows thickly as he watches John set the table down, his white shirt rising up to show off the love handle that’s begun to form. Making Gale shift slightly where he’s standing, hands still dripping with soapy water. Heart beginning to pound in his chest, while arousal curls slowly in his lower belly. Another sound leaving John’s mouth and causing Buck to grab the dish towel and head outside.
“Hey Buck, thinking of putting a design in the top of, oof.” John grunts as Gale all but slams into his chest, taking the taller man down into the grass. Knowing their fences are high enough, and there’s more than enough space between houses for this to be safe. John’s hands quick to latch onto Gale’s narrow waist, while he scrambles up to sit on John’s lap. A deep rumbling moan comes out of the black haired man’s mouth as he feels Gale’s tongue lap up his throat. Tracing a bead of sweat that was working its way down his skin, his cock beginning to liven up between his thighs.
“Jesus Christ…what’s gotten into you doll?” Bucky murmurs as his eyes fight to stay open, feeling the way Gale’s hands are crawling up his sweat soaked shirt. Pushing it up as he goes before he’s grabbing at John’s chest, thumbs brushing over his dark pink nipples. Feeling them pebble up under the ministrations, another sound bubbling up the older man’s throat. Buck shifts in his lap again, pushing the shirt up more to tangle it over John’s wrists.
“Have no goddamn idea what you’re doin’ to me out here do you?” Gale mutters as he licks a strip down John’s bicep, holding his wrists in his long fingers. Continuing on his journey before he’s getting to the other man’s armpit, fingers moving to trail down as well. Breathing deeply and moaning at the scent that greets him, manly, a little citrusy from their deodorant, but utterly John. Bucky’s hips jumping up when he feels Gale lick a thick strip across the hair under his arm. Gale’s lengthy fingers traveling down to grip John’s ribcage now, pinning him there with his arms above his head, still wrapped in his shirt.
“Oh fuck…Gale.” John whimpers out when the man licks across to his pec, biting down and sucking at the ample flesh. Buck’s hands coming up to cup under his nipples, squeezing like he would with a woman. That thought alone making John’s cock twitch in his briefs, Gale treating him like a woman, something that had never crossed his mind before. But causing his head to tip back into the grass while his eyes close. Feeling as Gale moves and makes another mark, before he’s biting down on the pert nub and pulling slightly. Going across to the other side to make matching marks, the fingers on one hand going up to pinch and tug at his free nipple.
“Buck, don’t, don’t stop. Please.” The older pants loudly, jaw dropping down again as he feels Gale’s tongue drag along his sternum to the top of his belly. John tries to suck in slightly, embarrassment swirling through his thick skull for a minute. He knows he’s gained weight, knows it because his slacks are getting tight. Digging into his belly and hips now, a bit snug around his thighs. He lets out a yelp when Gale nips at his skin, lifting his head to look down and see the blond glaring at him. Before he’s licking across the spot he dug his teeth into, continuing on his journey down to suck more marks into his skin.
“G Gale, oh fuck…oh fuck.” John whispers as he feels his length give another kick, leaking steadily in his underwear. A wet patch having soaked through his pants now, Gale’s chin bumping across the very obvious bulge. When Buck sinks his teeth into the pudge over his hip, his vision whites out. Fingers scrambling to grab the grass above his head while he moans high pitched in his throat. Spurting wetly into his briefs, thighs tensing and shaking against Gale’s biceps where he’s laid himself to get at John’s skin better.
“Roll over…c’mon be a good boy.” Gale says, voice thick and rough now as he sits up between Bucky’s thighs. Buck undoing the other’s slacks and helping him roll over onto his belly, John whining just a little bit as his head feels like jello. Gale groaning long in his throat once he’s tugged John’s slacks and briefs down, showing off his butt. A little pale from not getting any sun, freckles dotting across it, dimples showing as he shifts his hips to help Gale tug them down. A whimper coming from his mouth as his soft cock rubs against the grass, before his hips are being hauled up slightly.
“B Buck, what are you…oh my god.” He groans out as his hips rock forward, not at all having expected Gale to spread his cheeks and dive in like it was his last meal. His tongue flattening against the other man’s hole and licking, John’s entire body tightening up. While Buck moans behind him, lapping up the sweat there, pressing close to him to get deeper. Knowing he’s being sloppy, something he usually has no taste for, but finding himself unable to care at the moment.
Feeling as John trails away from him slightly before Gale is locking his arm around his waist and moaning at the plush feel of John’s lower belly. Pulling him back into his face and nipping just slightly, getting a broken yell to come from the older man. His face buried in his forearm while he rocks back just a bit, length giving a feeble attempt at getting hard again. Toes curling in his work boots, more sweat beading in his hairline, before his jaw is dropping at the feel of Gale pushing in a slender finger.
“Buck, oh god. Please…don’t stop, oh fuck.” The blond hums from where he’s still pressing his tongue in, letting the drool slip. Coating his finger as he starts pushing it in harder, soon adding in a second. Knowing that John likes the burn, likes to feel the stretch, has drunkenly begged Gale to ‘fuck him without any prep’. And Gale is not an idiot, but he is a little impatient, his cock has been hard for ages. So if he rushes it just a bit, he doesn’t hear John complaining at all about it. Instead the man is trying to rock back onto his fingers for more, babbling incoherently about it.
“Please Buck, just please. I can take it, I’ll take it all. Please.” John is borderline sobbing as he pushes back and feels Gale’s fingers slide across his spot. Pleasure curling up his spine so intensely it almost makes him keel over, pushing his ass up farther in the air. He feels movement behind himself, too dazed to look back, but can tell Gale is reaching into his underwear. Groaning deep when he realizes that the younger man is scooping up any of his previous cum to coat himself with it.
“Been so good for me John…fuck.” Gale almost wheezes out as he pushes in, dropping spit down onto where he’s breeched the other man. Bucky’s body almost collapsing at the stretch, his jaw dropping open on a strangled noise. Fighting every instinct he has to shove back, muscles quivering with the want for it. Feeling Buck’s hands gripping at his butt tightly, pulling his cheeks apart and groping him roughly. Both of them moaning as Gale bottoms out, one hand curling around John’s hip to squeeze harshly. The other kneading his cheek, pulling and tugging at the skin, enjoying the give it has to it. Beginning to rock his hips into the older, the sound of their skin meeting getting louder the harder he goes.
“Yes…yes give it to me. Fuck give it to me please baby.” John almost hisses as his top half drops onto the grass more, angling his hips just enough for Buck to hit his prostate. The bigger man’s entire body jostling with Gale’s thrusts, dragging the length of his cock across the grass under him. He hears the smack before he feels it, his walls spasming and clamping down on Gale when the sting hits him. Feeling Buck wind back to smack his ass again, the blond’s eyes trained on the way John’s skin jiggles.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck. I’m gonna cum again.” Bucky gasps out as he pushes back into Gale, crying out when Buck screws into him harder. Feeling the blunt edges of the younger’s nails digging into the skin surrounding his hip bone, smacking his hand down again to grab a handful of his butt. John letting out a hoarse scream as he starts dribbling into the grass underneath him. Gale frantically pushing into him before he’s slamming into the older man one final time and stilling. Knocking John’s body down into the grass for the blond to follow, pinning him down while he pumps him full.
Both of them breathing heavily, Gale’s breaths hitting John’s sweat soaked shoulder. While John gasps for air against the grass, the blades poking into his cheek. Muscles quivering as Buck pulls out and rolls onto his back, laying next to John with an arm tossed over his eyes. The black haired man cracking one eye open to look at his husband, panting still as he lays there. Seeing the pink hue spread all over Gale’s chest, neck, and face while he tries to suck in deep lungfuls of air.
“I’m thinking chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner…maybe some gravy. I think we still have those rolls from Janice in town.” Buck states after they’ve both caught their breath, John still on his front in the grass. Gale turning his head to look at the older man, seeing him laying there with his eyes closed. Slacks and underwear still pulled down to mid thigh, making him realize that he himself has not pulled up his briefs.
“Whatever you say Buck…I’ll eat whatever you make.” Bucky responds after a moment of quiet, causing a smirk to form on the blond’s lips. Leaning over on an elbow to kiss the back of John’s head. Before he’s shifting to tuck himself away and do up his pants, reaching down to squeeze Bucky’s ass one more time. Causing a feeble groan to come from the older man, the muscle tensing under his touch.
“Of course you will…you’re my good boy.” John makes a sound at that, opening his eye to watch as Gale hauls himself up and heads for the house. Leaving John there in the grass, unable to piece together exactly what happened.
John isn’t sure how he got here, but he really isn’t one to complain when he has Gale desperately begging him for something. The black haired man has been known to fold faster than a card tower in the breeze when it comes to the younger. So when Gale has herded him into their bedroom again, begging for John to sit on his face. He truly can’t say no, especially when Gale looks like he could burst into tears. Which is how John has found himself perched over Buck’s face, gripping their headboard with one hand. Looking down between his thighs to watch as the blond sucks yet another mark into his skin.
“Christ doll.” John groans before his hips cant just slightly at the feel of Gale sucking his balls into his mouth. Laving his tongue over them, both of his hands cupping Bucky’s butt. Squeezing tightly and rocking the man against his face, moaning against his sensitive skin. John dropping a hand to curl into Gale’s hair and tug just a little, feeling more than hearing the resounding whine. His toes curling as Buck shifts his mouth up to lick across his cock, lifting his head a bit to wrap his lips around his tip.
“Fucking hell…that’s it.” The older sighs out as his head tips back, and his body sags a little at the pleasure. Gale moaning at the extra weight that settles onto his upper chest, hands greedily groping whatever part of John he can reach. Tweaking a nipple while sucking at his length, trying to guide Bucky into fucking his face like this. Feeling his own cock twitch, hole clenching from when he’d fingered himself earlier. John in the shower while Gale waited, part of him wanting the older to catch him. But the bigger part of him wanting it to be a surprise, just desperate to get John on him or in him, either way he just wanted John.
“Have I ever told you how fucking good you look with your mouth full? Prettiest fucking lips around, made for sucking my cock.” Bucky informs him, moaning again at the whine the blond lets loose. Before he’s pulling off of John and panting softly, licking and lapping at any skin he can reach. His hands trailing over the older man’s sides, squeezing his love handles up to his ribcage. Feeling the give there, no longer able to feel the bones that reside under his skin.
“Want you to fuck me, c’mon John. Please.” Gale says as he wiggles under the older man, John blinking his eyes a little hazy before he’s nodding a bit. Shifting so he can get off of Buck’s chest, reaching for the nightstand for their Vaseline. Grabbing the tin and going to crawl between the blond’s legs, hands squeezing up his thighs. Looking down he lets out a deep bone rattling groan, the sheen over Buck’s hole visible in the light coming through their window.
“You open yourself up for me doll? Get yourself nice and wet for me?” He asks flicking his eyes up to look at Buck again, seeing the neediness in his gaze. The rapid nod of his head sending his hair flying up, loose strands flopping back over his forehead. Before he’s leaning up to kiss him, Gale grabbing the Vaseline to uncap it. Scooping some out and wrapping his hand around John’s length. Squeezing as he strokes him, coating him in the thick lubricant before he’s trying to lead him to his hole.
“Gonna stick it in? That’s it, take what you want sweetheart.” John grunts as he sinks into Gale’s hole, both of them letting out desperate sounds. The blond’s slick hand coming up to latch onto John’s bicep, squeezing and feeling the muscle there. The older sinking in all of the way, stealing Buck’s breath straight from his lungs, unsure if he would ever get used to the stretch. The feeling sending shocks of pleasure down to his toes, it bordering being too much. Bucky pulls his hips back to rock forward again, getting both of them to groan. Gale’s long legs twisting up around his waist to pull his entire body closer. Wanting to feel John’s weight against him again, grunting quietly under him.
“Always so fuckin tight wrapped up around me doll.” Bucky gets out between clenched teeth, feeling the way Gale is tugging him down more. The blond letting out a pleased moan as the soft curve of John’s stomach rubs against his trapped cock. Pushing his tip down to rub between their bodies more, while the older moans at the tight squeeze. One arm propped above Buck’s body to push into him harder, using some of his weight.
“H harder, do it harder.” Gale groans as he tries to use his legs to pull John into himself more. One hand sliding off of his side to grip at his butt, squeezing the soft flesh to pull him deeper. Causing both of them to let out loud sounds, Bucky finally putting his full weight into his thrusts. Making Buck’s back arch off the bed a bit, ‘ah, ah, ah’s’ beginning to fall from his mouth as John slams into his sweet spot. His blunt nails digging crescents into John’s cheek, not pulling on him anymore, just simply holding on for the ride.
