#john dory is contemplating his life choices
katthescalie · 8 months
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60 dollar video game water graphics
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aliceramblez · 9 months
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BroZone Brothers With An Insecure S/O 😔💗
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Tags: GN! Reader, Self-Deprecating Jokes, Low Self-Esteem, Abandonment Issues, Slight Body Insecurities. Fluff/Comfort.
A/N: Here we go with our first request! I really liked this idea as someone who has low self-esteem, and honestly it goes to all of y'all who think you're not good enough— cause you are! Also sorry it took a bit! I've been sick because the universe hates me 🙃
Feel free to leave a request & hope you enjoy! ^^
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John Dory
At first, he doesn't really know what to make of it.
He finds it a bit strange, but doesn't question your odd sense of humor, and will sometimes even join in on the joke by saying stuff about himself, thinking it's some sort of inside thing between the two of you.
“Man, I can't believe I'm so clingy, sorry! Feel free to use me as a bad example, at least that way I won't be totally useless, haha!”
“Ha! You think that's bad? Babe, you haven't even seen me when I'm up at night just staring at the ceiling contemplating my life choices.”
It isn't until getting a good smack from Bruce and Floyd that he realizes you're actually being serious. And the prospect of that kinda puzzles him, not gonna lie.
“Look at you, tiger! Got yourself plenty of groupies already— Not surprising honestly. Don't have to worry about backups when you decide you're ready to move on, either!”
After a performance at the Pop Troll village, everyone is gushing over BroZone because of course they are. JD only barely manages to squeeze past the number of fans to get to you on the other side of the podium.
The oldest sibling looks at you in shock, and has to get closer to make sure he heard you right. “Babe, why would you say that?”
Caught off guard, you manage a nervous chuckle as you play with your hair. “I-I mean... Wow, would you look at the time! We gotta meet with Poppy and the others!”
John Dory stops you on your tracks and demands an explanation, which isn't really good for your poor heart. All you can do is kick the dirt and avoid his gaze, since that makes what you're about to say much easier to voice aloud.
“I mean... You're John Dory. You could date any troll you wanted and yet you're sticking with me. It honestly feels like a dream sometimes... And I'm scared of the day you realize you can do WAY better and decide to leave me.”
After processing this, he immediately holds your face in his hands and gives you the most serious expression you've ever seen on him. “I don't want just any random troll... I want you. You're my number one fan, and I'm yours, so don't even think about stuff like that, okay?”
After the exchange, he's always on the lookout for whenever your bad habit wants to kick in again and is ready to stop it ASAP
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He notices it happens mostly when you're working at the cantina.
Whenever you get an order wrong, trip over your own feet or don't remember how to work one of the machines properly, you'll go into an awkward insecure flight response.
You'll say “Oops! Sorry! Clumsy Twinkle Toes, coming through!” while grinning and laughing along with the customers, but Bruce knows that it's affecting you more than you lead on.
It also happens whenever BroZone is getting ready to perform and you don't know what to do with yourself since you're “standing in the way”, despite being told multiple times that it's okay for you to be backstage with everyone else.
When he talks to you about it, you get really uncomfortable and just say that it's no big deal and that you can handle it.
“I've always been a clumsy person, so I guess that's always making me doubt myself over the smallest of things... Sorry if it's annoying.”
Bruce will then proceed to give you a huge warm hug and a kiss on the forehead as he whispers comforting words into your ear.
“Hey, I can be clumsy too! I've always been the worst out of everyone when it comes to choreography. Don't tell JD though, cause I know he'll throw a fit knowing I don't practice.”
He'll throw in other examples that may seem inconsequential to you, but you appreciate the effort nonetheless and smile and giggle through the embarrassing stories he shares.
He helps you get more confident by being there with you while taking orders at the cantina and praising you whenever you get something right— albeit in private as to not embarrass you.
Same goes with rehearsals, where he WILL drag you into the lounge area to hang with his brothers and/or Poppy and Viva when they decide to visit, too.
Overall he wants what's best for you and will try and push you out of your comfort zone, but only in a safe environment where he knows that if something does go wrong, it won't be as catastrophic as you make it out to be in your head.
You never stop thanking him for being your crutch during these times.
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The moment he hears the words come out of your mouth he's completely flabbergasted.
First of all, who said those things to you? Because he swears he just wants to talk to them—
It's at a sleepover with his brothers and the gals at the Bergen Golf Course, and among the many games, snacks and movies watched, pictures are also taken.
As soon as you take a look at the array of selfies, you let out what sounds like a mix between a laugh and a sigh.
“I mean, at least it stays consistent— in photos, I look ugly. And in real life, I'm also ugly!”
As soon as those words leave your lips, Clay is at your side with an almost unreadable expression, only to snatch one of the photos from your hands. “How DARE you say that about the most attractive troll I've ever met? Shame on you!”
He then starts going around the room waving the picture around to his brothers, saying stuff like “Look how attractive my S/O is! I'm dating them!” while you're just blushing profusely and begging him to stop (even though deep down your kinda giddy about it).
After that day, Clay will do small gestures in which he reminds you how beautiful he thinks you are. Everything to outright saying it each morning, joking about it with his brothers, and even bragging about you to his friends in the Bergen Golf Course.
He's a simp and he's totally okay with that because it's you.
Clay feels like he's the luckiest troll in the world for being able to snatch someone like you since he's “the most boring and uninteresting of the bunch”, so he feels like he's hit the jackpot.
You immediately tell him that he's not boring to you and that he's the best boyfriend ever, which only causes him to smirk.
“Doesn't feel good to know the person you love feels so bad about themselves, does it?”
Finally realizing his reverse psychology, you give in with a laugh. “No, it doesn't. I guess... We can both work on that? Together?”
And so you do, and end up helping each other whenever one is feeling down in the dumps, as a sort of personal cheerleader. You truly couldn't have asked for someone better.
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You're the kind of person who's very vocal about your interests.
So it's no surprise that you have to catch yourself mid-ramble whenever you're talking about something you're either interested in or knowledgeable about. And with Floyd being such a good listener, it honestly slips your mind more times than you'd prefer.
After realizing you've been talking for too long, you turn pink in the face and start apologizing profusely.
“Sorry! You probably didn't need to hear all of that. They didn't call me ‘Chatter Box’ when I was younger for nothing! Haha...”
But Floyd could care less about any of that. He loves hearing you talk, not just because he's not much of a chatty person, but because he just finds it incredibly endearing.
He'll hold your hands in his own and give you the softest smile ever that just makes you think that it should be illegal to be THIS sweet.
“You're just so cute when you get lost in the moment like that. Besides, I love seeing you happy. By all means, I'm glad you get to do the talking for the both of us, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere in this relationship.”
You laugh at his attempt to make you feel better and melt under the touch of his lips on your cheek.
After that, whenever you go out either just the two of you or with your group of friends, Floyd will encourage you to express yourself. He does this by either asking you a question directly or subtly incorporating you into the conversation by saying something like. “I think (y/n) knows about this kinda stuff. Don't you, love?”
Obviously this all happens with your consent beforehand, since he doesn't want to put you in a tight spot, either.
Either way, he always values whatever you have to say, since you always bring in new perspectives that maybe others didn't think about before.
He will also encourage you to be yourself and not try and match your topics of conversation with things you think other people will find interesting. You deserve to be happy by sharing what you love with the world.
Poppy and Viva are huge helps in the art of feeling confident by speaking your mind, and Floyd couldn't be happier for you.
You thank him by telling him about your day each night, in which sometimes he'll fall asleep to the soothing sound of your voice, which only warms your heart on so many levels.
“Goodnight, my prince.”
“Goodnight, my little chatter box.”
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Just like Clay, this man is ready to throw hands.
Just give him a name and he'll get the job done before sunrise—
He notices that sometimes you struggle with finding outfits for different occasions, either something casual, dressy, classy, etc.
But it's not because you don't have anything in your wardrobe, on the contrary it's pretty much brimming. It's more the fact that you're not satisfied with any of them because you feel like you don't look good in them.
Branch tries to convince you otherwise, saying that you look great no matter what you wear, but you can't help but feel self-conscious in anything that isn't a good old sweatshirt.
He isn't knowledgeable in fashion (clearly) so he enlists the help of Poppy and The Snack Pack to try and cater outfits to your exact measurements, along with any other nitpicks you've had in the past with either texture or material.
