aljhinjoy · 2 years
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
“We are not living in fear, We are living in faith.”
This quote caught my attention, It reminds me to live without fear because I do believe that God is with me. As the world vastly transitions to different eras, our nation faces various challenges that made us ponder different solutions. Life is indeed a roller coaster journey, You can’t predict ups and down. A new global public health catastrophe has emerged as a result of the rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), which first appeared in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019.
As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic is one of the most dangerous challenges has faced in our lifetime. Lot of people died because of this virus, and especially those suffering poor families who are barely surviving were the most affected. Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Aljhin Joy Galang, and let me begin with my personal experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Way back in 2019, I was in grade 9 when Covid-19 starts. At first, I have no idea what is happening because they said it was fake news. But as the days go by, many people around the world express panic in various behaviors.
During the pandemic, my fear in myself made me feel like I’m near death. Imagine facing a virus without a cure, every day I am losing hope because day by day a lot of people are dying. Everyone has had hardships as a result of the pandemic, which has impacted their way of life, those people who were senior citizens are the most vulnerable in this situation and especially as a student, the pandemic had a huge impact on our education system. Covid-19 is the reason why students like me have difficulty in interacting with other people. In my opinion, distance learning is not an effective way to learn, some of our lessons were not easy to understand its not like the normal learning, wherein there is a teacher to teach us in person, but in our education system set up from 2019-2022 more on self-study and distance education.
The COVID-19 pandemic changed my life. After 8 months, my mother got ill and after losing my grandfather because of the killer virus, I feel lost and empty, I don't know how to start again and how to accept the fact that I can no longer see my grandfather. Imagine losing someone you love, it is the hardest thing in the world to deal with. I always asked God, why my grandfather? Maybe he has a better plan for my lolo.
Despite all the negative challenges and difficulties I faced. I overcome them by believing myself that I can do it. If you trust yourself in what you want to do, no matter how hard the situation is, you can do it. Therefore, if I can do it, you can do it too! I wanted you to know that there is always beauty to be found, even in the darkness. Everytime I think about my problems in life, I always say that everything is happens for a reason because I believed He doesn’t give me problems without any solutions. All I need to do is to trust our almighty God.
In the end, I want to end this speech by saying there is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs. So, don't be too harsh on yourself, be patient. And always pray not because you need something but because you have a lot to thank him for everything.
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ramoslance · 2 years
Experiences i encounter as a commoner
Did you ever experienced having a mutual understanding with someone?Mutual Undestanding has no specific label.It's like having a relationship without any string attached.A lot of us experienced having a hidden feelings to someone.Am i right?So if this person shows affection to us we doubtlessly thinks that this person likes us.In the reality they like us although not as partner or a lover ,but as a friend.
When pandemic starts we easily get bored because we're not used to stay at home all day.While i was scrolling through my social media i saw this one app where you can create a room and communicate with others online,and because of boredom i downloaded this app.I met a lot of friends in this app but there's this one girl who caught my attention.She has this low tone voice which is unsual for a girl and she also has a grumpy look that's why i'm hesitating to talk to her at first.When i started talking to her i found out that she is not bad as what i imagined.As the day passed and i was continued talking to her i felt something different.Unlike to my other friends the happiness and excitement everytime i'm talking to her is different.She has a bubbly personality like me.We continued talking for months until one day i suddenly had a problem with my family, i was super stressed out ,because i thought my parents will seperate .Because of too much distractions i forgot to update the girl i was talking to.I just realized that i didn't chat her since the day when my family problem started.I tried to reach out to her again and i'm glad that she responded to my messages.I aplogize and explain why i didnt communicate with her.She accepted me again.Even though she accepted my apology i know that it's not the same as before,i know that she has hesitations to trust me again.As the days goes by i noticed that she changed, i thought that she's not interested to me anymore that's why i ended up our conversation without informing and clearing things up.I know i was wrong and my reasons are lame.I regret my decision,i ruined her trust once again.She thinks that i ghosted her.How did i know?Well i tried to reach out to her again for the third time.I sent a message to her and i am not expecting that she will respond again.I'm glad that she accept me still despite of being coward and stupid,i will do everything to get her trust again.I hope my experience would be a lesson and not a guide for you to do wrong doings.It's not too late to change,but make sure that you will change for the better not for worst.I hope you all enjoyed.Thankyou!