“This what you want? Wanna be a lil ragdoll?” John growls lowly as he snaps into Gale harder, sending the blond sliding up the sheets slightly. The headboard beginning to hit the wall, their dark eyes meeting now. Buck’s jaw dropped open, plump lower lip spit slick while he gasps out incoherent nonsense. Bucky smiling just a little as he keeps up his pace, his hand tightening its grip on the pillow under the younger’s head. Gale begins squirming under him as he feels his cock being rubbed between their bodies. Tip drooling down into the hair under his belly button while he spasms around John again.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck doll, so tight around me. That’s it, fuck, fuck.” John moans as his eyes fall shut and his hips begin stuttering, the blond arching just a bit again. Before Buck’s beginning to lock up, releasing in thick ropes between them both. Cumming so hard it nearly reaches his collar bones. Dull nails gripping onto John’s skin harder now, making the older cry out at the sting. Before he’s losing his rhythm entirely and tensing up, hips snapping and sinking in. Weight collapsing onto Gale’s chest more as he orgasms, grinding his waist forward at the sensation.
“I’m gonna crush you.” Bucky pants out as he tries to shift and pull out of the blond. His legs and arms curled around him like a spider, trying to take more of John’s weight. Gale’s ribcage rapidly rising and falling under him making Bucky feel slight concern. Not wanting to crush his husband at all, but also not wanting to pull away quite yet.
“Don’t care, just stay here.” Buck finally gets out, clenching his hole reflexively. Causing a pained moan to fall from the older’s lips, nose burying under Gale’s ear. Both of them able to feel as the Vaseline and John’s cum start to slip out around his softening cock. His arms shaking as they come to curl under Buck’s back, keeping some of his weight on his forearms. But letting the rest of it reside on top of Gale, a content sigh escaping the younger man’s mouth.
“Any dinner requests tonight?” Gale murmurs as he lays there, John chuckling softly into his collar bone. Shaking his head softly before pressing a kiss into the skin, shifting above him and groaning. Buck gripping him a little tighter with his hands, not wanting him to pull away yet.
“I’ll eat whatever you decide on Buck.” The blond hums softly and gently pats the older’s side, smiling a bit at the resounding laugh to echo through his body.
“Buck…Jesus Christ, I can’t.” John gasps out, trying to suck down air as he feels the blond shifting next to him again. The drag of Gale’s hard cock against his side would usually make his blood thrum. But after two orgasms, the black haired man felt wrung dry. His thigh muscles shaking a bit as he feels lips pressing against his shoulder. He can still feel Gale’s cum drying on his stomach and chest, the man having ridden him hard. The finger tip shaped bruises on his pecs throbbing slightly, bite marks in various stages of healing on his lower stomach.
“Just one more…you can do that for me can’t you John?” Gale murmurs next to his ear, grinding himself against the older’s butt. Bucky’s hole clenching reflexively, sore and stretched out from where Buck had pounded into him. His thighs were quaking from the stretch of Gale holding them on his shoulders. He’s pretty sure he’s got a bite mark by his ankle bone, the blond having sunk his teeth in when he came for the second time. It was currently leaking out of him, rubbing his thighs together slightly he takes a deep breath.
“Come here…yea, I can, I can help you.” The black haired man replies as he shifts onto his side, pulling and man handling Gale so he’s behind his bent thighs. Licking across his palm and spitting before he’s rubbing his hand between his thighs. Watching the way Buck’s eyes are trailing his every movement, pink cock straining against his lower stomach. Maybe John was just getting old, he couldn’t fathom being that hard again after just cumming not even ten minutes ago.
“Just like this…fuck me just like this Buck.” He says as he looks up at the blond, his eyebrows furrowing slightly before he’s moaning. Cock nestling between John’s thighs, the coarse hair there rubbing against his sensitive tip. His head tipping back, showing off his long neck while his fingers grip onto Bucky’s hip. Shifting his upper thigh just a bit to push in between a little better, groaning in his chest.
“Oh fuck John…fuck this feels so good.” Buck whimpers out as he moves his hips in slightly uncoordinated thrusts. His tip nestling under John’s balls, rubbing back and forth. Making heat swirl dangerously in Bucky’s lower abdomen, the man gripping the pillow under his head. Moaning brokenly at the overstimulation, sweet zings of pain sliding up his spine. Before he’s crying out at the feel of Gale’s fingers twisting one of his nipples. The younger man’s hips thrusting quicker now, chasing his orgasm with no finesse.
“Fuck Buck, fuck. Christ doll.” John pants as he looks at the blond again, watching the way his face contorts. Feeling his hand gripping and grabbing at his belly, pushing against the little bruises he’s sucked into the skin. Making Bucky’s cock twitch, listening as Gale moans openly. Louder than he thinks he’s ever heard him, rutting into the plush feel of Bucky’s thighs harder. His hand sliding down from his stomach to grab at John’s limp cock, his body twitching like a live wire.
“One more…said you could do it. Cum for me one more time…please John, please. I’m so close.” Gale begs him as he pushes into the tight squeeze quicker, rubbing his thumb against John’s tip. Listening as the broken whimpers and sobs fall from the older man, his muscles tensing and shaking. Tears beginning to drip down John’s face as he feels his balls tensing up towards his body more. His thighs squeezing together tighter, feeling as Buck’s body starts to tighten. A tell tale sign that he’s right on the edge, gripping onto John’s chest harder, his thrusts rocking the older’s body a bit.
“Oh fuck, Gale, fuck.” Bucky sobs out as he starts orgasming, entire body shaking while he cums completely dry. Cock twitching in the blond’s palm, John’s hand having to come down and disengage the other man’s grip. Buck’s orgasm slamming into him, entire body locking up with it as he spurts across John’s crotch. Spilling down onto his thighs, making the stuttering glides of Gale’s length a little smoother. Before he’s all but collapsing onto Bucky’s side, panting heavily.
“You tire yourself out yet?” John asks a few minutes later, both of them still slightly breathless. Cum in different drying stages along their bodies, Buck pressed up against John’s side now. The older laying on his back, arm tucked around the blond’s shoulders. While Gale has his nose buried in the other man’s armpit, his arm limply laying across his chest. Buck lets out a low chuckle, nodding a bit and kissing his side.
“I’m not complainin’…but Jesus Christ, warn a guy next time. I don’t think any of the chores are gettin finished today. Don’t think I can walk.” Buck smiles happily as he leans up on an elbow to look at his husband. Seeing the pink hue to his cheeks still, his hair floppy on his forehead from where he was sweating earlier. John bringing a hand to rub up Buck’s spine, rubbing his thumb between his shoulder blades gently. A bashful look crossing over Gale’s face before he’s being tugged down into a kiss.
“You just, looked good.” The blond offers with a little shrug, John laughing softly at that and shaking his head a bit. Bumping his nose against Buck’s gently, and making the blond man smile. Leaning in to kiss the older before they’re both snuggling down into the bed again. Knowing they need to shower, and most definitely open a window. The sheets would need to be washed and hung to dry. But like Bucky had said, the chores were going to have to wait. Neither man could trust their jelly like legs to complete anything aside from staying where they were at.
“The Buckies are here!” Someone calls as the pair walk into the old barn that’s being used for their little reunion. Everyone cheering when they see them both, John chuckling as they are getting swarmed for hugs. Buck chewing down on his toothpick, accepting the pats on the back. A coke being handed to him, while a beer bottle is being pushed into John’s hand. Brady tugging Buck into a conversation, while Benny is dealing Bucky in on their card game. Everyone seeming to fall into an easy rhythm, just like they used to together. Wives joining with food awhile later, more drinks being spread around.
“I swear all she does is make baked goods. Had to buy bigger slacks awhile ago.” Croz says shaking his head a bit and smiling as the guys all play their game. Benny smacking the back of John’s shoulder, almost making the man choke on his beer.
“You’ve got some meat on your bones now too Major. Fillin’ out your slacks.” DeMarco states, everyone at the table letting out laughs and agreements. Bucky feeling the little swirl of embarrassment fill his stomach, knowing they aren’t wrong. Buck was keeping him well fed, testing out new recipes that the ladies at the grocery store recommended. Always keeping their sweets dish filled with whatever he was craving that week. It was no secret that Gale had a sweet tooth, so the sugary treats being in the house wasn’t an issue. John had always been a more savory guy, but he would never turn down a chocolate chip cookie.
“Where’s everyone stayin tonight?” Ham asks towards the end of this hand. Nobody seeming to have noticed that Bucky had gone relatively quiet, sipping at his beer, making little comments here and there. Ever since the stallag it was normal for John to have his quieter moments. Buck had been scooped into another conversation by Alex, the pair of them discussing the school options they could both potentially go for. Gale having wanted to explore more of a mathematics degree, maybe be a teacher one day.
“The motel in town, only place with enough rooms.”
“Rooming a few of you boys, you better be polite to the wife and kids in the morning.” Douglass says shoving a couple of the boys staying at his home. Everyone laughing before they’re all stationing themselves to different chores. Not wanting to leave the barn a mess, the couple that had rented it to them for the two days were nice. None of them wanted to be disrespectful, making sure trash goes where it needs to. The chairs being scraped back into their places, the few tables being moved back around.
John finds himself staring in the mirror later that night, shirtless and still damp from his shower. Buck finishing up his own shower, talking in the deep soothing voice that John has become accustomed to. Bucky’s own fingers going to pinch and tug at his belly, frowning a bit before brushing across the love bites in his skin.
“That is a sight I will not get tired of.” Gale states once he’s opened the shower curtain, his eyes watching as John touches the marks on his lower belly. The black haired man turning his head slightly to look at the other, the frown gone from his face. Noticing that Buck is beginning to harden, his eyes trailing up his body appreciatively. Even as Bucky wants to curl into himself, hide the flab that he’s suddenly become too noticing of.
“You gonna do something about it Major?” John questions, hoping there isn’t a tremble to his voice as he watches Gale get out of the shower. A little smirk that reserved just for Bucky forming on his mouth, coming to stand behind his husband. Pressing a kiss to his neck, hands coming to drag down his chest, squeezing his pecs softly. Before continuing on their journey, grabbing at his hips to pull his plush bottom back into himself. Bucky’s eyes watching every movement he makes, feeling goosebumps forming on his skin. His cock twitching in interest, hips pushing back on instinct when he feels Buck’s semi pressing against him.
“I’d love to have you ride my face Major.” John feels his stomach twist, nodding anyways and letting the blond tug him out to their hotel bed. The one bed housing their bags while the other will be their’s for the night, watching as Buck climbs up and situates himself. Tapping his chest impatiently, something that John would usually chuckle at and roll his eyes. How Gale became such a hound for him, he wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t going to question it too much. Even if the voice in his head is telling him to lay off the food, that soon Buck won’t want him anymore.
“Okay?” Bucky asks once he’s climbed up and perched himself over Gale’s face, the younger humming happily as his large hands pull the other man down more. Using his long fingers to pull his cheeks apart, pushing his tongue up against his perineum. Humming softly at the taste that can only be described as ‘John’, something that always makes arousal curl low in his gut. Trying to tug the bigger man down more, huffing when John resists slightly.
“C’mon John…wanna taste you.” Buck states feeling him relent and push down a little more. Moaning at the feel of Gale flicking his tongue against his hole, the tight furl twitching in interest. While his cock begins to fill out more, one forearm going to rest on the top of the headboard. His knees holding most of his weight, even if he knows that Gale likes to feel it on his chest. The blond wrapping one hand around John’s length and squeezing, rubbing his thumb across and hearing the resounding groan. One of Bucky’s hands coming down to tangle in his damp hair, tugging in a way he knows that Gale likes. His hips rocking in the slightest at the dual sensations flowing through his body.
“Feels good doll…just like that.” John sighs out as he feels Buck push his tongue into him slightly. The younger’s hand squeezing him again, rubbing his thumb across the other’s tip in quick swipes. John sucks in his stomach slightly, head tipping to the side onto his shoulder as he groans again. Feeling Gale licking up and across his taint again to his balls, sucking them individually into his mouth. Making his toes curl next to the blond’s rib cage on the bed, knees digging in next to his head more.
Gale furrows his brows when he doesn’t feel the weight of his lover pushing down more. Knowing when he gets Bucky’s balls in his mouth it almost instantly makes him go boneless. Opening his eyes to look up, he sees the look of slight concentration on John’s face. Before he realizes the man is keeping his weight off of him, his stomach sucked in. Letting go of his balls he pulls his head back slightly, tapping the older’s thighs softly.
“Wha’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” John asks as he moves, bottom lip catching between his teeth as he shuffles down so he’s hovering over Buck’s lower stomach. Gale wiggling slightly to sit up better, inclining himself on his elbows to look at the older man. Watching as his eyes dart from looking at Gale to staring off at the wall, plush lower lip pulled between his teeth.
“We don’t have to do this tonight, especially if you don’t want to John. You’re not going to hurt my feelings at all.” Gale tells him, trying to catch John’s eye, not expecting to see the wet sheen covering them. Before his lower lip is wobbling, sparkling tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. Panic flaring in the blond’s chest as he shifts again and sits up fully, pulling the older into his chest. Knowing that John likes physical touch when he’s having big emotions, likes feeling Gale’s hands specifically on him. He pets a hand over Bucky’s head, smoothing down his hair while holding him close.