I mean, Branch has backup plans to his backup plans, you think he wouldn't keep notes on what kind of stuff his S/O doesn't like— INCLUDING mundane stuff like their clothing?
He surprises you with these, and you can't help but feel attractive in them since he paid extra attending to the complaints you had from your own designs.
“I personally think you look great no matter what you wear. But if you feel so strongly about it, might as well get some stuff you'll actually enjoy wearing.” He'd said when you asked why he did it, and your heart just melted.
You vow to try and work on your self-imagine regardless, which he gets happy over and says he can't wait for you to see yourself the way he does.
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kittyball23 · 10 months
Sleeping Tight (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: After awakening from a nightmare, Floyd seeks comfort with his favorite baby brother
A/N: Anybody else sleepy from Thanksgiving turkey? I know I am, lol
Trolls were joyous little creatures.
This went without saying, as it was proven with how much they sang, danced, and hugged each other. Even when they slept, you could most likely find a serene smile on their faces. But, even the happiest creatures underwent moments of other not-so-pleasant emotions, like sadness or fear. It was the latter that had taken ahold of a certain magenta-haired Trolling that night.
Floyd awoke with a start, the moon still high in the sky and the dawn nowhere near approaching any time soon. His little heart raced and a few beads of sweat had perspired on his forehead. He had a nightmare, he knew that, though he couldn’t quite recall the exact details of it upon awakening. He thought it may have been something about tall terrible creatures, or perhaps something about having been separated from his Grandma and brothers forever. Either way, they were frightening thoughts that disturbed him greatly.
He clutched at his blanket, trying to shut his eyes and think about happy things. But, unfortunately for him, he was still a little too rattled to do as he intended. The Troll bit his lip, contemplating what to do. He could always go to Grandma, but at the same time, he didn’t want to disturb her. He knew that she got enough of them during the day as it was. He glanced over at the rest of their room, where his gaze roamed over the sleeping forms of his brothers in their beds. They all looked like they were snoozing pretty well, too. John Dory was making finger guns in his sleep. Spruce was making kissy faces, likely dreaming about girls (a phase that Floyd wasn’t too fond of and found very gross). Clay was snoring loudly, some drool dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. Floyd scrunched his nose in disgust at the sight, but soon that disgust went away when he saw his one younger brother snoozing in his crib. Baby Branch hugged his Croco toy securely against him in his little blue fingers and suckled on the binky in his mouth every once in a while. Out of everyone, he looked the most peaceful. And probably the least judgmental of the bunch.
As silently as he could, Floyd pushed his blankets aside and rose from the bed, quietly tiptoeing his way over to the crib. Then, carefully, he reached inside and took the baby into his arms. Branch, being a naturally light sleeper, immediately stirred awake from the action, blinking his tired blue eyes and focusing them on the magenta ones of his brother’s. He cocked his head at the Trolling, an eyebrow raised as if to ask “Floyd?”
Floyd offered him a gentle smile. “Hey, Baby Branch,” he whispered. “You don’t mind sharing the bed with me, do you?” When Branch did nothing more than blink blankly at him, he sighed and continued. “I kinda had a bad dream… have you ever had a bad dream?”
Branch furrowed his blue brows, as if he didn’t quite understand the words. Floyd couldn’t help but laugh lightly. The baby had probably never had a bad dream once in his short life so far, and he hoped that he never would. “I didn’t think so,” he said, reaching over to lightly run a finger over his small cheek. The motion tickled the baby and he giggled sweetly. “The other guys… they’ll laugh at me if I try to tell them. Especially Clay.” Clay, being the ‘Fun Boy’ of the group, always liked to find a joke in everything, and he’d try to make light of the situation. John Dory and Spruce, being the eldest, would try to put on a front, trying not to let their sensitive sides show. But Floyd wore his heart on his metaphorical sleeve (given that the brothers’ favorite outfit choice – vests - don’t have sleeves). It was just something that made him him.“But,” he continued, hopefully, “maybe you won’t?”
Branch looked up at Floyd, blinking again as though he had paused to really process his brother’s words. Then he grinned, snuggling up against the magenta Trolling’s chest and babbling happily.
“Braaanch,” Floyd cooed, doing all he could not to allow the happy tears that had pooled in his eyes to spill. Even so, a few managed to slip down his cheeks, which he quickly wiped away with his free hand. He carried the baby with him back to his bed, adjusting him and his toy first and then sliding in next to him, tugging the blankets over them.
“Well, g’night, Branch,” he whispered.
Branch giggled, releasing his Croco toy and instead using his brother’s arm as a pillow to rest his small blue head on. Floyd smiled, getting comfortable and knowing that now that the rest of his sleep would go undisturbed.
__________________________________________ A/N: Hope you enjoyed, I'm about to watch the movie on the big screen in just a few minutes!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Review: Damage From the Inside
This Fear the Walking Dead review contains spoilers. 
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7
The last time I struggled to write a review for Fear the Walking Dead was the season 4 finale, “…I Lose Myself.” I wrote at the time, “Several false starts and a couple thousand words later, I realized I wasn’t writing a review for a lackluster episode. Rather, I was writing a eulogy for a show I once loved.”
Unfortunately, history seems to be repeating itself. And this is a difficult thing to admit, since season 6 showed so much promise. If this season could be described as a single color, it would be greige, the nearly nonexistent color that exists between beige and grey. Greige is the color of long-in-the-tooth zombies. It is the color of leftover oatmeal. Greige is, in a word, the very color of boredom itself. Season 6 hasn’t been all bad, of course. After all, I gave very high marks to “Alaska.” But if that episode represents a high point for the season, “Damage From the Inside” is most certainly its nadir. Plans go awry, again. Tables are turned, again. Characters do baffling things, again. And Morgan turns up to stir the plot yet again. 
I realize it seems a bit unfair to judge “Damage” as a mid-season finale. Certainly showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg never intended it as such, but because of happenstance (re: the pandemic), this is the last episode of Fear AMC has in the pipeline. So I’m willing to cut “Damage” a bit of slack in that regard. Still, the episode simply doesn’t work on its own merits.
Honestly, I don’t know what to say about Fear at this point as it’s difficult to witness so much squandered potential yet again. Remember season 4’s strong start? New characters were brought into the mix, like John Dorie and Al. Morgan, too, was brought over from The Walking Dead to kick off what was meant to be a fresh start for Fear. And for a while, this gamble to overhaul the show initially paid off, only to eventually go off the rails with weak antagonists like the Vultures, and later, Martha. By the end of season 4, “Fear 2.0” was slowly sabotaged from the inside. So maybe it’s fitting that the death knell for this current iteration of Fear is titled “Damage From the Inside.”
At this point I think it’s safe to assume that Ginny’s sister Dakota (Zoe Colletti) is responsible for much of Lawton’s current woes. As we learn in “Damage,” Ginny (Colby Minifie) killed their parents, which seems like pretty sufficient motivation for Dakota to undermine her sister’s accomplishments. She even hints as much to Strand (Colman Domingo) during his mission to escort her to a safe house. She also conveniently summarizes Ginny’s recent setbacks: Tank Town, gone. Ginny’s hand, gone. Two scouts, dead. And Ranger John Dorie? Still missing. In other words, it’s the perfect time to put Strand’s escape plan into effect. That is, until the convoy is ambushed and Dakota is kidnapped.
Enter Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) who is summoned by Strand to track down Dakota. As much as I enjoy Debnam-Carey being back in the mix, “Damage” doesn’t really know what to do with her. The only agency this once-powerful character possesses is the ability to hold a grudge—and that’s about it. Once a formidable zombie killer, Alicia can barely hold her ground against a reclusive taxidermist.
In tracking down Dakota, Alicia and Charlie (Alexa Nisenson) discover a remote hunting lodge tucked away in the woods. There they encounter Ed (Raphael Sbarge), a creepy, off-kilter taxidermist. Which, fine. Creepy can be good, right? Especially since Alicia’s initial exploration of the lodge reminded me a lot of earlier entries in Capcom’s Resident Evil videogame series. The lighting is sufficiently eerie and the distant strains of classical music contribute to the mounting mystery and dread. “Damage” doubles down on the Resident Evil vibes by revealing that Ed is turning the dead into disturbing works of art to scare off would-be intruders. Which, again, fine.
