#joel's colour palette is so much fun to work with
neerisntsure · 2 months
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"World's best queen"
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New Inspirations for my creators
Aakifa Chida - Graphic Designer (New Zealand creator)
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I was so intrigued when I saw Aakifa talk about her work in the lecture today as this is the route that I want to go to when I design my work and that I feel like also speaks back to me because as I'm trying to research more about Punjabi graphic designers I realised there's not many designers that I can get inspired and although Aakifa is a different religion I love how she shows her belonging of her culture through clean illustrations and proudly represents her cultural writing and getting more into depth and actually exposing how in different countries thee crimes society creates towards the islam. I feel like there aren't many Indian designers overall where these issues can be talked about from a design perspective where it easily catches eyes and attention and I love that this is the direction she went towards as it's very broad but she took control over it very well through her project. I also just love the type and illustration combination that she used throughout her publication as I myself love creating publications.
Rupi Kaur - Poet + illustrator (Practicing today)
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Although Rupi Kaur is a poet she does incorporate small line drawing illustrations which I have slowly started to enjoy designing, but its her poets that related to me more on a deeper level within my culture that made me pick her as one of my creators. Rupi herself is a Punjabi women who had come from an immigrant family herself which is why I feel as I relate to her so much as she tries to show that we aren't alone in experiencing this in a 'desi' household. Even her abstract use of illustrations I can take this inspiration through when I create my poster and how I layout my artefacts. Besides her actual work Rupi as an individual as she feels like your mother or you feminine solder sister when your reading her poets.
Stevan Sagmeister - Graphic designer + Typographer (Practicing today)
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I've been inspired by Stevan's work since I was in high school but growing in the design area as compared to thigh school I've also expanded on why I really feel inspired by his work. I love that he expresses his expressions through typography and photography images and the fact he actually uses himself through these projects. As much as I love my work to look clean I love the feel that there's more of a human touch to the work and that's where the handwritten typography comes through and pen/paint marks that are seen in some of his pieces as scribbles and especially for this project of showing my identity as a creative I feel like I use my Punjabi Sikhi handwriting and incorporate them into my pieces. Also my goal for this project is to use real life imagery and although I don't want to use a grid system, I want to attempt combining handwritten typography like Stefan with real life images.
Joel Kitto - Graphic Designer
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This project that Joel Kitto worked on with Stevan McCarthy is one of my favourite projects as not only how society got to engage with the pieces but again knowing that it just looks like it's got the human touch and I wanna explore in using bright neon one colour palette, sometimes less is more and that's what this project reminds me of. Not every poster has to be ideally identical when the design system is into play, you can have fun and spread just as a meaningful message.
Bob Gill - Graphic Designer (Dead)
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Masterpost of all my very specific Blind Channel screenshots:
Bad Idea 1 Snake Balboa Over My Dead Body We Are No Saints Dark Side Sharks Love Blood Died Enough For You Don’t Fix Me Bad Idea 2
Honestly, these were so much fun to make. It gave such a new appreciation for those music videos. And trust me when I say that some of these were hard to narrow down. (More rambling under the cut.)
When I started making these, it was because of the split second frames I noticed in the first Bad Idea music video. I love gifs on tumblr, but I knew that no gif could really capture just those frames. So I did it myself.
I combed through them all, mostly frame by frame or with excessive pausing. I avoided taking screenshots that were of stock footage (that's why there is so little of Died Enough For you) or not specific to the music video (so no screenshotting just their faces over and over). Some stuff I threw in there for variety. Some stuff I left out because there are fantastic gifs that do it way more justice than a screenshot ever could.
The point was to capture the stuff that you miss on the first and second time watching the video. I wanted to capture the vibe of the video while showing stuff that doesn't get the spotlight on its own in the video.
And honestly, the attention to detail in these videos is crazy. Big props to everyone behind the camera and screens for putting those videos together. The editing is crazy, the camera angles are beautiful and the outcome is stunning. Especially with Vita Pictura. Their work is so beautiful, frame by frame.
Fun facts that I noticed during this little project:
The first Bad Idea video has so many weird edits in there. Like way more than you see. It's so colourful and fun.
You may think that Snake is mostly black and white and you'd be mostly wrong.
Balboa has a lot going on but it looks better when the video is moving. The individual frames are so blurry, but the video is fantastic.
Over My Dead Body has way more filter effects than you notice at first. Also, the camera angles are both stunning and make it look good without having a ridiculous budget for special effects to get the gory details look good. Keeps the focus on the music and idea without turning it all into a horror film.
We Are No Saints has just so much going on. It was the hardest to narrow down just by the variety of effects it had. Like so many different interesting edits. Every frame of that thing was a painting.
Dark side music video was perhaps the prettiest. The edits, the colour palette, the framing. All of it was perfect. I can see why that video went viral and not just the song itself.
Sharks Love Blood has so many fun dark things going on. I just focused on patterns of blood and the way it drips and such. Such a horror video for such a party song.
Died enough for you looks great but having incomplete lyrics cover half the frame makes it hard to screenshot the good parts.
Don't Fix Me has shots from both Bad Idea music videos mixed in there. Occasionally it was individual frames, sometimes full clips. It's just blended so well in there that the only thing you can really pick out are the roses.
The lighting for the second Bad Idea video is so pretty and every shot of it is too. Some shots were used multiple times in it. Definitely worth releasing it though. I can't imagine how much work went into it.
Additionally about our boys:
Niko makes like three facial expressions when he's screaming but so many more when he's just singing or rapping.
Joel looks way more emotional in person than on any video.
The reason why Aleksi cut his hair is so that his face is visible. There are barely any clear shots of his face from any music video.
Joonas moves so much and it's impossible to screenshot it because he is just a blur half the time.