“J just wanna make you happy Buck…we can keep going. I’m alright.” John borderline whimpers out, making the blond shake his head quickly. Holding the older man closer, squeezing his shoulders with one arm. The other around his waist to keep him pressed as tightly to his own body as he can. Not sure what’s going on with his boy but knowing he can’t ignore this. Even if John liked to try to ignore his emotions, Gale could never, they would spill out of the big man eventually.
“We’re not doin anything if you’re not going to be happy too John. You make me incredibly happy, I don’t know where you would ever get an idea that I’m not.” Buck murmurs as he kisses the other’s temple, wondering why on earth his big dumb boy would think otherwise. Feeling the shuddery breath that the older pulls in, his nose pressed against Gale’s throat. Body tucked in close to the blond’s, all 6’2 of him folded and curled up like a child almost. Gale rubs his hand up the other’s spine, letting him work through it in his head for a minute.
“Some of the guys were saying I fill out my slacks now…I’ve got meat on my bones. And they aren’t wrong…I have gotten chubby since we came home. Just not as active as I was over there…I can do better. I can be better, I’ll lose the weight again.” John murmurs in Buck’s collar bone, not seeing the almost murderous look that crosses the blond’s expression. His arms curling around his lover tighter, frowning and shaking his head as Bucky’s words register. His fingers digging into the pudge that clings to John’s ribs now, pulling him even closer to himself. Not caring that the man out weighs him, needing to feel his naked skin pressed against his own.
“John…you listen to me and you listen good. I love this version of you, I’ve seen you as skin and bone. That is not the John that I want, I do not want to feel your hip bones slamming into me when we’re making love. I don’t want to be able to count your ribs when we’re laying next to each other. I don’t want to be able to see the vertebra of your spine when you’re outside working. I like being able to grab handfuls of you, I like seeing you eat the food I make you. I like taking care of you…I love you.” Gale states in an even tone, feeling the older man’s quick in take of air. His own arms keeping him curled close, digging his finger tips into his love handles to keep him firmly planted in his lap. Even as John tries to push back to look at the other man’s face, not missing how Gale has gone half hard again. His butt rubbing against the younger man’s cock just slightly, before he’s giving up the fight and letting Buck keep him where he wants.
“I love feeling your full body weight against me…I’ve never cum so hard before. With you pressing me down into the bed, fuck you don’t understand how much it drives me crazy. Your stomach rubbing right up against me, god it feels incredible. Don’t even get me started on when your butt bounces back against me. Have to make sure I don’t blow right then and there, and your…your tits John. Jesus Christ I want to bury my face in them all day long.” Bucky’s cheeks flare a burning red color, up to the tips of his ears and down to his collar bones. Never having heard Buck wax poetic about his body before, his insides curling with want suddenly. Feeling Gale’s hands sliding over his sides, squeezing where he’s talking about. Pausing on his waist, before trailing down to grip true handfuls of his ass. Keeping a grip on one cheek before he goes up to grope at one of Bucky’s pecs. The blond nudging his forehead with his chin so that Bucky will look up, his eyes still holding a shine to them.
“I love you John…and nothing will change that. So please, don’t even think about losing weight again or eating less. Because this John Egan, this is the John Egan that I want sitting right on top of me. If you’re going to lose weight or do any of that, do it for yourself. Not because you think it’ll make me happy. Because this version of you, is what makes me happy.” Gale finishes before he’s leaning in and kissing the older man, hefting them both over so he’s kneeling between John’s thighs. Running both hands over the outsides to squeeze, their hard lengths pushing together and rubbing against Bucky’s belly. Moans coming up both of their throats, while John’s hands slide down his lover’s shoulders and back. Getting to his butt, squeezing softly to pull him in closer while he lifts his hips up. Both of them grinding against the other for another minute before they’re separating.
“Buck…can you fuck me into the mattress?” Bucky pants out while bringing a hand up to card through the blond’s hair. Tugging with just enough force that it creates that pleasurable sting Gale craves. The blond busy working a love mark into Bucky’s pec, grinding their hips together still against the gentle curve of his belly.
“Only if you ask me nicely.” The younger teases with a little smirk, sitting up slightly to grip his husband’s chest. Squeezing the flesh and rolling his dusky pink nipples between his thumb and forefinger. John whining softly under him, pushing his hips up in a needy manner. Slick cocks dragging together making both of them let out loud sounds. Before Gale is moving a hand down to push his length between Bucky’s cheeks, angling it just right. Letting his tip catch on the older man’s rim just a bit, John letting out a desperate whimper.
“Please Gale, fuck me into the bed. Want it hard, wanna feel you for days. Please.” John begs, trying to push up into the other man, hole clenching slightly. Feeling the way Buck is already leaking, rubbing the pearls of precum dripping from him onto the older man’s hole. Bucky whimpers softly as he spreads his legs more, feeling Gale’s hands slide down to squeeze the supple flesh of his inner thighs. Thumbs pushing into healing hickies, while he grinds against him still. John’s eyes widening as Gale’s biceps bulge slightly when he pulls the older man into his lap more. Knees tucking under Bucky’s ass to keep him propped up while he leans over to the nightstand. Grabbing the jar of Vaseline tossed there earlier, an impromptu dicking down having Gale face first in the bed.
“Look so pretty splayed out like this for me, love seeing all of this skin.” Buck states as he drags a hand up to grip at John’s hip, squeezing his fingers into the plushness of it. Using the other hand to pry open the tin, dipping his fingers in before bringing them down to circle John’s hole. Hearing the little intake of air the older man pulls in, his blue eyes dark as he watches the blond’s face. Hanging onto every word from the younger man like they are a life raft, his cock giving another kick against his stomach. Whining when Buck pushes his finger in to the knuckle, walls spasming around the intrusion.
“Love how I can grab your chest like this…can hold them and use them when I ride you. Fuck you look so good under me, love watching the way you ripple.” Gale tells him as he crooks his finger, watching in satisfaction as John’s hips shoot up off the bed. His jaw dropping down as his head digs back into the pillow under his head. Thighs tensing where they’re splayed out around Buck’s narrow hips, threatening to close. Making the blond move on instinct, smacking his hand down roughly against the black haired man’s inner thigh. A shout leaving Bucky’s mouth at the impact, cock drooling precum onto his skin while he moans again. Buck sliding in another finger, scissoring them open to stretch the other man out.
“Want you inside of me, c’mon I’m ready, please Buck.” John moans out as he tries to wiggle his hips again, walls clamping down when Gale shoves his finger tips into his sweet spot. A long drawn out moan falling from his mouth, length giving a dangerous jerk against his stomach again. Precum starting to streak down the underside of his pudge, Gale’s eyes watching it go. Before he’s leaning down to lap up the wet marks, sucking at John’s tip for a second just to hear the whimper come from his boy’s lips. Sitting up on his knees better to slick himself up, fingers pulling from Bucky’s entrance.
“Maybe I should roll you over…watch your ass bounce. Or maybe you should ride me…fuck love when you do that. Get to watch your cock bouncing on me.” Buck rambles as he lines himself up, pushing forward and sinking in. Feeling the slight resistance before John is relaxing and letting him in all of the way. Gale’s hips flush with the backs of John’s thick thighs, his hands sliding down to pull them up over his shoulders. Bending the older man in half just like Bucky’s done to him many times, his thumbs digging into the dips behind John’s knees. The black haired man whimpering with tears in his eyes, so full he can barely breathe. Buck pulls his hips back just to send them forward again, pushing some of his own weight into John. Watching the older’s pretty cock bounce against his lower stomach, dripping precum down onto his skin.
“Fuck John, you don’t even know how fucking good you look do you? Makin’ heads turn wherever we go, makes me wanna fuck you right up against the nearest surface sometimes. Love how fucking thick you are.” The blond tells him, snapping into him hard but slow. Bending down just a little more to fold John into a deeper curve, angling his hips just right. His next thrust sending John into a fit, hips trying to push up for more stimulation. Hands grabbing for the backs of Gale’s biceps, squeezing roughly while he openly sobs at the pleasure. Buck smirking a bit to himself, knowing exactly what will take his big dumb boy apart. Wanting to watch John cum untouched, watch him streak his own belly, watch the drops of it roll down the curve of his sides.
“Gale! Buck! Fuck, don’t stop! Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum. Fuck!” John cries as his walls spasm again, grabbing for the sheets and tugging them hard. Gale momentarily worrying that he’s going to rip holes in them, before he’s focusing back on Bucky. Looking down between them to watch the ruddy tip of John’s cock drip, knowing how close the older man is. Soft wails falling from John’s mouth as he starts to tense up. A few more thrusts and he’s spurting across his stomach, up to his nipples, some of it getting on Gale’s lower stomach.
“Oh fuck sweetheart, that’s it. Squeezing around me so tight, goddammit.” Buck groans before he’s letting the older’s thighs drop down and he’s pulling out. Jerking himself quickly to cum across John’s stomach too, his head falling back while he moans high in his throat. Bucky watching with an open jaw, whimpering quietly with tears in his eyes. Enraptured with the pure pleasure across his angelic features, one of his large hands falling down to grip onto John’s stomach. Squeezing with his aftershocks, hips jerking in little increments as he rides out his high. Before he’s leaning down and cupping John’s chin, hand messy with their mixed releases.
“Don’t you ever think for a second that I want a different version of you. I love you, I want you…don’t you ever forget that. Got it Major?” John nods a bit, lips pushed out in a little fishy pout. Making Gale smile as he leans down to kiss him, biting at his bottom lip and collapse into the older man’s chest.
“I love you too Buck.” Bucky murmurs, Gale humming softly and kissing at a bruise he’s sucked into his pec. John smiling as he pets his hand down the younger man’s head and spine. Holding him close as they bask in their afterglow.
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antiquitea · 5 months ago
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my memory, taken like the violent sea. try to swim, the ocean sinks this vessel, me. ─── "𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞" 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫
john egan is a cecaelia (half man, half octopus) and gale cleven is the human who loves him.
— a collaboration w/ @wildbornsiren
( other moodboards in the series )
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softmamawrites · 10 days ago
Newly Wed Bliss
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2.3K of newly wedded smut
John Egan deserves a good dicking and Gale Cleven (Egan) is the man for the job.
Warnings: smut, daddy kink (just a little), mommy kink (maybe), breeding kink, Gale’s dirty mouth, John’s dirty follow through
inspired by an ask I sent to @oopsiedaisiesbaby 💕
dividers by: @enchanthings
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Gale hums softly as he steps back into the master bedroom, the breeze blowing in from the open window causing a little shiver to go up his spine. The smell of the lake outside of their cabin is comforting, reminds him of summer vacations. The brief’s he’s wearing are definitely not his, the waistband is a little too big on him. Looking up at the lump that’s in the large bed, a smile forms on his face. Slowly making his way over, the lump becomes more clear. Greedy eyes taking in the broad expanse of his husband’s, his husband’s, back and shoulders. Freckles dotting across his pale skin, the even motion of his breathing expanding his ribcage.
Cornflower colored eyes are dragging down, appreciating the view. A few scratch marks from the night before showing up on his skin as well. Before he’s getting down to John’s waist, head cocking just slightly when he sees the dimples above his butt. The sheets pulled down to rest on the swell of the older man’s bubble butt, he knew John had been working out lately. They both had been before their wedding, their wedding, wanting to look a little trimmer in their suits.
He finds himself crawling up onto the black haired man’s thighs, situating himself so he can look at the dimples better. The soft cotton sheet pulling down just a little to show the tops of John’s cheeks and crack. Gale holding in his soft moan at the sight, before he’s setting his thumbs into the divots. Finding that his thumbs are almost too big to fit, a soft sigh leaving his mouth. Feeling how warm and soft John is, Gale having finally convinced him that lotion was not the devil.
“Mm…whatcha doin’?” John murmurs, voice sleep heavy, and deep. Turning his head a bit to look down, the older wondering if he’s going to be blessed with Gale’s tongue first thing in the morning. It didn’t happen often, at least not when it came to eating him out, he had woken plenty of times to his lover’s lips around his cock. The blond had an oral fixation and he knew how to use it to his advantage, especially if he wanted John to complete a chore for him. The blond flicks his eyes up, shifting his weight just slightly to lean up and press a kiss to his shoulder. Listening as John lets out a soft sigh, body sinking more into the sheets under him.
“Didn’t notice you had dimples here…came to get a better look.” Gale responds as he presses his lips to his spine, nuzzling close and breathing in. The smell of John filling his senses, oranges from his shampoo, sandalwood laying low, with the faintest hint of sweat at the nape of his neck. The younger flattens his tongue, meeting John’s eye before he licks down between the older’s shoulder blades. Goosebumps rising and covering pale skin, a little shudder rushing down his spine at the sensation.