But what rankles me about “Damage” is that it cedes the stage to Ed. Rather than bring something new to the table, Ed airs the sorts of grievances and revelations that no longer hold any shock value in this world—for its characters, or for viewers. Ed’s mistakes killed his family? Fear has already been there, done that. Plus the whole case of mistaken intent/identity didn’t do “Honey” any favors, either, so why would it work here when Ed drugs Alicia and straps her to a table?
Ed’s familiar backstory is a big part of why this episode simply doesn’t work. He exists purely to help Alicia understand some basic things about herself. His life, his missteps, they mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Which is why his grand sacrifice is more of an empty gesture robbed of any profundity. That Alicia would be so rattled by his death just doesn’t play. (Plus what was left of him to bury after being ripped apart by zombies? A femur?)
Which finally brings us to Morgan, who shows up just in time to save the day. But any kind of happy reunion is quickly undone when we learn it was Morgan who ambushed Strand’s convoy and killed the rangers. Why? So he could capture Dakota and use her as leverage to rescue Grace. This was basically Alicia’s plan, too—to hand over Dakota to buy her and Charlie their freedom. 
Which, again, fine. Everyone has their own agenda. But how many conflicting plans does a single season really need? I’m all for conflict, but who thought it would be fun or effective to see Morgan repeatedly butt heads as he tries to push through his own plan—his own version of the “Queen’s Gambit”, if you will? This popular gambit requires sacrificing a pawn, but Alicia has suddenly decided Dakota is more than a mere pawn, thank you very much.
But the queen has an important pawn of her own—namely Grace (Karen David), who she’s kept in a secret room in Lawton. Why Ginny would trust Strand with this vital bit of information is truly baffling, especially since her kingdom is crumbling around her. 
Viewers will have plenty of time to contemplate these questionable choices, especially now that Fear enters an extended hiatus. Perhaps the intended mid-season finale will eventually reveal Dakota as the saboteur. Maybe Lawton will fall. And maybe, just maybe, Grace will go into labor, providing a bookend birth to the one that kicked off the season.
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In the meantime, while we wait for Fear‘s return, stay safe, and stay tuned.
The post Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 Review: Damage From the Inside appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2UQrjQd
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artemis-entreri · 7 years
All the numbers. ALL OF THE MEME NUMBERS.
[[ Finally answering an ancient Ask from an ancient meme I posted in an ancient time. XD Cut for the humongous length, which resulted from what are probably pointless exercises in analyzing fantasy accents and just overall spending too much time and thought on a fictional character. >_> 
Warning: contains spoilers through to the end of the series. ]]
1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional.
I see Entreri as the type to sleep on his back, with his head oriented towards the door. If the furniture is arranged in such a way that this isn’t possible for him to do, I don’t think it out of the realm of possibility that he would rearrange things so that he could sleep in the configuration described above. I don’t think he’d be particularly comfortable sleeping fully on his side, with psychological rather than physical reasons, unless he had the wall to his back, otherwise he’d be too vulnerable to the unknown, which in someone as meticulously careful as he is, would be equated to unnecessary exposure to danger. Unless, of course, he’s sharing a room with Jarlaxle, in which case he’d probably be sleeping with his back turned towards his roommate most of the time. XD 
Since the human body dictates that we can’t sleep comfortably in the same position all night, I’d imagine that, to appease his body’s demands, sometimes he would lay slightly facing the side away from wherever the door is. After so many years, Entreri would no longer do this consciously, but it’d be a force of habit that would’ve been self-conditioned.I don’t think that he’d ever sleep on his stomach, since this position puts him in the most vulnerable arrangement. Being face up allows him to have the greatest degree of awareness with all of his senses for what’s going on around him, and I think that a small part of him is in tune with all of those senses even while he slumbers. I don’t imagine that he’d find sleeping on his stomach very comfortable, again due to psychological reasons rather than physical, which are amplified by the traumas of his childhood that would probably add to those feelings of vulnerability and exposure. In the case of sharing a bed with someone, I see him as preferring to sleep on the outside if the bed is against a wall, or, barring that, on whichever side provides the best path to the most efficient means of egress, be that the door or a window.
2. Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.
Entreri would have no physical scars from early in his career. Any scar would indicate weakness or failing, and since so much of his absolute perfectionism centered around eliminating all traces of weakness, he’d see to that all of his wounds were healed perfectly. It would even make sense for him to have gotten older scars like ones from his childhood fixed, if for no other reason than to not provide any visual cues to others as to where he might be weakened. I think perhaps that during the pre-Sellswords era, Entreri would’ve found the sight of his scars intolerable, as they’d remind him of the times in which he wasn’t perfect, and while he’s extremely disciplined, he wasn’t self-punishing in the sense that he’d keep those scars to remind himself of his failings. He was more the type in which each lesson learned is burned into his memory, such that he doesn’t need or want reminders of them. Although we’re supposed to believe in the degree of impeccability of Entreri’s skill, it’s unrealistic that he’d never gotten scarred in his early life. He grew up in abject poverty, fought (probably literally at times) tooth and nail to survive, and spent more time fighting than resting. Magical healing of any sort, including potions, were not available to him during that period of his life, but since we know from the books that retroactively fixing scars is possible, it would fit his pre-Sellswords character to go out of his way to ensure that all of those physical reminders were wiped away.
Over time, I see Entreri’s dedication to this sort of superficiality wane, or at least become more selective. For starters, he’d also suffer far fewer scars, as his ability is honed, although that is offset somewhat by his tendency to get into more dangerous situations due to those sharper skills allowing him to do so. Nonetheless, his increasing jadedness and tiredness with living probably would make a few scars feel trivial by perspective. I think that he’d still seek erasure of the marks left behind by events such as Lolthite priestesses’ whips from his time in Menzoberranzan, as those would serve as reminders of a time that his free will was suppressed and his existence objectified. Along the same vein, during his four decades of enslavement by the Netherese, I could see Entreri falling back to old habits and avoiding getting scarred as often as possible during his missions, as that would be one of the few ways in which he could defy and resist the circumstances he found himself suffering. I don’t think Alegni paid enough attention to Entreri to pick up on something like this, and Entreri would’ve taken extra precautions that Alegni didn’t notice, because it wouldn’t have been beneath the tiefling warlord to further shame Entreri by making him bear the marks of his enslavement. 
I do see Entreri keeping the scar that Jarlaxle inflicted upon him inside Crenshinibon via throwing dagger. Unlike most other instances, that injury was due to a conscious choice on his part, a gamble that was initially based on pragmatism but later led to the development of, at the very least, camaraderie if not trust and friendship. That choice took Entreri down a road that made Jarlaxle’s seeming abandonment and betrayal that much more hurtful, and Entreri’s bitterness was of the sort in which he blamed both Jarlaxle and himself. He can be pretty self-deprecating and that coupled with his cynicism leads me to believe that he’d keep the reminder to fuel his rage as well as not repeat the same mistake. It would certainly serve as a poignant reminder, given that the wound was unattended for a long time, agitated through fighting, horseback riding, and toiling under the hot desert sun. Perhaps some part of him couldn’t bring himself to fix that scar, for during the period spanning the end of Road of the Patriarch and his capture by the Netherese it would be a sharp reminder of why he cut ties with Jarlaxle, and after that, a focus for his anger, without which he would probably go mad from the impotent rage. While the events in Hero suggest that everything is hunky dory and Entreri magically overcomes FOUR DECADES of the most intolerable form of abuse to him in addition to all of his earlier traumas, I think it’s a lot more likely that he has a long way to go before considering erasing the scars he chooses to keep. 
For something more frivolous, I headcanon that Entreri has Venusian dimples (those dimples on the lower back right above the pelvis). While Venusian dimples tend to be visible in men who are athletic, they are features that don’t necessarily occur in all of the physically fit. In our society at least (can’t say how prominent Venusian dimples are as a feature in FR folks), they’re rare and, for reasons unbeknownst to me, signifying that those who have them are blessed with good luck. It’s a twisted sort of irony that has me ascribing this feature to Entreri, because his life has been anything but blessed and lucky. Plus, they’re sexy as hell, so why not. XD 
3. Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?