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emiliovillafria · 2 years
by Emilio O. Villafria IV
Lying in bed all day with my phone stuck on my face, seemingly glued to Facebook, made my mother angry. Walking out of the room with the sun scorching my eyes as I went out came with my Lola's request to throw the garbage, an everyday chore I once hated for the indescribable smell of yesterday’s leftovers. I had a sedentary lifestyle, which made me insecure because of my weight and how I looked as a result of the pandemic.
So much happened, but I'm not doing the cliche part of listing all the hurts I’ve experienced, but rather the biggest what-if. What if the pandemic never happened? What would I have done throughout all those years? A portion of life's experience went to waste. Perhaps that life at the cafe, sitting with friends laughing, or maybe too busy for a project amid those weeks of exams. Probably never been depressed, and has a weekend to remember what skin feels like when it’s alive.
However, nothing like that happened in that factory routine of living in lockdown. I hated it, holding up everything but never asked to give up anything, it's too heavy. I’ve reached my limit adding that I took care of my family alone when we got ill to the demise of a loved one. The stress, anxiety, heartache, and all those sleepless nights have built up to pour in that news of death. I cried with echoes in my head twice as loud in an empty house with regrets knowing that I could have done so much better at taking care of my grandma. I still can’t believe all of that happened. Sorry, I said not to say this cliche part in writing. 😂
I once heard a line in a movie that goes, "When your past is so present, how can there be a future? There can’t. You’re stuck". It makes me think of how one wouldn't be able to get past their problems and struggles. I guess my heart still feels like it has unfinished business, like a message left on read, an ending with a haunting silence. I never imagined what the future would look like.
In the end, I’ve decided to move on but to never forget. The outcome of my decision has resulted in a stronger, and wiser me. With time on my side, I’ve learned to cope with the hurt. I’ve learned that I had a purpose as to why I was well even after being infected. I’ve learned how to value the people around me with a lavender haze including myself. More importantly, I have finally understood what God’s plan was. He did work in mysterious ways, but I’ve made myself assured of His ways.
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gomezrleevince · 2 years
The Dilemma of a Commoner
The dilemma of a commoner is a common theme in literature and society, as it pertains to the struggles and hardships faced by those who are not part of the upper class. In many cases, commoners are forced to navigate a world that is often unfair and unjust, where their rights and freedoms are not always protected.
One of the biggest challenges facing commoners is the lack of access to resources and opportunities. Because they are not part of the ruling class, commoners are often excluded from the wealth and privilege that come with being born into a wealthy family. This means that they are often forced to work long hours for little pay, and may not have the opportunity to pursue their dreams or ambitions.
In addition to the lack of access to resources, commoners are also often subjected to discrimination and mistreatment. They may be looked down upon by members of the ruling class, and may be denied the same rights and freedoms that are afforded to those who are born into privilege. This can be especially challenging for commoners who are trying to advance in their careers or improve their lives, as they may face obstacles that those in the upper class do not have to overcome.
Despite these challenges, however, many commoners are able to overcome their circumstances and achieve success. Through hard work, determination, and perseverance, they are able to rise above their circumstances and make a better life for themselves and their families. In doing so, they serve as an inspiration to others, and show that even those who are not born into privilege can achieve great things.
Overall, the dilemma of a commoner is a pervasive and enduring issue, one that has been explored in literature and society for centuries. While it presents significant challenges, it also offers opportunities for those who are willing to work hard and overcome their circumstances. Despite the obstacles they face, commoners continue to strive for a better life, and their struggles serve as a reminder of the importance of equality and justice for all.
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nathanielpascual03 · 2 years
Greatest gift
Everyone's parents are their life's greatest treasures. One of the greatest gifts and blessings from the Lord is family. You cannot experience love, care, contentment, or happiness without a family. A child cannot live without parents. Our parents give us strength and motivation in our everyday life. They impart to us the value of being truthful and sincere with others.
My parents, who help me through every stage of life, are my inspiration to continue in life. Without them, I simply cannot imagine my life without my parents . Every time I become lost, my parents act as a guiding light to show me the way.