“I’m sure I’ve got more dimples you could touch.” John mumbles, shifting his hips slightly as he feels himself hardening. Hearing the stuttered breath fall from his husband’s mouth, a little smile tugging at his lips. Feeling the bulge in Gale’s briefs pushing against his butt now, while John adjusts again. Sliding his hand down to push his length down so it’s flat against the sheets, pointing down between his legs, no longer squished at an awkward angle. Feeling as Gale brings his hands down to rest on his waist, expansive hands covering as much warm skin as possible.
“I’m sure you do…but these ones are new to me. And it would be a shame if I didn’t appreciate every inch of my husband. Isn’t that what you always tell me?” Gale hums quietly as he looks up the broad expanse of the older’s spine, seeing both of his hands up by his head now. Smiling a little to himself as he slips his hands down to grope at John’s cheeks. Watching as his hips lift just slightly, a quiet sigh leaving his mouth. His face smooshed into the pillow under his head still, eyes closed as he enjoys the touch of his lover.
“Mhm, your body is a wonderland, or whatever Mayer says.” The black haired man states with a little sigh at the feel of Gale licking across one dimple. Trying his hardest not push back into the touch, able to feel his hole clenching at the closeness. Memories of last night fluttering by in passing, before he feels his husband dig his thumbs into the meat of his ass. Pulling his cheeks apart just a little, still licking across the dimples in his skin. A little whimper coming up his throat before he can stop it, cock fully hard against the soft sheets now.
He can feel how hard Gale is every time he dips down and brushes across his thighs. The damn briefs keeping him enclosed the only thing separating them at the moment. That and the seeming patience his husband has instilled for himself, truly deciding to take his time. A gasp shocking itself out of John’s throat when he feels the sharp pinch of Gale’s teeth against his cheek. A slight sucking motion, followed by a hot and warm tongue brushing over it.
“You were right…you’ve got more dimples.” The blond states like it’s an explanation for the mark he’s just bitten into his husband. Humming to himself as he sucks another one close by, the shudder that courses through the older subtle. Hips lifting in just a little motion, the sensation of Gale spreading his cheeks again making him moan. Chest puffing up against the mattress, hearing the groan come from the blond’s mouth. One of his thumbs brushing across his hole, puffy and relaxed from last night’s use.
“Are you gonna tease me all morning?” John murmurs against the pillow, eye opening as he feels Gale’s exhale on his entrance. The muscle clenching again at the touch, cock kicking against the sheet. The older sure he’s beginning to leak beads of precum, moaning when the wet warmth of Gale’s tongue swiping across him invades his senses. His hips lifting slightly before they’re getting pushed back down into the mattress. The younger keeping him spread open so he can lick into him slowly, letting saliva pool in his mouth before allowing it to leave. Dripping down across John’s hole, to his perineum, and then his balls.
“Fucking Christ Gale.” The man whimpers out as his fingers clutch the pillow under his head. Precum drooling from him, forming a little puddle under his cock as he lays there. Gale humming quietly behind him as he licks into him again, pushing his tongue as far as it’ll go. John whining at the sensation, hole spasming and clenching around the intrusion. Lifting his head up in confusion when the pleasure stops, Gale shifting behind him. Before he feels two wet with spit fingers sliding and pressing into him, scissoring open. While the blond sits on the backs of his thighs again, reaching for the lube left on their nightstand.
“Love when I’ve already fucked you…open up so nicely for me. Still wet inside, fuck I could taste myself inside of you.” The slightly shorter man tells him, the shuffle of him pushing his briefs down enough to spring out has John almost panting. Trying to turn his head enough to watch, loving when Gale slicks himself up. It being its own form of foreplay, the way his head always tilts back. His thumb brushing across his tip, before he squeezes around himself. The moans that don’t seem to be able to stop tumbling from his mouth, then he’s pushing his tip against where his fingers are still buried.
“Bet you could take my fingers and my cock at the same time. Love when your little hole gets stretched out don’t you? Fuck…feels so good every time.” The blond moans as he presses in, John letting loose a high whimper. Trying to push back into the younger, hands on his back stopping him. Keeping him pinned down into the mattress, thighs squeezed together by Gale’s knees on the outsides of his legs. The lankier of the two bottoming out, both of them letting out grunts at the sensations. Gale leaning down to brush his lips against John’s cheek, moving to bite at his earlobe. While he starts grinding himself forward, pulling back a little bit before he’s sinking in again.
“Gotta keep my little wife fucked full and happy. Can’t have you going without can I?” The younger asks, feeling more than hearing the resounding groan that comes from John. His walls squeezing and clamping down at the drop of the name. He had never before thought he would get off on being called a ‘wife’, had never really gotten off on being feminized before. Maybe it was just because it was Gale doing it, he loved hearing it in his deep timber. His eyes squeeze shut at the hand in his hair tugging a bit, lifting his head off the pillow. John swallowing to wet his mouth, knowing that Gale is waiting for an answer.
“Always take such good care of me…always feels so good. Fill me up so good…please, harder.” He begs as he pushes his butt up towards Gale as much as he can in this position. The movements from the other man dragging him just enough to receive friction on his cock. Tip moving back and forth over the sheet, going through his little pool of precum. Gale hums next to his ear, kissing his jaw again before nipping softly. One hand tangled in John’s curls, the other resting on his waist, large thumb pushing into the dimple that started it all.
“Don’t have to beg me…daddy will take care of you.” John groans into the pillow as Gale starts pushing into him harder. Keeping up the slow pace but slamming home, the resounding smacking sound between them growing in noise. The blond angling his hips just a little to smash into the other man’s prostate, a high pitched warbling noise coming from John. Body spasming slightly under his touch, trying to desperately push back into the other’s thrusts. While also trying to grind himself forward into the bed, stomach already tightening.
“Gonna make you a mama John…gonna pump you full. Keep you full, give you as many babies as you want. I promise.” Gale rambles as he snaps his hips a little quicker, pleasure curling at the base of his spine and down to his toes. Both of them moaning at the pictures forming behind their eyes. Gale would blame it on the newly wed bliss while John would blame it on the cock pounding into him. Rattling his brain around, stealing his breath away, and making him feel drunk. Gale’s hand let’s go of his hair so he can sit up a little better, both hands finding his broad waist again. Snapping quicker now, chasing that high for both of them. Trying to keep the angle the same so it’s just as good for John, a sharp cry escaping the older man.
“Oh fuck, Gale, baby, I’m gonna, oh fuck.” John gasps out as the blond squeezes his hips, grunting with each push. Digging his fingers in, letting the older get that bit of pain he craves sometimes. Before John is spasming under him, face pushing into the pillow with his hands grabbing at the sheets. Orgasm crashing into him like a train, thick spurts shooting down his own thighs and onto the bedding. Sobbing openly at the pleasure consuming him whole, Gale moving a hand up to turn his head so he doesn’t suffocate himself.
“F fill me up, please, pump me full…fuck please daddy. Wanna feel it dripping from me.” John rambles, drool slipping from the side of his mouth as oversensitivity shoots up his spine. Dribbling just a little more cum down onto the sheet as Gale slams into him once, twice, three more times. The blond stilling above him as an almost pained moan tumbles from his mouth, body pushing down into John’s harder. Nestling his cock as deep as it can get, hands grabbing for the older’s ass to pull his cheeks apart. A high pitched whine leaving Gale’s mouth, toes curling so hard he almost gets a calf cramp.
“Oh fuck…fuck John, fuck it feels so good.” The younger pants out, hips jerking just slightly at the feeble squeeze of John’s walls. Beginning to pull out, breaths coming out in quick spurts. Before he’s toppling down to lay next to his husband, both of them wet with sweat. Hair sticking in different directions, bodies tinged pink from the exertion. John cracking an eye open to look at the blond, moaning softly at the sight that greets him. Gale turning his head to meet his gaze, a little smile tugging at his plush lips.
“What’s wrong?” Gale asks as John makes a little face, limp arm trying to reach back behind himself. Gale going to lift onto his elbow, worried for a moment that he hurt John. Before he sees him slide his thick fingers between his cheeks, stuffing himself full of two of them. A little pained whimper coming from the older’s lips as his abused hole clamps down on the intrusion.
“How am I supposed to get pregnant if I let it all leak out?” The black haired man questions, Gale falling back onto the bed and laughing softly as he looks at the man. Seeing the half cocked grin on his face, making his eye crinkle up. Shaking his head a bit and rolling into his side to kiss his husband slowly. Large hand swiping up his spine, brushing a thumb across the shoulder blade resting near him.
“I love you John Egan.”
“I love you too Gale Egan.”
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3d-wifey · 11 months ago
Either Callum Turner made that up and is in love with Austin Butler, or the actual ppl were very tragically gay. It's probably both
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softmamawrites · 6 days ago
Love Within These Halls : Part 1
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This is the first installment of this, I’m not sure how many pieces of this there will be. I’m just letting the story take me where it chooses at this point.
Warnings: swearing, some medical jargon, thought processes of an eating disorder, talking of anxiety, speaking of OCD tendencies, speaking of bipolar disorder and cycling, speaking of penises in a not nice way, talking of peeing, some handjobs in the end, erectile dysfunction, John being mean to himself
mood board done by me
page divider done by: @firefly-graphics
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John slowly rouses to the sound of his door sliding open, a groan coming from his throat as he goes to lift himself up. A louder sound coming from his mouth at the shocking sharp pain that comes up his spine to his neck. Head propped up on two pillows, keeping him from lying completely flat. One partially tucked under his upper back and shoulders, the wedge pillows tucked against his sides providing comfort for his hips. He peeks one eye open and frowns a bit as he sees a body moving, eye sight still too blurry to make it out properly. The smell of antiseptic swirling lowly, while he blindly reaches for the remote for his bed.
“Good morning Bucky, I have your breakfast for you, and your medications. You have PT at 930 today, so we’ve got to get up and start getting ready.” Nurse Hadley says smiling as she looks at him, setting his tray down as quietly as she can. John reaches for his glasses, still getting used to having to wear them for the time being until he can get into contacts. Scooting himself up slowly so he can sit comfortably in the special hospital bed. One they had to specifically order for him, something his father made sure to point out to him. The nurse steps over with the glass of water, medicine cup filled with pills, and his urinal bottle tucked under her arm.
“Mm…yum, thanks.” He mumbles accepting it from her, tipping his head back and taking the pills. Before downing the glass of water, taking the urinal bottle from her. Frowning as he looks down at it, he remembers when he used to wake up with a stiff dick. Now he had to be reminded to pee at times, he didn’t always feel the urge anymore. He refused to ever have the catheter, he would rather die than go through that nonsense again. Nurse Hadley smiles sweetly at him, before she’s sliding his tray closer to him, pumping hand sanitizer into her palm.
“Hit the call light whenever you’re ready to transfer, and remember, PT at 930 today.” She states before she’s stepping out, John huffing softly as he sees the calendar hanging on the wall by his bed. Everything labeled out for him in big bold letters, high lighted in different colors, all done by his sister. The teenager presenting it to him with the biggest smile on her face, proud of herself. Knowing John couldn’t remember things half of the time, his brain just didn’t have the capacity for it anymore.
“C’mon…just fucking go already.” He grumbles to himself, shifting again in the bed and wincing at the radiating pain in his back. The vertebra all swollen and pressing together, his legs tingling slightly. A soft sigh leaves his mouth as he starts to pee, eyes closing with the relief, realizing now how full his bladder was. Once he’s finished he sets it off to the side, grabbing for the bottle of hand sanitizer and pumping some into his hands. Taking a deep breath as he reaches for the coffee first, grabbing the packs of creamer. He had never liked creamer in his coffee before, but drinking it straight black made him nauseous now. Sighing to himself as he sits there in the silence, trying to push down the anger and resentment filling him.
“Good morning Gale, do you want orange or apple juice today?” Nurse Hadley asks as she pokes her head into the blond’s room, he looks up from where he’s meticulously doing the buttons up on his shirt. Taking a deep breath as he sees her with her clipboard, no doubt going around and collecting breakfast orders. Not that it mattered much for Gale, the majority of his food was pre planned for him. Picked by the dietician and nutritionist to give him the best calorie to protein ratio.
“Apple juice will be fine, thank you.” She hums softly and checks a box while smiling at him. Nodding a bit before she’s disappearing down the hallway to check on Brady and get his breakfast order. Gale sighs softly as he runs his hands down his face and flinches at the feel of the stubble on his cheeks. Going into the conjoining bathroom, one he shared with Brady, to shave. Pulling out the electric razor and frowning again, it never got close enough to his face. But he knew the rules, had read them front to back multiple times before he came here. If Gale was anything, he was a rule follower, not a rule breaker.
“Good morning sunshine!” Marge says smiling over the FaceTime screen, the blonde standing in her kitchen. Making herself a cup of coffee, her hair done in rollers to preserve her curls. The boy hums in reply, concentrating on shaving his face. Eyes flicking to her to acknowledge that he’s heard her. Before he’s focusing again on his task at hand, hearing her puttering around on her end.