Why are there so few shots of Olli? And when he is on screen he is either out of focus or there for three frames at a time? Give my boy more screen time!
Stop filming Tommi's hands and start filming his face. He has such variety in his expressions.
I hope you have enjoyed all of my screenshots! They've been so much fun to do!
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hollyberry06 · 4 years
Wizardess Heart OC: Berry Linette
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Back at ya with another Wizardess Heart OC! First of Season 3, hope you like!
“I’ll do what I can to assist you... and that’s a promise.”
Likes: Plants and animals, working outside Dislikes: Spiders Hobby: Reading all kinds of books Skill: Great memory and impressive intelligence
By Liz: “I’ve known Berry for a while actually! We grew up in the same village and our circumstances were pretty similar, so I guess you could say we got along pretty well. I know she’s really clever, just not all that good at being sociable. That’s okay, though, because she’s a great friend regardless! Her magic seems pretty interesting, but I know she’s more interested in learning about it rather than learning to use it. She knows so much about magic, it’s actually really impressive! Maybe I could ask her to help me out some time?”
Birthday: 2nd February (Aquarius) Spirit Animal: Owl Friends: Nori Kahuna (Roommate), Yuelia Luminé, Liz Hart
So, Berry this time! Similarly to Clara, I finished her a couple of days ago but felt it was more appropriate to wait until her birthday! I really hope you like her. Berry was my profile picture for quite a while before I switched a few weeks ago. Berry was one of my first ever OCs and holds a special place in my heart, so I absolutely had to do her justice. Plus, I drew her just recently for New Years, so I knew this had to be better! I really hope it is, I really wanted to show I’d improved a bit lately haha She was surprisingly fun to draw actually! And here I thought she wouldn’t be done before the end of the week! Her line art came together much faster than normal, plus I did her colour palette ahead of time so she’d be easier to colour. I really hope you like her!
As my first and one of my favourite OCs, as well as the first of season 3, Berry is obviously paired up with Joel. I know canonically, Joel was Liz’s childhood friend and has feelings for her but cmon, this is a fanfic and I’m not gonna change much! He was still Liz’s friend, but he was also Berry’s too! So I’m just tweaking the story a little 😅 Plus, I think these two would be a really sweet match, without a doubt one of my favourites!
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spad601design · 3 years
Week 12 - project review & thoughts on semester
Hokusai's 36 views of Mount Fuji were all made employing a new pigment that had recently been made available in Japan. That pigment was Prussian Blue (the colour that cyanotypes are), a colour that I have spent the past semester getting to know quite intimately.
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This is Yoro Waterfall in Mino Province by Hokusai. While not one of the 36 views, the vibrancy and gradient of the waterfall never fails to attract me when put against the soft creamy greys and greens. It interests me to think how each of these prints would have been different, how the colour gradient would start to fade and the image morph slightly through the printing process on the woodblock.
I began with this print for a few reasons, but most immediate I think is the element of reflection. Having had a few days since I bound my books and laid them on the table, said "thank you" and "goodbye" to many, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the first half of this year, and this project. Despite the intense period of work over these past few weeks, I have come away feeling happy, interested, excited, and also foot-achingly tired.
I think that I have started to understand the appeal, or maybe the purpose of the university much more in this one semester than in all of last year. There are many reasons for this: not being in lockdown, more certain of myself and what the process is, starting anti-depressants, seeing a psychologist, a brief that interests me, and exploring all the facilities available.
Having Spatial Design turn from something that I viewed as largely a thinking, drawing, 3D-modelling experience, into this explorative, "try-as-much-as-I-can-and-see-what-happens" has made all the world of difference. Getting involved, learning new processes and methods, reigning in the perfectionist, negative voice in my head which says "You shouldn't try doing this unless you know you can do it", and instead getting in and making things, and having them not be perfect, and being okay with them not being perfect, has been nurturing. I wish I could explain to you how good, how much fun I had in the bindery on Thursday, my deadline in an hour, but there I was perched on my seat, pulling a needle back-and-forth and loving it. At the end of our second semester last year, I didn't want to think about Spatial Design, I didn't know if I wanted to keep doing it, I didn't want to remember anything I had done. Now since finishing, I want to go back and learn more. I'm thinking, "How could I combine screenprinting, book binding, and pottery into my next semester?"
I would not describe myself as an artist. For some reason, I have a restricted definition of what an artist is, only when applied to myself. I cannot draw or paint to the level that I wish I could, and so I do not consider myself an artist. But I think that perspective is morphing, I am starting to find different mediums and skills that I can bring together and turn into an art form -- maybe I haven't felt like an artist because, honestly I don't think I like drawing that much compared to working and moulding clay, exposing cyanotypes, or marking out the spaces on a cover sheet. Having this definition of myself change is both something exciting, but also kind of scary?
There are some things about this project that I just finished which I am not happy with. I think I forgot to put my scale on my elevations, the lines turning out black in the cyanotypes, and I'm worried that my material palette wasn't really what was intended but that's okay! No project will be perfect, and I'm not expecting them to be anymore. It is a demarcation in time of where I started and where I ended, and I feel like I've grown in that time.
In fact, for once I am less concerned over the mark that I get from this project because I already feel that I have come away so much richer from this learning experience. I had fun, I've opened a lot of new doors, I've made connections with technicians, I've broadened my knowledge and my definition of myself, and that's more important to me.
I'd briefly just like to say "thank you" to Xaiver and Nooroa for all their guidance and support, all the technicians who taught me things, and my peers in studio for helping keep me sane and providing endless opinions on aesthetics.
Thank you for reading my documentation for spatial fabrication 601, I hope that it informed you of the journey this project and I went through over this time period.
Sincerely, Joel
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