Children rely on their parents as a source of strength and support. They have a lot of obligations, yet they never acknowledge them. We should be thankful that we have parents because not everyone have a parents who care for them.
We are not aware for the sacrifices of our mother that she do for us. She always looks out for us and prioritizes us over herself. She always prepare us a food. She also wash our clothes and dishes.
The strongest woman I know is my mother because even she is struggle in many things she always stay strong for us. She gives me great food and assists me with my work.
While my mother is busy in cleaning the house, my father is the one who works for our monthly spenses .He is a good man who always love my mother whenever they have many problems.
My father is my superman because he always help me in my problems and we solve it together. I admire my father for being a great and kind father at all. My father work hard for our family and always support us in our needs.
Many people have many different meanings in parents. Most of us look to them as our source of strength and inspiration . They are the ones who know us and they are one who knows are weaknesses and strengths. The love of our parents is unending they always think for their children safety.
The best gift that i receives is my parents because they always be my (idol) and motivation to continue in our life. But since not everyone has them, we shouldn't bully others . We should respect our parents for being good and being the best.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents. I appreciate them for being kind, helpful and supportive parents. They never get tired because they always think that family is the most important for all.
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andreitolentino · 2 years
“No man is an island, No man lives alone”. These are the exact words written by john donne on his poem. It means no one is capable on its own and you need to have to someone to rely on. If you were to ask me “Does having a friend really important for your everyday lifestyle?”. I would say yes. Besides from having your family and partner by your side, it is more comforting to have a friend that knows you more than anyone and even more than yourself. So how do u define friends? Is it someone you can go to mall with? Is it someone who you can share gossips with? Or is it someone you can talk to for hours without getting bored?
For me, friends are people you can trust with all your heart. They are the one who would stick with you through thick and thin. People who would never leave your side when you have nothing. Friends are people who attentively listens to all your problems and helps you to find solution for it. Friends are people who you can stop talking to for days and you can come back and you will still feel welcomed. So how do you know if you already found a friend? You can feel it. Friends feels like comfort. They can always make you feel at home. They give you the warmest hugs. Their voices makes you feel at ease. Friends can make you laugh at any situation. Friends can be the reason why you love living. They will always be there to support you and protect you from doing mistakes that can ruin your life. Friends are the ones who you can tell your secrets to and you do not have to worry about them telling anyone. They would never ever do something offending or something that can ruin your friendship.
They can be someone related to you like cousins or nieces. But they can also be someone who you just suddenly bumped into. We never know what the future holds us. Maybe we already found our lifetime bestfriend or maybe they are still out there and the right time for the both of you to meet is not now. We meet a lot of friends every day since the day we were born. Our first friend is of course our parents. Second is your siblings. Then as we grow up we learn how to socialize more, we meet them at the playground or they became our classmates.
It can be someone you met on a public swimming pool as a kid, It can be someone who you met on the internet. In short, friends can be in different forms but they have the same comfort feeling.
So if you were to ask me right now “Do u have friends?” Well in fact, yes i do. I’ve been friends with them for years and our friendship is still the same. And you should have them too. Being a friend is one of the best thing you can be and having a friend is the greatest thing you can have. And as Thomas Aquinas said “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship”. That is all and Thank you.
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ays-ays-baby · 2 years
A Perpendicular Love
Love, surprisingly, has been associated with numerous feelings. Emotions keep changing; don’t they? Today, you fell madly in love with someone; when the sun rises the next day you wonder how all the “love” you felt yesterday has gone. But, we are dense to realize that love is not about the consistent feeling of love but the consistency of choosing to love.
Unexpectedly, the most devastating love tales are portrayed through the lens of mathematics. There are parallel lines that are never meant to cross and, there are asymptotes, which are lines that go closer and closer but never meet. We can associate both in real life. All of this is tragic, but have you heard of the law of attraction, which describes the opposite of attraction? Nothing is more devastating than wanting to be with someone but discovering that you are not compatible.
People tend to be with someone who is just like them. The similarity is associated with attraction, it makes sense that individuals in committed relationships tend to be alike in many ways because even though they have an argument being alike brought them an understanding. A love that is perpendicular tend to make two individual meet but eventually separate. No one wants to meet someone and be close to them and then realize that you are only incompatible to be with each other. Others may say that there is a thing wherein we tend to cope with what others lack but we can still cope with someone’s lack and be similar to them.