I don’t believe that Entreri would normally have an accent, and even if he did early in life, he would have summarily trained himself out of it. This is again having to do with his need to remain inconspicuous. However, he should be able to speak with whichever accent he wants to speak with. Being a master of disguise, he should be able to imitate most if not all accents of Common, and even various ones of the drow language (i.e. High Drow and Deep Drow).I’ve also contemplated what exactly a Calishite accent would sound like, and I guess it’s fundamentally impossible given that there’s no reason for there to be a real world parallel for every accent in a fictional setting, or for Common to sound exactly like English for that matter. However, different products set within the Realms have had their different takes on it. The video game “Baldur’s Gate” has Calishite characters speaking with a Turkish accent, albeit inconsistently, namely that there are three characters in the game all of whom are Calishite, yet all speak with very different accents. Furthermore, as someone pointed out in the Beamdog forums, there’s no reason for the Calishite accent to be Turkish just because Calimshan is inspired partly by the Ottoman Empire, which no longer exists, not to mention that Calimshan is also inspired by Arabic cultures, so if we were to take a true inspiration from real life in that regard, the Calishite accent would be an amalgam of the Turkish and Middle Eastern accent, and what that would sound like, I couldn’t begin to imagine. A more recent spin on the Calishite accent is seen, or rather heard, in Sword Coast Legend’s Calishite paladin, Javen Tarmikos. His voice actor speaks with an affected British accent (listen to it here, starting at 0:24). I consulted with a friend living in Great Britain about the specific regional influence of Javen’s accent, and his feedback was that the voice actor was mimicking a foreign accent while attempting to speak British English. The friend’s opinion is that the accent that the voice actor was going for is Arabic, but he wasn’t sure if the voice actor was truly Arabic-British. Javen is voiced by John Hopkins, who is a native British English voice actor, so I think it’s safe to say that the Arabic British accent is faked. I don’t have a good impression of what the accents of the Calishite “Baldur’s Gate” characters are like, but I seem to recall that they are accents based on American English. Given that the “standard” accent for Common is Received Pronunciation. I feel that Javen’s accent is probably closer to what the Calishite accent for Common would be like, because of Calimshan’s relative position in Faerûn compared to both Turkey’s and the Middle East’s positions relative to Great Britain in our world (to say nothing about the American English spin on things). Detailed analysis would require more linguistics knowledge than I have, but I think it’s fair to simplify it to the fact that the amount that language articulation drifts tends to be directly proportional to distance from the “mother source”. Hence, an off-British accent for Calimshite Common makes more sense to me than a Turkish or Middle Eastern accent on American English.
4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?
Entreri wouldn’t have any verbal tics, nor would he have trouble pronouncing any words. To have either would qualify as a weakness for him, and he would therefore have conditioned himself to avoid mispronunciations and verbal failings. While I’m certainly not saying that correcting verbal tics is easy, far from it in fact, it is still the case that Entreri made himself into a superhuman specimen fairly early on in life, achieving a state of being that arguably no real world human can, so changing the way he speaks would be a comparatively simple matter and one that he would have to go through to make himself seem unassailable. It can be argued that Entreri would have trouble conveying his thoughts simply from the perspective of his not being well-versed in certain emotions, even after the “growth” and “development” he undergoes in the events leading up to and through Hero. However, he deals with all of that that by shutting out those emotions when they manifest, and, barring that, refusing to address or discuss them. While it’s totally reasonable that he has learned to love, that statement would be incomplete without the word “again” modifying it, as Entreri even states that he loved his mother before. Therefore, the “revelation” of him learning how to love isn’t as dramatic as the reader is led to believe. At one point, Entreri simply forbade himself from being accessible to love, or at the very least, from acknowledging the emotion. I don’t see him as suddenly becoming a touchy-feely font of emotional sharing. He’s still closer to being emotionally unavailable, given that severe trauma from his childhood, coupled by four decades of slavery, not to mention the shit that happens in between, would be combining with a more than merely unnaturally long life spent, by the way, more in unpleasant circumstances than otherwise to produce a master of cynicism and sarcastically stoic acceptance of the evils of person-kind. This doesn’t exactly describe a person who is an example of altruism and positive feelings. To force a character who has underwent all of those traumatic events to completely “transform” simply rings really untrue and unrealistic.
5. What are their chief tension areas?
It’d be rare for Entreri to have tension issues as he keeps his body in very good shape and is careful to perform proper maintenance exercises everyday. We see him feeling some cramps and sores from sleeping on the cold hard ground, but those seem to be more of passing inconveniences than anything lasting. However, a very physically fit person can’t do anything with the physiological pains caused by mental illness, and Entreri’s certainly got enough of those that he would be suffering at least the occasional pain in his chest and the corresponding spot in his upper-mid back.  
6. If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why?
“Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day. I might be able to come up with something better if I was more savvy about music, however with my limited knowledge, this song is the best one that I can think of that fits Entreri’s solitary character. There is also a hint of self-destructiveness/hopelessness in the song, despite what it says about hoping to find someone who would understand. The concept of broken dreams rings true to me about Entreri’s jaded perception of the world. While we’re supposed to believe that he’s completely found himself as well as peace by the end of Hero, that just doesn’t strike me as realistic at all. It feels like something written by someone with little to no knowledge about how people who struggle with mental illness actually work. Sure, Entreri might find good feelings from helping people, but it’s unlikely that he’d be doing it solely for the sake of positive feelings anytime soon, if ever. He’s got a lot of pent up and accrued anger against the world, for very justifiable reasons. Furthermore, although the message that Bob seems to push onto us regarding Entreri’s difficulty in looking into the mirror is due to some part of him being uneasy with killing all the people that he had, realistically speaking, Entreri’s self-loathing more likely comes from shitty circumstances that left him without much of a choice, of being a slave his whole life, both literally and figuratively. I don’t buy that Entreri has been accumulating guilt this whole time over every person he slays and every “wrong” deed he commits. In his world, the distinction between right and wrong was a luxury that he couldn’t afford, not with survival ruling supreme in his mind. Someone like that doesn’t need redemption, because they don’t view themselves as having ever fallen. What he needs is to recover from his severe traumas and PTSD, and that isn’t accomplished by singing a song about letting it go and helping random people that one encounters on the road, which is what Bob would lead us to believe with the way that things fell down the trope hole.
Realistically speaking, while not as embittered and stoic as he once was, Entreri’s still got a long way to go to recover, and his road is more akin to one walked by real people with real mental illnesses, whom question if their entire life is enough time for them to recover fully from that which was inflicted upon them and has afflicted them for so long. That road is one that is, ultimately, walked in solitude, because the people who can actually help and be able to relate are few and far in between (case in point: the author of this mess and the rabid legions that embrace the stereotype as perfect and logical). Furthermore, one needs to be willing to confront their condition in order to be able to improve upon it, and that is a decision that one can only make for oneself, regardless of the influences, both positive and negative, that weigh in upon that decision.  
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
While Entreri knows the extent of his martial prowess, overall he has a very negative perception of himself. He frequently berates himself for even the smallest mistakes, and reflects on his existence with a great amount of negativity. He’s canonically self-loathing and is often self-deprecating, so a negative perception of himself isn’t even just headcanon. At one point, his attitude shifts more towards neutral, but in the end it just plunges back down into self-loathing.
In Hero, in Drizzt’s final journal entry, he writes:
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Which is a pretty big slap in the face, because of just how uncomfortably bad the characterization is of Entreri. In addition to the whole mental illness not working that way, which I’ve already expounded upon in the previous question, this is just yet another example of Drizzt making assertions about Entreri. One of the reasons that I dislike Drizzt as strongly as I do is how presumptuous he is, about Artemis, and about everyone else, asserting their worth in his melodramatic and sanctimonious journal entries relative to his own values, without so much a thought as to understanding the other individuals thoroughly, to try to put himself in their shoes and see from their perspective. Drizzt’s treatment of Entreri has always been reminiscent of that of an abusive member in any kind of relationship, namely, in that he asserts Entreri to be this or that, with little care as to why. This final journal entry made me really mad, because we’re supposed to take Drizzt as a reliable narrator, and many people do, but this is far from the case. I have, and still do, struggle with how things were left off in Hero, but I think that what I need to do is take the words quoted above as yet another example of Drizzt being an unreliable and biased narrator, and that he’s yet again ascribing his own beliefs to someone who’s very different from himself. 
So, Artemis Entreri might be able to smile and look into a mirror, but not for the reasons that Drizzt, or Bob, thinks. I can’t see any other realistic way to assimilate it.
8. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts? 