“I’m thinking either Sam’s Deli today or sushi, which sounds better?” Marge asks as she looks at the boy, he sets down the razor, grabbing his aftershave. Dabbing some on his fingers and patting it onto his skin, before he’s reaching for his hairbrush. Beginning to brush through the few snarls he has, searching for a hair tie.
“I guess sushi is okay. Just none of the weird stuff okay?” Marge laughs softly and smiles as she looks at him, rolling her eyes fondly. Watching as he pulls his hair into a low bun at the base of his skull, the few front pieces falling almost effortlessly. The girl huffing softly at the fact that he could have such amazing hair with little to no actual trying on his end.
“Gale, honey, I say this with love. Your version of weird and my version of weird are vastly different. You should ask Bucky if he likes sushi.” She adds on the ending, smirking behind her coffee cup when he shoots her a look. Tooth brush in his mouth now, the white foam around his lips making her chuckle. Watching as he scrubs his teeth for another minute, glaring at her the entire time.
“I don’t understand your obsession with John.” The boy states, wiping his mouth off and picking up his phone. Going to search for his shoes, sliding his feet into his boots and doing the zipper up on the side. The blonde girl giggles softly and smiles at him, setting her coffee down on the counter in her small apartment.
“I’m not obsessed with him, but he is intriguing. And you can’t even lie, he makes you smile sometimes. I see it when I’m there, he’s a big dumb boy. And you my love have a soft spot for big dumb boys.” He huffs softly at her comment, before groaning as he hears the familiar voice coming down the hallway. Mentally preparing himself to see the boy they are both talking about. His voice booming as he says good morning to other people, the low glide of his chair barely there. Gale picturing the way John is no doubt effortlessly wheeling himself down, most likely in his PT clothes. Usually basketball shorts and a cut off t-shirt, the arm holes so long you can see his entire side.
“I gotta go Marge…I’ll see you for lunch okay?”
“I’ll see you later Gale, tell Bucky I say hello.” She says smiling at him cheekily before he’s hanging up their phone call, shoving the phone into his pocket. Picking up his newest library rental, only having a few chapters left to it. Heading for his door and opening it all of the way, stopping his walk just as John rolls by. A grin on his face when he sees Gale, eyes crinkled up by it. Curls escaping the backwards baseball cap he’s wearing, glasses sitting on his face.
“Good morning doll face.” He states slowing his roll down so he can look at Gale better, the blond sighing softly. Knowing he isn’t going to be walking with just Brady to breakfast now, book tucked under his arm. Seeing the brunet boy standing outside of his room waiting, rosary beads tucked into his right hand. Fingers fidgeting with them as he silently counts them, waiting for Gale to come to him.
“Good morning John.” Gale responds as he looks down at the other boy, even in his wheel chair he comes up to Gale’s chest. Broad shoulders moving fluidly as he wheels himself along, hands on his wheels. John chuckling next to him, shaking his head a bit smiling widely at the boy.
“Good morning little John.” Brady looks up from his counting of the tiles on the floor, a little startled. But seeing Gale and Bucky making their way over to him, makes him feel a little better. Even if it did throw off his routine of walking with just Gale, quietly counting their steps as they go.
“Good morning Bucky.” The brunet replies before all three of them are heading for the dining room. Passing by other residents, nurses and RA’s walking by as they go. Nurse Hadley waiting by the food cart for them, a bright smile on her face as she stands there. John humming a tune under his breath as he wheels, Brady counting the rotations in his head. Gale doing his best to ignore the larger man next to him, refusing to watch the way his biceps bulge.
“Alright boys, here is your food, Bucky do you want a coffee?” She asks, knowing the boy already ate his breakfast. Having issues if he eats too close to PT times, having thrown up more than once from it. He hums softly as he watches Gale and Brady head for their usual table. Before he’s looking back at Hadley with an easy smile, any of his animosity from earlier completely gone now. Pain medicine dulling the sharp shooting pains from earlier, food in his stomach making him more agreeable.
“Nah, can I get a Gatorade though?” She nods her head and watches him roll away after the two other boys. A little smile on her face before she’s relaying the Gatorade order to one of the RA’s. Bucky joining the other two at the table, striking up a conversation with Brady. Gale reading his book quietly, slowly picking at his fruit bowl.
“Bucky, if you want to use a walker soon you’ve got to trust that we aren’t going to let you fall. You tire out too fast because you’re doing too much too soon. You’re going to keep getting the shakes, falling, and relapsing if you don’t trust us.” Patrick says as he looks at the boy, his arms quivering as he tries to keep himself upright on the poles. Sweat dripping down his neck to his collar bones, a bead of it rolling down his nose. Danica standing behind him with his chair, watching for any signs that he’s going to topple backwards.
“It’s fucking stupid is what it is…I’ve been fucking trying for three fucking weeks. I should be able to walk by myself again, instead I’m going to be stuck using something for the rest of my goddamn life.” John growls as he stands there, refusing to meet Patrick’s eyes. Grunting as he tries to shuffle forward again, his right leg not lifting enough. Before he’s toppling back into his chair, Danica there to catch him. His closed fists coming down on his thighs in frustration, trying to catch his breath.
“You were in a major accident Bucky, you almost severed a piece of your spinal cord. The fact that you’re up standing for almost two minutes is quite amazing. You have feeling in your legs, every day that feeling will come back more and more. Rushing it is what’s going to cause relapses, it’s going to push you back in your recovery. You’re an athlete, you know pushing yourself too hard creates more damage. You need to be patient with yourself, you survived something that most people wouldn’t have. For God’s sake, you were in a medically induced coma for four days after it. Be kinder to yourself.” Patrick says as he looks at the boy, seeing the way he’s staring down at his hands in his lap. Fists clenching and opening slowly, before he’s nodding a bit and sniffling. Bringing his paws of hands up to rub over his face roughly, while breathing deeply. Lifting his head to look back at Danica, the woman smiling softly at him in an encouraging way.
“Now, are you going to accept the massage therapy today? Or do you want to go back to your room?” Patrick questions, Bucky turning his face back to look at him. The exhaustion clear on his features, the work they did today a true workout for him. Stretching muscles that needed to be stretched, completing four bouts of standing, before he tried to push it and walk a few steps.
“I think I’m going to go back to my room.” The physical therapist nods his head, not completely understanding why he won’t accept the massages. The deep tissue therapy would be beneficial for his pain, but the boy always refused it. Danica slowly rolls him backwards, before she’s offering to get him back to his room. John shaking his head a bit, accepting his almost empty Gatorade and glasses, before he’s beginning to wheel himself back. Arms still holding a bit of shake to them, pain flaring back up in his back and shoulders. Base of his head throbbing in time with his heartbeat, muscles feeling tight from his consistent tensing.
“Well, I’ll be Buck. What are you doing on this side of the tracks?” John asks as he sees the blond, his book under his arm as he slows his walk. Turning his head with a little sigh as he looks at the older boy, seeing the wide grin on his face. His cheeks tinged a pink color down to his throat, sweat drying tacky on his skin. His curls an absolute mess under his backwards ball cap. The little quiver to his arms not being missed by the blond boy.
“I’m returning my book to the library…you do know what those are right? Libraries, they’re like homes but for books.” Bucky chuckles softly at the sass that rolls off of Gale’s tongue so easily. Enjoying when he’s like this, not liking when it’s mealtimes and the blond goes quiet. Having to watch the boy push his food around and eat maybe a quarter of it, half if he’s in a good mood.
“I do know what a library is, I’ve spent a lot of time in them before.” John states as they go down the hallway, his arms quivering slightly as he wheels. Gale humming softly at that as they continue going, passing by the courtyard. Large floor to ceiling windows letting the sunlight in, a beautiful spring day already underway outside.
“Hi Brady…how are you today?” Benny asks smiling as he steps into the courtyard, Meatball wagging his tail happily. His ‘therapy dog’ bandana a pretty purple color today, harness holding a few different patches. The brunet boy doesn’t look up for a few moments, finishing his pacing. Before he lifts his head to see Benny, eyes darting down to the husky at his side. Anxiety beginning to curl in his lower stomach, watching as some drool drips from the dog’s tongue.
“H hi Benny…hello Meatball. I’m okay, how are you?” Brady questions as he hesitantly brings his eyes up to look at the older boy. Seeing the gentle smile on his face, Meatball sitting obediently at his side. Tail wagging at the brief attention given to him by the brunet boy, but knowing his manners. He does not approach unless given explicit instruction to, the extensive training he did making sure of that.
“I’m alright…better now that I’ve seen you.” Benny tries to flirt shyly, his ears feeling a little hot as he looks at the other boy. Smiling sheepishly at him, seeing the blush race across Brady’s cheeks to his ears. Watching as he grips his beads a little tighter, thumbing at them. Before he begins counting them in his head, unable to stop himself. Needing something to help with the panic, his heart racing in his chest.
“How, how many people are you guys going to see today?” Brady asks as he looks at Benny, watching as he reaches down to scratch at Meatball’s ears gently. His big tongue lolling out of his mouth, more drool spilling onto the grass under him. Brady barely able to suppress the shiver that runs up his spine, worrying momentarily about bacteria.
“I’m not sure yet, gotta see who wants to get some love from Meatball here.” Benny replies, seeing the way Brady’s blue eyes dart back up to him. Smiling encouragingly at him, not liking how tense his shoulders look. If he was any tenser they’d be up by his ears, a little bit of guilt sitting in Benny’s stomach. Knowing that Meatball is a somewhat trigger for Brady, Gale having blabbed about it to him one day. The blond seeming to be unable to hold his tongue, having random spurts of that every now and then.
“Not sure if you’ve met Bucky yet…well, his name is John. He’s at the end of the hall on the West Wing, but he likes dogs. He might like him coming by…it’s visiting day, so Gale is going to be busy with Marge for their weekly lunch date.” Brady rambles, making Benny smile a bit as he nods his head in understanding. Before he’s clicking his tongue for Meatball to follow him, watching the little backwards step from Brady.
“I’ll see you later?”
“M maybe…not sure where I’ll be.” The black haired boy nods his head before he’s leading Meatball out of the courtyard. The dog trotting next to him, being lead easily to where he needs to go. Brady watching them slowly disappear, before he’s going to find an empty corridor to count the tiles, anything to calm himself down. Desperately wishing he could be more ‘normal’, embarrassing himself in front of Benny every time he comes around.
“So, fill me in on the gossip.” Marge says smiling as she sits with Gale, both of them sitting in the visiting area. The sushi she brought spread out on the table for them, nothing too crazy, she didn’t want to overwhelm the boy. An RA sitting and talking to one of the other visitors, but there to monitor everyone. There to swoop in for any instance, a steady, comforting presence for everyone involved.
“There is no gossip Marge…that’s why you go to college isn’t it? There is plenty of it there.” He responds as he looks at her, seeing the little smirk on her face. Unwrapping her chopsticks and breaking them apart before she brushes the ends together away from the food. Setting his little tray of food in front of him, watching as Gale opens his own chopsticks and breaks them apart.
“Alright then tell me about Bucky, what is hot and hunky doing lately?” Gale groans softly as he looks at his best friend, a packet of soy sauce in his hands. He wasn’t really in the mood to have sushi today, but he would placate her. He didn’t eat much of his breakfast, subconsciously knowing that Marge was coming, his brain telling him to save his carbs for later. Knowing his therapist would be having words for him about it tomorrow.
“He isn’t hot, and he’s only hunky because he’s a football player. Or he was…” The blond boy trails off before shaking his head slightly, opening the packet of sauce and carefully dumping it into the little alcove in his tray. Marge humming softly as she does her own, manicured eyebrow raised in his direction. Before she’s lifting her chopsticks up and popping a piece of her sushi into her mouth. Still staring at him, before he’s groaning softly and looking back at her.
“He’s annoying Margie…he’s just always there, and he’s always happy. Who is always happy like that? I don’t understand it, he’s winning Brady over too. I can see it, Brady let him pat his shoulder yesterday.” Gale rambles slightly as he taps his chopsticks on the tray, huffing quietly. Before he looks at Marge, seeing her sipping at her mango tea. He takes a deep breath and slowly eats a piece of his food, chewing throughly before swallowing. Marge clearing her throat quietly before she opens her mouth again.
“Gale…sweetheart, I don’t know how to tell you this. But he’s winning you over too, and is it so bad if you are nice to him? You know better than anyone that you can pretend to be happy…maybe he just needs a friend.” Marge offers as she looks at her best friend, the boy swallowing his sip of water. Huffing softly as he frowns, looking down at his food. Counting out the sushi, eight pieces to start with, down to six now. Wanting to push around the other pieces, looking up and catching eyes with a black haired boy. His blue eyes staring out of the window, fiddling his thumbs together. A little bag sitting on the table in front of him, Gale didn’t recognize him.
“Gale…I love you, I say this with love. It’s okay to let others in, I can’t be your only friend. I know you and Brady are somewhat friends too, but it’s okay to have someone else there for you. Everyone is a little messed up, and if he has something to say. Roll him down a flight of stairs.” Gale chokes on his water, coughing while a laugh bubbles up his throat too. Not seeing the way the black haired boy looks over at them, furrowing his brows slightly. The blonde girl laughing quietly at her best friend’s reaction, swallowing her mouthful of food.