Have you ever been in such love wherein you are sincerely devoted but in the end you will see and realize that there are so many things that keep you both apart from each other? There are times that it is so hard to explain because you thought that as long as you talk about it, everything will sort out. But, as time past by you will come to a realization that whatever you are thinking she or he doesn’t think that way. You want to talk it out but she or he wanted to keep silent about it. You wanted to express yourself and show your love by physical touch but the word of affirmation is what she or he wants. Complicated isn’t it? Some people said that love is not about how much you are compatible with one another. Thus, the secret of long and lifetime love stays at the choice that you make which is choosing to stay. But, as a perpendicular line, sometimes we are only bound to meet someone and not be with them for a long time. Because love may have a different meaning for anyone, we can’t deny the fact that all we want is someone who is similar enough to us that will understand us.
Some individuals strive to work out such love that is like a perpendicular line, but in the end, they ultimately fail to retain it. Because as Maggie writes in her poetry "for every kind stranger, there is one who would shatter you,". Some strangers may have taught us a lot of lessons that we will remember for a long time or even a lifetime, but they are also bound to destroy us.
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jozeldaso · 2 years
We are all living in a world full of judgment, discrimination, and inequality, especially in terms of gender. We receive unequal treatment and distribution of rights in our society because of our genders.
For many years, the dominant gender has been men while women were the minority. It was mostly because men earned the money and women looked after the house and the children. Similarly, they didn’t have any rights as well. However, as time passed by, things started changing slowly. Nonetheless, they are far from perfect. Gender inequality remains a serious issue in today’s time. Thus, this gender inequality essay will highlight its impact and how we can fight against it.
Gender inequality refers to the unequal and biased treatment of individuals on the basis of their gender. This inequality happens because of socially constructed gender roles. It happens when an individual of a specific gender is given different or disadvantageous treatment in comparison to a person of the other gender in the same circumstance.
Impact of Gender Inequality:
The biggest problem we’re facing is that a lot of people still see gender inequality as a women’s issue. However, by gender, we refer to all genders including male, female, transgender and others.
When we empower all genders especially the marginalized ones, they can lead their lives freely. Moreover, gender inequality results in not letting people speak their minds. Ultimately, it hampers their future and compromises it.
History is proof that fighting gender inequality has resulted in stable and safe societies. Due to gender inequality, we have a gender pay gap. Similarly, it also exposes certain genders to violence and discrimination.
In addition, they also get objectified and receive socioeconomic inequality. All of this ultimately results in severe anxiety, depression and even low self-esteem. Therefore, we must all recognize that gender inequality harms genders of all kinds. We must work collectively to stop these long-lasting consequences and this gender inequality essay will tell you how.
How to Fight Gender Inequality?
Gender inequality is an old-age issue that won’t resolve within a few days. Similarly, achieving the goal of equality is also not going to be an easy one. We must start by breaking it down and allow it time to go away.
Firstly, we must focus on eradicating this problem through education. In other words, we must teach our young ones to counter gender stereotypes from their childhood.
Similarly, it is essential to ensure that they hold on to the very same beliefs till they turn old. We must show them how sports are not gender-biased.
Further, we must promote equality in the fields of labour. For instance, some people believe that women cannot do certain jobs like men. However, that is not the case. We can also get celebrities on board to promote and implant the idea of equality in people's brains.
All in all, humanity needs men and women to continue. Thus, inequality will get us nowhere. To conclude the gender inequality essay, we need to get rid of the old-age traditions and mentality. We must teach everyone, especially the boys all about equality and respect. It requires quite a lot of work but it is possible. We can work together and achieve equal respect and opportunities for all genders alike.
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guiaog · 2 years
Hello everyone,
I am here today to talk about the most important aspect of my life, my family. My family has been a source of constant love, support, and guidance throughout my entire life.
Everything starts with the family, they teach us how to live in the world we lived in. This is where we learn a lot of things through them and getting stronger day by day. Even if there are many problems in life, my family is always there to overcome it when we work together. They have taught us a better understanding in life for our bright future.