He’s a bit of both. Entreri is an extremely quick thinker, and a large part of what makes him so deadly is his superb ability to improvise. He has shown on numerous occasions that he’s better at thinking on his feet than is Drizzt. He has on occasion even out-witted Jarlaxle. His dry sense of humor is also razor-sharp, allowing him to win verbal battles even while he is in physically disadvantageous positions. The thing with Entreri is that the closer to himself the topic becomes, the harder it is with which for him to cope. He survives because of his combat thinking acuity, but he doesn’t truly live because he can’t figure out matters of the heart. He gets better at this with time, but it’s a long journey for anyone to take, especially so for someone like him who’s more accustomed to dismissing his inner workings than listening to them. It certainly doesn’t help that the vast bulk of his relationships, the romantic ones especially, have little care for who he is but rather is built upon the women’s fascination with what he is.
9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time.
I’d think that Entreri either does not dream or has foggy nightmares about his childhood and/or other unpleasant events that he’s had to endure. Although he would’ve found a certain degree of closure from killing his childhood molester and the power-abusing man who was most likely his biological father, acts of revenge do not erase past traumas, so Entreri’s boyhood vulnerability and shame would likely often visit his slumbering adult mind. No small part of the reason that Entreri worked to build himself up as much as he did is to make it so that he’s never anyone’s victim like that ever again, but that doesn’t stop what he’s striven to prevent from manifesting realistically in his nightmares. Prior to the Spellplague, in post-Sellswords era, I think that nightmares of the invalidating experience he underwent in Menzoberranzan would still haunt him to no small degree, despite his declaration of, “Artemis Entreri is dead” in his determination to divorce himself from his past. 
While I believe that Jarlaxle’s ploy at the end of The Silent Blade rid Entreri of the sense of invalidation that Drizzt represented for him, as well as the torment brought by the lack of resolution from their perpetual stalemates, it would make sense for his experience in Menzoberranzan to have remained a cloud on his mind, as we can see from his severe rejection of the idea of escaping into the Underdark with Jarlaxle when Gareth’s army laid siege to Castle D'aerthe. I don’t think that he ever recovered from the Menzoberranzan experience, and it was only overshadowed by the more recent and longer lasting trauma in the form of over four decades of enslavement under Herzgo Alegni. Nonetheless, with unresolved circumstances, like the Menzoberranzan instance, they’ll come back to haunt the sufferer’s dreams, and compounding with later stresses would make for darker and more warped nightmares that would pull from all prior and subsequent traumas. His mind would subconsciously try to cope with this, and as a self-defense mechanism, make the nightmares vague, so he’d probably never quite be able to tell what’s going on in the nightmares. He’d likely wake up from them shaken, perturbed and reeling from the emotions and too-real sensations that they inflict within him. These sorts of nightmares would be more sensory than visual, for instance taking the forms of hazy flashes of defining elements like his rapist’s rotting yellow teeth and the overwhelmingly rancid breath saturated with the vapors of cheap alcohol. Perhaps these elements would be combined with his helpless body hovering high over a gaping rift of infinite darkness, reminiscent of the Clawrift that the Priestesses of Lolth suspended him over while having their way with him as an iblith sex toy. Then, add in the agony reverberating through every fiber of his musculature with the strike of Alegni’s tuning fork against Charon’s Claw. 
Perhaps the most torturous of all might be found in his inability to resist and his impotent rage, that despite his fighting tooth and claw to see that such losses of dignity would never be visited upon him again. This would be confronting him with the fact that all of his efforts have been for naught, and that even despite them, there’s nothing he can do to protect himself. A sleep with empty blackness would be a blessing for him. 
With his superhuman willpower and discipline, Entreri should be, for the most part, successful in suppressing these nightmares. However, even he would be prone to times of weakness, and these sorts of bad dreams will keep coming back, even as his life moves towards a better place. I don’t see him giving in to the effects of the worst of the nightmares. If he wakes up severely shaken, perhaps even scared, he’s too stubborn and prideful in his own way to acknowledge that something as intangible and pointless as a bad dream would have any effect on him. He’d force himself to go back to sleep, because not doing so would be surrendering to it and validating it, and even though dreams born of trauma would affect him, he would pretend that they do not.
Sleepless nights would be a different matter altogether for Entreri. How he would spend one such night would depend entirely on its specific circumstances, but he’d most likely be making good use of the time, be it honing one of his many skills or gathering information. I don’t see him engaging in any sort of pointless activity, he’s way too pragmatic to just be burning time for the sake of burning time, like getting senselessly drunk or sitting about drumming his fingers against the table. Perhaps he’d crouch on a rooftop overlooking a good chunk of his surroundings, achieving an almost elven reverie-like state as he allows the subtle currents of information to flow within him. 
10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation?
He’d prefer the subway, for it offers more shadows, less exposure and a greater sense of privacy even in the most crowded situations. It certainly doesn’t hurt that subways tend to be more efficient and predictable.
11. What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like?
Entreri doesn’t think much about creation or existential matters. He would not believe in the existence of any gods at all if the gods have not shown themselves to exist in his world. Although he is distasteful of the deities, Entreri isn’t self-delusional. He doesn’t deny the existence of the deities, however he doesn’t worship or follow any of them either. In fact, he scorns priests and other religiously devoted people.
The interesting thing is, in the Forgotten Realms, one doesn’t necessarily have to actively follow a deity to be championing them, and subsequently after death, have their souls collected by that patron deity. In his early career, Entreri’s deeds would have earned him the patronship of Bhaal, however his more recent actions fall more within the portfolio of Mask. Entreri wouldn’t take at all well to anyone telling him any of that, however, as his unwittingly acting as a particular god’s agenda would feel like to him a flagrant violation of his free will, plus he would be disgusted at how what he has done is not too far from what priests do. On the other hand, completely spurning all of the gods is also a very unwise approach to take, because an unclaimed soul ends up on the Wall of the Faithless, which is a really unpleasant (and eternal) fate. However, it’s likely that Entreri doesn’t even know about the existence of the Wall, but if he did, it probably wouldn’t affect how he feels about the gods. When he sees that his death is inevitable, I really see him destroying his own soul with his dagger so that, in his eyes, no one, be it overly and inappropriately ambitious mortals or fickle immortals and their machinations will ever have control over him after he has given up control of himself. 
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
Other than the five already discussed here, 
1) Entreri would definitely have calluses on his palms from being an expert swordsman. Even though he wears leather gauntlets, he’d still have calluses between his thumbs and index finger from the hilts of the blades as well as over all the raised regions of his palms. 
2) As per Night of the Hunter, Entreri keeps the nail on his left thumb long for the apparent purpose of using it as an impromptu substitute for when he does not have ready access to his thieves’ tools. Realistically speaking, it can’t be too long, or else it would hinder his swordplay. The task described in Night of the Hunter that takes advantage of his long thumbnail is not actually possible and demonstrates a poor understanding of lock mechanisms, so it doesn’t actually matter how long his nail is  since what he does is inherently impossible. But, suspending disbelief, I just assume that it’s no more than extending a half inch beyond his thumb tip. 
3) Unlike many rogues, thieves, assassins and other characters with evil dispositions, Entreri doesn’t enjoy killing. He also kills efficiently, granting his victims a swift and painless death. He doesn’t believe much in torture either, engaging in acts similar to torture only to send a message (i.e. chopping off Regis’ fingers to send to Drizzt) but not out of any desire for cruelty.
4) At the end of Hero, Entreri is around 159 years old, and this is a rough figure because his precise date of birth is unknown. He decided that he was fourteen in “The Third Level”, which takes place during 1341 DR, and the events of Hero transpire during 1486 DR. Needless to say, this is very very old for a human! However, Entreri isn’t a normal human due to his absorption of a Shade, but it’s unclear what exactly is responsible for his unnaturally long lifespan. Some believe that Charon’s Claw is the cause of it, while others believe that it’s the Shade properties. In terms of D&D game stats for Charon’s Claw, there isn’t anything about the item that would suggest prolongation of life, but then again, there isn’t anything in its stats either about how Alegni used it to raise Entreri back from the dead multiple times so that he could keep being his unwilling slave. The information given in Hero isn’t very helpful in this regard either, as the only thing that’s established is that with the advent of The Sundering, that the hold that Charon’s Claw has on Entreri is not what it used to be, however it’s even explicitly stated that it may never even have had an effect on his lifespan. On the other hand, Shades live hundreds to over a thousand years old, which could mean that some of this property transferred over to Entreri, but it’s really hard to say. That’s one of those things that makes him bendable to the author’s whim I suppose, but that’s irrelevant for the purpose of this question.