“Marge! That is so wrong, I can’t just go wheeling paralyzed people down stairs. That’s awful!” Gale says before they’re both giggling softly at the absurdity of it all. The blond turning his head again to be met with striking blue eyes, seeing the frown on the boy’s face. Making Gale squirm in his seat slightly, looking away quickly. Worried for a minute that he’s heard what and who the two of them are talking about, before he’s focusing back on Marge. Listening as she talks about her professor in her English Lit class.
“Bucky, you have a visitor, did you want to head down to see him?” Nurse Hadley asks as she looks at the boy, having laid down for a nap. Fresh from his shower and sitting back in his chair now, brushing his hair. Wincing at the tugging in his middle back, body aching from PT that day. He looks up at her, glasses sitting on his face again.
“Who is it?” He questions, knowing his dad wouldn’t come down here. His mom barely showed up either, the only visitor he’s truly had has been his sister. The girl taking two busses just to come see her older brother, unless their older sister came down for the weekend. Nurse Hadley flips through a few things on her clip board, looking for the visitor names for today.
“Curtis Biddick.” John’s face scrunches up before he’s shaking his head, rolling himself backwards to put away his brush. Tossing it on the dresser he has in his room, bashing the back wheel of his chair into the wall. Huffing softly as he sits there for a second, knowing Nurse Hadley is standing there and watching him.
“No…I don’t want to see anyone today.” He responds, turning his head to see her nod softly. Before she’s stepping out of his room, smiling a little as she sees Benny and Meatball coming down the hallway. The dog trotting gracefully next to his handler, the boy smiling at her.
“Are you going in by Bucky?” Nurse Hadley asks as she stops to talk to Benny, the boy stopping and heeling Meatball next to him. The dog waiting patiently, looking up at his owner waiting for more direction.
“Brady said he might like to see Meatball, thought I’d introduce myself to the new guy. Unless you don’t think I should go in there, I can head back out towards the rec room.” He offers, the nurse smiling softly as she turns her head back towards the black haired boy’s room. Taking a deep breath before she turns to look at the other black haired boy in front of her.
“No…I think he might like to meet Meatball, he’s in a wheel chair, so just be mindful of where Meatball is in the room okay?” Benny nods his head in understanding before he’s heading down the hallway again, stopping at the last door on the right. Halfway open, showing off a boy in his wheelchair. Broad shoulders wider than the chair itself, shirtless still from his shower. A thick redish scar running up his spine, more scars littered around the skin surrounding his back. Freckles dotting his skin, in a different array of patterns, none of it making sense necessarily. Benny gently knocks on the door, watching as Bucky turns his head. Wincing at the pull on his neck before he’s trying to maneuver his chair around.
“Hi, my name is Benny, I’m a volunteer with ‘Pups for a Cause’, I’ve got my dog here Meatball. He’s a certified therapy assistant, was wondering if you wanted to have a visit with him today? If not it’s alright.” The younger black haired boy says his little spiel, smiling his best smile at the other boy. Seeing him sitting in his chair fully now, eyebrow raised before he smiles a bit. Meatball sitting obediently at his feet, tail thumping softly at the prospect of getting to meet someone new. Bucky sits up in his chair a little straighter, even as it twinges his spine uncomfortably. Benny gently pushing the door open farther to show off the husky waiting patiently.
“Yea…you guys can come in.” John says nodding softly before Benny is leading Meatball into the room. John reaching out with a little smile on his face as Meatball trots over to him, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Bucky letting out a soft sound as he feels how velvety the husky’s fur is, his ears even softer. Benny smiling as Meatball tucks himself as close to John as he can get. The foot pedals on the chair preventing him from pressing his entire body up against the other boy’s.
“Thank you…I didn’t realize I needed this.” Bucky murmurs as he leans down to press his face into Meatball’s head. Eyes closing as he gently pets the dog, running his fingers through his fur, breathing deeply. Benny watching as John sits up straighter, bringing both hands down to scratch under Meatball’s jaw.
“I bet you’re an amazing fetch partner aren’t you?” John hums softly as he strokes over the husky’s fur, looking up at a sound outside of his door. Seeing Brady standing there, eyes trained on the movement of John’s hand. Rosary beads clenched in his fingers tightly, eyes wide and almost fear stricken. His knuckles scrubbed to a red, raw color, a detail that wasn’t there earlier at breakfast.
“Hey little John…you wanna come in? Meatball here doesn’t bite.” Brady flicks his eyes up to John’s, shaking his head quickly. Bucky humming softly and nodding his head a bit, continuing to scratch Meatball’s ears. Moving down to his throat, getting his hind leg to start thumping slightly. John chuckling at the dog’s antics, his eyes looking up at Brady again. Watching as the brunet looks longingly at Benny, beads moving through his fingers worriedly as he stands there.
“Oh, it’s a little party in here.” Rebecca says smiling as she stops outside of John’s door, the RA standing next to Brady. Making him jump slightly and take a step back, Benny looking up and smiling at Brady. Bucky looking up from where he’s been scratching Meatball’s throat, digging under his collar to get any itchy spots. Rebecca stepping into the room, carrying a little blue bag in her hands.
“Your visitor insisted we bring this to you, I’ll leave it right here on your dresser.” She says as she sets the bag down, John staring at it intensely. A furrow starting between his eyebrows, fingers slowing in their scratches on Meatball’s neck. Seeing the familiar hand writing on the side, it was more like chicken scratch than anything else. Meatball nudges against the hand, tail thumping against the floor and John’s chair. Bucky focuses back on the dog at his feet, letting out a deep breath. Benny looks at the clock hanging on John’s wall, smiling a bit when he looks back at Bucky and Meatball.
“You guys gotta head out yea?” The taller black haired boy asks as he looks at the dog, a little bit of sadness filling his chest. Before he straightens back out, looking up at the other boy. Seeing his sad smile, before he nods his head a bit.
“Yea, I’m sorry, it’s getting close to his feeding time. But we come back every other Wednesday. So I can always come back, and I can definitely bring a toy next time too if you want?” Benny offers, watching as John gives a few final pets to Meatball. His tongue lolling while he receives all of the pets that he could ever want. John smiles a little bit as he feels the husky nudge his knee, the sensation dulled but still there.
“Yea, I think I can get out to the courtyard if I try hard enough.” They finish their goodbyes, John watching Benny lead the husky out, promises of treats being heard. Bucky leans back in his chair slightly, the pressure against his thoracic spine making him wince. Before he’s rubbing his rough hands against his face, feeling the callouses from wheeling himself around. Head turning to look at the little blue bag again, a wave of irritation and frustration running through him. Before he’s grabbing the bag, curiosity eating away at him, pulling the tissue paper out of the opening. Reaching in he finds biofreeze, tiger balm, chapstick, a bottle of John’s favorite cologne, and a picture frame.
“Fuck you.” John growls before he’s hurling the frame across the room, sending it slamming into the wall. The plastic covering it cracking, falling to the floor in a heap. John’s hands clenching before he’s throwing the bag into the garbage can. Wishing he could kick the can over too in his anger, little panting breathes leaving his mouth.
“Well…that was a little dramatic.” Gale says from the doorway, making John jump slightly. Whipping his head to the side, making him dizzy for a moment, looking at the blond boy standing in his doorway. Book tucked under one arm, leftover sushi plate in his other hand. One of his blond eyebrows raised as he looks at the picture frame and then at John again. Seeing the embarrassed flush covering his cheeks, tips of his ears a burning scarlet red color. Rubbing his hands across his thighs and squeezing the muscle slightly.
“To what do I owe the pleasure doll face?” John questions, clearing his throat to get rid of the awkward lump he has sitting there. Carefully maneuvering the chair around so he can wheel himself closer to his doorway. Gale looking down at him, seeing the exhaustion clear as day on John’s features. Shifting the sushi tray in his hands before he’s meeting Bucky’s deep blue eyes.
“Was going to my room, and heard something hit the wall. Wanted to make sure you didn’t fall or something. Would have to call Rebecca to come and scrape you off the floor.” John hums softly, knowing that his room is the last one in this corridor. Gale’s was almost four doors down, so if he had truly heard the picture hitting the wall. He had to be on his way down to John’s room, but the black haired boy wasn’t going to push it. John rests his hands on his wheels, rolling himself back and forth slightly.
“Well…thanks for checking on me.” Gale hums a bit before he’s looking over at the picture frame again, side stepping around John. And walking over to pick up the picture frame, eyes widening when he sees the picture of John and the boy from earlier. Both of them peace signing the camera, shirtless, and standing on a beach with the sun setting behind them both. Gale’s stomach twisting dangerously as he realizes the boy from earlier most likely did hear him and Marge.
“You can just leave it, I’ll get it later.” John says, sounding more awkward than he’s ever sounded before to Gale. The blond setting the picture frame on his dresser before he’s stepping out around the boy’s chair again. Not able to meet John’s eyes, before he’s nodding softly and leaving silently. Bucky furrowing his eyebrows slightly before he’s rolling himself backwards, wanting to take a nap but knowing he’ll need to ask for help.
“How did your lunch visit with Marge go yesterday?” Maureen asks as she looks at Gale, the boy sitting on the leather couch across from her. The psychiatrist watching as he picks at a rip in his jeans, plucking at the threads as Gale contemplates. Sighing softly before he looks up at the red headed woman in front of him.
“It went fine, she brought sushi. I ate three and a half pieces of it.” He states, shrugging softly as he looks at the woman again before looking down. Taking a deep breath and squirming in his seat slightly, Maureen humming quietly as she sits in her chair. Watching as Gale shifts again, fidgeting more than he normally does.
“Did Bucky join you?”
“I don’t understand why everyone is obsessed with him. He’s a giant buffoon, how is someone always so happy? Like seriously?” Gale huffs as he sits there, crossing his arms across his chest. The therapist hums softly as she makes a mental note, while Gale taps his foot. His skin feeling like it’s vibrating, feeling like he needs to get up and do something. Maureen watches as the boy reaches forward for his sketch book, seeing how he’s getting angry with himself.
“What’s wrong Gale?”
“I’m cycling, I can feel it. I take my medicine, I do therapy, I do everything I’m supposed to. And I still end up like this. Feeling like I can run a marathon followed by staying awake for days on end. It’s not fucking fair Maureen, I don’t fucking understand.” The blond says as he lets out a deep breath, breaking the tip of his pencil and growling softly. Tossing the sketchbook back onto the table and sitting there again, arms crossing over his chest. Leg jiggling now, Maureen stands from her chair, going to her desk and pulling out a pack of gum. Sliding a stick free before she comes back around to offer it to Gale.
“Gale, bipolar isn’t something that will go away with medication. Medication is not a cure all for this, medication is there to help you. Like let’s say a wheel chair, it’s a tool for you to be able to better yourself. The chemicals in your brain cannot regulate themselves, it isn’t your fault. It doesn’t make you less of a person, having a mental health disorder doesn’t take away from who you are.” The therapist says as she looks at him, watching as Gale chews the gum. Working his jaw harshly as he sits there, breathing deeply with his arms crossed over his chest still. Not missing her wheel chair reference, images of John sitting in his filtering through. Remembering how he watched the black haired boy chuck the photo frame, maybe he wasn’t always happy. Maybe John was just as broken inside as Gale was, the blond lets out a deep exhale.
“Maybe John isn’t happy all of the time, maybe he’s trying to project. From what you’ve told me, he seems to care deeply about people. Maybe, he just wants a friend, and he’s decided you need one too.” Maureen says as she looks at the younger boy, he brings his eyes up to her’s. The pale blue bright, with the sunlight filtering in through the windows of her office. Seeing how he seems to be fidgeting less, jaw not working as harshly now. Before he’s resting his hands on his thighs and squeezing slightly. Rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans, nodding softly at her words.
“I have a task for you to complete for me okay?” He nods softly as he looks at her, rubbing his face slightly. Before he breathes deeply, chewing the gum between his molars. Resisting the urge to blow a bubble with it, not wanting to seem childish in front of the older woman.
“I want you to be nice to Bucky, just once. You don’t have to make it a habit. But, he might need someone just to be nice to him.” Gale lets out a quiet sound at that, puffing his chest for just a moment. Grinding the gum between his teeth before he tries to relax again. Closing his eyes as he breathes deeply, shoulders rising slowly. Maureen patiently waiting, smiling gently at him once he’s opened his eyelids again.
“Just once?” He asks, making the woman laugh softly while a little smile cracks across his own face.
John slowly wheels himself down the hallway, scrunching his nose as he goes. His body was aching today, he had pushed it too far again in PT. Resulting in him toppling into one of the bars, smacking his ribcage hard. He was going to have a bruise, but it was the jarring of his mid spine that hurt the worst. Patrick and Danica had both been warning him to go slower, but John knew if he could just get the momentum. He could pull himself up out of his chair without any help, he could do it. He needed to do it, he wanted to stop being so dependent on everyone else.