I am blessed to have a family who loves me unconditionally and supports me in all my problems, and I am very thankful for that. My parents are the foundation of our family, they have worked hard to provide for us and taught strong values in me and my siblings. They have taught us to stand on our own feet and they have also shown us the true meaning of unconditional love and have been there for us through thick and thin.
My siblings are my best friends and I cherish the memories we have made together, they are always in my heart. We may argue and fight at times but at the end of the day, we are always there for each other. I am grateful to have such a helping and caring siblings, they are the ones I turn to when I feel sad and lonely. We have shared countless memories together and I know that our bond will only grow stronger as we continue to grow older.
My grandparents have also helped me to become who I am today. They have imparted their wisdom, humor, and life lessons to me. Their love and presence have brought so much joy and happiness into our family and I am grateful to have them as a part of my life.
My family has supported me through every step of my journey and I am proud to be a part of such a loving and strong family. We have faced many problems and challenges, but we have always come out stronger as a result. We may not be perfect, but the love and support we have for each other makes us a perfect family.
They are my everything, and I am always and incredibly grateful for their presence in my life. They have helped shape me into the person I am today, and I am proud to call them my family.They have been my rock and have provided me with the love, support, and guidance I need to succeed in life. I am proud to be a part of such a loving and strong family and I will always be there for them, just as they have always been there for me.
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts on the most important people in my life. No words can explain how much I love my family deeply, and I know that our bond will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
Thank you.
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johnlouigie · 2 years
What exactly is unconditional love?
Unconditional love is love that is not based on any conditions, demands, or restrictions. It is love that is freely and unconditionally given, regardless of the other person's actions or behaviors.
Some might argue that unconditional love is just a myth, a fairy tale we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. However, I disagree. I believe that unconditional love exists and can be found in many ways.
For example, a parent's love for their child is frequently described as unconditional. No matter what, a parent will always love and support their child. This is because a parent's love for their child is unconditional; they accept whatever flaws or mistakes you have made.
However, it is not limited to parental and child love. Unconditional love can be found in friendships, romantic relationships, and even love for oneself.
When we unconditionally love ourselves, we can accept ourselves for who we are, flaws and all. We can show ourselves the same love and compassion that we would show a close friend. This type of self-love is necessary for our mental and emotional well-being, and it assists us in laying a solid foundation for all of our other relationships.
However, unconditional love is not always simple. It requires us to be open for being hurt and vulnerable. It requires trust in the other person and in the love we share.
And sometimes, it requires us to let go. There may be times when the person we love does not return our love in the same way, or when they make choices that hurt us deeply. In these cases it can be difficult to continue loving them unconditionally. But it is important to remember that unconditional love does not mean that we have to accept harmful or toxic behavior. It simply means that we choose to love the person, despite their flaws or mistakes.
So, how can we develop unconditional love in our own lives? Forgiveness is one option. Because it allows us to let go of our anger, resentment, and hurt, forgiveness is a necessary component of unconditional love. When we have the ability to forgive, we can allow ourselves to be open to the possibility of loving again, without conditions or limitations. And there are times when we must let go. There may be times when the person we love does not reciprocate our feelings or when they make decisions that deeply hurt us. It can be difficult to continue to love them unconditionally in these situations.
Another approach is to show understanding. We are better able to love someone unconditionally when we can put ourselves in their shoes and try to see things from their point of view. We can see the motivations behind their actions and recognize that they are human, just like us, and capable of making mistakes.
Finally, by simply being present and fully engaged in our relationships, we can practice unconditional love. This requires paying attention to what others say, accepting their thoughts and feelings, and showing kindness and compassion. It means being with them through life's ups and downs, and being there for them in good and bad times.
By learning to love unconditionally and developing forgiveness, appreciation and presence in relationships, we can build deeper relationships.
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carlakatindig · 2 years
Complete at once, but suddenly broken
When I was still living in Manila, I was very happy because my dad always carried me and if I want something he will buy it immediately, we always hang out every week. At that time I couldn't ask for anything more because we were a complete family, the day came when dad didn't come home, I was surprised because dad didn't do that, until the following days dad didn't come home he always told us that there were many things he is still finishing work in their company. I still understand that, but mom has a different feeling because even though dad is working a lot, he still comes home. Mom and dad started arguing, they always fight in the room, and when they leave the room they tell me that it's okay but mom won't join us when we eat, and I noticed that because I'm older and I know whats going on.