5) I guess this last thing isn’t that unusual, but Entreri’s pretty short for a human male by our standards. However, his height of 5'5" is only 2" shorter than the average height for a human male in the Forgotten Realms, which isn’t that weird in his world. 5'7" does seem to be on the short side for human males by our reckoning, however it’s a pretty accurate average height for the average medieval European man.13. Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something?
Entreri’s method for dealing with stressful or overwhelming situations is to just push through them. Severe injuries and tangled webs of intrigue are best dealt with by being done with them. He doesn’t start things that he doesn’t finish, regardless of his mental condition. His physical condition may force him to step away from something, however he will invariably return to finish it sooner or later. 
14. Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?
Entreri always prefers to work alone, but he does recognize the merits to having a team. Despite this, he would rather rely on his own exceptional abilities to make up for a disadvantage in numbers.
15. Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time?
Entreri is an expert multi-tasker.
16. What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
School is really a luxury in the Forgotten Realms setting. It’s established in canon that organized education, such as magic schools, are very expensive, and otherwise general education is imparted within the household or self-taught. Trade skills are gained by apprenticeships, and acolytes of various orders learn through their time in their respective orders. I think it’s safe to say that Entreri taught himself everything that he knows, by necessity, but if schooling had been available to him or some sort of apprenticeship opportunity, I see him as not being into either, due to his independence, distrust of others and a general preference for being alone. 
If Entreri had gone to school, and assuming a subject list similar to that of our world but in the context of the realms, his best five would be bartering, tracking, appraising, riding and of course swordsmanship. His worst five would be languages, history and lore, astrology, religion and anything concerning the tedious details of etiquette. I can actually see him being good at home economics-type classes due to his attention to detail and perfectionism. He’d also likely make reasonably tasty food for himself since he wouldn’t suffer himself to eat his own bad cooking. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’d put in the effort for others. ;P
17. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people?
Entreri prefers to keep to himself as an introvert does, however he isn’t shy about talking to people or engaging in extended conversations with another (even if he would prefer not do so). He doesn’t like people in general, but he doesn’t go out of his way to avoid them if he doesn’t have to either. Rather than having to seek out solitude, his very presence ensures that he has a respectable amount of space to himself even in the most crowded establishments. He doesn’t have to worry about big crowds, it’s the big crowd of people that have to worry about him. I think that Entreri possesses the charisma and the lack of social anxiety that could make him an extrovert, but his misanthropy makes him behave like an introvert.
18. Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether?
I see it as being situational. Entreri prefers to do things his own way, oftentimes intentionally defying the details of specific instructions simply because he strongly dislikes being ordered about. He doesn’t particularly enjoy following another’s suggestions, however, as long as his independence is respected, he’ll tolerate being dragged around on various quests and/or adventures. I think that his leadership abilities would be respectable, as he has a tactical mind and a commanding presence, but he would shun the responsibilities and hassle that come from being in a leadership role.
19. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight?
It would depend on the circumstance. He’s more inclined to fight than to run away, however, he’s cautious and will not charge blindly into anything. Challenging him is not a good idea unless you’re prepared to die or are completely certain that you can kill him (which, well, no one really can, due to his own resourcefulness and the fact that Jarlaxle wishes for him to stay alive).
20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
I think that would most likely be Kimmuriel Oblodra. Honestly, I don’t see Entreri having any qualms about murdering any Menzoberranzanyr drow, Gromph included even though he’s no longer located in Menzoberranzan. If Entreri knew about Quenthel ordering Jarlaxle to not rescue him from enslavement under Alegni, it would be a difficult toss-up between Kimmuriel and Quenthel. Quenthel is tempting because as the Matron Mother of Menzoberranzan, it would be difficult to assassinate her without a great deal of complications, and Entreri might just be tempted into choosing her if he was offered the chance to kill her without consequence. On the other hand, his hatred of Kimmuriel runs deep, psionics are more of a threat against him than arcane magic, and if he knew about Kimmuriel’s involvement in altering Jarlaxle’s memory (which resulted in his continued enslavement), it wouldn’t matter to Entreri that Quenthel had ordered it, he would still want Kimmuriel dead. Furthermore, even though Kimmuriel “helped” Dahlia, it was at Jarlaxle’s request. As such, Entreri wouldn’t feel like he owed either Kimmuriel or Jarlaxle anything for the service, especially as he views it as part of Jarlaxle’s reparations to him for having ditched him with Alegni. There is little love lost between Kimmuriel and Entreri, and given the chance, Kimmuriel would off Entreri, and Entreri knows that. 
If Tiago weren’t already dead, he’d be high up on the list too, especially if Entreri found out about how Tiago had raped Dahlia on numerous occasions while she was mentally impaired.
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why?
When I first did this meme, the canon point was Night of the Hunter, so the two of the three that I listed without explanation no longer apply. I was going to explain the “why” parts originally when I revisited this question, but since they’re, for the most part, outdated, I’m no longer going to do that. XD Instead, here are three new wishes and their reasoning:
1) “I wish to always have my own free will, that no other being shall have the means to dictate, control or otherwise affect without my consent what I do or not do with myself and my life.” – This is something Entreri has striven for throughout his entire life, and in no small amount due to how much it has eluded him. For most of the time, he isn’t even actively aware enough of it to be able to word such a wish, but after four decades of slavery, facing the possibility of Drizzt using Charon’s Claw to control him like Alegni had, and Charon’s Claw coming back after he thought it destroyed, I’d think that Entreri would have a much better sense of what he wants to avoid at all costs. 
2) “I wish to be immune to the negative effects of all magics, be they divine, arcane, psionic, or otherwise.” – Go big or go home, right? :P I can’t see him wishing for total invulnerability however, I think that he derives a fair amount of pride from ability to take care of himself with his own skills, and should those skills fail him especially with the lack of interference from magical sources, he’d be ready to throw in the towel. That, and total invulnerability would be akin to a luxury, the kind that makes people grow complacent and thus degenerate. I doubt Entreri would believe in total invulnerability either, he’d see it as a temporary thing that’d lull him into a false sense of security until someone else found a way to get past it and get to him while he’s vulnerable.
3) This should really be #1, because the first thing he’d try is wishing for more wishes, but since the rule of these kinds of things is that there’s no wishing for more wishes, it is #3. :P But you know, I’m pretty stumped so far as coming up with a third is concerned. As of the end of Hero, he might consider wishing good fortune for his “friends” and former allies, but I can’t see him actually following through with that because it’s pretty lame, plus his lifelong thing has been to always be prepared and self-preservation. It just isn’t realistic that he would be so self-sacrificing as to give up something as powerful as a (mostly) limitless wish to aid others that aren’t even in immediate peril. I see him saving one last wish as a true last resort. 
22. Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone?
It’s nigh impossible to gain Entreri’s trust fully. Despite having been physically and emotionally intimate with Calihye and Dahlia, he did not trust either of them completely. I don’t believe that Calihye would’ve left him, as described in Hero, had he fully trusted her. While we’re supposed to believe that he and Dahlia share some sort of all-too-perfect profound bond, realistically speaking, I don’t think they would, and I don’t think Entreri’s dumb/naive enough to fully trust Dahlia either. He’s fully aware of her black widow tendencies, and it wasn’t all that long ago that he was worried about Dahlia forsaking him for her still-lingering feelings for Drizzt (and it was even more recently that Dahlia acted upon remaining feelings for Drizzt in having sex with Kimmuriel when he invoked a memory of Drizzt within her mind). It wouldn’t be at all unlikely for Dahlia to choose Effron over Entreri if it came down to making a choice between her son or her lover, plus it’s also in line with her nature to be fascinated by a newer/younger/more powerful/more “interesting” beau and ditch Entreri for that person (although finding such a paragon is difficult for me to imagine, Dahlia is still a flake). 
All of this is not to say that Entreri isn’t capable of giving some measure of trust to others, as he has demonstrated that he mostly trusted Drizzt, Dwahvel and Jarlaxle while he traveled and worked with each of them. I question whether he fully trusted Drizzt or anyone, because realistically speaking, someone who has been betrayed as much as and to as large a degree as Entreri has won’t have the ability to trust fully, plus Drizzt was his arch-nemesis for a significant portion of his life. The shining paragon of Drizzt’s Gary Stu-ness means that we’re supposed to believe that he can convert anyone into his inner circle if he wants to do that (as can be seen with Yvonnel 2.0, the most powerful drow born into Menzoberranzan, and even Lolth herself to a degree), but I really roll my eyes at that and unless Salvatore does a massively better job of writing it, I just don’t find it believable. Trust is something that comes back with time, but despite Entreri’s unnaturally long life, he’s spent more time experiencing things that challenge trust than not, so I can’t see him recovering that ability anytime soon, maybe not ever if he’s never subject to the right kinds of circumstances.
23. Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart?
Entreri tends to avoid both, but romance is probably the quickest way to his heart, simply because of his limited experiences with positive connections. While both affection and romance are complex, in some ways, romance can be more clear-cut and obvious. We see from the books that Entreri has a better understanding of the nature of his relationship with Calihye and Dahlia than the one he had with Dwahvel, for instance. This isn’t all too surprising, as someone who’s never had any friends has a hard time grasping friendship, but a romantic relationship, especially when it entails sexual activities, is easier to identify for someone who isn’t well-versed in either. However, more than anything, the quickest way to his heart is to genuinely love him, not as a master thief, assassin and fighter but as a man whose identity and worth even he himself isn’t entirely certain of, without designs to manipulate or to change him. On a related note, I question the longevity of his relationship with Dahlia because their bond was formed under duress, arguably impossible without the significant intervention of the aboleth that peeled open their minds and left their pasts naked for each other to see. This sort of dramatic intervention isn’t much different from the influence of Idalia’s Flute that made Entreri all wonkers and made feasible his relationship with Calihye, which was based on little more than her initial seduction of him. Without knowing Dahlia’s past, and with no way of knowing it had the aboleth not revealed it, other than physically attractive, he found her irritating and dishonorable. Furthermore, Dahlia’s reasons for “loving” Entreri aren’t really based in anything substantial. There’s the shared similarities in trauma that, again, was brought to light by a forceful and magical external influence, but other than that, it seemed more like an infatuation with his skills rather than who he is. We don’t see Dahlia responding to Entreri’s dry sense of humor, there is no chemistry and rapport between them personality-wise, plus Dahlia’s son and Entreri are going to butt heads so much that you sure as heck can bet that that’ll be a chief sort of tension between the forcibly happy couple. Where canon leaves us at the end of Hero is yet another one of the inconsistencies that mark Bob’s books, namely, what we are supposed to accept as the ideal relationship for Entreri is anything but that based on the preceding characterizations of him.
24. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why?
Entreri has few enemies, because most of them are already dead by his hand. He thinks that Herzgo Alegni is dead, however if he finds out that his former slaver is still alive, that would be one target he’d hit first. After that, those responsible for wrongs done unto him would be high on the list, but, as mentioned, most of them are dead or his issues with them are resolved by the end of Hero. While Tiago Baenre is dead, members of his troupe are still around, and Entreri wouldn’t mind seeing those killed off in repayment for their involvement in his and Dahlia’s suffering in Q'Xorlarrin. However, Entreri’s probably not on the minds of those drow, nor is it all that likely that Entreri would be thinking of them anytime soon following the events in Hero. Plus hunting them down would be difficult, as that would involve going to Menzoberranzan, which he will not do without very compelling reasons to do so.
I would count Kimmuriel as an enemy of Entreri. As mentioned earlier, the two share bad blood that runs back for more than a century, and if Entreri ever finds out that Kimmuriel’s adjustment of Jarlaxle’s memories is what caused Jarlaxle to believe that Entreri had betrayed him instead of the other way around, thus dooming Entreri to four decades of slavery, I’d hate to see what would go down between the two of them. Actually, to tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind seeing it. I’ve never liked Kimmuriel and it would be very satisfying to see Entreri kill him dead, both for the sake of Entreri and for myself. >_>
25. Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks?
I see Entreri as being pretty straightedge when it comes to sex. He would prefer being the dominant party, however, I don’t see him as so insecure such that his physical position relative to his partner does not define dominance or submission to him. He seems to enjoy letting his partner lead, however he gets the final call on things that he will not tolerate. He does read as very heterosexual to me, but while I understand him to be very selectively so, I wouldn’t really call him ace or demi either because he does demonstrate sexual attraction independent of other kinds of attraction on a number of occasions. 
On this subject, I do try very hard to adhere to canon, and my dedication to doing so has caused me no small amount of torment over the years (and especially now following Hero x_x), so my OTP being what it is could seem rather odd. I make allowances for this not frivolously because Jarlaxle is a special case, as in addition to being pansexual, we’re supposed to accept and believe that he’s so charismatic that he’s potentially attractive to everyone. 
In any case, I could see Entreri being open to trying certain kinds of kinks and staying far away from others. I don’t want to get too graphic, but the types of kinks that he’d likely stay away from would be anything having to do with filth, as he’s lived in and around impoverished conditions enough that I just can’t see him ever being able to get enjoyment out of anything that reminds him of that aspect of his past. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if Entreri possessed just a hint of sadism, enough to allow him to enjoy putting his precise control of sharp objects to use in intimate settings, especially since doing so puts him in a comfort zone built around something he’s very confident in. However, I don’t see him as being into that beyond the control and finesse elements of the tool being used. Due to his insecurities, Entreri would likely much more prefer to give than to receive, to the point of possibly being triggered when on the receiving end of certain kinky activities. For instance, although he could quite possibly enjoy bondage, especially if it means tying Jarlaxle up and (mostly not literally) kicking him around a bit, he would be thoroughly unamused and not turned on by being tied up. He might try it out of affection for his partner, but I see him as being very much not into being constrained even in a sexual sense. There’s a rough generalization for Dom/sub personalities that states that someone who is confident prefers to be in the submissive role because in consensual Dom/sub play, the sub has all the power. Like most generalizations however this one is flawed in the sense that it neglects to adapt to specific personalities. While Entreri is indeed confident and sure in many ways, he is more vulnerable than he is self-assured. Because of the insecurities and doubts that do plague Entreri, a role that one such as Jarlaxle, whom I use here because he’s a great example of a character who is cocksure through and through (no pun intended ;P), would find freedom and enjoyment in would instead fill Entreri with discomfort. That’s my take on the matter, in any case. 
26. How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
Under normal circumstances, Entreri meticulously ensures that his weapons and gear are in good condition before he rests. His weapons belt will always be within easy reach. He’d sleep either wearing trousers or in the nude depending on what he foresees as likely to disturb his rest. Theoretically speaking, I suppose he could sleep only in smallclothes, but for whatever reason, smallclothes aren’t mentioned in any of the Drizzt books, and the characters either sleep in trousers or in the nude. I suppose that Faerûnian smallclothes aren’t designed to be comfortably worn underneath skin-tight leather armor, hence why the sleeping in the nude after peeling off that external casing. However, everyday clothes probably allow for it, and fine enough clothes would be comfortable to sleep in. We see during “The Sellswords” that Entreri sleeps shirtless and presumably goes outside in the same pants that he slept in after throwing on a shirt (at least, we don’t see him change on screen after putting on the shirt that Jarlaxle tosses him). 
Even when there are no outstanding threats, Entreri would most likely always go to bed prepared for any anticipated interruption that may find him. He can stay awake for days on end as long as it is necessary, however, as he is only (mostly) human, he can’t go on forever without sleep.  
27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
To his mother, he would probably say something along the lines of, “I don’t blame you.” Given that it’s likely that he killed his father, well, the blade through the chest conveys his parting thoughts rather perfectly. 
28. Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
Entreri doesn’t fear death, however he seems ambivalent about how he feels regarding it. There are many times in his life in which he wishes for it to find him, even actively seeking it in some instances. However, his sense of self-preservation is so ingrained that he instinctively fights when his life is threatened. He has no regrets of which he is aware. 
29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?
Entreri enjoys his solitude and prefers silence to noisiness, however he does get restless living a peaceful and uneventful life. He has demonstrated a distaste for characters that talk too much, and especially if those characters spend a good portion of their garrulousness rhyming. ;P While in many circumstances Entreri doesn’t have much of a choice but to follow where adventure leads, in other situations, he could’ve elected to ditch the more dangerous road and lay low. For instance, pragmatically speaking, there wasn’t much point for him to stay with Jarlaxle after the events in Servant of the Shard. Furthermore, he didn’t have to go back to Calimport or any major city at the end of Road of the Patriarch, as he’d surely know that his chosen action would land him in the midst of all sorts of going-ons, and if he truly wished to be away from all of that, he could’ve just as easily settled in some small rural town. I also can’t see him settling down with Dahlia like Drizzt does with Catti-brie because, realistically speaking, he still has many unresolved issues and soul-searching to do, not to mention that Dahlia has her own baggage to deal with and is unlikely to be happy with a sedentary life.