“Need a hand?” He hears from behind himself, tilting his head slightly and raising an eyebrow. Seeing Gale standing there, book tucked under his arm. The blond’s eyebrow raised in an arch, while he walked slowly next to John’s chair. Seeming to measure his steps to stay aligned with the older boy. Bucky huffs softly and shakes his head, it had been almost a week since the picture frame incident. And Buck had been seeming to avoid John, which just confused the black haired boy.
“I’ve got it.” John responds, using his hands to wheel himself further down the hallway. Gale still walking next to him quietly, making Bucky grit his teeth just slightly. He could feel the younger boy watching him, everyone watched him now. Everyone judged, everyone questioned, everyone pitied him. Just like Curt, Curt pitied him and felt sorry for him.
“Are you always this stubborn?”
“I’m the stubborn one? Every time you’ve seen me the last week now you’ve booked it away from me. Why are you trying to suddenly be nice to me? I don’t need to be coddled.” John finally snaps, making the blond let out a quiet humming noise. John having to stop rolling, his muscles shaking too hard to continue. Resting his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands. He lets a long breath blow out, wincing at the twinge in his side. He hears Gale’s footsteps stop next to him, the younger seeming to be waiting.
“Just…go Buck, you’ve got other places to be. Don’t waste your time.” Bucky tells him, shifting a little in his seat, not that it helps the tingling feeling in his ass. But it took a little pressure off of his tailbone, he was sore from sitting all of the time. He was never this stationary before, he was always up and doing something. To be sitting or laying down almost 24/7 was like John’s own personal hell. Gale taps his fingers on the spine of his book, before he’s setting it on Bucky’s lap. Standing behind the older boy’s chair and beginning to wheel him down the hallway.
“Jesus you’re heavier than you look.” Gale grunts as he pushes, struggling for a second before he gets a good motion going. John turning his body slightly to try and look back, cringing at the sharp pain down his spine. Muscles spasming and prohibiting him from truly looking at Buck. Having to turn back to face forward, looking down at the book that was set in his lap. ‘Practicing Mindfulness’, a pretty blue book with a red and pink flower on it shining back up at him.
“Why did you avoid me for the past week? If it’s because I threw the picture, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. It’s just…it’s complicated.” John states as he’s pushed down the corridor, both of them landing at the elevator. Reaching out and pushing the button to go up, before he’s sitting back in his seat. Looking at their distorted reflection in the silver elevator doors. Listening to the slightly uneven breaths from Gale, before the doors are opening and he’s being pushed inside.
“I wasn’t intentionally avoiding you, I was trying to be nice to you.” John scrunches his eyebrows up as he twists his body around, even as it screams in protest. Meeting Gale’s intense blue gaze, seeing the slightly startled look on his features. Not having expected Bucky to whip around to look at him.
“How the fuck is avoiding me being nice? What fucking planet are you from that you think that’s a nice gesture?” John questions as he sits there, Gale letting out a deep breath. Looking at the black haired boy, before he drops his gaze to the handle on the back of John’s chair. Running his thumb over the ridges of it, trying to gather his thoughts. His brain was fried from his most recent manic episode, he truly just wanted to sleep for four days. But he knew if he did that, the lull of a depressive episode could pull him back under.
“When…when I cycle I get mean, Marge calls it my bitch mode. I didn’t want to say something to hurt your feelings, you’re so goddamn bubbly all of the time. Jesus you’ve even won Brady over, do you know how hard that is? So I was trying to be nice and avoid you, I was doing what my therapist told me to do.” Gale explains before the elevator is dinging and he’s stationing himself behind the chair again. Beginning to push once the doors have fully opened, he truly did not think John was as heavy as he is. His body looked like lean muscle mass, and he easily outweighed Gale. But he didn’t think it would be by this much, maybe Gale needed to hit the gym sometime. They get to John’s room, the black haired boy unusually silent the entire ride there. Rebecca and Nurse Hadley both turning their heads to watch as Buck pushes the other boy down the hallway.
“Well…here you go, I’ll just take my book back.” Gale mutters once he’s gotten John into his room, moving around the other to take his book off of his lap. Bucky’s hand coming down to hold it hostage for a moment before he’s looking up at Gale. Blue eyes meeting blue eyes, their faces not too far apart, a hurt expression lingering in the black haired boy’s eyes.
“Buck, I like being around you…I like seeing you when you’re snippy, I prefer that version of you to the one that is quiet. When you’re quiet it means you’re hurting, and I don’t like when you’re hurting. I’d rather have you saying some snide remark than you just straight out avoiding me. Fuck what your therapist said…it’s shitty advice to avoid people just because of something you can’t control.” John states, his fingers gentle on Gale’s, holding his hand down against the book in his lap. Able to smell the citrus in the other’s aftershave, his cologne soft with hints of vanilla. His hair was a little wispy in the front, the longer strands tucked into a bun at the back of his head. Pale blue eyes staring back at him, a certain kind of softness around the edges of them. His plush pink lips down in a little frown as he listens to what John has to say.
“My therapist told me to do something nice for you…I misunderstood what the nice thing should be. I’m…I’m sorry I hurt your feelings John.” The blond responds as he looks at him, noting the way his deep sea colored eyes flick between his own. Glasses smudged in a few places, no doubt from John’s big fingers pushing them back up. His skin looking a little tacky from dried sweat, he could smell his deodorant. Woodsy, but touched with the slight saltiness of sweat. Neither of them realize they are both leaning in, dry lips pressing against soft ones. Eyes closed, a simple connection between the two, no need for a rush. Just feeling the other out for all of 30 seconds before they’re breaking apart from one another.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since I saw you pouting in the rec room.” John whispers, both of their eyes still closed as they stay close together. Gale letting out a soft sound, causing Bucky to open his eyes. A little perturbed expression on Gale’s face, making John smile wider.
“I don’t pout.”
“Doll face…your lips are literally always pouting. You have the ultimate pouting puppy face, I’m sure if you put on puppy eyes you’d have entire empires collapsing.” Gale’s cheeks flush at the compliment, bashful suddenly as he looks away for a moment. John smiling softly in triumph at getting the other boy to be speechless. No witty comeback, no snark, just a simple pink blush across his high cheek bones. Accenting the freckles that are clustered together like constellations.
“You need a shower John, and probably a nap. But please…shower first.” Gale states after a few quiet moments, a cheesy grin forming on John’s face. There he was, there was his snarky boy, the one who could also make empires fall with one good look. Bucky lets go of the book in his lap, watching as Gale stands straight with it in his fingers. Looking down at John’s face, admiring the grin spread across the older boy’s cheeks. His eyes crinkled up under his glasses, he looked pretty when he smiled. It was better than the hurt expressions, the ones that he tried to hide. The ones that told Gale how much pain he was truly in, something he was never vocal about.
“Thank you Gale…for wheeling me back.”
“Anytime John, even if you are built like a brick shit house.”
“Hi Brady.” Benny says smiling as he comes out to the court yard, Meatball wagging his tail happily as he walks. Being stopped next to his owner, sitting down and waiting patiently. Brady looks up from his feet, eyes flicking to the husky before they land back on Benny’s face. His fingers paused in their rubbing of his rosary beads.
“Hi Benny…hi Meatball.” The brunet boy says, taking a deep breath and watching as Benny squats next to his dog. His large hand rubbing and massaging over Meatball’s head, his tongue lolling out. Ears parting in content, tail wagging happily while his eyes close. Benny adjusting the orange ‘therapy dog’ bandana around his neck, making sure it’s straight and visible.
“Ya know…Meatball here just got groomed this morning. He smells like sugar cookies right now, his winter coat got blown right out.” Benny tells the other boy, chewing on his inner lip as he watches Brady. Seeing the way his eyes flick back and forth, nervous even as he tries to keep himself from counting. His knuckles turning white as he stands there, clutching his beads and breathing deeply.
“Sugar cookies?”
“Mhm, she got a new spray, calls it his cologne. The soap she uses smells good too, something like fresh laundry. Can’t ever explain it, but his fur is even softer than normal. Feels like silk, I love when he gets groomed. Take him every 6 weeks, I like to keep him fresh and clean.” Benny explains, seeing the way Brady has slowly inched his way forward. A gap between the three of them still, but smaller than it’s ever been. Brady watching the way Meatball wags his tail happily, the swishing sound rhythmic. Something he could count if he tried hard enough, his panting breaths coming in even intervals.
“Would you like to touch his ear? I promise it’ll be one of the softest things you’ve ever touched.” The black haired boy offers, seeing the way the other boy’s eyes flick down to look at him. Tearing his gaze away from the husky, before he’s nodding just slightly. Benny smiling encouragingly as Brady slowly creeps forward, lifting his left hand out. Touching the tip of Meatball’s ear, feeling it flick at the contact slightly.
“Scratch just a little, he loves it.” Brady gently scratches the dog’s ear, watching as his tongue lolls back out. His hind leg beginning to thump just a little, Benny grinning as he watches them both. Looking up when he hears more voices coming out, seeing Gale and Bucky making their way out. John trying to maneuver himself out onto the grass, while Gale stands beside him with his book tucked under his arm.
“Look at you Little John! He’s got some soft fur doesn’t he?” Bucky asks smiling as he sees Brady petting Meatball, Gale looking over at one of his best friends. A grin spreading across his face when he sees the boy facing a trigger of his. Brady lifts his head from where he’s been staring at Meatball’s drooling tongue, a high flush covering his cheeks. Before he’s retracting his hand and reaching into his pocket for a little bottle of hand sanitizer. Benny wincing when he squirts it onto his hands, not musing how raw the knuckles look from the constant scrubbing.
“You did really well Brady…he loved it. Hey Gale, hi Bucky, I brought a tennis ball today. Along with this, thought it might make it easier.” Benny says as he stands up tall again, smiling softly at Brady, seeing the way his eyes have fallen to the grass. A bashful little smile forming on his lips as he accepts the praise, before he’s watching as Meatball is lead over to Bucky. Benny holding up a ball tosser, the bright blue plastic housing the tennis ball waiting for Meatball. The vibrant green of it almost glowing in the sunlight, reflecting just a little bit.
“Hey Brady…you did really well petting Meatball. His ears are soft right?” Gale asks once he’s stepped over to the younger boy, grinning a little at him. Watching as Brady drags his eyes away from Benny, the boy having let Meatball off of his leash. John flinging the ball with the assistive device, watching as the husky takes off for it. Coming back diligently with the tennis ball, dropping it in the wheel chair bound boy’s lap.
“Y yea his ears are really soft, he smelt like sugar cookies too.” Brady responds as he looks at one of his best friends, the pair of them having grown close in their almost eight weeks together. Gale having been one of the first people he was introduced to, the older boy having already been there for two weeks. The both of them finding solitude in the other, eating meals together quietly. Sometimes exploring the grounds together, finding new hiding spots and places for a quiet escape.
“What’s going on with you and Bucky? You have been spending more time with him lately.” Brady questions as he looks at the blond, both of them watching the other two boys. Gale looks at him a little startled, before a pink flush covers his cheeks down to his throat. Thinking of how they’ve been texting each other late into the night. Sharing a few more kisses here and there, Bucky even having joined Gale and Marge for their weekly lunch date earlier. Sandwiches having been consumed while easy chatter filled the space. Gale finding himself eating almost 2/3 of his food before he had to stop for fear of getting sick.
“I…just taking advice from Maureen…being nice to him. Why, are you jealous?” Gale teases smiling a bit as he looks at the brunet boy, seeing him staring at his shoes. The slip on tennis shoes rubbing into the grass just slightly, making a little frown form on Brady’s face. Streaks of green staining the white plastic bit making him want to squirm a bit.
“Brady…we’re still gonna be friends, I promise, John won’t take that place at all. We can all be friends right?” Buck asks as he turns his upper body to look at the other boy better, watching as he brings his blue eyes up. Nodding softly and letting out a deep breath, both of them standing there to watch John play with Meatball. Gale’s eyes drawn to the muscles shifting in Bucky’s bicep, not winding back far but going enough to get good air for the ball. While Brady watches the way Benny holds himself easily, talking with John like they’ve known each other forever. Both of the black haired boys smiling and laughing at something John has said.
“Yea…although I think you and Bucky are gonna be more than friends. Especially with the way you two stare at each other.” Brady says smirking just a bit at the little squawk Gale lets out. His blazing blue eyes coming back over to look at the brunet boy, seeing the sassy grin on his face. The blond nudging him with his elbow just slightly, barely brushing him.
“I could say the same thing for you and Benny…he likes you too ya know. It wouldn’t hurt you to have a longer conversation with him.” Brady feels the blush run up his cheeks as he stands there. Before he’s turning his face away to stare at the grass, eyes drawn to watching Meatball gallop around the court yard. Happily barking when John throws the ball again for him, running back and forth to his heart’s content.
“He makes me nervous…but I don’t know why.”