Until the day came when dad came home, mom slapped him, I was surprised because dad had just come home from work, I was surprised by what mom said I didn't know how to accept that mom said that dad had a child with another woman, I don't  think that I still have a brother out there. Dad talked to us that the woman he has been gone for a long time, but dad's son outside is being supported by him and I understood that because he is still dad's son and he is my brother. But mom still didn't talk to dad and we went home to Pampanga first so mom could cool down.
A week later, dad came to pick us up and mom agreed and gave dad a chance to change. When we came back to Manila, we didn't go out too much and then dad stopped buying me gifts.
Three months later, mom and dad had a fight because mom caught dad still with his another woman, it came to a situation where the two of them started beating each other and then mom didn't stop to run away and go home to Pampanga, I don't know what to do I didn't know who I would go with but my sister and I chose mom because we saw how mom hurt dad, we also found out that dad doesn't have just one child outside but two.
My heart hurts so much that I don't know what to do, so mom decided to leave Manila and leave dad because he cheated on us, It was so painful. In Pampanga, my mother and my sister and I lived with my grandmother and we got along well, but I still think about the family that suddenly disappeared and I still can't accept it.
We grew up here in Pampanga and my father supported us but we didn't see him for 6 years even when it was my birthday which was my 18th birthday which was supposed to be he was my last dance, there was nothing like that he didn't come, it was so painful until now that the family is gone the family I loved and protected. But now that I'm old, I have forgiven my father for what he did to us. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's a pity for my family. It's a pity for the beautiful family that I never thought would disappear in an instant.
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mae2gustosayooo · 2 years
Each and everyone of us has have parents whether they are related by blood or not. We all have someone to look up to, someone to help us and someone to guide us, some may not call them mom or dad but they are special and have a place in our heart inside of everyone of us. It is true that sometimes they can't understand us and may cause misunderstanding, that sometimes they don't agree with our decisions, and sometimes they can be too much but still their love for us will never stop even though we won't gonna talk to them for days. Some of our parents, guardians or what you call them they still looked after us and it will never end even if you had your own family. Some of us may not notice it so easily or we tend to ignore it. Us the children of them may need to open our eyes that being a parent will not all about rattling you everyday to do chores or compare us in other children or go study and study, that you should look for a job or go find yourself a spouse. I, myself already saw my parent's sacrifice and i don't want to see the day that I'll see them cry infront of me because of how much they can't do it anymore that life is so hard and i will never even want that do happen. I also knew that when we aren't looking they're praying for God with tears in their eyes telling Him all of the problems we're having. I can see their every sacrifices everyday, they also telling me some of those things and I'm here listening to them, i can feel how much they want to giving up but they can't because they don't want to leave us without us being independent so they still here guiding me, us, their children because we still can't be independent with ourselves without them. Mama saw me struggling last year in month of February that lasts until the month of march, she knows how much i care for grandma and how devastated i was when she died, with questions flooding my head, "how can i reward grandma now?", "I want to give her the world" and many more with mama comforting me. This time the only thing that i can reward you two is my certificate of with honors, obeying you,and withholds my faith and duty. Their love and sacrifices will never be wasted and that is the one thing i want to promise. Every time i see you two struggling that makes me want to be successful in the future. I'm using this speech as a medium to them with words that cannot be said by my mouth. God knows how much i want to reward you mama and papa for all the sacrifices you've done for us. I'll never forget all the little things you did to me from when i was born to this world until the day that I'll die.
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geanne02 · 2 years
@joezerkemuel @joezerkemuel
Things to be grateful for
When Micalea Smeltzer said, "Always be thankful for what you have, because you never know when it might be gone," she meant that sometimes we don't appreciate the things that we have because we focus more on what we don't have. Most of us don't appreciate the small things that we have because our minds and eyes are focused on the things that we don't have, the things we wanted, or the things we want only because others have them, like "Kung may ganyan ka, dapat ako rin "yung ayaw mag pa lamang."
Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have. We don't see the simple things that are important to our lives. Like the food we are eating every day, have you ever thanked for the food that you have on your plate? Some people are very thankful for the food that they eat because sometimes they can't eat 3 times a day, and even more when they don't have anything to eat, they simply go to bed with an empty stomach. However, to other people, it's normal for them that they have food and when they don't want it, they just throw it away. It's a simple thing that we can thank you for, but others didn't appreciate it.
Also, in the life that God gives us, mostly the young ones, they don't appreciate it; they only think that their life is useless and full of problems when their partner, or "jowa," breaks up with them; they think that God is unfair to them and they want to kill themselves; they don't think that others who have bigger problems want to live more because they know that it's a task given by God so they can be stronger, and they know that God will not give them a task or problem that they cannot handle. Most people don't appreciate the amazing things that God has done for them.
When our pastor said "humihiling ka nang sasakyan sa Panginoon at hindi niya ito ibinigay nagrereklamo ka at tapos kapag binigyan ka naman nang sasakyan at hindi alam saan mo i pa-park nag rereklamo ka parin" when God didn't give what you want its because it's not the right time, remember when its the right time God will give the best for you. Count the blessings that you received and appreciate them, not the things you don't have, because when the time is right, God will provide. 
We have many things to be grateful for; we just need to appreciate them, even if it's a small or big thing. So do not compare yourself to others; do not compare your lifestyle because all of us differ from each other. Small things can make us happier than bigger ones being appreciative of all we need. Being grateful for the things that you have is like being in heaven because of the happiness that you can feel. Last, I want to ask you a question: "What are the things that you are grateful for?" thank you.
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radjib · 2 years
Still Life
Imagine a life where you lose one of your five senses, or imagine having a severe disease that doesn’t have a cure; would you still live that life?
Let me begin with a personal story. In my life, I get to encounter different people. Men and women who, with their faith, have developed for the betterment of their lives.
Two members of my family are identified as Persons with Disabilities or PWDs, specifically my mom Sahida and my brother Rashid. This challenge has changed our lives forever. Of course, it wasn’t an easy journey.
Years ago, my brother was diagnosed with sarcoma cancer. He was an ongoing third-year college student back then, and he had to prioritize his health above all. What a wasteful opportunity to finish school right? But we always believed that everything happens for a reason and I think the reason is for him to change his lifestyle. Prior to his diagnosis, he always used to eat uncontrollably at fast food restaurants. He then began to stop eating processed foods and controlled his intake. Although talking to the Lord is not new to him, his faithfulness grew even bigger. And I think those are the reasons that’s why he had to face a very tough drawback.
Back to my mom, her family has a history with diabetes. I guess she adapted it since she likes to eat sweets. That led her to lose her right eye sight. Imagine that situation, for sure you’ll lose interest in living. After that incident my family also limited her rice and sweets intake, to keep her sugar level to normal.
I decided to share our family story because this can lift people up who are experiencing some adversities in life. In the height of the pandemic we managed to battle the mere survival, this story can be a testament that with great faith and perseverance, you will be able to overcome anything.
People with disabilities have a right to adequate workplace environment, the freedom to live freely, equal opportunities, and the ability to partake in communal life. Everyone has a right to a life free from limitations. And it is our responsibility as a community to guarantee their full inclusion in society on an equal level with everyone else.
In life we always find ourselves in a crossroad of choices, each of our decisions will lead to something good or bad. But I want you to know that there is still a positive side in every mistake, they will serve as lessons for you to do better and strive for more. For persons with disabilities, it may be difficult to live a life the same way again, because they are constantly confronted with barriers that sometimes are simply invincible. It should not be so. Having a disability doesn’t make you less of a person.
I’ll end this speech with a line from one of my favorite TV shows; “When life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good.” Life goes on whatever happens, make yourself happy, live the life that you want, be natural in a world full of man-made. Do good things for yourself because you only live once. You may lose someone or something, but you still have yourself, you still have a life to fulfill.
Radjib C. Balatbat
12 - Aristotle
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justinmacalino · 2 years
Nowadays, Inequality is happening in our Society, like Gender inequality, Racism, and a lot of people experiencing discrimination and unacceptance to other people.