From a very young age, Entreri has not lived a single day without being tested to his limits, and his obsession with being at the top of his craft is meaningless if he doesn’t have something to measure it up against. He is used to activity, so inaction makes him irritable. He may be less this way at the end of Hero, but pigeonholing him into a quiet happily ever after just isn’t a very likely conclusion. Perhaps he will reach the state that he’s supposed in at the current canonical point, but I see that as a temporary high at best, unless we accept that he’s just an oversimplified and inaccurately representative caricature of a real person instead of a believable character. Which, I suppose, according to canon, he sort of is. :\ 
30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
It doesn’t really matter to him, as he is so practical-minded that as long as it is something that can sustain his body in good condition, he’d eat whatever it is. Would he make a ton of snarky comments about it? You betcha! XD I suppose he wouldn’t want to subsist exclusively on some sort of foodstuff that originates from the Underdark, as he’d feel that it would sooner or later lead him to have more encounters with drow than is necessary, and to him, zero would be the amount of necessary encounters with them. XD 
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“KATHY, BY WHICH I mean I, was getting married,” Olivia Laing writes. “Kathy, by which I mean I, had just got off a plane from New York.”
Known for her nonfiction, Olivia Laing has explored whether loneliness was inherent in creativity, the connection between writers and alcoholism, and walked the length of the River Ouse in which Virginia Woolf drowned herself in 1941. Crudo is her first work of fiction, written over seven weeks “in real time,” keeping pace with the fast-changing nature of the modern news cycle as events unfolded online.
Who is the protagonist? From the beginning, Laing is cagey. We’re in the head of a writer who may or may not be Kathy Acker. Though the punk troubadour of postmodernism died in 1997 from complications relating to breast cancer, Laing imagines Acker aged 40 in 2017. She’s living between America and the United Kingdom, on the precipice of getting married for the first time to a man 29 years her senior. She’s obsessed with Twitter and rattled by commitment.
There certainly is a lot of Acker in there. There are references to Great Expectations, Blood and Guts in High School, her Upper East Side upbringing, her “years in a strip joint in Times Square […] releasing her flat little fried-egg tits into the eyes of the world,” her breast cancer-induced double mastectomy. Centering the novel on Acker at all may seem like an odd choice if you’re unfamiliar with her own practice of pinching the lives of figures like Toulouse Lautrec, Don Quixote, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Yet there’s a healthy dose of Laing, too. After all, she is the “poster girl for female solitude.” She also wore Isabel Marant to be married the poet Ian Patterson, whose first marriage was to the “famous writer” Jenny Diski. Like her fictional Kathy, Laing also “insisted on Maria Callas because she didn’t operate via understatement” for her wedding ceremony. Kathy and her husband “talked about Crete,” for their honeymoon, and a glance at Laing’s Instagram will reveal her own honeymoon’s rocky beaches and turquoise Grecian seas. On the day of her wedding, Kathy arranges “a china platter that had once belonged to Doris Lessing,” an allusion to Diski, who was taken in by Lessing when she was 15 years old. Blending these two individuals, Laing floats between third and first person, seemingly unable to settle on a pronoun that suits her purposes.
Inspired, or perhaps horrified, by the current events of summer 2017, Laing began writing as an escape from another project. This escape quickly took form, walking the line between fiction and reality. This line is becoming ever blurrier. Crudo stands alongside Sheila Heti’s Motherhood, Rachel Cusk’s Kudos, and Karl Ove Knausgaard’s The End, the final installment of My Struggle. And those are just a few standout examples of autofiction published this year. Even the term autofiction feels somewhat murky — just as subjective as the form it’s trying to clarify. Coined by French novelist Serge Doubrovsky in Fils, published in 1977, autofiction has a loose definition as “fiction, of events and facts strictly real,” while he argues that the main distinction between autofiction and autobiography is that “autobiography is a privilege reserved for the important people of this world, at the end of their lives, in a refined style.”
But potential lawsuits aside, where do we draw the line between what can safely be classified as fiction and what qualifies as autofiction? Technically there is no magic formula balancing fact and fiction until we reach an artistic equilibrium. Though false claims of veracity have had powerful consequences, as a quick Google search on James Frey or Clifford Irving might tell you, does a bit of truth in fiction really matter? At the opening of Calvin Trillin’s Floater, he gives readers a “Claimer” in place of a disclaimer, revealing that “the character of Andy Wolferman is based on John Gregory Dunne, though it tends to flatter. The other characters are fictional.” Sweetbitter novelist Stephanie Danler has been often asked whether there was a real Jake — her agent is still looking for him. Perhaps with Crudo, this distinction is more cut and dry. Kathy Acker remains within our cultural consciousness with her cult classic Blood and Guts in High School reissued as well as Chris Kraus’s After Kathy Acker: A Biography hitting shelves in 2017.
While it might be hyperbole to suggest that current events and modern life act as the catalyst — especially considering the long history of authors cribbing from their own lives — it is interesting that there’s less artifice in masking the aspects they’ve borrowed. There seems to be a direct correlation with social media’s practice of posting curated snippets, arguably blending our lives into a fictive narrative, and the rise of autofiction. We’re already primed. Even our news is fake now. With Crudo, Laing appropriates Twitter’s trademark intonation, writing in a flippant and conversational voice, concise to the point of discarding nonessential punctuation. The novel feels cathartic, written in the breathless rush of a Twitter thread. Even Laing’s choice to juxtapose images of Kathy’s upscale Tuscan holiday in Val d’Orcia alongside the mounting horror of the news cycle portrays the experience of scrolling.
Trump is never far behind. His asinine antics are reported through direct quotes from his Twitter feed. One stunning example of his hubris forms the epigraph and tells the reader exactly what kind of novel Crudo will be: “The cheap 12 inch sq. marble tiles behind speaker at UN always bothered me. I will replace with beautiful large marble slabs if they ask me.” As we read, Grenfell Tower burns; Trump fires Comey, “trashtalk[s] the FailingNewYorkTimes,” and provokes North Korea; Neo-Nazis with their “disgusting putrid horror-faces, Halloween mask America” march through Charlottesville, and people suggest that Holocaust “was a narrative that got fixed.” A start-up called Bodega aims to replace mom-and-pop shops with their glorified vending machines. “Twitter’s ABLAZE gurl,” a friend texts Kathy.
Yet current events are contrasted against quotidian life, which for Kathy means her impending nuptials — and her mounting anxiety over her relationship. As her wedding date approaches, she marks the days and hours like some kind of countdown to detonation. She is uncertain if she can commit to a single person or even a single place. She contemplates the practicality of rotating among three or four residences, as “she was happiest on her travels, like a clockwork toy, maybe happiest unpacking or booking a train ticket.”
Kathy also considers her “abnormal talent for withholding, as if she’d finally become one of the many men she’d chased across Berlin, London, San Diego.” One such man replies to her casual email as if she’d been hounding him relentlessly. “Disappearing now,” he wrote, ending their conversation. “I’m IN ANOTHER COUNTRY,” she shouts at her husband, appalled by his power play. “I HAVE ALREADY DISAPPEARED. Why does he always try and OUT-DISAPPEAR ME.” With the exception of her husband, her relationships are unequal, emotional “withholding” becomes the refrain. Whether it is acted out by ex-boyfriends, elusive sleep on a muggy night, or Kathy’s own behavior, withholding leaves her wholly unprepared for the compromise and tenderness of marriage. It becomes clear that Kathy “liked liars and evasive people, she liked seeing what they’d say, she liked being continually shocked surprised disappointed by the way they were never where she thought they’d be.” Even her affinity for living alone is a hurdle to overcome, but her love for her husband cracks her open like the crabs they smash to bits with an Ikea hammer over dinner, sifting through the shells for the meat. Waiting to board a flight, she realizes that she’d never really loved anyone, never mastered the art of opening herself up before. Travel can act as an escape hatch, but love can’t be tethered to a specific geographic pinpoint. No, “she was in [the world] now, she was boarding, there was nowhere to hide.”
Lauren Sarazen is currently pursuing a master’s in literature at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has contributed articles for publications such as Broadly, LensCulture, and Paste Magazine.
The post Crudo, She Tweeted: Olivia Laing’s “Crudo” appeared first on Los Angeles Review of Books.
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