“Because it’s different, trust me…I know the feeling well.” Gale murmurs as he looks at the black haired boy, admiring the way the sun is shining down on him. His backwards cap having been pulled to face forward to protect his eyes. The glare from the sun hitting his glasses and making his head hurt. The back of his head covered in black wavy curls, freckles dotting down his neck and disappearing onto his shoulders. Gale knew because he had been privy to seeing the boy shirtless a few different times now in his room.
“Does it get easier?” Brady questions as he stands there, looking at Benny again. His skin looked soft and tanned in the sunlight. Black hair holding a silky quality to it, reflecting the sunlight. His arms shifting and causing muscles to bulge every now and then when he leans down to pet Meatball.
“If it does, you let me know.” The blond next to him states as he stands there, the two boys looking at one another again. Before their focus shifts back on the other two playing with the husky together.
“Sorry Buck…don’t think my chair is gonna make it up those stairs.” John says as he looks at the blond, seeing the look on his face. A little smirk tugging at the corners of his lips before he’s continuing on their little journey. The blond had confiscated him after PT, the older having been intending on going to his room to shower. But being intercepted as he wheeled himself down a corridor. Gale having spun his chair around, taking him wherever he pleased at that moment. They had been meeting after John’s PT sessions for almost two weeks now, usually it was because Gale would roll him back to his room. But today the blond seemed to have a different idea in mind, taking John down a corridor on the opposite side of their wing of the hospital.
The blond glides right past the stairs towards a different corridor, finding one of the empty sun rooms. The sunlight filtering in beautifully, creating a serene atmosphere.
“Wow Buck…it’s pretty in here. Got a good view of the river…oh, hi.” John trails off as Gale climbs into his lap, situating himself so he’s hovering over the boy’s thighs. Nestling himself between the arms of the chair, forearms curling around John’s shoulders. The bigger boy’s hands coming to rest on Gale’s narrow waist, squeezing gently. Looking up at the other’s eyes, before he’s being kissed. Gale pressing his mouth down to his, while the fingers on one hand go to curl up into his hair.
“You keep rolling around in these goddamn tank tops…it isn’t fair. You’re showing off everything.” The blond states as he tugs on the curls in his grip, making John wince slightly at the pressure on his neck. Gale loosening his grip, and just carding his fingers through instead. Before he’s leaning down and kissing John again, feeling the scratch of the older’s facial hair against his skin. The squeeze of Bucky’s hands against his waist sending a thrum of arousal down his spine. Length twitching in his jeans, making him press forward slightly against John’s lower chest. One of the older boy’s large palms coming down to squeeze his butt, grinding him forward more.
“You bring me in here for a quickie? How scandalous Buck…how many other boys you bring in here?” John asks a little breathless, moaning softly as his head tilts to the side to give Buck more room against his skin. Grunting when one of Gale’s hands pinches at his nipple, feeling the bulge in his jeans. Rubbing against his chest with every rock of the blond’s hips against him.
“Never brought anyone else here…found it when I was exploring one day.” He states before nipping at John’s ear, groping at the other boy’s chest slightly. Feeling his hard nipple brushing across his thumb, before he pinches again. Pulling back to kiss the older boy, sucking at his lower lip and groaning. A shudder going up his spine at the feel of John gripping his ass.
“Can I touch you?” Bucky asks as he pants softly, able to feel the hard press of Gale against his chest. The blond looking down between them both, knowing he’s dripping into his briefs. Throbbing slightly with need, not having gotten off in what feels like forever. He bobs his head quickly, bringing a hand down to undo his belt shakily.
“Buck…we don’t gotta do anything. Don’t do it if you don’t want to.” John tells him as he looks at the blond, tilting his chin up to get him to meet his eyes. Seeing the way his cornflower blues are blown wide, lips spit slick and a little swollen. Lips parted as he pants quietly, before he’s leaning in and kissing Bucky a little slower.
“I haven’t done this with anyone in a really long time…I’m so fucking hard I can’t think straight right now. But I know I want this.” Gale states before he’s undoing his jeans, Bucky helping him push them down enough for his cock to spring out. Tip pink, wet, and beading another pearl of precum already. John groaning softly as he looks down, before he’s bringing his heated gaze back up to Gale.
“Should have known your cock would be pretty, everything about you is pretty.” He states before he’s licking across his palm, sliding his hand down to wrap around Buck’s length. Squeezing gently as he leans in to kiss him again, both of them letting out little sounds. Gale’s hips chasing the feeling slightly, while John starts moving his hand in a simple rhythm. Squeezing when he gets to the tip, rubbing his thumb across it to collect the wetness. A high pitched whimper coming from Gale’s mouth, his teeth sinking into Bucky’s bottom lip.
“T tighter…squeeze me tighter.” The blond pants as he pushes into John’s fist, opening his eyes to watch as Bucky drops a glob of spit down onto his tip. A loud moan coming from his throat at the wet sensation, before he’s being squeezed tighter. John’s hand shaking just slightly at the little strain on his muscle, body tired from PT. Gale tilts John’s head back to kiss him while keeping his hips moving, whimpering softly.
“Look so pretty sitting in my lap like this, does it feel good?” John asks as he swipes his thumb across the younger boy’s tip, groaning softly as he feels how heavily Gale is leaking. Little drops beading consistently to help slick the way for his fist to move. Bucky’s eyes drag up to watch his face, seeing the way the blond’s jaw has dropped open. Little cut off whimpers and moans coming from his throat, while he tangles his hand tighter in John’s cut off.
“Feels…feels so good. Oh fuck John.” Gale whines out as he snaps his hips a little harder, the movement making John’s chair move. The older boy’s free hand shooting out to grab the wheel, fumbling with the lock quickly. Gale’s body having slowed down a bit, a shocked chuckle leaving his mouth. Before their eyes are meeting again and Gale is pressing down for a kiss, messy and wet. His tongue pressing into Bucky’s mouth while the older squeezes around his cock again.
“Keep going, that’s it. Make yourself feel good.” John murmurs against the others mouth, feeling him picking up his pace again. Adjusting how he’s kneeling just a little to press closer, trying to keep his weight mostly off of John. Sweat beading on the back of his neck, a few drops sliding down to his shirt collar. Resting his forehead against Bucky’s while he whines and pants softly. Breath fogging up John’s glasses, while the older peeks down to watch the show in his lap. His arousal curling and pooling in his lower stomach, one of his large hands grabbing the blond’s butt. Squeezing tightly and listening to the resounding groan fall from Gale’s lips.
“J John…John I’m cumming. Don’t stop. Please.” Gale gasps out suddenly as he grips onto the older boy tighter, rocking his cock into his fist faster. Panting softly, head tipped back showing off the long lines of his throat. One of his hands gripping the arm rest of the wheel chair, the other tangled in John’s shirt. A broken sob coming from his throat as his cock twitches and leaks in the other’s grip.
“Cum for me doll…that’s it, fuck look so pretty like this. Keep going, wanna watch you make a mess.” Bucky eggs him on, moaning quietly as he watches the boy rocking desperately. The sweat in his hairline making the blond strands stick to his cheeks. Plush lips spread open before he’s tensing up and starting to spurt. John groaning as he watches, arousal clenching low in his stomach as he jerks his fist. Letting the boy shudder through his orgasm, squeezing around his tip one last time.
“Fuck…oh fuck John.” Gale whimpers out before he’s leaning into the older’s body. Panting softly against his throat, his hand coming down shakily to John’s shorts. Frowning when he feels him completely soft, lifting his head a bit to look at his face. A blush having darkened his cheeks as he sits there, squirming just a little bit.
“Damn thing hasn’t worked right since the accident…trust me, pisses me off more than half of the time.” Bucky explains, seeing the way Gale’s eyes soften, before he’s leaning forward to kiss him. Nipping at John’s lower lip and hearing the responding moan from the sting of pain. Buck’s large hand sliding over the bulge where John’s soft cock is sitting. The black haired boy pulling away to watch what he’s doing, letting out a soft shuddering breath.
“Can you still feel it?” Gale murmurs as he looks at the boy, feeling the little nod come from him. Both of their eyes peering down to watch, John letting out a barely there sound as he feels the pleasure tingling down his pelvic bone. The heel of Gale’s hand gently dragging and digging into his cock. His clean hand clutching at Buck’s butt, squeezing while he watches the younger boy touch him over his shorts.
“Can I touch you?” The blond asks as he squeezes around Bucky’s cock again, the whimper coming from his throat lowly. Nodding quickly as he watches Gale’s hand slide down into his shorts to pull him out. The younger swallowing thickly when he sees how thick he is even when soft.
“Jesus John.” Bucky brings his eyes up, worried for a minute that the other boy is judging him. His stomach sucking in just a little before he sees the expression on Gale’s face. His eyes a little glassy, slick lips parted, astonishment on his features. Before the blond is bringing his eyes up to meet John’s leaning in to kiss him. Sucking on the older boy’s lower lip and sinking his teeth in, pulling away from him for a minute.
“Oh fuck me.” John groans as he watches Gale lick his palm, getting a glob of spit on his fingers. Before he’s bringing them back down to wrap around Bucky’s cock, squeezing gently. Rubbing his thumb across the other’s tip, before he’s carefully moving his hand. Tightening his fist at the way John gasps out quietly, his face tilted down to watch. Gale enamored with the expression on Bucky’s face, wonderment, arousal, and need.
“Feels…it feels weird, can feel your touch. But I can’t get hard…don’t think I can anyways.” John mumbles the ending as he moans again at the squeeze Gale gives him. The blond watching his expressions, enraptured by the way John’s jaw drops down. His hand squeezing on Buck’s butt cheek, finger tips digging into the seam of his jeans. The older boy whining lowly at the sensations going through his system. Letting Gale tilt his head back for another kiss, his hand speeding up on John’s length. Squeezing and rubbing his thumb across the tip every now and then.
“Does it feel good?” Gale questions, feeling the shaky nod that John answers with. His eyes squeezed shut as his hand grips at Gale tighter now. Stomach sucking in, pelvis making little movements every now and then. Like he wants to thrust but can’t quite get there, his jaw dropping open on a moan. Forehead digging into Gale’s cheek, while the blond watches his hand moving.
“I think, fuck Gale, I think I’m gonna cum.” John whimpers out, his breaths coming out in quick pants. An almost burning tingling sensation taking over, tears welling in his eyes. Messy scrabbling to grab the armrest of his chair, before he’s hiccuping on a cry. Beginning to ooze cum, Gale squeezing around his tip to work it out of him. Little shudders coursing through Bucky’s body, his forehead knocking into Buck’s jaw. A few tears having rolled down his cheeks, overwhelmed by the sensations of everything.
“John…John are you okay? Fuck did I hurt you?” Gale asks as he tips the other boy’s head back, seeing the few tear tracks down his face. Letting go of his length in worry, shifting a bit before he feels John hold him tighter. Opening his glassy blue eyes to look up, bumping his nose against Gale’s softly.
“Did I hurt you John?” Gale repeats as he looks at the older boy, eyebrows creased with worry. Seeing the dopey smile forming on John’s face, making the hand clenching Gale’s heart lessen a fraction. Meeting Bucky halfway for a kiss, still worried because the boy hasn’t answered him yet.
“Didn’t hurt me Buck, just overwhelmed. Felt different than it used to, burning tingly sensation. But I can’t remember the last time I came, it was good.” The blond makes a face at the ‘burning tingly’ comment, not knowing how that would feel good in any universe. But deciding to trust the older boy, his cheek resting on John’s forehead. Before he hears the soft groan come from the black haired boy, lifting his head to look up.
“Got cum on my chair.” Bucky mumbles, both of them looking at one another before little giggles are spilling from their lips. Foreheads pressing together for a brief moment while they both smile softly. Spent, sweaty, cum drying in various places, but overall happy.
“Gale! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on going home!” Rebecca says smiling as she sees Gale pushing John down the hallway just a little while later. Both of their cheeks tinted slightly pink, but put back together enough to be considered decent. John tilts his head slightly and looks at Gale in confusion, a timid expression on his face.
“I uh, I was going to tell you. Just found out a little bit ago.” The blond explains as he looks at the broad boy, watching the way his eyebrows furrow a bit. His own hands leaving his lap to go to the wheels of his chair. Gale stepping around to the side, looking at the boy who’s starting to hold his heart.
“Yea uh…congratulations Buck. I’m really, yea I’m really happy for you. I’m gonna, go and just go to my room.” Bucky murmurs before he’s beginning to wheel himself down the hallway, shoulders scrunched together. A million and one thoughts running through his head at the moment.
Wondering if Gale really was going to tell him, or if he just wanted a quickie before he left. Was Gale going to keep in touch with him when he left? They had exchanged numbers and spent a good portion of their nights texting when they weren’t in the other’s rooms. Frustrated tears beginning to form in his eyes as he suddenly feels the envy forming at the fact that Gale is going home. While John has to stay in the facility for the undetermined future, unsure when he gets to go home.
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nebudaze · 11 months ago
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yep it’s this pic
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