Gender expectations Inequality is one of the biggest problem in our society, it is very sad that Some people and in some companies in our society, that they are expecting men will do more and wowen will do less compare to men, But that is not true because i believe that wowan can do whatever men can do. The expectations to mens are not sometimes acceptable and not fair, because of the high expectations, men always having pressure and if that men fail to show other expectations to him, the men will receive a lot of judgement and hate, One of the expectations to mens are they said that men should be masculine, and being masculine is a real men and if a men is femine he will sure be judge to other people, another expectations to men is they said men need to get a job and raise his family for a better life, the pressure of men he recieve in all the expectations to others is not acceptable and not fair because of this, this society will never be healthy to others, so a lot of people need to less their expectation to men because not all men can do what other men can do,because we are not all the same, we are built in a different way, Same with wowen, it does not mean they are wowen it means they are weak, NO! that is not true, there is a lot of things that wowen can do also and people need to know about that, and WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINIST.
There are also a lot of gender inequality happening in our society beside the gender expectations, example of these i realize that are wowen have a plus size store and men don't have one, when a wowen is fat, she is unhealthy, when a men is fat he is happy, when a women is sad, people gonna comfort her, but when the men is sad, no one cares and in fact they will said 'sad boi' in sarcastic way, this kind of mindset need to stop and we need learn how to properly act like human being and be MATURE.
In Racism, Mostly black people are the one being affected, a lot of people are experiencing discrimination, harassment, bullying, etc. A lot of racist people are downgrading black people just because of their color or skin tone that people think they are dirty, criminals, and not a good influence to childrens just because of their look and who they are. Also Asian are affected in racismness, racist people said that chinese are ching chong, they said asians are eating dogs and cat, they said Asians are the one spreading viruses and many more discrimination about the Asian culture is being affected too, and its just sad that some people teaching their children to become racist, with this kind of society that we have we should all stop this kind of society because we need to be together, accept each other, love each other, and remember that we are all humans no matter what happen.
Justin M Macalino
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alyzzagonzales · 2 years
  Scintillating Outlook Of An Optimistic
“The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying.”
This quote grabbed my attention as I was reading through my newsfeed; it seemed to be flashing back to the current situation I'm in. Life is indeed a rollercoaster ride, and you never know if you're on the right track or if the decisions you are making are really in accordance with your passions. I suppose that intrinsic happiness of what we do is where enthusiasm starts, but I have a number of unanswered questions. My incessant doubts and thoughts are somehow tormenting me. 
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt exhausted living in this chaotic world? I have been thinking about losing my patience and being surrounded by vicissitudes. Good day, everyone. I Alyzza B. Gonzales and am here to speak about passion and perseverance. We are all born vulnerable, and the worst part is how long we’ll be standing there. What precisely are perseverance and passion? It is a subjective experience of enthusiasm or zeal for something or the prospect of doing something. Everyone could observe how they approached their profession with desire. Perseverance is pursuing a task amidst adversity or a postponement in advancement. With the asset of our passion and determination, it could lead us to triumph. 
It’s feasible that life will strike us with devastating misfortunes and it will inevitably leave us scarred. We all seem to be aware of the enormous responsibility associated with our existence in this world. When implementing change, people are prone to becoming more resilient. People who are passionate about the things they do tend to possess more optimistic perspectives and are excellent at problem-solving skills. Our motivation, conviction, and potential to be resourceful are all stimulated by our passion. As I’ve applied this to my existence, it is evident that I have acquired critical thinking. I’ve also lived my vitality, discovering that I should always be on the path of forthrightness. I’m capable of rising by myself and pursuing my ambitions. As a result, I adhered to the technique to attain my objectives. As I discuss this concept, I simultaneously recognize how pivotal it is to engaging and inspiring audiences. Perhaps, I wouldn’t have been capable of standing in public, preparing speeches, or participating in these activities without perseverance and passion.
Although the world has become an endless battleground for us, I, as an optimistic person, stand to be persistent and passionate despite the pessimistic differences of the world. I converse about how exquisite it is, although it had been prophesied to be a grievous deduction. We need to know that if we hold onto the scintillating thoughts and paths, we can become better people and obtain our objectives. I could see rays of hope even through the darkest among life's passageways. We must perceive that if we allude to the scintillating features and direction, we may grow as individuals and attain our aspirations. Those mental and spiritual scars will eventually swell and serve as a written testament of my passion-based desire.
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